are -- prices right." Taper hiung at 8 cts. per roll. NO TROUBLE TO SHOW cr-m C> C x:> f. Full Stock of rWINDOW SHADES. -P. TREBILCOCE. A CABlINET ORISIS. Thie goernor general bascalled on Hon. J. J. C, Abbott to forîn a niew Cabinet, kut ho i. nmeeting with great difflculty swing te the belligerent mood of Mr. Chaplean and jealousies existing between ütiier members. An effort is being made to reconcile internai strife so as to keep the old Cabinet intact, but the situation îs serious for the government. TE MPE RANCE. THE DRINX EVIL AND HOW TO COMBAT IT. SUBSTANCE op À SEsmoN DELiFnEED BT REv. R. D. Fz&x, M. A., IîZ ST. ]PAUL'S PEESBYTERIAN CiRcHi, Bow- XINILLE, TO THE MIIMBERS OP EXCEL- ý10U GOrNCIL, No. 48, Roîy.x Tzm- ILÂRS oF TiArPnNcz, oN SvNDÂT MORLNINO;, 31 1891, AxN PUE- LisHED) IN Thz STATESMAX BY REso- LtJTION 0F THE Co)UN CIL. (otiedfrem" &tesman, Juc2 TEX Ho' c~ M 1n' fo ,îe the evil ijta 9 core i4m~t m people? or hoir cait If-ý.There are Esthers needed when s0 dreadful a mionster is loose in the land1 whnits decree has gone f orth, "-destroy. " -Tther\ hay well fear fort lerseif. Who is safe ? She iiay well cry out piteously t.o the powers that be, and to the God of heaven, "lTfow eau 1 endure to see the evil that shall corne unto My People? or Low can I endure to, see the destruction of my kindred V' She mnay weil tbrow'ber- self ardently into the task of staying the deadly work of the liquor trafflo. You somnetimes bear the Temperance cause spoken of as if the battie were about ended. Certainly there liaisbeenadvance- mnent. Oid drinking custo.nis have weak- ûned their bold, bundreds of thousands are growng up amongst ui whou1 neflt know the taste of stron« drink. Our Legfislators are wiliing to am-end and im- prove the liquor lawz. The Goveruments niake sonie effort tce have to haN e those Iaws carried out. The deadly nature of dirink, is mnore clearly understood. May we not "rost su1d be thiankful " What need oif this perpetual agitation?ý What lieed of sucb s3ocietiesî as the Royatl Teim- plans of Temùperance? Wblat neod1 of spocii services and special appea A sweet child of thiree years bas strayed away uunoticed froni the side of bier busy 7wnother. Sheo iz nowbecre to be founld. The cry goos ilirougli tho aireets "a cbid lst! a child loat 1" The tonbslittie aieep thait nigh4t, Tihe roada are foliowed, thre flats are searched, thre ponds are drag- ged, ail for on* litte ciid ! And why Aiot? ( I is only one iamb the shepherd )iss-es, but "dotir ho not leave thre ninety and niine and go after, that wiicb is lost tintil hofind it? 'And when behiatirfound it, hoe layetir it on bis shouldeçrs rej oicing. " Ab I! soute of you kuow what it meaos te wveep) and pray and plan te save an erring one froîn tire awf ni dooîn to which stroug d1rink is dragging lîim down. The wiue eup nlay net ho offerýed now tw every caýlier; tirere may ho fewer bars tran 20 years ago; but thcreare enou-ýtgli places isiiwbere thLî strong nàay ho entra PMe and tire weak- led astray. And the tasir of the good Samaritan is inot finished yet. The wounded, stipped, half dead vitini of tis boid highway- mnu i, are n'At far te seek. EVýerY eiirborhoocd furnishes thern. Granled, if you likie, tiraI many who use strong drink rer to nu excess, ns long ns poor hiuman nature la what it ig and licenseid temptation ii5 put in men's way, drunken- neass with ail its lidoots train of evils -will abounid. No)thInjg is mure cosmnon than teo speak ofardenittemporaaee workers as' crainks.' Doubltlepu, there &m smre with weake: brains th&n thoue who u stand eooly l'y a-ndj see the de.îtructi)n go on without au effort to stayiL. Bat if ernestly to strivï te secure the yoting for abstinence, tc reàýcuc the falleu, wn keep the truffec with *in as niarrow lirait& as posible, is to be '"oranil," we might do worse than adopç thie nane, as did the ee4Y disiples, whe thoA amart peole of Antlioeh huried at tiron III.-As to tire ietiroda emrployed te toe. itir drink sud lire drink trafflo, tirese are faiiliar to al.. For tire traffic. rmery iilized nation brandcs it as ofenzive and dasgeroue by puitting it -uj.,èr restraint of one kdor aitiQr. Large comirrumitiesi 'even prohibit it enGmh'ey. All tbe chuncir- es,escli iits emu way give attention to the question. Temperauce Societies. sncb as yonrs are icde spresd anrd strong in rmany lands. For rnysot, sud 1I hope te carry tins mirole audience witir nie, my creed as bo nietirod liras becomne very simple. I bave ne faibli in tire moderate use of streng drink, ether as a preventative or a cure for exces. Ibave ne faitir in beer or wiue as likeQly telirold baçk from tire more fiery drinks. 1 have ne faill iùi licensea,' higir or lom-,, many or feir, for tire regula- tien of tire traffic. It ln lawiess. My creed, Isasy, la quite briof. (1) For those miro bave not begun te drink-Dont be- gin. (2) For tirose bave begun-Stop. (3)For those miro makeor import, or soul- Total Prohribition. Your society in likely te ire useful juat as it beids te such a creed ad1 iesup le it. I arn s Royal Temp- lar of Temperance because lire Royal Tempiara are laborng upon tirese linos. Tirere lai a notion afloat tirat youi are mereiy an insurance Society, 1 arn at liberty toe peak quite freely, because I iroid no policy or beneflciary certificate iii the society. Tirere are 200 meirbers lu Ibis concil. Only 27 of Ilieme, somemirat over a tentir, are iu tire iusurnce dopant- mont. This is, 1 understaud, saiigirer porcentage tran generaiiy prevails. Tire Order sets itseif a three-foid task:-(1) To gabieriu young people anid pledge tbem agaînat tireuse of drink before tbey have formed ataste for l. (2) To rescue those addîctedd b it, sud stand round lbern, a baud of brotirers sud sisters, te stronglir- en them lu tirir effort te rofonni. (3) To educate one anotirer sud tire public gen- eraiiy toirard tire total probition of tire liquor traffiic; ihilat giving ail counten- suce sud aid te tire effective wonkîng of sncb aws againat il as are nowin l force. 1 bave 1111e confidence lu auy effort on tire part cf one miroiras grown fond of drink bo overcome bis appoîito, uniessalho look for aidfrom above. Royal Teumplars are taugirt te seoir sud exýpeet ireip in tire namne cf our Divine Redeemer. Tire Tempiars do not profesa te monopolize temperanceiorir. Tbey balitirdeiight ail effort o! kindred soclebies. By thiri invitation representativea of tirs Woma's Christian Tempernce Union are presont bore- to-day. Royal Templars are, very many of tirem, churchi embers. Tbey are working for lemporance' itirin tire cirurches te hincir tbey beiong Thiri society seeks tb mur not apart from, but ide by ide witirtire cirches ilutho good cause. IV.-It is because tire cirurcirES have taken iroid of tire mor of Tempenance tirat tire ouI lookir la s hope! ni. Tire t raffic is very sbong stili. lu one way for defouco, as neyer before. lb la backed, Up) now as oven, by tirree moat powerfi forces, Habit, Appetite, G;reed. Tire Temnperauce Army seema Jire the host of Jareai on tirir daiiy inarcir arouud J eicire, te ho simiply gong rouind sud round making no headway against tire foe. But Joniche fell. Soîneofo the wits cf tire fluse of Coin- mions affect tW laugli at tire petitiona sent up for tire outire prohibition cf the trafflo. Col. O'Brien, wiroiras made thre strongei3t pies against prohibition in tire present de- bate lnutirat flouse says:-"I freely admit that these petitions do proeut se import- sut a body o! public opinion lu favor cf pnoiitory liquor logisation, tiat we are bound te treat tirir prayor, not onhy iritir courbosy, but wîtir tire nosb careful con- sideration". Tirere are 900,000 naines te tiroe petitions;tbey corne maiuiy fron tire cirurcires of the land. An eoquent speak- orn lutireflouse in favon cof gnanting the prayer cf tirese petibiens, Mn. McDonald, of Huron, declared;-"Tire wave cf tom- penance ra nsng sud the maves cfpopular opinion are making forltie shrore sud you nrî,y resI assured tirat tire politiclan on tire purby whoý heed net tirese maves iii accu- or on Iter ire evenwhelmcd." And hoe add- ed:"TbnemuaI be ne comnpromiise cf principlo lu tire sttiemnent cf tris question because s compjromnise cf pinciple is s victory for tire devil."'Tire detaiis cf a moeasure 50 radical ini ils cliaracter are not te be settied inatiiy. Buit Iihave confi- dence tirat our represeirtativea lu Parlia- ment eau settie themu to ,lime satisfaction cf the people,- if tbey wiii but appiy them- selves te tire tasir. Whiat progreu sjiy ho made in tris direction in tire near fut- ure lb is impossible te say. Tire business of palilament la impeded tirreugirtire sud- denî bloir mncir bas fallen on lime leader of tire lieuse, a man iro iras occupied s foneniost piacein tire public oye for a mihe generation past sud for mlo friend sud foe wiliasure mourir. Tirere may ho ne, deaicon Ibfis sion duing thtira r- le listing tire young as total abstainers, and ts by strengthening opinion againit se evilo traffle sud lu favor o! tire country's iddine a itseif utteriy cf l, teopaete ai il prohibition a succeas. ei Mre. Donnelly liras opened a brancl îe mnillinery store lu Newecasle sud sire in il vitqe ail tire ladies o! Newcast le sud -v-ciî ity tu eau s&ad inapeci ber stock. Tbq, 'kinaly ,in wvichm tire Watchimm <onservative) refers le the appoiatmnent as Regietrar of Victoria of Mr. C. D. Barr, proprietor of the Post, (Reform') la credlitabie surke to the pub- lishers of these jouris. Thre Watchmsn aays: Althougir we have strongly disapproved of tire political ýiews of our contemiporary, and bave labored to improvo the latter ivitirout mucir success,i ire eau ireartily corigratulate Ihlm upon bisi promotion. From a party stanidpoint thre promotion bas beon deservedl as a reward for lengtiy, faitbf ni and valuabie services; .and se far as personal qualificationst are concerned the appinîmeut is a geod onle. Were ail appoinîments under the present Bystemn as isati8factory lu tire latter res-7 pect not im-uch tault, could ho found.$ Hoirover strong the claimis upon tiroir party of mauy of tbe -host of applicanta for lbe position just filied may bave been, none could have been higirer than tirose that bave been recognized. It is one thing to turn heaven Und eartb on thre ove Df a general election every four or fivo years; it is quite another tbing to labor week in sud ireoi out during the irbole period in the interests of the "pairty," as the journalist dees. Wbere, as in the present instance, tbe irorir bas been ivel doue, it is not to ho wondered at tbat tire "lpowers Ibat ho" bave decided lu favor of tire journalistic candidate. We extend our congratulations to tire newy-appoinit- ed Victoria Registrar. EARLY CLOSING. ýWe, the undersigned merciaýnt4 of tira town of Bowrnanvilie, heraby etgree to close our respective places of at thre bour of soen o'clock, P.M., on sud atler the l5tb day of June,,Saturdays sand thre lOtir aud larir of ach xunntir except. ed. Chas. M. Cawker, John Allin, John Lyle, Murdoch Bros.. John McMutry, Young & Go., Wm. Quick, John Miueý & Co., Ellison & Go., Couch, Joiston & ryderman, J. Jeffrey, J. Higginbotb. amn & Son, J. C. l'oswvoitby, Maton & Dale, W. Jeunings, John Hellyar, D. Davis, Stott & Jury, Richard Wortb, M. Mayer, Ted & Go., L. Gornisir, 6.30 p. m., W. R, R. Cawker, àfaynard tire Jow- eller, K-enner Brou, John J. Masoi, M. Trevelen, G. E. Manning, S. S. Edsa1i,~ Harry 0. Brittain, John Reid, J. B. Mar- tyn, L. G. Quicir. Tire public are respect f uly reqnested te assist the ch ria to maire tire move- ment succesaf ni. Whe tire, bell rings lie stores al cose. Bowmanville, June, 1891. A Happy Combination of tire most potent sud active properties of tire wiroie vegetabis kndom, is tbaIt wiicb maires Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pres- crip#ion se pre-eminentiy above every' other eo-cailed womsan'a rE.t;oritive lu the markret., Do't stop sho:rt of the bes 1- jDon't experîment witi r othIress imnitat- ions, irben tire world acknowledges no' rauperier ltire original, reliable, sud on2y .quaraiiteed remedy for lire happy restora-' tien of sufferîng sud elebilitated woroman. C omis notiring if il don't do just as recom- meuded. See guaran tee o botlot'4rapp Change in Bu.3iness. kIaeiixg boutzirt out John Allin'Es interet in tire business canried on by Cawker& Âllin 1 I l i liicarry on the businer,% in ail ils branches. 1 arn thankful te oui' numcrous tinondsansd patrons for the? liberal patronage we have recoived in the past, sud reapectfuily asir for s cointinti- suce cfthe sanie, whicb by strict atttcntL on tobusiness sud keeping lire beat stock the niarirotproduces I shahl still strive t merit. 1 1 My intentions are te give special ad-. vantages te "spot cash" customers. AU~ accounts wmli b. rendered monthly, sud if not setied wîthin,30 days after bein~g renderod, interest ill biih iarged ou the saine t lire raie of eue per cent. p6r month. Tire profits wiii be reduced3j iow tiraitirhe unomera iii rccîive tire honefit by payiug cash. 1 feel confident fror tire boeeit tire publie, will receii-e by paying cash sud shorteniug tire credit systemu liat 1 tsiali ho enceuraged by yonr eontinued patron- wich iii ho liankfuiiy received. Cash paid for eggs, indes, tallo w,. shieep- sînus, etc. C. M. GAý,WKELî. FARME]RS' PIONIO. À Parmerg' Picnic under the auspices of the West Durhamn Fariners' Thtitute will be held in Stephen'a Grove in the north-wertern part of Bowmanville, on Saturday, June 20, 1891. Addrc-s3eâ may te expected frorni Nich- \dau Awrey, Esq., M. P. P., Southi Went- ~worth; Prof. C. C. James, M. ,A., the liew Deputy Minister off Agriculture, and otheis. The Dominion Organ & Piano ýCo. Band will bc in attandance. FPickinickers with hanipers are-requeàt- ed to asi5eemble at the grove 'at il a. m. ~Luncheon at 12 o'clock. Speal ing'to be- gin at 2 o'clock sharp. Hlot and cold water will be provided. Every mnan, wonian and chfld in West Durhame cordially invited :ico join in this gathering. J. M. JoNEsa, Preaident. P. WxRBY, Serretary. Lace Curtains and Art Mus'ine, elegant deaigns. ii ail prioes at Couch, Johuaton & Cryderman'a. important Faots Please Read Them We respectfully ask your careful attention to this statement, brief but important, and which we will di'ide into three parts, viz: 1, THE SITUATION; 2, THE NEC99- SITY; 3 THE REMERDY. leSt. The Situation 1Health depends upon the state of th*~ blood. The blood conveys every' lelement which goos to make Up ail the- orgins of the body, and it carnies away- ail waste or dissolved and useless niaterial. Every bone, muscle, nerve and tissue lives upon what the blood feeds to it. Moreover, every beating of the heart, every drawing of the breath, every thought fiashing tbrough the brain, needs a supply of pure blood, te be do>ne rightly and well. 2d. The Necessity The human race as a whole is in great need of a good blood purifier. There are about 2400 disorders incident te the human frame, the large majority arisïng from the impure or poisonous condition of thc blood. Very few in-~ diMduals enjoy perfect health, and féwer stili have perfectly pure blood. Scro&rl1a, a disease as old as antiquity,, bias been inherited by generation after generation, and ianifests itself today virulent and virtually unchanged fromn its ancient forms. if ve are so fortu- nate as to eacape hereditary impurities in the blood, we n-ay contract disease fromi germs in the air we breathe, the' food we ent, or the water wve drink. 3d1. The Remedy la Hood's Sarsaparilla is found thle medicine for ail blood diseases. Its, r.emarkabiecures are its Ioudest praise. No remnedy bas ever bad so great suc-- ceas, ne medicine was ever accorded soe great public patronage. Scrofula in its severest formas bas yielded to its potent powers, blood poisoning and sait rbeum and many othecr diseases have been. peirnanently cured by it. rf you want statements of cures, write to us. If: you need a good biood purifier, take. Hood's .Sold l"y druggists. $; six for l5 repare&'i 0111Y by C. 1. 11001)& C(., IowelI, -Mass, 100 Doses One D014ar Auction Sale TOWN PROPERTY 1 «iN T19E TOWN 0F BOWMAýNVILLEÈ, IN TrEceIUNTY 0F nUBU~A. Under iuutamctiens fmem W. F;' Allen, admin. Istratrorfethlie rosi and peunal eszate of GEORGE FISHERI. lieoethlie. satdTown of Bowmauviile. Hoetl eeper. deeeased, the uudorsigned mt irinier for sale b>' public suc- tifou ai lime LAKEVIFIW LOMSE, inthie said Town et Bemmauville, ai llîthehur ef tiro o'clock lunlime aflernoon, on FRIDAY, the lOth DAY a of JULY, A.D., 1891. lime faiiowing promfises, namel>' LutI numbe,, sixty-stx on Duke Street al £at muuer hv..nin en Htnnt Stret.n h Toronto, May 201h, 1891. eaid Town etgfommanvtile. Mn. Mason, Bommauvilie, Theo said tire lots abutl oach other sud slted y frem Hunt Street le Duke Street, bath togotiser DÂR6 tSix.-1 arn ootatning about one hait au acte. mouel pleasad mur the suit yen made for On lime saili premises ta erected s brick cat- me; l ineea oi sy fi I vergellu iretage, 36 foot by 37i foot mith a kiteb en fu the me; t kocksoutanyfit evr go inthereanl19 fest b>'23 feet, tie kiloninlavernoond- dii7. Xeep iny measune, 1 wili require wibrck ounlime nantis aide. more Thecottage is a eue stor>' building caulsin- more. tg six meomusud a hall attacied le mici m Yeuns truiy, a wodehed. The gardon centains ulueleen Jos ~'The property wiiili e soidasubj ect tbs resorve T3e9 Doyen Ceuni Road, Tornuto>. bid flred by the Officiai Guardisu. euesi original ef thia sud many similar elmLR3 ce auha ueen ai MaEon'a Ciothiug Ten per cent et punchase meney 10 be vuld Store, Bowmanviiie dem aet tire ef maieexengile maie oee _________________teuh in tifteon dayîsud balance iu tbinty Be Waned.laye. Thoetire last paymonts ta be made te Be Wane.Th.e Canadian Bank et commerce, aI Toronto, Den' b. f oi; kemr iraite thejoint crodit et tho administralor sud lhe ig Dntleafo;ko h yen munt Gfficiai Guandian le and refuse te ho imposed upon by greedv Furtiier particulare and conditions wmli bu dealers irben tirey attempt-te paim off mado inomu ut li me et sale or eau be had an - - spiicslau t D. B RSIMPSON, ef Dam. acre pnoducing substîtutes for Putuain'à e vil lm Vuor So)liite, or to JOI Painiesa Cern extracten, tie euly satfe. laO I, tTn nteGardian ot Infants, or ta eh àuro, su.d paillos corn cure, Putuam 'a lie udrlg .A W. TOLID, Auctioneer. n- Cern Extradeor la tire boit, tire safeat, and DtdJn r.111 4S n-- ouiy paiuleas enrn remedy. Sold by all dealers lu mediclue. Miuard's Liniment cures Dipiriheria. MwAI H/SM fVI1 We Ofler Special Bargaills Books China Goods Bibles Fancy Goods Stationery iPicture 'rames, Pocketbooks iMusic Wall aperWindow Shades AlluaperSporting Goods Sohool Suppliesi Toys and Games If you want to buy goods at low prices and get -Big Bargains, don't purchase until you have visited our store. KENNER1BR S,, SîEL L/NG ,OFF., M. Mayer is offering bis e-,ntire stock of Hats, Cape, Furs and Gents' Uumnishings at, and below cost. Now fs your time if' you want a cheap Hat, Cap, Shirt or UTnderwear. Now lS the time fboxf a ]Big Bargain. Ail outstanding accounts must b settlerd at onee. I must have mone-ý to carry on my business. ACluct>ion Sale IN, TRELTOWN OF BOWNANVILLE, îmINEMM;CoUNǶ1 O' DURUN1M, Unýder instructions fnom Williea F. Allen. riÉq. Administratnr of lte rosi sud porsonai estals ob GEORGES IIHER. laze of theo ald Town of Bowman ville, Hotel Iteopen, decoased. lime uudersigned. miii offbr for, sale b y publie suctioton ulie premises aIltme LAEE-VIEW HOUSE,n thessid Towm.cfBOWMAN VILLE.4 at the heur ofet oecice in the afternoon on FRIDAY: th~e IOth DAY of JULY, A.D. 1891, the follot>wng premises nameiy Lots numbenseue. twoý tilirse. ,four sud lre on tatonSi. beiren I>ke sud Liberty Streetls, luthe's' d Tbmn et' vvranv!lle; aise Ihe Ho li tualed on the sstd property kuomn ai3îhe Lake View Boue The mrperty ounmmih lthe Hotel ta ituaI. consista eof live iotsansd eontainsabout cime acre et ]and. The Idîolel t a owuas s Station Hotelr-t lies euvenientiy thoeto. la splendily situateli anmd dose a strou. sbriviug business. 'The hoelei a brlok bui-lding 8ffty-five fest by forny. tira foot, ttire ales higli and contalu ins it b.d roomi, Imo kltens, tira sltting ooma. eue dhng «racta, eue psnlry. tire halle, one, wash homee sud a bar. Ounlime promaises are aalotira tabioa& o» 43x23; fooet mlii drtvlng shied accommodation, sud lthe- oler Ift24 feot. also tmg oen seds. On the premises lais a fruit orchard oa* lalnlng about ihirty ix fruit treos. The Iîiacee la mtered by means et tire *ieIls sud astarn. The Motlilu daly licensed ta seli spkrlînous liquers, The prxoperty miii be sold subiett eSlie terms ot a bease nom hold by lime preseut oeettpanl, miticl expires on lthe laI day ei May. 1892. The proerly wmliialise be muid înb>edt reservo bld fixed lxv the O*cisi Guardian. Ton per cent ot pumeliase mouey en date of sale, onougm le make oeefour-lb lu titteen day liorafter aud balance mithin lhimly dYs. Theto ie sat paymeuls to bu made te thme Canadian Bank et Commerce, at Tomonte to the joint cedit efthtie Adminiatrater sud thme OfficiaiQeardian. Eunthon particuiasansd, conditions wmli be mnade kmain at lIme ot sais or eau be had on application ta D. BUl1lKE SIM4PSON. of Bai. mauvilie. thme Vendo' Solicitor, or le JOHN 11OSXIN, et Tarante, Gaardiau et Iufants, or le lime undeoigued. LEVI A. W. TOLU. Antioueer. Daod lthe $rd day of Jus.. A.D.. 1891. SOUCH'S' MILL. -The zuili.dam, li'as been repaired andiho, imilitla again rçnin n sd prepared to do grist. iag, Chopping, e.. as foirnry. 24-tf. . SOUCH. Piraprletor. -ARM FOR SALE.-Improved farin, 115 acres brokon; 4â acres liauture, lisy sud wvood; 75 acres ready for crop. Prame house, l4l i.ktében. 12x20; tlood stablee, gond sping e sen. Easy terme paymeat. Si miles froma awanesaý Pnice $2,50. Apply te x a & CitAmima, Gleubono, Man. 5-tf. F OR SALE OR. RENT.-House sud 1U l acres for sae or to nent. eituate en SoUzog stneet nonili. The premises conss t a uood honse wfth evory convenenu. , drlving slied, stable, etc. Tue gardonicontains a lot ot tlie cliesat fruit of ail vaniotl',s. Immrediate, possesut danbe given. For p rticalans appiy tp W. IrxmmLuîc. Bowmanville. Ont. ÎQ-tf OCCA&ONAL DOSES of a gooàd catkàrtie Ilke Baidftk Pilla are necessary te lkeep thse los plure a" Cat body hea4rthy. Auctiori Sal el. FAPROPERITY UiYtder instructions ftom W. F. Ailen611,ad. Miesnse etlie oi sud posoîs 05. e ville. hotel keeper, doeleof lme dersignod mUil ciller forsasie b>' public an-lelln ai POPliSote1,. aitir-e Village oCORONO, iu the. <ounitye ot Durhbam, anIthe heur et ofSe oelloknth u ie, atterneen en Saturday, the llth day of .July, A.D., 189,1, thme ffliov ng promIses. usure y:- Ai11,sud stugular the nati hait ot Lot num- ber tmouty l im the urîli concessoion of lime township, of Clarke, inutho Oounly of Dunrhm. contalin by measuromont <,ialudiug oee hait. of roali lallowauce) one iundred sud lie aud one lif acres, but iR iiisaid limoeare oee imdreù aud tourteau acres l im e mid tarin 0-wiag te econcession ever rnnling, Tii.soil consista ef a ici dlay ban, sud the, wmie. arni la inelinel taulie roiiing. Il la mwatereli ly a sprnt reek rlslng about the seentr*eofthlie tari n sd a stream, thoeeroni. rlsing aud ruuutug soroas the cerner eft ime laris, basides hevinzo wir oiEsl. The anchard Consistae seventy-Jlive s ,plpe iees. The f ar-m in mel feneed. T il lotge conslut os oe simd s haif-alere>' trame bouse mih a venoered brick front sud a stomo toundatIon, lime nmain body lieiug 25x3l foot mltth s traime kitchon ai the liack 2lx26 foot. Thore are tire barne naathe promisesz, oe SOxiO test. mllh a atone foundation; sud lthe other30x(2 fest, aime ashsied, sud sassd aud stable couuected. This tam nlu stînate on s gaod ead about 2 miles trom lie Villagoet fO roue sud about 6 miles freinlime Village ef Nemeasîla on the limeof ethlie Grand Trank Rsllway. -Timopro onty miii bu aold suibiý te a ro- mtSe.bld lxed bylthe Offciai G nardian. Ten pen cent. et purciase moue>' toe l pid dom uat lime et saie, onougi te maze eo= fourth inlu itesu days sand balance in lhry dava. The tire isst paymnents te bq made ta the Canadian Bank et Commerce at Toronto te lime joint credil t olime Administralor simd lime Official Guardlan. Furtor- partienlans sud condiltions will bu ruade knowu aI lime of sale on eau bu hiad ou application te D. Burkeo Simupson, of Boirruan- ville, the Veudor's Solicitor, or te John Uos- kmn. of Torontoo, Guardian oe! Infants. eor te tise 1ue ige.Lxvz A. 1W. Ti.Auctioeear. flalal Juxe 3rd, 1891. 21-5m. Dissolution of Pa[1ne[Shit~ mie have licou osnyioolisneasrars BHatchera aud Provision Mehauta lunlthe Town ot Bowmanvilllo, wlii dissolve partner- slip on .Tuu l, ýS51, by mumil coneent' Ail acaount due lime saad fimm are nectased lto bs sottled ou or' butors July 151, 1891. C. M., Cnt, JoisALLIN. Hlaving aoid oui to c. M. CÂixxu ail uy nlght, tillesud intereat. lunlthe business oet tbe abovefirm, 1 bepeai for hlm tino liberai pat, rouage LimaI haB ben besbemed te tie-laIe Ëfm WIMES:A. JoH- AI",'- A CHOICIE 100 ACRE FA.RM FOR ernug For particulars appiy to 1Muat. JTrom, Cimr-rywend.P. O. 17-tf. RM FOR SALE.-Seuttr Mut