F13LL STOCK 0F %ÎSOHOO 0L SUPPLIES. Special attractions in My- New 5c. Exercise Book,. 'Ever Roady" 5c. Tablet, "Student'à" 5e. Note Book, Big 200 page 5c. Seribbler. My, 5 quire'package of Note P%1êer for 2 5ets., theésur ia of 1 I _________________________________________________________________________________________________ . 1 MR. RYKERT ASSAILS THE, RIGHTEOUSNESS IN PUBLIC MINISTER 0F JUSTICE. AFFAIRS.- Truth lîke murder wil out. Mr. Ry- TUE PEOPLE'S RESPONSLBI'LITV. kert in his addresB to the electora of Lin- A SRN~io-N P. ECIIED IN ST. PAUL'S coin- last fali aaîd referring to hs trial CHUrCHie, SlUNDA)Y MORNING, 6th SEPT., and sentence for participation iu the pro- $v Ilxv. R. D. FnÂsEp., M. A. ceeds of tituber limita: "I could not un- derstand why I was ingled out for pub- TEXT:-Bighteoï4sîi EŽ4u(*teth a to, lic censure when there ýwere dozena of but sin îs a reproach to auv people. -Pnov. members in the same flouse who flot only XIV, 84 had applied for and obtained limita for themselves, but those who sat there vot- The text neecla littie exposition. The ing monies into their own pockets." statement is sef-evident that scund m-en IIow true Mr. Rykert's tatement has are togmnadd1asdmnwa men. A sound nation will be a steadfast, been shown to bc by the revelations of and honored nation; a nation honeycom-b- the past few weeks. ed by sin la on the 'highw-%y to dishornor .A few days agro Mr. Rykert addressed and ruin. Righteousness 6xalteth aln- an oen ettr t Si Jon Tompontion,-righteousness in the lives o the an oen ettr t Si Jon Tomponpeople, righteous laws and law tu kers, leader of the Conservative party in the righteous administration of public affaira, flouse of Gommons, and asserts boldly rigliteous relations to other lands. CUn- that he can prove his charge. Mr. Ry>. righteouiness degrades., The disregard .f fl nallwcrterene ui '150 01 1 i--ý 4-4v- .1.- --f- ; 1 who compose it, lJnder a free form of government such as ours, the people at large create their rulers and control themn, and are therefore responsible for who those rulers are and how they discharge their duties. This is no strange doctrine. It is the A B C of our political liXe. he mischjif is? WQ 90ototen forget 5t and rail at our répresenitatives, as if theirs was al the bMamne and.ours none ; or we helplesa% ly allow our representatives to act as il we belouged to themi and not tliey to us. The cure for public corruption is in the people. It la an ulcer on the body politie. It may be healed over or burned out; but unleas the whole body become more sound and healthy, it will form again in nome other place. We are to look for the cure in a sound morality in the people at 1ai'Ae. If the people are pure, if they have learn- ed to love righteousness, and hate,-yes 1 hate wîth a strong flaming hoat,-unright- eousness, and if they carry their princi- ples wîth them into the convention and the polling booth, then there ia hope for pure administration ; not otherwise. SOHIOOL RE-OPIENING, I{EADQ-UARTERS FOR SOHOL BOOK&- Complete stock of 2i'b h-n nl7-9Qq fnrnI74 ,'iQ lof the morai . iaw Dy une. people, uni Mr'