laEI, Id, l ern ,eoer .inodîetU iliiatelyfieefl bevcra0 whioli mysave conIstituito-IiO my ha gýradua,ýltÏy bulî Up intî.1 stogenoigh t set eery Iendency u Èlileense. Elilin d1rede f s 1bito mlde r flotiaig arounf'i is iretdy e ttckIore there is aak pe4nt. Wo imay escape p4ny"a a fatal ehaft by iýeping curaev ll foýrtifiefi with pure blevoCi aîd a poel orsr framo.""Civif rrvcc Qazetîte." air: p!y with boîtýng water or milk * oz: only ie packýets. by Grocers.labFelled1 thue: R1ElNT,-Fo&r termin 0f years, "Glen * )lii"-300 'acres, 2 mniles frei Wbftby- or ds.lry. Chance for going, exenDsIvely imb Taroanto millt buleis p r stock raieing foi Dseein marker. Men with capital only Aüed aPPW. J. H. Dow, Whîtby. 32-tf', RAVEB~ENFAVOIRED WITB J InalintoséifsoUby privazeosale bý the' executors cf the estatoe?f the la8te Puceau Malcolm. the o suth-east 80 acres el lot 17, con 4 Darlinqtén.on whlch le erectofi a hauso,ftrame barn, drivîng bouse and stable, etc. About 4 acres of frtý clase orchard. -Terme easy as il muet ha sold at once. LEvi A. W. TeLE, ealos Estate Agent and Auctieneer. 35-tf. E'ARM FOR SALE.-130 acres, cons _92 posed of ffluthi part of Lot No. 19, Brokea- Front, ard l bre tilsfrom t'ho Town of 13owmanvitle. Uiiun tIs atfret tho oiunby of hami. It le in a higlh etabo ai <ulivatten and le weil feuced Ouý the pro. raiGS thoro Ici a Stone dwelling, MWo large -stablig for cattle anld hnrps, ,dsree wells and four citernr, alec wiiinill for paipicg water, For fnrthe5r particulars Lpply on 1h pro mises or if hy letter ta Hznav tyMA N N. Baw Matviltle31t F /tERM FOR SALE-Consisting of 31 tion of th.e tw rBi anul.There là e goofi bouse. barn and stable 0on athé rmss aIse about 1 acres of youug orebard cow ho- pining ta bear aianat rucnicg erealr af WtO;r crass9es- the proparty. flverytlinj gocd condition and ïttoof cltivatibn. Tihe Pr1ePerty wllhs, sold ciIea and on easy terme ai p îyment. Aiiply taL. A. W. ToE,or Tlos Sliozt Bowmianvllle. Ont. 46 FAMSFOR SALE. i do('ý(o will purchase 76 acres 01 wlth good bouse andi good y lered. d-1 will purchase goed home $ .i bOuv on 4th con-. Dsrlington.ean- taicIu;g 109 acres. Rood stone hanse, gousd ont- will p ,purchase >oeo th etfarms bet weec Bow-ýmanvillo, and Newcastle oontainug 150 h)j~('('~wil purchase 100 acres 0 fai Manvere, with good eloclarofi, good soit., 4Oacres of lend considered te be oe eof tIse hest ferme on Con. L DarllgGoc.goad buildings, good locality and flinsbb sol. For any, of aboya prapertios LEVI A. W. TOLE IboaiEstate Agent asud Auctiaceer has just received a large aIS- sortîmIenýt Of Ca l and seo bier lrgdsock of La-e, Stri-wHale, Ladlies anJ i lid(re-a'eDresse Hlale, at 35 cs. e. ch ; aise av large stock of nsd Engulish l wrsaI very low piices ; Ribbows, laces ýýand Feathers in ail1 the latel haes Plussf-e eaU and insoPe0t befere purchasj- ing eewee DD1JcA I rL-gRd. ssaing.ard , d4calcoItpgas 01th~e 1Jite4 £±tates. Forer Fi#4v Y4ýaFws Onafn sI ireviig-o oswr We have, frot ilsoresaccnrate and O fn unnre!nptoby ee The glowing words of Sir Daniel Wilson, MRs. Wrl' LOWS SOOTING SvpuP lbas been cositet ccuns Ie x~aod waling -along La country roisd. One of lhm, wtTen referriiug tile ether (day te the -Llper- iuse*d by ruIilins, nnioiberw fer er chilfire brokeii of youtr rosI by a 9ek 0!jChFifferiu riin tlhe ad avage, as pean ag-village.Fre L1Kc's f1fflier was a -lîhtl'ly ta be, ptesidei, smaggest, 'but by way of and crying with pain fiCuttirig'Pueth ef I are aiu n akaadoefarner. hey wre partîcular fricni, and j ontrast, -a receut article et tite New Yrksulýfjad get a b,,tîIo or "Mes W Viipstow's d)crhib ifuUly. A piece et buffale robe f W ahote' esani'e ntiemdclddlgse is ntdSehung Syrnvi"fücs hlld'-eseteethtng. 1: wttl easaddle, if aven se iucli wa- 1e a lglt adthse siadows I'States and their stauding on flhc cou- Depeinl i poln it, moters, tluce e p îrino cer oftwitedhae lshe arus~ ie oferetthe tees werc sharpiy distinlt ou tIhe ntofEtellroe. Acceriitathe Sun about t'. IE cues -Dîarrhoa rnlîe the servd f risd bridie. Whunt- rud ýavryfw ~ tec~soilens tkiseG imus.reducels Fli Il naion sUld ii, ing c, as a i, ie, the dawore orckow hrighit fhli noon is Isaid Fr halive any standilgrinEuopor have thee gil- tre cdelg y t Iso 1 $ yso uaughitbut a ,breeci-loth sud iocasins- rc,staing ii, till ilt -1ok lit it. "Aiid tiiplousas recogtit.euT. WThegreatiInsjority "Mrs 4 se' otmn yu"1rcede neot te lay stress 0on paint acd feýitliers -sud (how routndi. !lt looks IiIke a bal" are eonïdened as, Iaclçlng ilprelinlilinary ttiSiSgisplasar e Itete and isthe carreila bfiao sinwliýel li thevY abli'assenfted Walter. I"How tiarge edutcatio erien sasdeficienit in 1hos- mie pysicýians udon urfies hlhe Unidbetei carred abufale kinwhih hothre abut .reclircentsas pesciptin cfeueed tse ldesî tinlhd beiet t hlis sheulilders or let laii troct about hie de yen t1ihilthbc e nu le i, Fred ?" Walter pital facilities for ettidents, las requi]ring 10D0 files; 1 '25 centls iaboUle. 13ficl&by aIt waist. IUc was ottenia splendid spocimnen was Ia litho incliud te be pr)iggisbi. short a lime fer actuivi preparatien, alid as i-lugisî is reu,ýjj llut i- w,,r. id. Beu e esud He had neyer thougandhtt î bout e hi. "relicsold }'ntsu ficeiently lesttusg tise qualificatiuve akfr ssW of; forn'oSvup et mnly lrenth sd acii"--do't-koll" bu t l l iltemauibetore couferring on iît te lgee eatspdilrploahttmeae a Mohaw 1 " exlaimied'Benjain West ïeInv l' nert h abpl lt lrge-a a Iod ot dctor Tiese trucure tis- Su beseve setsus Uhnesaree whele, hotiret behield lfie Apollo Belvedere. tsize ilk-»aMutn aotis" g--sv go o te luThesan e t ud accouahe is for st ivthtlwistn ,A beavy ývhip, with lkberu hiandfle and ized Ha Us-a i i!> " tobcingheman d aller, "Ans fi-th knott(ed buill's-ide lais, lhug by a los te mIl Ha!pan !d I isyý,i( w 'tr -Alow standing ef American institutions by.<ari. tise~iiII-fa Icdins wis.uHe sewIlti rr IsFrdit's zus big tise case witb whicb cihaIterys Sfor sueIs ol- gaive fulli occupation te hie biauds ; ho miuet stewhele UnitediSae! oe are obtaîieid liste selili amibitionis guide hie pouy siti leg-s andiword a "Nensens*e I I 1d on'beiieve it, "'ieiclaredet 0,plsysicîans. says tisaIjournal : CAT&IUIUAL DA~sH~ aE- sun eyoi t neliec u i r* Fm'edeic, stontly. . It couldn't b.'Whe "Il Iiiibeen poss.,ile' fer any group ot NýEW LoETR.EATMENT. an rl e tsineliecean hetaîssîn bld aixor ihprctonsinltiyoria lie hadgiven it te do ise iriglit tliing aIthe l OU s50? esix~ ~ orî rigit lime. Thus islendeeýly eqipp)et Ibis " Father bld nme. Tisat iehosaid se in 'country lewis, desiroime ot ebtaining tise Sufferocrs arealot gecera'ly tisat supemb rider dashedi inito thie-isidt et a a lecture hie gave lise otiser day. A mnil- tities et profesisors andi etacqimig con-, these o ,ýeea se.3 are euula;g oeus, or tisaiý they' tise puny falo'dand believouil,"srepetedoFyepan !I'. suting practice lunlte nigb CiO t0r- are due te the pres- lice etflivim gparasites. anhe, otrfo nd heseatqu ik w erba, lý li'teivý,iIrejieb -doil.ganize îleeîeiiývs inte ame ica aculty antli enth isa lin insetbraco of tise nose aud anst su stnisce oset ebi strier sI 1"(itIid't knoseyen twere su ignorant, !lu engineer .a charter tlstougilthtie Lgea neaiî tbs ticoc' r~erl despite tise stampede et -he lcIllr.strîckec Fr e bosse rer herd sud ise charges ofthIe enrageti sud ,Hreierick returued Waller. lr u wrn test efrtegreos b leu- as pvovei this te bea atact anti wouuded bulle, lbut fese accidenits lever c- 0w tiare -,enl-" seitis license te r cactise. Tise charter le rul fi ha ii curred. Tise Ind1bin on horeeback bas ninety Frrederick was just ontise peint et flying easily secureti, sud wîsîauy serte io euf ttsdscvryi ta il lives, net nine. Hie ridiug ije net an art ?t Mte a rage, seisen, ioeking dese tfise oad, et guarauitee liaI tise propeo t teiere !pie ,u; bas beoci fl tomuated wislere- htntr.le happenei te sec lHIarold sealkiug tosard E1sseýserte rudiments ot ain education c yetrroraarildauseat e The ndia Ms eve devlope a ysten thm. ave auiy isospital connecîlemi, orfin tacýt any fVer aro poriia'eety ciell ili one t)r et training hie punies. Escis mac leacises oHarold seas ls eider li-tbisuitberv0 e ieailities svhsatevem for giving proer iin- thmee si- leapplications matie et lsessse1 bis ewn te suit hiniselt, sud except imiita- ether boys. He had net iceis at scieol any stmuction. by tie ulitenv~esi i uwI ;eek4. lîiu, or a certain Crick.hoe by father te longer. Hie tatiser Il d littho time tb gîveAAs a resuIt ot this lascuess on tise part oft N L.-This tiIrampant is net s sousud isu peretuteti tlsre ae nua imlectu:-esou'iaistronomny, but lh ad auiscgisle;atures, medical ciegsinftise United niIra i et;btshv i- but individual Iknaeklu ilhorsemiaisisip. Tise HaroltItoobseýrve endremiemiberwhiat liý,teew. States have mutltiplied luitil tlseyDnmber atr-diasinjuions. A pampi et ex- plains pony was quickly tai4glit afler a " Harolti," calleti redmik, Watem is preseel 135frot u seicsetween tour and i ii - -ne, d ot r- rougis and readytfashien, stuerêby crcnîtyingte miake ime believe oeeoethisi seen- five thousauti young iniedicos are auunualli egIi eeleteti ett ~i~ kauea; nsmaui' e ata it-drt iyan."-I rdutti owmretss ufiitI i iu eecep t etoratsro psIy p1) î2,y J. tha ]ýiiiies; Ii niilier I fat,, - IlWisat's lise troublIe ?" asked HUsold. numlber je te mneet tihe requimemrents ýftol ee a i ofyii .gi-iltd lwIÎ-Letaisilc t thise G. Dtxon &Co., 315 'West Kl g St. Ter- fieerik trof tse byaemtl iferabe s tse "IlWhy," saiti Fredamiekz, -sehuy hyisetise opeeplle, epeiayeeilg liaI bise Amneicans aa-Cmetîn tvoae flued shpterisoarubfeslrmeiesg î~ ged oullineoettie bronche. Ail her-ss-are eot witiictaIkiug distanlce, "a riy re ia paricamyietsynioelbe Sufrr tm taFa ruls more intelligent tissuMin supposes ; Ibose tisaIlise molon is as'big se tise sebiole UnJeited qsfeu by a comlparieun witi s orne ofet tiseshuldicetlyraiteaoe Most witbamen, or on which mac muest de- States. Didl ou ver hase sucs a ridictulons t Eropesu ceusInes. TIis mwshile in týise pende, Most resdiiy espond te traininlg,ant i flehstoiyv?" lUniiteti Stales tisereis e eue institution aile .4Sot xsýtSroi lice Indisu. sud lii, peut>' soeavemy day andi Haroti'tIouked at thismnu .a ,minute Iho- te conter imedical degrees te about everyl ail day comades. Beferetise Indian couhlfoehausmei "H ehidoyssy il 500,000 inIhabitIlant, Gran'bas eule for Homoe is a short sermon by a woeman, trade for or steal abit ho always useti th isel, Fed"every 2,000,000, Great Bitain one freeythougle neitiralchuetinmtapulpît. It is jas-mep eoruotsiu. Wti tie rpe II"Wby, I ~sotidthinis il ssae as big as a c'0l0i AsruIunayeefor' erY ago n ee, ant ise pretty sure ta blit yen lise loftI baud o bore againet tise neck levry larige milIs-panti. Weli"-seein ij, 1arolId 5,500,000', ani Fransce Oeeftee ever>i ,0,.eeeursiatvrta'b orceat Iun te one'sid hoandsgaveta pull te tumu te sie- "perbiape sa 11111e higger. Bel lise 000. ,Sing1uarY enouglisee-c1oos1001 rcrstace: " Tise hst tiiag le give te tise other, or els e sitdbis pony's crou p hlUntdSae!N bul or leete u:1loili ls yleiliýifgvic3 ;oal pnn, by armore or iess vigorons kick wsilis cither looketi cotemptuously aI Walter, seiseoui>'desebut selere tish xnee ititerriler>' 15 tolerance ; te rienti("1(, your heat ; tea, iseL Vbe bti bi budsserebus i~elanglietidaoi wy,"tot teicrateet. TIises Peunsylvaal ",wbicb id ciilti, gooti exaenp'e) ; te yeur fat or, (doter- reeleti enei uon bis leans tie uy'lie Well," began a jusi twistel1 as i'tpopiluseceMsuibs oîly - nce; te youir neiecoudiuet tisaI l kuoseoge ef hie business but, as overy nk uoset bosebig tiseeien really ili, tsx dcltcliessile tise latter bias touir- make ber prend, ofyon ; te youreelt, respect; Indian digs !his heols inte hiis orse'e tianits il-uiselbe n greal dfeal bigger thanilyenoi . But tise ares t Peuslvniaisme--te al mon,, chait>'." and lasises hlm silsthse qurietaIever>' lisinle, Fredeeick. Tisespire eou r c_1urcis1 4,00sqkiare cle seb wiIl tisa I isseuri Me. ,Spargeoie is severe on iniîsters nie isard lu see buselise-pony caugist. tlisaI jeisee itlitisoet nsy je69,000. Se teeMon csuet,,onet-underlake tise itias oethIis imeut -sacreti ou lu his meaning. Tise morecredît tle iftheiibouse ; anti cee iows ealiJ i t 1oe uVrmuat ou Hmas ae callinig sithoul proper qualifications. He quadrupeti. ijuet blecause ilflesu ofar up in tise air.tNu-se etiser about tise sane po>pulation as Oumo',, usedt Iis Isuguage ioeeoe bis, lectures te Tise tests oethtie Indian oetol-day, eucýi a s e iloon is a veey long seay off, Fred , s, il butise>' bhave altegether ,ouI>' six mediesi hie etideuuts 1" I)isard oeesay recenîly pickiug objecte off tise grounti aI a gaîîop uselho aI au>' ratesa gruat deal 1lar is elgs esl Oi eocsi iîe.Bt lat a certain preaciser baicno re rifle for or hangiug te eue side ,of h,biisrs, cton hto eprap sie l se e bobs ee>1 >l0 surthtie miiste>' tissu auoyster, sud in my cd ail but an armnandieg,sebile -lesooîtbî i-;aI least tish "at-estissu tiese four States taken 'oiln kjntgmnit tisaI -ias a lander on tise ccemy Irons belsîntilishe rning -ram!parî Ha1rolti spuke liiiIl>'. Holieicuitpoi,,;But se1 hile Amîricanes bo are jealsi'o e eir oyster, tee tlsatseoetisy bivalve ssoses great seere equally perfommii lby ie ar-sc tively klnos anyling ab)out tise moij, aintice)uuîry's repuitation are ceyig eu t, anti net dis,-crtiou iu bis openirsegeanti kuossluen ancestur : Tise latter seas -seont te braiti hie ouly compareti il silis otliser tbing,i s oseiot.raon gan01ie01%,ia isrc coe" isoseemnenîologlupîisoubsbihi sasilishe babil et deingI, tee et mnanly et their medIcai ohe],i e-______ coul t isnt bis arru lu pi-eserve bis balance, Bols isth er beys auistanti .jeered grlaifyinll u iCalinadsste os lu,w t secPi , 4 PilaetI ]tC:htcg Pilaes te boî1ti is leg. Tliseolti haro-isoleridier tlisuglit il si) emaîl, anti Fretirichlsisentelcge ti >'tit ftie ueuCIy 'ign;metanis;sereyecacîu btas nloseçiaport;il neete ict ua short Ibeesuisýe Hrlithsouglistit 50 bi)g; i tie>' eiicis lire scndl Ijoe ni s (cor iinentIl il cwod o e1ac tusti ores sehiýCi conlact vi itîLsci-iztinte abuse i theliseser os sumuclis ýebomainacd theill ed seilsaie rgadtisitî i epet> e , dcducort.b--nsu cysr disu eaurecilec h ieshah o1 oe osa a h-.Btshci.o ieoc eIel emnauti a moreloougis C-, e1ýÇ S) li ilii teol rie a yîoisieganti rythin wbi7 - ,sîisreioyeaho letiiis t insliived o quailNilauewh esn1esd tisoîrrem the mîmg la a eTiieytr os12 yaee up o ____bi _____________ Il- tues befre.1 nîriusg upoîs sussIie liederaApinRflco, miiluet ut lIse sedîgthudntists o11 ieccution Bit I; ,lýc e, oto.Tissoldssevr ,vr' li lo ie eum aniar wit ever>' ou>boin Oly ao, u- U'iù' Oo esigce- ixtun uti>'ac r e- liseil tudseiIIisprbalelistois las av WeTiaIyentheli hiuk isi ee e lt ti proose lu close BelsriusgCVer, Sea for aIlip0rioti I T. ise setbtle v r>' green i il OrqLit ho 'Dock" lali dI ust bewouseve dseo tseflus e yss u rdr o ilwtie eae o eli-_________ sunikec shce b' per ue ani Ihole is oseoIshu ogyPI ',at tsa ae li Silwueud1 nu indussbr> le tie heras "dcleedhaîL ueLb ' e;t i Pboebe peuntbi pi uer liilispute aststhcmîo po' t e~pil2 ejule.ý Somehhýîng elIlt a sns wi aIii ba bin po hl assdeother i erut he isln r>l Mroeriieththi "hBr;s1Ieusir ~ ~ sj Ànmilu cuctsg tsocrk e ot ohn uesin u h~cn Ition etlse cea'Iie!!, 'mi T Vîs d, cacsmn oWiianiL. 5id aanant ijl. bttis lu wa ldbv dcnett snlarrsn.A El Eusontschreu"tolig"setle qtafus, ctihotitutsemsrtail. aleretfiiBitiuivaouuIs neet et iv hrse. eiaite o vienho as uaiiceticb-y edoi peueviZgtie cai n i tie nieI cmuelî>'oetIbis "tati" oiug oLts e lisethe snierlue nigveipoeaceinsuriso'-nteuo ieevanienl pani Stmmehr' nitieoealo inui>'------------------es>;iu'smi' ie-u--rrnaîl - Gi-ve théznk5 for ils discovery. That il docs not mnake you sickz-hnýU takze iL. hn, Gîve tak.That itis three lin ý,;a> efficaclous as the old-fasliiled Cod liver oïl. Giv-e tkafiks.Thttsuh +ot- fui flesh produicer. Give t/anks. Thatitis the bestrcený1y for l»upiocouk, f3ro0nclitis, »'azSing »s- eases, Coeeyk'S «d Cold4, De sure you g etL Ic genu tile in .al mon celor wrapper; sold b)y ail Druggists, at 50C. and $r.oo. eIe~ .COTT & BOWNF4 A. A. BOWEMAN thoe whoIe cf his machirery, StLock, etc., ta IPORUT 1PERR U-Y on accetunt 0)f the receiiÈ flood,. andig1 nomw Xrepared for businessR. Tverity-flve thiiiad pounds ofvçool wvnnted, for which thehghe prie wiI, bc pai .Cnistom work a iepecialty and al work ýgnaranuteed ta be donue in a tirs. <lasanmenuet'. A ag tcte iufca wooled goocfis tprints, cottons aufýI ~ntldry gooda aways on banld S± reaobla lpiics tha 'wel-known Ittýlle. ard Yeu wil always ho iberaily deaît with. 23-lyr A. A. BOWERMAN, î-REn AL N Ci$DA Pic Ieaace mu rliev Ilte rube ci. doi.t te(o biu s ot -f the cy il-11cbas eating, Pin in, ceSI, c Witeteir muet reescekIable cecresIse beau ehowu ILI curiug He vcu, .lOav s era ui5 raî are uqiyvlasec Conpl' ui t,,ey c'ecrrcli dsodeeo hotnal Achetlse wuuul b elmostprlcete toe but voîmceyC i edea~e u e tuera anti tho' su ho oe ,efr'onenu iii fieli tlbese ftlilevhahai s ayaCIa t'he", vwili i b i h iîlnug buduo vtotte Butarciter 1 'i 5kC beati