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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Aug 1891, p. 2

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f A MIDNIUffT EINCOUNTER, blmw of bis linge fi8t. Hae bent over the , d, ~utU w__~tk0m~uand 1 saw a sharpsteel blade gilttering 14 bis - b~~~~and; theiiavýosceessprayrfrh1wstu - frmmyharîo Heaven. As if inaniswe th WENSA U.2,1891. hwafrdrtaein u gh vWilter leeper stirred faintly ; and the other pa sed W~D~ESDÂYA.UG. 26,when I returned home fri egh isit a few secondjs, passed his hand ligbtly ve ____________________________in town. 1-1%l was tsiiînrg flarcely and a the blade, and mnotioned lue coser to his terrifie gale blowinig as 1 drove from tha e 1 lipped behind a wardrobe w joli n ~ P'IJ &ttien. I ne6 hardly say how gladti1 feltsie S TANDARD BAN t t.dnýt e h b when the hall door was tîhrowQu open and a too ertogws d the bed.a va OF C A NADOA. flood of warm lîght streamïed out into th ebeything pas eay; hev'tî 1a Captalpal u, *1,00,00-est $26l.g 00 dark nîglt. 1 quickly entered the hall,an raised biscre steady baud; a fe w sec201ids CaitilpM U, 1,OOOOOtetihn saw a great commotion. going on-. Ail more anîd y dar fatbar's heart wvould lave Ths an s d Lg t j serants papa huddled together at one ceased t.o>be)at ,forevar in this wrld. A TeisBaking ,i a it banhes rye x iîdppaand my brobhers, looýking hands tuncleniched thamoelves,wnthie hodà mat Bn-in ii 1, if,ý )auces eny-,ooing, e talking auigrily to a dark flowed hack intoyvan;wih il y Farmer's -notes ookniscol hnt1ed; P7opositsad who I mdestod, admight 1 pusbaed'the heavy wardrobe on top received and Interest paid on accounits en.,tered the bouse as footmaà about a fort- o h rubn rth i lsd n of $5 and upwards in Savings Bank angtbifse. an pa wein ed meo 0y b oite deors cf the wardrobe bursi open, layig hs bad uen m hefistruck bins, cnt open bis forebead, and hie Departinent. "No,, ne,' said hae, evidently going onlyîuîngadgensg ntaf~r ] R A PT S with bis remarks, wbîch my appearance had My father sprang up with a about of Ts'ed nd ollctonsmad luEurpeinterrupted ; "not crue instant longer shall Il ho's there? WIat's the mattar'? IJn1ted States, and Canada. tyyuinorgbeaca Thce- Then I racoverad my voice and, WIth1I an tgoal is the, only place fit to hold yen, and effort, gel out the word,- W * J. JTONES. there, I warrant me, yo'll find yourseif Tiee !1 Aeen soon enough without my assistance 1" I don't re.nember much more. 1 Just My fatheri pausad to take breath. The heard them al burrying int the room, and Gent' C othagn loked up, and said, lu a suhdued the shriaks aud struggles cf the rufian Ge t'C ot i giriicie oce iin itr ih.whule îbay were disarming and strapping Ciaanad, Died, Prassed and Repaired by Ihveuw er e, o ; ithesI.raînhas hlm. Somebody slipped a pair cf papa's1 1 hae nwhee togo th las trin a lîppers ou my feet, somabody else ponrad T I O . E T, left for London. Conider what s-ou are hrandy clown ay tbroat, audny brother Dyr ndCIihs lene.But îny father wae inexorable. Wlcaremeakdwn t ow "Hal, ai, osnw, caent !lî sad.passages int my own rosur. Ten a Mcr- DyerandClohesClener4Hai, rinor ilo, I arenet" le sid.cumistance 'whicls seemef te mie te hfave Cood% warranteci, to ha as ne eue will know "lLeave bare yeu shall this va ry night !eccurrad naarly a weak befora cama rite themr froeinaw wban doue. Net eue word mnore!" mny mmnd. Corner of King and Ontarie Streets, The manl gave hlma a dark lok and witb- "'Net in hers, please," 1 whisparbd; Bowmanville. out aneother word, strode out into the dark. I"Ithera's another lu Martha's cuphoardi-, noe.I followed my brother jutethe dining- had forgottan huim reom. Well, the two house-breakars were ttýied ONTARIO BANK "lOh, Will," I whispered, IlI wisb papa at tihe aseizes, and, as sevaral-otha,.r ci- continluas te ao a Genarai Bankimg Business hall net riven that puer man ont on such tiens ware provad against theni, theY xeere Bowmanviile Brax#oh. a night !Wbatever his fault could hie'Dot bu th commiizted fer feurteen year-s. IIEPOSITS have beau allowed te remain tili morning?" "1No, child ! Yeu know nothing about llecstved in SavingaBank Department and oa it," auswared Will. "The servants refused l3harîng the Royal Looks. t, and interest aiewe ýd.aicurnent rateIs No te stay anothèr night under the samne roof In useine Eastern countries children',s b'air p - nleonwitdawauoesr. i epst witbhlim. My father was quite right." is net cnt until ihey are 10 or l2years cf age, p sabl ondemndNething- more was siid ou thse subjeet. tihe girls then beiug considered marriageablae. ,EXCUANGE My- cousins, and seine friands arrivedl the Up te that lime îî Le coilecs on the eojf the' il-ah ,dod andDatfsdpoEro next day, aud we had such a miilerry weak of head and aderned witb freshflowe-r,. '%\lien Uotd Sats ad anaaals ~ldiiar ndil that I ]sad almost forgttan the unpleasant the great day for cutting comaes there le a COL ECT ONSoccurrence. grand caremony snd much feasiing. One nigh t towards the end of Jauuary ahl One wlîo was preserit et a roya6l lair- P q mptly madeata ourrent ratas upon ail tari our guests had lof t, and papa and mny cuttiing talls tîsat the darling of thaehsasemn o reat Bitain, the Unted -States and ihe broihsers wera going off te a dinnar-purty lu was rebed ln leng flewing garmeuts (if 'ilk Vo0 ian of Canada, tise neîghborhsood, and I was te ha lef t alone. andi lace, confined ut the waist by a goldais Telegrapis Transfers Hlowever, beforae etting off, Will sifite girdla. -fier long hair, coiied fer the 1-3t Y a ibikIeS ciai dunsvnal a t nie,- dr a o'1fnii i oeytime, was fastened by diamoiîd 'pin ec aca Ths l esecillyadvntaAois o 1 dre ay ou'l fnd t abitlonlygleal-ad ud ittarad among fresh wlTite i ïr ls Fi'.n]uManitochaor theNorth-9 08'nseping by yeursaif.I knew you like sen- flewers and green leavs like peariy dote e 1e iL -UflnD ü îavalahe atonce 9,t the ste;s eesoehn oi eke pmrigdw Pli ranymant. sto ehr' oehn ol eke pmrigdw Othier partirularb rail -t'athe a-, your spirite during the wi tching bours cf There, lu the prasence of the ladies, ber nili."father and an efficiatingpriesi, surrossiiieýd E 131 , tS0. McGILL, fegava me oeaof thosa parielicais ibut by bier maidens, coma twe bitndred in numâ- Accanniant. Mdanage are ful cf what Flo calîs real down- bar, seakneit under a canopy of fioers,%and( riýht shivery ghcet-stomies. iVill oalie'dit les ves while prayers wera abs ntad. -- t "heo-r ljolly,'yat it had a certain fascination, and Than the beautiful tresseshegnbud _v h.n -êa5 y hc I read on tilil aftar elavesi e'clock ; than, says the Iri.h Times, lier royal father, dlipp- paeh._ 1,,- ,lore ongdernmn stseteke u butc in ose atraddtrivm olOtO~h t-rylv &An kowlng papa would ha displeased if beý ing bis finrenroawtraddawn Wofuilshevrybig.We etas, you. No riskizý o don 5' ~f d me up, Immielthe atairs toe- tlisn ais. oly ver bar h c lipped',,î 3'urspr ýùmsorii ou im t hewoyour ti-aaered hrmigateoke u aot u iat oa icho h a,,ithd ".Ser ra afa r.. $25 ta $50 ps-et .opsaa~, yirisasIwLt tnoagle siidpstnatls;ke an er lEr tlîla u ren. -a anfurasi.hyo- lhe ea_ Hv Iloked wal un der my bad and time'oua great salver piaced ready to recaîv-e p5ytRttS. AUaala MÀ'ou made aN apceo adlaihef uî survay etfa. the corners, them, presents of jewais and geld cuphoards, and pressas n my room, 1 The priast eut tht-r next place, bier ro~o -~ ~ ,na m umped ijute bed aud. uibli oua daîarminedl the nexi, and se en, ea'hs gucat sarvîng ini U~Upuf extnguislsad my cantile, then cox-red turu, uill thea uttle lady wae shern. co Omy baud wtth the clotises, and seon f ail Al gava costly gif teistendad for lieýr J 'a"ÎA B D EY IAN asleap. But, alas, ssy sluinbers war hauint- marriage dower, prince, iinistars cf claie LOCAL AGENT F0OR ed, and eue spectre inithairaditicmai sbrcud and dignitaries of ail sorts, Who waitedl in jacdvancal se maniacingly towarzl use thai I tise enter couirt, ,nding je thairs b)'y (tie Dom inion urganis Lwoke ap wtb a -tari !I1couif net go te attenîdans. Tbiidray endd is î astid ~'CAMP BOBROR." Thea St@ry e aaWils Ni-glit A211011-thse Isidtnss. Yeu will wonder, cf course, why a soldiar's camp sbonld have racaivad euch a name, but il le on the miiitary records, and ne man will evar attempite explain ilte yen with- out grieving over the racollections aroused tbereby. It was eut in tisa Indian country, ou the Kansas frontian whan the red men wene making sncb s figlît againat t ha 1roope sent ont aftar the close cf the robeliion. l'hay hadi wvooped dewn on t iea Smeky 1Hi11staLge routeansd scalpad sand lauighterad iglit sud hef t, sud 0cr couuusanid lad bean buried fer- ward te pretci scb sablIers ase rnigit lhavae escapad sud te opan the route again. Daty afiar day the red men boverad ou oun fiants, and uighti afier nigbt thay crept tîpon us like serpents and sent thalr sFlent arrewc junte camp te find living targets. One nigbt, whan tha day had b-eaunl cf axcitemant, and wbau il semred as if the Sioux badl daterusjuad te raineai ne furihai- the sentinals ware warned te extra vigi- lance. Wa knew thai peril meacefi us, sud wa who stood santry af bar uidight paeradijutea darkuass wîth batad breaili and wara raady te fireat ai ifret suspi- cions sounu. At 1 'clock 1 thonghi I heard a light f oetstap on the, graas. Il wss a durit uigbi, with new sud then a guet cf wind seeping up with loeasomae otnud, sud 1 conld .net ha sure I haard aright. 1 waîîed, witb fugar ou the- triggar, ready te ire if I heard the fooiaiep again, but it did net coma -te me. Scarcaly tan minutes had passedl whan the sautinal eos my right, wlse was, ouly thirty feet awsy, fired ie n the darness. The report of hie, carbine had net diad away wheu a locd, wild screaa rauged oui upenl the' night, sud avary mass who heard it knew that it was uttarad hy a womn. It isagood manyyarbackitbatnight, but 1 remesubar avery incident as e Ili as i f onhy a week had passcd. Now snd theu I bave draamad of-lb, asud itat s erssu bas1 arecsed tue and taken sl my nerve. A soon ase we ceuld investigata w.e fouud su î.nuazing tbuug-a wemsua lying daad on tIse grass with s year-eLIld aby in, betaramse! Thesautinallisad sbetlher daad luiihem brac;ks, but the baby wssiilashaap, with enae o ber armes huggînig lb to lierbrut ebo- ad and hookad, suid it wahard te Iwa saw amâight. 11iwas a cettlem's iife, as was aftemwards kuown, whe liad e3capad a massacra more tbanferty miles away. She lsad wanderad arouud for fixe days, suffaring it itzbager and aîisnud bad uno 'iouhi bacatisa crazad witb an'iiety sud aibaus- tlots. Tisera wae noue but old vetemaseil that camp, but thora wera touars in ail ayas wben bisat poor thead body was breught ie camsp, sud wben thewakaned baby crted wiib lright and bungar sud haid eut-its ittie isanda te tba vary trooper wbebad fired upcntheib nvsýther. No eue could b lame hlm in the lest, but lie biam-ed Eimsncli. Wbesslha raalizad what haelsad douee ha rmnad away fron s n snt iuawordasud walked awsy as mou walk le thair slaep. Webiad wasb'dtihe mothar'si lifa-blood off the baby 's bauds,-sudthba ColonEl biimeaif was feediug it witb ihe gmual bastily preparefi, whau thcra came- suodthar shot sud another alarmi. The troopan had gene juet withont 1tise Iunes of tha camp and fired a bullet ie,)hic owu heurt. Raxorsa baf drivais hlm te it, JSoinewbera in tha West tisat boy babjy, Io z ,rwn l-n ,nnhona util1livea b,,I-thse You Pull "the Cork "6Harvard"i Does the Rest. "have uaed IRARVARD 1R3 CRA SRP fis 8the most satistacîory C Y1> terndP* have ever tried. and Iknow that thmrouýti ils 'as(, have recovered froin a very bail cold.- R5s Maokenzie, C. P. R. offices. Montreal. There la nothing in the wo-Id e quai te thig, le-ed for Sors Throat. Caughs and Colds. Pleasantte th,, ta8te-Gives Instant relief-Ah. soueyharmiesa. Large botties 250. By ait delr-A. J. LaWrewce. Montreai, Sels Proprietor for Canad-a. MAR nîB LE ANDO GRANITE WoRKS,1N Bowmanville, Ont. (Established 1857.) Importer, Manufacturer, and Dealer in Monumnents, Tombs, Sarcophagi, Tablets, IIeadstones and ail kinds of ArchÏtectar- ai and Cemetery Work in the best Luropean and American Granites and Marbies. Moderate Prices, Latest Designs, Superior Workmanship and Best Materials. WiII be happy to quote prices onan kind ofwork. Give me'a cail before purchasing. THE EAST END PAINT AND PAPER STORE is now opan where wiIl be fouind full limes of Wall Papers fruuj 5e. to $2 per roll, Mixed Paint-rnîxed tLo order and sold by the Pound, Putty, Glass,ý Peerless Machine Ou5s,,etc. I arn prepared to do housepainting, grainilg, and decorating of al kinds. Brushes to ban for painting and kalsomining. Mixed Kalso.- mine also for sale-amy shiade desired. 'Reid'S.Block, opposite New ilotel Building. 14 wilI be found in his old shop, next door aLoor to Express Office, wherehe kenep;s,,constantly on hand -wha-soldI eif-m nue-f ldnieeu-- Scifaere gfron tm aorhuv î,,be1gvs oanieaug eLs woesseun -d]a ecoud $173. Tscm tory is eyongsansard ý1Ys Iar. tryte orc eu a ~ If la Ie-sdeavor- uc cns. eeitz t 1 4 -p!,n ,th tia tste and la ts batwaan use sud ih, sud 1 new taI lsawa wtstsor em smeuc'i maie piB o6 e stur a l-thea united epertîug comrnuuity--raportad tisaI -a elthora" niy athr, IthiSs ataharemuPhaor--w-t 25 abattie Sold by PI knewn Frnucb-Cassadian inadical mnhd "Well," eaid the sou, Il was' I îliaî<. touisfihi wihot waiugmyfahaîthib newicis aemcl om wi-enwn nngss I e 'wald. Be auna and lest $18,o00 lu a single night, bnbfortunate- toü' ,Ahidrcn Ory fou' Plicherp6 Grastorla- eserbbui. ~ ~.r ~ ~ liA ;O' tw'irîyxll -a&B * -' a< - ..- ~ t, ~JiC~: J~r4Y~el; axi ~l5s i~.u ~ >~c o1'~fsd ~ SlI eUs aOu ~ r-e WS#0 oh as Âl iu~ lyi qie i~ î~~ps I hacs ..~s ~a4rî11 ~T- îwotb alla~teht %e -Jz BILVIS Bc

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