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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Sep 1891, p. 6

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mto OFwcE -MoREA' BLLOO, I3OWI.NV(E Onae fthe Royali1 ate oe tho Toro, Ot fPlïyiciuns -quà enber DEthe,-,tlpiveorSît, lYs c nDyfCallge f Su- ;ureoý, &c. eca 's. ibrh p IYSIOJÂNSSUR G ' E S ET] Cice :-Cor. 'Cliurclia i pr 8tNght cal18 att> a rmD.~i rs4lidence, tu3. D.-lli W. O-HRiLrIER, M. n. * ý B. L&MMI-ÀN M . .M. Tria, Un _ellow o Trin, Med. Cillege, Mlember Coli, Phys. Surg., ont P EMBROF COLLEGE OP' PHYSICIA lamld Surgeong, Ontarlo. Coroner,, etc. M 10o and Residence.Eq, ile. ' J" àBRI,$T]iR IOLICITOR,,&o, MOPF uPKnstalrs, ýKlng Street. Bowyn * colct0r for the Ontari Bank -e lyata ioRevs loaned st tha lciwasl i S. C. IUJKING LICENSED AUOT ION EE R F( Lthe Coutty or Durham. Sales attenÈ 1 en shortest notice and lowest rates. Âddr Clutiiici P. 0. 36:t Planog Tuned and Itepaired. PÂRM¶S WISHING THEIIRPlAN( 1-Tuned or revaireci can have theor attend tOY leavng word at the DomiNqION ORo. Orrizci, Bownsanville A flt't-clas n 10w oinln latheir employ -e IOJET. YOUNGc, V, g, O~FFICE IN THE WEST DURHJA NiewsBOck. whlere himeelf Or assiste wil befoud fon,8a.m. te 9 p.m. Niglit cs at residence.directiy opposite Drill Shied. Ca aby trelegraPh Or telePhone wilI receive proin attetion171yi IL. A,'W. TI)LE. T'NEI ,APPRAISER Re AA.PONT, A t iOs Prearedfor every elasa of buidîu Sricia atentong yen te lieating by stea "id bût iater. andi 10 anitary errangemeni Office: Colite Block. Whjtby 43-iy .PEATE, Tril- Gentlemen's Clothes Made ta Order 0. H A î 1NDEN L. 0. 13raduate of the Royal collog ai Dei Su1198011, Ontario. O ICE OPPOSITpE EXPRESS OppCE, -40LD FILLING A SPECIALT- &ETIPICIÀL TEETH INSEP.TED WITHOUI P-LATES. flreat-Reductions in price on ail Dent WDrk. Vitalizee- Air, constantly in Use Pl o 'Ing Painlesa Oprations. Partlcular atte kri nard ta the legulation DE Children'a Teet &~AL WO RK WÂARRA NTD. -m brnioffice. Dr. Rutherford's Oron VETEIUNMARY STJ1WLÊ0h. / OIRONO, * ONT. Office .-Post Office Block. U- 1, by telegrbph or telephone reoelve iii ,ie iatc attention. DEfVTlNT. OFFICE :---Petr of Mlessrs. lli jibotham & 'Soln's Drue Store,, (down stairs), BOWMAIZVILLE THECDOK'SBEST FRIEND I-AgGjEST SALE IN CANADA. DRÎ. kÙ LR -XTOF~ OLE CA,- MYSETERY ADALL SUîMME:R COMPLAINTS 'ND FLUXES THiOWS IT 1$ S %4E rlNDO RELALE FOR TUEQUET'EN'S PARDONS A DACOIT STO fIy. The ofram t? mectiienhtihtnd by shou]d have noîbi îg wh!lmacvr b eàr [mC, by sauch a rnemntras a w-bnle in fomthepol-c fler Ili, r ralease ; liey ea sparcd me bt rul !auudu ym:mib iex eee bypeit ai ,do rsrival luie dacoibLs.T lî (e îim wbat tlbey 11k-.d accord 8anti, making vecy uniueessry dis« After t 1w-o boucs liardaserio and miv pluy otsir dahsand sýpears, lieýgan buo mis, Idcew ont mynoelokud t. sioucb tomiards me iho 1w-os mand tîtrees. I sked Bob Hlan potI-lunk if 1 but look my stand unider a liuge Icce. antd timcew yrite clown bis nainse as ait ulpplicaul ýfor: up My banda to Show I waî ,unarmed, mc- pardon. lHe lung liack -a Ilii, but. ),b .NS cording 10 agreement. Thon,acalt length gave a-an a Somlewlîab mixed motives, I aiouted ncoi- downiauei as fait as Icouid wihc 4m muntiior lofestlu bbcadvanchng dacoits: delighleti witb bbc succeso! miyfolad Ilîydw ormnstîwî o pm erraud ; but I w-as nul yet ont o! tlmewo RIQ, wîth aoy mun w-ompprusic-lei me wilb 4"ah Now," I suid, cIusijng My book, I~r an- spear, or guis in bis lImnti! are stili sotie incu w-bu have îltskd oî Théefcfect o! my speechi wms far frontconte i.10.Iwblicounceliack to muni ow , ti rate stisfucory; every manistaoppeti, pîuscd give therri ote usure chance,'" for a moment, anti then lunk back tuelime "Wlsre are yen going t" demtauAdti-me shade, Whece li sai l ownu again. î I Blicull. OR nob like Ibis. lb denoteti thal tle dîcoils "Tu.mYYcmlume fru ee rled wiere in nu gooti-bumour, anti I wtabed my- moiwred. rsa self weli ont o!flime place. But living for- "Are the police Imece 1" ;t! - lbiden llicm lu come near mc ammd, il "Ccrtaiuly." would neyer do bu rcîract, anti1î ait clownu A louti murmuig arosa fron thie cru on the groundtel consitier my next move. ad île Bob made no attempt tuoque]l1il. Ib was nutlolft to me tu make one. Afler Jlcarly the information liai the police wpreË 0S lweuly mnhutes o! lot discussion bbc dacolîs su close aI baud distuchedthoria. ded appearet ta baa-e formeti sorte plan o! their " Sec PI" I shoubed ti ahbb top o! my vle mnowu. Four mnuvery tdiberatcly sel t p, a wu(ilmîe Iogi bcpl ceE bausloo tripoda anti î-quatted tiwn bu - toit wcrebae runths village? The wili nul hurta t iboir guns on lbcm, iniaccordanca witb the yen now" Burman'â practice Whhni eans tlu take La But lime miaruswaa nutl oble sa easily - il-V gooti ini ; thon une man, carrying an anti- layeti. 11 - quiteti carbine, was pushati anti acobtictIl You muat sîuy lare to-niglît,' saîi -ob alout o! tIse group, cvidcubly chargeti îith fInfIrolytmern1toisc et],"miy lla a message lu me. fie came ..very ' ! ýI npt alow-îy, ant I couiti sec lha was u amen wilî think 1 ans klied, ai ill'g ,r terrible f igt ; but I wa growing pan-quýickIy bu Pyemrana. The DepulyCos>lu- fuilyanxiou, teuopen negoîhabilos anti îàè misiioner will thon sent i lie huoidreti nà en ri trng harti nut te look utthose fourlveît The Bob lîngliet. "For bow- nauy toocie ubldn ot y-mntsanionths a!eyo.'beau lvyimsg to catch ime? ,"Couse bore," I saiti pcrsuaiirely; Il, ha jeerati,«"But you similI nul go. fiow- have no urin." dan I tell but Iliat you will returu ati),once The min grnonedth ie icilicat grîn I have wilb youc police tu-nigmî, tliey beiîîg ausear Ca- erer accu on humant couinlenance, and statu- il lîmut? Now- you know- wbcve we mmy lie îg. mereti ont aumeîhing relatmve tb my thcy- foonti, yeu wil ugain ry 10 shoot u. al uttgafay (pstol; liîevally, amaîl gon.) As Tliece was nu mguiîîg with sncb obsiilnaî,ed 'ta w-cil as I coulti make ont, lisiit-ents butdî'Isîruat as Ibis; but lime position wî,s c o- - sent Iibm lu ascerîmin tbat I huti nul a ce- ceedingly awkward. I coulti net go wibh- volver concealeti about me. uîey tid ti ouI the ducoîts' sanction, andte remuin îr helieve I would couse witbolIaniwol would inevibably liing ont mu expedibion lu: lice lu lic quite sure. avouge my immginacy mut-ten ilI atV -r This w-as more reasîruring. I belti up my Immf-tone, " wuuld lie undune anti more l banda agmbn, anti legged the treîrblmîg ides, liefore mattens coubti ha explaîsieti li1 mesenger tu couse anti salisfy hînsel!. "b wll atay," I ausweceti, rccogiissn "Coa t î aitas eciasî-ci asî lme eccsbt ;" but you must senti two o! cul-ome1 ai lualoer uve mosI your mmmcm to my camp with the letter I P I taie offmemy-cod ,oIbal ynuu mmv seci have abaîlwrite, andt iote tw-umen must remuin I nIsta fm ol. ' I tbrew yvo-i ijmv'-eîI lime wibl lime poliece as hisîbges." 1 gonîisti su it henp sy ia agan the 1 m'us agî-eeably surpriseti by the Bolha faor o k beard o gruce antsi meTfeur eady consent to' thia arrangement ; ant Turowti khrondflierequedcame "Tey r.wiîhoub delay I sat clow-n anti pencillei a h will shot you deati if you kill nse. -nt umysreu, -pmnogm ilyT III ca't kibuyuu," I replied sliocmIy, as I anti hidding hblus tinthie nuesengers. C turnsîilowly avounti forc cuîîmeîience ofint- I titi nul sleep much thaI nigbb. boc- 8( spection. "Iditii'b cousehleealune to itl cupietia but wih bbc dacoit chie! antia j- anv 0one; I came lu talk lu Boli IIlam about duzen o! lira men, w-ho wcrc as wîke!ul asi 1t tib mater o! pardon." w-us. Thse outlaw-s taîketi li niglit about s The tian grunîtid an msent ; anti îavîîsg my visit tu theisu, amîthebb probalility o! tuhe -E ascartaîneti that time buliy contenta o! my Governient ieeping ias promise o! pardon. P cual-pocicîs w-et-e nobhing more dangerous Tbcy scemeti unable bu bellieve that it l u Ibm biscuit aud clierools, bmwled toluî isut a ruse bu maie prisoners o! beus;, 1antiP Y cumpanlons tîu "Couse t" Thmse gentry saclpeitt imIterfl oi i Ythocn laid down bei- wepois anti obay- tieatb or-even w-utse te bhc Burusese muid 1,ý r cd, laoghing anti tlking witli insolent déefi- -exile bu lime AnsdaîmanIlanduts.Soma ance. boldly voîcdt t5 Isitouiti be killeti 1 I ay it ire minutes more anti I founti myseif the ýsupposed) usleep, mndit labau attack smut ,ocentra o! a igitly-packeti ccowtiof aqucttnrg le nmade op my police camp. Ti îg en figures, w-ho stareti at me as biougît eycs gestion fond sevecai supporters, aij jfor -mn t 1 coulti ill. I titi net feel easy by a'y means, eteroîbylalîyisanngwbue yae wuasliuî M% bemnuet in on l ides liy ruffiantusbuwîuni tieoociedt luanti fro. ltvabiilhstXuct fr rio murder w-a chld's play, anti wbuse lî,resI lBolsilHiana vice; elîher lie -as aslecp, un hati lecu diligcntly seaiing focrlime past five helti loof frou tise tiebale, fo àc l dîtnu - nonîba. No attempl to hostie me w-us apemi a word unlil, n lime ativancctiitors made . but lime expresion on cvery une o! o! tle mucning, a bol dispute hegan bt-e bbc lowering savage faces tli how- lîgimi , sortie o! lis bandi regardtng lher conducbýton M word, howeligbî a slip o!flise tongue, w-aslte !ollowing day. Tia he tielievcred lus y uecassary bo sel thsora ut uny bruat. Now ow-n decision, straigbt-!ocwardiy enough in anti agaimi I cauglil sonne l-jeetiug- ubser- " l',ence, you !' le crieti. I"Lisîci--i tat vation as lu my belpîcas condition lImae Titis Euglish police ufficer is alunte ant ile cc imn their nidt ; anti 1 w-us hla!bopeib caunot take any man agits iawill. TImse _ b urt some scaîbîng challenge e làbbbn w-ii who like iuîauy mn aw-ay. I heliceeleo wcuiti ensure Mny deâlli ut once, anti Icave, I nglish lias spoien tr clb, anti I shah !follOw-bc timusami inhecîlance o! buliet or roe Al i lîînî tu Pycenmnu. Timose w-bu w-lu myoc, w-e t lking il once, bu nie anti ulta, anîtifoiioî me." Su my patience wus aurely trbet before a mu IN ot atother word was said -;ani w- ar, mutenbmary loîl gýava me a chtance o!fomking ont w-ah an xicby anti fbigune, I feli asieqp. 1b .s myscf b Ird It came aI luit afler Jie I v as up aI daw-n, cager te start bacc lu )pe vcyiorat uarter o! anl bout I ever apout, camp before thse tacoîl chie! sbouId chang e 0c antiImd my speech. In bï îef, I expîmîn- bis iiit. I fotnt t ivie o! Iboso W-0ho j cd lime bt-ms on whicl pardon wouid ho lad prumiseti sulîmiasion hld Iboug1iul nIt grunitei;- insiateti strongly ounIlie incvease botter ut hL, anti iat bol loti; but BoIt fi o! blice Punjaulice Mlitury Police, thon lu amd twenty-saven o! bis mon profesjsetillieus. proceis o! organiusation ; revcm ted again lu scîvesretsdy lu accompasy ie. I wai a pl.outi u lime pardioninow- offereti, anti cabotted lientm mnW-liu 1 umarcieietiîo My camp lthe cdi 'o b taie ativantage o! u opporbuniby isat heati o! tiis file o! ý1taoi ts. F - mgbî nul occur again. Iineeti imollingýL er t-river i s qul.t be a - Now-, Bois filn," I cont(,edt, attices- gang gai-e op Ileir ac ni asasmibb ng lime leader, iri'ô w-a aquqatting almost oooo ! fprosoners mi-t aL guotidm! tu-c imy feeî,"-wmt doyon Say?' murrng; an)Jti -r cp dcie ii 1nul de - am Time mmai run lis inger ncrvousiy uver bhe creaso w-bois bey w-ove commnited lut) he; ýuusighliy lumps oilu lit est which inet iock-up uî awaî îbcbr forma!i1iaT1ý the spots w-leue charnisa lat heemo latin tic orfeal took place ahimoa.t iumialeiyanmut low- tle siLin, anti d 'bie woldlibko t lhoy weco sel froc On p11msingto ho o! ir - bah it o\et-," gooti be lsrfr th, ime utrelo "Il is goot," I roplîcti, bvcathinig mura The iitpciion Ibis Ieu et macle upuxm P y!reely. 1IAmsbhae lu balk will yo u.' bîmuswai e-udenceti in a renmrkuile 1I have bore," saidthbie chef,ivaisimmg bis novr. litliin a motit o! tisat-dsnis thel urus anti abowing a puckereti w-tle scar, "'a pardotteti, nu fow-e titan eighty-aevenýi wotid!romt yoot gun. Muuing Titb as a ducoits camne in î'olunlarily anti gave u wound on hisalog; mmny o! us bave veceivel bbcbv arma. Thmus'tmy trip to Tbongwtay Pce lodts front the police.' bore fruit m.ore "aiable than I it my mt Ug Thme Boli's réféence bou-ndis -w-es fol- sanguine mome~ntseveer dii eti ailbcmpmîe;Ii lowset by a siigbt comsmotionu; hmf-a-dozei but I aboulti osot cure bt go îhmtuugh ù!he cx- d n sbooti up to show- ncwly-bealed bltlet- pecicîlce agaîn. ' w-I wounds,and soue, hiteous aîîpporlîng sures [v1-fE E D. JS whiclitmmdcenia sick tlok o pen. ____ IlTme poiicegaîîs bave nmade th aie w-o ta," Hawick and lTawi-A Folit. said Bob filin, looking il me fixeJly. m[îti My riaing bopes sank lu zerougî. Au TmugmtE 0atbdyo he yeope f!yi omninous silence reignet over bbe gang for a ycmasmgo laugimet ut amid discurdeti bbc couple o! mntues, anti 1 titinul cure bu hoglie îlotici o! lbemc ancestors, thceu-o break it. stîl a remunant loft w-lose fitîh .w-ms i -à IlThe police guns inaethese wountis," siaken lunîviîchcru!b ant inbufainy mytl*o- dOu repeatedth le Bob us tolidly us belote. logy, bu apparitions mot in omens o! gootiï, egg an allic ovcvlookiug ticetiooralep, aîd as c& as thc unfornate woman made har pearauce hietlirew himscîf ouI o! bbc ndow, and feu ou lier wîti sîmch force I bier leg was broken, anti atber injuries re inflicteti whicb reuderet iber rccorery tremcly donbtful. Hie himseciflbas suitan- concussion o! the brain. Bobh husband CI mi fe are now lunlime local bospital. "So y0mir ister ha marriéd 1" "Yes, and sue did very well-apledd. You bava heard o! Vanderbilî 'P" "Oh, yes. Did aba marry in bhat fao mBET "Wlycdo su peak. 8hieacried a PUREST9 STROM E$Tc, fl nephew o! Vaderbii's chie! ee7ok. fHe is COutelua Do Aum, Ammohia, Uai lIme dgvrro! a srel car. "-[ýTexas Si.!inga. Phosphates, pe,4nyInjP Lw t cOb,#lidren Cry for Pitohlerlé ze3toria<, u.~5t 55500"-' - -t4~tre' uW~e~r - - - j 1 ime bu tsec ber fathet breathe bis la This w %omau vesided ib Pdnchbuwl Clc and lad a înigic îbory about a wedt there. The bridegroon lived in WallE jWynid, and came witls bis thm n-age by tLiewitcrside voad. A rugl toa wMasluilihose days. This was cîmively wî fri' ma ceremonial point o! view as lb sadt eunluIcky for amuarrtageor funl pary 0 o ly nyback! way. Thevefo bli roI le oglî lubav tkeoswaa by - o! bbc il1gb steet lutiaitsetsetee onsn salaned115reptatio'n -,for 00S0o dsd~ ~ ~ ~ "! ilicmekoni h ouse o! joy tl bbc bridegron i cma iythe back-t thaîs a glooni feýl ntefae of the bride 'Phis, bwc)ve, -àwa oly 'Ibe fivat o! fatal foreliodilge. Tho nexb wa the we o! înk for the signing o! Ibetm'mi ilagec( tract'. The ýthird omnen was attîwl worîe th bbc othera, mad thcy v,_ere lad enongli.I carcmrony lwai bcbg clucted lu tbe lip o! o-ne oý' ! Jh Goflbwspenny candi wben nt wcthise1gbt. Tbree limest 1ligh t wMlt ou li efore the simple marria cevemon y -was completed. Than if bert wdigwîs oGver and Ibe guests liad go aw.'ýay strange soundi were board duriogt suent watcbcs o! the niglît. This 111-fst mmralriage wasbeld un the Fridmy, the li grom iecame aickz on the Saburday,a was .on ddon bbe Monday nsorning. Apparitions o! erary conceivabla aha mdsubstance wece also sImple tanies convers1aîlton, mid so werc haunted bouý Ad po Cofe eviiod w-robe a pueni eut cd Cofer i', luwhich are describ acenes o! glmastly horror. Youngstcrsa afraid to paissIbese houss wheu n oIlh wîy to work i0 the shope andi milîs on dà wiotec murniogs. Oause off a Lawsuit. Not lonsg mgo, au Englisi clergyman w smaldelime defendant iu i iawsuit in co acquence o? lii orderimsglime postinan i bu leaVoe a letter atidressedti 1 one o! maidscrvaîîts because lb huore the prof " Miss" liefovee be woman's nume. I ,contents o! lie lebîci which she Ilins fail bu recaire were o! suohiImportance Ihat tl diamages ciaimed lu the suit were piacedi fve hundrad pounde-lwely five hundi dllars. Tme letIed' waa an uffer o!fnmarriîl on thec part o! a prosperous young farine ,wbo waitad a sufficient lime for a ccpl and thon concluded that lime yoong wonau silence was lu lie conatrued as a negati- Wbcthcc lie mavnied soume une cIsc doca r( appear, but aI ail evenîs the maiden losiLt[ )ppurtnity bu change iser name and wayi life, sud lance lIme liiisuit. The clergyma mad very positive notionîs as 10 the impti prieby o! addreisitîg a scrviog womanï Mirs, or Miss, or a servuîg moan as Mc., ai hadt gi-au a geomerai order tu bbc local pu: mlan net lu delirer at liii honte auy letîte lîni addressed 10 bis employeci. Th'e trk bas becît twice posbponed, and fi la imposs île bc predict wisal dacision whlllibc neadhe( Thle use o! the prefix in questionis mire--he,, ;ussmmun lu Englani tlb- n Anerica;: sucb a case wera lcied before anl Anserjca jury bbc defendamît wonld pccbty sucelyb the losec AuAmerican country editori said lu llave offered lu write Mv. beforc >isq. a! 1er bbc nraille of aîsy subscriliero Pmymleut O! tweimy-fivececnts extra on ccir's suliscription, whilc for fifty cents Il would give the prefix colonel or general any muait wio desircd it. An Engiish edito oak'.ing a similar proposition would accur e cumity o! ail lthe upper Andtiîliddi las, atîey arc exceedingLy jealousc l-eir rigbts and privileges, and could no oussihly sec the bumor o!fbbcesuggestion. ?ive Seasonabie Receipts. t d _W -CtO\VOR 1 tXEOPICKLES. Onl',ýiai.gallou hest cider-vinegar, one hait l pouîd o! yeiiuw mustird, ground 'lix the ulsnîardf witm a little vinegar; pu vinegar un bbc fire, and whcn il buis, itl i the inustard and let il sinsmer. Thti take il off and il ha ccady foc the vegeambles >0e-quarter pound o!f mustard seed, eigI peppers, cut fine ; une qu-art o! amîtail onooî ne dozen cucumbars, one quart et lin caris liuilcd, bal! dune; une quart o! greec corni cooketi four minutes, une-qui rIen pecl smil string-beans, onie lcad'o! calibage ciC fne, ansd one-lilf beacnp o! suit. Pýart]J ýii bise i agetaliles exccpb cucumbers, pep pers anti calibage., Sait the cubhage auý nuîuberi, let stand ulle hoir, drain o!f lix m al the imîgretiients and bul lire min, A DELIdIOI-5 SitEtîRT. Mix logether une pint o! mulk, one pint )fsugar, une plot o! water anti oun-plut o ,nned -ipnicots rulbcdbelicougb a iieve. ceaze. Peacîtýý"es Inay blie scd imîstcmd o -trico, Muny 'ïIpeople -do nul like ice. more o'îribimsgibm rgular, Md eay u make. Bullcigl egs ifleen minutes ; chop, ait id~~ ~ peprIes thcn taka une teaipoonful flo, ou f sugar, one o! butter, one of epi nustard and bal! a enp o! good înegur; couk five minîutes and pour over li eg i. A FIG ?UDDiNG, A bal! pond ecdio! figi and suecbeh op. d fine, and a bal! puod aach Of brOwt gar ami I breisd-crum iii; six oudees of 'ut; îwu acid appies cboppeit fiue; a, balf up of, sweet, milk, and tbcee eggî, lbe mites miti dyulksbleatensepmnratciy. If suet 5nut aI baud, use butter, crearned and xed witb the foeur. Mix thieismga- , egi 1 le, ding Whlat lia% beeus Accoefplîshed ila the I i lj'ff ltItt ;cýr's TnYeit',rï. r ~ In nar- The chronit disoûrder xvhich is reported IAJ M J ~ IU & aiit in Irelaild, and aâ realdtbere during BREAKFAST. 'ong the lait ten year, bas ià creatLed the impres- By a tlior,g.s knowledge ofý iie natural was sion that the agriculitural and industrial laws hhgoe h Orain1fdgstn Lerai interests oý_f tat uinhiappy country are at à and nutrition, andi bi a c ireful applicatý iiço 0f fora, low eliand the steadily dccreasing ppu the fine properties o?, well-sZele-te)d C(Ocoa, Mr. ,ay ,asseeiedto onfrinpoplar im- PPshlas provîded our breakfýgas tables wtla wayl lstioiis ofeencbutthe rcort ini-daelicataly flavorefi beverage which ima,,,sire oner prsin' ? ,btte eoto r ro-us utsny hleavy doctoral bills. It i, / h9 mer, sba',w,tregister-general, read before the jndicions u4eo o auohi articles of dic, 1.a 9t a sla Statistical and Social Inquiry Society of zonstituiion may be gradually but up untiL road s trong enougli to resiat every tendency ta 1Jreland, in June, and jut pubiislied, fur- diseae. Hundreds f ubtie maladiesý. are le. nishes materials wbicb go far to contradict loatig around us ready Ia ttaok wlierever thebtis general conviction. Tbev show that thera 15 aweak point. We may escape many afatal shaft by keeping ourselves wel.i fortified ant Jreland, wetl a diminisbing populatian, bias arité pure blood aad a properly nourtshed co-more than held its own iu the iast ten years. frame. '-,-Civii Service Gazetfte." ban 1, naking its estimate lie hias divided the Madle imply with boillng water or mille. Tbe decade ilto two pcriods o! five years eachi, sold only in pacleets. by Grocers. iabAlled thUR: ight and bas made bis statement so as to coni- 1 JAMES EiirS & Co., lometeatie <liens les, 31, Lendon. Englanà the pare the averages of these two periods witb on otbloth e rnhâi one aootber, and also so that the firat and CunMotblotene Fecha- iage last years of thbe decade caaulbe contrasted. bassador in St. Petersburg, bias the reputa tbe His lirst point is in regard te vital statistics. tien of being one of the best diplomate in onea The decrease inthe irst five years of the the service of France. "No one," once said the decade in tbe estimated population was 56,- a Frenchi minister, in spaaking of the count, ited 000, in the last five years 47,000 per annurn "lunderstands better then lie how to dis- de. In tbe average miarriage rate tbere was a soive an opponient in sugar water." and sliglit increase. Tbe average dcath rate was TeHa ugo eigbteen per During tbe wbole TeHa u~o lape of this time tbe emiigration lias been, large. 0f the bubon Medcl (omplanyfa5 15W of For the whole period it was annually77,000. at Toronto, Canada, addinay li)e^ý te.l 80 the number o! emigrants were 161,- sitdcte npro rb etro i iti- 000 This would show tht tbe country is chrontc diseases peculiar to man. Mali, bcd in suc-b a condition to-day tbat the industrial younig, old, or middla-aged, wlio fiud thtim- arc population is more inciined te stay at home salves nervous, weak an exhauBted, wlio are heir tateg boad. broken down froini xcess or Overwàrk, s.rk ha t g airresulting in manv o! lithe following Sym- Tbe valable valuation of Ireland lix ed, toms : . Mental depression, premnature oM so that theraecau be no variation except iniae oso iaiy oso eoy a the malter of buildings, but aveu liera an àrage, sdo iitloss of plptaeoofy, hsd increase o! £231,000 is noted forIlhe tepn"deat ois ines, aof git, papain o! tha ycar period. In agricultvre tbere lias been hidert, eission, i of energ@< painei or was a decrease in thie average annual acreage o! bidny, headar culi impensaton4he face o *11- cereal crops. Rye is the oniy crop wherte an scotu, tching o p ergnaion &bout thEl ot increase is nolcd, thougli in tbe 'case o! sctu,bewasethe e, wthng of theogae ziae bis barley there lias boeen an increase during mses, berre th aes, wilciing ftes fix the lait three ycars. But, thougb thle mes, eyn te rianalswhcef bahll uas, ?lie extent o! the cereal crops is less, thme in- . deoss of the scapinedasofine, owaan led crcased yield par acre froni cefeals in the lasttendern ueas! tesi sclodopfine elin the two years is a great advance upon auy other flabby mscles,cstitione, allvest ,bf at two years in the decade. The green crops hrted bysieep, ocon siatiodulieeo ed bave varied but little in acreage, and theexliaig, baso! vmo, sdneira for solisda, ige acreage of potatoca bas vcry mucli decreased edctaity o lempe CrOL, sunen ye oknsurron ler, Thia h due b lthe îînccrtainly o! this cr c lb ELpcitLoiyloen ku iy, n J ela d an 10 tha inc case e o su m ti~ etc , are a l sy m e tom s o ! n erv ou s d eb ilit y lno oter nateticls o!'diet. The increas that iead to insanîty and deatli unlese cure, l'es. o green crptics ofainî etîr eic 10 bc c f- Tlie spring or vital force living lost its tan to. teni o o? te gr in g o! caib lie for the e s-ion erery function wanes i o sq u 4 e heo endingof tli r st o flaxlagemor th oe o through abuse connittad lu othefeni fl c ivedstc .ha s o m e exand ignorance may lie permanently curad. Seul a fnsvl larer e te th and rmla us d ryour address forbook on al diseases paculiar io- îadow aereîd dofr gass-, bu the r toman. Addrass M. V. LUBON, 50 Fron b as becu littie or 1no substantial variation inHeSt. F., Toont, t. Bmpoosetfreschae id the yields o! the green cropa geucrali Hfatsdeic, pthpe s mpto ess! paictaa >st- he.average yicld of potatoca lu 1882 wasfint skp e ,htflsersho ln ri 2.4 an i2.3 tons respeccivcly te the acre. tetioneskp as, boan thhearush !beood tai There lias been a stcady progrcss ini the con- tonthe ladirrain ,Iithearecondh beart 8il- versioni o! tillage farming imb stock îarming setog, uraid ltadte irrgî, thinsecod he- J. luinIrisb agriculture during bbc lait. ton ycarsg breat qbiceeth. an he itpin aou th ess ad cvery description of tire stock bai mul-Nocu e, etcy., cnm fo pok.vely esad if tiplied during the decade. iThera were 37,- MNo cu, 115pay.rSn for be. atdTr- an000 more liorses in use than in 1881 Thoa ontM.O.BO,5FrnSretEt o- bie lias heen an increase o! 7.9 prert. nlOt las cattie, aud au increase of 32.8 per -cent, luaig 1 Rss or slîccp, an advance o! 32.9 per cent. iu goats,Taig10Rs. on and a great improvement in bbc extent o! Old Scedy- "Oh, air, wiil yenî not holp a i a bbe raisig o! poulry. Thee wai in round very nedy pason ? I -have no work auJ le nuibers grazing equivaleut 10 tbe extent o!fhrencidc, to a fifth of an acre go t ot o! vcy two aces , T r ty- " If I helped al scb people 'or in 1890 more bhan in 1881, wbicb isoequival- as you I'd go loto hauk ruptey." ire et bu addng about 1,000000 acres, to, the, "Seedy-"But remember, ir, thal lia le grzitîgîandwlo givebh co Ibepoor leudcbh to bbc Lord." o!e grzjo ln o! the country, Trity-" Vcry wll ; licIme sec ht ut I industrial directions ncarly bbc saine colateral." Lt stcady advancc il, te lic noted. Tlie linou trade liaisiigbtly decreased, tbough itlb l n0w recoveriog. Whiskey aod porter Whcn Baby was aide. we gave ber Castori1a b ave tbrivcn cxccedingly well during the Wlien she was a ChlU, aime criefoe Castoria, lasItatn years,, and thme inecase 10as distiled spirits during this period lias Wlen she became Mtss, she cluog to Castorîs beau at the rate o! 38.61 par cent. Whuiu shle had Children, sie gave them' Castorta le- The increasa in beer is 29.7 pcr cent. d.The shipping trade of ireland lias aligbbly ut fallen off, and Dr. Griinsbaw states luit the She Al But-Told Tim What to Make off tiv "lfishingappears to lie the one Irish i ndustvy Rer. en wbich dosa not makeanymaterial progresa. Il Bckwoods Lover (soîncwhat puzzie1 at SThe Irish railways have increasedl by 226 sometbing liii lict girl liad said)-"I1 doîit bu miles, and the passenger travel lias improv- know wbaltote ake of you, Mailda. " ci d a the rate o! 18.8pr cent.,' the vecipta Besl girl (with hereyesspeakiug volumes) ta having gaineti 17.7 par cent., which m-eane .."Yon don't? Wbfy, George, I didu't n an increase for tbc decade o! £82 pcv mileknwynavsuspi. 2kThe aniount inrested -iin Irish railways inko eber osui- ut 1890 was an adraoce o! ncarly two millions For over Ffflr ears "Yover tht cstimated lu 1881. lu 1881 the de- Mrts. Wr. slow S 00THING SyRup lias bleau '4posits in joint stock bank ware £30,161,000, used by millitons o!fnoesfo lircidn and lu 1890 £3.3,325,000, the largeet suni on whia teethiug. if dtsturbed ai nighr, and record. The savings ,banks bave increased broken of your ceai by a aide cbild sull'ering ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I ir d p i s 6 1 p e ce t Ti e ss s m n a n c ry in g w ith P ain Of C uttin g T e h s n d a i' nto i port aud locmentx mhass a ntonce and gai a bOttie of "Mrs. Winsiow'd toprvertandicomeaxinrksa liglit Soothing Syrull" for chtldreîs teathung. It will decrease o! 2 par ceint. The letters reline the poor littia aufi'arar iinmedtateiy. lit delivered i Ircand have icraed in D pend uipon it. moblers. thmora is no0 mstake > f n m b e 2 1 4 p e c e t , h e i c r e s a b o u t i t . t c u r e s D i a r v b o e , r e & r l a be s t h e of1 l number o1.4 posa arslr6 c cent. eicasie'omach and Bowelq, Cures.- Wind. Colle, a. n te nmbe ofposalcrdsi8 6 pr cnt.sofiens the Ga. reduoas Inftammation and ofThe increase in book packets and circuilars gires tona and enargY 1telthe wlOi0l systeni. la 7 .3 p r c e t. T e n u b e r ! lM r s. W n lo w 'a S o o th in g S y u p " fo r h i d rè n .1 ba onca l enyThes Thme fteégran~is eathing is Pleasant 10te t taand la th~e , tise atioalThcocluneor tnt prescription «cf ana of Ithe oldeet &no- besit t. SI he atinalscholslias increaed Lit the male physicins and nurses inlte Uttd rate o! 8.5 per cent, but the osumber o! States; PBu ~cnt otîisure by d bas ot dcreaed u lie ai e prpor drtsgists trouplot the world. Be ar ad pnpils'hsntdceadi h aerpr ask for -Mas.: Wiî'ato wa SooTiINOSRUtti t ion as th e p op u lation . A d ecrease o ! 17. I _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ __1_ __ _ _ _ _ .per cent, ha nobed ilu cdlitbonswndofIi )f pauper population, but this alitement i M R . .A.D A TI Sciefy confimed to the ast two yers. ThisD V S r s substanbially lie economic sitution o c!nfctr-o Ireiand to-day, and Dr. Grimshmw veaches-iauatrrf tbc modest conclusion lu lis essay Ibat the )FN country I"lias progresaed !mmoably 10 ma-, I liA IR -tenua prospeity during the decade." These- s tatisticsaraea walcomle e'lidence Ibat the IfIrish eolewio remain lit hmif 001 im nal- lts pmroving rapidly mn their ludustrial been cxccdily hstilaae morethonrliet cc-âxî'rOgO _____ mtyles. ghrold. Lt lesoal newiprostat hbien in

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