- -i-4alLs~:liV~-rzLsizfi~ 1ll~uQ, or1g1-!~aI, ~ Etti~-~jJd~ c1[j~ U'fl~ez eE~EIZize~ f ______ issueq e ch, 59- Cents-mt' (AMERICAN EDITIONY, -- _______________ _________ Boom lu1 World Building. CitY Hail Park, plIMPLES, blackheae s. red. rough, chapped, satisfaction off the Parties ma king the test. DRY GOODS& JEWELRY. IUNSLEHA ENG.-haeud NCoETOE."Isfr 35 IJU end oily skincred by CTCR OP UTVLEH&PNNS-hVUe IOE OE." Ufr New________York.________ Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry pain front canker of 'the stomé an omission to ASSIN EnîiciN.-ý,here are few in my family and can highly recommend fac nd body were almoat ec SALARY 010FOLKS' PAINS Aho t eh eel te nee eJ"JAgets Mn ad ome. eahers Full of comfort for ail pains, Infla- wdo not at 15 s eason eltend79 it for summer complaint, diarrhoea, etc." ipe.'ItedBrokB and clergymen ta itroduce a new and POP- rmmation, and Weakness of the&gdofa spring niedicine, and t'aal such "Ilà-___ hilanG E dg er laeislle,3Otgefrt dose occa1ioned aligi u1a~ sandardbeo1~,is the Cuticura Anti-Pain 1Meeninehen Whe 1 ay I cure 1 do not rnean merely te0stopthein PipadEgr r eln h 'oU onfudrelief-, and after Ul. sanardbokfirst and on]y pain killing e eomn aesFmlforatin1n te ae hhiet~ gan Iena 'TestiflI '-OfY 19 U~~CnlrtI"IC ine plater. New, instantaneous, rinfgallibe,. the beat. This is a pleasant herh drink r aiandtre. hae aethed!oeaoe of iI, 1 ePILEa-lar phiton cart like hot cakes. It w the bottiea 1 became completely toJcu o laaiet.___________miade by pouring bo)iling water on the ýS or FALLING SICKNESS1 a fileong stdy. I warrant cart that "takeai" every time and is ý.re think B. B. B. the mnoat powc, book of fl a z lr th e gedried roots anid herb. Druggitas sel failedia no e re eo r s t oase ecita u e. hendbate ta have a large sale. k o n t c e c .- t p e of__r lee em the pakaegao cad $1 l is the once for a treatise amd a Free Bottie of my infallibie nw fEcee.-Sepn pEum hepckgs t50eil$. ned1 "OEPRESS and P0ST.OFFCE. FREENlAN'S WORMTIOIVDE1tS destrey olet, P. Q. ieLvt,~ROL. M C.,86 AELAIDE ST. anid resùtoee-worms ývthêuitfijsry toadit MxadsLii~tcr~