TMS:1.0PEÂxi.OUR ToWN AND OOU1NTY FIRST: THE WORLD ÂFTERWÂRDS. M. A JAMES ED»TRroi"D POIITR NEwSEBESNUMEF 84.BOWMÂNVILLE ONTARIO, 'WEDNESDÂY, OCTOBER 7, 1891. VOLUMEc XXXVII. NumBER 41 f~1 fnipu JOHN4STON & CRYDERMAN tUUIJUI Have received direct from the Manufacturers SEVERAL CASES 0F LADIES' AN OHI LDREN'8 GERMAN MADE JACKETS N ULSIERS These goods are elegantly de- sigcned and fit to perfection. -Every Lady is respectfully in- cali and inspeot our stock cyf. .Aocnr. TJTTPIT A P.W. A T.T YOU want your Cottons, Linons, Flanneis always sweet, clean, snowy white? YOU want "the wash" clone the easlest, the clean- est, the quickest, the cheap- est way ?1 SURPRISE Soap "the Sur- SHOPPING BY MAIL. A smart fellowr has made popular the phrase Ila postal, card wvî1l do," applied to shop- ping by mail. Think for a minute cf the time and ex- pense and burden of a railroad journey, and then consider that there are no difficulties in the way of purchasit4g goods by mail, cither imaginary 'or real, which cannot be over- West Durh am Fair. EOROnES OFf TH FAR. The weather was perfcect. The gate receipts were upwards of $600. Leas drunks on Fair night than on past1 years. Mr. 0. D. Fletcher make a gcod gate. keeper. The band was missed thià year but the fakirs miade noise enough. Effort shonld bo made lu incroase the meî%bership for next yoar. Mr. M. Porter, treasurer, was one of the inost active mon on the ground. It was a hot day for the fat mon who showed trotting stock on the lino. Who were the directors who did nothiug lu imako the fair a auccesa, a% bas been sated. Mr. R. Windatt, secretary, was glad whon the fair aras over-his duties are by no meana light. 1; 1 the carniage class Mr. Isaac Tabb ah-iwod a very handsome 2 yr. oid talioný that is as pretty as a piclure. The ahooting gallery near the horse sheds was a nuisance. Mr. Alfred Chap- manhad a valuabie colt shot in the neck. Mr. John Okaeahowed a very likoly 2 yr. old entire colt sired by Beith's ûranita City. lHe promises to make a valuable horse. Mn. W. H. Duatan won the following pnizes cn Andalusian fowls st Montreal Exhibition :-lst on cock, 1 sud 2 on hon, 1 and 2 on cockrerl, 1 and 2 on pullet, lIs on broeding peD. Mn. Thos. Baker, Solina, one of Dar- lington'a wide-awake fanmera, was a very siucceisfal oxhibitor. Two colÉs showu by him in the general purpose cla3à ab lracted favorable comment. A' botter system for calling ont the classes for exhibition in the horse ring shoul!d ho adopled. A mounîrd director with stentoriani voice lu ride up and doru befono the horse sheds would ho an im- provement. The fun occasionLd by litle Biower Jobb's race wlth T. J. McMfuitry diving F. A. Coles tlish driver was immenme. Tbe little chap was awarded a prize of $2 IN TuaI E rt SnED. T ho show of grain tbii year was smal but of good quality. Fruit of ail kinds wag good both in quaiity and quantiry. In tho ladies' depart-ment miany beauUî 1 fui pieces of fancy work were exhibited. Among the fine arts was a large num- ber offinely exccuted paintingsanad draw- flggi. Meara. Pool, Eiibeck & Stein of New- catie exhibited a couple of very nico boats. The fiower exhibit was good. Many fine house plants besides annuals and eut fiowers wero ahown. Mr. Sid. Jackman's modol house and grounds attracted great attention and was higbly conimented upon. Mr. R. Worth was the only exhibitor of stovcs. A very fine range on exhibit- ion was purchased by Mr. J. Ruddock. Mr. E.H. 1(oleman as usual made a very fine exhibit of vegetables. We not- iced aniong the collection a stalk of corn 12 foot in lergth. Mr. fi. Eliiott. jr., lamptov, exhibit- el the famous "New Williams" and -Do- mostic" sewiug machines in the several styleg and thoeavork made thero. The different departments in the drill shed although not as largey represented in quantity, as on some former year.9, was nul lacking in variety and quaiity. Mr. Jas. Deymnn xhibittzd' a number o the celebrated Dominion organs and pianos. The style, finish and tone of these instrumenta was highly spoken of. Haines' Carniage Works and Morris'Car- risge Workîs each displayed fine carrnages and phoetons. One double cutter in Mr. Hlaines' exhibit wea an object o? much admiration. Mr. John N. Kiveli had on exhibition the famous "Singet" aewing machines iu the dïfferent styles and a very fine asý§ rt- ment of work donie by themn. Among thUe machines exhibited was a handsorne drop cabinet which cau aiso be converted nto a writing dcsk or stand. "Big 20" had a part of the building nicely fitted up with their goods which wero for sale. Among the numerous use- fnl and ornamental articles were nuny beautiful uiec, s of Japneso work. one> PF1 IDEiN(YE. Report of S. S. No. 5, Darlington, for September. SEN.t. Blackburn, A., Wight. N. Allun. SxEN. Pr-E rout, M. Wight, W. Souch. 1. Prout. Jus~. iia-O. Smala, P. Berry, C. Wight, P. Elford, SEN. ni-M Wight, M Allun and F. Battle equal, W. Elford. JTtr. ni-E. Blackburn and S. Smala equal, M. McDonald, A. Wight. PART nx-Laura Bragg, Mabal Koat, L. Osborne, W. Bat- tie. PÂrca r-J. Rnmsey, F. jaakson, J. McDoriaid, L. Yellowle, TÂABLvS-10. Prout, R.Francis, Mande Ruiter, Martlia Ruiter, A. McDonald. B. ALLiN,, Teach- or. Corne! Corns! Tender corna. painful corns, sof t cori, bleediflg corcs, hard corna, corna of &Il kinds and of ail sizes, are alike removed in a few days by the useof Putma'a' Pain- les Corn.Extractor. Nover fais ta cure, nover caues pain, nover leaves deep spots thal are more annoying than the original discomforF. Givo Putmnau'o Painlesa Corn Extractor a trial. Beware of sub.- aliunIes. Sold by druggists overywhere.. -Poison & Co., Kingston. proprietors.. LONG S4UT. The standing of the pupils in S. S. y'ô.. 13, Darlington, for September is as eI lows :-JtN. iv.---Mary flooper, Maggie Hooper. SEN. III.-R. Hodgson, A. Hooper, M. Coiwili, Jus. -ni. C. Staples. SEN. ii.-LVirtuie, L. F{oskin, T. Ed- gerton, W. Hamley, V. Hocper, R. Davey. J. Burgess. Jrux. i -E. Wood- ley, M. llodgson, W. Woodley. P"Tw ii.-M. Virtue, J. Byers, F. Speoule, 0. Smith, A. Tape. L. Tape. Average at- tenidanca for the month 27. ihose who have beau promoted this year sa far are: Into SENiiiaa-1M. Olwill, J. Burgeàs. JuN. ii.-C. Stapies. bEN. a.-V. Hlooper, W. Harnley, J. Burgess, 0. Rey- nolds, F. Edgerton. Jus. in -E. Wood. loy, W. Woocîley, M. Hodgsoo. PART ii.-F. Sproule, 0. Smith. A. Tape, L. Tapo. S. E. SANDERsoýN, Teacher. Overloaded. You'vo oaten toocinuch turkey., And su yyc n cannot work, eh!