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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Oct 1891, p. 7

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d< ]intagn, Queec, Yw"ites: " atuedAuguist FlowerforDys- ppa.It gave rnie great elef ecm edit to ail Dys"pepics a verygo rmd. Ed. ergeonGeneral Deanier, Lauzn, evi, Qebe, xrites: - have usedAugu'ist Fiower witlî the C. A. Barrîingýtn nine n General Sinýti, SdeAsrla writes: "ugstFlwe iseffe-1 a complete IC 11i-ure " Y case.Ita- ed 1like aàiracle." G 3. ate's, Corinth, Miss. ,wries 1I consDiid ,1er your August Fleower tle bestreed in the world fer Dysý- pepsia. I was almosi dead withl that d(iseuse,' but used severai betties ,of Ags Flower, and niow con- sider -nyself a well man. I sincerely recomnicid this medicine 10 suifer- lng hný1manity the wýorld over." (D '.G REN, Sole MIanufacturer, ~WobrNew Jersey, 'U. 1S. A. publctoAdvaýrtlatnz ra3tes mînlose by ca mot, lé.)cents patr Iunis, a il rt insûri On, and 5cents par lino naIh subsaqucont la- se nian. Lcals, 10 cents par lin a. Mi. A. JAMES, Publishe T O10 RENT'. -For term of years, "Gli - Dlii -30acres, 2 iles from 3Whitby- good buldings and sali. Admirable for stock or dairy. GOtance fr gaing extensivety ie Tnornto millc business or stock raising fo Gmrian markee'. Men with capital only Aued epplv. J. H.D)w, Whtby. 32-4f T ,!A VE BEEN FAVORED WITB 1- ntrcin ta sell by private sale by the ixcuors of the osiate of the late Duncan Macl. h ouili east 80 acres of lot 17, con. l4i, 1;arlî nnon whidli is erected a hanse, frame n, dîvnghanse and stable, etc. About 4 acr, cffLren aines corchard .Termae asy as l xnstbesad at once. LEvi A. W. ToLE, Real £saeAgent and Auctioneer. 35-tf. 1.AMFOR1 SALE.-Consisting of 31 J"rssituated just enisoide the corpora. f-e ~ the townr f Bowmanville. There le s gonolese. barn and stable on the p remises, &lo bout 1 acres of young areliardunow be. g1inin tai bear and a ornait rnnntng cresk of walter osqstlie property. Everyti lei gaod cndtonad-.s.teaf "liato.Th. property wil ho sld cheap and on easy term ef peym7ent. Arply ta h.A. W. TOLE,or THos SHRTlowmanville, Ont. là QAi R Y and Comnmission ît0 an Cerymn a ntodcea new asd pop- The mosI renmarkable religious boak of the age erritten by 300 eminent soliolars Non. seolarian Eývery clr1Btian wanîs it. Rlisveterrltary Riven. appl-ytoTHE HENRYBILI PUPLÎSIHING Co.. Njuuwil. CGoN. 31 6w OY«EIahC ?ANDOLEANINO Ladies' andi Gents, wear of ail kinds, Feath- ers, Gla-esRos, Laces, Curtains, and ail kinde cf fancy goods Dyed, Cleaned cr Frenoh Cieaned. WVork positively guaran- teed thýe 1beat. No peddling- wagon empioyed. A reibeaetiiievery tcwn.. RITISH AMERICAN DYEINOCOCw., Goid Medalist flycrs. Mortreai, Toronto, Ottawa and Qnebec. Agent in Bowmanville, J. H., DOBSON, sTrATgONER. Save ýyour 1mustafd erdand bring itot au-,Vr are ouse at Grand Truk iail Raad Oshwa, herethe hlighest rnarket prrca wilI b paid in cash by M E. L. (Àne ro urbsiestre n B. KconDm q o wilpurohase 170 acres in sMud anse andgood bclivs idisoulOtIt C od l. le'no1g dýAy oenailclre fln ostee oÈ $8 u-_ O of th cou,. farntuCon1 ta';ýau e, goiding.tone h ltyann d sold. For Ilnpufhae poora of Decman Ie a N entsîe an aining 15C haS e 1 are of tind cthedea t o b 0f ilie ens fms on Con.1 Danîng n obic lngs d E lotr caliîy ainde appy O'isMybhdoaplcto o e Tîndcroig e VI h»énA . OsuÉyeaLE c oeal Estate Agnt d Actioneef MONit.. Lk eiîe -ile.3),,aidV teilr oe ne FACLTY F APPitnED S.cIEC bas ben prepred, tnghec detaryc HOUSEHOLD. s Now itbîlecc~c~ liglit îlîc cees helO hlmi A vilg laepina greva sýlep iindn. Runilits climintîireafil,-1light 1,,ro (lglI prosie cf landi. Nor where the selleretr bSoimut lande Sighting aoe distant Thul ef ile-e Through dlesorts oratenîe o n ndsil- ALI wld S 0fl w-enflerý , l my roarri ng ha. 1 ol el uml whaüre ne glass hetwaca,,j Mut how me niatuires caintananca aniý, Ir, daychoa vening star is alwaYs Ven1s lu sprt wt edoe l ea oe 'Tic dcn a 'rwhrataohearts thet listan -Anfý,I weit île 1eof words md i ey s-lae i uncuni or ha o -of thinking hie lre Yma iin aiUas andadrpa- Tue refLI ilufi yllow eythatced1)(1 an Te Leorniug w i iegîndens arc; coma1 !anIs ugliesiate sfi Ut that fo ersh- And :cli tîle winlds car lislmar li acr Saund caftan fIor le swaaiess thtltey Ireetha, Down eoly glen,,lunlads usisapefi, ust Thlle enowdrop letter fJoy's clesi ý,L uen Whitenîle sod. , anfliplaiens chin, fer wshaped, Where aid creehlo!1ts curea ýCWasnye' ead Peuce, Freedoîn,, VParily hem bleeeaeaed cml 'GuanO di ufed u ast eavemniore. Anld the let gane aiî le lcgreua Ie Sl w l se akees of slnoeon iui Th 11ar )ayectibas and 1 tudy in, A avoie, c useof etrange fcten fisys, Tîta brngeme cerer île la0ve that couldha AnSuties ari peallfiwect a cepng af A WommnAon Siberia's Lepers. Miýss Kete-Mareden hie beau meliang île Britich publlic abea-t han work ansong the lapars cf Sîhenhei. Har n dantking le anae bile a a 1d CosSisten, bath in Eng- land and Russia, and was engaged *ith soe Engliel con'pmlnSine utending thea wendad iu the Russo-Tnrkieh wîr' whana Ian de- vaied minietrîtiens and tiioseof lber col- leagnies endeared tblen gneatly te tIse ab- jects nI thiin ce. One day shianmd a donspaiec w'ere saeking for amty ecattared wouaded they aauld ilud, and sinmyed iat a desented hane whosecola lumîtes wera two wrretched la',?as who hid tîkeu shaiter tItane.' One of thesa wae se utterly nlaim- ed and disflgnrad me ta hava bait almeet the sambiance cf a luman form. The sigehi msade se strong an impression on han, thît ase tIen and thare resaiyad ta devote ber- calf ta tryiug toa meliorîta île condition of lapera. Aitar tIsa wer she wes called te anoiler field cf liber ia Naw-Zaalaud, and il wae soamc yemrc haera seas Inea ta, folew ont Ian ewn plana. As cocu as she ceuld, cIa begahem reseaýrches in sec cmii donatriceqas te the mode cf treaiment, etc., followýcd, han main o iac - i t nuniforttunete fellow, subjectk is ndiaLU. S1ic revieited Ruei funudila conld galin muIcbnfrmtin Isne by Missq Fielci, whcse peýrtciî knowladgc af Rsmuenaicd hem litc le bca llttiag iinter- p1raier, cIe set eut, and, haereabcshaad rahed the lest railweay terminus, site mat witb aneabhe and willing ta ha hem hast in- formatn,in mu îgad imiscianary hislcp of t'lie Russian Churchi, who hald spant 4 0 vars ausong île Sibenhms of ts ahmt , hob- yenmd Ymkuîsk, and lad translated a great pin' cf the Scriptunea ie otheir languaga. Hle toidIan that in that minte pari thera le a large colony aIf lapers, anicasis frmall their co,,ntrymen, living e wandax-ing 111e ameag île foreste ml id mar--cs o aIttit- bospitalble Climlate, amd obliged te nsake tleir sale foad fraam ,tIe fls l.illaes, whiclî bave beautuadte cantain garms domîceying tle taîi c f lapreay. Thec paon arcatures are val-y miuilxione fort s opital, and lave beau hitherta unable te find any Ie piead their cause. Bu t the y ara, caid ta bave discavered ana dy, n I mli:nown ouiy te thenteelves, whih touhthehr wretch- ad moede cf hiie lendre isgeodaffec0t, is Meies vedan reslvee go on làsarl c officiels, nd e f isn la ps;itieons ota bal han, lie beau great , FOIs hwa ichfi eia nact mde'y eilî foded them buttIseltarclsiewac saa as ould bav beu ltsauiee!! y i0estongeetand tacet1aciva aîia, -nd fr uo erig nd neigbttue coage Lei n thaeotedui henevýennfca ii ly h eiah nofait ccnd co slecne w ce )s bdt k ndcf le rugises serai " post lbeuses, no lads citainahie but thea dean on itein antan cieangs cf nladeer skin ; nette but île coînsest food. n1a Hints te .Eousekeeper's. To. make IrisIs-moassblanc-mmnge, taka. ha adp of Irlihumass, oeaquartaIfamui, asit-espoonfui sait antd oue teaspoanful s,-mailla. Souk tIsamas iacoid enterfltecu Nwppeis and magazines overflow xith dIirec tionis for wamnen te folow and tell thens iil. 'Pley'%,are lcueOn decomum mad tanght eVerlythingl from h) te ea2t theirlcoup up ta how te chan ige thýe hbys ib. Foilowing is a lpigc hîngs for a womian te iearn To Sew. To eok. TO niendi. Ta ha gentie. TIo valute n. To drýse ety To keep a secret. To be self-reliant. Tao avoid idieness. To mind the baby. Ta dam 'iistockinge, To respect oid age. To make good bresd. To keep a hanse tidy. To contrai ber temper. To ha aboya gossiping. Ta inake a boneý happy. Ta take careaio the eic. To lmýnar a ucrocs aidman. Toe ar mal t fo r hie worth. To be a hipmîLýte teae ueband. To take pienty cf active exercice. To eee emouse without ecreaming. To raid corne bocks besides novais. To ha ligtlearted and fleet-foated. To wear chocs that don't cmemp the feat., To lîe a wornanly worn atender mil cir- curnetincas. The writer lakes pleasure la înekiag out a list eftbings for ain to P-arn Te chop Wood. To buiid ires. To dlean walks. To put np a stove. To'0 carve efoa ToAdrese bsaf To wbip accrpaIt.ý ,Io:IB 'Iolha unselfiIli. To ccaîu bis boots. To chat-e hinscaif. Te bang up bis-coît. Ta keap hic wiord. Te get up lu the nîerning. Te h)a abioyaflirting. To talk pelitice withaut getting mad. To fade a burglar without quakmng. To value whît helanga te a warnan. To avoid theic city cf bad woen. To marry as waman for comthing besides acuri on ber fdreheasi and a jersey waict. To taleantea wernan's sentiments. Ta read comething besides a.lneweýpape-r. To neyer axpeat a silk bat te taka the place af braine. To tbink of comething becide" ic stomachi. To value a wonan'c affection aven and aboya what it con tributes te hie personîl camIont. To inîka iîo pretansione toanay womnan lie neyer intende carryîing onû.. To treat a women as hie equal. To take ne advantaga cf a wemaûin's ignor- ance cf the world. To expeat ne womnan ta cwallew excuses, made for inexcusable things that another man wanld Ioot et., To neyer expeet a womneirnplicit conlfi- dence ndrsuchcicuetncs TIo 1bave fewer iropeýrative bsns To keep a e brth To( exiet wiî!utbnt acilub imeîaham)ship. To ha as; generous with the wornen fols as ha is witb tbe fei!lows. To rernemîser that tbe paved walks were net nmade for the exclusive purpese'cf ioad- îug up with tobacco juice, To keep his head et the siglit af a pretty girl. Ta break the cardanorn eeedJhabit. To avpect ne drece suit ta pies as prindi- ple. To kaep hic bande dlean. To bave fluth lun wo acpacity. T(, attend ta business. To be ternperate in aIl thinge. To keep the seventh commaudment. To aurse net generatiene te carne with bad hlood, narvens diceases and physical snffering. To encourage eno vice ,vhich wili hecone a second nature and leave hinm toothiese, gray and baid wlîen ha shonld ha in the prime cf manboad. Te keep bis minci free from filth. To indulga in no ohscene songe and steries as au amusement et banquets and cteg parties. To haver forgat when ladies ara absent that there rnay ha gentlemen present. To ba a manly min npon ail occasions. .Firinz Portraits on (iina. A naw ai-t hae beau developad in the firinig of 'portraits on china. Fitherto painting was the ordiuary method resorted ta b)ý those who wished ta prasarva the likenasses cf thair friands on porcelalu or any descri-p- tion cf wara, By the naw method ti- pîcturas are photographed an the parcalain and then flred, lu the aime way as the ordli- nary decoratians cf the ware. The portraits look like the fluast photographe, and unless braken wiii imt foraver. Thse picturea eau ha adapted ta any sizean d dan therefore ha p ut on dupe, saucers, vases, panais or mie- dalliaus wlth aquaiease. Antan Rubinstein bas secluded himseaf at a country place near Dresen, latent upon competihig a new Russian opera, as wall as hlm dratorio, Alosas.He is alec husy pra- paËing a book cf musical criticisme and opinions for publication.1 iucnny quces ioni ! 1inaita dtic doeuil. Aies, for ali their ecstiey, Tlay kneýw nat what w-as hast: The young usan reachad the frmoitdean, t The old mian did thse reet. iMNhitr- My dear air, yau ara funll of whiekey. Yul pay for it camue day." Tipplerra- 'IWill I? Then (bic) step acrase théa etreet and tell tIs a loon-keeper. 1-a'l ha glad ta know it. " Teacher-" Tommy, man bas beau caliad thea 'laughing animal.' Came yenu mention creo-a ttnibute ihat raei lim aboya thea mare brute l," Tomimy Pigg,-" Yas'm. 11e-ha kaiows bow ta cp." "Pray tel me Iîaw do amaidens wee 7" SIse anserad hit: 1"I don't Kace hcw beaîtsa eeuse-mrant yon Awara tley îlways won't 7" Jink-" TIsai mmn dees nat blookvery smartiand yet yeîi sua ic asmide, a milliion." Wnks-" Sin-art? Me's i genun. Mo's a great inventer. " 1 Vou da't eay so. What did bc invant V'"1"Maeînvauted mn ipple hemrale thut wont hld scaraaly any- thiug."' Enar. Ssls-nDacî ese uet lha tried fer ersy"Bro. Prey-'- Wiimt'c tle godao n (uLP>idoua 7ý" IlIe wanted to bat two dollarui- tai Phuncel's anmry woulid neyer lave beau dmownad goinig mrces tIsa Rcd Sea- if toey ladil ad sense ceutgli ta wmt tili tIsa tide w-as out. "Se yen peecadl yoursalf as a weidow whila you were awm,', eh?7" eaid Mn. Briggs te bis apensa, whli, by thc way, le raiher gead- lookiugý,. I"Von ought ta hae ,asluamedoaI yourself !but I sup posa yan ire not. " I"0f course, i emnet, " wms lhan reply. I did ra meely tcJolniny's accaunit. Von have no e, i ow kind 1all e gentlemien wera ta Rcpertr---- Nis-1Iwant ail tIsa lacis3 aI l emm;ic. flow aid wîs sha7" TIse Intrviwad-" astninatean," Reporter- "M'm I T-l ated aml tIsai aofcourse. Beanitifal, wtl Vanuslike figureanmd hair tht -cehuedita île- By tle way, why did sIc ~ ~ ~ h kl~hrei"TcIntarviewd-" Be- ,C-i.nseiba lînetIsi aIe astio eomaly ta ive' Lady Tennyson, Unlika île cives cf mîtsy greatmemn, Lady Tennyson bas moestiy merged lier iadividuality in thut oaIlhem hushmnd; but iii ts seat heamuca ahe lake iatelloctuîl cpct and sahclmly acquinemanis. , ier faîar i coîjiciter of HardamteinlaLincoinshle-_ eduaiiated hem mc few girls cf I bat time, and wvhen Antbitn Tennyson mat l1er aIe wms la ful ci sympathy witl lis Iigh idealiand lalty1 inepmniins.SIc is men excellent musician, ancd i-lts wri-ten scores fer caverai cf 1er hnshmndi's ba i-llude, aithough oaly ana bas beau P 11b'.'ed. 1a1ait,it may ha aaid tIsati edLady" Tennyson beau but poorly andow dilun îlie intllecotual qualities, ase wonld îlot hava sncaaeded so e elu ibler life'e lot ; sitexoffld net Icave realized tIse charatan cf nv- edIsabel "- "Thc stctaly flowercf fernalafortitude. Of perfec(t %i elaed, andi pure lovahthoodi h I~ bau said thmt. claver men shonld neot îýiury claver womn, and, il t mains iit geînssîouid net hae nnîted ta genins, taýlenit tai talantf, tae phorini sl, perîmpe, pcrfcatlytrc.But the comanwhc mates cis in ofgeniuis and fandemarital hap- piee uhve lifted harseif samaewhat ebv l commucuiplace ta bacome lher las- b'anda "symapaitizen and coufidaute. lu ministcniing te aý great paat's daCly neada Lady Tenuysont ha exlibitad qisalities suaIs as no nirat nnmwîg-roem daw'agan or socie- ty lnttly ,-omld lave clown. She has lad-- bis tsetia feelings, siadhcd hic sauce cf îhe beautiful ni.tuhîe lange mansion neer Preicîiier, as well mc in the sur.aer-ouse on îlebiclil ovetlooking Hasiemane, tIare is thtqveat, cmlam, cud larmonions beauty whiaI pleases île poei's tampeamseat, and chaeh euly cdnicatcd taste and dcli carl- mmnsltip cf e elfe caproduce. In tIse whilte stone hanse, wilh its ih l a rlle and flowe-hadeckecl tamnacas, cquLalîy cutIsah uitile Gothuiestructurea tiMn. Kaacyie, tise ediion cf tîlewNi1aef eeuth UCeWlury, design- cd, îletrmccc cf Lady Teanysons tender amne are v,,'iille la dîcawing-room and libnmry la smoking-maomii and cindy. Evary mears- nIsan, pipe, ex amy uaken stick of tle mias- tan's is raligiausly gurdad freai sacrilegians handa. With ilis self caime spirit- cf devo- lion sle bias incpircd mil lien children. Se lin as tIosa eintimate friande dansamy, tIare las neyer heen île lighteet rift ie îhe Tennyson honsehald duning is fanty yeare cf union. Other woaan migthave taken offenseet tle pleamnre île pont cas ceai ta tîka lan the caciety ef certain claver mue- ical and iiterary w'eeu uh wbem hae ha- came îcquaintad;, bui Lady Taunyjaa's hein isà tee large for such petty jealïàmsy. She feais and kaocs that tIse devation and lavs-aI bas imvished upon île poei diffar essentialiy Irom lIhat af lis adamirars. Ih is, parbap, liter crawning vintua, aever ta hava failt jecalous cf tIse corld. Mme. Robent Louis Stevenson, writing ta. a friand in Sman Fancisco, froua Samoa, undan dite cf Jnly 16th, emys thora is "la constant lumuit of threaalnad war and neear fîeeîe"in tIsat country. Of hiem issbaad sesays: Louis le ridianiousiy caîll.Yeu shoiild nee lima coma gallôpîing np fnem Apia, loÔking so0 elu d cheery.,hit conid do yenr hîmnli good. 116 la busy on ' The Wrecler' and seYerml %shôrt atories oaibîlmnd life-lageuds lIat arcesam intaresting. "1 L..A2R2.#D13ŽTEJ OIL TH.E FAMOUS HEAVY BODIED MACHIINE OIL -MADE -ONLY BY McCOLL BROS. ë& Coi, TORONTO. UJSE IT ONCE AND YOU WJLL USE NO OTHER. McCOLL'S FAMOUS CYLINDEII OIL. FINEST IN CANADA. AI, will be fouind in bis old slmop, next, door ctoor to Express O:flceg, B OWMIANVJ L L I n, where he keeps constantly on hand 'A LARGE & COMPLETE ASSORTMJ;N'r -0F- Coarse and Fine for Men and Boys, Womnen and Chidren. Rubbers, Slippersl, etc. Trunks, Valises, Satch'elE Special'attention given to Repairing. o ltNGà I beg to announce to the people, of -Bow- mnIlle and surrounding couintry, that 1 have bought out the Tin and Har- ness Business formerly carried on by L. GEO. QUICK, and intend to carry on the same' business in the. same place'. Any person requiring anything In either Ilne will do well -to give mea cati an-d îompare prices before buying elsewhere. . You may be -sure of getting gooi goods' at. righit prices. Eavetroughing done away down Particular attention given to furnace work.- We woutd be pleased to refer you to seme of the foltowing ,who have had furnaces lu for yegrs, and can speak of their qualities- J. B. Fairbairii,, Esq., Thos. Paterson, Esq., Sam'I McConnachî, Eq Ïrancîs Bleakky,P49q., JMn McClellan, Esq., J. J. Mason, Esq.,< John McMurtry, tsq., J. A. Johnsàton, Esq., Mrs. D. Galbraithi, Mrs. Moorcraft. P.: S -We stili have therei ,able Humphrey in the Ilarness Business IL- QýITYeor > Chlldreri Cry ýu'c.rPitcher':s castéglaeb minutes ; pice1(Ver, wstic ln a lace hg ALFN mdi' put hin lto tia edouibile boie ith the_ rnlk Biluniiliarnlkthchnswhn " tokmyhuhadfor hettar or for dmpa n acapate. Add the sitwe ,"s i thaugebLer'swif o. -"And drai endflevr. M il in nt cape or in,1 yotifnuad hlma hetion," replied lhem frioaid. egg-shilc. . IIf Eve "pu onairs" mt mîy ha remarlk- Totcamper earthanwiare which ie ta heb nedfor hknpuit ile sdish l ol aed icxtenualeit-; silo h bd ltile aise t avar 1the fira, lnd binig thami gradaally ta iput on. the biling pit. Whken the watem bouls TIseAuncnbgl tl xlddf aýround tharn, reev thaým frops the fire,iFrance, le"hgos over disguijed a Icid ltthens lireîlu i i l tIa Auca cataily iasltl a d whn h A siplecerentfor broken chinla or!sad i ieîya abekdw i eaithewaa i mde f pwdredqakhmatl, N ""e ryaishî,ib Od y0 iene,1g cilti it throgh aicourseimuclin beg aeuel ti. Coure chese-citb my hauced for aîak- qetyvayattuios ingý tue bge 'ed ihe bath. Tbeyrnîay iAdam vwas tise lirt 4odd feiliu, but-,when haý fledwib itie emonid meii, or aise lha teck Eve , iito par-tnierhip haeed toe M ith britlu li hagrc-it demi of orne lf tue independeni ordet. p Ludariba l h an ixed. Wt-cm ebg Yeu namy catch tIse mosquito x1ay hae ased îw,,ice, that le, il àfter tue firet And'crash if yen will, batit e u l hesn4in ar, d But the place wbera hae bit net ý ai ldt rwsour, for iin ibis candi- Will>ha csensitive etiib. tien it hcola un fi for use. HayFvrVci-iotr a'yi A bot lawrepreseuis eue cf the hast amd' u ae itm"etr m' o mci hus sns methode cf prepîring - telaie boW I dan find relief fmem this con- cabbag. SlreitIe cabbage an e hoard, tant inclination ta nezl1"Physidia- but nt ciîep il. Put it intoae deep "Yas iii-;; eneeze 1" pcaandisis. iHaul)t a plut cf vinegîr titi De,-tor-"Did you bavea i leavy clil" it belle. AdtFthaponuso utr air Patient It eemad se." Dactr- a tospo f cf st and e littie papper. "Did yeur teeth chater "Fair Patient- Sprink le to teblspoonfals of sugîr over "I No ; thbay ware lu miy dresseig cas." tIse cabhaa ifU yen ilîke thse addition, and Cigntic Lady (te policeman)-" Sir, cen peurove t o tha oii ixture ovarii.vr IL 1ennet cee me acresls tle street 1" Police. with ail,1at e isud set ih lu a bot aveu for. ma-"Sea yez acroecde strate, isit ? Sure,-ç abolit fiva inte.Servei werm or collp muin, I casec yez a mile off." as yu facy.OidBacllor-" Do yen expecitae nimrry, -- or do yen prefen ta keep your liberty, Mis WýTisat Thay Shoiuld Learu. vnSn? isVl ad" Whet a You iPullI the COrk Dost h e iR,,e s t R e lern~ stistaet.y ) ug me'> Idy 1 phav 11, e 7ver died n nwtathrouizh itq use hav reoverd frm avery bad cold.- ROssMaoknzî, C.P. R ofices, M0nt'ea.t -he-re is nothIing lu the world equai ta theiï érmedY for bore Tîoat, Coughs and Cide. Plesan ta elste -Gives instant relief'-Ab- soltey iariecss. Large batties 25c. 1,'y ait drlers* A. .1. Lawrence. Montlreal. Sole Proprietor for Canada. BOZ. UNS'"'ALL' S BowTmanville, Ont. ( Es -ta blish.ÉIe d 183,7.) Importer, -Manufacturer, and, Dealer in Monuments, Tomübs, Sarcophagî, -Tablets, leadstones and ail kinds of Architectur- il nd emeeryWork in, the best European and America Granites and Marbies. M/oderate Prices, Latest Designs, Superior Workmanship' and Best Materials. WiIl be happy to qnote prices on any kin.d of worki. Give ind a cati before purchasing. THE EAST END PAINT AND PAPER STORE is now -ope n where will be found fulli unes of Wall Papers from 5c. to $2 par roll, Mixed Paints-Mîixed to order and sold by the pound, _Putty, Glasà, Peerless Machine Ois, etc. I arn prepared to do housepainting, graining, and decorating of al ,kinds. Brushes to lban for painting atnd kalsomining. Mixed"Kaelso-. ýmine aise for sale-any'shade desired. KIBY& HEIN IReid'e Block,,opposite New Hotel Building.,1. De 1

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