--USE ONLY THE- IZIDAIIL BRAND --0F PURE-- N~ORWEG IAN, Ood~ Livç~r <ML Tbl great Standard Remedy for V ~eaknesses andDiseases of the Lkungs. Impaired Nutrition, etc. This 011 is Pare, Fresh, nearly tastlss and tfhprpfore most sut- e5O0 reward. Ste advt. Mr. W. E. Pethick is sick. Fashionable new furs a t Mayers. Good House to Rent. Apply to M. A. James. 'Town Gouncil meeji Thursday night at 8 o'clock. Mr. Horace Wrigaht spent Sunday in Port Hope. 1Take notice of Treleven'e new advt. on opposite page. Smal! Farm Wanted to Rent. Âpply te M. A. James. Froah oysters and haddies always on hand at Gswker & Tait's. Miss L. Tamblyn, Clarke, has been visiting Miss Maud Wright. Mr. and Mrs. W. Fishleigh, Ingersoli, have been visiting at bis father'e. Mr. J. M. Hern: was a judge at the poultry exhibition a t Coiborne lust week. Miss 0. McDowell, Port Perry, is vis- iting h6r sister, Mrs. T. E. Iligginbotham. PÂNTS, PANTS, $1 np. HUndreds Of pairs to choose froin ab Mason's Clothing Store. See Treleven's new zdvt. Mr. Frank PaRte has gone to Buffalé. Miss Lyness has returned to hc-r home, CliftoD., Miss Nellie Williams -has boen visiting at Oshawa Mr. J. I. Kenner, Stratford, is visiting friends in town. Misqses Ella and Alicia Barretbave gone to Toronto. Mr,. Thomas Jewell isi recovering from a severe illness. Mr. Daniel Gilbett, sen., is udrc, with no hope of recovery. Social at Mre. J. J. Mason'8 to-night. Admission 10 cents. Mr. W. J. Westington, Plainville, was in town on Friday. Miss Florence Densen, Toronf o, is Visit. ing airs. E. Renison. 0ur teas and cofftes are cf the finSb qualities. Oawker & Tait. Mr. S. Wright has been home from Tor- onto for a few days, indisposed. Brick house almost new for sale very cheap. Apply to M. A. James. Under the direction of the Legisiature of Ohio, the State Food and Dairy' Commissioner, Gen. S. H. HupST, cxamined the leadîng brands of baking povidcr (3oi ail) and the following la Gen. HiURST'S verdict . "Cleveland's Su- perior is abso- lutely the b e s t baking powder ja. , he1 éofMr L1 ZliU1.LU1 ce S. H. Reynolds' Notice. Notice is hereby given to ail persona indebted to me on book acconnt or other- wise that ail accounts not settled this week will bte placed in the bands of Mr. Geo. H. Webster for collection, fie wilI ho found daily at the old stand where payment must ho made. Your prompt attention to this matter is particularly requested. ' S. H, REYNOLDS, Bu1Ècher. Bowmnanville, Jan. 12, 1892. Notices of Blrths. 25 cents; Mtlariages. i cents; Iteaths. So cents. eaeh Insertion -but FICEE OF <IJASGE, waen thse funcral cards are uarlnted ai Lisaoffce. BIRTHS., FREEnBoRs-At Purpie Hill. Township of CartwriRht, en Jan. 11. the wife of Mr. Robert J. Freeborn, of a daughter. H. Tho as. o aso8. BAKER-mn Oshawa, Jan. Il. the wife of Mr. Ed.Baker.of Cectar Dale Workeof twin daugli- ters. DooEL-In) the north-east of Darlington. Jan. 16th. the wife of Mr.Matthew Dooel. cf a son. EGE-nCedar DaIeJaii. 7,Eliza Matlldes ~Q'ioe Umm ýr -r CD 0 CD -b