V'PDNESDAY MAY 4,1892. Dit. J. C. fU1T<CUIt1L. HBE FCOLLE(4E OF PT{YSTCIÂ&X i Rd Surgons, Ontario, Coroner. etc. OfIDJÎ-e and Residence, Enniskillen. 74. D RI'FME cSIM4psgby B PRilSrý R SOLTCITOR, &a. MPU SI Cf K npotairs, Ring Street, Bowmnan ville. Folloltor for the Ontari Bank s h Ste NfoXIcvs loaned at the lOwest ratrs S. C. ffrItKNG fTCENSED ATIJT ION EE R FOR Ithe Conty of Durham. Sales attended Io on shortest notice and lowest rates. Addreso Ccuutrîes P. 0. B6: ReliT. YOIG, V. S. ai î.-dérc.directyopposite Dril Shed. Catia l3y telegràph or telephone will receive prompt attention 171.yr L. A, WV. T'%LE, A UC ION RRAPPIRAISER, Real A. A. 1POST, A ROHITEOT. Plana and Specificaý .1lions prepared for every class of building. Sýpecial attention gven ïo heating by stean and hot water and to sanitary arrangements. Clce: Giri!e fBlock, Whitby 43 -ly' R. PEATE, Tailox Gentlemelj'll lothes Made to Order. C. HARNDEN, L D. S. Craduale of tic Royal Colloeofe Dental Surgeons, Ontario. OFIEOPPOSITE EXPRESS OFFICE. ACOL FILLINO A SPECIALTV Artificlel Teeth inserted sitieut Plates. rat Reductions in price on ail Denta Work. Vitalszed Air, conistant]y inl use pro Sucing Painiess Operatioses. Partscnlar afrer tien paid toeilie regulation of Uhdrens Teeth 9S-l ALL WORK WARRENTED -M lrecc Offloe, Dr. Ruthorforl's Orono. ORONO, -ONT. Offic.e.-Pcst Office Block, clii by telegrupli or telephone recoive lm âue liste attEntion. J.M. BIIMACOMBE DENTIST. OFF ICE :-Rear of Messrs. Iligginbotharn & Son's Drug Store, (down stairs), BOWMANVILLE VETERINARY SURGEON, IROWIIANVILLE, ONT. . y 1 pre is d o t ms. ea mrcly t tpte ýlri s hn aete.rtr.P h'c n ToROe. N-gOa c e . esee A SURE CURE FinRBILlOUSr ESS, CON'STIPATION, s INIGE:STION, DIZZINESS, 810K I4EADACHE, AmD OISEASES OF THE STOMIACH, LIVFR AN-D 8OWELS. TSHEY ARn MILDO,-oROUGH AND PROMPT !M ACTION, AND FORM A VAtUAisiE AID TO IIURODCK BLOOD BITmERC IN THEO 'RAEiT SD couic OF Ci-i RIl)IC HAS THIRTY THOUSARJJ TEETH. ing in the eliade, ponde ring, and whisking flies. " We are 'yIeer creattures, ail of us, îuy 'ri ]ra's, But lu WI,'at a Curl'usWay- boy; but quecrest wliei we eat." Seme Woîaderfmsl Provisions eor1Nature. " The way thingsecat has always been aunAGI B NQTPS i ntereestng study to me," sid the Professer. CUITB NOTPS "For instance take thie enail. People do't "The Ilorrible, Situes> Creattiee Ias En« know tn uch about ftie enail. Folks eat them crln q[ lp n %as. lu Franc P and like them. Some folks eat icngMlisaiWit tliem jr this country and preteud they like Adventuros with the octopus are nîot un- tlîm. utIt sn' a a hig t ea tat hecommon, bunt rarely do we read a more haz. them Buiýýsii'asahintoeathatheardous experjence of this kind than that re- suail is a curiosity se muccl as it is as a conuted beiow by a correspondent. He i thiug that eas. The sneil's moutli is one was ont lu a sieall beat with a friend named i- ot the meet extraorclicary objects in nature. Joel Starbard, searchiig fer ses. birds' eggs, Provdene i i~ d t ma in et rraicgoff the ecast a few miles uorth of Sac Fran- sany beest cf prey with a month like a cisco, and lied made a pretty successfui snils, for there le ne living'creeture, evon af terîioou's work, svhen lie cauglit sip lit of a the most terrible, but wliet would bec oe nle abaieoe ul partiy covered by a rock. thing te lie petted coinpared with eue armed 1 deterîciced te secure the prize, and, lie- witli the formidable devourieîg epparatusis ng.harofoeted, steppcd jute the wator with which the -luggish and almost ibsec- where it came above my knces. I began sate sneil is fi tted.- Yen sec inuyeur uarden werking te diseugage tie aboli when sud- this ciarnmy animal or what6ver it may lie, deciy I flt sorethicg like a tighdy drawu flxed on a leaf and feeding, but did Yeu rope about my lef t ankle. Iknew that in its month wero 30,000 teeth.? I made a stidden effort te draw my foot it Do't start 1 Snoh is the fact. The suail away but conld net move it. I knew in a weuld tnake a deutist rici if it siouid give mnunte thet my ankia was grippcd by the hlm an order for just one s8t of false toeth. ',ontacle of an octopus, cd I made acother but kjnd nature is the snajl's deutist, aud cprîcg te oscap . Sw, r lre tcace by the timne it lias worn eut the lest oua 0f w ero uow wrapped about mnybare leg. But its 30,000 teeth a uow set lias been provid- 1 stiîî tîsouglit I conîd get away and began d cd for it te begin ail ox-er agein, without tnggicg with heth hauds tu disrngage tliose ymoney and withont price. 'flese teeth are ugîy feelers. ail on tice nail's tingtie, and that tougue id Joe1lmeantn;e, -ied rowed the boat a lew lu iiseif a woîsder. It le coied up ln thie rods off and was iîîapecting a ledge of rock lsack part of tLe suaÀ,'s mouth. The toeth for birds' nests. stud it like the Jieen copper projections ou Before 1 realizcd my danger eue of tiose v the fuller's card. The roof of rhe nouth is tentacles was aronnd ny arîn and tlie lier- n bard lîke hemn. The scail places its tongUe rible sliniy creature was eucircling su',' ips 3on The undor part of the leaf ou which itand wcist. *Iwould feed, and presses if np agaicst tlie For a few minutes 1 ,truggled desperate- liar rof o itsmeni. nly emil er-ly, tlîinkicg te land the ectopus, for I was tien of its tongue le uncoiled. As tie black but a few feet from the shore. But a sud- smitli rasps the horse's heof cf ter lie lias den numbuess came oiver me, my strengtli set the shoe, se the scail rasps tic leaf and seemed gene, acd heid lu that vielike grip grînds its substance away, carrying C'le I foît myseIf drawu down toward the water. moist filînge back over its tongue inte its ".ool ! Jeel V' I cried, despairingly. stomacli. Tic minute teetli wear away un- Jeel heard rny terrlfied call, and saw me der tie proceas. The suail relIe the decud- spiashicg about acd beliaving lu a most un- ed portion of its toogue downward as yen accounitable manner. Iu a moment lie was migit wicd a rilibon areund your finger, alongside and saw tlie big octopuis. Noxt sud uncoils anotiser tootied section, pro- lie lîad out bis ack-knife and lie gan slasi- ceedicg thus util the entire outflt of teeth icg acd îacking et the tentactes. le woru away. Tien it releases the roll of T¾o, wlîelesale cntting of its feelere proved tongue it lias wound np. The riblion colle tee sucli for the octopus aud îit relaxed its once more lu thse back of thie meti, and hold ou my iimbs and body. Tien Jool lo!thtle teugue's 30,000 teeth have been re- ragged me up ou tic sand, aud, alarmed et newad egain, acd the enail begins its raid my deathlikopallorbegan pouuidirg andrub- on thle aves juet the camne as before. Curi- bing life into nie. [t was more tien an eus? I think se. bour before I was able to stand and ces oral Then sc hov, tIe baby wh ale takes its da-slelr fly eoerdîy strengtlî. dinner. The wiaies are animals, you know. But for Joei's promrt action I sionld cot Tity suckle their young as tic cow dues, b live to tell thie ctery. Lut if a cow'e celf lied te take itsostenauce__________ on tic wing, se te epeak, as tlie wiale'sGRW G OD . clf lice, it would tÊlck that its lines lied ITS R IE CLDU beau caut lu anythicg but pleas tut places. BeOi'l uoe n u> o c I refer eepecielly to the Greenland wliales, Bu iyIiE reands. fr e levitians of the deep, wlioce menthe, cap- Attenstion was recently directed te the aile of takicg in a wialcman's boat and its discovery that Europe lias licou growicg acrew witli case, yet seek ne greater prey liglitly colder dorime tie lest five or six 0i than ticeuminute animalcule of icy seas. yeare. One of theexcpianations originally i Ts great mrarine lieast has teeti but once ooe o u oeîgo oprtr a su its life and tiat le wheu it is boru. Tiose ' llyacl teei remil tot, jetti sanekid tbat ossibl cl eriod for ticesihole mllte aeth iatee ttic he aineby ltoNortîseru Herisphere, recalliug the glacial samk ee that lic ws aîf li as, tea epoci, lied begun te set lu. This explana- saile mamathen insafan b ave sise teetitien was based upou tic assomption fiat in ti m reelnd infnsle.li ee t iettihe increase of cold noticeel in Europe wonid in te Geenlnd lial cu do et a" lieb found te bave occurred lu America and witli ago, but are ebsorbed lu some irysteri- Asie aise, eus way, and thonftise balconi appeare.' But leter. investigations seeni te show that Balcon is tic wnalelioue of comîmerce, by 'lie fail of temperature lias liecocnfioed te the way. The geucrai impression is tîsat Europe. M. Camille Flammarion lias col- wliaileue is tise ribse of the wl aned tisat lected a largo nuinler of alatistice upon tlîis ail wbaies have it. XVbalebone isn't bouc subjecr, vbic1s prove that dm00e 1885 or 1886 atail, butanossifled aggregaioný idliair plen. the average temperature lias licou bel i cd lu tieernpper jaw of the Greenliud wliele norniai in Franco, Eugland,Saî,Iey only, 250 of tIson side liy ide, like tlice gifle Germauy, Belgun, and Austria, ý,cd in et a inuelironi witi whicli, when it- closesprso usa nteeteenrhaid its jaws, it strajns from the weter ftice îttënotha prt o tEroeooeorino nioluksonwhchitfeeds. Teapeed et temperaînre lies eccnrred owru fils wlîele thronigi tle water, feeding as it It is evidleul thon tliat seme cause, which gees, le faster tien cny slip tiat sails. 'he affectes<iy contrai ccd eoutliern Europe, whlae baby trvels juat as fast as ifs imethor lise been et wor!k depressing flic tomperature doos, and its motiser nover slackena lier pace over tîsat part of thce erth. Wliet tiet a bit te give lier infant its coursiment, cause je romaine te lie discovereI New, it wouid lic a physicel impossiblity The decrease of tempereture noted te bce for the young eue te suckIt and keep up te large, varying lu differeut places frein enre epeod at thc samne time, and se Nature lias tinadge"c al elc inoe provided for this cmcrgcucy, juet as sîse lias tide eîc utee+raefreye for oser>' omcrgency. Sho lias given tIse But usoderon science finds donc cf its sur motlsor wiaie tic power te jccr, ccd the et isîcans of pregreslu the observation et baby whale the capacity te receive, an eu- suci small changes, and in feol, even tic tire mccl lu an instant. The metlier whale ciglit increase of coid tins iodiceted la speeds tbeougls the wcter, lier baby at lier thouglit already te have made itccif tit lu sîde huiger overlakes tic infant. Slie seoka ils effecte upon tIse vinoyerds. tihe naterueal fount, and tfli aternai fount As. aîy rate, if thec temperafure cf Europe vielently forces frein its deptisa inetantace- sinnld continue te faau only the fractioni of ens1y tliocisntire quentity of nilk tic baby e degree in e year the result t nîlgith Ie requîre, and the baby reçoives it juet as lu- end prove a serious natter te somne branches ltnaeosviste ifs storniet. And thletuc taueceuslaîncc Isld jut fur of agricultue baby whaic's tral olsjs orgai- 1It leoxceecdingly improbable, hostos or, loue! tîsiat tise ciaug_ xiii go on to a ýdisastrous " Ad wat o yn tiu efa thsgtlit xtent, for ail past e'iporience in dicates that cafe wlth its wiiskems ? But excuseo9iSS. cc variations of oiiinmate arc, coon arrested, Tiat i jocuarity I cmlpankdgbetthe in a reverse change sets lu like -oyser., The eystcr cafs witliiits beard au bet tngo enuur The lieardof the oyter le aluiplylite meni' i lo wigo apndlm îts jewe, its teeti, sud its paicte. Yeu ncd Il wouid net cere te have scc a conîbinatien The Centenary of Gas-Liihting, lu cor beard, but thie eyster gets e greet Tic presosît ycar is tic centea-y ef ligit- deal of enjeyncnit ont of life, ail tic caine. ing liy ia- invention eft tlat net tee I have a pcyclsological friecd who deciare s igilyappraised Scotiehi necliaiclgenius, tiat even deetî s iaeplesure te flic oyster; William Murdoch. lu 17j92, sviile sorving that, partiug with life lietween tlic bon, as ooec in sone uines in Cornswail, lie vivaut's teolli, it expires lu ostasy. 1I be ligited bis osvn loei idulttsca my frieud is rgititt l bi l, I willshave1 gas. Lïke nsost groat inventions, tie uevei given mortuary deligit te a dozen Bine illuminant msade but slow progrose at first. Peints on tie deep tMus cvcnîug. asnd lad te ceiîtend withb mcci distruat and IlConsider tie woodpecker. Tep.-,tep, opposition. lu 1798, couse tino cIter NJur- tep, lie says, cliugiug te the Steis Of the i docli l trausfermed hie services te tise troc. Hiet t lie seys, turniîîg hie car te the great engineering firus et Botiltols & Watt liark and Iisteningr. Ai, Mm. Cmii h e t Soie, lie erected epparatus ini the worko "Tic grasiopper is't a chilii sail uf. o'sru eu lme scsl tisengis -t leys cggs, but il lias a gi;zamd dcown by the side efthf e iaudeome girl iu like a cîieken, except f bat flic graslîopper'a gray' cii n o aeblis i gizzrd sa~teei campliocy eets.mlie ," ~lie aaid sittî a mile, Il for couse liuttcmllyylias a inos dclicat e asnd icaîtiful litho 15uap inside ef Il, wiîi n'iich il gcntlemani?" puampanecetar frontise low'ers. Tiepatient "I9a, i as itscsgie 'a ex cropa flic grass dlay, but nover lcuoss poinfmcnt, " but lic doseul't socles te bave ho li as licou oatîog nmitil tisacd h.lic as c e Ibolted le fircd iack at hlmi fron ýii fourti IAnsd tic yeuthinlufthe non' spriug suit j conachinluties hape of tIse faîcilier - cud, Ipesesitly got up and wandered on lîîto flic which lic chews tLud chen's and ciews, stand- car atîpa 1, That Li' le E and. Se sof tau'hlpicîs an' purt>', a-boidiu' on te Tiat litîtie and's about the nicest thiug I ever' Auflic Young eue hengin' baec'erds (lies snob a litt le one,) An' umpkin' me sreop te lus questions 'boul every thicg ncer lie suc. An' fime, n'uf l se muci te a farmer, gemn' lickcty Spli t! Au' T lezin 'round wifh a baby, lion' felieli e insu cc git t Tbem lutinigers, siick an pink as tic roses o t lu Ibe be. "M'k ' e-fuie n cepcl vrta'glht ha jo druv round au' Il, ra' ltit They hoId ento ne se tmus--tin' as if I'd acus dio riglst; 1 fe11 yen l'ic on ns>' lonor svieîîthlit tle chap's in siglît. If's a. lmptin' womld, but svhafever a masn Te1might do cloue, Ti ove of rigîi tsprouls lu hius svben hoe lis a chi tl fhs osvu- Why, sy ol'icJn up toeflic swcariu' plut, Ilion fingers on îy <cbeck Stroke down flice gly tesuper tlMIcirahlaued if 1 cari speak, 1Tlierc's soeîtlsic' curus lunec' au' ic lus big bâtne ye: The> mille ase kinder pli>' folks T use* ter liete au' dpise. lion' iey slretes out f t e n in', afore Yen a se utain>' Seo, Jrsarcis cf poppy's ihiskero for a littho carl>' To hc otarieS up wben a man's se tireS ho don't kcow svlat lies client iVould nako auy eue but a deS as meS d a ll gýt ont. An' tien et niglet the>' go creepin'lut e ci>'big rougis flot, An', the faim littie face je put un te lie patteS an' cuddled an'kiet; Au' ibe pesrfy. slouldcrs clip out e' tlie frock lie bain't neocother, yen sce; Tt's nigli flrc ycars eçuce sic died au' 10f t im te me. Au' wlieuI git round te turc in, flicre ho lies asleep lu bis neuf, 1 can 't boip draivin'hIiiu close au' lsuggin' hlm 0up te lu>' lrûst. Ais' lie evukes ju-,t cugs te say " peppy," an' slip hic ldienS mieuine, An' Ibis, mucl gees f breugli ci>'veina liko a drinsk o' etroug wine. MVARYv FRANCES BUTTS, BV JAMOES WuITrCcsiu fLEY. Some sicg offlice lly, ccd Sais>', ccd rote, And flic pansi -s ccd pinks fliat flic S'animer- tinmetsres In flic green grass>' lap of the monder tisaI laya Biukin' up cf flic skies flirougli the sunehin>' ficys; But wliat le tic lily ccd cli of the rosI Of tlie flewer s eîa mn iviti a lecart lu bis b-cast That haýs dipped brinsein' fu11 of flcheuoe>' ccd don' Of the, swect ciover blousons is labyheed 1Tuee rset cycs ou a clever-fleld non'. Or tool round the stale, or dinh in the rnon', Butny cliithood couses iack, jno acccar anîd Asth fli i,-,! of flicclover In suniffln'- again; AnS 1 secui er asvay tinealarefootcd drean, Wliero 1t icugLle us>'tocs l icbhebossoins fiet wifb the diciv ettise Sesn of flic morcing of 3E2e if wpt 0cr tic grasses In wecopin' above. And se 1 love closor--if seens like c part Of flic sacrcdest sorews anîd joys et my Aud si-crover it hle'soms, oh, flicro lot me AnSdfeakhficgeed Ced as T'or tieukin' hlm AnS pre>' te hllm u il'fer fie streugtli, wlicn Toge ;o fl fli clover anSteli il geed-byc, AnS lovninsîlo ny faceilu Is bloon' Whllc s>' sul1slps aiva>'ou a breet b of pre- T's; r-hcvrels n'asdill nscdsilf lut Onvfic solennIrnsLblig Oflcorgan iLstirred the air. \% ii1, ic hosweet pale sushine; ,Within, tflic ic'<atm, ýV1 .,eriesian cd people ivaited Forfli swellicg of flic psalm, Si the ficdoor ewuug epen, A iu L a littie baby girl, 1 l ow.s cyed, svithbirosvc lair fculiug lua mauy a w' ,ry url, Miti sof t chseeks flushing betty, lyglanceas on'nwcrd tbrown, AnS small bauds î'lcsped lictore lier, Sf005 lu ic heaisie atone. '-tejod haîf nbasli'S, baîf frîgîstencu, VUknew-ing wviere te go, Wielike c wiud-rocks-d ower lie;r ferai swsuyed te anS tro; 1 AnS ie cliasgiug culer fduttemod nu the 1li ýte tmouiled face, As trousiode te -ide slis svvered WiLi a ute, impioriug grace. Ifssasbutl for a momsent; ,\bat wondcr fliat sve sus ileS, i s uschia strange, sweet picture From lioly thouglits begniled I Up, t hon, rose cosie one softi>, Ah! t usny au eye grese dira, A, througli th- tender silence le bore flie chuldsvithbline. Anilong T svocsilred, lesing 1Ticý sermaon acd tse prayer, Tf svlsen couic ticie I enter Tlic sîsn>' uansions faim, AuS sf sud chsed and drcepisg hufi o)rtisi's goldeonglowe, iOr Lord w iii cendansuigel Tolihoevne w-lerc te got A Tongue for Elarney. av KAvi: KEA5NEY. OhLary, on'Larry, if's ce use a-taîkin', Ycîefculoniestisires>' te cuit agli-l' teste t Yeresuvr conteut uvidsl iinile au'a c certesy' Au'hI, ereoare cow n'iSycr crue runci u> Yo beîhe u> lite eut wid beogie' for kisses Au ise1, usorC-e oegel, ix b>, tise ionldlie An' sebcui d !on't givo 'cmu, if tust makies ce Yblke'c a ut, Larry, cciv lave sue cloue. audî coîs-pîcte>' vaperizo a mess of ice fdlly 7Q0 tinos fiat of hoti flic coiliding werldu, or, unI otsr erds, ces iced planot 150,000 LA boy ceuuedWilliam Isierwood,, resid- iu lu igi, Lancashire, fouud e £25 noee '!Ci(-ei imthler toek ftee note te tîse een. or, aii ves rxî'rded with liaieks-cnd 2d, FROST OODvp SMITR'S FALLS, Illanulf-,Icli rers of flic followiiîg firsl-clas Also agent 'for Draders' Spade Harrow, the best Pulverizer, Cultivator and Harrow made. See, ite , W. H. OSBORNE, SPECIAL AGENT FOR THE ABOVE B OeWMANVILIJE Head.quarters in West -D urha m fi FINE Dinner and Tea Sets, Chinawara, Glassware, Ct ockery, Hall, 1'arior and Hand Lamps Fancy Cups, Saucers, Vases, anid Lemaonzade Sets, etc Is always welI supplied with the 'very best goods at lowest prices. Highest Prices for Farm Produce, Leading Seedsmen in the district. Always pleased, to show goods. Inspection solicited MURDOCH BROS. Vict oria Buildings, Bowmanville. The undersigned desire to thank the farmers of West Durhau for the liberal patronage extended to us during the past season, a1so to rerntnd them that we are stili in the mnarket and prepared to p)ay the HIGHEST MARKET PRICE ALL KINO8,0 F COAS RI EO delivered at our siorehouse cor. King and George streetss, or at Port Darlington. We bave also on hand a large stock, NEW AND FRESH, of Canadian and Liverpool Coarse Salt in *Bags. Rock Sait'for cafte and horses, and Fresh Ground Grey Plaster in Barrels which we are prepared to sel Ail kinds of Lutuber, Wood and DRY CLEA.N SOREEN El) GOALj dways in stockr. We invite inspection an~d guarantee satisfaction. MoCLELLAN&OO