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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Jun 1891, p. 8

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A Tin Wedding. A uumber of the6 frionds of Mr. and Mrq. J. T. Hooper asembled on Wednes-E day evening ta celebrata with themn the tenth aniniversary of their wedding day. A 2iceiv 'worded addregsed wan read byg Mr. J. J. Ma-,on on behaif of the co:n-1 pany nnd a quantity of useful articles of 1 tin~ware prosented. M4r. Hoopar ackno-1 Jedged the Furprise and preLsents in a, neat speech and bade them enjoy themi-E salves. Ref reshments wera served byt thealdesand (1niuic, games and other pastimnes weye engaged in until an e1111y hour when tho company separated wiîsh- îng tha-t Mr, nad Mrs. Hfooper may livet to enjoy each othera company and cle-1 bratci their glden wedding. olain is the adidrcsi-, PEÂR RIENs.-Afew of yonr many f rienda haýve thus uncoermonioaly talren possinof your comfortabla, home ta unite in clebrating the 1th anni versary of yanr weddirg. We cannot refrain f rom oifering Yau Our hearty congratulat- ions an the temporal prosperity whiob has attanded yaur weddad hf e. PhyBical hesith,, comfait and pienty, happines ai-d contentment in the housahold, a promising f anily, and a large circla of trua friendq are indeed blessings which ahould ceu«e you ta be grateful ta the iver of ail good. We ssk you to accept these prc sents as a mark of aur regard and ta show y on that we appreciate yaur kiudnees and large hearteci friendship which causes you ta ha sa much respected by those wha know you; 'and we hope that thesa simple articles will speak ta youii cuder tban words our best wisheB for your future prosperity. May a kind Providence ta whom wa are indebted for ail the biessing we anjoy, continue ta eiie approvingy an you and youre. SI x l>,ONIEAiF (,F YOUE FBIENDS. Wýlh&t Ehkespeare Might Have Said. To takeo or ,,at ta take: that le the question. Whetheils betier for aman ta Buffer 'lhL pange ard tormante of indgestion. Or t-nethn5 tcke, and in is taking, end thein Shakespeare didn't say that, but very likvly ha would have saad something siia-zr, if ho wer.e living in this l9th cen- tury, when so many sufer untoid agonies from indigestion. 0f course ho would have gone on ta aay that a man must ba a foo1 not t ta ke the "something" which Yculd1 put au end ta the "'pangs and tor- ment s" spokjen of, if ha culd getài. Now iti2eiafictt IbAt weakaned, impoverished blcodc brings on indigestioýn, which je the cauise af dyrpepsia. constipation-a pois- cnedl condition of the whole sytrm-and ài j a fact ao, that Dr. Pierce's Grolden lledlica-i Diocovery will so purify the blood arnd en-ricl it that ail weakened. organe are reVitaiized and strenigilened. It je guaranteed ta dlo thie. If it dosani't yaur maney wiil be refundad ta yau. 2High School NoteB. Fcw men in ]3awmanville take a warin- er intereet in the succease af the High School than Mr. Thoi. Paterson. He cantribute~d very fenProusîy tý) the pur- chasing of buste for tdecorati'va purpases last wint-ar; and et d1frcant turnies ince ha ham made donations ta tha library. ieR iatest contribution ta the library ie a collection af potraits an? autographe of aminent men and wamen frain ail parts of the world-a colletiont edited by Mr. Stead, of London, Egadadpublishead hat year. This book le well warth par- uaing and ia a valtuable addition ta it-. t batiks ta the donationis af friands-a rapidly grawing library. Corns 1 Corne!1 Tender carne, painf ni carne, sof t corna, bla eding- corni5,ýhard corne, corna of al kmn de and af aIl sizes, are alika remnoved in a few, days by the use af Putnam's Paini ess Corn Extractor. Neyer feuls ta cure, neyer ceuses pai,never leaves deep spots that ara more aunoying than the original discomfort. Give Putnam's Pain- lees Corn Extractor a triai. Beware cf sub stitutes. Soid by druggiets averywbere Poison & C., Kingston, proprietors. District Division. A meeting of the West Durhamn District Division af the Sans of Temp- eranca wiIll he held at Mapia Grave on Tncsday Juna 9 at 10. 30 a m. In the evening at 7.30. a public meeting witlbe heid ta bc addresed hy J. Brooks. G. W. P., of Torontoand W. 11. Beewil;, GD., of Whitby, aud an iutaresting program by members af the Order from eurronndingy divisions. The public are invlted lu the avening. R. Kiîox, D. W. P., M. MuN- DAY, D. B. S. THE, SPIlING MEDICINE -The popular- ity which Hood's Sarzaparila has gained as a apring inedicine te wonderful. It passasses juet thoste elaments cf hcalth givinz, blood-purifyiug and appatite-ra- storing which- everybody seemî ta uaad at this season. Da flot conti nue in a duil,'tirad, unsati8factory cjmdition 'when youi may be s0 much benefited by Haad's Sarek'parilia. It purifies the blood and mal es the weak stroug. Having been cured hîmsaîf' ha je now helping others., Finley S. Joberston who wa,-s 50 wel known in Bowanrvilie as a greit -ufforer from rheumatism sund who wae compleote- ly cnred by Stott & Jury of thii tawn writes ta thern as folows:-"-It je with pleasura that I drap yeu these few lincs ta let you know that your medicina je performing another woLderfal cure., A man ini this city (Beilevîlle) bas beau lying In bed protrata withi rheumnatic lever. We had ta lit hlm iin cor arse. hewas _I___ Rates to Europe. Tho Bowniaaville agency cf the S tato Linae af Steamabipe, rnnning betwaen New York sud Glisegow, h.. been trans- ferred fron Gale Bros., ta M. A. Jam-es wh als a5 a thea agency of the Allan Lino, Dominion Lina, Anchor Linoa and can funxish passaýges by any ther staamtship lina if deslred at lawest ratas. By thte State Lina First Gabin tickets are furnish. ad at $3p5 and up'wards. R6tura tickets $65 and upwards. Persans luntanding ta go ta the Old Country shouhd cahi on or write ta ]ýl. A. Jamesi, Bowmnanville, for particular. 11BALIRH IN xcs-eihgvn herbe, barks, roots, and barries are care- full cambined in Bnrdock Blood Bittars, which regulate the secretions, purlfy the blbodl and renavate and trangthea the entira systain. Price $1I a boýttie, 6 for$5 Lese than ona cent a dosa. HAG. YEL. OIL.-This stands for Hag- yard'a Yeliow Oil, the hast aud promptest cure for ail pain front the impleat eprain ta the racking torture af rhenmatiam. A cavar- failing remady forcroup, soe throat and pain in the cliest. The contents of tire Nzw YaRxx ND PAEis YouNo LÂDiE' FÂsinaNý- BAzARt, for May inclndas sncb articles s :-Shonld Fair Women Woo the Manc1 ; Girls Who Spoil 'Thir Chances af Marrying ; The Love of Woman ; Shouid People af the Saute Complexion Wed ?; 'How ta Quar- rai with a Wifa ; Wby do Men Dream ?i; The Qouetion ai Sleap; Beauty and Youtli; Doas Society Blush ?; The Lux- niions Bechlor ; Why Country Girls Seak thé City ; Tho who Pleases ; Lova AiwAys Finds a Way 1 ; Sha Was FNot an Iia Girl; Advica ta Herse- wonen ; Wliat bien Lika in Woman; Girls Who do net Look for Husbande; Sliauid Girls Propose?,~ etc. To Our Su bscribars. Next ta the neceeicy of a good local paper like the STÂTuSmAN le that af a realiy good religions famiiy newepaper like The Chiristian at Work, now the Iaad- ing, paper ,f ail rthe uniden ominational weeklics. Ie ýcirculation thiroughont the United States le simuply immensei5L. Wa unqnalifiediy fecoameud it as superior in every respect t(-) othar papers cf its class and prios,sd should subecriba for it aur salves lu prefaerance ta othars. It is ana af the iargest, ablest and beet religions newspapers pnblishad,, and a year's vol- Ume arnonts ta almost a cyclopadia af information on ail subjacts connected with ither the home or Chrisiian 111e The Home Departinent is net oniy the abieet condncted in the country, but je entirely origianal, and is iiiustrated by numerons sud costiy engravinge, which have grecatly contribnted ta ite vaine and usaefuinese. The circuilation aiea bas largely increaead siaca this attractive and MASONT s C LOTHLMeN G e.flqOUSai I Read thte Eollowingy To.ROINTO, May 29, 1891.-Mr. T. G. Masoni, Bow«, manville-Dear Sir: . . . . . 1 amn welI pleased with, thle suit you made for me. It knocks out any fit 1 ever got in.the city. Keep my measure. 1J will require more. Yours trdly, JoE PRicE, 349 Dovercour't Road. MONTREA.L, May 30, 1891.-Letter received fromn Montreal, encl osing measure for a suit like one worn by a young man from, this town, when down there Iast week on biz. , our price being less. ROGERIS' P.ASS, B. C.-Enclosed please find cash~ to pay for suit. Arn weIl plea.sed with fit and price. Shall want another soon ; also, a friend of minie wants ýa7 suit. Yours, etc., WM. CATOR. m~ore mootz &ana Shocs! Tho an-nivsrsarv in conuection wi th e Mrs. John McCormaoik, Tarant o, visit- Mathodiet chnirch bers takas place on ed ýClarke friandIs r-ca3ntly. Suuiday and Mlonday June 14 aud 15. Mrs. Harvisy, Toronto, bas bean vis3it- Çonert la the eveninig. Particulars naît log lier ister, Mrs. David M-ýcCullongli. week. ______ Mr. A. W. Gamsby, N. Y., la expectcd Tha Proof' of the Pudding. home. Haveyonhumrs aueig brtcesMises Que Walter bas. returned Iran a Dosa your bload rnn thioleans]U ggleh? peoatvfi't nPtroo .Are yen drowsy, duIl and laugiiid] Mr* Thos. Payne, Mitche'l. has beau bsd tista lu your month and-, tlio Yonr tangue aII fnrred anâ coatel vislting Mr. R. CoathamSh is Yonr sleep w1bh bad drasmm brokan? 'Mr., and MrE. Sugdou, af Oebaw.a, visit- yen feal downhearted, diemal. Dreasdng aamnething, what, yon ;knOw adc Mrm. Joh.nJackson recaetly. Te e very mure you're bilios- Miss Auges têliIlar witb miany other Thtyuhava a torpid llve6r, and wbat you reeed le aomeütbing ta rouia Oronites spexît Qnaeu'a Birthay le Bojw- ii and maka it aclivaeuough ta throw off mnanvilla. the impurities tbat clog it; gomething ta Mr. Thom. Dancastar, of Toronto. was inivigorate the dcblltated systemn, tand was Iu town has3t wack. bielp ail the organe ta preforin tho dutles Dr. G. Hl. Carretb, of Toronto, spent Speial Yalueei' thie following DressG ~.--All wlQo see Our soksay: IlWhafr beautiful gos and so rea. souable in price 1" W\Ne have ail t'heoew shades) with

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