The Verdictî The verdict of this Court (rep- resenting im1ons ,of'inteligent women thoroughout the wor1d) is, that ':Sunlight" Soap is beý onti ail doubt the best in the worid for Laundry and 'llousebold use, and that ,i4fs nmany danage "oerai other Àýsoixps aei hecepý us farestnigi thi on LOA, AGENTFOI' -ASD- B t r-IqNV ILLE E OINT. Cesssed, Ded. Peeed sd Repaired by 1-HOI&S. PEAT3 Dyer and CohaCleftner. ocd wrrnnted tO Se as)no 0onewiii kýnüw the romnew whcen dý)o. Cornr'o!King and 0O'nisrio Streets, Boewmanvillie. The sces fti rat Cdougli Cure is -without aparlie l0t1e lso0f tmedicine. Ai dugiss reauhoizdto silitonapos- lUve gtar5ate,À tet thtno other cuýre can suc- ceeshlly sand.Chat it nsay becom-( knoi ithe Prop'rietors, at 'an en0o1:usexF neare plýcg a SamiaBole Free into every hlome iiTeUaiiud States and Canada. If you have a'0uh Sore Throat, or Bronchitis, use it, for ît wi cura you. If your child has the Croup, or Whý.",ooping Cougb, use it promptly, and relief i, sure. If you dread that insidious disease Consomnption, use it. Asic your Druggist for SHILOH'S CURE, Prce i0cits., 5o cts. and $1.oo If your Lungs are sore or Back lamne, use Shiioh's Porous Pllaster, PriCe,25 ctS. Unloeks ail the dsoggeài avenues of the ý,e1 'KîdICYs and Liver, carryfliz of rdal wýitoiit weakening 'the sya. jf~i cretionm; autthe Lanme time ;Co- Îets Aefidity of the Stomaeh, urg'Biiousness% ,Dyspepsia, iloclolisDizziness, lleartbiii'f, cho, S;t liiwnErysi el s,Cr0 os c oha -iln-r Complainte -Laocoon In tie cous of the fatal ser- pents was nol "Ore helpiess ïnan whopines -nder the ef- :Eects of dis- ease, exeesses, ove rW or k, x, etc. buse vorse1if. Take 'i Lve gaf mdBi] A ItÂI e ue ere flonantswhc c sto rcfer to them. WE CANI 0-J ~uby 'Ise 0of our exclusive ;ds and applianees. Simple, f~t Y reatm,,ent at home for t~ s ~ lissgmanood, Gen eral or ul~i)iiliyweaknesses of ,j y~' in , EfeosofErors or In 1,1 -1dor Youg. Rbust, ~> ~GbieIiLut~non fliy lesored, L.~j~oVnîatseen the first day. , ; 'w tq i l -ge 1 teghn 'YOUN FOL S. reir powdar untii wae autene11r1 snidto de's n fied heduke, "«Doyeu- rnaething to warm yoau p by andi by; don't "Ilow a littie of fhem,"ansile the To Rope Eîhte Moths 01J. bc discouraged." boy, modastiy. Darling, wîh thosa hig yas of. bina 1,hen, baholfi, wa were again comrmanfi- The duka, having a ta'.ta for the sciences, That srara nie -ra iy týhronigli and throôugh ad to hait. The captein staps in front o! began to talk to the young stuent, andi eas Jo habylheed, -undeuneir 5C the ranik', and denads iu a iow voice-al astonishidaf the clearness and inteligeuce Whaca nos thir olo ani tsoî as5 l the samif twas distisu tiy heard "cA safi- of dis answars. Did nature, ktnd touuil ng nonv, officar wiliing te undertaka a secret and Bat how caine yoss to know sa80 much?' Lcnd tIerns er s,cetwall" earties hue? dengerons inission 1" nked tiha duke. 'Anc i he url e nn ye f DayNeuraliy I stapped forward. . NowI1 have " One of the servants tanght mie to read," Teach yours te open the sain' ? teiisfortisna to a calittie to waileapprecia- answered fhe lad ; " ona doas not neafi to RHai! wth hir gaze ,',ahshaS Caoil ted bymry captain, an oid tongisskin like know anything more the 26 letters in Tour nansmo o s isu -sniaihl, myseaf, who hadl beau iy lieutenant ia Afr i- ordar to les ru everythiug aise oe wishas." As couniter-ellsrrnls vr id m:ni'ouaBuet Otth twnslcd~sr'influence' Ca. B a henobiernan wished okn5ow more - Not you, Bertrand. I know You wel about if. Corne, sb all1 lift you Pound yon wieel andi when I want you I will find yeni. Be 1 "Aftar I ienriied te rend. " saîi tie boy, With aris ootspread, prepare ta efoc? kisd a'soueh ,to rensain quiet." Yoti sea,"tisa maser. camle te wonk on your house ; 1 My hancU heneath thons laid, and sear To spoi o L.itefd before. 'saeaoffcers wiil net grlut you tise ieast nticad the arehitect use anrie and corn- Dearoin-- il,-,lerpoehesoligh, favor. Tissu I said to mysaîf, " 1This is j , -t passes, and smnde a grant many eaioulations. Yef digo wfis uyhessatisut eorpîy sque." Tlisecaptain seernied 'Wýhat was the nea-nog and use of that '?' 1 'ix-coude us With your bis ' to hae cf the sae o pinioss, fo r lie stoppad 1süsked, and rhey told nie of the science caiied Ln edy'rbzeek for meto kiss! exacty ii front o!f ilui and repeatofI Iunder jarithmetic. I bought an aritismetie and Nay l~a s-~I when yeu pris ss,"asu-icrwiig eudr ded t trougis. They then f oid me Saene inriu ttam i s' dagercu' smission." It was pi n l harewes another science caiied gaornatny. Wseî Diial 1oidiný .terpret. prey tfý e has i i-evasnakhsig advancas ýýte o a isalln Ifounid that tisera were baffer bie s Thosa e ubow s hinje enn 'a uasyn 1 tiiicIarn ociing yeuniabout these sciences in Latin.I 1o r t lefwor. ouhav. ui trluse'e;I tliye11n sy ine fe lew iowered iîss dictiessay assd l earnied Latins. I heard For~ce I oteyou pîîaereoye t1-dr tise gaze of hie apitier erebtter o ne inFrenci. I ger a An-id cr"We' hsi"cit iigtieir eiseif Pd sta od ',ay7dctcsryadlera rench. It saoms te - Yýour answe, "laby1 ,2 letýd t.r. Ii c0 ýî îtanes eý ryfor. yen 1now usew e a is-vrything wisen wo knew ,& ad wiscsI 'cHiefeaise uy'57flo pansnite ncta v;ce t asy le26lattonsUo tisa alphabet." RA olar' l tark5 e nailin ets Iier siî nerueeasi us esat ilwanaybeys are, c1otefd Rat iscnî t naiin'train ti.h Wi, he meas te alegekaet t ie!i,onsouthe firettweor fhree Than, wordlir husy, doly's 'eit of biV: ouns, ittPluck, or perýsAvranlce Ye apuat a et hîyard !, LI iheliLwn ruis auetnns-a1rtesogî'tllis higher? Up, up,up, if yen Sri lLa.'irinfant ' isleras an hees. biýut 'idne nword ni hesIz tt n e oe andsoc secleasrer,and taise SweeRop S ethntsfercemcn7 ,aa, ic epuuisbcdpasaitha aisd bs eyes Jigbposfofuefinesii lu this worid. A 'lTie Rend tisat gq-is ustiower anà ~sr a u ise horizoien aI cooid sJ ea notis- i y ecirgmitte hei ynou, ba sure,;if Ma1ayedie cirsosot thiug yenîarc, ing, ethýing et ail. Tie(n Iaitte nyai: yen have a will te ci csb. on ii finit tise 11,' W iisy fisse felilv, yen ara iteitesivyawy s a hgreî i-'s ounduit if ater- A CO AR~ ED AHElo, Ieowad." andin the Duke o! Argyll, under whosa ThabkBanhI tc taflr dvsinpaýtrouage ha pursuet ais'studies and bcarn J. as he'ssforrise xpeitiss: h reursatn dstngusha uatienician. Stonao's It wae the !oi cfDeembr or'e sons- wiotasrthtejccnpsehnny aheaîa itory-forS tone wastlise Tay. o volwe itaxs we 1bat spliashad 7ln the orJele-g tne' e- a a aibtet oc miiire cf fie nc fad, h -ae p teour . ubihet n o; os1em ynrgo. kn'woweii w eltgtue4t el, w e sofagi;th 2a5U s lg if, ut f ws wsnyng il he srna Neer iss baut bis ime Abat 30 etes Te Ot-Threshing. thaess wemarbedsfed as o , Uegirfr i sawils isa scudrL gaveus n and attentivecas,;if wewea o il I braitsde ulIiin tafc. assi o t J Alitt!ig hrow îs c;Ia heinostoad,bewei cd in fracs, feuvyenthis is true; In a dt Iriîsi hialsl, t h igt efia1f, Tint o'en tf iatiinno landscepe cine4afai o, ramp, ureling with andereu with cion1abar. hatva bcean 1110e yeýars i l h evc ntsiu lcnu ais ain fie"a s h~il11-sida wased in aïry 5055 wifthIle rnk -!rsngat, adtansrbrtiysrckts arr V asaebak !avare, where tha swaiiow draps andi flees,j ofI si'acc1lii1ut tMcaiMidwý, ýay fie loe, dean la the hearning day, o! yungsolion I hxe naiad nd cas-butif as lka rin lae tia ar, ha he l-ana n-,sonar 'casons heateîsgray, mantef "nigf aie t c ' scacuebe;jwre seaweilpnotected by ftar wais, i l hthe geiofe!prespering inebandnias. bult nover halve i sanmonanl lice these,1 fusillade la'tad enly about ton minutes, luitj sh1oIda1r 1te shenIder, las exact as if dlrawn I shah rrnacîber it n long time. lahllw rud ia iareiweicoeaing doors by a lissep cnIltet, I eu yeni, in cwofeet Hecvevr,it could net continue in fhis way. \hr id l eam amifi tilesffy ditin, of ilud. n ilst bt ifwas spab.IlThe bugle s9undeit the charge !,Sapristi ! 1Tise lefiulserioi ! ta fsnsien sonne, wesý_ juiat n talittile vexaý'it, 1tesec fIat music always sauts a shiver o! gayety PersiAcur essf ,eant-, ls eidnet lot causa how wei tha siarnp c eui cepstep evien thirongbme. Behlit us rnnning with fdxa4 This c uflelau f !hanpence. thcy echose. -A]., wai ;l I adnothing te bayonets, like nind inica. But, as I d CSA 1 . D, RoaERTs. comlpinin ofitaf ay. alneaty rneticeit, the gateway cf thoeitadel- Hit I \Vil, nef iibit toce poon, I rheughit, epenedIl uona highenaîssbaýnmeu, saci woMies eutye ntrliplcetehat n.No esattar. lsree usefers wite ; te enfer isera, we iscuef - fluet mny ppanitoket aoatesea litisb thtîniarno'a assî isd pi lu twei ALlafidie -asidi ont on a cats in leseca; wliera wa wene. Rice fiins te fie ighf , biy two unter a terrible ftira, ant tînt,, ie 0,1 '-iduts fenil atheyng te the left ant ehi"nt us ia thieic sisi jthneuglisa palisadae!fbanIee ýwhich thalis a itl ely; mnate by oun fnamtpilig foot. nascals had construtet te bar th-e wn, Mî hp novermore Alittia cerporal whbo bat,, fongua wli aledy narrew eneugh. Alis, if was sfflicient- '-c asw'ef grcîshcle hun, nded owaili bang, caile d uttaly tihicuif witiîeut tfintcorsait basboo, eutd ai? ovan te nie luneindet te on teAnd ibrother te fice. me-i: 'lSargt. Betrant, Scngt. Bertrand,,lne Get ealy icnews whist if ceef us., I saw my Shahle ver ta thce neat te ight yossr pipe, Wait awhiie, they t we lieutenants feul, the adjutant of the Aufihretîen teanme, w iii lig t itfofr y e." battalion, a tn n sy oth rs. Im possible t e Com a hank frn tm fe trachero ns, esm iling s on."1 TIc jacicanapes i As if I didn't know wa pasa tiaecrset bansbco. My captain ragot A-- goofi slip wouf down luneaeilfi, wild se; woud slo li unerthefie o th eern, ikea n an. At iast lha consuandat Anîd twe maidans foul a wceping. SuddnlyI hýaýd tem cllig te rll f A ecton p tereTic yoars passed by Suittany Ibead tiue aIing he nli ! "A sctio uptisra " jAndi two cheeks were dry- My cosnipanly ascit, saev iss brave- feliows 'This finso 1 was seriens, vany serions ;no Awif e aanitelrwifl baheon lian kuce, breakrasss nui tro lic naibfs aresetisa 110e tehesitte al wlî oliebsi tiar ceee Ce c tenidg r tener eli iulahy îVioi fllst otte g-ý, n c) rie~cisc525%~tburfi o thoogizt, of th evehneafistheseca. wh! gt ý-t2i llilýte pil' ut ,itevenltlde, Wasneaniss e'iii gca pckage tinter er haeretainêtei ülsPiUeislstJ5itj-sBye lone fineside, lis anm.for lha turnet te hlm eut said A:sitar fw eepi'e fer hlm whe ad die., Letton s INow I ai yu cas 1Iis a goot "' Go np thane, sir, and teeralyt1isit Wiso ceome nevermoe ïI[IlIý ') ii, 1 ters Ph tiýe weei btiboo "to T te rigît green shore, owanuder 'yuhliear tic swaet mendeces c'en. n unningiliýce euenIitîianr. I1 asthe j it is hat justice te Saylise didt iotw ttiirntCaE ùl oniyeatenniin; anoi.If is truc 1 ha toit a aeccendtite. Tenach;iug bis ap, ______CKE have neoeue t writetea e-efaniiy, neoifh 'l Al iglît, iny captain,' lie stari friandis, uebty-ail alona in tisa world, su c qiicu. lu passiug useletoc vs of the Lest Wildflower. lice an oit bear. Heaven ieip me!I At package et lettars froue lis pcct ie I yîtscid ~rqin atr langth I sec my mon rtura te their places," Takeo cana o!ftils fer ure, Bat rant," eut 5,l b tia bne rounsi helding up flair haudta teaep fia lefferstin tie twinkliug o! aileoye haecees up t'!a I '. ti daep siOno isnd, roeeig soelai t hea ater, as cane! aily witi bis section. wiit 't1seoleevese!iiep ienfa te as if they werc guanting fie lest ceords anuit Ali, tisa brave boy ItI was boautif lui te sea JoInîîy vilnteep tastisueuy cf tfioi iying netiar. bine so cool, 'o calienet a lent esont,'nos -e ticeilit Ccind seng ils but idie chatter, Ah!S Jacquellasa latter. " Necevs fnm an eati, oiy quick, taterminet or(siers : ýMy ,ter shsots, tisai ara spent and weary; berna, jecque?'"" Teer neyitis.""Threw tisat l inee M i- e losng time ug Jecqua is sengeent o!fseîy copeuy. I ains itl. " lHe esnsas traseiquil as if superin- Silic e hote frouite s suw, chiaeffthtisa irst section, haie fthe second. A eîiig a suat et soldions on fatigua tnty. t.ithiesu tickeù ceood-s fley areanom, sedeanry hanteerne youug feloiw eitîs a brigbt, boy- Assi ail the- timre tic euiemy wsas peurng Butlfie wintesbt. lIs -face, a beannitîscasd, anuit cheeis as uponeni ad a s'ly fine, the bele w histfiig, Soioso, lue net weep fon My fotc, suy dearie. smsofbh as n girls. Nevertfbeaes1I bld a teniig thbainsbee, plecvîng up tise grouud, . l-i cvnterb ist, ' Fouties'oge!praise lit île gradge-against binm. If ils aiways vax- evey new aeuthten crusisg su a sheaitos, That tien J1ue iug te 8se tîesc brats e! 22 premotet leng- eannying ecs-y nu anm, onrhnonkinacleg. Freuoie dIyei e site ef anchi tfreopen lice me ; but fer ail lMy Geit, evat a siglît 1 Thcy warc ailft Aswe or w-au son tl s Ilawiudsirpa fiaf le 18 niucebo,a i h mnwolt geo hrcimycseats- aiu egthe Porthesv de boy hfread ae o it a oe jvl'Torn mortl jc fhregî ineantevaer or lm.fiais ilnumhar. buthoievas fi te lait. Jusis as tiea Arecierdte of tise Ilesrptestscspeisi yenr- connctet; of goet famiiy, anduit ofn recae%- woric eses lnisls"d a bal s-rncki isse bcaweos pais. as lettons citi the 'cale! thecwarteparfment; 1fiaeeyes. Justansheamisadits arnssteoshiu-iei th tenni~ ihnaih bat thant 18 hie busineass, nef mille. 'a grant 1' Hurrah !" lie feli dent, face fore-, listhse hreekiseg facon 1 esatchethiim ouf of the cenrne f îoy oe e t. OÊ eul Chrisfinssnera; lie a" troug ilslater. hon sac pi ' ien tnt ais up hy a heavenly iý'ne; as lerntruhhslte.Te1 a Perseps s esas net Cary prpeprwîat i'Then, sveet ansisweater, hlm wipe zwyntc, it san itttnaxi mernissg, but fruly if was teeisesiai i s-stonus maîru glistenet on tiaeutndof lis ayalasis. forue-thaf pacenf o!lettons tuer Jacclu,, 'Tis glu e c ont, hy an angl e!ma . 1 pretendeit nefteasec it, aven- joea: Cgave use as be want tehils deati. 1I woslt ii~~sss fli rnoe edr lttia, te nsake hlm lnugb.ntopfa. I Aegnd abo c h - 2ý d otrn st wn r " WTt bas sheNes-itten te yei,Jcqe acte lice a ceciart ent a ew hall"rs cter ,ie(s' l~scw'u rat WTiat saye my lady f air V' ike a n an. If isiiot natîstal ;taesatA ie l- ne-iaiLa te colt skias Ha tutanit witbof a smiic anuitgras aibu sonsetiing ondertfils ;"anuitI f i a ei esirsl pngndtesecar sait I hava ne lady lais, Bertrnana. i the axpianetien tiare noter iee au u caaî heedoor 18 frn aey nother. -- i fealeffers. Tisay hurnait use. 1lit e-eslus l il _ U Wte ti uhunfi ivre -,tin iIea. "1Ah 1" I fait as if I haitmane a feolef rmy- possible teaiceep thIse. Ma foi i. eit nf.JesEPsi D. Camse sl, anui salit nie more, but Jaeque cen-- Thas tienl, 1 traw eut tha pacicef tiinuat. Upea rny word tiare was only eue 1laI er Do yen sac these .ittass, Bertrandt'? If the oeah, lat aelie in Vrnîg Fail Styles for Women- wonit hae boteronef tonecaiva fleans lu tirnas Neising aise. Ah, bloot of bloot i wisia a Fulgoossrare rirc. lisera i i uci fief liceaflic." latter! lieevas ight, poor boy. Oua oigit is nes-el l is th lisigies. Meny ara ceveret Fiat was Ily epinion, as I haita eirenty nt te neeivean latter like tient just betera - aenly ail ovee esif h e patteraneofiteriacee sait. Il wac nef goit te allees-tiauste a battia. -paluse bac s laintral tinte isixed ith-t break.rauks, tise séamps ; they asic uofhing As for mea, Issist like a baby autlesas! white, checlks isaxe.beaees-oen on fIelbias, baffer. But flrongh peilfaneas te Jacque I scanceely able te seat if fier tha teain u uy Ise that te ic peffn is seau lunîsany raspears. sait "If is always pI'nsaut te neceiva ayes. Jr twas front lianisotear and ise e Tisah new cler is aiici dahlia, losaly alliait gerodIlawfront huse, ne mattes- chere. 1I w-at tisa goot weînian wrota te 'fl'or by as te petunai.Bina is te the foeaisumany - 1oeeldao Ag tisag-e-abie." sisa Isttblatte - shiteAnt g11ey-niso:- te-;l songes a n ah I Wbn agbfonm ese e-areafll l ti w~cn, A tluice, walkiig ila bisgartýeu u aj$3n0 ie i u ieti nb I but up teIo r a'il r ne.Assitail sawo n atin (cepy of qngran en aon l-e Its1 i-nau ls, nifeiin jfinc liýe se eso aos Btlanacei fm pebrougît f olsiinr, ali - Snet n moyeveai; fhe aseals coankle snvîng gardear's soni, fpigu.cmscbtHbrw" for lnfaDts and Children. & recommendit ao mqxpeirtoany pecrpio'Sour StolPach, Diarrhoea, Êfrucaion kiswn to Me."- ] WE IS=m, MD M. . I swerms, cives SleP, a-d promotes d& Ta m q eTÀuR ComSANY, 77 Murray Street, N. Y. FOE SALE BY J. ilIGGINBCITH-AM& SON. BOWMANVILLE. i, ailH B OWMANVILLE, Hîeadquarters in West Durham for FINE )inner and Tea Sets, Chinawara, Glassware,> Orock"-ery, Hiall, !?arior and Hand Lamps, Fancy Cups,' 8aucers, Vases, Water and Lemonade Sets, etc OUR FAMILY alî R Ol E R y&PROVISION [s always, well supplied with the very best goods at lowest prices. Elighest Prices. for Farin Produce. Leading Seedsmen in the district. Alw ays pleased to show goods. Inspection solicited MURDOCH BROSI Vies oria Buildings, Bowmanville. GEORGE 0. HAINES, Proepri!etor, KING STREET, BOWMANVILLE. NoW on hamd a num-ber of vehicles and je rnanufaturing gratray r !tis Le tsb patrn adhst finish, whieh I arn offering for salaet ff oasprica consistent wi due regard to workmasnnhip and qrsnity.. The foiiowsng je a 1sf o! the principal validles meoiufaturafi hy me Double -Co'-esed Carniages.................. ........ ........... $150 Upw-ard. Single PhSotns..................... .... ........................ 100 Open Buggy..................... ............... ...... ......... 70 TpBggy.............. >...................................9 Deimocrat \Wagons ....................... ............. ............65 Lumiber Wagons ................................ Light Wagon.ý................ ..........................40 Ex-press Wagon.............. ................................... 75 Sicieto..................................50 Sulky ........ ............... ........................ ............40 Possessing sîsprior facilitias for manufacturîng rûrriages, T intend f0 sali very chaap for csth, approvad cedit, nnd hy se doing 1 hope te greatly inereasa my number of --ales. %Va el? tha wood parts oaly, or the gearings of huggies ironad. AI Iinds or \/eriiî<esRpare At the Shortest Notice, Paintedd Trimm-ed if Dessred At fhe Faco.ry 1 aise do Planning Matchl*n-, 1Turning ,,ýand Sawtng, with Circle, Band or Fra SaWs. and prapare ail kinds of lumber for, caretsun others for huiling perposes cirnmoual nd lai Plketsforfanes u eer~stylerequired, ada te erder.