VTRCESDAY J INE 17, lihtlj 1T3q aeMaeMUIn Q anwe ' i eboies ise most rýý 0 F A N A D A. enîe efotoofte rdtacoib ~pitl~ad up ~,oooe. ~ o ~ TiseIPaj-tes t Ofi nalldy issue ThI.a Bank la prepared to d Lg i d SI",,tat>-1tof t)-a. not ieWs a auking in ail its brar.ches. ta afta uîe flwu" r Farera otee dlscouted.1; Deposts x'2e bidn iý\aýrLt o reý *iý7dAn njereSt paid 0on amo011Unts f 1I' iatbidn t asngocod $5 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' 7" - I Svng ak eatmtts ; yafund of humorý, oýf ptoof ro- lu Sving Bak Deli'tn" m an!sceu and of tri gedy wichmight .weil E) H A. F"g Sur he iseîoxelists of the world ssth plots i:sd -and Colltctious"~ee~ uosfralftne As a rule ise litti ifîventios-that is Uuitd Stteaand &nad. tose -Achsee e rely insignificant, W. J. JO IVES, have bro>ught! foctis the grea-«t forttunes. -C i'ma1 who inî'esîted. the tin rattie for b -ie -etrd with ~Ii0j P~11i& I'1~~tIinoe The rehurn-bsl, 'ehischc,îsisted of an Gents' (;'Iotliing ordinary rukbieror wooden bail t co atce.along elastie cord, was ini'ented C l2snLd, Died, Pressed and Repaired by by* a s ioeiaker iii New York. k met with 'T~T d"'1 1'A T 1unîiversal fai or, and thse mns who originat- T fLI. O S. P E )j 9 eddieidea fouad tisat it profited hins to Dyer and <jothes CIea.ner. thse exteot of $50000 per aonum. It is sadàby thoge who are supposed toi know, ktISTORIO BIOOD BTAÏNS. ~tiesUois -Iltarsel Id) caeofileeuç matiHydsery by fliceEgih (Jonnected wvith some of tiseEnlîisni cnry-Seates are lromiantie ýStoreCs cfstr'ange Wslîtnesee f tri-ýLCcelles cý;IomIttedimise distant pat. Ai dondover hiall, irpsre there is said to be a bl'ood stain whieýh basý bee'n there siince tise time of Helîr VII. adeunot be eicd codn to a lcltradlition, which lbas ;long been urrient ,il tise neigliborisoosl, itis itise blond nf Lord yKuevtt, tise ownier of tise' bitl aud est'ate attii period, wiso wes treacberonsly si' saimu bis on But thtis storys hschis "ntterly aari ncwihfcsbango tlise 1isstory o'f odoer, and 4t, owoersin, yessssgoae by , mîust be clessed amnng itlise Inaytaies oftise counntry. At Cothele, a sîsanisiomionu t1Àcise- bau of tlise Tîsmar, tise marks are ýstili to b es of tise blood spilt by tise lord of-tise massor, wlIen, for seine snpposed act of perfidy, be siew tisei warder of tise drawbridge. Netîsaniel FHaw- tisomne, ns on one occasion, enjoyedltlise isospitaiity of Smitisills hall, Lancashire, anid was so impressed witis tise %ell-kuo-wi egendl of tise " Bloody Footstep" tisat in three separate instances ise founded fictions upon 030jd4 wsrranted te be as nO nue wiii kurlw tisaIihe never secured a patent on tise de- A curions stnry is told by -Miss Jackson iniiC them from new irben doue, vice, but imstead bouglît np ail tise rubiser ber "Sqhrops3hire Folk-lore " of biood stainsj Co)rner 0fntKng and Ontario Streetîs, balls ini the msarket, atttached to them. thse et Piaisis H-all, near Cardingtou. Thsis le- Bo*oeanville. elastie corda8,.and reaped bis fortune irbile geud rmua tîat a party of lergy irere esstenu- _________________________________otisers irere iînstiiug around to find enougis bled one sight et plaisîs piîying carda. rubiser with wbich to comupete for tise Ail the doore irere iocked, when suddeiy prise. ~~they,burst open witisout euyapretcu. Xo .Qnea akg ules isere bottie-shopper, je a verY sisusple Agein tisey were iocked,"btpee cotues33 ru9eea antgBsm,8coniýtrivence, and yct it bas, earned anu UI- tiîey burat open a second tiinée, and sa third. Bomsvll rmnch. nieusei fortune. It mas inveunted and pateuted Themi tise old geuitlemasi appeaîed:Il ie4 ][EFOISÎT's v0, aan axiYued Chace Qilfelt, who suis- midst of tise Company, and tlîey alrs i Recslred J Savinge Bnit Depart entl y eqeui oid it fer $1,00 e o nue Carl Rtu- fled exceptiig tise ist, whlom iseoisr sali~N editea iwe . arnrae leit face to face witistsh um. Nu notie o wttdreai noes Ary Âl dsposlua lu tise ueantinne a msan saned Putuarnsever si sa atvret4ched nuan again, eitise1r VNsbauo demand, isad invented anotiser desigu of tise sanie alive gr dead. Oiy a great atain ofbodJ E X CâlA N GE thing, iicis ias tise detacisable mire o'ser shaped like a isuman form, was fosîndl on tie B 'lbse ~ oi4 nd rafs lsuedtupn ~ tise top of tise cork. Iu ane Y One Iufring- fluor of tise room, ansd d"spite al effors ts Uo itss.! 3tesand Cdaliso GuoidSilveranded upoîs tise other aendsalaewsuit was begun. mak"u e r " a-sdon." ve ttlssteaGreenibackeýbauzht and isold. But tise parties got togetiser, cososeidated s;ilce tisia occurrence tise huse bsbej VO L C IU~their intereste, and coined moneyx. iaunted, assd at midssiiglit a ghostly tr1p1) P T' t aee uretrtsuo iir One of tise remarkably "simple' isisen. of horses are iseard, iiis sncba nietsI o ý MDA uei rttain, r1;8 Pn lia tiens is tise cotton-tie. Fonmeriy alcotton inone can sleep. on cîcln Crtainada. United 'States and lise baies mere tied iritis rope, but tisera uvere Ts ouiimn kuowa irons tis e reflyt many objections te tîset process wisich bhs rîi m iebeo-ebe ia io a ~ca~gapssTran fers dredsof meus soughtto overcomuse, asnd at iast beîshsied tisere-a ibe sil i isuly vcreditP isss'eut s s t iMai Euma on ail Pa t one, by tisenmame of Cooins, iss'usted wiilat ed. Tîsus, anme yearsa.go, w ir. 1îstî " (scada. 'Iis s eepecialyadvantageotss o irs knowneas tise Ilarmow-isead" tic tor anIliJu otarRiaceo j! ee '~s,u iiMantoba or theNorths.î est ibs ']opar osuceniteNet e'seit r i vaflaleat once as tise iron atrap. Tise centrrs'ance iras sc simple En5iavr," a Corîsisis geutlinuýa Nwci c ilyr'!Î O'les Lsirttu1rscaî atis bak.tist cotton-men, fer and near, q'iietly took m1uunIrdcred and his body tilsil rn-ito a brci 1ý ala tebt .tieir nid pauta fronu tise closet lbocks aud Iübu ebee sîemistosses tkem f-on tLe ~ MCGILh. IL icked tisemarnuind Ieirs rooma eas s ~ c' tsbiltrdsoso oîesg'i BtCLSK, Manage ~~~~~~~tiseyhiadnotthoîsghtnfîtiedevicetieseive-.talgritsun ies.Iisadtbtc Accoudant. ~Tisé iewient into immediate use, thousarîds ever simucetish e r tue st'osseintiîl" cf "iii~prcu'ments,' iere p atented, and eookarespoitted Nmuusigore, msrestisqy'î millionis oftlisestreps were solâi util muilions s e ery0peinsyt tssde'tlu5 Off to Tornto. of dllars mere realized. T:-e ru;ais wisoahde."Aecordimsg te nohse sragCor-Il -- pre,ýenst controis tise patent adts nne-nýihubelieitotnd Of St'. Dcni& bï.londiu l ~ B.CRADLE, ZewcstI. o~ eu asignent cnneced tereî iisniale 'eited taeise vety time iiaisk bLo ro ar'y aI1o!bis Proxerty in .'ewcestescsa tpcisdtise fasions Ntvarro ci1is stouis'F t lie srisadof >t Denis.j cnlcingo! tore.s, Hoisesand Ln's and 'V: fity-tve i'tbStetsu ehis ot-E'rsnetss ln tiu i eot 3aumblDrchardý. tise hom-etead beinone s s u ý)o td O! tise m aopiete in tise souaty. Tresso , aefruebscls 5 pcal iil rsnacalalnty of il __________________________________ zme"Flieen itte boch isere iacd u a h'ie rmcd pappies mii foliowed tlise pioms1 a rn ~ , k plac vi s let va'eut audofWeliigto' vonr a sid o isav1 us" pîaeuibehees lÀckaspmngf rom iblondnitise tmoopa inn1l FOR suie ring a iefou ie o, ie l5 rdhlIoV, iî1oruis u iseamuseemusnrpl ominion Orga to hav M'et e'eyttlir" iitis lou~ c coonof-l~itier.Deie peeka e cf i, cer- 'VETERINARY SEEN n sWIe C, il g ON Sore Eyes Eruptions SoreFee e~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~W ynkcale ot idw Meuas ws- bd« ets aalîi ibui tte an tua' ed ltr matserpeutm'e a=0 i-Qu sig ltem n rainMa& y lictse >ernu es !Léa"eîl ise pilleddoid keuxicks-' 'bihs, 5\PS~ Isedwarf teie A uek si ine", iey 'crý ieasdbmsîic le 'nst-"Peo f -tise Bln f ai audt e and died ft.su is)-ýe posso'nnus effetspmdu- fY,tise cros"nsm e sMa-MsiUdtien :el spen hiu. i( t !,' Mm.Mnuni h ie &SuIOcY ie] is p th;- is '-m Wan usenterafer Ailts or'-d iefOrise crsimmso-potedleaoues of tisers mitis deasupon lus 'nislie is4 e"hd t vIst.ure t1 ise "orune'l'àîc bu psssm-ton ed gseas'liasbmoughut usre sîclis.ndis- MWrenumentoan nuy sCh =m-andigold mins' TsBai nilssoad et the W4a. A.i isaeeusWalr A ikîs Tiselacý"k oftegrpi osnuia iras tiseiret t tissk fih and ise reshized a in Aisir scmîein.Ti iglisc im isaneom ferîsse. ikena ftîsa, b, tse siouiau'ii cmtly w'ouid hadi1hve way. imnatd ia Seto nmsilbmîght isins ue cil ut; ae ecie ise a IîlOfl,00 or mor.)nes-nt tia ortugalaiEsnd amuse sm ý ed. isepeteît pon elir sateslie iser- 1e'tist îEssglend iedppeased it ue p tis i etelirrts uioli udllr.Zaueicsu'>iisg i ithie b-ta moris 75,00 yer titsinee zc1 Vtts Biiî eto o tlii"sytîoIt- fmou apsest a dce by ts ui I ' pue. ihnePr neeweedefe oted1 on a AL, end tiiverted glass bit ag i suet roiabet1isaI hecci ii oet gsabu;îsro mved te '-a venitbiealeasimii ym cj uhepmpnttisesenmair 'I ie îsiise p for lead-pencria usde ing tetisete-ate frs oischuiscs $10,I u e 1p- o efr esbing mitisci-,t le GsiLd. Eulanrlitmed ici ut clos- hîruge mi aimalstipnd n PorugýI al us- usre t1r1is i lasugte prouc-lv esimiuouy iiianrceit lgalaction, Sue hies yielde a large nregiosu "e nem tie iseuercftie ueaiplte fr is po-Langira and Sisrerivera,nortis of ed poft f $,2(>9l. oumauy isai ondiyl lupesito appropi! jWillas Cheudlr Raymnond blas 3,irritesi d ' je'tiss region je ta i A Wck entibc. - u%&s of theMent ;t.i, -_ oribe,,. . n , ,-1- i BULL 11IGHTING IN D DIA.In Bl kad W it 1 : InSpBlacksCandtes.'e :Mie or(dfmary bull fght whîýIL fonv b he a -entlent of the, spirs ust Isaeet on nn udc Ln i r r t1( tcise is iotas u-1îst'gof n'veity lfteilt Croed. Thy ar s'icly'hue ýctd' uIndis q, fuite a s 'eyini li Rv flbatCounlt er, whe as &?uife the Bod i~sioar i tatcoutr fr asy easB. B. B e spoaly tue firait Erpa odsrb .Rgltsthe Lvr ,iA combat, siIIce w itiue ti bas. be-ei ~csoalyrferd!o) veler.BtBBhStegts Sýtom1ach., Theseflghits ae rvda source of pe. ýars and are sti ni vogue in many ds dots f Inda. Tse tht'ougiy tainedani- Ail such Jdiseasesas Dyspepsa, Cntptin iioîcs, anieSrýa sasespoedae salyte rprt f Rheumatism-, Caàr BuPmpeBoths ki ieseecarecaue ~hnerngjuglers i~h fnd lteu1, a by wrong action of tseScmc, is, iv", Be, or Blood, and may bc clured ýr1specil foe is roi-d of thsesecaor, y correcting this 'erouigaconndruaigad rfygaltsergntt 'ut t te cnclsio ofti flghtey are resturing perfect health. B. . . cii J.ths prmptï , afelyand s 5urely. It .warded dwith a fsmaillgratnity froîni ec. suuceeds where other emdisfail. Even snauyforms ofcan.Lceýr y;-Ield to ilscra Tiseanihuals, wiiclî revery fierere tîve pwr. rc r e ote i or$,o est.11ia cent adoe bouit tesieof anorinay3,drneibll nd ar aliays ept i ficass onitin. B. B. B, Cuires Dyspepsia. Lbey areef a spcial bredh'iugltii ny, resemblance to thse ordinarysacre -i bl B. B. B. Cures Biliou.sness. ýiLlih, having no hump between tise lisouldler.s. A noticeeble peculiarity is tise B. B. B. Cures Constipation. botesof thei- forelegs and the great fp c 'epth from the upper part of thse shoul-.derB.BB.Crs adB o. Io the extremity of the neck. Having exr-Bi.B.Crs ad lo . Lemely arq linthis over-developm cilt se pp~rane n beng greet (deai t1>0 1slug. 'btthe, are very powcrfi is un - icated bthinienseiy tlîick necks, whîle 'itog otas ' theirdeiicalty1 ____ ____ Whi tss- sto be a fight, tliseow neya of w pe li uleledtîe nt mpose ig THE EAST EN D PAI NT 4XND PAPE R STORE, is nlWoe "hnthey jimediatl i.t e eviden-ý1ICe ofwhere wil bei found full lines of WatilPdpers frorn 5c. to $2 par roll, hcîril luai at 'ure bY bellowhsig ']oudiy MxdPit- e t re n o by the pound, Putty, Glass, ndi p i% ing thise runin;faifurious manliser. MxdPit-ie o re ieu scre y rupse ar-ound ltiseir Peerless Machine Oils, etc. cad su smca ~seyaredeternsy kpt I ain prepared to do housepa1inting, graining, and decorating of al part for oine time in orde to eio hm ius ruhst an for painting and kalsomining, Mixed Kalsc- o~~~~~~~~ suueadeprt cnirline aise for sale-auy sladeder The e ïýlied. toward echoter until but afew fee intervene bet-een t hein, nnd tiscîs 4,1,kkv'ard witis l1such force as.toainuiost throw' ssdhats tlecm atjeis For usiirîe ortwo heysurxey OCli an ssint oorto Expess Offce î'ithstIld t se shocnaod isDforsedpupoîs hi alouches , gw alleak ,tor Oà,i ii i v soma iecoe lcke, ad tî~nbegins a heýrce stngeforiup, sac.So carefulli l-eeh ep c n tn l nh u se( they treincd tstsedsif ee, , w eeh e p o st nl nh s ctiergoeddurin,g ise flgbt, caci by isoponnt ad .yng ALAG &COMPLETE ASS0RI M ýNTP ,ith a" I ls treungtik, to tmu rodieon ise ouu.Tise liîal- 0F (ck àis at îj,>t loeea airtet apdl ackw'tard a fei stepsand lthen l- aualiyep fate ,se'i'r"l s aîd s me'erad bgn to ret 1reat. This is àeî iiokyre'gîszed y bi auagonît wiM2 îppers:ô glbe afditclui ~rArl1 ai b 4s Ianle... At isstise keei4pers qluickiy ams bindyimuideîtswiucbcharacter i.e i5an wrî 'ybl lit Iim'isat c oh as ha -Ie b cîs s t-ci e leave, esseci '1ir LsbI sa I'ls ah pointson011 sic-ue 'ttse ;ngl miIshsr moei - nu, iîssh alsieor nufl,e'c-ept ssK, us"-ae b lnsge. id og, sox een 'i ly esis elnsadBlmn sî 'Gam efReual, unntiusaa cse fi fillycmaiizd i nd a iesmurciîga iuead assd on is e fiuk, itis a ici te0 ciose ilphse 1,e;lr aîd keptis s'st inlonde0r. Thsey isad a cc ni ius, lîaltinisguor advanming acord. issg ~ ýý tets b iac tise scouts,,,. Wsm tley desci î hie seidll suatuimedon A assd iier ir asuitsiTeyare altýo Tis tilad huisossesomsetmeshae bat- hies ith'b ~ iss~~'~,eappiaiiyIep-il l'or Meu nýý tm os mi am nd trn Eubbers, Slipp ors, etc. Trunks, ValisesSthl Special attention gfiven to Repairing. 'Who lives here? JEFFERY, the-Tallor. Wbere isha iisbop 9 Tu Neada'Block. Kiig St, Bowinans-illa. What cdo yen kne out bhia i . [ fie eiseMchiut Tailot wmi!a clothing for meisy yeara lf-r-Ctise ea f iu ls. I i n ui iciltity, 1a lie a etylihiais ctr aun-igond fite r l Ca't 'De baat inl to wn. Doe e hkeep a a'gcstock oi Fine Wo)rsteds-,Ted. eoatgPuis and enta Fsu~u .4-;g, CeratEtc., aiways on band Llie dooa. How about hi1pr1e3,dee e ssii cbeep lNu oaqaiybigt etandard Ail riglit. 1 s-lil au n bini nfor ,ssnw asît fu1,r Nea r's