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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Jun 1891, p. 1

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:S.0FiÂNNuMï. OUR TOWN AN~D OUNTY FI WORLD ÂJTERWARDS. M. A. JAMES UJ RAND PE0OPRXI!2,0 Nzw SERIIESI NUMBI&B 668. B OWMÂNVILLE ONTARIO, fininuIlI JOHINSTON & ORYDERMANý --IuuuII HAVE OPENE]) OUT 0 F NEW SamMMr ever shown by any house in West Durham. Ex erybody Invited to Cail and See ItL 1(OUCH, JDHNSTON & ORYDERMANI Bowmanville, March 24, 1891. One Door Weât o! Pont'Office. WJRE We have WIIE ust received fine lines of Barb, Annealed cS iron Wire. WE ARE AGENTS FOR -THE AND SOLE AGENTS FOR THE CELEBRATED Paintes Oils e;ushes KalsoWine Sanderson Pearcy's Pure Mixed Paints AZLM GBLSE S~ 5 Boxes fer 25c. I S. S Edsall The ,Profit 18 -Down j, DROP US A POSTAL IF you want samples and prices of auything in dry goods or gen-, cmal meýrchandise. Ours is the largest retail store in aIl Canada, with over- three acres of selling space and haîf a thousand cmi- ployees. And a postal card is enough to bring ail the facilities of the storeý to yoor home jost as much as though we were located in your town. Think of a clrk-educated to know fashion changes, merchan- dise, qoalities, styles and color- being- at your bck ai-d call wvhen- ever you wish. That's -shopping by ma il, T. EATON& 100 te 200 Yoige st., Toronto. EF fI CE fï( I EL~ *1 ( JiUNE 3, 1891. IPLE GROVE. ersý, Port Hope, bas beoni ,Of bis frionds here .... Mro. Etcheter, N. Y., bas been fr. Foley'rs.,..Our young in raising a barn at Mr. W. twr igbt, on Friday .... The aptured tbree balf-gýrowvn ýy.... .Tbe meeting of tbre on bas been chanigedl to Jue r. Klrkpatrick bad a large i sat wee . . .. Misis Bertha rturned to Oshawa .. .. Mt. sion visited ourson Wednes- and furnished an excellent lev: R. Sanderson, Ennis- hed an interesting sermon ýay. tie But Lively. le dropst of watr. ttle grainis of sand, se the mighty ocean. id the pleasant land," ,ng into prose, we would say, rces Plea3ant Pelletm, are illt in relieving coistipation billons atackè,, pain in the ti VOLUME XXXVII. UMER2t, HAMPTON-1 -RA Y-DON. M1essrs. Ashley, Oshawa, were viihig Yst r.Mr u r.E. Yanstoue, friends bere luat week. of Pickering; Mr sud Ms W. a. Bas. Our football tesmr falled to capture the bury, Bwsii!;Mr. anI Mrs. John silver cup atBrokl on the 253th. Douiglas .ndi f imilY, Mraî, T Dougclaa a-ad Mr.3~.T. iliam isabl t bearondAnnie and Mr. arid TVIrs. Tuer, )f Now- agM tr TbWiamrecentale t s. oudcatie . ... Prepiadations have beýgan for the 1 gi fer isofrevetins sotetwnhpAnniyo.ysary , July I.. . M UrSnell is The Cu o eiip o h onhppracýising the old maong ý 'Wheei the Baby was held here on Saturday. ont," very approprast... . MJrs. Cjonelly, The workmen are progresaing rapidly of 13thaay, la viaiting ber faither, Mr. R. witb Miss Trenouth's niew bouse. 1't bida Washington.> fair to be one of the neatest in the village.- A Cu oaCoismP~on --Mi&D HE&D- Mr. T. G. Stonehouse i3s sill confined AciiF, -Dr. 3Jau ino, while in the to bis houa,,. Rocky Moualaina, disoovkered a root that Messrp. Jabez Eliiott, Everett Brown whonla omIbnctd with o e:nur herbaz, makes aud Miss B MeCnîlloch will wri!e at the an easy and ftNirai Ocure- for consamptien Jnly exaruinations In Bowinauville. lt 13 in the f, rin o4 dsro ýots and lea-ve8, The frienda of Mr. Wesley Joli will ha and is known 2mL n'sFaintîly Medicine pleased te learn tbat he arrived safely et It will cure slekk-wei:wfhe and is thse best Jrandon and got work at once. spring modicn. for the blood, liver and Arefre foinallcrdo nd rrtatngkidneys, sud fur *enn up tbe eom- Are reefro ailcrue ad iritaingplexion il dosea voers. IDrugists ssIi mavter. Concentrated imedicineonY. - It 500 aud $1 àa packaýge. *JLCp Q 1r's 1140 ,JJLývUi t 140. vvry a. very easy to tako; no pain; no griping; nio purgiug. Try themn. ýatby, natural actiotp to tbe T Y kOY B. bowels. 25 cents a vial.- M.C.L Bobs1en a ot 1o oeLittio, bu% livoly. rcno Jutnctio-n Fridlay hiaving secured a; e,]ld style, drastic pills is an ituation .... The fothîI1 matchl did not humiiran syst.em. take plae on Saturday beweuSlem ______________ and Bothesia (and Tyrone ?) blt it COUR ICE. isbhoped it ma-Y take place Lu the lnear futue. W ar p1csudtu k0ow oUr 1busy doiug road work and brother correspondent bas sucb a bigýh op- r. and Mrs. A. E, Clemenis, inion of Tyrone's abilitis. . . . _Mra. Dr. Pollard, town, were th e Davey aUd Miss ladys hlave retuýrnedj to Li. M. Coortice lest week their borne in Duert, qccomp)ar-ied a-s far 's D)aughters" of this place as Whitby by Mrs. R., Davey, sr., who in- song service Suuldav e! ter, tends spending a few weoki at beýr son's Carey and Miss Courtice, Mr. W. J. Davey.. . . Mese-rs. T. adn ,e, WbNitby, visited friends er & sous baveý been oerecting, an addition ...On SuInday the people to Mr. Jas. Ilodg3oii's b arns. q rs. J. steoei to two ab.e discour- Bedford, Raglan, bas been visiting bier old favorite, Rev. R. San- father, Mr. Go>). Eiutuersol. ..." St. ikillen . Arrangements John the Divine" is she subjoci for nemb iade for a friendly game of Firiay eveniug's Leiague, tobaointro- the "Leaches" of Osbawa, doed b>'Bey. Chas R. Sing ... . Comae rom lbore oni Saturday June out to the geograpby match to rnorrow tnd Medr ... Of Osh- 15evening snd get a eharpeuinig up on the ý, r. cd CasweI f Oh-geography of our own Cainada... . M rs. ire in. IMt. Carswell Temiper- Newton of Cobourg, la visi7ing belr daugb-. 'Laugbiug." It hein g the te, r,rr. W. H. CI'ýmens... . Master ýbenc-Yer ýiiiiverF3ary day, a F ed. Kenner, Blackstock, called this tberinl a expected to hear week on a fow uld fied.. . .Our pastor d princ,3e lecturers. Pro- Rev. L. Phiilps purposes attending Bay' 001 To takec the platce of the old-fashioned cordted corset, try the B. & C. corset. 'This is just wvhat you1 cani do. You cari try it, and even w ear it for two or three weeks, if you wish. Then, if you 're flot satisfied, you can retrn1: . . ýq -'- your mon ey. For sale by Coua JonElsToN q& CRY. DRERMAN. $ 00,000m to LOAN, at 5;4 and 6 per cent., to pay off-,OLD MORT- GAGES, advances on SEC- OND, MORTGAGES, and to purchase farms. ýNO COSTS for applications. - NO DELAY or inconvenience. Loans can be arranged AT ONCE with my Local Valuator. FARMS bought, sold and exchanged. AGENTS WANTED. WRITE or cail for parti- culars« E. R. REYNOLDS, 53 KING ST.* EAST, TO RONTO., xeMR. W, L. WARD. Insuiraue ,geut; Hampton P. O0, or te bhlm on Stmas Qoods sold for lower price 1ha 1 ~ ~i~ Benuet otel BowmanvlUowl rcir nen's, Misses' and Chlldren's Boots and Shoes. ---Coeprom-Pt atet+n the value we give. Fine goods and plenty of theut. luanýrd'stiuimicuit for 'Sale everywbere. .nd whiat you want. Coute in and sec the*Ybest of Mijss F. Williams, 445 Blojor strcet, ots, Shioes, Slippers, iRubbers, Trunks, Valises, etc. Toronto, wites: -Have nned Yonr Ba~r- ty, Serviceable Gfools mnarked at Rock' Bottomn dock Bloo-d Bittera f)r constipation and~ pain ln t1he hiead with great sueces. improved from the second dose. MIL Imm lISE TillE BLOOD by tIse use of 1Mii- o! tse ig Bolidrawt b' Tw Hoes.bumn'ls Beet, rous aisd iVIse, wiïIOh seppi Sign fteBgBotdan ToHre.tes thse nesabloosj building naterIa4 ýes. 1 coOOI not walk ordno hadl triedl a great ussuy rein- obtainiug aiy loting ben- ,yod medlical men, bot they o do, me su>' goodi. My mues swollen tg twice their cd 1 suffered the gresteet about given up ail hope o! Iagain, wben mny attention ýo yonr infallible remedy, ,wbich 1 spplied witb most ote. 1 was lu a ver>' short n, sud I bave, in a large ýned the une of my feet aud C. W. Scot sp(nt the holiday ins JhIss. A. Rowles o! Cbathamn, was, f Mr. Bd. Northwood, recenti>'. t û Bole sud wife o! New Westmiln-0 C., bave been guesta o! Mrs. W. C. H. Cry'îdaie spent the bulidays thport. D. Burke Simupson sud the Missles )n of Bowmnsnille, sud Mr. Field- H amilton, wero guesta o! Mrs. R. alin receutl>'. E. M. sud Mmi. Jewell, o! Batavia, 1 ave heen guests o! Mr. Wm Jew- Gcen. Masson retnruecd home !romi Cârollua, Friday wcek. ' John Al.:Carnwell is visiting Mrs. Carewell. 'Jas. A4. Thomson, o! the Vîndi- pont the 24th 'wth bis parents ln eviflo, la spending a few weeks lu .J. H. Talbot preatobed t0 the Sous ,land Lodge sud Rev. J. W. Totten Atncient Order o! United, Work- n Suncis>'week. 1Chas. ]leynolds, Gore Bay, sou o! os, Reynolds, O8awa, wss present-, than addreBsssud a porno by bisi Lbefore besVing. en's 13wthday visitons: Mina Lizzee e, Toronto; Mr. O. C. RoWse, )oo; Mr. sud Mrâ. H. R. Barber; r. Moore sud Miss Slinger, Toron. rC. W. sud Mme. Irwin, Toronto; ohn Aleni, Millbrook,; 14rsud ;eo. A. Somerville, London; Mr. Ire. Chas. Phillipe sund Mr. Wmn. s, Crimnh,ýy:Mn. Bd. Field, Toron. C. Bobson, Motreal; Mr. 1). D. Di, Messrs. Harry Coburu, F. M. ýd, Fre-d. Noale, S, L. Joues, D. 1, Gen. Masson. jr., Arthur Joues, ýo; J. H. 'McM.illanu, Tilonburg; 'eyes, Port Hope. vY PEUr~LE Lin awsko rigits sufifer1 ente dyspepsia, caused b>' ostiug ýn wyhiclj aitua sud othee chenp SPowdlers are nned. The mcnti ei je mpjal Crearn Tartar Bakiugi 5155 mnower o ue usuey Iloruiig . . . . Miss r4abel Moses bas retorned to Bowmian- ville from visitiug frierde hiera. SOLINA. Being, favored with fine weatber the Eldad -annivereary on Sonda>' and Mon, 'day wss a pennuine auccess. Rev. Jas. Liddy of Courtice preacbeda! ternoon sud evenlng to large audiences-ver>' appro-, priate sermonsi. Tke, choir and acholars furuiished suitable music and the collect- ions were gonerous. The exorcises were resumed shortly aftlr 2 o'cloclc, Mond ýy. J1. Higgiubothsm, Esq, President o! the WVest Durham Count>' S. S. Association, very ahi>' and i an iutoresting tnood per- fomdthe duties of chairman, sandwich- ig li, brermarks between the 30 nua- ber outh folowngprogram: Chairman's speh; by n -Children's3 Praise, scbol- are; ot>pening afidrees, Entoila Reynolds; rci6in Algernon Vice; song- arn the Llgbt, school; dialogue- Wbat we are going to ho, 4 boy's;*recU#ation-Little boys troubles, Harold Williame; recitat- ion-Ljittho girls 1 know, Besale Noden; hyrnn-Tbey are cominq, sobool; recitat- ion-Lord asweep the beer froua the table, Y - ra Werry; recitatlon--Reaon why, Charles Shortridge; snging-Praize ye the Lord, acholars; dilogue-.-s!x little scholars, 6 girls; ectaton-Price of a drink, Herbert "Reynoldt4; song-Youthful praiso. cblldreu; recitation-1 know, Luli Argue; recitation-Boya belle!, Hermon Vice; oiogiDg-Staudard o! Jesus wave, school; dialogue, Herbert Milîson and Master Tlnk; recitation-Water drinkers, Lels Noden; singing-Are you walxing, cbtîdren; recitstion-What's , Itot be a gentleman, 'James, A. Werry; slnging- Take my heart, school; recltation-Don't mun lu deht, F. Shortridge; zinging-Re- niember keep ho'>', sohool; dialogue- Lanra sud An»te Cox, Lulu sund Mabel Argue sud Bila Montgomnery; sinRing- Go wlth us, scholarer. Mr. W. Werry read the Secretary's report sbowiug a prosperous, sohool, sud mtisfactory fintn- ces. Admirable short speeches were made b>' Rev. Jesse Whltlock o! Colum- bus aud Rev. R. McCullougb, Hampton sud Mi. P. C. Trebilcock, Bowmsunvllle. The singiug o! the mcholara who hadl been traiued b>' Miss Abbie VanNent is wortby o! special mention. Mr. Trebiicock re- marked tl4at- ho bad nover heard botter hy town or country sohool. Miss Minnie Werry presided at the organ. The recit- ifsg wss exceptional>' good tao, bighly creditable t6 Miss Nancy Williams sud Mr. W. H. Tonkin wbo trajurd the recit ors sud to the acholars thouaselvea. Mr. Ed. ReynolIs, auperintendent, sud the officore and teachors bave gareat reason ta feel pleased with the good behavior o! their soholaresud tise capable manuer la wbichi they peirnme their respective parts. Iset but not leant came the ex- cellent ropast provlded by the ladies. The tables were tastefully adornel with fioweresud plants, sud laden wltb tooth- aene edibles, ineludiug loaciow, pumipkin pies, lu a mianner to teuapt the most ln- difforent appetite. It le unnecessary to 5e>' that all-incInding the EIitors:o! Tin STrnrES-.ÂN-did ful justice to the spread. Toatal procueds, about $7C. BEST ON EARTI. Th cSurprise", 0O1N WASÙ DAY. Takes out the dlrt ; miaRes &6the wash I sweet, dean, white; leaves the handssoft and smooth ; wvithout boiling or rCalciing. READ 'le wap Surpjrise Sortp cail be uzed on 11, n ~y;e n an vry tiie. o! ara~oneui. bthfunctional and orgad,i o!(, the fewssle syaytem wbicb this m-arveluos remedy ovtrcornes. The>' are, su!but too) wel l nowaý to most females wlho have at*taI-s.d wom>anhoQnd, to need more than a bint t0 malLe themu plain to their uudersbandîug. Mr. Sterart sud Miss, Mary Malcolmn are gone to Che3ley t attend the f uneral of their mthier nhu died on Friday mnorn- ing..... Mr4s. John V"slIe bas returned froma visitiug lier Esou in Toronto ]leaving hlmi much i ipo id u ealth after anl attsck of typboid fever. His wife la also dolug iuicely since 11-r conti!eet,-a non .... MnIr. Gro. Neisbîtt is very i11 and feame are entertained for ber recovery. ... Mr. Richard Suggit, Ir., le on the sîck lit .. .. Mr. R.ubert Mâoufle and Mrd. Nairn are izuprnving. ,. Mr. Jas. Mal. colin, Sr., in tili vary low. Two Ymm eAn-.-Two yesrs ago I was tronbled with an u1cer "an my ankle, bav. used B. B. B. fur bad blood 1 procured a bottlo and a box o! Burlock Healing Ointoeent. Mier oslnig 3 bottes anad 3 boxe% I wssj compIetely cured. Mns. W. V. Boyd, Brantf ord, Ont. TnHt Nuw Am SBaîp.-The new air Bhip travels 2W0 Miles an hour, good timea, but nons ton quick if one wanted Hag- yard'a Yellow Oit. This peenleas pain- soothing remedy je a prompt and pleasant cu7e for sova throi~t, crouip, colda, rheuni- atlsm, pains ln the rhest, aud bacir neural-. gis. For extzernùl sud internai us3- Prices2e LON (4 SA ULTP. Report o! S. S. No. l3, Darlingtoi May'. Naines iu order o! mnent. M Hooper, M Hooper, S Woodli ilooper; Sr 3, R lfodgson, M Hons Woodley; Jr 3, W Edgerton, M Cc J Bungeois; Sr 2, E Strutt, C Stapis Hoiskin, IR Davey, L Virtue; Jr ' Edgerton, W Hambly, V Hoopen, J geas, L Reynolds; S 3cojnd Book, Cîsiý 1, M Rcdlgaou, E Woodlev, W Woo PL 2, A Hooe>', E Wilson, E Hlooe] Virtuge, Il Brown, J Byerp. Aversi tendanues for the menth, 35. S. E. DxlisoN, T<sohen. IVE w HA 17-9. Mr. sud bina. Dicke>', Osbawa. spendiug c, few weeks at the nid i stead, Stonyhnr8t... biissNne>' camp spqnt Sonda>' at honi brother j.ism, Bowsnsuvile -. A number o mners bore are go)ing into tuIedrainin tensîvel>' Ibis soen. Past exper teaches thena thât 1* is a pofitri - Mn. Marvin Burk, bsse ,, for, Jr 4, ley, L 12= ~ Nw PARK.iN Seot !~ S. No. '2, Manvers f Dr Ma. Neift- ne iorder OF urit-Jr 3, A Brisb n. 1,Tonan;,- 2, J Adams, W Tennn' 1 I MoRbed, OLitle, TOM Jr 2, E Tînt E Kerr,; Sr pt 12, W Tkouip-on, il 'I',ant,ÀATonantt, A Toujni,ît, M KeýrrB.ManeU E Wilson; Jr pi '2, E Teunautý, M W1soni, J Drc. Roberts; Sr p), 1. FdinsH1- oers M Browni, E Ade>uns; J-rpt 11, John MLlc- Knight, W MKs.iL Mne Aver- age attenldanlCoffor ihe mEath 9-5. L, A. A Seve7,re Test. Wberi a manufüetuper, froua years of obse,ýrvaitionr, b sompletely stisfied bimself o of nl, c aifcingiven by his produots, that ho fehels 1warranted in seiling thernl wn*er a certificate of goar. antee, it ix very nsatu-rai t'o bEIieve that such a pradcueer kas liplicit confidenica in tbe merit. o! hiý goods, and tbat, too, la oaosedby Ute Worlda Dispensary Medicai . o offo,.Y, lu Dr. Pierc-les Tasally Medicines, aud bence bis ' r iecriptiou" is sold by druiggiti3, tas nr other medicie for similar purposeqs aver was, undeýr a poss- ............... . . ...... . .. . .. . ....... . . 71 Dia

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