t FULL STOCK OF 60H001L SUPPLIES. Specia1 attractions in my New 5c. Exercise Book. '-Ever Read'y" 5e. Tablet, "«Student's" 5c. Note Book, Big 9-00 page 5c. Scribbler. My 5 quirepackage of Note raper for 25ets., the surprise of ail. Fine Wiiting Paper at close- st prices. P. TREBILCOOK. tBOWMANVILLE, SEPT'R 23, 1891. P.tEm1ER GRLEENW.AY, who bas, just re- turned toWinniipog, frein bis tarin, reports biat farin baneds are very scarce, and that uch grain in Manitoba je being ruined 3r want cf mon to eut it. A Tory namoed Ernest flionne wbo bas, * een in the sccountant's brauch cf the Public Works Departiment at Ottawa, il is hheei as been lending money coin- in- into bis decpartinent tu a friend in b)usiniess, $210having been- loaned fer three mïonthas for whicb D--ionnie received $42,- interest. This country owý%es, a debt of gratitude te the Liberals wbo are ex- ucsing, the the terrible rapacity that bas Dbtained undor Tory rule at Ottawat. Aoercase of Tory hoodiing bas eoine te igbit at Ofttawa. Inthe investi- gation)i on Monday before the Publie Ac' counts Comitee, it wa shewn that Dr. W. Iniglis Bradley, neow. cf Sanit Ste.i sry cf the Departinent cf Railways and Canais, drew salary as an extra cierk for one year whiie ho was taking bis coilege course in Toronto and Montreal. Ris fathier ertifiedl te the nionthiy ,accounts. -4t begins te ock as though the whele Tory brigadle cif officiais at Ottawa enIter. -ci ~ into, comipetition te see Iwbo eould coin- mit the greatest robb!ery frein the publie j' reasury. It is the opinion cf mlany thaLt the hiaitbias neit yet beenl tohd. WHITEWASHING SIR r HECTOR. The long inivestigations into the Me- Greevy-Langevin & Ce. scandais are over sud ]ast week the sub-ceuumitteeocf thp1 Privilege3 an 1 Electiens -Cemmittee pro-f senfted their reports-a mnajerit, (,e Toryc whiitewaeshing report sud a minerity Jor Grit report; fer while Sir 'John Tbompson sud Messrs. Adams and Gir- cDuardl have spent about twoweeks endeav- oringf te find excuses for Sir Hector Lang- evini's cendluct in ceunection with the eev-a eral ma.zttors referred te in Mr. TarWs s rh -trges, Messrs. Mihis and Davies, the Lib- irai obr of the sub-committee ap- pointed te prepare a draf t report te ho sub-a miittedl tothec main eomnittee on Privilegese an(! Eleetie ns, have presonted a reportt which deais with the case in accord-f ~anee with the tacts as stated in evidence. The draf t report presented by the Conserv- J ative mnemfbers cf the sub-committee sets forth, in brief, thit Thomas McGreevy is s verv bad c man, wile Sir Hlector Lang- ovin was a simple tedl in bis hands; thats ifector was more ooe than rogue, and 8 proniounices miiidc censure up n Mr. Mc-i Greevy and Mlr. Perley while oxonerating the late minister et public works frein &Il vecommoinding that the dock ho lengthen- ed by oue lihundred foot. Ris report was asdopted hy thecabinet but as the Esqimiait dock %vas partly an Iniperial work tbe as- sento eo,Briitishi admirahty autborities liadtobeobtaiixed,anidsuch asseit. net b)eiug, ~givei-the( ývi!miralty authoriýties cunsidler- ing the o4 lareeouglih-Ibe extension prejet w~'no cari~out. But for thlis - I Iobstacle Sir Hector's recommiiendation wouldl have been duiy carried into effeet, and Ithec tax-payers would have hxad to pay for 100 fooet of useles dock, s imply because the con-tractors agred lte pay $50,000 eut of their profits providled this change wag effectedi. It is taxing public credulity too far to expect the people of Canada to helieve that Sir Hector Langevin did net know why Mr. McGreevy wanted the dock ex- tended. Thoe ircumstances under which the contract for the Esquimaît dock was awarded te Larkin, Connoiiy & Co., also discredit the tbeory of Sir llecter's in- nocence.. The tender cf Larkin, Connolly & Cc.was net tbelowest. Messrs Starrs & O'Haniy wbo were the lowest tenderers, swear that they were ready te accept tha contract,. Tbey were frigbtened into witb-drawing their tender by Sir Hector Langevin bimself-wbo pretended tbat their tender was altogether tee low and that ne extras or charges -would ho allowed or paid f or. But the report cf the expert acceuntants employed by the committee shows that the dock was aetually built for $50,000 less thaiithte tender cf Messrs. Starrs & O'lainly, and that changes and oxtras were allowed te Larkin, Connoliy & Co., their profits upen the work being something enormous; notwithstanding the ameunts paid eut as "donations" tc Thomas MeGreevy and others. Wby was Sir Hector se anxious te have the centract undertaken by Mr. McGxreevy's favorites instead cf by Starrs & O'Hanly2 Every advaritage which Mr. McGreevy agreed te procure fer the centracters was dnly oh- tained. In every case where hoe agreed te ebtain changes, extras, etc., for se mnuch cash, the goods were duly delivered; beiug in every case ohtained tbreugb the late minister cf public werks. It is utterly absurd te condemn Mr. Mc- 0 reevy and exonerate Sir flector, because the latter ivas the chief sinner. Witbeut the influence and active co-operatien cf Sir Ilecter Mr. McGreevy weuld bave beeni utteiwerl essand ceuld net have 1earried eut any cf bis arrangements with the centracters. No deubt the minister- iai majerity will accept the wbitewashing report, but their se doing will simply con- vince the public that Mr.Abheltt's petend- ed anxiety te purify public ile and pun- ish beediers is ail shani and bumbug, and that hoe is reaily auxieus te save the phun- derers frein punishment. Mr. Abbe t tbinks liecan satisfy public opinion by punishing, a few ef the miner officiais, whe have been merely misled by the bad ex- ample of their superiers, ivhile allewing the chief effenders te escape. 110w utter. ly absurd it is te suppose that Sir Hlector Langevin did net- know the source frein whence Mr. McGreevy ebtained the $35,000 givente. support Le Monde. In ciosing bis address hefere the Priv- ilegesand-Eleo-tion-s cemmittee, Mr. Fitz- patirck, counsel for Thomas McGreevy, appealed te thie members net te maize a scapegeat cf Ibis client, or te saddle upen hin Heins of othiers. But that is exact- ly whiat the minister of justice is going te te ask tlie cemmiiittee and the flouse of Commeiins te de. Mr. Abbott as ain Anti-Oorrupt- ionikt. Mr. Abbott is represented b)y the Tory pspers as being fifly determiined te cleanse the Augean stables, says thlelbe. fIe is describedi, in tact, as thoe pure-air shiaft cf Canadian politics. Thus far hoe bas net distinguishied imnself in that capacity. The exçposuires imade ini the Public Work s D)eparitmienit,Printîig Bureau and Interior IJepartinent have 1)eein iita,-ted and car- ried thireugb by Oppositieniist,tfrequently in the faýe ef obstructions putt in the way by clleagues. Nor is it saf e, j udging frein bis past career, fer the people te cont on is- active participation in the work cf referin in the future. fis ewn testinieny botore the Pacifie scandal cuiin- mission in 18'42 is suifficient toe convincýe 4.ny intelligent pYersen that refori is net bris metier-is net in bis line. It will be rernembered thiatL on July 30, 1872, Sir Hughi Ailani and Mr. Abbott perfected an arrangement ivitb Sir George Cartie r under which Cartier imiiself, Sir Jobi n Macdonald and Langevin wore able flood the country -witb money., Cartier signed a letter about the rsilroad affai r and another and a separate eue about ehec tion money, hotb cf which were draf- ted, in the first instance"ey.Sir Hughi and Mr. Abbott. The mouey leÊte read as tollows :- 'MONTREÂ&L, 3th July, 1872, "Private and confidentiai. "DEÂR SiR. Huan: The friends cf the Governrment will expect te ho assi$ted with tunds in the pouding elections, an d sny amount wbhich youi and yeur company shall advnoe fer that purpose shall ho receuped te yeu. A memeranduin cf imniediate requirements is below. "1Gxo. E. CARTIFR.", Tit 1a-eosre arnbîclyta thepreliminary expenses gn the Pacifie andi varieus raiîroade in which 1 was on- gag"ed, more or less directly connleeted wiih the Pacific rsilrosd, muade Up the amlounit et my adivirnces te about$350,000."' Sir Hlugli wenlt te Newfounidlsnd Short- ly atter making the arrangemeint witb Cartier, and Mr. Abbott paidl eut a good dleai et the moniey. Last week the W. D. -News dlevotedl considerable attention to us and as usual cailed names and toid lies-neot a singie charge in his column of matter being cor- rect, W have ben oveI' thirtceenyer i business here and à Atere is one man1tr who is flot satisfied with bis transactions wJIth us during that , 'eriod w-%e witnt 1)iml to corne at once and get satisfaction. Or if there is any man who bas a claimi against us for any amount or with îvhomi we have faiied to keep faith in any bus,- iness transaction ho Inay have hand with us, we want hiu to: present bis claim ou complaint and be shall receive full justice forthwith. The statement that w. endeavoredl to soul ourseif to the Conservatïves of the riding is a lie of the vilest type. N-ýoth i- ing could ho fartber froi tha trutb, and we defy any man Conservative or otber- wise to pay that we ever hinted such a thing. James Gale, the spy, sneak and traitor who attended Reforin mieetings for nine years and gave away th~e secrets of the party to its political oppunetîts, now seeks to bide bis ewn disgrace by biackmailing us. It won't work, James; your lying propensities are so weil known now among business men in tbis town that neitber your word for your note will be takon for five cents; A BRILLIANT WEDDING. P.&TERSON--FAIRBAIIEN. Hlappy is the bride the sun shines on, but ulti Sol seemed. te shedi an espocial radiance -on Wednesday aset, when M is Georgie Yole B. third daugbler cf Mr. J. B. Fairbairu. P. M., sud Mr. Beury M. Paterson, son ot Mr. John Paterson, of Montreal m ose uniteti in marriage. The cesemony took place at 3 i'àek in St. Psul'e church, Rev. R. D Fraser, M.*, paster et tb. church, offiiatiug. TheI screti edifice wae tastetully decorateci with plante, flowers, vinos sud wreatbes by the vouug lady frieuide ef tb. bride. As the bride eutered escorteti by becr father, the choir sang, "The Voice.that Breathed o'er Edeu,"Mies M. M Armour presidiug at the ergan. 'Tb. bride loekod very pretty in a neatiy flttiug costume et white ilk, en train, lnimmed wiîlî chiffon lace, snd wearing the bridai voil, with s golti broocli sud pin, sud beîeehoeecf pearîs in ber bair, ase oramens. She carrieti a beautiful bouquet et white roses. Thon. wore five brid eemaid- -Miss Mautie Fairbairui, sieler ef the bride; Mise Carrne Alle, daugbler et Mr. W. F. Allen, mayor et Bowinanvilhe; Mies Muriol, Brook, daugha- teref Mr.W. R.Brock,and MisMary Reid, daugler et Mr. J.Y. Reidi et Toronto;and Miss Anns Edsalldaughten et Mr.S.ýEd- salI, reeve of Bowmanville, was maid et hour. Maeser Alex. Beîth, son et Dr. A Beith, made a handsomie p9ge dresedc in a Lord Foutleroy suit et velvet. 'Misses Fairbairii sud Allen wore white sillu snd cheffon lace iwith' bats trimmed witb green bows sud double white violets, sud bora large bouquets uci white rcses. Miýees Brock and ReM lase wono white siik dresses, white leghioru bats with white plumes, sud carried bouquets et white asters sud tenus. The group presenteti a very attractive appeanance on lb. rostruin durng lthe sulerau ewemouy. Tii.groom wae eupposted by bis brother, James Paterson cf Moutreal. Mr. Paterson presenled bis, bride wiih a pretty gold bracelet sud oach et the britiesmaide witb an unique bracelet, witb peerls sud the mouogram "Il andi G." As the happy couple withdrew frqin the chuscli Mies Armour playeti Meudelssohn's Wedding Mareh. The usheve were:-Fortlb.guiesîs Meers. Broute Ml. Aikins sud John Y Reid, Jun., sud ter the chureb, Mesere3 Rhys sud Tomn Fairbairu. A briet seception wae held at the se- sifience et the~ bride's parents, Elgin St. The drswing nom wasemeet approprialely arraued for tbe cecasicu, beiug nicely bedeeketi witb iflowersesud plants. The. gueste attenwards pantook of an elaborato dejeuner. at tie conclusion et whioi tbe bridaI party were driven te the C. P, R. station te takre the express for. Detroit>, Chicago, Minneapolis anti other westerï cilios, folleweti by the beet wisbes ef hast, ef trieuds. for a bright anti happy future. The wedding gifle wene a very nuinerens anti valuable assestinent, iuciutiing càe- ques for a large amnounit, silver, Douiton china, oxidizeti silvèr, cullery, painlinsîg, fae-y, werk,etc. A curioeîty in lbe.brin et a panel nearly eue hundreti years eld, formerly belouging te Mr. Fairb--airn'i3 graudmaother,_ was aoeong the gIfle.. Msny presente were receiveti- frein inviteti guo8s in Seotland, Florida, Galifornia, Wnnipeg, Truro, St. Catierines, Sarnia, Hamilton, Peterboro, Moulseal anti To- route. Ameug lie, guests we noticed; Mr. sud Mss. W. R. Breck, Mr. anti Mss. J. Y. Reid,,Mr. W. S. Ormsiton, Toronto, Mr. andiMr5. W. F. Allen, Mise Allen, Misses EdtiMi, May Allen, Mr. sud Mrs. D. Fisher, Mise Fisher, Mies Brougisîl, Msts. Fraser, Mise Fsses, Mss. R, R. Loscoinhe, Dr. sud 3Mss. A. Beiti, Mise Winifreti Beith, Ms r MeLauglilin,, Mies MoLaughiMs foiland, Dr. sud Mss. S. C. Hilier, Mr8. P. Murdock, Ms. anti Mme. D. Burke Simpson, Mme. J. Simpson, the Misses Simpeon, Lieut Lpeob, Mr. Carl Kent, Mre. D. Beiîhmies Wilson, Miss Beibi, Mv. anti Mn. Chas. Keith, Dr. Boyl1e, Mss. S. S. Edesîl, Col, Miss antiMrs. Cubitt, Mrs. RuRgles Wright, Mie M. Meksîhur, Mss. Fertt, sud many oth ors. M an orWoman, Ghost or Humain.. we caunot eay whst will cure gies, but many mon anti many women isba loQk like glioste ratier than hunian beimgoi' lhrough siekuese, isouit regain healthâni happilnse.l- if tbey isouldt ly the iirtdé et the wori-renowned remedy, Dr. Piercô's Golden Medicai Discovesy. Torpidi ils.:, os "bilioisneg2, " impure biood, ekin erupý lions, E crefulous seres anti ewellings, QQu- eumiplionji(wbich ijeacrofula et the luigi>, ail yield te Ibis wenderful miediciti. Ib ie Luth touie aud stteugireetoring, andt nýiterivo er blood-cleansiug. fPrize-takers at Toronto. The exhibitors frein this district at Iho Induistriai Exbibitiou, Toronto, were suc- cessf u]1 a,5thoy aiways are, in carrying off ,îfle best prizes in their respective classes. IForemnost ameng thin were R. Beith & Ce., who carrieti off the tollowiug priz9m: On C!ydesdale Staîbion four yeass andi up.ý wards, there heiug 1Il eutriQs i thi class, Sir Water wv" the winner of let ~pize and Eastfield LAddie wan 3rd prise. They were cqually succeseful in theis ex- hibition of hackues stallionsi, their Black Jubile. Chiot winninx firet in a clase et 12. M\esers. Beith aisewo a special prize on their exhibit et hackneys, ehowing Mise Rlickell, by Brother te Danegeit: Lizette by Anconeus; Mayflower by Hligh. flier; Couquest hy Anconeus, 2-year.ohd flly, lwo yearling fulies sud yearling colt. The judges recommendinq thesje tes the whole preminin. This was s great ex. hibit tesr eue firin te rmake et s epecial Ms. H. H. Coleman wae awarded firet «on large squash sud lt en mammolli Mangoldts, let Best 200 earsetfcern, let Pickling Cabbagelst Parenipe, let White Onions, 2nd Red Onions, 3rd !tellow Globe Mangolde. Mr, Sidney Jackman was awarcled let prize an astistie work by nou-.;iecbanie. The article exhibiteti being a turnisheti house. MvI. W. J. Haycraftt ecelveti 3rd prize on spsing wbeat, let on bon lurky lot on poase nykiud, andi Mn. H sycraftl e- ceiveti let prize on home-matie breadl. Ms. W. R. Kuiglil was awarded firit prize on Andelusian breeding peu, An- deluelan heu, Dominique ceekesel; second on Andelusian cock, Black Java eoek, -Rouen tiuck. sud third on Black Java bon anti Rouen drake. Mr. M. M. Porter seceiveti third prize on hie handeomne 3 yr. oid carrnage fllly; thon. were 13 outries. IL feels p.ertectly salisfioti with the awatd. Mr. W. H *.Dustan won prises on Andel- usian fowls as tollows: 1 sud 2nd on Cock- erele; 1 sud 2nd on Piillets; 2nd sud 3rd on feu sud 2ad ou Breeding Peu. r AUCTION SALES. TiuuÂr &,Oct. I. -Mr. Samuel Gmhet lot 24, con, 2, Darliugton, iil iel tarin stock, implomeuls, etc. As ho egiving up faumiung everylhing muet ho soldI Sale at 1 p. m. See posters. S. C. HUNKiNG, auctioneor. AR Youp R arNis ABOUT IT.-Your- diatressiug cough cin b.enreti. W. know ilbecause Kemp'e Balsara within the-paat tew yease as cureti se many ecougbesud colde in thie communîty. Ilts rem arkable sale bas beon won eutirely ~by ita. genuine menit. Ask soine frienti wbli ha&useti il whal ho thinke et Kemrp's Balsai. There is ne medicine se pure, iionie se effoctive. Large botlles 50c. snd 111 aI il druggiate. Samplo battIs freo. Oh,,isiat s eough ! Will yen beedtihle warrnin4 The signai peshape efthle sure approseli ot that more terrible disease Coneumiplion. Aek ýyourselves if yencan [tord ter tb. sake et eaving 50c., le sun tile rtlk anti do nothing ton il. W. know frein experience Ibat Shiloh's Cure wil cure yens ough. Il noves fails., If. THE JEWELLER, Is to the front again, and' ~invites everybody to Cal and see his fine N EWi STOCÈ of Watches, Cloc1kst Jewelry, Silverware, *You can buy a genu- ine American Gold Filled Watch, and-Gold Filled Chain and'Seal, ALL for- offly $15, CASH. Everything else sold equally as cheap. We do the business and can af- ford to sell cheap. In Repairing we excel, as everybQdy knows; we do ail kinds and give the bestof sat- sf'action. MAYNARD SOHOOL 'RE-oFENING HFEADQUARTEIRS FOR' SOHOUOL 8BOOK& Complete stock of SîcJ&ool 8uplies, KENNER BROS., *Variety Hall, Bowmanviiîle. NEw My stock of Fal ý&n(ï MME ILWWinter Hats is c'a~ Styes.I an gin plete---all the NEW to seli them very miim cheap for cash only.Hà JATS CALANDSIERME HTEt. Gents' Furnishings in good va7oiety and will be sold exceedingly Law. Cail and inspeot. Persons having Furs to be repaired are requested to bring them in learly before tho busy season begins. UR GLEARIîN'OSALE Fali and Winter, Dry and G1othinçj, Goods W1ILL BEGIN ON FRJDAY,. 25th SEPTEMBEU, AND BE CONTINUED THIE 'WHOLE, SEkjSON, j lress Goods, Silks, Manties,,Tweeds, Ulsterings, Fiannels, eCarpets, Cottons, Boys'and Men's Cothing, and al good8s in stock, will b. soid' at 20 per cent. discount. >Our chief object is to seil quiekly. Prices will be slaugh- tered to suit Cash buyers. Our Store is filied with New Stockfrom cellar tie' garret- Ail Due-bis will be taken same ý a-s Cash. 1Bowmauvifle. SePtember 22, 1891. FALL FAIRS. T]E *Bewmaiivillr. Sept. 24--25. Whitby Sept. 22-24.(AR Castwright SeDl. 30, Oct. 1. CebourgOcet. 6-7. Lindsay Sept. 23-24-25.IfA U Markbam, Octoben 7-9,AL Port Bepe Industrial,Sept. 30) to. Oot 1. FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT, IneuranceINTrTo ROBT. VIRTuEc, Agent, Bowmawiill Farmere os threshene wanling a barl Seaied Tond of beet machine oul very cieap esîl at ohasea!£1h. fo STATESMÂN office. We bave three bar PICLI- sels4 for sale. Snith'e Creek, - acres cieared. cipalir maplei Change in Bu2iness. wîth ex cellent ceptlnq thereo J:1Liaving bougit ont John Allin'a interest Easet aide a! th ý 9 the sald parcg [in the business carrieti on by Cawker & f am barn Allin 1 illh stili carry on tb. business in o! lot numberý thakfu teeusClarke; aiso, ahi ils branches. 1Ia ain kflto rNorth quarter numerous tionde andi patrons for the inised in theo liberai patronage we bave receiveti lu tie more or loes;a pasl, anti respectfuily ask for a conîtinu-: Tb e ad la anc. of the saine, which by strict attentien The timberJ - village Or Ken to business anti keeping the best stock the mille, a shiugl market produces I shal tili strive 10adonig menit. YI'Enseai Barristers, Ltr My intentions are le give special ad- aide "Tender vmntages te "spot cashl" cuetomere. Ail A. D., 191 - accounts will b. rendered iontily, anti if TERms,-0n - dawn ishen te not settleti wilbin 30 tisys atter beiug inroe -onth reîndered, intereBt will b. chargeti on thegae a mayb saine at the rate 'oftoee per cent. per c t.hriur monîli. The profitesaill b. reduceti soMe] 10w that the cuetomers will receive the S~ benefil paying cash. I laee conîtient frein tie benefit the 1VOR SA] pubric *I~ll eceive by payiug cash and '2clà acrés shorteniug the oredit systein liaI 1 shall a gomd houe i shed, stable,e be ençowzs«e4 by your aoontinued patroin. the choicest:f age whli iriu b. thankfully -received.ti.os~~uc Ciash paiti fer eggs, bidon, t tilow, ebeep- uak4, êt'ç. À*NI 1ELLISON & GCo. 3EIR LANDS DWOOD ANDI CEIYAR> ABLEIFARM9S FOR SALE VNSBIP OF~ CLÂRKFh}ýcOuNT.Y osý 'VISHA31. iers wIll b. recelved for the pur- followlng lands, namely: Ail that Part Of lot 6 in 6th con. iship of Clarke lying South ot k, 95 aeres more or less. abont M .12 acre good hard wood. prin- aand the reinainder le coverec nt growing cedar of Rood siz 21oa- sont the tituber of 5 acres along the the said cedar land. Thera lu om rel a log dwelllng hons3e and -The South hait of the North halU r 8 in 6th con. of said townshi 4 acres of the Senti, end of or of said lot; aise the lande coi aiod road allowrance to the Westi lnds contalnlng in asu 6S acres ;about 20 acres cleared, 48 acres aod, principalty maple, ids are very desirable propertioa. la eY v'aluable, adjaining th. mdall, where thora are two gle maIl and a grist mli; thera are and Behool prîvileges im mediately iddressed ]Xotntrre & Stewart. .ndsay. and maroed on the out- Dr Re ýE8tte Josep h JacôbB" wW~ L tathe l5thDAY0F OCTOBER NO tender necessarlly acdpted. )e tenth of the purchaae money tender lea acepteland the balance, h wlthout lnterest, or a large part $ sec money may romain on mosý_A ,b. agreed. with Interest aI f6 pet i9th day ot, Aigû&, 1891. INTYRE &STEWART, SoliaI*oesff furVendore. &LE OR nR.IT.-Hûuneand afor sale or bc rmot. sas. p o et north. The êltescogito 1 0. M. cmw: KBP. 1