WIN N IPE U'S GREAT UROW TIII mtin n eea oefno smd.Th oea ew ysO D 1 HT N J I Ied "Ilthe office ont W est where t ey u d a c , ig th ee tr n danto . D rngow BL W TO II ES billy-goat for a press," and explained elabor- ifeniand wanderings hie had gathered - --guaranteeing as they do for ail time, once - ateiyhow an ilucressio n was taken. The pal of thought htwudav de- they are properly utilized, a competing "Say, I arn Lightning J erry; I mn a typo- formi was placed against the wall, a sheet of paî htwudhv eo COMMRCIA DEELOPENT Op rutefor gret sare f te inerpovinialrated the most beantiful structuresw A Curlous Inchidnt in a Belgiasi, Village OOM ERIAL DEELOMET o rutefo a ret sar ofth inerrovncalgrapl'ical tourit and 1 want to throw in a Paler was put on it aud by a certain launage, but yet were ruthlessly 1hou A aehu n udytewoepp M~1OA' HEFCT, commerce. With a small expenditure in case or rush up a fewsticks in order to get j" Monkeying of fingers by the devil," the in flie mire, or used te accompiish ignoble lation of the village of Biaton, near Tons lù&lOASCIFCT. one place ouly the Red river can bie made soinething to cat." The ccuntry editor com -guat was iuduced to strike it with bis biead. ends. He bail odeuain ndany nBlim aswk pb er --navgablefor thelargest lake steamersto the pleted the sýubbead, "A Bucket Brigadle Thisunaturally set the Ilpress" back on bisa datonda ayinBlumwswkep aeri( un the ast Decde It 1as Growt fronta cente 'of th city. yaturaig ahirnltWforatinformationrgibichrnhetexplosionie exloichri wasiimmediatelyiate oiioweow ý,, naprofouidatce0) huce nd gvth rs-aacanesouglit to queucb, lu his better moments, by two otber equally alarming detonations. Himit uaCosnntyt3,OOFopetbrough a narruw neck of lev ci prairie land Prospeity of Our Town," and looked up atet remove the priuted copy and putou aiu- by driuking decepiy from tIse founitains nf They were fonnd to proceed from tbe byrE Ps Awss(l ealy Vlueis ,,>.00- --and a opn airleady been organized the individuai wbo had invaded bis sanctinim. other shoot. IIThey u8ed anl old goat for history, literature, science and art, but hie of a small farni belouging te a mnan named 00e Whte he uniaiVolume or 1xusi- for this purpose-the Assiniboiu iS Oil-Tbe vstr who very mnech resesïsbled tbe tbe ae and sale buis and a kld for visit- ecte, WhHe the AnManioba vnsitornippap r.ambition seemed to rea-hnu higher than Maseur. On the building being inspQzted, seesa ý es$40.0061008aIs I>iverglfied snug seonvenerable capwbo psdfor the pict.m-e un igcards, " 'lie epiie -ansd they were tire existence wbicb lsad been depicted it was seen that an outrage of the most dia- Mercantile lIntesests--Caadtians and 0osis forin eod cbain o f navigable the St. J-acob's oil labels, continired: 'Il the cbeapest presses I ever saw, too, and it herein. Ris familiarity witb important bolical description lsad been perpetrated. A Their Entérprise. waters extendiug hundreds of Mi les nortb- amu not une of the common 'prints' wiso wani- didn't cost anytbing to keep thcm, for abey vnsueflacet.-shebrlit mcen adnee heyeatrte ThirErtrîie eets seu fcsec. hoebriiaty msratbdetie yeatrt west from Winnipeg. At tbejunction of the der up and down the country, but bave kept fat on oid excbanges aind emipty lob whten lie chose to talk lu extendýed strain, family bail retired toes'est, and placed on the Nýotwitbstanding bis proverbial shrewd- above-mentioned rivera is aiso tise coux erg- wurked is every state and territury in' the caris." Many trarrup.printers dlaim tu bave but was umure often cxemplified in remarks backs of tbree valuable cows a charge ol iss, says tbe Chicago Tànses, tbe average ing point of the fertile plains extendiug Union during my fortyyer'xeiuc seen thîs priuting ustfit and, nu doubt, it American la at f anit wen dealing wi th the west and nortbwest for mure than 1,000 and pilgrimage." H io volunteered'the existed. ' caslie lont yciriaances. lu te laera dynite, llto hre i es attac ed a.ignite resources and territorial extent of central miles. and the vast fields of petroleum and information tbat lbe conîd be "'holding cases". Theb i asa sneedvteof fihe culas h e stîriabiy sd e ersa- f se. tre ie atridges epe, andThe Canada. Tbe great majority of writers and ceaI, and of the limibless area of timber and ou une of tha leading mrnsing papers of the «"Iart preservative, " and always placcd the The worid looks, lu sncb cases as bis, for byre presented a frightful spectacle, the re- speakers in the United States are prune te minerais extending eastward for isundreds country, were if not that the electrie ligbit business at the bead. Hie expressed great a 111e histry-an unfortunata love affair in mains of the animais being scattered in corsider the arable portion of tbe territury of miles through the rock bigbiands bier- went back on biseyes;" and added thatghe contempt for IIblacksinitiss" who got ont youtb, as a cberished ambition, killed by every direction. A little later a Miller a mere strip ruuning aiong the international derissg un Lake Superior. This position "neyer drank anything." The editor seem-. some of the excbanigea, and spoke of the the early froats of disappointment. If any named Duvivier, on going te bis Mill in the boundarylhue. 'Wby this la it is bard to guarantees to Winnipeg for ail tise te corneecd tf0be a little akepticai un the latter point; good old days, vhess the 11culb put lu two sncb clouds ever flitted acroas bis life hae saine ueighbourhood, discovered that aasim- aay, but partialiy probabiy because of the the control ef 5nef only the interprovincial at leasat be said: "Weil, Ug.htissig, wve are years ln wassing ansi casring for ruilera," A neyer mentioued tise fact. He was prots- ilar attempt hrad been made upon bis pre- recent entrance, su to speak, of these dis- trade, but also the alreàdy stupendeus trans- a littie rushed now (the country editor ai. young man, wlso was cashier of a bassb, liadabyoyame erothlrg amyfmie.Tndaiecrtigsadee triets into tise society of civilîzed communs- continental and fransoceanie trade. The ways says "'we"), and eanu ive you a Job a naturai foudîsese for the printer's trade, men wbo formed a disposition fur roaming, deposîted in the mili, and a lighted 1s. As is wehJ. known, the Canadian ighways of commerce fraversing these dif- for a month, or until you getdrunk. GO f0 and possessed veîy excellent taste. He and it uvershaded asîy particular prirpose fuse bad been laid. Fortunately, howevee, 1eroad was net compheted f111 1885, fereut region. must furever pour tbeir, the restaurant arouind the corner sud get a1 used f0 corna into the offic-, and set up jobs, lie migbt at une fimie have hsad. He doubt, the latter was defective,1 and lsad gens .c3nce the greater part of this wide region treasures throîsgh the gates uf the City- square imeal, and wheu yoli Corne back we mesrely fur practice and amuseenit. lesa badl a aurnanie, but he chose to bc out witbent expinding the dysnamite. Os was net fbornugbly accessible te explorera Having ln view the imnsensity uf the wilh give you aomethlng ru do. " Thus was Ligbtnissg at tiret resented this, but wbea knowa as Il Old Ligbtsîing," or IILight- examinaton of the place, Duviviir and aettlersunatil that time. In view, then terrritory bver whicb this young City reigna an engagement madie tîsat asted nearhy six he saw the chasa cf worklise couiti do, lhenigJry" wobjcasee tenitbevdtatiesakofouhdds of tbis prevailing ignorance itmay be inter- aupreme and its wonderful array uf rnatural weeks. frndqut ikn o lin nedyh is affecr"tionae atetosn. Ouatwasis apperedt tisirnteta wefore subsedus- esting to cite a few facts regardinz the area resources, one cannot help observing the frre t iigfrhm n a iehsafcint teto.Oewsbs perd oi otnswr usqet and inatural resources of LIis nortbwestern bandi cf destiny poiufing ont Winsnipeg as ild Lsgbtuing- was veriiy a jeweh. 1He brobe the youig suaisahi up, by rcmarking,1 long beard, wlsich bad been Ilanow- hy founti te have be2u emptied out into ai portion cf the continent, une of tire great commercial centers of tuee îln't put up as mnch type, perhaps,as hae with great earnestssess" Sec isere, youssg iî-g" for, at least twenty winters, and the adjacent quarry. Everytbirg seemed fi A lune runuing 1,600 miles from uertb f0 world wlsen this great reahm of natusre i coulti bave done fhirty -;ears ago, but hie se felow, yuur are siliy for fooliug away your other was a battered letter, whicb lie car- point tu the conclusion that revenge was the seuth, anti anther of equa length froîn east devehepeti,,as if whl ho ere long. Hlowever, a lean pruof sud spaced superbhy. He c ime in a bank1 you weuhd makge a gond ried iu an uer pocbet, and re-read at motive of botb ourrages. Suspicion ligbted te wesr, doea not reacb the borders of this for fear cf beiss,< considereti visinnary, we wthat rynre itterc, of orseandd Bute tm ial aewsu h n a rmal l icwo eaoe Itedsrcad"a h euaino en rehing, pas k-libe plain, whose uniferm will refrains frcm liftinsg even a corner of the ta rkycnrbtr IHG -addfeun nevl. h etr esiuormanmdelrq lolvsi adaptsbility te agriculture andi stock-raisiug curtain liding the see of a friture time lranger, wnadnatdiangal-wnLrzels as gagement mentionet inl the be-ainiu of II going te sec, wben lie got in better shape. a daugerous Socialist. A warrant wrss is- la now verified by experience. But we wiil anti insteai deal witb Winnipeg as if la. fo frsock, was lus pet aversion. Il"The tisis aru.cle, terminateti. LiglïÏuing bad Wbether or ssci this tsme ever came, isanet sued for bis arreat, but on the gendarmes net in this article go bayonti the poins A ala etrWnie sette da"lesi,"fti l rik h fensoe fhstav As a raiiwy ceter infiegcisentiîctid a, lie saîtiives"ofa thea idcrîsktwo offetein is spokennd cf hie sttav ik reacheti by that great western pioneer-the te a front rsnk lu the galaxy of raihway - uesn't know how Le plant potafues, except at Taieqnali, ansd intimatedti fuelih had life, wlsicls is now far adv ancedi witli hlm, hlm into custetiy, lie rrodnced a revolver, raiway train, snd accerdsugly fully acces- centerson tbe cosntinent, se havissg sic less ikte stck fnd f ra, jusat ec ausetisey I etbu nIothe natis,"uat e bthegalaya jo r etr Ise arefer bistn lch hge fan etf icb be tothe doinproe tie eenarr embracckeoodofran areatbeauofthyuetarhyin h500,000 bu lisquareay jober tabordera.orthetrOhw theietrfivee wiPacifier dwieedd t biri eb2/,aibe osiier. hedisrict50,00usquarpeietran wehve0 hue acfieaihway dhr aegot a naine that is oinbinges ! Maugel- been discouraged wben he souglt te give a toobun the I"uortb bounti freigbt," on that, cade, vowing hie wuuld bow eut tise braine miles. Wbat this area means is made plain have linea te Winnipeg-the Canradian Paci- wurzels, indeeti! Tisay dc't coutain any sanipie cf this acqoîrement. Osne îucrning winter's day years ago.-[C. N. Van Pelt, of any une who tiareti approach. The Public by the satement thaf out of IL migbi ba fic, whese heatiquarters for the western di-«ci and wine' anti wouhtin't put flasli ou bie ailed te show uip at the office, but camse in Arksusaw Traveler. Prosecutor summonedti t bis assistane carved nu leas than eigbt states, each the vision are here; the Northerss Pacific, anti auything." Corn, wbeat and ciber grain in at ae-cii o'ciock, anti. to use bis owu twenty genda'-mes, who aurroundeti the ize at et u Nrbrs w o r h ""po ~ pI of Illinois, adthen a godsuce teGreat Nrhr.A year or tofrom n--ar-te olyprorfond for animaha. lHe expression, Ilfethed a aw " tisat woulti bouse. Leciercq, however, bade them de- apara. teDht inpgwh aetriaswsa alan a littia severe on curricspundent hava dane credit tu aur untasueti ComancliictPas The continent eaunuLe pruduce a sil su- here, anti au will the-Macîtoba & North wbo underscoreti evesy tîird or fourth word reti-askini.lic then commesiceti a hsaranigue If pays' to wear a smiling face fich i e for a ard-aof three binor, durin petior in frt lu y tiste rich black hoam western riwawhicb rumoersacys willlbe- bs lingpoints;'at the anti cf every in Clioctaw, or soîne eîh"r choiee brau ofAnd augh ourtroubhes dnwn enissg Lu shoot the first person wiso shois siofManitoba (ares, 123,200 square fore long become a transcoutinental ruat ine anti matie"break-uines " in the Midle flise Indian Longue, and ti t ast sait!II"My Our langitar or unr f -own. attempi Le enfer. These pr<sceetiîngq miles), sud, witb local excentiona, sucli as The Great Nortbwest Centraliraihway, wbose cf sentences. "Whis ai," lie woulti petu-'tima is Ouf: lets settLie up, for I waut Lu Benearli the mnagie cf a esile causedl the greateat excifameur in the dis- morasa er a belL cf bills, theasaame appuies prescrif esateru terminus is brandon, wiîî ianthy inquire, "thaf folks who bavent to go to St. Joe anti grow up wiLh the cousi- Our deubts iih fade ewey. frlct. At leîsgtls the curate of the pariai te the whole tarritory aboya design- aise, lu ail probabilify, seek entrance to e,, nuht iei oe wagon try. ý1erde h ix ri oSuh? As meits the frosi in easby spring appeareti upon the scene, anti succeetietinh atati, The yieid of wbeat per acre bas srun Winuîipceg are long. smagine f bat tbey canuivrita somethinglie hai beau falkissg cf buying some wistcr Baneatis the sunny ray. iutiucing Laclarcq f0 surrentier. lia was rat from t'wenty tu forty anti forty-fivc busheis, Iae-ewrfrmuîatre aaeîe worth reatiing for a newspper" clotlsing with bis earings, as colti weatber If pays e Lu sake a worLhy cause, once convayadt L prison anti chargedi wlrî o t L, wrld-amou IlManitoba hard" projeet of no sisalimportance Lu thae ity. lie hati a rich fuiîst resiniscance anti was at baud, anti tiseeditor suggasreas Te pig t cur nwnfor;ve en ie u ro at urgs wbeaf, whiie the barveat of the present yesr The normai power ln the Asaîniboin river is spoke as familisî-ly of Irace Greeley, James lie pait i i, that lie do fuis. He replîcti, A irise and noble toure.____________ may bie describeti as the erowning effort cf equal to seime 4,000-herse power, anti by Gorticu Benn'tt-"l not the fellow,' he a1il've gotea uew pair cf sceks, antihrsibaccisý tpays te cemf orî heavy hecarta, a record-bresksng so, fIft1 tosixty bushels contrncting a short canal conuacîing ftisewaya explaineti, Ilwbo owus the yac'ht'"- IgootioeroA"nid hsruurhacta era"ed inth duli dreair.WytheesasTe tueftha acre bing re cortietinlisMauy cases, river with Laike Manitoba af the howest as- anti ether great newspaper men of the ohd sheet cf heavy paper, anti saiti, as hae phacati Oua glacis cf brhghtne there. Saleon Pruprietor (Sunday afternoonil- This wondareus fertility, couphet i wtls the tinsate 6.000 stititonal horse-power wilh hae achoci, as if Lbey bati been citi chuma of bis. Isncb 'covercoat " iuder bis vest: " This fpy egv epiehn Sec wbat'a at the aide door, Jins. vast exteut cf territory cquaihy adapfedteLuohiaincti. Sarvays anti estimatea have been Ris adiriation for IlOlti Mattie Van Buren" willi keep ouf the colti anti pravent a fellosv ITa5 Lger aa eyohp; bu New Bartantier (whispariug)--BDss iLsa wheat-raisîng, warrantsasuthorities on matin sbowiug this power tLulbe obtaluable waa intense whîhe ic regrertct John Van from taking inflammation of the stoîniachs or Tlo note witl ai thaîr aywardncss, policeman. wheat culture in preplsecyiuig that inaitia at s coat purely nominal as compareti with Buren as Il'a 'Chipi off the olti bhock,' ah- boîvais.' lie asî teck bis mouey anti iveufThieircounrage aud their truth; Propritor-He isalilrighît. a is stand- cf fifry yaars central Canada will ha the the great rasulta. The city is now tslkiusg tlsougb a uàttî wihd. " Ris stock of anecdotes Le asloon, vhsara hae taîkati Indien anti set Te strive ixith synpathy and love, ing out thare Lu keep off the tietectivep. worit's beadmker.Their confidence te wîn; wol' radaea teps Lu bave thîs power ticselopeti, ant ins regard tu country uewspapars ivas large up tise drinks until long after the train fer It pays Lu open wide tihe eri IL ivill readly be underateodti fue a soul within f wo or thcee years et mccl Wiïnnspeg anti varieti antiwoulti have matie him St. Jua lied passeti.lie theis weut toeflic And'IIhlt the sunshine lu." WnetMr su fertile nefurally produces grasses in greaf will hae ablerute asît s weter-powar sur- weaithy, if iL bcd ouiy becu bey, whlch dapoLt anti aked whicls isay the next train Wne oe veriaLy anti unsurpasseti is qnantity anti passeti hy but few ciLles un Lhe continent. coult ibe solti et three dollars par ton. Hie train wnulti go. Wheu foiti that tisa naxt Little Jobnny î 'izzhetop wes in a candy qualiîy, insuriug an ever piautiful, aupphy Tan yaars ago the city was a hamiet, te- saiti: I"The touglsest lay-out I evar struck train xvuuhtibc the nurth-hotind friegbî, lha Iu the insfriuctions3 of Ptahtep, pro bah store with bis Mnoliesnr She hougbt si- of fctitir for tiomestie catile, This never- day it bas 30,Of0iuhbitaufs. Tenyearsago was dowss in Arkansas, in '67. Theiisplay saiti: I"Ail riglît, I'm a Northeru sman, aud ly the olticît writar extant, la the fohowing figuras matie of choznlate. 1 failing supplycofnuntrircus gras, the pieuti- fhefirst lineof raiisvay conuectinisguswirtlhe type was hept iii smoking tehacco seeks, wilh go cu it. Rave the cahuosa Lo dcciv ip quoferion: IIIf thon ha wise, fnrnîshfthy liera Jolinny, ae 'thse thrce Gracas' fnl suppiy of pure, runniug watcr, the outaida worhd was cemphetcd, to-day a tiozen whicb were hussg ou nails arounut the ceun." Lu the piaf forus, anti telagrapb the porter tuelieuse wal woo tisy wife, anti do nt I-fryu"sidMs rzltp sbeltering bluffs of fimber, as well as im- railway lhues radiaeafro it ifnluevcrv di- lic prunounceti the atiltor ci fueLpapar ftisabriig nie a footston." Ha lef i on flua train, rai with ber; rieurish lier ; deck lie quar for "Oh , siti n.rizzehavthep. îsuuity.frum cyclones in sommer anti snow- rectiosn. Theaurea ef the cïty is 20.15 uae"hast short-baud speller anti loug-handieti anti turingý the hall-score cf years tisat bave fine tirais is hier greaest beiht ernfor "aOh, e, I'Taher havmo e fthe tw v stors i witer cobin th prpertes ile it asessd vlueis 25,000,000, assd writer " lhaevar met -" axcepr yeni," lha pessat i sse then, noflsirg bas beau beart iebr ; unaielber glati as long as thon livath; wbscb suake Alberta ocucul the fluait ranchs the number of buildings is over 6,000-mag- atidedti, f0ocdtie keep dowu assy teed cf liis wautiarings. si a bles sing wlsich ber possessur ahoulti iug tispicta, un the continent. Stock- nificent public buildings, soli itruýtures cf 111g Of iaatlcucy thar uiglît arise in thei Poor olti Ligbtuing Jerry !Ha pessesseti treat as hacossas hie own standting. Be nuL Rctnaing Lu coufasa anti forsake kuow: rsurcarcieti ou with equai succesun tone anti brick detilcaredteL commarce, anti besoin ofrthe etitoratidrasaed. He aisovisii- qaalîaes cf mind, wbsch, if rigbtiy direct-J unkindtef lier." sina is as bati as recunmiring thens. the.thër.prvinces, asîd Manitoba beaf anti meny coaily resitiances. Sume sixty fac- Uary pr-oducts have elceedy au enviable ce- tories have bacu esteblisheti. The numbar 1îutatioss on the Enrepesu market, 0f whoeae firma is ferry anti rail firisele The aboya shows what cent'ral Canada fulhy 500, anti(lbe annuel volume cf huai- cau produce in the way of cýreals anti live nasa axcaala $40,0 0,0(10. TIse anking cep- stock but thase arc by nu masus the onhly itel represented hy tan charterati bauka is resotirces cf the district. Fereefs cuver uver $30,000,000, witb accîsmuheteti surplus notbarn Manitoba, ant une of the great cf coma $12,000,000. All tise principal boan, imier ragions ut the cosntinent fiauîks iL ou lusurauca, anti mercantile corporations hava the east, wila-hlts cf pine, sprue, oak, brancis efficce here, anti the loess counpaules clun, anti pophar forears crowu every bilîl anti represecteti have inveetetiseime $13,0.j,000 cucircle avers' velhey, ake and tisraam lu city anti farm prupartias. Streetraihways fhroughcuftisae plains. Extensive deposits arc lu uperetiln, both eleefrie anti horsea' of iron ara founti ou au Islandi in Lake Win- cystams, anti au excellant cysterniet water- nipeg, building-tone su varions districts, worka. The city bas VoO miles cf gradeti marbie ou Lake Manitoba, sait, mies, gyp- streata, fan miles ut paveti streets, 120 miles i sum, anti othar valuable minerais in tise laka cf sitiawaik, oven Lirry miles cf sewers, 1,50 district, while the petruheum sud coal fieldis hydranits, furty water-tsnks, fociy public lu the western districts aie practically maex-sychîs, clecfrsc anti gaisireet sud bouse bansfibla. Althe ahoe arc rasources hae- lightiug, cumpleta tLehphone anti massesuger '-Ar'R 'F hnging Lu the prairie cagion anti show that service, tbree fire statious with firet-dlas WA S D ADF agriculturel anti stock raisiug ara net the equipment, anti a police ferce second to- A disease of the scalp that causes ouly industries thet ceaulha carnieti ou. Be- noure. ides fuis, howevcn, thet mervelouîhy rich Iunatincafionel matLers Winnipeg stands falling of the hair,(fadîng of the haîr5 in uineraI district surnoudling Lae Suparlor et the heati cf every westrnrîs ity c ie- -- ~ -'fc e t of th aï. Itiriaest ou the nortis extenda f0 witbin e bundrati population, nu effort being sparadteruprevide f.-/ I J'f teiair l irit- yth miles oftise Rei cier, antiyiehdsiilu suy a univarsai education et the loiveit possible .j scalp and causes scales and eczemnatic qnantity, linîltat only by the protiuciug ccir, The Dominion guvacussant bas pro- puwar, gulti anti silver, iron, nickel and cop- viteti hantisouschy for edurcation by giviîsg eruptions--produces baldness. Bear lu' par ec. e o nt feeycgse sur ue fmmnd that Anti-Dandruff remnoves Dan- The climtcuof centralhCanada iaby peopl aable audteL the public achoohs, and,,lbe- su theaesat anti aouth ganerelly cousiticreti sites, hes andowed the University of Mani, rrf ih 3 a piato s-tp al somethiig awfuhlira a'everity. Tha tact is oba with l50,UciU acres cf the choiceet lansd that the cimate of Minnesota sud Manitoba te ha teunti inflhea Éovince. Tise ity bas and restores fading hair to its origina la practically idauticai, whle the provinces une uinsvercity, five collages, une bîgb- color. Sold by druggists at 75 cents pei farilsar wcst, espcciahly in Albarta, it is chol, une colegiata' intituta, oe snuch inilden, owing Lu tise graatiy reduceti modal scisuel, fwc unadicai scisoils, ote altitude cf the Rocky mounitalus, anti dense- rwassfy-una public scîscols,. two ladies'___________ qucut easy sugrescf the warni Pacifie schools, sud one couvent. The public wiuds. "rofs as f0 this wece f uirnishat the scboula are neanly sîl substantiel brick New York Sun a short fimie ago by flua lon, buildings andt iein total vahuaficu la $300- J. W. '!ayhur, Uniteti States consul at Win- 000, wbile the amout, nquinat ton tîsair 1 bava long looeuktifer a preparatien that wonid kaep in niDeg. 1He aay: " * The prair. maintenansce is close on $90,000 a year. bhet ulea frud frbte sys tilde to r)aive ny matan Iuse las' flrstling et' the apriug has the pop- liotel accommodiatiois ialweys a question bnftusi neuircnmuaiAL-)sduf hc s nier tasigniation of ' Crocus ' * o f imu-potance with theofravelling publec and with perfect surccesa. IL not cniy remevedth ie Dantmuif wiL but I prefan the cihdren's name,ftisa-" Gos- in this mater Winsnipeg is second[te nu nu thndeedplctons, bust anpl ie wnnoying lching et he al linig "flowar.** It is ottagatlîered ciLy on the continent, takissgsiza into con- anirsdrtts anat u lal ihu evn n peas on tisa Mississippi boluffa. drean the Falls ef sitianation. Thece are lu the oity abe anca of e dressing baing useti. h nosv occupies a permanerý St. Aufbeuy, the 15fh ut Aprîl. If appears trty hotls, hautdes e nunîner ut restaurant, position in Msy grip. If la pleasaut ru usa, anti îitb picasura simultaeaously oui the dry elavaticus near The leatiing unies et present ara the Caren. - 'cmuei t .O OLN SIC A of in Cr B- ,n A el le in -r 10 A Winuie<~hesecond largasi inlant ses trahrye oftnLbrob tise oun nf, anti tonmiug, in cujanetlun U with the Rt ivar anti the great Saskatche- A Glood Meal. wan river, asu usîbrukan chin coi navigable WscP.hi-Imisn2y s aiJ waters axtentiug urthw*estsýrct ver 1,000waluhatertcSar. nules 'Jattereti Dick-You't starve Lu testb ThýHudaci's Bey compamny'sofficials who thara aura. selectat this spot forae tratiiug-post c1s Wesry Willia No, 1 wculd'f. I'd caf wisely anti very probehly. huiit baL e a th e sauti-whieh-is theca, sud that pyramiti .- they kneN. > e mare commiinr ui.o hoa mi