r ~ tur nr'TMa'. A, Davis has returnedlf rom hem The Galbraith homeateadi, Liberty St., THE B EOI trip thmough Wetern0Ontario and is is offtemea fox s3le. Seo ad1. The value cf SÂUI'SAPÂRILL& (Smilax ready for business again. Ladies requit- Iltw1 pay you to buy school booksa andj ()Jcinalis) as a Tonie alterative and Dia- ing hair goods ahouid give M. Dvsasples at obson's Big 20. eioretia is Bo universally acknowledged cal]. Mr. eW.QuIick has madean asigumnent to eedno roo. Popl ofen equre 250~-STATESMAX and EERLU -3 MOe, for the1ben fito!hî creditors te Mr. W. ïonithing to toue Up their system, soute- Wheat la likely toa eli for ',3.00 tbis P. Prower. Th e shop was clbsed Monda y hing. whieh will act as a season. nigit. B LOOD PURIFIER îas an emjdgd.fotheec h a te pi t.hey say. It being granted that SÂR-, A lot of summier dress gooda selling off with 115 femaolesTornto5 maesin at end- el-PÂRýILLA la undoubtedfly beneficialthe at hall price at Couch Johnatoni & Cryder- ace p~ly question is whioh man's. Recnt hipxens c ega t Enlan WelintonJuvenile Lodge,. Sos of aee t ae iproed' o e ssfoctory toEn gand, invites the menibers of Welling- shee)u ro aveproed oresatefator teton Lodge totheir meeting In tbhe, iodge b4#~est ? While nt adviing every ai!- shipperS. ro et t hnage iel x ahrer frout lwpurity of the blood and it Send THSept.rgSMÂN 3 months to mepintex- eonclant alimenta, Cutaneous Euptionq, friend and get the FAMII.Y HERALD 3 moi .Pitn omevie a e ons vuoic tleumstio, Semof nia, &c , to tir7 for yonrself, al for 25c. W.hat fro midleo! jaînuil ary tndbeo!s all the preparatiofli advertiBedl, Ne only1 htfomidefJnurtçmilef ga* for fair investigation and will mail n Our, offer Of STÂTESMAN snd Faily August laid 9~3 doz.. and 10 eggo, beating 4amphlet, ivisig the chief therapeutio ead otafo 5.wl ewt- Ennjîkillen houa by 32ï> eggs. They are ftez and'funil direotions ln regard te treat-, drawn Sept. lat, so hrmy ln your ordera. mixed breods.ý andtho use of Apples are going te ho eheap this Full The circulation f Tmut SxÂTzSm.ÂN in -, owing to thre immense crop in Europe. over 2,000 weekly. No other local paper Canada and thre United States report big pits100. Advertisoa on and cropsi 100. examine our mailinig lista 'snd ose tIraI Rev. R. MeC ulloch, Hampton, preuch. nearly ail the boat familias read tins ed two very practical and heiptul sermons paper. n thre Mehodist churcb, Bowmanville, Mr. W. G. Yule,, axn.in-law of Mr. on Sunday Lewin, Quick,,of tIis town, irceshie ao- A R~A PA R L A s thera eer emîbehoan increasod de- jounn lBoston, Ias branched out as a mand for beet root augar, why do net musical composer. Rocently Ellus Brooks' to ;n>y addmoe, on application (Janadian fesrera go more largely imb military band performmd a march ontitled M-C'»'I' U'ELIzIthre mdustmy 1 "Phmneas," arranged and composed by ap4. guaranteO unqurstionàable ameliora- 1Mno. I. L. Brown, Dalingtoii, will Mr. Yole. -iun. if tIra directions are adhered te please accept our thanka for a basket of Mrs.Dancater who aucceeds Mmi. Don- the Most choice harvest apples we have nelly la a practical milliuer of over 15 The W INDSOR Mfg. Co. seen this year. Voama experlence and underatands evony P, 0 . Drawer 2050. IMontreal, P.Q. Thre Mathodiat choir on Sunday moru- dotait of the business. She la having tIre ing set a commendable- exemple to the shop nicely ftted, up and will aoou be oongregatioll ln the way o! attendance. eady for seelng ail old cuatomers o! thre They wera not kept at home by a light sIrop and as many new oeue% as will favor flN lê~I f0.mnier with a call. ~a ~riia~ euu~SAs an instance of the reptitation for The Mayor and Reeve of Bowmanville, turning out satisfacto1ry work enjoyed by Mecsma. Allen sud Poewm oeo bï ^elf John J. Mazon lu consectioti with hie Mouday, lo3)kiog et the crops, they sald. L '~Watch and Jewelry Depaniment v e were Judgitig by thre physical powems of theae ii INIi shown watches sent to him from sBritish controllers ni Our neighboriiig burg's, Columbia and Manitoba f or repains. conneil, wheu they command order peace This is.ý what the pediars and' SO Membens -of the 45th, Batt. are mak ing will eign orthie coraequences will be ceeI manufacturer said1 when try- tIroir mark't tIe Ontario Rifle Matches ýserios ta sjoebody.- Whiitby Chronicle. in Toronto tins week.' The winnings the Thre ministrationq of Rev. D. M.È Mach- ing to get $2 and $3 for 50C. SPeCt- fint day wemo :-W. C. 'King $5;-'John intosh, who has occupied the pulpit of St. 41ples. Since we offred to lend Our Curtis $5 ; Chas. Windatt $3, $3;, John Veurs Preshyterian cburcb for the lait ---------------~.~ Horney $4, $3; Capt. Milligan, Clarke $L. four Sabbatlrs, have been exceptiovally - - . .,, , ~ able. His sermons-are the fiui8hed pro- a ti ~ rMRs. DEARBoizi, ia~'1Boston Cookieg School. MiX ad sifttogehe spint pastry fiotir,» eapig ea sp. Ceead's Baking LoIder 5nd~ ~ ~ 13 aSpsat eat er egguntil thick snd~ ~~ ~c iihadýcu odwtr stir this into the dy~xue and enough more water to - make aogh stiff enough to hold is shape W RlO when iropped from the spoon. Drop theý dumplngS on a plate a littie f rf distance apart and cook in a closely coverdI 'S steamer for fifteen mninutes; or, drop t=e on top of the boiling stew and cook for the sa e le tig th of tim e . -< The ecret of hav ng them ight and tender lies in their not being disturbed whiie cook- ing, andi in not having much liquid around them, if cooked on top of the stew.-(COpy __ riht , by Ceveand Baking owder Co.) ~ ony Cevelc;nd's, baking pwders t ok t rtions are made for t/lat. -k i Clevelafld's Ba3k-N tis.. ing Powder, - . LIdIf«~ Wholesoflle, Leavens Most, For genuine merit, perfect purity, grand latheing and labor saving Trya can, es properties, general excellence and usefulness in the bouse, no Soap in C leve1amdc's. the worl ean stand up before "Sunlight" Soap. Lt downia them al Ask youw. grocer for it. NocsoIttrtlis, 25 cents; Ifirtflttf. 50 n U ~ cents Sle*tM,50eeeut%, caei InsertioniillL U ~ l uM U PERSONAL. -luit W1LEE 01? CHARIGE, whefl the' flu i 4flU i>LEU Mips Adla Wright la visiting with inonda uca ad r pitu tIi l in Toronto. BIRTHS. Save yonr mutard ,eed and bring à tto Mr ! Thos. Bingham is holidayiog 8t GeU.FaAm.-In HIaydou Aug. 23, the w!f e 0f our Ware House, et Grand Trunk Rail Bobcàygeof. Mr. iaid Graham. of a daughter. Mis Nellie Grant of Toronto is guest DoISSN-ITh Autioch. Clarke, .&g. lat, the Road, Odhawa, where the highest mrketi wife of M . S B. Dobso ri. of a son. p i cw jîî he paid iii cash by M RE . L . of Miss Bunner. WRIGIT-Near Enterpris, Carke, Aug. 12prc Master Percy Field, of Brantford, is the vvife of Chas. W. Wright, of a daughter. OLMSTED), who succeeds Mr. Coulter ýa% here f or a few days. 9qvAir-Inl Clarke, August 3, the vife cf Mr. manager of Our bu8inessB thera., Miss Libbie Downing, of Berlin, is here POPe,-le Orono. Aig. 18, the wite o! Mr. N. B. KEENEY & SoNN. vistîng- old friend. 1 Win. Pope, f a daghter. -l w Mm. Harry Jollow was in town 1ab"MARID weeklookVg h p3.MGSLLOn Aing. 19. at the Di8cipe Scatboro, and Toronto. of Toronto, assi-! ed by the 1ev. E. B. Barne@, ES A gullils 5,ephenVogtoTor0no and Geogina W n Mir. J. HB.Elanna. raighurat, is on1, hia Adelide, eldest daughter of George McGiiL. an-i lvstto oa Mil.ýATIN%C»YÂî tRosedale Farm. Mani- annial vsit Bnwnanvile.tou, Man., Atie. 10, by IRov. Jame3 McClung. Mýiss May Keddie, O.shawa, has. been Mr. Akx, Mati, Ari tBy. B. .. and Alie einneto MiiigNiss Spi Cherry. Mahel. eldest datighter of Mr. R. D. Foiey. Our1arge cons3_n eto Mrs.. Richerdsofl of Millbiok isDEf gu,4at to Mr. Gao. WebatOr. - - , T.~ ~ ~ ~w~-înOronoA ug. John Awde, aged ' . ' A R