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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Aug 1891, p. 3

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-I ~-~~W Neuralgiaq Sciàtîc-a, 1q.umnbago, ackachEýj Toothachl-e, Frost Bites, pays Bruises,_Burns,, Etc-~ Tf-H CIARLE2, A. VOGELER CC.,falrreMd RICORDWS SPECDF5O (TaDE MARK REQ.STERCOý lolenror11tr,1 hoF1BtLs, Saho al E Dru to re ns t,, ,worst case, E v erel p er bottle.y nature u a0 P JIilpycvt -e lýa genuin. /IT ose w ho lhave /trîed e0 ther remnediawitheut zavai! wilILutnet l iap- e iut - in dja VIGuOR WND TRtENIt'. For LOOT or PAZIMO G RMMIOOD, Generai and VIIi. VOUD DEBILITY, We ooanaiBdyta Mina, ac ffu a Msrsa zgeçla Oho ourg. Sib et, lbo lit- go Dul Loturd. Eawtusnl,,a n 0 t ehn E VIE PDOUG eBlPAt icf Y. olliy u>- r acLgEMI .RUTM3T-Benet i fa a da. ntetl nf- Po tatùsa ILIPuslga Csuti!aî. rlt eani. S0 *zlnal ar 9rsimaiai (molai) fris. Adatos. ERIE MEDICAL G00-, BYIpALO. N. Y. lhh be iscare tothe ana lu ilacK Cos, andfree ~kfrml a s ors or otne ERRORS OF YOUTH. Nervoug De- bility, Seminal Losses anSremature Decays promptly and permauently cured b, Dç,es not intarfera witte diet or uaual occupation aund fully resores lbat vigor and nueJrfc suaohod. Prida $1 par box. ,301e Prop.zietor, H. SCHOIEYD,-Èean. ~Low 1 Drug Store, ELM STREET, Tonoesio. wil discontinue their commercial treaties wth Russia. The Sp-sniah treaty expires Late Foreign N ews, June 30 and the Portuguase ou Eb. 9, 1892. At about the sanie tîme the commercial - treatfes letweeu Russia and' the othar À NEVU IAR EN GI-AE. Govcrnînents ni Western Eulrope-wilb expire. "Lhle Ministry of Finance is at work planning i-tuaw treaties with a view of guarding the .0 T.1 * terestaol the Russian tradeun Europe. -e pro duce mrchants ha-va preaentad a petîtion to flic Agriculi oral Departrm, euts of theMiitra of limperial Property; and n Aelcu!59LNT AT A PURBLYe B tT1. the Intelior to promoita the, cultivation of hepo;puiltinroF Belgium ainounted ou jute lu th" watered ragions of tliseiempire. thebas da ofJul ro6,17,01.BrusselslAt present that article, which i,seuaadfo)r bas ab1out:î! ,0 iii alitanta. graini lagas, liînportad from i Ii atfromi Frauch drumimers ara to le excludad £18 to £ 20 par tonl. Tii make, thal pries ironi Asc-ora-na, andtha Jrench speak lof bagged gragiin cnierlyhiglaer thail i of Shutti.'ng Gelman drummers iout-f iJute colle 1had luirRulssie. Epe' nat Framîce. wera einuits onrivatinon ithe 1D!ieper aoýijlu aicsaw1ich wereperlacdtysue s- Etn n heclecin fahol wic Ifl.TegL ri traders now demaud tbatili jute consti i'ttas1% watis ,popuilarlvknown as le acclnsaLized n lu ahthe water ragionIs of Et ir as a thousaud acbobars. Rsi at the expense and-ly the encourage. I.Japauae lace is co ingito fthe market. nien t of the Uovcruuseuit. It ]s ainev mnufactureand hither lias 14 llrsegasys An bmnbc heeIýJiaLýly ' , l &- lioli.c rimfe was commnitted at INeuilly., a snub Bari'on Osýtan Sar-au,-a;dcenýqdant cf oni Paris. Tiree ittle boys, about i10 years Napoleon's FielS Maýýrahal, ricb and nuniar- of age , were playing on thebank nfti e'riv er rued, committed i cida lataly îiliDublelu), a sud _two of them ,iremovad their cbothe- as ad 1ea7iP resoît ii lona, lce- .se "bil e W3s juinped itîto the xater for a bath",. Tlia too ooonu. third, Clament Çressoanniar, einuable to V-oas,; ,l 7,he' iiag. akïs.avery giooiny swinm, wIa nor so ,quick, and had onîxi] ka via oftIe aonoi sittion iof Garmanly. off anme ol lus thînga, when an nnkunowu Thraisgreatdetiutonrmugthe lower mat;ii approachad,' tlîe cbild, and threýw hlma cassou ;; aun I b h, pie mlit-the river.IHa was carried away by provisons. he current and drownad, while the nis- At reierg Saony lilutingstrckcreaaît wbsn iuad caused bis death juuspad tbree time ua of i th.e mnaa _he ltimid to ac<art and dro e off towards Paris. 11e tuneI kore snsbasse ra iinaiirs lIas lont yet leen arresta& - ' 11 wor.ing360metas dep nde th sur'face Baroiteas Martha von Liebig, a beautiÉlî n1 tfhe erh young lady w-ho was engageS Vo a geîîtla- At Behfort c I, , ithggrat troîgbof n Frnce man of bigh rank, want tn a dentist's ofc on tse asfer rontier. auew e ogfa iun Vieuna to bave a tooth filled. Son warar labig onstee 1. t la lage fier thre operatin sau inflamimation of the veloipee witbVweîy.aghtsoaa J laperiosteuin occurred, fo'llowed by a sw olling to~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~ý let1da heg tmn'urso h ltisa boser part of the face, w-icb syîp- armiy oni1tle east. tomus alarmed the relatives ni Misa Liebig An îemp1loyase at!ouî i t ,k ic barraFrancb an much that they sent for ona ni the innat arsaalswasracntb chageSwits hviue lebratad physicians. But avenhs docror sen tio onsni înkelsapowder to tîc "uld nt save the life ni the youtmg lady, wors o Si Wilia ArîstongetNew-altboughlu lie d me&rlenincision lu the. worký fýýi \VHiiýii'Aril m 1 - ýlarynx un tha hope of gîving lier reliei. castle. HIdaus f lriand's onis, iwvomi lie lknawi, sdw-ho ncu I', high A dealer lu old cuîiosiries deliverad at posiion urlr th Goerumnt.the bouse et oua ni bis cetoniars au image Tha greteat aimicules ls ise -p,, pof Ch rist lu nid ivory. The prica agraed ou pear to Ilba the -.Saîkauts of the CogoL ragO uî90. w-as 4,000 francs, The dealer was kapt Among tîseir tribal cnsmonms ilathe pa-riug of waitiuîg lu an anteroom whilo Vhe purclaser the niaila dowu to the quicir w-ami1 instru- went away witb the image, sayingbewoîtbd ment deîlgued for tliat particiiv -ose. be lack againilu a moment with Vhe rmonay. Atreeudos pethoeoio. prt.Ho SdnoV turniuit. After waiting for half Atrenenduspltlioaofn-, Lort-au bour the unucky dupe began to le sua- aS lu Paria. For exemple, 45,000 copies of the pîclous. Ha i dund tiat th .e door by w-bld la.t production ofia popular writar have beaulscin adgieoIld oasarae returned Vo the publiabers. It la said that Tle dealer lu olS curiosities thon saw how- another publiaber bas 3,000,000 volumes onthcaesodndifr lteplc.Te baud, which are unsaloable. tbiefcase toodad inoretepolied.l The Balgiaut mîiur a îtorities bave dis- thiai, thovrlad Noyrweappearken covered that varionua songa useS in the army Tet buadNrega -rmu are ne quitrepresentad lu convention et Drammen, ra- aaotqie proper, and several potos andI jactaS, with naarly tw-o teonue, Socialiatic coniposera hava been appliad to toseuppiy theî resolutionas offererl for adoption, but appeal- army witl acnIe nobjectionable songa un ed to the State to loy laund for distribution French ansd Flamial to taire their place. among the worîby workmen ; likawîse to Some of the amaîl shopkeepars of Paria boan money et a low rata of intarostto tbose have appealed to tîme Pope for protection taking up sncb aud lu ordor te gise îlem a fromn the bilg concerna thar are driving thens chiuce to improve it anS profit by their op- ont ni trade. Tley aak lis Holinesa to portunity. Tle convention meusorialized fnrmulate somne plan for applyimg the law- the Storthing to ablIs contreet labor by ni justice anS cblarity to the freedomn of trade baw and to fix sovere punishment for am- aud comptit ion so that the littIa dealers can ployaea wlîo, by threeta, promises or giits, live lu the presenca of the greer. endeavor to influence tlair workmieu lu Vhe A inarvellous and horrible a ccident 11A7 xecielf teir politîcal rigîts anS Suries. paned et a prav7ate bouse lu Paris. Tle hoat The indele'rigable traveler and ceptain il lad inviteS a number of friands to luncleon., artillery, Baronu V. M. Kelleacrausa, arrived A great.Danisl boar bound was lu VIe rnom, in St. Petersburg recontiy on lis vabocipeda.. according to custom. A guast itappened te On ibis fragile instrument lae lias traveraed drop lis napkin, and w-hile stooping Vo pick varionus parts of France. Spai and Italy. Ha iV up the dog with a, spriug seirad lis tîroat las visitrîl aiso Algeria am!7'loîî,cco, sud! anS kille hilme. Tfiare w-es a terrible strug- sItar fosîr moitîs oftutrevelie returun S !o gla to publ VIe Ieat ofi, but witlout aveul. Russie via Au stria., During this trip[loes., Some larm anS mucis anxiety are febt traveled lu aIl five thousand verars, 1< sîng for, Emin Paaha's eelaty. Tise VS8sa ý rwenty poulda lunsveigtît on the jounuo. Zeitaeg aunounces that Kurt Ehlert in Zen- Ris average speed w-as 108 versts, or 8i miles ziber lbas received from Emin a latter dataS per day. Hae recaivad an enthusiasîle ta- et Riais ou Fol. 4, lu which the expionar ceptioiý e-x eryn laere hastopped patcularly said that lie hopad to reacl Tanganîyika et mu France amdAirica. Notwitlistandumg îe the eud omf Aprîl. Since Vlan noîliug les faLmpume tresultii)g irons bis tour, the Baron leen beard iroinshlm, and rumora of batties intet mlishortly to rida on his vebocipede lava beau repeatedly received aîong th, iromi' -ýr. Petersburg Vo Moscow%. coast. 'A rce la-silow-uer named Gabriel sud lis A uaw- kind nf stams will soon bie lotro- nioce, wi.o mved sione togather neer RuIm, ducad lu tue postal tlegrapl service af Rima- Gcrrîsany, oere killeS byea lurglar ibis week., sa wiVl a view- te secnniug the inviobability Botw-re fond dead on the day sitar the ni the privscy of lattera. Thue new stamp is burglary, witl batelet cotsalsl over tisair prinVed on vary thin paper, and carneot leIodles sud a lloody heicimer ou the table ni nsed agein if it la once put upon a latter. the diniîmg oolli, All tIe, mnney, sud Wheln usaS w-tansd teken off tise anvelopa documenta cd valua in the bouse were carnieS 1V beaves air indellile impression npon tha off by tha murderer. spot wlere 1V w-sa attacheS, sOe t if a novw Much excitensent lias beau cansed lu uni- tamp la pot upon tise saine spot the inn- "e'nsiry sud milirary circies hv a duel etthVe prsasion of the first stsmp eaula seau Gertuan uuiversity towo of Fraiburgbeîwec tîroul V.the Iieanrry Lieut. RaVzeb sud Dr. Berer. Tlé qtuestion of întroduciug the study of Tle quarrel hegan lu s beer garden sud con. living Oriental auguagas loto the Russiso cernied la w-ournnin Dr. Bergers conspany. commercial schoola la baing discussed. It h îTe weapous w-re vistola. -île firatex believad flar tIe ignorance of auch iaîsgî- change ni alots, Berger received a ballot il)t ages las ooe of the, principal rossons w-hy the throat., The wouud w-es cousidered Ruissiau traders cannot successflhy compare mortel at firat, salthough the iujured man la with Englisis sud Cermen traders in the uow- thouight Vo haIve Isome chance of racox'. markets of Fersa, China, sud Japaît. It la ary. îi! le ult i w-rkung dow-nward suld thougît that if Ruasian mîaufacturera sund if ita eventual position la surI that it colie exportera will have in the Asiatie roontries removed,- Dr. Burger's lie may ba saved. agents lika thosa ni their Englial sud Gar- The Liapsie police bave shut op ie mau conspetitora, w-al versaS lu the lengu- Maro ahVematiainbes-m agea and manners ni he orientais tiuey will miîug achool lu tiiet city. The cause of th il soonm take Vhe lbaS thera. - ----- 0F GE}2ALII~ ER.ET. semedaffectedly its'exposure te tha air after so long a confinement, but no changeaNwas Eatrls are dying off at the rate of twenty discovered. It was af terwarda,, set at liberty. par. a111nnu.1 One of the most coplous springs in Greant Britain la the famed St. 'inifred's Weli, 0f the twelve largest ities in the worid ueaà the towu of Hiolywebl,'n Flintahire. three are iu Japaii. The weil is an oblon g square, about twalve A sciey bs bau ormd i Belin forfot by seven, and its water. say the peopie A soiet lis ben ormd i Belinforof the~ district, has îîavar been lanown to the lrecding of raîbits te serve as an article fez.Ti atrasrii nyl re of food. fezýTilte setoýmyb re as beasides conItaining a fair percantage nf Tl3e population nf Paria la tated te bca-',- mineral mattars that bow'erits freezing point, 26,43 r 162,02.41bas tliau it was five yaars the well is inside a beautiful chapel, which ago.was erected over it by Queen Margaret, Ille The iag n ue luthe marcai rmy iother ofl-{enryVII. Tha water 'tbrowu now cog nsita ofortyour pa-n a up i. not kst han aigbty,-fou,,r hogshaads rows. 00 stas sixevery nunute, iand thé q aanityapears to theLononad ~ tra vary vtry litt'eeitheridouh or after 0%erûOtaiis aeuostatlytraellig tellavistr"in ýh11Uiý,dutiless that its prîiitiv-e surce's ara nunerous .id widlely- Tefirst word in a phvsician's prescription 1îtiue St. Winifrad's has beau the is recipe, abbraviatad týo'R. which is a relie objeot of many pilgriînages. ni the astrological symbol of Jupiter. Ipraî xprmnsh1 ebe are If the rhroat is very sore, wring a cloth out lately at Portsmnouth uler the suplervis- in cold sait watar, and biud Îit rou(nd the, ion ofCaptain Britt4n, of the Naval Intel- throat tightly wbaul going to lied; thon ligence- 1epartmen t,/witb2 a vuow to ascar- covar it with adry towel. bis is excellant. tailli, y tha value of carrier pigeons as mes- hemale locusts have the pu,, r of cmnit:- aeuzers Ibîweetî ships ati sea and tha shore. iig loud ;clirping sd, the meaus iof A hnîning station baving beau firat estallisîs- a-f1îcting ssbich,'var i l dfferent faille. ed at Eastuey Barracks, the pigeons belong- îng te itare taken ont in a torpado-boat and King llinibart of. Itaiy suderstauus raleasad at 5010e distancefroim tha, land, lu a,, icltîîre thoroughly, and manages bis sonie instances aven as fair as the Fac lreestatea lu Piedunont with the skibb, of c'0st* The expieriment lias, provad moat a practical expert ini iarming. successfib,- the brds ainsoast iuvariabll>y Thapoole of London, accordirng to the. reaelhîng homle aîîd keeping gond tima. On T eat p w at .rsu p p y re p o rt , r n k a o o u O , usio n th e y w e re re l a se d lu a th ic k millio gallonîs of water par day, wbicb la tog on the IFrench sida ni the Chiannel, but ga e h ll prpoes. madie off, and reachad Eastuey well tmp te The French make paper uimîrallas, reu- tiiine. It is expected tîmat the trials wilb derad wholly waterproof by geiatinised sbortiy le developad. bichromate of potassiîn.ý It la quite a fixad lbialf among the Rus-ThBabfls esI. alan paasutry that throwing the daad body TeBubtisRsbe of' a drunkard in t ae river is aura, to lrîng Biizzîug and gay iu the-earlydawn, ram, Freh Irom. a uap onuthe purlour w-ail, SHAMPOOING and HAIR CUTTING dons as usual; aloo STAMPING in ail its branches. Neadj' Bleckr, over Mayarls Store, Bowman. ville. THE CURATIVE ACTIVE PRINCIPIES EXTRACTED FROM COD LIVER 01L' MORRHUOL: lamuci more "iprompt in its action than i Co cl Lver Cil Iu thse treatment of Consumption, Bronchîts, Coýugha, Pains Ia the Chest, Sore 'Iratsand Asthma. SOO N PRIAIS 0F 100 MORRHUOL. PEAILS, EACH 0F WHICH IS EQUAL TO A TEASPOONFUL LOF OI. CHAPOTEATJT, 1 rue Vivieùne, Paris. 0f AiLL DEITOISTS in Canada, PuICE S I. Wholesale of LYMAN. SON!S & GO, MONTREAL. - 'Y ~ - - -~ - ~ s ___________________________________________ __________________________________________ - -- ______ -.-- -~------ --- - ------ _____________ -~*. ~fl ~ S - St5 ~.Ž~r~~rA0vw ~ ~ -~~'fl10~1O ~1R,~1 ~t11t~11~ 105,. ~ r- - --- ------ --------------------- -- - ~ ,-~--- Of the tbo Mdca (oxpnyfanw at Toronto, Canadla, and xnay lie cn- sulted e-ther iu person or by letter on&ý chronic dîseases peculîar to man. Men, young, nid, or middle-aged, who find them. selves nervous, weak an exhausted, who arc, broken dowu from. excess or overwiàrk, resulting in many of the following symp. toms:- Mental depression, premature nid age, mess of vitality, loas of memory, b&d, dreams, dimness of sight, palpitation ,of 'the beaýrt, emissions, lack of energy, pain ini the kidueys, headache, pimples on the face or body, itching or peculiar sensation abouit th e scrotum, wasting of the. organs, ,dizziness, 8pecks" befere tveyes, twitchiug of the Musclés, eye Iiô s and elsewhere, bashfulness,. deposîts i thzu urine, bass of will power;ý tenderness of the scalp and spine, weak and fiabby muscles, désire to sleep, failure to be, rested by sleep, constipation, dullness of her= g loss nf voice, desire for solitude, gxiaility of teinper, unken .eye auLrround-. efi with LEALVN OfltLE, oily lookig skln, et(,' are ail symptoms nf nervous debility that, lead to însanity and, death unleas cured. Thc spring or vital force bavinglbat, its tanl sionevr funiction wanes in conséquence. Those ihn hrough abuse connnitted u igno rance mnay be permanantly cured. Selld your addreasý for boc k on all'diseases pecuiar to man. Address M. V. LUBON, 50 Front. St. F., Toronto, ýOnt. Books sent freesealed. Heart disease, the symp-Itoims of which are faint apells, purpia lipsj, inumbuess, palpita- tion, s kip beats, hot flushes, rush of blond to the headj duli pain lu the haart with beata stroi3g, rapid and irregular, the second heart heat quicker than the'first,pain about the breast bune, etc., can positively be cured.' No cure, no pay. Send for book. Addresa M.V. LUBON. 50 Front -Street Past, Tor- onto. Ont. THE CANADWAN STATESMAN. $1 per annum in advanca, otherwjsa ;$î 50. SýubecriptIons aiways payable ai ihe office cf publication., Advertlsing rates anlea by cou ract, 10 centa per fina, noupairiel. first inise-t on, and à cents' par Uine each subsequent in- sertion. 'Locals, 10 cents per fine. M.A. JAMES, Publisher Tle Russian J ew -must serve in VIe army, bunt cen noever le more then a privaIs. He miit py taxeýs, hit an neyer bha amayor nr ' "eider " of Ins Vow-u. The w-ter iitî which Alexaudra Victoria Abera Edwina Ionise Lady File vas clrisreued w-as brought irosu îtle River Jor- Sais. by Prince Geo rge of Waes. The inoat predinus 111e un îhe world li that niVicon Dudley, w-ho has joar been tu- ane or 01,110,.Mr.,Wieuarît.ke3r, îhe, Amaerican Poarmaster-Geniersi, lais ure for $5,000,000, but VIe Prince ni Wales cZo noV get lis ifa insured for more rîsmu $3,250,- Dresatuekers read w-ilh alertas descriptions of,aomne of the costumas vw'orii ly Barnhardt li- tIha chtracter of Cleopatra. Saseral yards of coarly matenial are sutuply swatîad about Viie body sud limba, anS plusseS in place, Vo give the drapery enr artistic effecr. M-ýeissoniar w-es proud ni bis shapely anS teiçete handa. Ha saiS thet lis ingera w-are an sensitive thet hae coulS w-tl lia eyaa sisurey onu tIse exact ansount ni cobor that lie w-nted on a given spot if soînebody placeS VIe poirt of Vhs brual upon iV. Ou a etsat onue great Eîîglisb rallw-ay the bondloQît baskets whlcb îunigny travel- lan e up at oua station anS leaeawlau dubay emptied et anthar are provided w-tI vory sarviceable uapkins made ni ararcîsad tissue papar. ,Bosîon is tle ouly city lie hnvonid whici Iras an exact record ni the proceedmuligs of ira Conîiimon counicil. Every motion, argument, anS ramark, non nattar boss uniuïporrant la srenogrephiceîly teken dossu. Tise.memnbre ýnrthrefrevery eicraul lý!tIernutter- Tisa MaS Kîug of Bavaria somnela susokesC- as mny as 100 cigarettes e day. Fon oacI cigarette ha oses an assure Isux nf niarches, rouching off the orbars t sece thsem ï Ounu ai Ionlhabas useS ona te lacune a ligît. Hae las tw-o noix'suits nf blacki Iroadclotîs MaSe Iorn i tw-ice ex ery sveek. Drunkennesle the failing of tIe Hercules beellea, e South Ainerican inisect. Jr anme- tises atteins a gnow-rluoies x suches inîlength. la la -saiS tisat it nasp thie barir irons tie siender branchas ni the matma tree inîll Vie joice flow-s. ibis it édrinks untsl it drops to tle ground intoxicated. île Gentîaw-omen's ciganette-making 1sýciaty is au institution recently started. îhe ladies employaS by tle society rocauva 6;d. per 100 cigarettes nade-mora Vhsîî Vwice the price generaîly peid. île lest liands ara kepî, anS every cigarette is rol- ledt by laud-en imnportant consideretion, as every tobacro epicure kuow-e to lis coal. It w-as long thougî r' et VIe w-ter irons nsated snow- w-esVhe pnreat of aIl w-tar. ibis idea las beau proveS incorrect, as VIe reversa is the case. Snow- le reeîly a purifier of VIe stmospbera, atrractinig Irons it, as. 1V falîs, varions insponities ; sud these are lu Vhe -snow--w-ter. Interestitîg expaninsonta have beau madIe upon tle .mffect of givitug <'w-s lot isern o drink in5teaS of colS. The nesulta ana aatiaiactory. IV hes beau proveS rIet w-haisVIe cow-s drink w-aVen et a lemperature Ouît ton a fligne over gardon sud law -u1, 'e-aring no trouble andi dreediug n 151, S1 Ca-ma a fly- A iiveiy friicsom, bluebottia tiy- nu a sleel WeYr e a nr Ai ibit style Ais complote, As his brain Was rapiate With île mischiel iluat iaughed lu his aye "Wlat ginriona ion 1'l1 have 10 day When the baby's eslaep aud the nurse nwey; When itover lias by the kitchen door; rI' uaken hem lbotI andi maie thcm roar! Oh, w-bal larirs CrieS tna roilickiug, racirbesa, blnebottlc fly; What a cry Said the y -Thora wil la Airer me, \Vheu T'va donc -Witb ny uynn!" AnS hie wie1erd1y ;vinked hi w-e, w ee eya! Tnen I51l go euSdoulace oo granipas haad, White he struggles Vo lrash me away; Andticka inebs ar iii ha'itwisl me dead! Andi ovor the table at dinîser 1'll play eck andi forth, And feast oncrumbs freim a fi eshly-baked pie! Aud 1'il sip From the lhp Of aach gasîs That mnay pas Ahl sweet thiugs Dinner bringa r' QunVî this riotouse bluebottie fly! But, aies ! for tIe plans lae lad laid, And alas! for the day jast legunu For V thiiy 5000lit lu the gratafll hade, To escape the bot raya of the saîî. Andte10dreans 0f tle sigbts tIer îbould soon greet lis eye, WIcuunoseen, From the green 0f a binul Above hlm, On bis lad, By s tlread., Fail a spider, WVho c'ooliy SavoureS lhtIsbluebottia fly. Mirs, Magoogin IBacs That Women Cam'r the Iflod in Australia. Wurra îîy, but do ye kuov w-bwat Toozy's jisîl bits readin' Vo use, Mrs. Me- Glsggerty ?" Faix'n' 0î do nt, Mns. Megooglu.' Oih, thîn wait till ye isear id an' id'Il break yer l'art, Mrs. McGlaggerty." Il t iusht le somoîhin' purty bad, Mrs. Megoogini." Throtb'n' id la, Mrs. Gaggerty." Ol shuppose s. " "Yis, inSade, id la, navourneen,'" saiS VIe widow-.Il Lane over an' OVI tell ya. IV w-as onîy tbisa hlissid minute Ol w-es sittin' lu the kîtellu lisîreolu' tVolier readin' ont av a&nospaer tha womou-w-nmen, moinS ye, Mrs, McGlaggerty-carriea the lad lu Analtîralia an' aima stsvioty cents a day. " 1Arral, huaI up tisera, Toozy, ye're Vîrylu' Vo fool mne,' sez 01. ' No, Oi'm not, mini- maw,' sez she. 1 Hene id la lu black su' fwhoite,' sez aIe, au' aIe p'inted lier linger au id. An' thora id w-es sure ennui, Mrs. McGla1 garty. Dlvii VIe wurrud av bole he w-as telln' et ahIet ah. Jisît Vo tlink av ime irind. Women carrylu' the laueSau' airnin' but tw-îuty cints a tIay 1 Wnrra shtlrue, but isn't id aw-fui 'fFw-hat koind av w-omen km tlay be, Ol m wondlerin'. Snre'n' thay cs't be w-omen et -a il ; Lhay musht le reiîly an' tîrnîx' min lu petticoata. Tl' idsysavew-omsn'takin' s lad upo-u bar sîowldîers an'cboimbini' up a lschdhar wid a loaS av breaks au' uvrybody bukin' et

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