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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Jan 1892, p. 8

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MANITOB3A- LETTER. MANITOBA, 0CT. 3Oth. Thinking some of the readers of your! paper would ha interested to, see a short il*scrption of the trip so many have ta1-ýen this sumumer, namely fromn Ontario to, Nanuitoba, 1 thought I would try to de- vM2 E Roribe thýe journey as it prescnted itself to North Bay, a very awkward bour tc start, but oue does flot mind it se much when Hr' i'a f"as frienids ramnain wjth yen till th~e train Tlr' ipa f"as"There's starts. The train wa- comfortably fild kP. more show than music. Net unlika Most with many varieties of the human race, of ~I9 ~ sasi hsrsetmr asta différent language aud colons. It took sasi hsrPetmr asta some tîmae to gat comfortably settled for iseap. They may be called bar3, but its the night bu t af tan a few hours of talkini lauging arangig ad rarragin, i- igrogs fl8ttery te call them .soap, because tersparsad wvith somne tunes fnom an in- 1they are principal]y 'vile cempounds which instrument of unnemamiberad form, judg-rot ing fronm the music thal' proceeded thene- liert h clethes and injure the bande. In frein, wa got an hour or two heurs slep, à "Sunlight" Soap yen get an article so Did you aven sleep on arailway train n are yen lika oe et our passangars, wbo, 14 Pt outaly pure that it cannot possibly thoughlieh had beau ou the train savon &.ijrVh fna od r otdlct nights ha. net slept an heur ?Yen can -Minuet, ns go rms dlce he . h shik of the whistla and tha noar *Isi.Gv tatii offetain and eccasionally the opaning and shutting of the car doon ail through yourd rearus. Wa arrivad safelyat North BY6a.m. Wednesday. Wa saw but lit- Lie of the country most of it baing passad covar during the night. Fromi Barria te N. B. is a rough rocky ceuntry with c- casional small lakas and vary littia cul- tivatod land. North Bay situatad cp thoe shore of L. Nipissing is a rapidlygnowing l2th 1891. We will leave you at Winni-1.NIL town. The principal occupations haie are peg for the prasant and soea timo in the NwYs' iios MnFL. W.Jrie rail-roading aud luinbaring, it baing the future wa will show you Winnipeg. TÎ11 Toronto; Mrs. A. A. Bowanman. and sons, end of oe of the divisions cf tha 0. P. R. then adieu. Port Perry; Mr, and Mrs. George Grey, and the terminus cf the N. R. and situat- M. BoNi). Neonil;rsEdr urbnO n ed in a lumbaring district. Lake Nipis- ---------c-NwovleMr.EgrulbtO n sing is a beautiful slieat cf watar 40 miles -YOB Sound; Miss Fanny Yickery, Oshawa; long and 10 miles wide with foneêtsý ou its T OY.Miss Mary Hogarth, Solins; Misses Aggie sbores. This part of thé country is notad The following officens have been elacted and Edith Wheeler, Taunton; Mn. J. C. for its gama and fish and is munch fr 'e- for Tyrone Division No. 126:-W P-T Gibson, Mt. Carmai. quantad by sportsman. We beave haie Creeper; W A-J Il Manning; R S-W -Mr- BOnj. Powell, Sr., is suffaring av- about il a. m. uJnow are fairly stanted Iinghain; A RZ S-Miss M Jawa]l; F S- erely fromi gangrena. 1 for Winni'pag. Mise Minnie Warry; Tres-J T Welch; Mr. M. J. Gibsrn ouresteemed teachen The lina traverses a wild rogion whera Chap-Jas Bingham; Con-Jas Soueh; A bas returned lookingc hale and hesnty after forasts, laka meadows and rocky ridgas O-Miss C M Gardiner; 1 S-Miss L Pon. vacation. altarnata, wth intarvals cf good agnicul- found; 0 S-Fred Penfound; P W P> M.Hra aJMs iiaPsc r tunal land airaady extending 100 milas ba- Miss Manning. Mirt.n frand niWsernl Onanieae youd L. Nipissing, but timber cutting is Mies Etta Canmpbell hss resumed her issEvMning f ormd i Wser Ofati r etill tha principal industry. The grain dutias as teacher at Port Hope. Mibs eau Manning har hmeo xte rW we saw along bore was quite green and A good time expectad at Tyrone Div- Ormîston's, East Whitby, for tha lsst two looked as if it might ramain se for semae iso te-rnorrow evaning, every mamber yaars dîed Jast wealk cf consuimption caused weaks to corna if net blackaned by frost. cordially invîted. b h rpeIa pig irmn The bouses areý smali, mostly fraruie, net ytegipla srg.H mn naly so good as soe of our out-build- *Mn. J. Robinson, Toronto Junction, frIends recasved the news wlth surprise ings in Southaru, Ontario. 1 was amusad v.sitad friands here last week. sud regret. Hlope teck the place cf dis- te saa oe place 1 thought was a suisll Miss Evelyn Pl. Bail, Tononto,and Mrs. pair aver since she was taken ill. fier wooçI gheci Qr cl.njin% house wjtii- 2i aigu Chas. -Axford, Bevvmanvilie, visitec death carne se peacefuHythat, she Blept han in front conspicuously painted _Post Offlc. I-r4ý iro on Saturday. . oiterniwt. eboywsent Et Denxt plaýe cf inotue i Sudbuny, The Misses Hodgoon gave à vary anj oy orme.ét from whicii place a brandi rons off te All- able eveuings entartaîumant te about 60 The large concounse cf peop'a who met goma Milîs and Sault Ste. Marie. With- cf tbeir yeung friands at thair pleasant te psy the last tribute cf respect, and in a few miles cf Sudbury and raachad by bomne, Brookaîda, on New Yaars ave. formed in the procession te ()toahwa et%- twoýshort branch linas ofirailway, ana the Miss Maude Emmensqon, Paterbono, has io he w the v Th c mmnity fis he moat extensive copper auJ nickel daposits bian epending, a few days at home. sh as f ld Tuh e amb't r.lsth kuown in the world. Large quantitias cf ls fac nm.r the ores have beau sbippad frnm the Messrs. F. and A. J. Manning lf t 'Mr. sud Mrs. M'm. Ormiston went te minas auJ a numbar of smalting funnacas this we for Hamilten te pansue thein Exeter te attend the burial cf Miss Man- are baing erectad nean Sudbury to naduce studies at the Collegiate Institute. ning. the ores on the spot. Aften laaving Sud- Quite a sensation was causad iu Snnday 11ev. L. Phelps cf Tyrone. and Mn. R. bury, for hundrads of miles cru eah sida Schoel ]ast Sabbath' afternoon by eue cf Moment cf OroowiIcdutmson 4-f the traek ara woods or what was once the pupils, Master Elgin Wight, fainting. ary ovc han next Sabb t msson tierds bnt new notbing but the bana Miss Tamblyn, Orono, wss the guest y_________________________________ truuks aud branches cf the trees stand, of Misa Eçnnis Werry racantly. w th tick under,,rowth ef shnuhs. The1 Thç gruoke eto ealectien bas once iO EO TRAl1 1 woods werê tét te ira at time cf the cou- lnur cearedù awsy ail" evQrYthinig rnoïe 'v E D TH ADT I atruction cf the railrosd and, a eijisart- on ahl right again. u1s o iet edavrie gi~1tnak ofçouitiyî5 la nsui. Waana Parents anJ pupils are alike satléfied Mt Moýnts. Sm epednt u favored îvitb this kind cf scaneny ail WaJ- the ne-engagement cf our teachen Mn. J, e iwy tre an peopl somthbut nesday and as night closes tipon us we H. AllUn for another year. in this tolu n d tha w inet ony thiuk. suneby mea will bava a change by theanti ouata ilntol morning and. we ana net altogethar disap- bigcso oorsoebta pitd. At lirst glimnpsa it dees net appean BLn cuTOK te setom beneurtstoe 'buhe much diflerent; the countny is still nocky tesietm eei hs h but the trees ana saialer anJ more stunt- The Sundsy Sehool cf St. John's church giýý e attention to what we have to eJ. But socu aften dayligbt n'a catch tha held ther annual festival on the evenino, flnt lipsecfLaa Speio. Ta iit cf New Yesr's Day. Thare was a large say and what we are doing. 0f appearauca is like a wide rivai with high congregation present. The yeurig people COUr 3e it -wilI not be the advertise- bluffs rnning eut into it te sorna distance gave semae specimens of the wonk done ment itsalf that will bgnefit you, coveraci nith simaîl sbnnbs probably four during the yesr by the repetition cf parts as we do not lay dlaim. te auy great feat high. It is a beauiiful pictuna witb of the catachism, Portions cf acnipturai literary merit in their behaif but the morniug suni shiuing upon it. At theasndh ynus, alter which each scholan was foot cf seina cf the bluffs niestla a fan' preaetited with a bock. The chiCiei hysret eie agIsan blouses. As n'a pass abouig we gat glimpsa gave so)me suitable music. special drives which we offer from. as cf that vast axpausa cf waten and srea A plaasing incident at the close was a tima te time, and you have cen- times ara 50 close to it that n'a eau sec piaientation te the Rector, the 11ev. J. fidence in what we say, haremn is tha hottomr ef the lake for seine distance Creighton; one cf the eider scholans nead te"uulBnft' ont. Tha water is baautif ubly dlean, auJ a vaîy nice address accompauiad with ath "uta Bnet. coutains lange lake trout auJ whitaflsh. hsndsome study chair auJa bronza lect- Du ring the past ycar we have For sixty miles the bina is carried through arn, besid es two articles for persenal wea, auJ anouuditha bold,hansh promoutonias cf ail cf which. were au agneeable surprise te made it our primary objeet in our the north shore cf L. Supanior, witb Jeep thair p2ýstor. "cpaper talking," te state oniy plain, rock cnttings, vialuets auJ tunnels con- On Sunday uext the 11ev. W. MeCau, unvarnitýhed tacts, whicb we take stautly cccunniug; aud at intarvals whara B. A. cf Lindsay, will preaeh in St. John's pleasure in substantiating when the nailway is eut cf the face cf the cliffs chunch, Blackstock, on bahaîf cf Diocasan the laka comas jute full vian'. The great Missions. - o conte to r store, and we are sweep arouud the Jackflsh Bay is panticu- At the annual meeting cf L. 0. L., 133, highly gratified with the resuits. lariy flue. flane yen hava te go tan miles the followine officens were elacted aud in- W~s iht a ih ae around in onder te gat two miles direct stallad fer 1592:-W M, Anson Taylor; Weos iht a ih ee frein n'hara you stantad. This day's D M, S W McClung; Chaplain, James at the commencement of another (Thursday) jonnney is the fluait oua "ri Bcacock; Roc Sec, Joseph Taylor; Fin 1 year, that we will take it as a real the trip on account of tha grand seneny. Sec, C Sandenscu; Treas Geo W ilson1; D 1kindness if every reader of this or A penscu would gat a faint ides cf wbat a cf C, Wmn Barten; Leet S Jefey;y Co an te t u deieet vast uudertaking the building cf the C. ut mittea-Johu Bantlatt, Wmn McLaughiu k. n'as, lai mauy places the trsck is en Gao Suggitt, S Swain, Robt Hunter; Ty: will make it a point te test what eut cf solid rock whieh neaches many feat ler, Chas Quinn. we say for themselves. Athiur is Fort WYiliai couuaiig sume' cf the largest grain elevators in the fias secured duning, 1892: world. Frein Fot William te Winnipeg the nailway traversas a wilJ brokan region W. 0. IffaweIis Il. ]Rider Iliagg with napid riversansd nmany lakes but cou- Geerge Mieredith Nrmau LackVer taiuing valuabla forests sud minerai de- posits. Night agaîn closes in at Savanua Aiidrew Ilaig (Cnan Doyle seveuty-tn'o miles fromn Fot William aud s-IGerze DMivat Mark Twain n'a go te rest with tha thougt that te- uyrKiln J.Cade ars morion' n'a each Winnipeg. We p EdaldKplns.Cladera-i Rat Pontage ou Lake of the Woods n'hich R. Lois e tevensen William Black is au important town cotaining arge saw W- Clark Rulssei Mary E. Wilkins milîs. The laka cf the Woods is the langast hody cf watar touched by the rail- Franecs I[edgseu Burnet, wav hetn'veeu Lake Supeii auJ the Anud many otirar distiuguisired Writens, Vacifie anJ is noted fer its scenenies. Sixty miles bafona n'a reach Winnipeg the country flattens ont sud assumes the charactaistcs of the prairie aud 18 miles Th u d y su frcm W. t stgrain fist ilds coma n T eSu d y u sight the grain shockad but uot stacked. At Selkrk tn'enty miles from W. the lina is the greateat Sunday Newspapar ln the turus sothn'ard folownou the ReJÏe River world aud at St Boniface tho river is enossed hy P a long i;ae bridge aud Winnipeg is reach PiIre 5 cenis a epy. By mail $-P a yesr ed about 10 o'clock Friday mornng Sept. Ade rasa THE SUN. New York. 01 it wi]l sur~prise yen te se the promptness 'with whieh oui- clerks wilI meet yeu. The standard which we have raised for 189ý2 is "DUR STORE SECOHD TO NONE»' and it will be our ebject duning the different seasons of the year te, keep our store right te the front in ail the latest stylas and novelties. Mak these words- Wnca baven't space te quota any prcsthis week, but kaep your eye peeled for the future. JiOHtN J. MASmOR, 1 RY GOODS and JEWFIRY. rilToUSE UT FOR E N PIO Difficulty of Breathiug j Tightness-of the Ches ~ -A- Wasting Away of F1esIh B OTTIEThroat Troubles _______LE__ onsumption Bronchitis,Weak Lungs, Asthma, Ooughs Oatarrh, Oolds D.R. T. A. SLOCUM'S O:2ygenized Emulsion of Pure TASTELESS. FORu SALE BY ALL DRUJGGISTS., LABORATORY, TO~RONTO, ONT. mm MEb NTHS SPLIP WINTER. Keep Warm and Comfortable, WoolUll BY BUYJNG WolUderwear, Heavy SUITIS and Overcoats, ALL AT REDUCED PRICES before moving to our new shop. MASO'S LOTHING STORE.. Corne and we will prove beyond a doubt bhat this is the peo-ple's opportunity for best goods at low prices. Yours, etc., T. GEO. MASON\' .NESTLBTOlN. 1DR SS AKNG i MEAST ENDm Bowm~auad vicinity that sire Is prepared Our old concil wera al alected by ac to do drassmnakiug lu ail tire most fashionabieV clamtion-:auBile st. stsetCor homes. Residauce just uonth of M IIL I N ER ESTIiBISHMENI Thematimoialfeven bas broken eut Funnitune Factonv on Elgin SC. 4-tf on the shores cf lake Scugog. Ou Wed-I nesday Dec. 23rd a vany pleasaut time was - . Our New Winter Stock lias speut at the residence cf Mr. Henry Bart- 1 o ice to iarmers. arrived and includes a fine lett the occasion being the manryîng cf bis dsughter Eliza M--who has beau residing seleefion of Feathers, Wîng, lu ]Bowmanville, te Mn. W. H. Wood cf I ami prapaned to do ail choppiug at five Plushes, IRibbons, Birds. and that towu. 11ev. Mn. Kanun ofllcated, cents per bagÀ I have aiso put lu new mach- Af tan a suni tueus sup an the gues e n- imary for gnîndlng corn sund cob whi0h V 11 Mourning Goods and ail the joyed thameelvas un a social wy. - rd Et tre sam î latefslïw&a s.- Prospect Hi, the residence cf Mn. Ydn5 espectfuily John Veala, wasalase the scene cf a vary A. S. TOOLEY, Our t ail season has been à happy occasion on Wadoesday Dec. 3Oîh, jTooley's Mýill. Darlington. great success, Cheapnesgi being the maniage cf bis daughten Poltie Countica. Dec. 1. 189t. Neatness, Quickness, a splin- te Mr. Andrew MaGill cf Mauvais. The__________________ ceremony was penfonmed by 11ev. R. J. did assortmnent of goods and a Fallis cf Janetville., The bride waably Notice to Creditors. good Milliner are the rpasons, sssistad through the tnying ordeal by Miess< Our Good Jlealth Corsets CarrieMlason, Toronto, cousin cf the bride, and Mn. Walter MoGili cousin of the In the mattrcf the Estate of William have been a splendid qeller, groom suppotad himu on the right . Af tan Wiîtdett, deceased. gi.ving great satisfaction., the usual congratulations the company Puruntt-Sciof-,o Cata 10 a Est dewu te a sumptuous dinnen aftair Visait Statutes of Ontario, 1887. notice is hae- Don't forget we& a piece of whlch the bride and groom with a numben by given that ail craditons aud othens iraving StanIping for ail our customiers. cf~~~~~~~~ frad-tra mia hwnc n ice05ms agaiust tire estate of WILLIAM WItZ- of riedsstate amdeta howr rie DT y l n rhamTowshieom aln ho d1A gets for Toronto T'I aud old shoas for Bunktou station sud in the ClaIe of Dhe m Yomhp0 an h ln A et uorth for Toronto whane they are te, on on about thre firat day of Noveamber A. D. W rs etakalorpt - 1891, aTO hereby requirad te daeliver or Send W rs etakalorpt spend a week. The bride waa the nacîp- by voseî. epald te R Wludatî, of Bowmau. rons for their kindly ý,ý$ipport lent cf a lot cf beautiful and bandsomevll.Executon of the .last Will aud Testament presents ahowiug tha popularity in which %f the aid William Windatt deceased ou or drn hefrtsau Bw 0f the tire i5ti day of Jannary, 1892. a stata- uigtefr sac- she was habd, Wish both couples long ment of tirair names and addressas sud a nil mian ville and ask for a 1rvciiiin- lii e sud pnospeity. statejuentof thirîr aims sud of Ctaar securitlas if auy irait by tham uaiice of their trade, Visitons: Mn. sud Mis. W. L. Veale, Aud notice le futher givan th at af tanrehv then Mr. Jhn L and . J.Veal; M. aid 5th a u auary,1892, the executgr wil We e eispecialiy to hn Mn. ohn . su A. . Vele; . W.proceedto diribute tire aesestof tira aid MaBou and. Mis. Mason, Miss CarnieM. deceased among 5tire parties avtittiet tireetco ecustomers of Orono and soi, ornt; n. ao lclm K noti sud hvebeau givan as abova naquirad; surrouiiding country for thoir stan. ath ie sald Exac uto r wili not baIl. hble .rtad n tsaid aessts or any part thereof te auy par- rdan request a continuau~ce Mr. and Mis. W. Philp cf the Willowa sou or pensons of whose dlaim or ciaims notice o h aefrteftr.W shall not have beau raceivad by him St tireoftesieorhe uue.W lrad s fsmîly re-union ou the 3th uit. lime of sucir distribution. whan ail the membars cf the faînily ware Dated at Bowmauvllle tin 4tir day cf flac- assure you satisfaction. homne anjoying easciiothera company for a emban 180L1. 3.V.ERS. clor or twQ. 51-4w Bowmanvillia. R . D N A T ,

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