* WITH IRON BANDlS# OPENING OF THE iuTBRNA.TlýI(NLý TUNNEL UNDE-RiTHE bT. CLAIR RIVÈl. G. Gloger, Pruggist, \Vatertown, I»esculptîoor cf se ienî wosq,. f-lic euse' A lininig of briîck and conereteý lwrthird of the tunnel, TI the tunlis pcu-eAt si iadderýaw aud fety platfcr-'n.s the tne.~ie for lightinî- thrt;ugbn, and hyruleaus of electric am it is brilliantiy The tunnel je dry and there iý ail suggestive of, its snb-arPncu- lT-e descent by the open cutti and thech"ange firoui sunlight1 je not at ail uinuheerful te the L ~tect the TWO AWIUL ORUUEîS. 'ltor Of I B UNSAIjI' S placed in A COuI'LECO oI C~ERtCMAi~O biep oy iu modrr, sdîled thel locatin mqust on týhe bd fterlti itmKtbihd15. is gl:adual Surpasses its peciar hrrr thant of a'l Jlcrct eed in the aunais of Engiishj crime. The 7Ê- «le oy Shearon, Iliu car of a-e, heving 'beenl . i-lasgt farmstletwernu- ineraEu thebet ars n on.I.se ctyffe me adi iwere eucployed in lwrilas ofare~ eg, suduthos u uu. igigond Iocaliîy aCthis worus . ,everal deaths îesuited during Lbroug1hifrerin Rs r leruiny enFrance, L.~rseu apl.t«fo obldigaoa rpri its progre.s. Saime tiote wue lwvays taken %wiicsan great is tle cnuugpoewr cf W LEVI A. W. TOLE ut every suif t te get the werknieu aFccus. this country, se far as are eoncerued, Rteal Ests.te Agent an uctione8y tom ý1d to the eaVy pressure aud t bring tluit aum thitug like overstou.Ldng is hardly a MRkal~TI EM theun back again te the condition of noroujal possihility. The total impprt of eggs note atuseospherie pressure. If auy istuke Mas Engiand diirirg 7lait ycri\s l,234,I(A9,20, miad e about this the disires c the nwetcvalue being,42,O~ aparn. i-y wonld hc strieken witil a lu tiîiS natter tilat wl'v, s' aiafil-SI sert cf hluud îtaggers; theis' legs would te leaai eil hids fa ir te r,,'l- t *ili uir ctx walhi, aceunpauied b heedin, lit tc ate gain. The fiue cent a d -'i ut n si 1ý-t cL7 j7tee- the to. achI, month, nase aud Cars. An nupleasant feel- hy the United States haio ïbut tuotci til- Liver andBo es unlack_. îug, ofteu r.nomting te decided pain, was attention of ou shipper5ueu iii~ e. theSecretiOnsPurifiesthe feit ln the cars on ent erinig tIhigl-press. And certaînly the osteeik ilne. (i ouag V --Ï7rýîF sfon P 1 e a by nîcanls e of loere ln u chciabondance as ITht-y are a Fo~~i eiteriuI apd, NERVUUS DEBILITY, t- Ieworst crocfuoius Sorp, te keep it thoreughly xseil ventiated und lThe les3t Vtcinreg îxaa Weako.,ess of BODY AND MIND, Te da aeo ttt.u a noa upave in alla Cit y," iaW  ýigpolieinn onEffects of Errors or Excesses in OId a1ufte"1h. ".are i'e !~ qarl te Broa dN ay S' i soNa e-, let !o of Ilnw. Robîîst. Noble MIN- net abeve fitteen galions a -minute. lTh u' ut~sle ee iutOctigsHOOD rîi, Restorell. How toencr- drainage tubes are under the railroad 'track daugltepeussio n . lx eane ced tlat 'îewWEAK UN- -tîre in nliuunhcv, tle centre oeue cj'îueeu aatcpee-cu iînrx iilo ir ~g tp~tc iîiches in diaumeter,flic otiJde on c ia tViebCro-i tawus'y sidif tar 1EVEI.0PED 4A 13anx-RT CONSTIPAT,-îIN. H, r1 E twelv inlee in diauretr. le~es 1rIvwîluîu iu utr. SCO"LA i neues mnt( lit bn ay i ~~îl re HEAT URaSURSTOAC fii n o lthls owne by Ic am iled te ie 7i xu'uran ixlIlcaýri noeef ulo.se aday. leuîtestify froni fifty 'States lad'esbacott1u he îÇ d o f men te aniForei"'Il Colintries. Write tieni. I"ý PNSY. pany. Maily acres o et im îarîl ou the river Ilr ý. Ij - f î ~iEL~t~TI Sf4.SI<IM D~EASES front at tle loxrer part cf Port IHuron Ihave ltate cd, . î.î ta a îti ei'o'le co Is ok xlnto nipo '-1 heen cevercd and edc-rated te ail eiglît sIla r~ unylier.-- I huesae r-i ficient for buildingisud tuaeks. jgt.ugt uelc u l rlt l akl( l RE dr Thietracti tliroiugiu tle tunnel *ecf E a speguacd idernas l n'sgrhAa RE~ED O L 0 liîeay steel rails, 100 poundrb teîle yard. hll iw.e" E BUFFA 1,0 N.Y. anct- compare rkaveoghinîg donie a-wwy w Particuflar attention given to furnace, work. We- %oujdfb pleased to refer you to sorne of the tollowing who Lave âîa furnaces iii for years, and caîî speak of, their qualitie -- J. B. Fairbairn, Esq., Tho:3. Paterson, Esq., Sarn'I'MeConnachie, Eq Frâncis Bleakley, Esq., John MIellan, Esq,, J. J. Maîon, Esq, Jh MeMurtiy, Esq., J. A. Johnston-, Esq., Me4s. J). Galbraith, Mrs. Moc~t P. S -We stili have the reliable Humphrey in theHa es Business Girls, it Isrft Always Wjse 1He Got a Tip lrom Hie Eate To bc extremely fainiliqr with those at A fo urtn year.old boy at ,chl et yorsrice a t hc iL ae ad raîg.- fouti. sntene iiin anexereige: " Tanen d otber. furwomaui." Bis teacherpon Mtt To crneto he 'ori sien hatst.bbon- in the sentence with the remarI,1 la tregth of xvi w than tsubuaî1y Ila5it posnible that yn ou ndt knr L ness sSteitof l ho ts sal after ail these years atieol ta h strength of temper. plural oi womnan is weomeni?" To bo xery positive tiîat, becaase yen are IlThc boy scratchcd his hecJi l aso sisters of very intiniate friencos, a srlail what discoucertecl xay. question of money Makes 1no différence. i"C"le eaid, Il vue cf ten là d '?o Say a cruel word ndl n upoie father say that woman is a sinZïa ce' -)t h-shatiybrushied over a tearstain- t'l ndI « s cknows t edfc Wll'laeeerythirg as it vas be. fore. Thec man n-hlo refo h iim-elf hadu To "prclibt e'~perfetvaoe miore îoward reformtnpg tho ý1A1ic Itn people w ~theut ucuil upedi d ceason. dozen uciey patriots.1 1