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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 May 1892, p. 5

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r- Are You Go"ing To PaintI? ýWe seli the best paint that it is possible to prepare and have it al ready for use at lowest prices and any color yoli w&nt. STOTT & JURY. Try Our Floor Paint It dries quickly, is very durable and gives afine gloss. BOWMÂNVILLE, May 4, 1892. Local and Otherwise. Mr. Ed. Moseesud family leave te. day te make their home at Grand Rapide. Mr. Richard Sylvester c f Lindsay bas gone te Manitoba on a ix.weeks' buin. ese tour. Seven thouîaud five hundred pounds of pickerol were ceught in oe night at Waubaushene recently. Yen eau alweye, depend upon having a 6ir claie fitting suit if you beave your order at Couch, Johnston & Oydermeni's. Mre. Geoderbani, Toronto, and Mre. Strachan, Hamilton, have gene te Japan te inseot the different ni2iion fields cf that country. Wheat griste exchanged as usuel and all kiede cf fleur and feed kept fer sale, cheap for cash et Vanstoue's Bowmauville and Tyrone Mille. Iflreafter the ogg dealers cf Ontario will bey eggs by weigbt ineteed cf by inimber. This will removo a well foued. ed grievance cf those whc keep the btter breed cf poultry. Theme jis a vast quantity cf usef ul infor- î,,. tieu. on the inside cf THEp STATESMAN every week. This week's Health, House- hold and Agricultural Departuonte are poid. 1Mr. P.-01. Tyorman, son cf, Mr. P. Tyerman Clarke,hais boon succes3ful in the Srd yoar medicel examinat ions et Toron te Ulniversity having takon honore in oeery aubjeot. Hlou. S. H. Blake was solicited by the Liberals cf East York te allow hiniself te ho nominated for the vacant seat in the Houseocf Couinons. For business Tess- ons ho deelined. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bessetcf To- rente who have boen spendia~g the win- tor in Tennessee and Fleide, have ro- tunend much imprcved in health and have beon visiting their ç:arents n Bowmen- ville. We understand that Messrs. Williams & Hall cf ibis town are shipping five car loada of fat cattie frcm Montreal to-day Sohool reporte crowded out. Mis Barbara Yellowlees in visiting at home. Mrs. Dr. Beith is visiting friende in Toronto. Mr - Neil Yellowlees, Clinton, was in town over Sunday. Mise E. Tape, Long Sault, visited at Mr. Thos. Hill's, roently. SMises Ida Blight, Myrtie, ie spending a few-days with friends in town. Mr. F. W. Wilson cf the Port Hope Guide gave us a cail let week. Mr. T. Geo. Maàon je recovering frein a severe attac~k of rheumatismi. Mrs. D. T. Tees and fainily of Mont- real are visitinz at "Dundurn." Mr. F. W. Vanhan returned frcm an interesting visit to Newmarket. Mr. S. H. Jeffery, Pi ckering, was guest at Councillor Bellmnan's Sanday. Much sympatby je feIt 'with Mr. Wm. Eastwcod on the death of hie wife. 31r. Seaton Fallin of Cadmus je a cor- poral in the British Army in Etigland. Prof. Goldwin Smith bas resumed his residence in Toronte after a long sojourn. Chop chopped cheap at cinque cents a bag at Vanetone'e Bowmanville and Ty- roue Mille. TriE STATESMAN'S circulation in grow. ing-eeveral new subecribere lately. 0v- or two thousand five hundred copies are printed thie week. See Stott & Jury's new advi. They have a fine stock of mixed peinte warrant- ed pure sud reliable. The stands of stock herses whose route bille have been printed at TuE STÂTES- ?4ÂN office will appear next week. A lovely aseortment of Art~ Musline and Scrims for Curtains now ehowing at Couch, tJohneeon & Cryderman'e. The Sons of Englsnd will attend div. ine service at St. John's church, Sunday May 22, when BRey. Bro. Bilkey, past grand chaplain, will preech a special ser- mon te thomra a 3:30 p. mi. Mr. F. Abbott gave some recitations. Ail the pieces were enthusiastically on- cored, and the recitation, flow Rnby Played, wae most laughable. -London AdVortieer. Town Hall, Bowmanville, May 11. The Sons of Etigland willot have the usual prograrnicf sports on the Queen's Birthday. but will give eue of the beet concerts in the Town Hll in the even- inq that bas over beeu given in town. Particulars next week. Mr. W. J. Burden of Little Britain, who ie attend ing Trinity Medical College, took fir8t claes honore on hie examination for tiret year work at the lest examina- tien, having over seventy per cent. Mr. Burden je a nephiew cf Messrs. Samuel and Thomas Burden cf ths town. Florence Nightingale Lodze and Al- bert Encampment No. 12 1. 0. 0. F., attended church Sunday morning in a body and listonod te a very appropriate sermon from Luke 10:35, by Rev. T. W. Jolliffe, Deputy Grand Mgstor. A nuax- ber of brethren froma Oshawa and Whit- by were present and vi ere entertained te dinner at Bennett'a by their brother Odde. The choir sang somo very appro. priate antheme. On roturning te che L:odge-room, a lîearty vote cf thanke wae accorded te Rov. Bro. Jolliffe for hie ad- mirable sermon., Thanke, Mr. M. Treleven for several Englieh papere. The Plymouth Mcmn. ing News of April 15 gives an acoonut cf a thrilling adventure experionced by one cf four touriste frorm Kilkhampton whe tried te sscend the cliffe aet a poinbte the south cf Mr. Hawker's Hut on the Cern- ish ccest in Morwenatow. They teck a direction which ne native would have tried, and oeeof the party found him- self on a dangerous ledge about 2ft. wide, and about 250tt. front the top. with no A Guelph dealer bas shipped about 60,000 buehele cf tumnipa te the United Statço. The ninth annuel session of the Bey cf Quinto Cenferenceof the Meibodist church will be held in Port Hope, cemmencing at June 3rd. The milk produceme cf Toronto are try. te terce the cîty dealers into an arrange. ment more favorable te the producers during the summer mouthe. Croesley'e Campets are noted for their duability. for retaining their colora sud for their beautiful patterns. Yeu cen buy thera in ehl qualities ai Couch, John- ston & Cyderman'e. The S. S. "City cf Petis" cf the Juman LIno, of whicb M. A. James je agent, mede e remarkably quick passage on hem lest trip te New York f rom Liverpool. the exact time being 5 dsys, 21 heure sud 14 minutes. CHEÂP ExcuRsioN To TonoNTe.-The Ladies Aid Society cf tbe Port Hope Methodisi churcb bave arenged fomr a cheep excumsion by local train te Toronto, ou Thursday memning, May 5th, et Ila thon holiday rates, or single fane. Train leaves Newcastle sttion et 8.11, fore To- onto aud rotnrn, $1.20; Bowmanville 8j- 20, fare $115-good te roture up te the evonmng cf the 6.h May. Ask et G. T. R. station for excursion tickets. Use thie oppotunity, as cheap ates te Tomonto are net ofton effered, and do't hositate to go if weather is cloudy, as every one will be undor cover sud May showeme are not lest.- inz. People cf West Durham usnally mako a good record when thoy go awey from home. A London paper eeys :-St James Preebyterian cniurch wes completely filod lest evoningwith aneppreciativo audience, whon two v:sitors, aided by local talent, gave a mosi delightfnl entertainnient., Mise Noms Coeman, cf Newcastle, gold medallist of the Philaeophia Sohool cf Oratory, reuderod a nu mber of n'citale inu a manner that etamped hon as an ecceni- plishel elecutic.nist, popsesig a mus- ical voice sud an elmost faultless meuner sud expression. Dm. J. E. Brown, of Ankous, (brether cf Mm. I. L. Brown, Hlampton) edded much te tho voin' pnoceeding,hy giviug ie a ieh and p,,ve--" f ul baitone voice several Pelectieus; ho wss accompaniod ou the piano by Mm. Kingsley Evans. Rey. M. P. Talling the pester, presidod. Finding a Human Foot. There have been sevemal sensations in the aim lately, but the latesi would bo the fiuding cf a persen'e foot in Bowmsn- ville or West Durhamn within a mentb that cennot be fi tted with a neet sud cou- forteble boot at Treleven' old stand et a satisfactory rrice. A libemal reward is effemed for such a foot. Death of Mr. Wm. Scott. Mr. Wm. Scott,who died i Derlington on the 22nd mest., was bomu et ICelso, Scotland, in 1816. lae 1840 ho iuarried Ellen Inglis, sud came te Canade in 1853. Ho was employed in McDougall's Mill, Bowmanville, untif 1861, when ho moved te a farm Iu the Teiir ship cf Cartwright lu 1886 ho moved te Demlinkton, whero hc resided until hie death. Hie wifefour sens and two daughtere sumviveo bu. Ho was well kuown and well thoughi cf by a large circle of friondesud acquaintencos, though quite unobtrmueive. Ho wee a firmu Preebytemian, a imne friend sud a staunch Refermer. Hia son Wm. Scott, B. A., cf Ottawa Normal School, visuteï him a f ew days proviens te hie death. The fun- oral on Monday wes s large oe DENTISTR«Y. I wisb to aunounce te the publie thai Iý have, secired the nrnfosional servicof' Cie veland 's is t he Baking Powder used in the U. S. Army. Treleveu's advertisemieut you should readl There's. where te buy the boots you need; With prices low and quality higý,h On examination you're sure te buy. Notices of Birtls, 25 cents; Me1rriages, 50 cents;,fleaths, 5o cents, caehI nsertioni -but FRLEE OF CHARGEi, vhen the fanerai carde are uinted at this office. BIRTHS. POLLARD-In Clarke, April 21, Mr. and Mrs. Gec. Polard, a daughter. JAcKox-ln Oreno, April 26, the wife of T. W. Jackson of a son. SNowDEN-In Darlington, April 19, the wife cf Mm John Snowden, of a daugliter. RonaIre-Near Enniskillen. April 26, the wiféocf Mm. Wm. G. Robbins, of a daughter. G;LBERIT-In Derlington, April 27, the wifé of Mr. Wm. Gilbert, cf a daughter. HtRanav-In Cedar Dale, April 26, the wite of Jamt~s Hurley. of a son. BaYAxr-In East Whftby. Ap-il 15 the wire cf John H. Bryant. off a son,' JOHNSTON-In Harmony. April 17, thev'afe cf Samuel Johnston, cf a daughter. DîcnîE-In Oshawa, Aprili 17, the wife cf John Franklin iik;e, off a son. DYER-In Oshawa. April 20, the wife off Jas. Dyer, of a son. BRITvÂIN-JONESS.-At Retreat. Fdrm, Bow. manville, tfie rosidence of the bridels parentq. on Wednesday Aprit 27, 1892, by Rev. H. S. Met'hews off Bradford, President of the Te- ronta Conference. assisted b7 11ev. T. W. Joli. iffa* Bowmanville. and Rev. D. F. Gee, New- cistie, H C. Brittain. Jeweller. cf Strethroy, and Gertrude S. tliird daughter off J. M. Joness, EEq. 1MILLEt-CUNCANNzoN.-.On Aprll 20, at the residence cf the bride's parents, by 11ev. Gee. Brown, Rcbcrt Miller. of New Park, and Mfarv. second daughter ýoff Mr. J. Cuocannon, Leskard. HUBBARD-CUIRItEN-BY 11eV. J. Whitlook, April 20, et the tesidence off M~r lradbnrn. as~t Whi 1by, Mr. Edward N. HnItbbard,Entleld and Mise Phebe Ourren, off Czirtw, ight. DlED. DEWE,%1LL-In Clarke, April 21, infant son off -vr. John Dewell. COBBLEDXcK-In Clarke, April 27, Catharine Clough. rllet of the late John Cobbledick.apged SCOTT'-Aàt Lot 35, Con. 6, township cf Dar. lington, Armil 22, Wm. Scott, aed 75 yoare 9 months. DEYi,.AN-At 163 N. Morgan St..Chicego, Ill., April 27. 1882 ulara May, only chiid kof Lie- wellyn and L'zzle Deyman. aged 2 menthe. 10 dayis. She was but as a smile, Whioli glistened liko a tear, Sent us joy a littie whlle, And. th! se loved and dear. FÂTHER AND MOTHER. BOWMANVILLE MARKETS. Corrected by J. Meefurtry, every Tuesday FLOUR, P~ 100 Ibe ........ $2 25 te, $2 65 îWrnrÂT. Fall. e uh,,...n.f0n00.1n0oq5 BUSINESS ___~L'P Neyer in the histor y of this live, pushing, enterprising Dry Goods flouse has business been so good as it is now. Sales constantly in- creasing. In fact they are away ahead of the same time last year. Temain reason is We seil good goods only-, and seli them cheap. If you are not already a custoiner, one visit to our store wilI make you one. The, goods and PRICES aie SIMPLY IRRESISTIBLE. Among the many offerings for this week will be found At 6c. ...The best and heaviest Factory .... Cotton eyer sold for the meney. ...Yen can have it for this price ...while it ]asts. Fine Shaker .... Flannels from 6c. Up. At 8(,. -. ... Nice pattern, good washirlg .... Ginghams and Shirtings;a linen ....Glass Toweling, worth 10c; ...Heavy 36 in. plain Grey Sheet- .... ing, special value; Ladies' fancy .... Handkerchiefs. At loc. ...You will buy lots of goods .... worth doublc the rnoney. .... Single fold, all wool Dress .... goods. suitable for children's .... sehool Dresses and such like; .... Steam-loomi brand B-4 at 10e. .... Ask to see it. Corne and se .... what 10c, will buy. 'Ladies' .. - Ribbcd Vests. At 121s-c. ...Ladies' Blk. Cotton ilose, .... lleavy and StainlEss; a Iovely ... choice of new Dress printsOx- ... ord and Standard Shirtings, ... worth 1.5c; Pure Linen lland- .... keichiefsý. At 15c '...A laige air of purîe linen -. ... Towels; lleavy striped Tick-; 40-inch Pillow Cotton, ...fine; Ladies' good -washing, .... beavy, grey ilose. Art Mus.- .... lins. At 25c. ... New double f old Dresa Goods leading shades; Pair of large ... irlen Towels, worth 35c; ï1 doz. ... Fancy or Plain Handkerchiefs; .... Ladies' heavy Cashmnere ilose; . ... A pure Table Linen; Men's ... heavy Bra'ýes; Ladies' Ribbed ... . to p.l'as t black st ainl ess _COtton .... Hose. At 50 and 75c. special values in Black ienriet ta, Remember we seli the Watch-spring Corset. J110, J. MASO, DRY GOODS and JEWELRY HOTJSE, Bowmanville, Ont. WE Do NOT WTUEARY YOU WITH MUOII TALK. «WE SIMPLY STATE THIE FAOTS. The entire store is now teeîning with ail tliat is New, Stylish, Cheap and Desirable. Every departmeiit is fally- ablaze with. medium and fluie goods at lower prices than same 1 - ><4

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