On o W LUE HOMANVILL kO YOUNG FOLRS. you at daybreak. Remnember that if you THLEE AN.D BEVEN. licAUWI went to bed at suriset you wonuld be willing, fl.WMcÂusr5e IDr. A, ETTE. Gradlu to get np vvitli the cbicken-s, and roosters It I ~~~~~~~~~~don'f stop te consider suclitigs Oe datsAot hsîTeNm cîntiate f thpR ia !te Tcorto The Angels in the Ronse. Inigeraresaiyudosot.y orsl College of FJa.7plcians 1Ifa cre a yr da1, -cy o.sl azd, member . Unorr'tthesii1 R>yal, Collgeofý Sur- turgeOn, &C. Tirecpairs of drpe abs awicas sfOw ii turn. Only geese do thaf. 21r. John W. Kirk, the white-haired g'sots itl hes, like ýh.vlvet peac1ies soft' Don't try leap-frog over the cýows in the veteran who was wifh Morse whentise first bR~ MIlIE ~ '~A¶,Wer plcedagainst my face., pasture. The cows miightobe. working telegraph Iunie was stretched, and RYSCIA S, IYR~ OS, ETC Tr iscf(,f ty des cer o"e', A barn ro s flot mentas tboggan wosodbeietegreat inventer when .L ffce:-o. hsre alTe~pr',eTrc -Lokd in aine th -t'is ve,, Fand.shinglcs are rather bîrd on trou- thé first' message was transmitted frein Ste.Nigt cilsattnde- 'romlir l-illrr ~ Pair oflip kisedmc swcr Goo ses. nnaolis junction to Washington, hias esidnce.- -Thre Sifle ormsfrpmheaen. adeduring bis lif a greaf many interest- ,C. Muais~. D. ~" ,' ~frosBsns.ing calcullationis ianumbe1ilrs. The ýtwo YeUow-of-Ti-in, Med. Colege, ILflilts uýr fait h when1ýlhm, In IJjj Uî:'ddess eoetýNtoalE1cýý dd7 Me~mbersCl, phys. £urg., ont. oknow tSat onýe or blessed-Savior batie bfr h aina dt-3ad7 them rial Assocýii oni, 'MAr. A ' r ïRicardsoa "The numeral skeveni," says Mn r.Kirk, DR. J. c. M1T4JEUL, oi Ncw York, Wlioprobably ý-knIvps as much "the Arabians got from inLdinp, -and ail fol- EDIBER OF COLLEG,ýE 0F PHYSICIANS Drn ltl ns1 i.ab.out t'he advýertising aui~s s any lOwing bave taken it f rorn the Arabians, It si nd Surgeons, 0tario, Coroner. etc. Ani said lie not, 0 f sucli is heaven 5" and one else in the Unrited States, cretecd a sen- is conspicuous inijical lore, bcing men- :Of3A nd helddthens tohisebrcastl sofions by bis exposure of a ren ýakahtle and fioned over 300 tirnes in the Seýriptures, D BITR IEil uIPsoi Is if not sw'eef to know,,thatw, len they leave very extensive sysfem of petty s-indling, eitbcr alone..or compoundlýed wîtth othier B AIBEIST} R SOICITOR, &o. MOFItIS us, wbicb bas grown up in reent vars among words. It scellas Pa fvorite numleral withi BL0CK, uytairs, King Street.Bwan Tis then thecygo to rest? yetail dealers, and~ more espeuially armong the divine mind, outside as wel1l asý inside ville. Bolicitor for the Ostari Bank (ýÎg>i.Teonr ,fc oua thBblsntredm stt-. n Yris-ate»1oneva loaned at thl iowss rate And yet, yc tiuy angels of my honse, dugss 1leonr ftepplrteBbe sntr eosrts i any> _____Tlirec bearts encased in mine, patient niedicines and standard prepara- ways, and ail the other ntmiemis bow 7te if. How %twould lie shatfered if the Lord s1bould fions wliose virtues bave stood the est'f There is also another divine fav orite, the Wl~I.E1fs~AI5, ay, -finie and e xperineepnd manly milin number lhree, the iniy This is brought fSI MRo A13RIAGE LICENSES "Those angels are not thine!ý of dollars e very ari avrsing theni. ouf hy a comübination of figures thaf isstome- nelekiles. irougli the gec of their advertisemenfs whaf remarkable. It is the six figures 142,- ~. C. UUWI~G - A lolightful Stoi'y. s i fi eahg bcsaers of fbe land Il7 the namnes and virtues of these preparations "Multiply this by 2, the answer is 285,- rICENSED AC" ION E ER FOR Wlicn General Sheridan assumed coin- lsoeasfmlara iushl ors74 JJ he euny o Duham Saes ttededman oftheFedralarm, ocraingsu liewifb flic entire n2wspaper readinig public of "Multiply this hy 3, the aiiswer is 428,- o on shortest notiçe and lowestrates. Address Valley of the Sbenandcab, Ilurine t-le subi- the United Sae n sud.Tku 571. Ccessriùl P. 0. 36:tf mer of 1864, hie moved bis forces iboni 8tdv c wd iida ppsfaity<igpytisb 4 h nwri 7, S. B~riDEN Co.aow egt, utbyndHrc' whiçh these articles bave thus acquired, the 428,- CoTOEESfr h,0unty of Fryt on umt hsirglrdruggiat palins off upon flic cutoiner wbo 8"Multiply flue by.5, the answer is 714,- Duha .CT inERS foran fienea gn ridge of land afforded an advanfageous poi calîs for tbcmn sorte cbcap and frauidulent 285. L~nrat~Thnanean Çeerl gnf.tion for the troops, and tbey beid if until y Valuator and Real Estate Agents. Sales and d f dvnesulstitutc labeled in a nearlysimular manner, Multiply this by 6, the answcr is 87* tiser business prnmptly attended o. Box 712 Sheridan was reay t ', ac un flic which lbe faisely represents as baving been 142.( B o w ian ill P. 0.2e- f ' 'al cy nd cru l F rly ar y.m ade or com pounded by lsiself an d as b ing "E ac b answ er con fains fih c sain e figures As was usîsal under such an attitude of as good or btter flan tlic preparat ioni askcd as the original suni, and 'no others, and ]Planeis Tuned and Bepalred. waiting hetwcen opposing armies, there wà5 for, wbcn in fact these fraudulient substi- tbree o! fli figures of tbe suri remainý te- a good deal of acfivity aiong fthé picket f utes arc net nmade by biisiiough 'se gether in each ansWer, tbus showing that 4 "IRTiES WISHING TEraitPIANOS lines, flic constanfly dropping iliot8 frc- labcled, but by bouses de1vhted ftheti mai, figures preservecflic trinýify. PU Tedrrprecsn1ehs teedquen tly swellin]g in to brieS volleys. ufacture ofPth-roewrfIsscltcfit Thus28, apeas nte ireiad lecond tob0 -'~vigwe tx' ns oa The left ofSlieridan's line extended across -~~i ss "Oas"tortas s o wèU apted tc cbl4dhat castoia ceseOU.4oîtpt Irecommend ita s poto any prescrptîonU sor St(mach, Daroa rcSlE -florKaN -rs gives sieep, aud promtato kiwa te me" M. A. AEoan, MD., jestion,oumeIIon O51ýC'NT!ru m spNqy, ' lMurray Street, bi. Y. FORSAL B JIIQGIBOIIA &SON, EOWMANVILLE. ia H~a1Im BOWM VILLE___p -~ .- - - rtafl=vAr a e -.ie al-'f c- -1-!-vel, ~ Ur~~~tU rt ~ r~c~1 L . - ..._ ... .. 1L~~~~~~~fle~~~~~~~~..--- -----~~n vjv eu-ak t-ce ~m-h-U - ~~* * - ___eo~5~ ___________________________ _________________ ___ ____ ~ ~ -_ _ mmatcar~irsr~rsvaye.~. E~m3moi__ -.------.-----~-----~---~--- _______________________________________________________ -Y *, ~ ~ .,rîu tnovwo-xro-n=rs-oti---- -- - 4- A- ~-he!UI~ t,- j~L1d~52UU5 Lnenameot t e (Smo isi- fta-its- Luiiu~jtLddurIIraLaUaLaLeLflesasnft ~ L&I! ~.E -'~~' a-ufactucer, it wa.s-a -igaen rIto -f fre talh fUrt eere- th. n-, f 1 1 '. - ~r . - -- ------- - 1 - Atý- +,,_ I-f ,--%0 m