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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 May 1892, p. 7

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l]ow does fi e -e feels '-)ue, a deep, darla, uiilad(ing, 'dyed- ,.n-the-wool, eternal bine, and lie -nakes everybody feel the samne xvaý -August Flower the Rernody> I-ow does hofel-e feels ic headache, generally duil and cou- stant, but sornetimes excrucatng- August Flower the Rom edy. How does ha feel?-He feels a violent hiccoughing or jumping of the stomuach after a meal, raisiiig tter-tasting matter or what lie lias eaten or drunk-August Flower the Remeady. H-ow does he feel ?-IIe feels the graduai decay of vital power; lie feels iniserable, melancholy, hopeless, and longs for death and peace-August Flower the Rern- edy. How does ho feel ?-He feels sc full after eating a meal that hie car hardly walk-August Flower the Remnedy. f G. G. GREEN, Sole Manufacturer, Woodbury, New jersey, U. S. A. THE CAHADIAN eS"TATErSMiAIn ESTABILSHED !851 - e n~. Lcale, 10 cents pgr e X. M.~- Amy ei. HOUSE OLD.and rutles should bie iroued firat. 1 tbiiik it foolisis to tire oue's self tuo much with ironLig corumon clothes. BLUEStarched clothres should be ironed weii. BL~ETiIODAT.Commun lotises may bc s'ighited. One likes to tee their fine clothes, and tiiose which PL'SA,N oInECTIONS ruP nOING A tv~FMLX WAS111(1 ANDare laid away for tickuiets well ironed,,but \X ASIINUA\D l~0\N.,.sheets that are to be used soou nd othe 1 hatve alwa.vs ihouglisiniai 'tise weekiy clutîîiîg abcsihe o ya-,isig n rt tise hardest part of ths ue- Te nabéfled andgistei, ord ot inf. wrk. \Vl:en 1 was youniig, unir waýshiiug i tyeub odd u fewrshn seatsen on ru a dneanfisu kuw asd driefi, and tue iired mo)ther eau have a, Nvassen ou tobc oreandso knw bt shiort urne to breathie sud rest and read.1 litte short iusiing lio-,wash huard until l Clthes should be iboroughly aïred betorel w-i eculr'd lunry own homore. If riothers they are wurn. Never pu t damp lotising woild otily îeaeh tlirir gir.s isow tu dIo al loto drawers or îrunks tu lav aud nîiidew, kiride utfiouewu.k, h,,r inmchltrouble il n nagrts lt tts err wu uld save yuuuig housekeepers. ---1vdedne h ieo h err Whesen my girls were taIt eno-agh to stand MoLIv WATSoCT. at e tnub aud rubbing board, 1 tatiglit tisens- isow tu wash tire towels and enarser loîhes. A uclrein ahie liseir îhey learned to wash tise table linen, Msua eigMcie aud next tha piliow slips and siseets, etc. A sewing-rnaeline lias been invented, Tisare is ardly auy garuieni tisati eeds which tise Chicago Journal f Commerce ruisbing ail ovri.hit should hbcîisoroughily aileges, stitches t aiiy and rapidly thruughi waslieut and tise rirty spots rnbbed sud layers ut leather fiveeigisthsaot an inech in1 soaped(, before boiling. Fine mus;nu sud ticrkness, this isaving iseen aecoiplishedl lace, ouglisi nt tu ha put uipon tise buards. orn tise tirs", exiibitury trial - in a second I sometirnes use kerusene, especîaily if I trial stitchies were umade evenly and rapidiy have net muell strength to mub my lotises. Itbruugh a piece ut bird's-eye maple threc It usakes tise ciothes ieantifidl white, but cîgitisot ao nchesthîck; aud lu a third test, tiley dIo not seem as nice sudd ean as tisey the stiil nrore reusarkable tcatwas achies cd do wiseu I foliow tise id metisod. 1 use une vi., tisai ut aewiug ibrougli a layer ut bras tablespountul of kerusene lu iisree pails ut oftone-eigt of aur inch tiick, piaced ieiween cld water, put itluntise bolier sud add one pieces ut leatiser. puni ut best sut t suap or one-hait cake ut liard soap. Rub the lothes atter soapinLy Rolighness of thse Skîn. fisem, especialy the dirty spots, put tisem A euid eream ut almondt is une ut the best iuto tise wter whiie it is cold sud ici îhem preparations for rougsuesufthtie skin pro- hol 20 miniutesor une-hait anhour. Awaystue ywn rsnbin omk hs ibe sure sud have soap enougir, for if soap is mxe h wiur or uncesrou. Tuf metis, 1searce tiere will be a stieky, greasy srtrlau ounce utf white wax aud isaît an ounce 3asîug ater, esoftheloie sanouin e eo f spermaceti. Tisese ingredreuts siould he rinsil sud be. Tecohsshudb elput in au earthen jar. Anoifi Dundee mat- Snse pe ue pttsi eoie u ui h malade jar is useful for tise purpose, Set boe eol tte ir ud pute sounthethejar lu a saucepan ut water sud rmix tise nrighis fr wsi ad u ponu fingredient2 tlsorougisly together. Wheu kerosene. lu with tise soap and vîaier, 1 tise nxture is a emootis liquid suir in twn usually shave b, ball a bar ut good iauudry omcsu ruefue ae.M~wl gl soap San o ilsin aket..d., of water until dis -sud pour the mixture tutu auy oruameutai solved. ,Tiis wiil do for a washiug for six eartisen jars ishicis yuu may possets. This persous.creain lt muis better tissutise cold creams )VREN TABLE LINEN IS STAINNOýE. nsuaiiy so l tisops, as these are ut ten :±~~~îr L~~, ~~ hi.Th I ~ ~ ~ Rad f lard iii 5I~ ~Ss~Lt esîns, 1t pour tue dîtsoiveci suap tu Ce NÉ S iigelb ,ni.,o." ý ýud îîau in t1sLRu n n ts waV av euna --1- tise iot 15C. ho fie wisTe ltnDolive isnt ls asu fait fUlyan.po -, , Tg _________________________________ aime____ ________________________________________ was not awalm ûosoewuubi dLje ~ ,i. o, , La reaatU ices n iilEi iti sc u r ~ e no nt S -l i ir'e ïa j - L à n ] ü r M~ e 9 n e s or bu g g e s iro lle -pmî çyb£:3 alanAîoaî m aan', c' gijâ wQe'àacoe SMOKELS.S ROWDER IN WAR. It Gives XlaUY Advartues te tihe Elde -mak- ing tise Attack. The introduction of smokeless powder has hâd considerable to do with a change of tacties on the field of battie. In tise absence' of thc srnoke screen on hotu sides, tise com- pany otiicers not only find it casier to work together, but can control their men and jodge tise etteet of thse fire on tise euemy to a fatr greaier degree than was fornrerly pos- sible. Fron their point of view this increas- ed poecr of control more than compensates the attack for the decreased facility of con- ceaiment s nokeless powder conters on thse defense. It is truc thilt the latter alto pro- fits by the saine increased power of control, but tirey argue that trom the nature of things the defense, striving only to prevent thý determination to win, the latter is in a position to make far better use of this new poxvder than the former. Put iu auntser forrn h cornes to ibis: Tise ieavier and more accurate tise lire whistling aver a trench, thse harder it is to usake muen raise their heads over it tu take aim. Smokelcss po wder makes it casier for the attack to de- liver sucli a fire ; hence tie difficulties of thse defen-e will be increased. !Further, iu tihe aLsenee of rnoke, men statiouary on the dlefence caunot escape the depreSSing influence oftihe dead aud wound- d lying -trouud tisem, but the attack leaves ail these evideuices beirind it. So isere again the advantage la on uts aide. \Vith reference tu thse question ufthtie use of smokeless powder by tise artillcry, the general idea seenîs io be tirat hiv as ail a, gain to the aide whieh thouglit more of killing its enemy than ut avoiding iseing ltilied itself. It enormousiy facilitates the maintenance of tire discipline wihin the battery, permnits ut continuons tire evers at tbe must rapid rate, for nuotruoke interteres with the laying outhtie guns, aund, above al thiugs, eheers tise hearta ufthtie nien b n aoling ihem to se tire resuits ut their tire. 'As a ineans ut coucealnsent it is ut no use at ail, for even at extrerne rarizes, of 5,000 yards and upward tise flash of dâisebarge is for Infants and Childrenm ,Catopiais sa weUIadàpted toclsildrentat ICastoTi cures Clh<h ontPat!ofl, trecommendiitas superiorto any pres.itou Sourr Stomaeh, Diarrhoe5, Eructation. to me" I~ ~ M.D, IKilt Worms, gives sleep, and promtel d>. lm w . onie . oL o k'S in, . D. i gestion, Ul (WrdEt. BrokynX.Y 1Without injurions medicaumon Tm Om;TiAu CoSreÂNT 77 Murray Street, N. Y.' FOR SALE BY J. 1-IIGGINBOTIIAMr & SON, BOWMANVILLE- HRAINES' OARREIAU-E WORKîl GEORGE 0. HAINES, Proprietor, GARRIACES SLEIGH89 CUTTERSWAGONS, &U KING STREET, BOWMAN VILLE. Now on hand a numiber of ve sicl'-3 ani1 is l u tbturing a t reat ny imore of thc latssit patteros and besi finish. which 1 amn offtrin-, for sale ai thse lowest prico cýnsistent with due regard ta Nworkinanship and ;quality. 'The foliowing is a lijt of thse principal vehicles manuuactured by me Double Coverefi Carrnages ....... - -... ..--........ $150 tfpward. Single ]3htons . . . . ... . . .. . . . . . . .100 Oell Buggy . . . . . . . ..1. . . . . .. . . . . . . 70 Top Buggy............ .............................0 Denee.Wagons ... ......... 1...... .................... 65 Lumber Wagons......... ................O5 Light Wagon,... ......... .............................40 Express XVsgori.................. ....... -....-,75 Skeleton .......... ...............................................50) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .._. . . . . .._-_ _',_-4 0

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