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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Jun 1891, p. 1

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<lu -.60 pua Aiiwx. j £êuabL OUR TOWVN MA . JAMESE B OWMNNVILLE Pfl1IInu JO1'INSTON & CRYDERMAN Um-u u i 11 HAVE, OPENEi),OUT 0F, NEW &'UMMER a-%o ot s]Deý ~ê~ shwnby any house' in Wvest Durham. Everytbody Invitfed to Cali and See ItL GOUCH, JUHNSTON & ORYDERMAMI, Bowmanville, Maseh 24, 1891. Onu Dor West of Poat Office. EWe haveMImi just receivedIm fine lihes of Barb., Annealed Ir>lhi Wire. YWE ARE AGENTS FOR THE' E SOLE AGENTS FOR THE C~ELEBRATE[D Kalsoiine Sanderson Pearcy's les Pure Mixed Paiuts &~S J S.7. EdsaII DProfit Down. o flne goods sold for lower prices than we are now-m aking Ge«tlemsn's, TYisses> and Glildren's Boots and Shoes. Comne rider at the value we grive. Fine goods and pienty of themi. re te find what yoU want. Come in and s"u the& best of irg in Boots, Sboes, Slippers, I>ubbers, Trunks,' Valises,~ etc. e, Trusfy, Serviceable 'GoojfIs marked at Rocki. Bottomn Sigu of tise Big l3oot drawn by Tire Herme. the organ fend. Te"Surprise",, ON WJISI! IDAY. ,Takes out the cJij makes "the Ws sweet, clea, h1 w tOaveS thé.handS 86 ancismooth ; withot boing or seaildtng. Surprise Snap Cali ho used iiuythiug ; everywheIre; iniàwa; n D When yourc-,rne to Tcoronito, Yoige Sticisanrcýetin and, and sitting r obr you ; telephione, tcegraph and nmail facilities. Your parceis wilI bc cared for without charg-,e. W/C try to rn1ake you 'wCItOane wehryou buy or flot. You know that thcre i-sno .worthy thlingÏ for war'or 1101-11 use but we have it. If you cati't COrne to the soe write for waee o at sarn- pie or goods. 'Shopping by mnail has corne to be- sîili and Certain. A fcw scratches of a pen, and ail the facilities of the store arvours. In short, we sIhQp for -vou as wc would for on-rselves, aid Stxch service ecsts yo nothing extra. T . EAITON C 0. 190 te 200 longe St., Torsnt% IfliS is the walfy with the B. &C. corset: if you want case and shapelixiess, you buy lt-but you don't keep it unless you like it. t After twd or tbree wteeks' wear, you can return it and1 have your money.1 For sale by Coucii JOILNSTON& CRY- DBMN. to LOAN at 5~ anud6 per fri cent., topayoff OL)IMOR~T- ro: GAGE , avarnces on SEC-..Le OND MORTGAGES, and to vi- purchas'e farrzi. NO COST "e for applications. NO D~ELAY W] or incorivenience. Loans can Mi be arranged AT ONCE with of rny Local Valfiator. FARMS Pli bought, sold and exchanged. pal AGENTS WA,-.'TED. ste WRITE or call for parti- 'y- culars. hai Mr 'à 63 KIN'G ST. EAsr, e TORONITO. Mr ÀIM.W* L. WARID, ineurance Agent,.1HO Hampton P. 0., or te him on Sstnrdays at Toi Bennett Hotel Bowmapville will receive of1 prompt attention. G,. Gat ]M-inard'sLiniment ,for Sale uvrywhere Lai Two YEAits Au4).-Two years ago 1 wasMo tronbled wlith .1n ulcer on ny ankie, ha- e usad B. B. B. for bad 1lo procuredaa, bottie and a box of Burdook Uual~ig Oititmènxt. Af Ler nsiug, 3 botlas.ind 3 boxes £1'ias eomplotely cured. miXs. W. A1 V. Boyd, Brantford, Ont. o ]ENflJEH TUE 111.009bytise of 310. pain bura's feet, Iroan anld Wne hlehapVI - les lb. eessary bleod buiding iaster. aL ingredient 3Sarapar'. bLst of its I the roots ýd, person- it retained hase until d, every> La viuw to vhly don't s visiting hon e....M.G . residence by ith View Vil'a ...Mr. John rions state cf isy doing road eureci,1 Balsami ,di~a - ýs ald ýce yoil its euhl fi-ce. e third Every VOLUME XXXVII. UBER24 HAMPTON- CL ABRKE UYON. Rev. R. McOullooh is attending 0con- Mr. Wmi. Priingi i building Mr. J, (ference at Napanoee.... Mr. John Cow- Ptrker'd stoxie wU.. J. Jerome ling is making extensive fmuprovemnents will pa3tuvoe Mn. gWlch'is farmi for te iii lis barn bjuilding.... On J une 4th sunir.... .Our populaèr dreas-makers, born to Mr. and Mrs. 1. L. Brown, .a son Mns. A. Samiisand Mies E. Saigt are ...Mrs. ARIh1eY il rapidly improving iii busy . ... Farmers wfili 50W large quanti- health.. . .Mr. I. L. Brown had a large ties of buckwheaM .. . . Rcent 'visiton:- swarm of bees on June I.... .. Mn. John Mr. and Mro. Alfred Alujin, Mr. and Mnrs. Foster, Mjtnvers road, is pai3turing about J- Jeweil and Me3ter Norman Northeotie, 70 steens on lot 15 con. 6, a littie north- Bowmanville. east of hiere,.. .. Dr. Laniiman'a big horse broke through the bridge at the cheeso factory ons3 day last. Mr, T. RN*'IELD. Rowe had the bridge repaired forthwith Sunday and Monday next ont Method.. .... .Mr. Lewis Johns fell 20 feet off a jet friends bold their anniversary. Past- building in ;East Whitby, Saturday, and or SandEýrro3 preaches ut 2 pnx. and the was very bad]y shaken up; no bones newly alppointed 1'ro3byterian minister, brokeni. He was brought to his homae Bey. J. B. Melatren, B..A., of Ooluinbua here and is doing well. at 6.30 p.m. on Styzd:ay. Ci ouie there KDNi Youit Ows BuS,,iNEss.-Tho3e will bu collectione,. Big tine expeoted men aiways succeed beat who mind their Monday. Lively publio meeting begns own business. The reason is probably at 2 paîn. wheu eloquent s peakers will because tlwy meet with such littIe coma- hc4d foMxh between the choir anthems. petition. Inipenial Cream Tartan Bakino About 4 o'clock tes will lamin and the~ Powder is the ninat succesrfai baking Enfleld Lidiea kniow ight well hou' to powder in the market because it attends serve. Everyboiy cDome. There will b. to its ow-n buisunes'. It sells on its own a. grand tinic St night at Che c,3nocrt, wheni inerits, not by abusing other similar pre. talent of a superior order wilj, ontertain parationis. al who ea'n get in Waie i-3 door. Therc SOLIJVA. Visitons: Oapt. R. L Worry, A. D. C., of Cthani; Mn. A. H. Chri.stiani, Suir- b-oro; Mr. Jon. aud Mis Sarab Awciû, Newcastle; Mr. and Mrs. Johnl Pa7coe, Wcset \Whitby; Dr. and Mrs, J. M. Brin- acombe and Mi sa Bniznacombe, Mn. sud Mms.Sýepb. Washington and Mr. L. N. H~ogarth, Baxwmanville. . . .Mr. J. B. R~eynolds has passed his second yuar'a examination Mt Toronto University with honons. . ..Mn. M. NW. Pascoa will ,write for a third c1ass ertificats aL Bowman- ville in Ju....... .Open entertaininent et the Son's Uil Friday night. Ail wel- corne.. .. Mr. Thos. Pa2coui truating his honnie 'Fairviewv," occupied by Mr. W. R. Tonkin, teachu.r, to a coat of paint.. .Mr. W. G. Cowle and sister have i e- t urned to tfieir houle ut Eddyetoiun... Mr. W. Wurry hias been importing som)ie umore thoro-bred swiue, and lias eold soute fine Short Horus recenitly. The patience of a 3toic eftfl ho easily is goiug t b)ý a jani, se hoe eaniy. Ticket3 for tua %2-5 ; conert 1,5c. Proceýds of cuncet f rognfundl. RIGIL TI I LITNB DARLIMi G'T 0.N. Mr. andtd Mrs. Wm. GIîbert liv~ oa Burr, of Cai.sarP7a, rcently yîaied .son~ John. . ...MissMai3 e r i3Izhame froi the ......... Mtrs. Wm.Totflfl7, jun, ie recovuninîz omher athack o? la grippe. M.. vrs. Mary Gilbert îis suffuing fnoyn the Eame ailmnent .. . .La grippe haa3 not kept Nelson Smiýh froin going ont with the gun). . ..A very sýerions3 fi,!ht occurre& at the rusidence of IML. Wmn. Toi diff, juim, between Mlr. J. Hunb and MnI. Ww.e Panish irbo fougbt busm bravely. Firat round P. went domn but thao brave felleow votoi epr tnoseeot o lia.week.Mr A. S. Wley, Suior Medical ~ Narnes in orden of mutif sud eniy the studeiiý, xwaslîieooieg aftor thu Dr'a etol t the period o f rst threa lu eaclh disi given:-Sr 4-C practico in hie absenue. .. Mrs. N. Byers riflea" dsesee pailul r-Campbell, C Sanders, M Welch; Jun 4- haî returned h,)oeafiena pleassuiittrpi lan iseaion, pnlcurat r T Ryan. A Gardiner, L Penfound; Sr 3- Markhamn and Port Pennry. Mr. Byeris "Favorite Proýcription FM" r,( olad wCd)eua;J iii not bu able to take, any more youug ~huwek r itas~ r-3-E Brant.., W Soue, J MeLaughlin; ladi-rs to the Sunday Schoot teag ncw.. us the blod, that >'eari cf S - lmnESînn od Mr. Johni Brownanid family are going ýyenit are ad~de1 to life. 2AMoLaughlin, F Fraser, G Sand- to r,movo -te Sîmuoo Connty. They are urs; Sr Pt 2-F MeLauglillu, B Greuper, good neijghbors aud useful citizens sud (W Stock, O Sandens) equal; Jr pt 2-H will b)3 mnoih ised .. .. Our viliege fiag Bp, INEZER,. Clemnens, E Skinner, A Pollard; Sr pi 1i s flying ut haif mueit titis meuh in houcE any of the Ebenez3r Sab.-C Hambiy, W Simipson, A Jioidgu; Jr of tise depanted Premier .. . .Our Natîera- ýill ba heiçi as folowr:- Pt 1-A Crueper, J Biliani, L Hoidge. list, Mr. Jno. _Vounuý, eaptured a brook îer, B. D., cf Port Hope Naines of thoae who attended every dav trout rouday lettwe meaeu,-irg thin. eo times on Sunday Junu cf thse month:-C Catnpell, M Welch, E to>n aud a baU lie 2.30. p.m., and 7 Branton, J McLatughliu, R Biugham, E ________ th mat., buginuing at 2 Skinner, M Clem-ios, G Sandens, F Fra,-- iay scholars ill f uruiseh un, F MeLauaiii, B Cre pur, N,î1Stock, il A YDON. rami of soDg. dialoues, re- S Sinipson, fi Cloeu->, E Skiinner, A Mr. and Clinke cf Allandale, ansd short speeches are ex- Pollard, _M Sanders, C Hlamly, W Simp'. who f ormeriy reeildA hure are hue at bis Rev. Messrs. MoDiarmiid son. J. H. AmeN, Teacher. mother's on a visib. Miss Jennings of Oshawa, Baker and other -Miss Taylor of Toronto, is a vielccmu Pontypool about seaven yesrs siuce touk pets3 for tcs 25 cents; Rueut at thse pasenag.. . .Miss Emmsa their home as.hurs sud7 unto her a son its A ruai old fashionud Boire, Mrs. Ed. and Mien lIna Moses and iras born about six yeanî ugo. Siace that ted Con. n rows. issMade nsuursnl3owmianville, tinie the hsappy. quarte tt haebcu li- :>unïdancoeof provisions. wuru visitiug fnieude herc. . . .Our cheoken ing at different pointi anad for somnetime HgsnBDitiNti-A SpsuýNa playens got nathur badly beateti at Boir- at Allandale. AÂtsut ix weeks ago Misa ie drggits tel Us that nianVillu on Saturday. Buturn match te Jennings ieft for hur fitiser'a home in y for the new cure for con- bu played hure Saturday, June 20th .... Pontypool,bnt the.o Clakem r used te give Bisk-hoahache disoovered Mrs. Jos. Hawkey and Mii4. Minnie Up thse boy. Wherà they cania-here to îe. It ib' said tu bu Oregon Werny have baon siclç... .The cutting his mother's on a vlit they bnôught thea ret remedy in thse fat west open cf thse S. A. drui n sd putting uvery boy with thera. Miss Jenningi and her iplainte) combined iti thiug te confuspion in the harnacha iras a father came here s, Iew days ago about nd made for use by peur- mnean piece cf business sud it is a pity the noon, upiud oct t kind and while the water te draw ont the miscruantt could net b 3 caniglit and tauglht Clatices wore at dixiur, aliese cceeded -ini il1s nt 50c. and ?l a pack. a soere leson,... .Mr. Victor Cole taika capturing hier boy who mas i, *.hc gax- 1 Lane'u Faniily Medicine. cf taking a tnip te Cleveulanid, Ohio, soon. den playin., suad gsroat mas their surprise Whtil n. uruey sud saf ereur ».... wmisen tley heard tue boy iras oe )$.UA WA.While Mr.and Mrs. Jas. Hodgson irne James, algusgu wasvj very strougfoa )8~ .4W4.returning froin town ou Wednesday aset uile, îlie welst te town te Su3 a lawyer illke has buen visiting the herse teck fright ut a 4a) jumping but found tha t isither e climh coula. bu . Mra. M. C. Lang, To suddenly atit sud tlhrow tbem out injun. butter proved tissu father's. visiting in town. Miss ing Mn. Hcdgsou prutty badly in the lowr-_________ Mra. Isac Thomas are, un part cf bis face. Medical aid wa lu Toronto. Mliss War- prcm)ptlyd callud and an operation being ITEW0A8TE ier sister Mrs. C. W. Ir. performred on his 35w î1Sw patient is noir -Mr. CGdo. Baker continues Very ill. Mra. T. H. MeMîllan has dcig as mIlse catn bu expectsd . .. . Ca Me. Gao. Onrti. Liî onni again a? 1er or bother in Pont Penny. Friday lat as Mn. T. Scott was wielding his Pick SDel... Mnr 'red. Chaud ionlhas Mason. lis beu .guC. a sledge hammer his mon Herbert, a lhttlO gene on a trip t'> British Celumbis suad I Masson. Mrt. . C.felîcu' cf thrue yuara, ra uin pbehind bis tePcfoOet n uhBoi >, aî ue visltnghonfatersudrueived the3 fult fonce of a iras visitiug Mn. Wright, barristur, hki Capt. Nichels3on cf tise bleu' 1 iisf Iloed him te tise gnound, brothur-i-lau' .... .Mi&i Hoirdun, Pon. iugt was Is towanouecnt- cnîtfing a deuepügasis in bis cheeli but pro. Hpb iiighnsîeMa hs ~. udMis HzelElis idntialiy did not kill hlm entnigit s Wimt. 4n Saniuel Alexander, 6f -n frtieuda in Toronto, in thse dcor' s opinion who stitched np Kendall, bau gosse on the excursion te, liss Ma8son irere visiting lhe mcnd ould have bes thse cise hiad Clgay .... At the Trw,,stees meneting con 1ngton aset week. Mns. tise bleir buel ruceivud in tise foreheoadMoayMs t'îalyasteh.wa , i viitlg er litr,... Credit j,4due thse youngen enmbensrsed-0 Sh'e nom nçoeivus $500 per Ia, Jeas. Lukae bas return- for the interest displayud in the geog. auuum .)o~ W.BlcfBokia at Kingstons. Mn. John naphy match on Thuraday evoning lait, Iu to w on Monday. .. Mr. Thes. John- , 'Vts in tous receiy. espeeiaily te tise viiiting brethrnnfrom itu fNpaepn athtswh ýey &rd daughter, Pont Solina te onu of whom, (Mn. Thos. Audo) sien,' W.f. .&lneus..,. Whoas thatrsn md~ ~ ~~~~a Mn.A l enciaivuis the honor of? ainIng tise victony er miti tise lon>g ecat who necuantly tcok teon rucently tise guestg orM.w , efcnsid's id.. ,Tiro foot-- mois a fancy te our po4ieuman ... Rv. Wm. Byain. Mns. W. lbalI matches are expectud on Satnnday J. Thom is attending confurunca at Nap- La Mrs. W. S, Brycu, cf nuit. One betiruen Orone and T.yroueance .. .. Lait Thuriday monin, the vil- e thse guesti cf Mn. Mo-j sud ise other, that long lookud for returnlg baeyiotpjes~.M. ah.Mn.O.Hsselwodmatch ils Salein. ... Two very good on- Tuer, the baker, i3 reuiiding suïd lu a ipit cf Simqcoe Street thodox surmena mere pruaoisudlieru on short tume il have evunything in rus. àSabba th morniug sud Sabbath lait; i tise morning by Mn. Ed. niug order again,. . .Manly mure the ne- ddfelillus ii hold thein mard Canu suda iiitheseovuning by Mn. J. greta uexprusaci mâietise noms cf tise i oen y on Jnly 1,14h. Higginbotham. Prumier'a duatis came. Mn. W. T. Loch- ------ 6--hart, M. P. P., mas ln Otta,,îa en tise mi, 445 Bloon street, Miusrd's Liniment for Risoumatiani. memonable Friday upon wiiir i John "'Have uîud your Dur- waî stnichun dowu, aud iras in tise House ers for constipation and TiUE in COLOI of lise blo0utdi sla esuetoCoinmoons uhen tise fouse adjonrned with great Fucceas. by the. trou il contaira. snpl,17 tise trou on neceipt cf th nuire of tise Prumnier's e~~~ wheu lcdidosu.usin uer Ublinws feef, lnos . tlWn'A69. AND jl esl fe ITOR AX 0' it SPRING andi

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