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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 May 1892, p. 8

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GROWING SPRING GRAIN. A PnIZE EssAY nv MR. W. J. RA- CRAFT, or AGINCOURT, ONT. The t'armera' Advocate offored a prize of $5.O00 for tlue best essay on the varieties cd Spring wheat, oats, barley and peas vhich have yielded best during the past season ini the section where the writer re- Bides. Mr. W. J. llaycraft, formerly of Darlington, competed 'and f ollowing are aome partB cf his essay which was award- ed second place : The growing of spring grain requires more skill and thouglit now than in formn- er years (wben we had ne mast, midge, wire wormi and worn eut land to deal with) both in the preparation ef the soil and the kind of food to feed our stock te produce mianure that will give the best resuits When applied to the land. Spriug wheat in this vicîity asat year xas a good crop, as regards quantity and quality, averag- ing about 25 bushels per acre, *Root ground lias invariably given the hini.reurt. swed mine on turnip and, ARRIVAL 0F EMIGRANTS. TICKETS FOR ENGLAND. NEW BUSINESS FIRM. The foiiewing article from the Witness Persona in any part of Canada or the C. A. Cawker, son of C. M. Cawker fittingly doscribes what we have several Un ited States geing to Engiaud, Scotiand who bas been in business in Bowmanvilie times seen on the entry into port of an or Ireland or oendiu)g home for frieuds over a quarter of a century, aud Arche ocen seamr, ud s undodao! TÂTS-should not fail to consuit M. A. JAmEs, Tait who has been with J. Milne and J. MAx readers have rossed the Atlantic, ils stoamship agent, bof ore buyîng tickets. Milne & Ce, over eleven years, have gone porusal may recail to their mind similar We ropresent the following popular ocean inito partnership and will carry on busi- svcew's « -s teamship linos: Ailan Lino, Allan-State ness in tho stand fermerly occupied by C. There was a largo crowd o! people Oen Line, Dominion Lino, Inman Lino, aud M. Cawker and kuown as the "Alil tl'e whaif to weicome the "Lake Huroni." Anchor Line. ]Readera o!THE STATEsMÂ.N E and Provision Store," where thoy wili She ls the firat of the sesson to bring pasa-, knowing, of persons iutending teo ro3s the be pleased te mneet C. M. Cawker's engers te Montreai fro!n the other side, Atlantic 'will do us a great fayor by seud- numerous frienda and patrons as wel sud af ter the dreary winter, the snow and ing thesir addross te ns or directing tbemn as a great many new ones. They intend ce a huercaeUp th oe firnsthlee to us. We cau give ail necessary informa. keeping everythiug that is k ept in a First cernierivette on tbe r vents sud lB ien, having bee n over the diflerent routes, Claes Grocery sud Provision Store. wererivtte on iermovment, a suad can tell te a dollar what il wiil ceaI A spocialty will be made of the Fiah when she drew nearer frieuds wtre recog, to go te any station in Great Britain. Department such as Raddie, Fmesh Rer- nized among the crowds which thronged We givo reduced railway rates witk ail ri ngs, Sait Rerringsansd al hinds of fisb the docks, sud greetinga were excbauged oceau tickets. \Ve have issued a pamnph- in their soason. Oysters conatantly on lw the waving of handkerchiefs sud ex- let cotaiuing cboap excursion rates sud baud sud wyul arrive fresh. ciamations, There were 526 passengers; teliing bow sud wheu te go,what te woar, Iu the Meat Department wiil be kept some of thoefibfad frionda in Ibis country; what baaaage t e take sud other useful the great part 1usd left ail their friend.s in ifrainfr entaelr.T * Sausages, Fresh Pork, ail kinds of Fancy the Oid Counitry. Theee latter wre ifrmtotfrohaeraeies o in'- Curod Bacon, Smoked aud Clear Rams, emigantan thre ws n wam w thoe teuding tourista we may Bay, we have Lard of the best hraud-all of which wili emiratsan ter ws e ar W .ceI lowest rates with steamnshipsud railway ewratd for tbem except wbat the immigration,,_. ,..- -4- ,, I..Z b warrAted JOHN IIELLYAR'S BOOT AND SHOE EMPORIUM is stili the Leadin.-flouse in Popitlar Goods, '-ew StylIes, SensonabIe Attracliomis aud 4compiete Assortinenlt. A clean and fresh stock of desirable goods at fairest figures. We show the Iatest novelties, keep stri'ctly first-class goods and sell nt lowest pricee, qua]ity considered. A stock of Trunks and Valises always ou hand. Patronize a safe, sure and reliable bouse. The lost dol- lar is the one you pay for trash or goods made to sell cheai_ sed ecause im la dneap. If your tari i ats ig e -e---tew-chevrypeso sit ee fresli seed every year. If you cth edny o hc vr esnte the average. Ahl things couidered are caref al in the selection cf aeed and the suffering fremù catarrh is susceptible. the Faim was pronounced a success. The yýI -tion of your ]and ycu wilaccu Invalide will please net take effence if foliowing is the prize liat u"' farmn. If the land bc top- tbey are rejectable as incurable. The MIORSES. hv9a cieait -w'U ad a physicians will examine you tborougbly, 1~ T zv nuevSAsec Z0 eciin fbth Asprling - - hî freo! charge, aud if incurable they wil tùiânels te the yieid, and be a gru- "caitively tel you se. AIse cautien you AGD-3 etries-J. R. Wiisou's "Loui secrin a oedcath c t~ds f yn oaînt y - mnoy~ ~ Gordon "lst., T. W. Evans' "Royal lunlit, . 2iunorîSd ,~d Hendora & Philipe' want te seed down. Medicine. 0ATS. ~~~~Invalida who cainnet visit thèse eminerit -'Thisîe," Drc.AuiTSALO nto There is a large ares cf cats sowu in doctors in person cau write sud ha treated 3IMP.oIIEDD)lrAUGtry-tÂuiO (net over this viciity on account cf having a good by oxpreiP, but ai least <ne personal inter- "Balmora.' market for thac 3trav üil Toronto. 1It is view i, perferabic. CÀNADIAN BItED DRIVGIIT STAÂsINeu- the custem with a good nmany te sow cats Au cerrespendeuce should ho addessed etr-a sCaes"ovsl. ou the best land they bave get te ebtain te Mr. JohnMurray, Manager, 271 Jarvis CAentr-AmIAN BRE D"CrAUiTSTLLI ail the straw posssible. I aowed 12 acres Street, Teronto. (Ct over 3 yra. oi)-2 ereS-JaLiOn lase selandt10 acres ounscd loýsuh e n Costes' "Shirley Boy," lit, James Coates' tho ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ W h'i u 0arso alysull V ave received a copy of the Wark- "Bilîy Fleemian," 2nd. pioughed twico ia the faîl. 1I mauured woth Journal a new papor edited by M.,ROADSTFR STALUON-6 etries-T. W. haitcf t, whih ws fr seadcf hatH. . Bywator. t is priuted lu gcod Evans' "Starliglit." let, 11enry MoKen- was net mauured. Some sow sait in the plain type sud is quite newsy. We wish i,,s "Rambîtonian George," 2nd, Sami. spring ou this crop aise with '-good succosa. it every succes.Grhms'uhie"rd Thebet lndforpes i sd poulie .A yonng lady of Jefferson, Wes 't Vir- COACH SrArIaeIN-1 etry- C. J. ithe sbenat ad for pea lyis tplhed stginia, deciames that she was al mon down RHug.hson's " Sir Roger Tichhomne." in hospinad uvrialygiesth batbeforo taking Ayem's Sarsaparilia; but that CATTLE, resuluýS. Scarboro' is ueted for its fine now Phe la gainitg streugth every day. TuonoeBIED DURHABI BULL, AGED-2 ploughimen. The land is piewed siîilar Ayer's Sarsaparilla is certainly a wonder- entries-Thomps A. Wright's "RPoger," te that at the matches, or as ueariy as the fnlly effective tonie for the, feebie sud dol- let, David Milue's "Blacksbook," 2nid. pieugliman is able te mako it. The pesa icate. DRA ULCLE N19- n are sowu thin, either by baud cm drili, ________________ UHMBL AVDI 805o harrowed twico or three timeslihe sane On AEsessmt.nt System. -Due-"ohnsamlJohn "Reaco n dukhie o way il is plowed; the harrows are thon - mcye," It Jh2nd.k' Dueo tumed psde ownsu th plugingj~ The Royal Arcanumlias a mombersbip DuizHAm BULL CALvED 1IN 1891-5 en- cressed, which levels the combe cf the fer- o! 3,000 in Ontario. t la a Fraternal tries-Thoma3 A. Wright's "Major," Jet, rows off and lbaves a nice smooth bottomn. Beueflciary ordor cf secret Eociety mach- Thomas Werry's "Dairyocau," 2üd. Thpesd arelsa i easifcoveed sd corne iuery te imako it interesting. a W5if-JAS, PARIR, SLcrebary. Up lu drillaasdriceai.eyhd encoporaîed under Massachussetts lame in --- aocedwit sdrii. _______ November, 1887. Feuuded wt n WEST DURHAM LICENSES. - -- - - .oselis.1 mot,+iesonth-e pat fi- ,. Cricket Obampion. The ceiebrabed Australian Cricket Team, of which Mr. David Scott ia a noted cham- pion, is safe againtt field injurie3. M. Scott writes : "The eflecîs cf St. Jaceb's Oil are magicai. I nsed it for a temrihiy buised leg. The relief wa8 surprlsiug." Membera e! al athietie clubs 'seul hos- like surpmised at the resulta cf its use. We have doue or beat aud they say our best is vemy good To gel not eîly the beat sud cheapest clothing procumabie, but aise the lateat and moat nebby designs Iu Suits and Overcoats, muado up or in the piece. If you prefer ib 50 our taller eau tutu 5 ou ouI a garment equal te suy lu town, sud the price will astonish yen by its smalluesp. Have a look- at Masou's Ciothing Store sud yen wili save money. QUEBEC, Nov. 9th, 1881. c Dr. L. A. Smnith & C.. GENTLEMEN--I ourAnti-Dandruffsbouldt ho used by al who are troublrd silli Dan-i drufsud faiiug cf the bair. I have used1 it only s few times sud il bas wrougbt a wonderful change. I aise arn fully con- vineed that Auti-.Dandroff prornes gowth of the hair. MICHAEL IHENCIIET, Hencbey's Hotel, Quebea.I meters, conducted on strict business prin- cipies, improved by au experience o! Ibm- teon yoars, il bas the facilities fer success- fully promoting ira objecta, viE : - Fratemnal union; moral and material aid te membera and their depeudents; education of ils membera; assistance o! widows sud orphans o! deceased members; relief of sick sud diatrossed memboras; pay- nent o! dosîli benefit o! $3,000 te fuol, sudi $1,500 te baîf-rate membera. The West End House bas juat received in a choice assotment o! Tapotry sud Hemp Carpet which they are prepsrod te soul very chcap. Treatmnent l'or Rheumatism. rmu STATESMAN bDega te offer our read- orn a 11111e advico from rohiable profession. ai authority te persona afflicted witlu mheu- matianu. Give up meat o! ail kinds, meat soupa, poulîry and gamo. Diet sbouid cenast of grain fooda, vegetablea, flsb, oggs, milk sud fruits. Est very slowiy, take ne drink wïth or for some timo s!ter mals sud thon drink skimmedl milk fmeo- ly Tako sa sponge bath daiiy with tepid waîer te wblch a liberal amout o! ses cm sait bas been sdded. By foilowing these directions carefuily the diseaso wil bo me- moved ln the removal cf ils cause, sud il will net mebumu as long-as the blood la kept pure by proper diet. The Board cf License Commisionemi for West Durham, met iu the ceuncil chamber, Bewuuanvilie, on Saturday, Aprii 23rd,wbEni taveru sud sbop licenses for the ousuiug license year, comrncing, May laI, wero granted te, the present occupants, as follows:- Bowmavill-Taveru--R. Bennett & Sous, Bennett Roose ; John Darch, The Balmorai; W. R. Geodwin, Lakeview; Shops-J. W. Tuf, John Crawford. Darlingon-Mrs. E. J. Boom, Hampton; Jas. Gallaglier, Burketon ; John Moyse, Tj'roue, boom sud wine,te be extonded for three montha. Cartwright-Peter Hoit sud Geo. Cor- feld, Blackstock ; Jos. Cook, Cosarea, six months' license, Clarke-Wrn.Pope and Jasi.Bell,Orono; Peter Bln,Kendal ; Mca. M. E. MeChes. ney, Newtouville. Newcatle-Geo. A. Jacoba, jr., Wind- sor ; Chris. Glendîuniug, Royal ; Mrs. E. Bennett, Port Newcastle, heer sud wino. FARM STOCK WANTED. Persons baviug fat cattie, milch cows, sheep, lambs, vesi calves, hogsansd peuh- tmy o! any kind are requestod te aseo or send word te une aI my residence and 1 will caîl on thenu. Or address S. R..11Ev- IÇoLDîS, if by mail, Box 1, Bowmanvilio. Going to the North- West, but Mefre go- ing 1 wish to seil off, mîy large stock of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Si lverware, Spectacl es, at and 'below cost. Now is your time to byat prices neyer before quoted by any- one. This is 1no fake but a genuine "'Seil- Ing Out" sale I will seli in large lots or en Bloc at a rate on the Dollar. SI will continue do- ing work as Mèfre, and give you the best of satisfaction. All work warranted by MAYNARD THE JEWELLER. F-or Spring and Summer Rats and Caps go to M. MAYER, Ratter, where you will find the latest,. cheapest and largest stock in the abo-ve line. Rats for. 5c.worth from $1.50 to $2.00, hard or s'oft, Men's Youth's or Boys'. Cali early and get your choice. A large and well selected stock of' Gents' Furnishings alwaya on hand. HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR IRÂW PURS. ,STA W'lS SOHOOL HOUýB. ]Report of Shaw's School for April: 4th class sr-Bertie Rickard, Mabie Clem- once, Ethel Richard, Mand Clemence, Annie Allun, Newton Ashton; 4th jr- Colin McDonaid; 3rd sr-Norman ]Rick- ard, Mabie Rickard, Olive Walton, An- nie Soper, Herbert Alun. ]Russel Waiton, Lizzie Bragg, Charlie Penfound, Lettie Cornish; 3rd jr-Olga Soper, Maud Ot- ton and Fiera Rickard (equal), John Mc- Donald; 2nd jr-Eva Rickard, May Ot- ten, Lily Rickard, Fred Rowe. George Walton, Howard Bickard;- pt Il-*Peirl ]Riokard, Arthur RLowe, Pearl Osborne, Lydia Waiton, P'earl Cobbledieck, Lorne Cobbiedick, Ar-non Sopor; Pt l-Wm Wonnicott, Rosa Penfound, Bortha Wal- ton, Annie Soper. MAitnE DODDs, teach- or. If you ernce try Carter's Little Liver Pilla for sick headache, biliousness or con- stipation, yen wiil nover be without themn. They are pureiy vegetable, small and easy to take. Don't forget this. INotice to Farmners. 1 amn propared te do ail chopping at five cents per bag, I gave aise put ln new mnach- inory for qrinding cern and ceb çwhich 1 vil grind at the same price. Yourd Resrectfully A. 9. TOOLEY, Tcolev's lMilIF, Dar'ington. Courtiae, Dec. 1. 1891. bu-t!. AATIUCH, CLARKB. Mr. Jas. HunIer bas soId bis fine heavy draught toanu te a gentleman in t s good figure... Mr. John Foster of Bowmanviile, bas puchased a number, of cattie hoe-..MiLks Lillie Scotît, Port Hope visited he7 sont, Mrs. Uobetozl." . . Somnuerville Bros. have shout 150 acres in cmop Ibis soason. .... Mr. Jas. Waddel wili build an addition te his residence, Mm. Wma. Pringie bas the contrset foi the brick womk, sud Mm. T. Daucaster the ivood work .. ..Mies Florence Coatham, o! Bowmanville Higli Sohool, waishome Sunday wFek ..Mrs. Wm. Co'ttham9 New Westminster, B.. C., continues fil-. ..-Mr. Wrn. Kimkland, Port Hope, waa visiting at Mr. Soiemon Hsmrn's recenîiy. ....Master Ira Darby is recovebig froua bis receut iliness.. .. Mr, Thos. Uuder- wood was the fimt te complote apring seecta ing... ,Mm. Wmn. Gsmsby is prepariu<ýs raise sud e-shingle hils barn. MT. CARS WRLL. -Report o! Sehool Section Ne. 8, Dar- lington, for April. Nýames given o! thîee iraI iu oach class in order of menit: 'Sr' IV-Sara Balson, Ida Horn, Mina Hlan.. cock; Jr IV-Walter Armour, Bonuli- Richards, George Aminuur; riIE . Courtice, Sosie, Balson, EleetÏ Heo rj III Fraudas Cawkem, Ethel Dean, Wesley- Salter; Sm II-Willie Ammour, -John Bal- son, Ida flaucock; Jr Il-Elsie BaIsers,. Glen Cawker, Frank Ammour; Sr Part- II---Mapgie Tingle, Estella Richarde, Viola Rundie; Jr Part IL-John Tinglej Ada Lott, Gertie Lymner; I Clas--Frankie' HEancock, Ethel Balson, Walter Stacey.- Average alteudamce for monbh, 53. T. FRANK WIRT, Tesclier.

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