Tfake Note* My Wall Papers are special. Patterns, beautiful, and prices right. X'aper hung at 8 cts. per roll. 10TROUBLE TO SHOW C7w C> C>:E f Full Stock of WINDOW SHADES.. P. TIREBILCOCE, BOWMÂNVILLE., JUNE.ý, 1891. SIR JOHN DYING. The if e of Sir John A. Macdlona4ld, Premier of Cariad, iL fast ebbing awy nt his residexnee, EancifOtlawa',i wher2 he lies speei-chices sthe resuit of liemorrhage of the brain with which he' wua attacked ast w0eek. Tbree doctor are in attendanne, but tùey hold out nei hope for bis reeovery. 1 The doctors say in to-day'ia (Tuesday), despatch: "While we are gratified to find ,uchi an exhibition of vital strength as we rsee exemphified ini hlm, yet we cannot al- ter our opinion as Lo the finail reauits of Lis illness.", Just before we go te preas we got a des- patchi fromOttawa tlhSa there i s no per- ceptible change ins hi& condition within the last twelve Expressions of sympathy for the vmeeble Premiier fromn ail over the Dominion are piablished daily in the papers and ,he greatest interest is taken in the bulletins issued every few hous romt'e el sp o'~e. iq~end is near. The Dominion Fmzwshi&e Act bas cost the country up Le date $725,000, and it fas been estim"4e Lhatk every revision en- taill upon each (J the c»nstituenicies% an expeuse of $150. This necete4tatos a to- tal expenditure of 322,500, whieh added ix> the firist mnitiexied suu males the to- tal cost of the Act. ta Canadiaii ratepayers tup to the p)reout timm, $1,047,500. This is a fine sum for a heavily taxed country to paty out for a tisekss and inquiitous 8~W. Wby cannet Lthe ordinary voters list Le used in the Dtwuisisn as wefl as the Provincial electiona? The wlholesale wg,ýi dealeors have notified their agents that i. cunsequenuc uf the McKinley tariff, it wil ho neceasary We pay lower priceàer for vool thia year. Ac- ebrdingly the farmtea yl h docked two cents per pound,ý that beinig tho a"mount of the additioii mado te the duty on the woeolagoing intu t" . Umted statos f rom Canlada. 0f tceurî( when the faýrmers eoesplainii tht tihe Isgh txrif s d (epr(eciat- ilig the priceo of Leir products, by the Tory press they arc or"edam tritors who are running de)wtà Ve ouuntry. Lut Tory abuse does wit o&nviee the fariner that the N. P. is pru uotÀing bis weiJfare. "KXnoxonianH "r"sea L rernark in tbe Cui>ada Preabyterian: "Abolish hilleting, half fareýs, cleric«il exemptiono, cierical discount-%, and ail Lb. other tabominations fitha110ep to degrrad1 e he rniisterial pro-, fession; pay tliç3 servants of tie church their due; do ýcýxrl buiness on vlhe prin- ciple that a church ll )1ar bas j uat 100 cents ànd. prbesprmw "lo~e or were hives of iusty; aî-d et Il btse Rod parler "pap" ov ans d tlào uky-I.arke ocombine orators aro isreechinbz thenaselves hoarse in de- cWaing that thse euntry *a8 neve r ina be_,tjsta&tO than n W." Every tisiue 4f tihe boery bone, muscle and ogai lamade stroig r and imore Lieal~ jt~ ~~c c Bar- saparilla. T E VJIP EA.NCE the Victoria Indoustriai Scisool for boys. TEMPERA CE. Hesaid:-"From a record 1kept of 'the- boys sent to Victoria Industriel Seblool, THE DRINK EVIL AND HOW 1 find that 68 per cent. have niow, or hend one or the other or both of thesn, parents TO COMBAT IT givon to tise intemperate use cf alco]hoii SUBSsAçCE or A SERMON DELI-VEREn P drinks. It is also e sad fact that the pre- sient unfortunate condition of the lads is REv. R. D« FliAssit, M.' A., ENiST. cauned directly by the habits cf thoir par- PAUL'84 PRESBYTEFRL&N CHTJRcH, Bow- ent." M.ANVILLE To Tsus MENIPERS OF EXCsn.- We need followv these testimionies no eli Cou-NCiL, NSO. 48, ROYAL Tsum f rtiser, nor need we attempt to lift the PLAIS O TEI'EtAYC, O SUDAYveil that bides thoe awful future oif the MONNMAY 31, 1891. drunkard frein view. We xnay rest the - case for thse evils of the drink, traffic on TEXT : Ilt I ol ua I endure to se£ the £vil one other extreet fromi public documents. that à1hdil cone nnto inyp eptef or hov' eau In 1873 a commiiittee cf tise Sonate was, ap- I enure te sc« the dlestrtwtion cof vmy i:ý pointed for the purpose of considering îhis dred ?-EssnsTIIF 8:6. wboie question. Thet coiusmittee prespunt- After an introduction describing the ed a full report, of which the folLowing is a awful peril in whichi the whole Jewishi portion:-': Your coitimittee are f uily çon- race in Persia stood throughi King Asli- vinced thet the traffie in intoxicating uerua' decreo for thoir destruction, and liquors, in addition te the evils airjady1 Queen Esther's devetion and courage in mentioned mientioned, is detrimeintal te venturing at tise peril cf lber if e te plead nîl tho true interests cf the Domiion, for tbemn with tise king; the preacher wont mercilenasy siaying every year butndreds on to say, "Queen Esther's iself-sacrifice, cf ber mont proising itizens, pluinig courage, wisdlom, prompt action, and the thousands inte miisery and want, convýrt- triumph cf lber cause, suggest a lino cf in.g ber intelligent and industnieus nous, thought in reforence te the question cf who should bh er glory and strengthinto Strong Drink and flow te Combat it, feeble inebriates, ber burdeni and !lier which may ho profitable for us te f ollaw. shamo, wasting millions cf lber weaith in 1. As to thse evil wrought by drin k, thse consumption cf an article whose ýuse1 what needs ho said 1 Over tise tomb cf net only imparts ne strengtis but inidiceso Sir Christopiser Wren, the architeet cf St. and leads te insanîty, suicide and murdor, : Paui's cathedral, in tise cathodral, in this thus diverting into a hurtful chennel tise1 inscription, "If you seek e monument, capital that shouid hoemrployed in de-i lok about yen !" The vast editice in bis veloping hon resources, establîshing ber monument. If you -wzh te leern tise manufactures and expanding bier cum-1 hiavoc wrou ght by drink, hock about you ! merce-in short iL in a cancer in tise body1 AInsi1 individuals, failjies, tise cisurcheîi, poitic, which, if net speedily eradicated,g tise town, tisecountry, the Nation, tell will mer tho bright prospects, and bligt14 tise taie. It is well te guard one's words the patriotie isopes cf this nioble Dci ninÏcn.i carefully on this point. People are se (Vo nicludoed neixt week.)1 needy te cry, "Yen toemperance'workers - -are api te ho carriod eway by your zeal." To Miss Addie Smith, Toronto. flore is ce ld print for it,as gathered frein ho i250 Ocongrogatiens cf ounSynod. "The W1hene Highland lads and lassies meLt old biarvest cf osls, dark and vile and Vas brigist dispite tise glecmn and rin; tregie encough, quarrelling, idieness, pôv- At leant live hundred pair cof foot. ierty, accidents, ill-isealth; mental and Wore tripping te tise musioe strain. moral ebliquity; insanity, uncleanness, -But presently tisere came a pause, crime; neglect cf ciildron; juvenilo crime Wbich was succeedod hy a sterm through domeetie drunkonness and neglect; 0f wihd, tumultucus applause; conrtrol cf public offices by whiskey rings; Te greet a wel-known childish istriki 1wasteocf ime, means, sud streugtb; Sab- bath desocraticu; increaseocf paupenism; A ferra cf grece aud beauty rare; violence, incendîanism, munder. And the As litho as a bird upon te wiug; terrible 'and dreary recital migbt ho ex- 1'o-r why, young Addie Sith was tiseje, tended alnmostiudetinitely." "Tise mirnis- Prepared te dance tise Highland Fling. tors and eIders,, gecd mou, are apt to ho Hon preseisce caused tise whoie connimoLton, too one sided in thoir view cf tisis ques- And when the stirring war-pipe play 1 d, tien," says some one. "They don't lok The very pcetry of motion, et iL frein an everyday staudpoit. " For- fier fairy limhs and form pcrtrayed. tunatoly we have the record cf receut The grace tbet conscience menit bninga, utterances quite removed frein tîst sus. Made bier as diguified'cf mien piOlin. As when she lest' perferîned ber flingsj, A member of thseflouse cf Commons Before Great Britain's wortisy Queoim. at Ottawa, in bis place 10 days ago de- Altisough witbin bier gentho breast, clared : "In my opinion, and in the opin- He iittle iseant must bave been sweliiir ion cf mont cf the people cf tise country, Site looked as cairn and sh-osse tisis trafflo is a blightiug, damning curse As in bier owu Canadien dwelinig. upon eerytbing decenD,pure and virtuuuis,f beceuse it in ais euemy te iaw, te Christ- WVitis ploasing mianuer, f rank and fre: iauity and to civilization. 1 make this Site yet falîs short cf heing bohd, iudictniient doiberatoiy, and, isaving Made fier conien sonse and mnodesty 8uch a sýwoepiug charge, you wiîî expeet Are charmning in a twelre-yeer old. tisat I sisould bring my eridenca te prove Of tisose young dancers who b ave tried, iL. And lho proceeds te produco mnost To please a fickle puhli&a teaste; abundant and convinoiag testimouy. Hie Miss Addie, 1 arn satisfied, brings it frein noar homie, chlefly frein a fr aehead cf ai the rest. the ity of Toronto, one cf tise ment temn- SIse is venowued hebth steer and fia,. perato cities cf its ise in tise world. For now Chicago Scots are "ocnto5" floere arc a--ime cf tise itells :-Dr. Tise feet that they've geL sucis e star; Daniel Clark, îouperiniteudlent cf tise To- At fligiand dancing, in Toronto. reniteInsanieAsylaîni; "liudirectlyielcojhol- Wisat furthur cen I add to prove, ic habits streuigtisen tise bereditery ton- This youtbiful SiLla b ath forged ae cisin deucy te insa.nity, and tise full resulta are That beida mie fat in bond-s cf love, an unknown quentity and canniot ho 0x- Which ever steadfuast sieli rein. pressed in figures. " This is what camePE RGAN under his own observation, and hoe gives Br efibadAscainc iL as bis opinion thet 10 per cent. cf tise Blîthinoidssocatono 7000 cases af iusanity in Canada arise directly freintise use cf iutcxicating Ciicago, Feh. l7tb, 1891. liquors. À Dr. Boston, supeintendent cf Orilie Methodist Misionary Convention 1asylum,foridiots'declares:e"My experience I Liat cf tise leadîug supeintendents on ~Tise sisionatkry c',nvention held in thse tis continent, ie that a large number cf Metisodiet churcis, Bowmanville, l4st idiots are tise ciildren cf drunken parents. Wedueaday wes5 a grand succeeFs. lu thxe WYiie, on the othser isand, wre hoiere' that mernsug tise servicehe a a 10 a. ms. drunkenne9s la tise cause cf physical and -Miàs L. Tounge, Oren.o, district organ- montai degeenecy, and tisat tise dnunk- izen, occupied tise chair. Thse meetng ard's posterity iisenîts acrofulous diseases, 1wassOpened wîth derotîcual exorcises, tsf- epilopsy, nerrous irrltability, and, above tonerwbich Mise M. Thorn, Newcaetie, was ail moral obhliquity." appointed isecoetary for tise day. Reports "But lot mie refer continues tisespeaker were rend freontishe Bowrwnxville, Haulp. te anetiser source cf information te prove ton, Leekard, INewcastle, Oshawa, an tisat tis trafflo las a ourse te our country. Orono suxiliaries and tise missàion ban~ds I wrote te Mr. James Messiie, wanden Of in Newcabtle, Osbhawr., Orono and Demi~l tise Centrai Prison in tise ity cf Toronto, colege9. -Mns. T. W. Joliiffa conducted a mîan who bas occupied thet position, 1 tise cloing Ceorcises, In tise afLenu0jon uuderstand. since 1884, tise year in wiich an addressoacf weicomne was read by Miss iL was establisibed. In bis btter te Me Jones and resgponided te hy Mrs. É. hoe stys:--"Drink produces dinectly more Moment of Orono. Kindly geetinga woére ininatos for our prisons, more miisery, pnesiented by Mns. Frceeand for tise C more suffeing amontg poor iseiplozs wiveo gregational suxiliary, Miss Windgtt fi-r and innocent cbiidron, sucre sorrow upen tise Churcis of Cbni,-t (Disciplest) snd Miâ. parents and mono dcpravity t han anything S. Manou fer tise W. C. T. U. Yi in aMc. ele in our country." But net heing yet, Donald of Denuili coliege, favored tise con- satisfied witb tise evidence I bad received rention with a so M.Ars. Luke, Oshs- on tis point, 1 wrote to the supeninten- awa, reeci a capital papter on9 " WomaîVa dent4cftiseMe-e, Rfomtoyfor f- Aak1 ig"wiich wss fgreatly epproeciat-, Gen. floapitii, writes-' 'I&"ans eorr eFavorite Proscription, wbeuerer&aise ue4a say that my experieuce duriug tiselet it." Tise experitince cf tise aged bu~. twenty ene years cf bospital life bas show ntise "Favori te'Pres crip tion" La lho been very large as regards tise troubles tise heat for thse cure cf ail f emale weak - and diseases caused by elcoisci. Aî neu(es and dorangements. Good senme very large number cf diseasea admitted i e ahown ýby getting tise onedy f romn bore are racad te intemperance." And iyeur druggist, aud usiug it wheneyer ydu ast andperisaps iaddest cf all ia the toati-i feel weiik aq'deiii arr.It, wili iii- mony of W. J. Hlenid.y, late princiÀpal cf rigorate and <mnut poî4UIby do hiari. A Splendid Pioture. W. bave recoeledfresn Bowmnanville's enterprising axtiat, Mn. R. fi. Henry, oue cf tise group photographe mnade hy hum cf tise teacisers in attendauce et tise Convention of tise Dursa'n CountyTeacs- ors' Association in th!s town, May 21 and 22. It la pron junoed by tisose wiso bave meen it te ho one cf the best group photos oves taken in Bi-wînanviile. Lt is truly a Qpeakixsg picture and asows ciearly tise portrait cf neanly every teatcher as well as tise front porci and entrance to tise new fligis Sisool as a muitahbe background. This exellent picture ia 10xI4 incises, aud siseuld ho psized by aIl tise teachers s a valuable souvenir of tise con)vention cf 1891. Mn. Henry bas received eors r8for quite a nuasher aiready, and at tise very low pnice at wiîc ho sella It (75 cts.,) every teacher iu tise group wiii ho sure te want oue. Attacking Miniaters. EROIreP.STÀTZSUÀN.-What bas ceine over tise editor cf tise Sun ef late that, ho in pubbiaiting correapondence weekiy ne- flectin & on a weil-known minuster of tise town wiso seema te have Incurred bis ill- wifl. IL la quostionabie propniety et any Lime te ptsbiiish anonymous correspond. once refiecting on tise characten of minis- tors ofthtie Gospel. If tise rinister at- tacked lu tbese instances wasnenmed in tise correspondence ho would halve an op- pontunity cf replying,,but ne name hoing gironno ne ecanes te poi lace 3f ý in thc position cf deendaent. I tisink ne such communication.sbeould ho adesitted te tise columua cf a respectable papernuiîses tise iviter attaches bis naine, se iL is a Most cowardly way cf attacking an oppon- ont. and tise publishbn ln sucit a case ho- cornes a pattyto tise attack wisetberjtsstifi- able on othenwiso. Tise onalaugis in question are tise fabrications cf an eriliv diaposed mind; sud kuowiug tise minis- ter against wisom tise changes, are made and tise reason tisereof, tise editor cf tise Sun la cquaily, guilty with tise anenymeus wniteu-. PEBT Morris' Canniage Worka is 'e eof tise busy places lu town. They bave a great rushi cf work Un hand sud new orders are coming in splondidly. 1Mrs. 'Donuelly bas opened s brancis milbinery store in Newcastle and aise in- vites alltise ladies of Newcatle and ricin- ity te eali snd inspect hon stock. A fiue renge of Black Lace Flouncinge and Russa Fiais Nette juat neceived di- ret freintisemanufacturera, and rîow sisewing ab Coucis, Jobuaton & Cryder- man's 1 -Young mon sud oid mon, if you want a suit of cbothes tisat will suit in price, 1style and fit, we cen aupply yen. We hare an excellent cisoice of clotisa to select frein. John J3. Meson. flousekeepens sisouid note tisat Ceucis, Johuaton & Crydeminsu are aisowiug a fine stock of Bruesels, Tepestry, Engliish Wooi and Union Carpets in ail qualities- ne better value anlyviere, For the Wondlerful Success of Hood's Sarsaparitia, the Most Popular and Most Extensively Sold, Medicine in America.' *Hood's Sarsaparilla possesses great *medicinal menrt, which it positlveiy demonstrates when fairly tried. Ih is mnost economnical, being thse Sonly medicineo f which Il oo Doses One Dollar " can truly Le said. 3It is prcpared by a Combination, SProportion and Process Peculiar ta Itself, ilnknow.ýn to othier preparations, and by which ail the inedicinai .-alue of the varlous ingredients is secured. 4 IL effects remnarkable cures where other medicines bave utterly failed to do any good whatever. EIt is a modern medicine, originated 5D by expferienced pharmacists, and stiil carefully prepared under their per- sonal supervision. 6It is clean, clear and batfli alwaysi of equal strenigth. 1 It bas, proven itself to ho positively 7 the betst rernedy for scrofula and ai bLQod disorders, and the best tonic for that tired feeling, bass of appetitp and general debility. 8It is unequalied for curing dyspepsia, rheumiatism and ail diseases 'of the kid- ncys and liveér. 9 1: bas a good name at home, there Sbeing more of H ood's Sarsaparilla sold in Lowell, Mass., whreit la made, than of ail other sarsaparillas and blood purifiera corobineci. * 01s advertising is unique, original, * onest ,and thoroughly backed up by the medicine itself. A Point for You. If you want a blood purifier or strengthening rncdicine, you sbould geL the best. Ask for Hood's Sarsaparilla, and insist upon hwhovî it. Do not let any argument or p, c.uasion infuence you to bioy ,, ! t o oct want. Be sure to get the -i sz!med icine, Sarsai ..-a riIlla 100 [ "',-al e Dollar We Offer Special Bargains Books Bibles Stationery Pocketbooks Wall Paper Albums-1 School Supplies China Goods Fancy Goods Picture Frames Music Window ShadesI .Sporting Gooda lToys -and Games 9if you want to buy gooda at low prices and get Big ]3argains, dlon't purchase, until you have visiited our store. Ham pton Rouler NIiS. The undersigned having fitted Llp his milis w'ith the full ro 1Ier process, is now prepared to fur- nish bothroller and stone flour of theý besb grades in any quantities. Gristincg wili stili be a specialty; chopping done on shortest notice. Al kinds of mniii feed and eh kept on hand. THOMAS ELLIOTT, Hampton, Mayl19, 189 1. 21~-5w. I ISEL L /16 OFF* -0-- M. Mayer is offering his entire stock of Hats, Caps, Furs and Gents' Furnishings at and below coat. Now is your time if you want a cheap Hat, Cap, Shirt or Underwear. Now is the time for a Big Bargain. Ail outstanding accounts must be settled at once. I must have money to carry on my business. A FRESH SUPPLY 0F Pure White Hellebore For destroying Worms on currant bushes. Pure, Insee t Powder For destroying Fies and ail kinds of Insects. Inseot ?owder, Guns. j Fly Paper, ail kinds,