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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Jun 1891, p. 1

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lite RMB :-S1.50 Pua Â1~3ius. .lauaht OUR TOWN AND 001 RIAD .&JTERW.ARDS. M. A. JAMES EDITOR AND PILOPRUETOB, BOWMANVILLE ONTJ P n 1p JOHN'STON t& CRYDERMAN tuuliI HAVE'OPENE]) OUT 0F Ew U'M £8f cver sli-own 1by auy, house in West IDurhami. Everybedyf Invited te (Cail and SeeIt. 'OQUCH, JOR8STON & OfiRERMAN,ý 'Bowmanville, blarèh 2,1891. 'Osto Door West o! Post Office. U I E We ha-ve jD1, WIILE receiv,4i KKs fine lines of Ha,;tb, Anineak'lýd 4-iron Wire. A srnart fellow has madeý poýpular ithe phrase « a postal card -,vil1 do;" applitd to shop- pi-ng by mail T-Mnk for a irinutecff thetinie and ex- pense andburden of v, railroad Joerney cl idthen consider that thre arcrnoditificulties by -i2L, iir iniicyîtary kýor reýat , hich cannot lie over- cneif p)rdecpcr care iýý exer- cs<.Man»rv'ho have become> fa wrrrith the simnp[l. de- tails find it ofte-ntimes l ess troub esomet'an hüppji'-Ï i pe-rsoa,ý T. EA TON U&C-. 1 O 1t taMYlegeuo Mt. o o [/1 ÂAY, JUINE 17,1I891. ZUNE WEDDING. Methereil. Wilberforce-R. B. Rowe. PETERBORO DISfTRICT-Peterboro (Geo. IRWIŽt-TICKSONý. rge street)-Jos. H. Locke. Peterboro (Charlotte street)-Geo. Edwarde. Pet- ~'Very pretty wedding camne orf !ast erboro (Mark street)-James Thomi, B. 'nesday eveningý at the residence of A. Millbtook- t. R. Young, B. A. ~ilimThickson, COoceeasiOR St-, Lakefeld-S. T. Bartlett. Pontypool- imanville, when bis daughter, Amna, Hlenr McQuade., 'szited in the bonds of wedlor;k with It was decided that the Conference of ýS. R. Irwin, a respectable yeung 1892 be beld ln the Methodist che, àker, of Fenelon township, near Cern- Port Hope, on the first Thursday in June. A very lare co unpany of 'frielnds neighbors assemblad to witness the sing ceremony. The kmiot was %jadis- Mr. Climie's Poor Excuse.- ,bly tled by 11ev. T. W. jolliffe. The ni. was supported by bis brother, Mr. EDITOR STvÂvSUsrN,-Mt. W.R. Clinlie id Irwini, and Miss Minnie Thick-son,' makres a very lame defence indeed for 3r of the bride, ?ttended the bride. publishing latters written, with a view of 3r the ceroSey two e4ildren ýcf Mr. injuring a leading churcli and the minis- wi'3wera baptiooad abfeMr. Jôlliffe. ter thereof, by a man 'whose character as )ut fif ty pensous est clown to -a splendid astrife-maker in this town is welI-kio-wn, per after thte atuml «uongratulatons and as Mn. Clime knew the truc charact- e over. Tie bridai pmsents macle a er o! this man and that bis motive in display and lescludeti the folIo'wing: publishiog thre lattera -in question was' nrâom to bride, pold 'brm, elets; Mn and evillhe should have refuged to publish iW W Aluin, rasncy tfruit diali; Miss themi; uniess as it wou]d seau hie prefar,. ie Tremble, enugür effters; Mr and rad tb gratify thre wish of a single individ. 3John Panýin, lernonate set; Mix W ual ti the injury of a ministar and hs Wiiam., sialaan piteben; *Mrs 'ÈE L whole congregatien. Mr. Climie's un- lb, fruit stfandî; Mnr'1W 'H Williams, called-for abuse of you, Mr. Editor,. wa%, tien utaseaLilE; DMr suad Mrs P Davis, quite unnecessany and wrong, as you did e towels; Miss Mni fhcsn par. not write one word o! the communication, lamp; Mr D B Pog aruâ chair; Miss it having appeared exactly as 1 wrote it. fie i3urrovis, buLiterceoiar; Mr J,ýLhIc- if Mr. Cil ini wil take thB otrlvice of bis ly foldiîig chair4ý Mr 'W IH Kennex, friands, he will -stop publishing such a;: Mn sud Mlrs iLaewis Parsons, tlriet-t abuusive articles about bis opponents, as ýoelain ;Mn -, Mrs'tÇleo Varcoe, his readera have long sincs wearied of ry set;- Missý Nellieo Riches, tes trLy;, them. Abuse neyer serves for argument s Rbcds Cotton, Pair va-5s; Mr 5flt in the minds of intelligent people. 5W P Pour faiîéey ro-ker; Mr and J I wjsh to ask Mr.Clhmie: (1) If lie dos Robont A&-ý,ir, botuquet an1 vase; Men not know the witer of the lattera in es PearcL, pzesenac' dish; -Miss Bertxaj question is at vsuiace with the minis- so, chinàa fruit dish; 04aters Nor-~ ter against whom hoe wrote, aud (2) if ho and Joadaee pair vuses; MieF ~doas not kniow ilhýt another papar ne- 5A Yellow]es, ladý,y's companion; Mnrsfused tb publiaIt said lettans; and (3) if ha 1 Mrs W Thii'ksen, -(bridoïs parente), dosa ýsot lrow aIse th,,at the author Of 3xcruet £staad; Mn .Jamnes lrwin, Raid Ietterà is, trying tW cause trouble be- s6' fatber5, onuedosen silvar knives taneeni certain officiais of the chunch to ,1forks; lins James ',rwin, ((«ýroom's which 'ho belonzed ?Iif knowing thesa be), faocy bed sprear.; Miss 11aggie tiÉngo, es I have -reason tn believe lhe did, IiCamibray, weaiurcashmaere sbawl; bl&,oonduct cortainly belies bis professions Ydward Riches4 Canlbaay, go1i, coin; of goo)dwil to w'rds thie aminiaiteanxd iris Edward Richie, 4anilzay, bed spread people. As far as I eauà hear, thera i. toiet towels; MJmsthsC not.eina per8on n the ecoagregation wbo pjice box; MI4JnamasBiches,'Cani- does sot think MN. Clîmia basc 1 tha libe linen; Mr Div'& Irwin, hall part ai au enamiy l i bnshngthe>sa lat- Miss Bella rwnPoýrt Hope, pl*kSsh tars. SM1dhand.laerchiof holiter; Mn Jobin JUnê16";, 1891.PR1IT. ,z,7ii.11 ,or', Hope, é4h'er pieiklecruEL;j BiES, NuMBEB 670. Lir4dsay, 1silver breakafast azice, was fl51« *t haple Unove, Tueaday to tscrut Mrand lira Levi Morris, .hat.TheGrndW.P., W. H.,3ok,~t~~.nnx las Josie Williamm,, lieu.ey idish; !Tn~o n rn cieBwlo .1 1 lid for nthe iýUrs Lewis Lyla, gas ey Wdb, were peesent. A fain represent. tî,t st; o was present floni Tyrone andi So. tp ~~rt lMartin, calarY glasses; Mr ThM.',J. 11. ln 7- W H Banbury, breadl plat";os e.Th membersa eemned veny carneaý,t hantLoial to the li ros, fiested cheesoe dikAi' Mr in their efforts to do ail in thelr Po Ner te Rùv. Chas. Sing Downms,wiràe aet;Mr and Mrs Gao furth er tamperance worfr. The evening da evenirgç... ,fancv fruit dhahi; Mn and Mn. H meeting was largel3y atterded and gave cvîrelae , .11-er pickle cruet nJhn good attention to an excellent program Chaln sa h] caike ztand; M-r andi lre S G rendered by nmembers o!ftediffrEnt smah a fruit dîsh and servens. subordinata Divisions the principal amah a facor ein a enghyandj able speech tthe sad newa rc delivered by tlie Grand W. P., W. H. ta ahdba v of Quinte Conference. Ercolca. lahoadee aofQ --Officers elected for enÊiug) terni N ý Happily by1 eyo uinte lArthodiit fConfer- PJacob ;ed at Napanee, Junie 8th, et Jaidb Staen-is; W AI AMiss Carnie 80 beau sick with Tid Power; R S, Arthun PaacLce, Solina!, 8 VOLUME XXXVII. NUMBRn2.5, HAMPTON. Mrs. Bull, of Stirling, has been visiting Mra. F. Parr ait the cheese factory.... Mr. anid Mrs. C. Stoubouse, Bowtn- ville, and Mr. Frank Stonlhouse, Ottawa, visited at Mr. T. G. Sto nhouse's recent- I ly,... Misa Grace Rogers, Toronto, bas been visiting with friendt here. ..Mr. F.11. EBis lias erected a new barn on Mfi; premises... .A number of Young people froin Broolklin came hore one evening last week to ahow theïr good-will and re- spect for Mr. John WVestway, ar,, who bas resided there fory a number of yeara. TheYwere joined by the young people of this place, and presented Mr. Westaway with some valuable presents ptior to his, departure t ito'.A Very pIeasant. evenfig was pisâd. . . . Mr. Joseph TreI. aven lias the cham~pion hay field in this district. It looks very promising and shows what good f srming wilI do .... M r. F. la.Bi takes thie cake fo 'h ba kept garden. . .Mrý. Lewis Johui i3 pro- gressing nicely after his recint sucdden descent.. . . M. Johni Frice hacs servecI bià apprenticeahip wit!- nr skilliil black- smith,M. J. T. Clark, and returned to his home in Mariposa. ,frer afl. the best way b knowthereal menit ,f Viood'à Sarsparillai is to try it yuurself. Be aura t,3 get Hloodl's. A v8ry ~rosacdn happened to Olif- ford W. the four yozr-old son Mr, John Colwill, about 2 miles southjWeýt of the village on M ty 27th. Thlloittie fellow was playing ini the hackyard when lie tripped and fell hi eye coninini con- tact- with a piece of timber. Two 0a'mal spîjuters were taken out, one froni bis le! t eye close to the sight. Withi the skillf'al treatm-ant of his phy2icia and good nursing the litHo sàufferor 'i. doing nicely. 'Tbe tw<, older children hnave scarlet fever. 14-. Colwill also b!et a very valuab'e RoIsttin c~ !inflammat-%ý ion recently. A WELCiOM FANN-,ouçEMNT.-Those wh:) bave tested it says that for the grippe and esperially for the c-ugli thatI haDgs ou after the diseast-e it'ýelf seorns cured, thepre is nothing Equal to Kaemp'8 B:asani the specitic for alilth1roat and lung dlisea.. 1 130 and the beat cure for cougýls and çold3. The firat dose will conInc o of iLs. excellent eff..ot. All drug;is sel it a't5 f", and ?l abcttlItj n1efe BmST -o-;NE ARTEH. SU rP's ISE Te"'Suriprise",, ON WABX~>A~ Traks 'atftthe drý makes ""±he wash P sweet, lan, white; Ieaves-,eh hncseoft andlSyrio±h ; without bOillibr scalding. J ~~the directiQns REA.D on the icvrappcr. surpi1e 'soup .a be used on antig verywliere; anceverytiine. i --- - - --- l mà *'est "*-uperb *t9ek A@m&'INPRItYuO and

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