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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 May 1891, p. 6

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WEDNESDAY MAY 6, 1Iffl. STA1'DARD BA1UK 0F CANADA.* Oalptal paid up, S1,000,000. Rest, $960.0 0 ThiFs Bank la prepared to cdo LeO ti' rate flanking In ali Its branches, Farmera notes dlseounted; Dos te ,e Èved and Interest pald on amonnt fi(f 5 utpwardatn Savings Bank DepartmOtfl, [steod and Collections made lna-Europe hTited States, and canad&, W. J. JONE9, Ament Gents" Clothing C3ened, Died, PressAed snd Repaired by THIOS. PELT,' Dyer and Clothes Cleaner, Gcçds vwarranteci to he as n 3one wiII n,w them f romn new when dono. :_ Crner of King and Ontario Streets, Bowmanville. ONTARIO B-A NK1 centlnves to no W 0Oeneral l3snkng BushimeF$ Realved ln Savine Bank Departmnent and on mil1 and interest allowed st current rateEt No iOtte cf wthdrawalneeossry.Ajjdfposjrq >aable on demnd, EXCHIANGE ftuhtand sold and Drafts isued aven Erope, Ç!Med tates and Caaaida,aliO Gold,811ver and IJntd St9aesý Greenbaoksbought and sold, PÉt]mPtly made ateset ureùntrates upon aitart ý Great Brittaini, Î ~ated Statesand i he Y0 lnon cf canada. Telegraph t iraausferr MZ.êe lcrlarge ci ilisil eams on ail Pat Case aa. Thisis advaiitagols perVcne I ln ]M anitoba or theNorth«..cet 1 FÈ 0the funr8vueflabe at eue.set the l'la , .fvyment. Other particulars eal at theo ha k. Accountnt <~Q1O~ Ici cQILL, Manage Off to Toronto., B. CEIAND)LE,'Newcaseis, cf.e riy privais sale, or wilexohange cor faine proyle _tyil cf bis prcperty ln Neveosetie "c g rstîc tores ,Hougsansd Los sam valuable Orchard. thes homestead bin g cne or hIe -3t coepheto ia the COtcty. TermeS e eh. 3 6tf' JAMES UEYMAN LOCAL AGENT FOR ominion Organs -ILDi ~I.b~rOINT JOHN SPIEN ERe VETERINARY SURGEON, FOR Inseet Stings Sore Eyes Eruptions Sore Feert maio *'orKSlKEîtTrS WMM4UFATtSO5Bites - JN'S~XRATGMAND~ 'ZOF~FhAVWy AL, - I ____________ "THE GOUD OLfl TIIYIHS.1' What England Was Undler Their Mild Sway. Wlceu Pople Wcre 1'ublsvll' lVhipved OIseiters Tortured amui Losedon Bcifte Oecorated WltIe the Who lias Det heard of the 1'geed old tinies "of Engiaied? They have, bemn se painta'] that we are almosi deceive'] lute wiehing for tfiaxr necurreuce or- aI least our tsncy d-wells ou then i ihaà indcl f coin- placency. It maqy be tiat men, like cul- dren, partake cf tie spîi tpiepting the unknewe, of ighin g etrer the distant rallier thare the near sud faceyireg su liglit and per- enulal bloocu hayon'] the munteain's creel which lias nover beee visit d, but wbere ther e neige eely se.rrow, glo in sud ']ecay. Mayhap ire this way mon are dece-ivetI inte lalkngof the "1goc'] old un s" The tenue le a mienomer and judgod by the present standards et hereor, honesty and religion, is a blet ou the usine et Christi rity. Contein poraxiecus with and] immediately cubsaqîcout rc thc neformation waet wasE uglan']? The population di'] Det exee'] 5, 00,00011an']il was considered good statasma s-hip te.umain tainr that populationasa c net stndrd., Ti ins peaante cèabîn avas nade et reede or sticks plaetered witb inn']. Iu the -ne r et býis existence ie was but a step above the indutnLious eaver, buildingits dam in the adjacent sîrosi. There wars higliwaymen ccn the roads, pirates onulthe ivers, ane'] ver. min ini the hume. Thora avas little comimerce te obviitfanins. The tewreemaný was ne better t the i rstic. lis e ho] as a bag cf straw, witi a rouind log ton bis pillow. Ie every villaige thens avero stocýks for the purisiment of bsggars. By aie act et 1531, vagrarts, "avbole and mighty ie bedy " migit bha% wlipp)ed ai the cat-lail for beg iug foihe firet lima ;tlie second lime ibeir cars avare. lii, and, by ansect ot 1539 if tlîey avone cauiglt begging a thir'] une they aers te ho put te death. The nation waqa se ilitenete that niany et lis peprs in Parusa- ment COULD NEtTIRRP READ NORe WRITE. London, the meet Pp nions capital et Eu- rope, wss dirty, 111 built snd truprovided witb sanitgry provisions. The dssihs were 1 te, 23 ; now with a mueh langer population' thie ratio is lems. Mueh oetihe surroun']ing country wes beaihi and swamp sud aithin sightofe t o av as a iret 25 milearoure', wvith oly ilires lieuses ce, il. Quee Auna, who reignedinthe beginnlnigfthiesighteenth century, ceunied'a hard et 500 deer on bon wey frein London te Pettnotb. The moal wers horrible sud pack horts were commcnly use']. Wlien "1fhyi ng coaches" avre ininoduced, traveling aI frein 30 te 50 mlsa day, any blieve'] it acas tenepting Pro-vidence 'te jeurney at sucli a higi rate. The mail hag wes carne'] on borseback't the rate et five miles an heur. A" the lie- giunng efthue eighteenth century thene weno 3 '4 eureies wîthomei sprinter sud pni- vatelillianies wsre cenfine']te tie few. Se- cia i isipline wes net whast we call moral. Thematrwipdsaprtiatpe- go gu neie &chlolr, thia husband his wifs. Publie. punishicuents mwere exhib)itioýns et berbsn,,ity. Il wae a day for clie ralbla whec sonie culpril wassesite spillory te ho plle'] witb bichts otte eggs sud des'] cals; avheu omen ,were tastened CIby the legs in the stocke a tillnanket place,' or s pilferer fiogged tiiougi tie teavre ai rie cart-laiI. So far froua che conmrily ij,ý--bain g ebecleed et sucli exhibitionsce tr-pe ur (I to agree ire die seniment that " îeLie. face coul']Do cci enadle to blueli itwa w1ell eeouigh te try wbsat coul'] lia dopiie with hie ac. To a dbs' puhîie lite pivate if-"lt iTe ibeuseseo e srural poplation Mwcre C-over']d aitie traw-thatchl; their Icete, ifaile te procura freel imeat onces a waek, e scon- --idere'] te o einps'sperouis run acs Ore a baofetlie families ilu. ,!gIa11'] could lisrdly (do that, Children oefsim ye-issavr uinfrequteuitiy set b lebor. T2,11, TiiRi) C LSuTE ~AO spent bis limie un utic pursuits; avec neDt an unwilling assoistaeti'peidilers an'] drovers ;knaav huow 10 ring a pig or ehoe s herse ; hiesaite an'] daungitens "stitchie' an'] s1pn, brewed gooseberry aine cure'] nieigoldeý, s'nd ade the cruel for tic. yen- ison pasty." Hlospitlity avas dispîsys'] in imnoerate eatiîig, an'] dinkingoet hee, the guet net beiug considereil as' havie g dcne juetice tetilie oceýsiebeuuieÉs leiead "godiesunde lie tbleý" 'Thle icieg rocua avas uncarpo yte']; butf there it wae tile'] aili a decoctloîîi of " sept au'],eralîbeer. " The chairsee rusi-bottome']. Iin Lond'on lie houses evre mosly otfavood sud plasten, theo treesefiltiy beYyen']expression. Atter nigittahl a passeeger aent at his peil, foi chamiber inidows wore opeýica'] antiSle)p. pails ucrmno ely eplie'] doNviu. There were ne street ,-imps. Tie1oa condition oftfihe peeple is expesse'] e' staloîeiet tiat mon, were- wiiiiugî-te sal their religion for pol. Tisatrical ox,,,hihl-i tiens aere impure au'] indecent, jesîs av""'r" put into,,tl i oq-lus etpretty acînosse, while the dancing wacsusno as vouild carcely noav nasa appreval in Bowery con- cert hsells. Lawv aas adminelere'] avhin- cradihle alrccily. Iu London, lie crazy ol'] bridge ovor the Tb&mes avas dacoraea' ailligrineing an'] uatldering -eade cf crin- mnals, .ider an ides thal tiszes gistiy spectacles aveuld fertify ite comminu people in their resolves te sel .accerdieg te laav. Sliieking Scotch Cenveesuters avre subuil- te'] le torture hy jeation fo tie Wel tIndhia islande,, an' Suffanilig ah lihe horrible pains cf La slave. sbîip 1cr thes middle passage, "avare neyer e"fore'.go on dock;" ileihhe blde blow, "al% ic a dsknelss, stenci, lalertationi, dins ]d*;' j( lý eti." ona fifili et tIleN wse 'l raow ','CrvEReîoAxRD0'TE'r sais hefoce tsinale]tardeiaip u Iha rsi obige']te hotlne']before liey coul'] bc offene']ii la thanai-et le lice Janiaica planters. The couirt ladiles, mlcd evan the Quecet ofEnglaudc herseif, were se utterly forgetfILul f,woi-anly Imerey andl]( cemmnon humantiity as te joie un this infiernal traffic. That prnecees requested thiat a hundred et the conevicts ebould be given te hon. "1The profi 't which sie elearod ou the carv after 'makin a lage allwa..ce foi' those wlie died cfifu'ger anfifevei ruitug the passage, eau 1net h etc atdat leise than a thousaud guinoas." Snell is a partial pictune of the " geod old times "of England. Fortunaitely there lias bec almeeict minaculous pregreees since then sud justice mcd imerey are better kmown aned SLAUGHTER OF GIRlL BABIS, Two Rizuireçi Ticousand o<r Thiçm Elled Every 1Veer lie C111es. in Chinca-teceaof f trecelly borei girls amoeug the peere r ebtesesanre thirowe eut te perieli, sud at ShaliIe aw s tewer Dr. Jesephi Sins, wehsastyeuîe frouna an extondcd tnp cf tha fleowery empfira. Itisl praciieâ i-n every part tfChiesa, but especially li the iinterier and in the Loess dis- trict. As score as we get mny miles trami the coast, it is quite usual tO e sc usea -.jQFs bouse, or place ot worslîip, a emaîl stone tower frein10 te 30 foot higlc1 wltb ne dean, but a hol ici eue side, raaching jute a pit in the conter. The children that parenits wish te be id of are throwte into t h je ldo, and quicklime seen consumes the liteefsse utile ferrn. hi is said that tics priestif çe tae harge cf this cruel worl-. lblias boeaueima that every year 200,000 feneale babies are brutally slauglitered le the empire.Ores [Chîreamaan beiug irerrogstedl about the de- struction ot bis receetly borii girl, ýaid1 Il The wite, cry aud cny, but kill allee Ie every large ity ire China thora ire asylliu for tlie cane of opics upre aud cOocked bly foreiguiens, wjo icaa yeaniy tonmsiaughten tons q o uesîdoe fanaIs infan ts. At naial-Kew%, which le 600 miles Wi"ed, 1h iited sa Romnan Cathollo orpbauago for-chidreri ibat bave thu,-s been cast eut te penieli. Mthr aula Vieiar, tics lady superir iceettlii institution, in- formed me that lie liad received sen that day, sud eule daly thirty were brouglit le. QI kourse.tlIsse iad nyrbecn isigned te ababytower-. Somnetimnes theytara fonred wrappled lei paper and loftiat the adlge of the river. Semetiies cliey are bunied ili\,e by the fathon, but wlile yet livÀing are du- up by some cee else aned broughit te ihlis iIIsti- tution. Svnlwocueu tareepoyeby the mothen aupenior in looking about for die littie victime. Upan fe a tbousand are received every year. -Many et thein, et course, die mon<, after the expeenure and neglect îliey have suffered througli beîng abandoned, aned iany are beardled eut by the institultion lun the tewn.I Those wlio accept the chlarge have te bring the children once a week forin ispeection, and then, all beiuig nglit, t hey reciva the psy for îualntsiniing thein. Thlis le an Italian charity, asud oeue etthe imeet estimiable ie China. PDunîng Ite tweity-tliree years of. its, existencee il has ssvedthe lives Of say ,25,0W0te 40),000 cid o f wheia tain preportionî have grown te rleceîved. cewiLeierabl1e support frein the Enropesu residentsa at liae-Kow, of wh9pe therea are about 1l->0. Those ciildrec wif>oÔromrain within tle preiniiss of tlir'isiuio r e at.ceh ed sudwb 1erî old enouigh, tLeught te sew,, mllakre lace, kiiteokiege, sud dqother usfl wcrak. Thsy nevee4eznow averetley caime frnu, on who their p)arsîcitearere. Whe tliey are( 4 yearso etigeatbeir fee tare bastdsgcd, aodigte the ge eLicstoirn cf ll classes fi) Chinia, te ke4)eptin ea as that le- crases heirchacef t uarniage. Ai~ Womuan Witb!'crty-Three Husbind. A yeuîg g lîbw omunmed 1 veline Leal, whle said te be exceedingly bauid- soines,bas for a second thie tfalio n Iite. ",-h bauds et ofthe Frenchi police for patesu whst imay be calle t(lienarriage tik Whlen, ien1887, lie wae firet arresîedsh was athler ilirteanth I caniage, but te-day she le lu ne fewer than 4"1'huesbanede. eri method etf procedluro was assimpleas I s ingenieus. She puatadetoensiote journale, stating tht a ýwidow, peseessing a fortune cf oesmillion tv twindradtios francs, iied te uarry a insu li)in geod ir- cuinistancesi, belonging te the eioility or te the high commercial class Acswens were te be sen t te a post office, lier accomplico, whe eccupied the positionin1et cempanloni, seeme te have bad the inipeerauý ot duty et choosing the victime frein m tc he appli. cau ts. At antyrate, a suitoen was neyer ad- mlitted into Eveline Leal's presenice ineles personal appoarane wae te hie faveur'. Tuien lie wats granLed a rendezvouis ither ine a sumpjtueusely-lunnished apartîment ii e1 Champs Elysses quarter or atone eotbte bet bees.l'turaly., Eveliue teckkta itreisuýt naineacon almost overy occasioni.Frace et the 8uito"e for, ber baud sud fortune tsue Calledi erself MdIre. Frak d Rap y, Mdmne. Decomiay, Mdmii-e. ,nly &c, Me slways couamenceti by uakiiîg ose objection. Sem-etimes assýnminig the ar acter cf an lugonieus ,mishe sai, l iat, after sîl, ber imther conid,ere'] ie w-s te youngfor marniage, and thiat the ap'u;j}.catiit muet, if hae loved hler, wi t awhi S, Ilî often managod thinge soýe\ clve-y tic t se afler getting as mceas she coul'] she suddlenly dsperd ucotcss however, dia considered it hetter Pelicy t was greatly astenished, but followed thene bravely. A o ircmialî nacmlc Mrs Cabja,sh was absent freini the liotel when iss Exline was ar atd ud lhas cein Ycýr bosceeuthora again Te- ceosote'] veC'] ler ae sbuildling r-'itly hreiliuNw Yrwere th, erly pof' cLet icstructiLiurnt estnoycod. Tliay wene onlY cLaro']. ENGLIBH COINAGE. Coid Mirt Eouei la 11ery IIL's;telgn andi coppe in la1612. Wheee Engiared was being, made into mincemeat and blocks of real estate-by the -txons and Danes silver and 'brass wene in Use as curnency, says the Age ofSteel, but the Normans, subseciuently- installeýd the aristocratie neetal and left the demnocratie brase te tak e care of itself. G1old -,as first coiiied by Henry III., and coppeýr was mnade into coins in 1672,. Tîni aFs nsedI for coin- Lge inre 1,andý the national farthing was madle cf this Cambrian prcdeect with a stud cf cepper set in the centre,.Ie 1690 and 1691 tin balf.penee were isaued ie consider- a ble, quantities. The only pure gold ceins. issued in Euglish history were, those cf Hlenry III. In the reige cf Edward 1. the pound in talc of silver coins was equal te the pcurid in weight of standard silver. -The pound ine tale was divided into 20 'shillings, the shIillings into 12 pence, ai-d each penny piece weighced a penny-weight or twenty- four grains. Befere the ixtage of gold coins in Englind tàhe byzant, valuedadst 10 shillings, was imported freini Constantin- epicl, andficrenues cf the saille valuie fromn lilonence. Edward .111. subsequently nint- ed the noble, Edwý,ard fi'. 1the rial, Henry VII. the double rial, James i1. the laturel, and Charles Il. revived the old laiurel coini under the naine cf thegiiiei. The guinea in the reigei of Queen -Aine, oigieîally issued as a 20-shilling plece, rose ie vallue te 30,shillings, snd was acrobatie n valees till Sir Isaac N ewton seencredauthori- ty, ordering the guinea te pass for 21 shil- lings sterling. Ilhepresent Englisb sover- elgu -wva issued un 1817 and weighed 20.211 parts et a giiea, The prescrit standard cf fineness for silver ceins is elevee ounces or two pecn'yweighit silver and thirtéen penny., wveighIt altoy. Bronlze coins were introduied cie 1860, replacing the old copper coins first legalized by the fiat of Charles II. and afterward malle by J amles Il. fromi old guns, ccpper, vessels, pewvter pots, and a gonleral assemblage of comparatively worffhless meutal. TLe Irishi Widow. "Do Qi like a crazy woman, Mr. Me- G1au ' rty 9" "NLet th'is nawrie, Mrs. Mageogin." IlNo, nlor t1nn1y other mnawreie' aitîcer, Mrs. McGlagg"erty.", "Ol0 hope net, Ms Magoogiu, but fwhy do( ye ax the kustie-n ?" "Oh, jielit because," said the widow, evidently in doubit whether or net te pro. ceed with lier explanation.' " But do ye lain nover liens a bit, Mrs. McGhiggarty, antil Oifwishper a saerit into yer ear. Do ye know thiat this blisbidinawrin,' afore ýaeny av iz was eut av bed, a tal toime lukinl gietleeman wid an oye in his head that id malte aie angel bILsh for, ber sex, kemin l an top av iz, ai' a bow an' a sebreepe an' a fein. bit av aapology lis sed he represinted a bycyclehouse over anb Adelaide St., that wantîd te malte me a prisint av a linycycle af Oi wud eîily prainise te roide id. Qi .called ml'e daughter Toozy to shipake te th' Onlemlin, becauise she kud throw ini a few fili-ehunied worruds, an' msebbe give huim a al or two av Fnincli thyt nd laid hlm iite be suspicions that we wore iimberl)rs cav the foor hiurdherd. So eut sbe kem in hier robie de iniatîealy, ant' up she g'es an,' g ivers id te this buyeycle miac rcigihlCa' lefit. Sho se'] she"] take tW 'bîîycyele hersait an' bo gldte roide id, but lber inaw7-Mhsv',s ine M\rs. McClaggerty, de ye cnioind ?-wýas tee ewld an' rheumatieky furr mauy J7pjss av that koiied, Lishtepj te thL Mr, Me- Claggerty ; me tee owblI an' rheumàlticky at meî tomne av loife fur ridîin' a buceycle ur ddn' anythin' else. Bogorry theyll be, afther sayin' bymeby thaýt Oi'ni toc owld tee ait un breatlie. Upen nme sowl, Qi felt loike gironi' lier a clip le the lug, ani' Ci ne sunier hiurd the worruLds ont ccv lier meuth thani eut Qi lept an' tÏowld tIle gietisinan te sicd the buycyele around an' Oi'd show hlm ne u oniybodî ese, tlist wanted te keow that 0i was naither tee owld cor tee rlieulnaticky te ride id. lethatmevri oc la' sed he'd sind it an' a taicher around to- mer w. 'Tîcer no, mis,'sez Qi te Toczy, &'doe't yen thinik yu'Il Loline acy av yer little oidees eoveir Une with yen owld ail' rhuaik îniee'sec . ' But yen a' tee owld, euuî,wn ,usecshe. Meb- bie Qi an,'sez Qi, ' but ide b dbzis to tell me s, sez Qi,' an' luk id liane, Mad- Ltlui in ordy',' sez Qi, ,'Qi was1'ta bit ewIlen t1ien yen ar' twhlin Qi weas your age','Fez Qi. Site ýhtuck iup lier noce an' sailed eut as imccclic as te say thLit Qi wae't je id. But QFil have th',uyyLe nyhcw, Mr$. M.Qlaggerty, an1' i'll throy to roide id af id breaks me eî,ek ka' disleukîts me jaw. Qi nîneslit Pet nme a p-ir av devoided elikerta an', a;i;]ceeapa' fwhiu i gloide thruanglîCiuilt-:ll Pà aila me'beie,'as Tamminy Calle id-nec meitbcickbona, 1bL, me buyccle-th'arh{ccatsil have t') turu thein ige eut>aitiwy a'îl giva Ille plity av elbuïow rcr. 0w, wcw, but wit till ye ýee imeQ'IbIot cav eiglit intCijrely, Certainexertenh re grv ely 'pneposed, '11111111, rench ianed E~hmoe c"f science, wich [lave fur theiir objea tot determiine -hth(r minu rnnot, by persistent traiuing threugh seveial generatiecîs sud by selec- tie, oeroklce atetally newtacultyietotlhe baîn u animecal. IL is preposed, te malke theAexiu)riinîcnt witli doge, sud aicertaiu if it seeeeied, iïcue, te haý c-"lea mcdCirecle" Soe pepe"eda rroseer --In Black and White ImAhi staemeuisconccriug Burdcck BIne] tttdnsare made on the evildeuce et testimnialaLýfit c $c±b' disprove']. Tbey are strictly truc. B. B. B. Purifies the Blood. B. B. B. Regulates the Liver. B. B. B. Strengthens the Stomach. B. B. BB. Regulates the Bowels. Ah sncbc dise eassas Dyspepsie, Constipation, ]iliousness, jaundice, Scrofula .Rbaumctism, Catarri, Boile, Pimples, Blotcbes, Skie Diseases, etc., arc cacnied. by wrereg actionof tice Stomaci, Liver, Boevls,' or Bloc'], ccd nay hoe cure'] hy correcting tuis wrong action an'] regulating an'] purifyiieg clilie orgarne, thus rastorng perfect healti. 'B. B. B. aill do Ibis premnptly, satcly, an'] suraly. It cucceed -cre othar rercdies feul. Evee many terme cf Cancer yield te its cura- tive poavars. Pnice $i, pen bottie, s3ix for $5, or lacs tien. a cent c dose. B. B. B- Cures Dyspepsia.- B. B. B. Cures Bi1iousness. B. B. B. Cures Constipation. - B. B. B. Cures Bad Blood.m AVI wiIl be found in his old shop, next do,oi aLoor to Express Office, B ý0WT M AN VI L L where he keeps cons tantly on hatid A LARGE &.COMPLETýE AsSORTMFNT GCoarse and Finee o 1s and Shbc for Men aand Boys, Women and Chlidren. Rubbers, Slippers, etc. Trunks, Valises, Satchels Special attention giv'en to Repairîng. ýWho lives here? JEFFERY, the Tai1oýl. Where is his shop? In Neadg' Blocli Ki".g'St., Bownmanvillo. Whiat do you know, about biie? ile is the Merceh%àt Taior wvioh9hs Inai elothing for many yeard for the best f taiisirei this town ai vioinity. Iâlho a stylish out ter and ged fit or?1 Oan't ho beat ire town. Does ho keep a largi stock of Fine Worateds, Tçve3ds, Overcoating, PantLin4à and Gents' Ftcresnints, rpcts, Etc., aiwaya on haud? lie does. How abouit his prices, doos lie ssii cheapi Nons loer, quality being the standard A11 right. 1 shah ca1l ori him for myy uew suit for New Year's. The old Porter Fou ndry is sf111 booming, ;are ready to supply ait orders for Castings of every descrp tion, the only place where ail yoiu can lae suipplled mi the shovrte,ýt notice in tho shape3 of Castings, large or'small, -Plo w Points, the celebrated diamin ,teel made for anly plo wmnývue1 Large Furnace Keittes always i stock. We pay thfl Iliest Price -for Serap Iron and reqîure .50 TONS A~T ONCE, Suive Castings of every description supplied. IMachinery cf ail kinds, Agricultur ailin plementii, Stoves, Bicycles, Sewin g Ma chines, il, faut everything dhat car), an R 1 N G ile worth repairing, wo car. do it. W dio net av to keep aeiy peddlers and eniy supply ruiablo agente- S.J.HOKN H. J. W!EEK~ Carrner Kin, and Libarty Ste., Bo wnarivillo. PORPU 1 OLLi STAND -The Kang-aroe. The kang-aroo bld fair soon L te .a1s scarcêë ln Ausýtr,1a, whsre onily a few yeas ao thora wereinillions et thinl, as the bison n iow are on the Amnerican plains. Tliey formercly net ifrequctly oitnimblered the sbeep ou the ranches, or "lstations" as they are cal led le thes island continent, but the Sheep raie- imnS discoevred that they were voracicueý foeederesud devounad as mauch grass as feux t ices thelr number cf sheep, jAs lacne cqeance they were hunted and 1btch ereci te tMe point of extermination ati n iow arac that formniy supporte'] 1,000 sheep is stf. fiienit fer 5,B0u~t it bas coma- te paLse1 ý,uchi t the irouy et fate, that a kngaroc chin, pizaf foëlc ik bnineto,, le In Worth a uciir heAsttimie marliet a five eeep). Th'Iere are tuilly ',9 vaieties of lnapýgaiotI or ratler ave, ryg frein the gJgeUbic red kan garce et Quaenislan'], avepgn ih foot in hcieight, te lthe little e rat of Victor-iaL aversgîing cnly theat iLýinhsn stature. TIre sielmal imoesge-ner ralecp cd ais the true ýkangaroleîlef mees-veur ed cee, ranging about dix feet in heigimtý -i

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