JMwitb wide axperienice, anir wsoanesa nd Iacouseri withinbhu.nubsacableaet lasit She wouta. go and taise i j r conspanians. Altar a yeac spent in sigbht-I Marige Earlscouct nmast giva .him, ber berpicea with tise wabcbera beiow. But et FAi Laetni pbaaeidneha(em natwer very soosi, and wheu On ce mie was tIse rioa sha mat lIse physiisn, asîri in hic D OA LL 'S uMM teE R C MPJî F4T; M auri lIera deaoteri sereL fta musia. î it hs hetrothari, Franh Dàrwendnal -,ud flur face she read ber fate. Neyer as long as lufe seemed largaîben. lPhe posiility ofÊbis cuit higaunu- i.,Pe Os ituths-'i.waî as luougi the grave IT IS SAFE AND EUBI r F R ThougIssuiboca camne, hvise i diffecaul succassini one in lIse enri neyer nerr lt ar iv acki is deasi. CFfMIE càR ILTS. a hem ail. Ibonghîs. (lerardI ayne c as,tWibeihie "Haibas asedfri bm ya,"saidtlise physi- I r, 7nK]wealt and prc osi to toigbly tuarh »rj..MOLu se Dr.A. Bsr1.Grad LJL±5_..J4.i.JJ' 5týIAaoc Madge lber dreama nwereveryswe oft ; 'ly'tha t uight. cyntI~e f t » - ate i! thse Toco';nto _______ of rhYOfh Uivratyihyican"ltbaac sca happy day, was the an d ibar C & Y A lait thought that cane ta lier as ahe sank ta BYMA ýIiOn the rnacîowntig speelal had beaný »~s UtUii.t Z~IM¶,CIIPTER IIan.edd amyms., setlpamned lu the way a ruenn ai V SIINSîURC I ETC. her awune uaday "I' dou1i!tj;if I bave auy lu the afternoon Mdeexcused bercelf, and A. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ A ROIe:Cc.Cucia ITmeao neao tagive, eepýV'o tain',> v .' went ta Cati ou aSfr d Ftbi 'Ntght c?!Lîs attended fcom Dlr. 1Hjiler-c "The sascm ihl atcsy On lier rauutaCnd aewaide, uhc a oe she taok the road that1 Thiia aent h a; iihdmscesdl the sacty wOrild alngth or. t aa abeautiful day.i w-. Mc . 111L5,ER, . N ii n Isacnr deap, nor high, he rasaUea ea<oueerid. h saba eye r lookzd Laeiücer. - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ( i.lMIAN .D . .TI.Unr a iee n w away from me. Felow c rin e.collage,I ý 1, l hehdSa but itteaiFano1!trwr Crin a otmoored rupan the sanda,l MebrClPus agont. Weig _o ztaEP.cky. Deli Farm, shah inc-lte n it oai te bail. .Did1 ha avec -,he dcdd oont roNTijÏ,. There wece ----at -dg- Graudma Lee wil ba de--ircl ha ra rmic a hissesv calbucs yat ibefare miuIiýe; she wouid1 Dt J . IICEUlighted, and altar awbiie wa'ii wrieacwaeedmlte th oa i bsbrgt ia1on 10-EHF c0IUýEfj 0F 1PH-YSU71ANS friands ta jaïn 1us. What Say you, couisin i " ihta ai e in lu hmi -~iihe ittie bhast spad avec thall etcsd DeosAstrl, oonrec. Dostbela sip yurancn1 or.seuait iîga lmta asiy pakiu wtrs adMagegvebecilc OfeadeidnEnlile. Sa qucsianed Mca. Chartacis ana dyiuiý1 -btEa ata- tnw Ris ancy foac ta ipydarlis.~e îva,,;pazssioutely j> iflI E SlU'ONeacly Jun âe, ai tbey taiked oai theîcarre ascmpe-i cgten uta rfo!n ai the qceau. iî ,th the 1lue sky aboVe D BITRSOIIOI&. O uiug.Phesi-l-.'A1h I Wai, 11 j tra1ige Pro-.lber, 1tbe sait brieez.aýinuinglber, heauk, site 13Lr, _C9, nstal ,îro, -Pi n g Sreet. BO ma- Yes, Fiara. I ka intigta lmctral"wac quite cnatt cito u n wfls ~I1ltr ortu OtaiBank will bu mai-e ejoyable, We 1il liva aven With i aglt ka h c bed fte d loto Shahee ulbwfa h asgîg Wilat Moev ione attIe lwa~ r Otiar g llod days qd>own the eaIthe týodeardemad tli.Thîe fishiermnan's cattage was naw but a8 ~ I~NKIG ad hieta.Let us Lgo as soon as pas- A molu tar a'il wýas excîtenient in the tiny pc an iheie. )y ewa)- ti:ku IOENED UCTIONE E FO So decdcdsuda ~e ai mniou anse at mRocky Dclli.The ai lier ic eanblatestary aI the pea T. It wONEaa FR dcéý2, eh latar, guesti froýni teclybc 'r-riedt lait, and a h uuetowt l ae u 0 eCcutyo!Durham- sales attentat fonud the lwa suinone 0f tLe aid saftg~you ocatllo te lbouse witb posqiilitLies_. S bobdl eei>a t notic sn(! 5e:tf tosi nsoisaI o oushersst otic antlcwet rtes.Attrsa Mine.. nicrimnt.she ie i ddnnotice tha 2e isigaod lit wasnch a pleaathm, ir ÀIThr a ret adAiiey, Ihamost But ai]l at ,auýe it aemdta hc astbng CfLunSbTune a.nd Eej>aire »telhDal. _A large, aid-f ashionad mansion hatii 111ecqute ag ae ke, h sybc suduy ,gIwilar.Thr raon wbosa indows yau cauld avec cee theII 'ut ae vwas s ') frin !Fa an sd witb was a greaa Lrýn, too,ç-, aî ta DÂRTIES WISING THEiRaPIANOS glimmeing ai the aceasu; awide, spceadliug bar daster caebd toeta ay with tbam miîirniausas ibouigh thle lorce a! nlu, a L Tu,-ned or reparençanhavetholy attendet lawn, aud grand aid aima wheca the Wî1-i oub Ma.C eaDvnsd Ethel paýucdiarfer aimomeu,arteucm la b 0oerî5 WO~tthe DamiNiox OxGes>tperîug breazes soi tiy ighed ; sud litaVn opaed h ati.cga lrhtl a ia 07,cR, owmanvl1lle- A fir8t-CIAS min background the orchard ; sioping imeuclw, Wiil Cacai and Frauîk 1 iwadcamie' Wthstarî sde esiz hc anerP It~wSeig l thir ILDQybill and dale, stretching on lu thie dis ýtance aîîaelog hleae u h otibt nytoc al Qikytucing bercouse,i usiltrprwc V . aingane ai esth's, f airait picturars. 1sor- ita -co h"icnead'sns h awdbck lcts hc.Scu n HOT.YKJG y . gI sd bsevarai aI bis îba2lclar friands waeesteadîy w-e thaetrk c i the oaac; aply1 nFFICE INTHEWEST DURHAMI S Ie ooneas iet nbet agEclscnt!siîpinin, de-,was it'for ber thatshe ro'ved so well, 'JNwsîce, here hiîmseW Or nEs sn ht ofinlIeietr euyaItesen i Gcr ssîsa sulsubtMdebt tha tormnwas gligon lbac avac 'wilbefantfrm a.n.to9 .m Nghejl te igl i ecarivi.- arscut'S scity e vy opprtnit.moment. ýÊt reideuèeedirïpçtuyopposite Drli Shed. Caisll 0ang aller the atherýs bad gae t t,EvnMuAisyitalbeprtyrs LouttrgsidsatIndc e eytelegraph or telephene Wil recelve promtpt isha sa' by lher bmhrwi wand 51'olked ý-"-"1m ite;g fdsï,nthnewr afinin11.rai osdIass u eutiascould un ucedlumk-hard,9a7d-tha eky wssgoiug darker al i.. ê. i. ~ Arn I hippy? s-,ile questi oned. "As î u rpr ioo hm sd bk!wadeth hie A UTO appy' as the great imajaiîy, pechapa hsrl iur e vnt.Btte hr a hawn a iig h ae A-CTOEER, APPIRIAISE, Rea osi adtdems me ane o! the isvorede 1i Ah ws rnkDcwc, îcb t0e lisandsoînrwoanriyosgsufanngbute; .C -Estate Agent, Ewmnv ur, narlo. at VtIhca of the twa, tbaagb nol as wealty; and ou. lbey aecmn bUt ot n sales attentet lu any part of Province, well, wh sbaud' il nt' e hV shmselvsdle oiigit h iaadle scmieîbing lacking in my 11e er ail. 0f haselaihdbr waetimls arI bel oh! co wily as sha pcsyed foc ai uat s ade. bwheîher tb1ey werapreîtdilias stratsgtliita o a the shore.. A.A CT id tIserc is nanaé sa light ias, ,l ard la el. Frsnk D'5urward wassavec Lufe hbas neyer seemed, aa dear ta lieras - dcacton ad greaiata ti1--gentler Sex. then ;aud w i,.!on1dtel baw near ils end A ROITEOT., Plans long since we -paýrted Company. Mdesmtha aca tetoa te i1thaiI ichs budcasz nr A.~lUons 'repaced for evervciase of building. Shail I accepl Grard IH,ýisnsd take at à:ýleýaýji hswswsniet) iýa ircyfr ep SPeelal attetion givon te hesting by îeam- mv plidé bcn ideof fasioical tîesdh -adcacltawswc oat îs irtc a ep h sud bot water. nasaniay 's c s ro s ion'mre bLita psîngfancy. Sha siucecely wanid go dow , don, bauestii those cruel .arrangements, and flly as ana afitIs acknawledged Office: 1QoIcle Bloc . Whiîby 43 -'y leaders? or shall I plan ot îny own 11e Ihaped noIx Mande iras ual aI al the ana iosm-tasaFed wva The tbougbt waa tac- work sud walk Chat wîay- acue ? Ah ! weîî utdfo rn urad l, a n lias prayer want upwacd, R. PE.A.TE Tail Ibvasxwek a el et a, andmeu- A g- patindeed; , sud tha suener a prayer fac stranglis, foc halp lu this dread or whiieI wll t ansd sec what tinie iîponsdt aavc laaloaleabno aU GentImsnsu01this ci>nattiCîleaidc "ownlH by thie ses. As if lu auswer ta Ibat prayar ch e 55w ___________________________ Te ays that followed wera vcy big tvlIscy we'LIboa auiîgi ojoyed, bath on a dack abject lu the distance. A boat was cnles, suald evecy evaning Madge ud b-irer lba wter sud i tisa pue grave an tie bill, putting ont icam the shiore. Saine ouawss couin ah angwals craa Ie bllearwhile picîsica, iawn tennis, aud uîoaligbl coming ta ber rascue, sud wilb' renewa l NsinT Y a ytheore medeaksarostha 1ina'star drivas made the limie go by an jayans caurage she rowed swiftly on. Choir quiet haiide. Labar üon guesta wauid wus acrsd arri ae ut tha I lie down ian lre iC t sh dail vouldha 1-e Tey al weut off for a pieute one day. ail momnts aaarned ta harlha bancs. Waiv as sudexcteraulthe. xcept Madge, who at the asat marnant ilalise wondacod plying tihoa hwlbsnobh "i -sdari s îbî îcom ) 1 wî l t,)ay" sai excused hersai! ou piesaisf b eadache. sîrang sud sîaady atraka, as thaugb lie lear- Mca Chclcis "ud mon Ie fiads ha Aller tIsa pacîy bad gana, shie went ta ead noîhinig ai danger. basinvtedownbor isFrak Dcwsdlier room, sud cemaiuad thora foc saveral There wcs sanetbiug lamilar about that Ha wiii ho a pieasul arid last u at.bagan. By noon sha W-es muci btter, sud msniy facm. Cauid it ho passible? Ah 'to aiOuminay'u agan ta feel quite lika ber naturel self yaa, #, was na athar then Frank Durward, Ha waasiway a gral faoritemach so that she baii-wýisba4d sua caînîng havely ta tIsarescua. knoIw." uesa ouawasai ha d gone ta the plouce, but il ivas tua ista Thay wara sida hy ide et lest, aud danger We,ë-akuess fac fsscinatiug sînniers." 5tow. was aeloal fargottatn. As iu s draam sbe O. AR DEN ~O. Il"Weli, l'ai net tise aniy ana, fair coz. Do dAf ter lunch -he donued a pink laagawrr, a beard bis vice-how irtirilled bac-yal HA î EN .D you knaw, M\arige, 1 tiîinh yau'sa 1111ese-55f, eaiqulita thiug, trimmar i wth -lace lier lips seemed dunib. Sha cauld oly granao oîh RoalCoIego! enal ac onMc Duwad. a vasuaar'te se-aynsd 11bhons. Sha iaoked mast cbrîning loah up ta hlm witi langiug ayos, but lu Suigeons, Ontario. deceiver you fanciar i hm, sud aven if ha hari whan bar tailet was campiebed, a trifle paie, Ihat gaze ha reari hec heart at laSt, as though O FICE OPPOSITE EXPRESS OFFCE. beau, aise ould affrd ta ovelooh iflih is sa but very iwaat and iovely uevertbeiass. il liar been an open book. 3OLD FILLJNG A. SPECI.ALTY genecous and sa hind o! easct. For myI At leugth she want dawu juta. the dark- "Courage, daciing, I wil Save yau," a Alllj'cckx TETH N5ERD WTHOU pat,1 admire hlm facrtuera Ihan Gerard oued draw ing roan-. Wiiat was lier surprise vacea was aaying ta lier; sud tiien Suddanly Haynes, wba of isaesoems ta ha your de- 011 autocing ta fsnd il occupied by no tiar tise Storm hurat ifalal ils fury. TIsa rin PTS.vateri ialiowac. 0f the twa I shanîri ranch tau Frarîh Durws,ýrd. 'pourari doaruintorrents, sud ivthout a eat Retuctlons lin cîce on all Dona aeta a e a eda IFcn uwcl Wby.ý-! ivliec did you contefa Iniouieut's warniug bathbhasts wera avec- WOk. VtEilizee AIrconstantly lra use pro 'sudughltyan wer i1e, oitahlund' uolîg 'Painleeas Opecstions. Pamlnlr lln -nli ukuaw, dearecas, you bava a11Ynyta .Oamleaaoftataucd 11paîMetote ise lti fChltfIren'a Teet-; your sweetast andi you wauld hbava iuewt h eIa ie at(>sea-jWI tildcya ocrMde cliiýuulbeatsth ie waves. Sha flitIhe water's Mi* LL WORK W.ABiRATBD._ îi e yauir sea." caraf 'r id yau? 'V1i Ihaacois aek il cohi enbraca, sud haccd c abeler ils ewini l3raUch 1office, Dr. Rutisofocd'f tOrcua I1situaltairing e't cuq anad In i ciesem, bava camte b tsy wtif!? an, ilyou racc. O God 1 coaid this ha destb I But gard ta, iFrauk, hies ýonly a friand, îîotbing are willing, iha are caisniliuny. Franh waa heaide bar uow inluan instant mo n, u act, I couid bcrdi-dy imagina hini "VaCetainiy. But haw -eld i i bappan?11 h atucscn, imgap nihp Serianswth any oua, fac more Iban oua sec- rrSanietbissg ike tiis: A letý,-c Iconi a cavivari. son ut leaSt." frieuri acived beca Ibis maionng, clîaugad Bcavaly ha struggiaîl an, hattli ng againat elPerliaps yau will leccu ta thiuh differ- ail my plans. I exciiied mysaîf ta tise ceaI i'r ave sud iadn.Wold lha ever ceach ont!y ana ai Iboea sys. Il h vtcy easy ta a tepst, nde s flying trip luto the the shore ? The -Way ivas long aveu yal ; ha formistakan apiniaons, you huow," City, sud now hava but juat cturueri." coun et ualid aut mach lonîger, thougb Alaa wbh er Iaongh Il ibbMadga "Il is tact bari hat you misd tIsa pie- alonie le iuighl liaN, 0 cmpsîr ladis- sal sud pondereri. 1aias aly nsug i. tance lu saety. TIe despair ai thiesa icw cd bim, sha waudaedi. Tisa convercatian 1"Oh!1 no, neia a al. I amn quita canlt sot samna alds e 4ha iogotten.' of tbe alternoon bcd hrought bach, a train as it is,"lbe replieri, iaaning baýci in the As fac Marige e te'glmsfiig: ai moeries, niernries tIsaI had long beau innurianis easy chair, a iciatally oia- she eouidnoualding ta him snuch longer; Silent. inghui lacr hie timie ana aiofthe yata sublimiehecaisîsi cama ta lhec thn-& Slme thaught aofIlsat summer aI MI1)e- favorstes oa i enurstance. Lhaiîîg l ,ChIatis oriy bocu in a greaseusl. ,ec, thse loug golden boucs, tlise walha, ud '" Haw la youc saaha1 aquestiaued, lu 11cm yet gentla touai she hasought him- tise, drives, aI lai)gtb. ta icave lier la bier fate, ta sava bimself, ULois E g nzbafoco she mat himsaie bhiascUri aif Oh 1if is lllaie uow," sinca together daatb n'as aimattcertain. VETkL& RYSUR~U. F-auDuwac. Than yon wili Sing far-nie, woîî't yaui 1" "I an utal fcaid ta dia, Frcnk," sha "Vonwll fin hl ais aithaIiiOst ho pleadi,osMarig toh ber p)lace atîhi nimurier. "Van bave douaail yau coniri ORONO, - ONT. lî-ccsang ai bis sex,,bat donet lose yaud pianoan sd sang sainie oibic lavan te isangas ta save me, Goad-bye ad Cari hisa yan." beýact, dear girl," a fsiaud bad laughingiy IHa watcbed lier cl tha tyblie ssid îhong5L"" Tisai bie îbauds àtaIlied deug ta hlm,j Offi:e 7,POst Office Bcck. sairi ta lbec, "r'Men waee-daceivars ave,' whsl s ioveiy picînre abe mi iic ha br ioosed boîri. Sha ires valuuarily -lipplng eisby tlegraph or rbephoemi ceceive ir 1M' you now, anri niane maie ta Ihan Frankr yotb e nribesnty, isare in Ibis quaint, id- awny irons blîn. but, ceslizing bac purposa, aie-ç jiate attention.Dra.'. fashioneri dcawing-roamn. bis aivo gap tiglîtenar(i flita mare fima'iy. I Frcwrne laforacuad.Sa l iad eau Haehari dlier very earnaatl-y vhaîm thee rLeave you !Neyer !" ha exciairnar. 'ribsXlrga Escarlýnct. sa sangs wara nderi. As sah bac ý"tseat ha rrBe it 111eor deth uî lir, wa ivili Iineal J.iv.li4v~ U V B ieoidruDradmspean drew bis chair up hniside lier, sudtisad ta' ilîai _,éter." copnoi-t la t ýci>1e ul x eri iso pieccant, etcautg way, TI-fis, kuiowing isaw util ope tserirs, iM» NTIST. pcaiti.Cac iscew îhem tgethar just as lha usert 'La i days long an b..misiene ewaitad 'foc time en!d. vcate.And suben et lin-ses bis ayes -Bath wtracl ucos iau ,bw tha oucs ar kI1,i, souniiras that? uIn hie li lokei enesi mb ber awu, sh bairi eaciiping awe, fac halls wrabapply, ai tise stari il cane t tuhLle cîso oai OF I E:Rarof Mesc3rs. sîîîýiliugly igtspcad& i. Lang praclice binr i it 1apueean aiesia oe itintal. voies rons far. Arlui an niant leter OFFICE -I~~er dýutles mai i perfect i l ha at sud lu3lIe aesu he e.1on1a ehtaysîrta l.-ot,1nur itb sturdy4 wy chsasld aise giva il a roat'tugb ud a e igtb stroJliaridoni ý tha aaIat scaînaen, caîninig ta thie rascua. Hi_igginbotham & Son's Drug'Tws-tsaamusemeant ai the banc, nint1;iig la1idiehabac - morT,ý ase. aat c adhreimn bv httTeWouîd tbey recch tCham are ilwas aite? more. a sli bad old brself)IiLtiý- it A,)tbreauglî' f te iiequveiugallga naelaltengehEat-,it tîmaugs deat Store, (down stairs), linse, as is ta steel lbar heast againsutCheir branch; a Lirli gicsieiaeri aug h erfli-ugbaxansar, nuuk' cor I ina leavas thedt asglimuiereri avec auri anon; might lha near--wbat îna!;tariad lb sow tlIed -BO-17,M.ANVILLE Mb an hle shaediflarl an with the 111e, an itiserside itrebcheri lhe daisiar imeadows ; ual this bancreveaieri ,ceisîcce prcious but tisera cam e a tur-wug poirt aIast. The while fraîn tisa distance Caine the iow, sad te a mih ile itseli 1 sumîiar days waý,re audari, the bour draw uroan aifbIse acesu, rhsose tnaaniit waters Aller marnants that aaiîsed andiasa tisai neer wlsea they mnuaIsay good-hye. t all cauld jisitlbe ceeu trougb Ibe long ite hastcew near. Witlis aimat sapen-h.unasi r, camas bach so vividiy ta lier to-night, yel baef brn he. effort Franh Durwacd liftari bis hurden, as1 iîaw long ago it saami.The hesusy af tbe sîlgbu casl ýits speli hieicstsiacî r arisoa'iethastranger resclieri lie present irandacîl nIofnailmon says Neada' Blocks,lcvr Mayes's Store, BawusanÜ Lhe Pont Towuiand, Ore..Lades, li as se ville. cutteritrie inarket tiat lac satn lime Ibesa aie-i1b-assias lbave hacrr selistg at ira a ms aiecPut lie pnice teck a lumbia itaJday anricevarat liserman saisi a bahhoari ai'fine sahrsaît, weîghing lwcnly pauinds ccci, aethle pilîfiful tni a na cent16 spiece. Oaa cent fon a bwamty-pound sihver sainion, th Istatqusbity oa iaI lleb lias, iisbhoweat pride, parliapa, I at e food tubl avec s on orin thia or any other country, but saiman are se plenhilul that peo pie do ua naw wls-ý--at tado wilIthoens, lis is ais mnatesilut naugis tsi couiri ho takhieca lu ana day l t ii 1,000 harcela. Fialsermen 1o oE Sa ay e au issaka big mane y hy clling 1 saînonat e cent cpiece la buscesueie f MG1 TtT65 tisey will ouiy buy al îbey cen catch Oua rA m-au ccugbîfountèean iiti s gi-boaS aI- r acheri t.a shoe banriha yesterday, curi an- ariser însn ciaima ta bava onid tiem lu cscI num)-bera in siîaliatr watar ilu the Du- gppp i bcat hatre w tham ont irifh s pilci- laconi sasongaIt iýh -enongh. ta hast bis lamiiy for a tsonti, Olsi ceidants say bIsaI thcy ocrer saw mach quanities ai Salmon hef are, and acfuli account of ail tiat ane au beaccansi seacant Ibis bitg rmn o a c a P R ST TR N ES,Ë would aound lie the mait labulons oa itas cmtaiusu lsu mçlsa ie stoies, aud masSî persans cannaI realize lie rlseo n aica magnitude ai lie c<,,, catch on tIse Saunrid Ibis acasan. E. W, CILLETT. Taar,ýos P'î cisu kidly "C tabin ,u ,i nhyon boera as3ise desarve. And se aI t tet ira trace ioine. Ho Isaîri-ont ii arma, sud ito-, a, ror aise went ta hlaîiid ber isec>iloubi breat, tliashitr hat wauid he be 1cs foca lime nir Ili htien, rbaa eatt atheir jay ie too s tal,'oa i i,>ie for isards. Ony i)luIe atr-ia lvh ia-ppy risys ai betrotLiai ,' I i sapast, that hiaur oaPi au lîaî e httai n th Ie waea. Val ual lu ra% ied been Iha t heur. Tt bari cevealeri the ash aIbath, cuti braugl ia thce en mlaiij GCere rd isnsrciaiadfaetac from bbtlat ibiblie badiLoiandiy expectari. Couceslng i1qsap-iitnentas hast lie cauidsa acierilcErpanr i ilwas nmauy yaAc bele ha'cilurs'ed. MaurUAiuislcy aNa mrii e ac, ,ratherhbrsreri dapacîirniettIse li.Siie sgoiug la Newpor't, os'tae boiri ber friands. Rochy Del ccli tsdalylait ail itsattîrations. congraînneata lierfcousin. t bhave heosuopung for tuis ailtIse i iiim i ,,l d i lias beeananeIofmy ueart's fondait incIsa's ec yantw Unuitedi. Von i weremeat fr e"b ther, dear girl. My aniy wua is tibat yau did ual iud it out yaars aga." Dawu Il-sadean aid lanea spainra!fihappy loyers sýtraIIedrieianiglît. Tiare whîce tise aiado-wa wera deepealtiey l fgarr a liesd tîsace lie Irdedriacin bIis arma sudl kjsiad tlra ruby lips I ipa 50 cîreet, so tampting ItliLha waa poire-iais taresust bIseni. "ý And, yoîî jiaea eacned ta lai-c me St lasI-erén as I1 love yant," ha whss5peced., Lave yaî," site excîsimeri. "u hal ha ong enaugh é tl uityehow dearly, LOOkîng imb hase da, bea ullîni eyes, bie reari hec soul, sud et isat wcs satisfisil. [THSE E-tI.] Po -Yen Sing at Ree? <Thece is pechaips na picasamter occupation iu tise lamily cîccle thIssa creri sang., Msuyj ahlon-ewhera lihera is utIle ai haauty, or case, ar luxury, is marie pleacaul hy -"1tbanhagiriag anri tIse rvoiea eay I tisae habjoy inthie beart suridimusic ou tIse taug ie, nsny rougIs places in liii araetaoh eand caimade plain, insny dans spots arej brigiteucri ansi made oheanini.r Thase famîilles wbiicli isuair othing ai acrari sang miss soeraIbIse puceat pleasuce ,bsat faists latle lobtaofsuartais. Family prayer is a duby suri e pririhege, but ianiiy preise is nouete le ics o, asd lIsera is notIs- ing that hinda bearîs umore claaely ta tha haoma tiathsoaa "sangs wIsieIsmathiar saug"; sadlunes, in whiclî lte vaicesr ai parents anri brotiers sud ajataca jain, farni s bond af union wbichuitesiherts wben mauntais iseansd aceaus roll hatwaan bisem. Sanfetimth ie wsyn'asri sou, wan der-I ing lu s lar-if blaud, ]!cars the sang bis muther sang, anri is influanceri by tIse aid assaciationubocensarnher amd serveibis moiser's Careini ans iiilodiaus singing iii lIe home ita pe.soar siuging elseniiere, espci;ai-I ly il persans anc taugit ta sing ccarcthy, genýIy andritendariy, snd -witbout siuchi instrumentai eccaîapauimenis.Thbea the hytisi learneri by tise yauug linger Ion," lu iuemary s preciausIertaga againal risys ai danktîsacndurisorcaîr LaI parenits sel thiexoaimple aifaso, suri tlia chilsinan wilbe aune ta lahiaw. Taha tise now ari tien, aud anjay anilenn fa son«i au. Let tIsa raide o a ii ejîsg hbcIseari in lie tabernacle ai the ightas sri prayer suri ;Apraise ascenri ta tishé=oe of Cari. Lut cacb obiri have lus byman- hools ansiha ,iîlI luleateptize ili-irxht i tIaBha, etîrwili Inans it gatlber ianY preostrtlîc 'rricb iitigo with hlm lato liie'a ilatsa ur. Wiiaaa ffèeatîspraie gIoriitbliCar. Let us bave mare prchsiug snd leas mrurng, marc sang ansi 1v wer canspiahots. Insteari ai irettîug bacause ai evil-doars, lot us 1pcay ; isîstead ri ifcing as our lot, el us lesave c rbîsrian aI the Cmoss1andamri har a sang awey" "Hastisbau no wtrcs fOh. think ýagani- Wandflsalw apaca wiau you camplaimi Aut fiI yanr flla-rrestuces' targ \Vitihie sel tale of!ail yonc ca - "Werehii!tle breath tins vainly suant To beavan la supplication sent. Our cheanful ian g wauld aitenar ha. Hear tt.hie Lord iadonc faor ie" lsBacThse Boer FArmer. Th loe arnapersaitiestusabo-s irflless aays Lorilatîdalph Cuhurchill. Oas upyiug a icrm ofai ram 6,000 ta 10,000 acces, ha centsuhabinsal witls 1rsisiug aa rriof e law Isundreri isaofi ai ebewbiohs 'ra icît almoat, auircly ta th.e 'seaoai lie native- wba haempoya Il usay haassenlesigen. eacIiywîtutbt, that hu nevecpantls tree,~ gcaws shiladthi caris by~ ~~~' hestta stasome actent pria disi ii great coiilînpt. I-Je pas,ýss bis day daiu abaiuley alîÏing bayonr i îîuig ansi rcntgcofre(a. Hc s parfciinm- eduatd.TiistIs eaxception ai the Bie, arery vaorrio whlcl inluils machliterai inter- praelian ha believes witm ltial icradu- liiy, ha neyer opens a booh ; ho never ceads a iueWspaper. Ris simple ignoace is unfctlsomahle. Anri Ibis, its sublima dorn- posune, bcashaces wibi bis wruc, bis sous suri hss dauglîters, boing prauri thaisls chilsiren shouiri graw up as ignorant, as ncultireteri, asa bopaiesshyunupragressive as Iinsel. lu lise winber tise lic sua rs with bis bard af cattie luto the hettar-pastucaa sud milder GRATEFUL--COMFRTIMI'.,ý tioraugh knwleCdge Cof tive atmr îïud ntiinad a! crefulPitf the~ ~ ~~, fieprpreso el etestCoa c delicately fiavored beverage %'hich meysav us muy beavy dortorI' bis tlyth-e judiciaous use or sueh articles aCI fltta 00OnstitutiOn may b3 gradually buta us'uxtil strOng enough ta leBiet every tei, ',y ta, disease. 1-lundrefis of subtle s Aleax ae tlOatiig arasu us rcadY tIo attack weee there ta a weak point. We may eEý.a many at fatal shafl bylkeepiug aurselves we'l fartlfied 'vith Pure blood aad aprperly ncariebedj f ramue."'.'Civii Service aazwcote," ý-e l'ade Simply wiÉh boilin- -watzr or îllk SOld onlv in packets. by Groûers. labnllefILtu j4mLs £5'PS & ce., linoepathî it5c s t, Lendon, England Th'e atest popular bailad is entitled " H Neyer Carne Back,." This is probabiy du, ta the fact that lhea d iflot ave a rende trip tiýket. The Head Surzeon Of the Lubon Medical Umayf o at Toronta, Canada, and itnay b-econ- sulted either in persan or by letter on a&Il chronic diseases peculiar -ta mnan. Ue; yon-ng, oid, or midde-aged, wha ifind :them- selves nervons, weak an exhausteï, w1ho arc broken down frein excess or over-w3ik, reaulting in many ai the foilowing symp- tome : Mental depression, premnature aid age, loss ai vitality, lass' of memory, bad dreams, dimness of sight, palpitation cf tho heart, emiasions, lack af energy, pan iithe ikidneys, headache, pimples- on the face or bady, ltchinrg or, peculiar senisation about the scrotum, waai4ng of the organsq, dizziness, spocks beffare, -£3 eyeýs, twitc1ilngof the muscles, eye Iiý U ,alcle1sewherc,%avhfuless, deposits inth> rine, loss af wîll 'power, tenÎderness a I tas salpand sin, weak and flabhy muscla',s, decsire ta ,ileep, failre ta, be cested b)y s_.-p,cotpain dunesf hearing, lacs ai voice, dlesire for soitu-ýde', edwb wlt LALN RCLE, oiiy laoking ai, etc., are ail.sYm1ptLoms of nervous debility tha Ied t iaaity uddeath unless cred,. rhe spriug rvfti i force having lcst ita ten sion every function wanes in cousequetice. Those who thraugh abuse comnmitted in igoacerMay be perrnsnently curedl. Send yoeur1address forbookonaldsae pgA te man. Address M. V. LUBO'N, 50 lrn St. E., Toronto, Ont. Books sent freeseld fleart disease, the symptams af wi are faint spells, purpie lips, numbues, rpa-lpita_ ticu, skip beats, hot flushes, rush of Jblood ta thé haad, duli pain in the heart with beats strong, rapid and irregular, the second heart beat' quicker than the first, paini about the brest boue, etc., cau poitîvely bie No oce, no pay. Send for book. Addres M.V. LIJBON, 50, Front Street E Cwt, Tor- anto, Ont. Hie (an the straw ride)-" Dau,'t yoi tinlt you had better be wrapped up lu r b011l She-l' Ves. But badn't yon bceL .j, Ai b an flrst,5 When lBaby was slck, we gave lier Castacia.V WVheu she wias a Child, she criefi for Castaria. Whau ahe beameM"is. she uluug a Cstois. Whau d slie d Cildreu, aile rave tbe Csorr Wife" Mthe lag0ing tO îhave fi er 1pý.Iue taken to-dIay." 11usb)ai1-" -J-esheý? MyIgo with bier and cee 1 le avngi dane 1'> \ife-" Certaiuly-. VWhy do youa j , -,nt ta 'ga V, Huband-'"ihpbotagrapber :wi 11 telliliec ta look pleasaut, yauuko u 1 -'vaant ta sec ber that way laonce For over Fittv lears UasjX. XW11SLOW 'S SoaTHIfNO SYaur ha bEe'n used by millions cf mathera for thelýrr hlldren while teething. If diaturbed at nîglit anfi broken ,of youcrtest by a slck chblîtsi 'e ring aud ccYiUg with Pain of Cutttng Teeh seuil at, û ne andl get a' bottie ofMr.Wusa' Soothinfi Syru3" for chilfirea teotilith.; will relleve the voor lti ufrrimdaey Depent upon tt, mathera, there ta1e3:nrt-0 aboutit. it cures Diacrhoei. re 'lech ,Mrs. Winslow'5 Sciothiug Syrup" -for cnlrer teething is pleasant te the tasenLü i tIs prescription of one or the aldeat su'd bea3t fe- Cnle physianansd nurses f IeUitd ft tes-. price 25 cents abaleStbya Cili Uet. li Ade lid, àSt.ý MRS.>..DAIS D A ., -k::>,fC~ à,I Is s