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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 May 1892, p. 3

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HO0USEHOLD, ,%7M EASY WASH Tfletr Training. It is usual te devote lire space urîder Ibis ~I~PLE AND CLEAN iead le lIre mot-ai traininag of chilfireu, but 4-- M tria menthi lisrypurpome te bave sonne- ~, *'/,. aO tiing le say about timir pirycical training. ¾\\I//~r '~:. 11usd anrost interestiiug chat tire cIrer ~tNruuu/ .. balirs. Ho te a mnan wimo las studied lire ______ use of waler a great mny years aud fron biug a medicat of tire Ilold sebool" ire bas becoine a irydropathist sud .~ ~r, ~ ~gaieed a most enviable reputation for bis J ~ ~ i~t. 7 knowledge sud akili. P', / Tirere is aiways danger cf becoengws ~~i kDown as a Ilcriarde"if yotm iave a great mluite eeo f cratîks of a moderato sort. Mothers do nor know hlsf enougli about tire use of watcr, tirai is certain. Tley iniglat hecouse crais onla t st uirecl witli great credit to ithem selv es. ~~. An imfamî's bath is oeeof lime events cf ~ tire day. Anmoirer wilt nsuailîy glu e itl IIe eveus if pressing deies put 1h eti' uilllutte - in tire afternoon. 0f cour-se witla a uail- appoiîid nursery ltre bathr will b ire a' irrtire morning anmd at a regeler rime. Tire physician aireedy -,litded te adylses haviiag Wiflrout Hot 8team and Smi tire w-tar le wiicir baby is firtt stled WitoutWasingPowersainst at biood Leal, tirai is 95 c Fai., aud Wihouf ash uing wea Iil shouid roumain aithue saure taumiperahure Wifhut lardRuôfingfor corne dayc. V/lthiout Sors Rands Gradnslly tire bath shculd loe nade conlea zugESEAOV'N'rTPES ARE On'rAINEO av USera urtil h is airent 800 Fair.,ait houg hitire lempermeut cf theireold engin ho regulate E tins to a certain degree. Fer instanmce, a nervously organiizefi infant shoeld have ils bath lu water not liwer tran Se- IlFaih. Lot itliho mentiermefi bore and ncw tirat a bath i., re tub thriommeter la an indispensable article i,' VS îina NwlIregulate-d bouseireld. eSnobtier- mometeus are made very lnexperrsively sud, 'Which bas licou awarded are invaiesile. Maury wornon reiy cor tiri 7 Gold Mdals forPurity own bauds te determine tire ieat, but there aud Excellence. is litle depeudance t o epiaced ou tIns Yls tJNEQUALLED QUALITY, has gîven u't""d. it tlire largest sale lu tire wonid. Wheu a child gels ho ho a year or Iwo olfi a bath twice a week will lie ail tirat is uecos- Yen eau use IlSunlight" for sul pur- sary for cîeaulîness. I have ofIeu beard a poses, and ia etirer bard or sofi 'reter. grouvu person say, "I1 cannotu livc wiîirout Dcclt use wassicg powders, as wilir my cold hallh every moruirîg. " To s9me un- other soaps. " Sunlight" la btter witbout. dividuais tire shock is heneficial, but te others ilis delrieintal. Penpie forgetlhtia roaS:PT. SUNLIGHT LNVEI&BiiOS., LIMITED we are Cor alcradoe witb tire sacre erganu- SEÂ5 IER15E5555AI> roBOTOîg zations sud lIai water iras au ailmesi mcdi- canal influence upen ns. 1h is a great thiing when a moIrer ieds ont what is best le" herccirlidren lunrIre way of barirs, for sire wili ire able to spare tirer crauy cotds.,1 If a chirid's daiiy bath is kepitmp il air amu ~ S E I V eA N S a r e s d i e t a k e n v e r y q u i c k y , s d a st a m p e r t u r e o.ovet hat cote tho won't canes of cf betuveec 80 clsud 85 0. Tins bath wili evousDebiliry, Los Vient sud niake tire skie reset sud wili ho tira preven- BREUA S Faiing Maniood,; restoresth weakness cf Ibody or mind causeil Ève agalurst coid slready treehioned. Jr le iry onmm-worl, or theiro avrs or ex-.telire no ymeia re utu crises of Ycuth. Tt , cnmedy abr- lrino n edcifinirrIn aîurerýy cur"s tie Mot olrtiuate caes ninru ail othar cee, eirirer chihd or aduit, siroulf seirjeot SCEtBîsEaTS have faird eveu to rebieve. ,oid iy drug. ,the akin te greai friction by the use of ibts vt $1 per pac-kage, or six for 95. or sent by mi no ieeip, o! price cearme toweis, glovos, etc., lire reaeiîon IWrite for pranrmlt. Sold i- miroulidlho prodecefi agaiest hir y tbe water 3e ivnanviile by STOTT &JURtY. itself. A good temporature for a chiid's brathr for cieauinessila920. Il may ho f fiu'eor tee minutes duration, and lc feareoced ire dread. f ~ed of acohd afterward if tireordinary pro- V RTERScationis sue taken. Peuple bave net al iuxerieus couvonieuces fer takinug batme, ITTL but duc coîrslderaticuu ciouifi ho give te a ~, m~ms~arraugemoîrîs for tiîer cf smre kîed in -----manv bouselmld. traclefi. This will be strong eaough te FE B TIH N W dilute witb bot waster. Season, aud strail me1 B I IH E S ilf mot perfectly clear. -[Good Honsekeeping. The Eppieg Sparrow Club, cf whicb Sir H, Siewiîs I bbotsou, M.P., is prosident, bas Shin of Veal Stew. been in existence four montirs, sud duriug Use a sbin cf veal weiglîing about five tbat time its memnbers bave destroe d 6,000 peunds. twc tablespoonifeis eacb cf minced sparrows. enîcu, carrot sud ceiery, one plut cf potate Patrick Feeby, a policeman, statioued ai cubes, two pints sud a half cf beilieg water, Broafiford, noar Newcastle, West cf Irelaed l'ao genercus tablespoonfîrîs cf fleur, lîrel aber bhimself dcad 011i Moeday niglit with tablespoonfuls of butter or pork fat, three lis rifle, tihe mua1zie cfi l lie h placed te teaspoonuis cf salit sud oue-third cf a tea-lis croutb, Deceased had seoir 22 year's spoonful cf pepper. service. Have thre slîiî eutîii three parts. Wash Tire brig Felîx, cf Stettin, bond te Xis- it, aud eut tuie meat frein tbe boues ; timn beachi, struck onBuban lastsi eut it jute cubes cf good size. Put the but- o'clock on Mouday nirririg, andi knockod lt lu the tew.%pau vitb the mince-1 vege- ever ocelber beare ends. Tir-' captarewà tables, sud cook siowiy for tee mminutes. savefi by tue lifeboat freitie vesus'l' nast, Take eut tihe vegetables aud put in the but savon cf tbe crew wete drowed. nacéand i flieb ur. d hro spritheie tit, Tire Rev. T. Peliam Dale, recter, Sans- pppr sd f~ur Str vertuelar unilthrrope, Lincolnshire, died seddeeiy on the mneat broverîs, tiaen adô tbe water, Tuesday freinbeart diseas e, aged 71. The sud stir imtil tire stew boite. S.L:e welle, deceased genteman caused co'siderable ex- thien add the cooked vegetables. Cever citmîîinL dn 2yasgob hi the stewpaim and set back wliere the cene. illitcpatceýadte rceig touts wiil oiy bubble at oeecie for tbree Rhiuailrtlloed.tcs u tr rcoig heure. At the eîîd cf that time add -tbe wihficcl potatees, draw tise steavpan te a botter ,Twvo iundm-ed sud flfty dollars have been part oethte stove and ceok fer haîf an boni otkereîl by the Peai'e ami Arbitration As !or ger. sociation as s prize for the best iodel cl'sp If dumplings hoe liked, mix loether tbre erhe'oin peace sud war, suitable te bc incor gilîs cf fleur, a leapinr.g r"aspm-oiiful of irak Porated i leieîeuary readees. îîîg powder, haîf a teaspeonf ni cf sait aud Balvenie Castie, uniit mioie thaîr a cenitury hall a teaspocnul cf arîgar. Rub ljiirougir ago iry tise second Earl of Fife, bas becu a sieve sind wet witir a gilcf sweer îitk. muid for a disrillery. Draw tire stewpan forward wlrerc tire slow Tire Tegetarian Federai Unin, f rona its wi'i bell rarpidly sud drop tire dougb mu îr by beafiquxîers in Londoni anueuinces the dis- dessert-spoonfîmls. Cover for nine mintes. cou ery cf tIre thistle as au article cf foeod Serve the stew on s warmr piatter with tire for' maaus well ats beast, If boilcd Ihey dîmmpliîîgs srrauîged ïcîeuud tire border, arc " like delicate turnip tops, and mnay ho The shie-boue can ho coverefi witiawater eatee ike spimacir ce toast, iwith poacbed sud boiled for five or six irours for a liglît cr fried eggs, sud witli a little clive oul stock. If there hcoctirer boues or bits cf or mixed 'îvth orea. " tougl meut it willilho well te put thieu witr 'fie London Poolt-Office remeived by parcei the1 veai boires. post frem Egypt four lively yenng aliga- The esoatio ofBabyon. tors. Their tcinpcra'y borne was a wcod- The Dee ltin19,2aby1122. cii box, ont cf wiîiclm prcceeded mystorieus 1 Esii ii 9 ' 1 2 soumias tiraI raired intme minds cf tire PosI- "As fthc Lord ce Genorrair sud Sodom did Office people visions cf infernial umacines frowir, And didd bave bt a waste l tirat boatiiet sud dynamire. 'Wlhon tire parcel was open- p î s t r ; e d t h e a l i g a t o r s w e r e f r i -s l î s d h n g r y . And their hbores wcre eeusumed sud tire Letter Office util tiroir fate is decided. wicked were siain. A1 gentlemau writes frcuî Australia thal "F on tiras air ail tlire," spoke tire propimet c thore is s grear chance for shortird writers cld. n tiaI counrtry. A wbile ago au examina- "Te tire glory cf kieigdoros-to Iabyion's tien 'vas ireld inl Mebourne for sirrrand crownu: riters in the courts. Ont, cf thirîccu oniy Wircre the Cliadceer ity its ircautics unf old, Net a seuil cirati ir e ft in t'aose gares cf re- s x passed the test cf 120 wcrds a minute, uewn. sud fewver cili tire test cf 150. Sir Johu Tiiorslom, wbo liad tried te engage astseuc- thud tre Aursa ic ie rstu vngrapher for correspondeece, offering $1,000 Even tireroc hail ne fotd cf tire sircpîrd ire a yesr adboard, cm liredtaI crost cf feuilla the applicants werce nsile ither te write Tire wiid besstsof theodcscrt sal mnake itirotir rapidiy or ho read their notes afterward. .1.d thuirhliuses witb ireaturesshiaiS doteful A most palîrful sens ahucu was caursed lu re.,oud. Swanage on ii monday by a fatal boatiurg "Freintirehon-crs where gardons suspeedel te accident by wbich tiîree people were drown- hiomîr, ed. h appessthat aparryci fiveepersons, Tireetire nig,,ir',esliy iird iiitiroi irosoirms co)irrprisiîg tlîree rieir, a ycîmig womam, sud cirait du e1; And where meomarlirs irld feacts in- tiroir ban- a boy, birod a boat iîr the atrerucon, anrd qmrttieg-reour, darc after bcie-ig euh ini Swaeage Bay corne utile iTirere tire sauyrs hl ac like time douions rimie tire boat reas observed te teriri ver, of heul. rirowiîug tue occupanmts into tlae wi6ter. "Tire wild ircasts cfflirc islands ciraiS cry ru Tirose drowmred are John Slade, a inarried tiroir hralls; mn, wbo lbaves a wife and four children; And tire dragons inluabat tire courts cf tiroir a yorrng ursn amed George Mvasters, iris kýing." se tbeart îamefi Alice Welsb. Tire body ait iopehutoiis udtrepol oc f lime latter was found flcatieg by tire side For tire Lord te tire ropîret iras speken tius cf tireboat. Herbert Suitir sud Jeohe Siade, thing. tire latter a son cf tire deceasod rran Siade, tIntire Gosnels, Ouar Savtonr is reresceued were rcscued sud removed te tire Coltage a h. sud ortain iy uoWiro-re jetire Bible do w-e ItOpti air b~ ees mteT flud Christ soeer'ly fereteld as in Isaiair LIlI Dr. Delainolte.' Mis prodiction likcwise of tire leselation cfI A Kirkby Stephen corre speudeul lob.- BâuIron wass in'4 as eiear' and tihe nrhee'rv_ e ââî nriesânt suit ec lotIr lb10Vas arv sw oM siite.caed+L, W IL t ltirlr 11-c.i~f "'Éthc ,flb rcnpaI A,4i,, 'V,, nvmmp nmnr verse rosseeay s t as uam eu r pcronyoe It dosn't cake a lie. an wîîiter te Lut A ly caie nta uhr bair dealers every mentir, Siis an igner- sud place in a fruit cýan, dry. Screw dowu Two-tûured satin flcwers, in lilae blosscm sbectieg bis wîfe. Ho fired tbree re- Il Languages. tbsr. Horace 2 sut vwcman, tbo Nvife of a sl'eep border aud tire cover place in a kethle cf celd water, and db er sumall varietios, are made iu the volver sbots at ber, and sire lies in a 2recari- ME fCHARLES A. I0GELER CO., Sailtii@i',I A ilo--" i ll overy bock I write ire- OhIldren Cry for PCoe' arstortg,& A Brave Young 0anadian, Letters andi papiers received at St. John N. B. last week froim Africa give particular2 resuecting the death cf Captain Robinson, cf the Royal Engineers, who was killed in action mn an expedition against the natives in March last. iie deatb of this brave young New Ernnicker greatly moved bis coin. pallions-ne ariiis, by wherni be was bold in high esteem, and the expressions cocerning bîm whicli have found thcir say into print are as unaffected as tbey are sincere. Cap. tain Robinson ball served five seasons on the Sierra Leone station, and bis services were cf such a cbara"ter that lie won it offly a naine for bimself, but tboi 'hiaà ob. tained for hlm weli moriter] -' nition by tbie, at.ttborties. Hip ferre cf 9?rvjce was practîcaîîyci, and hie as meder orders te reture bomne, witb particularly brigbt prospects, wben hoe met bis death. His brotber officers bafi for bire tbe gîxatest ad- m-ira,',ion because cf his ahiiity, iantiring eeergy, and devotion to dety, andeue cf them bas tersely said :"IlBy bis deatb wo bave lest a brave sud trusted conîrade The corps bias lest a most proeis- inz and i valued ruember and wiil fecl prend te recerd and baud dovwe bis brilbiant ex- ample cf scldierly courage and gttllantry lieder the adverse cireuîestances in wbicla ho met bis untiîieiy death. ' Vlîat is lier- liaps a more interestîeg tribute te Captain Roliison's <baracter is a statement cf the feelings cf bis men wbem word reacbed them that lie was kilied. Expressions f grif were general and some cf them burst int tears at the aunesancernent. Apparul b expeditien sont againat tbe mnative a e strong enongîs for the work whici ithadlte de, and after the deatb cf Captain Rirbinso i and the failuire te enter the fort the expedi- tien returncd. Sîîbsequent telegrapb advices report that a larger force was sent out with better resuits. In St. John expressions cf regret at Captain Rebinscu's death are very gonoral. is old friends aud associatos, and naany who became acquainted with bim for tbs firsi tîime on bris visit there last year, feel th at by his death a brave and an honor- able lifo bias endod while there was cpenieg before it a cr051 brilliant career, and sym- pathy witb the famiiy is deep and general. The felicwing lettor, wrltten by the officer coeamanding the expodlitien, gives dotails respecting thre sad occurrence: KuiKuNA, ]6th Mlarch, 1892. It is witb deopest regret that I write te tell yen cf the great icss we have ail sustain- ed in the death cf poor Robinson. Hie bad been se bard-working aIl the way up that everycue wss fuillcf admiration for his soldier-lîke qualities, but cur just apprecia- tien cf hire was heigirtened, if possible, wbcn we siw bis niagnificent conduot under fire. Ho was as cool as on parade, fired luis rockets, and watilîed their effeet with in- torest, and whein at last hie was asked te bicw in the gate agreed at once. He ran back a gond distance for bis ex- plosives and then witb anIlAIl right ; rua- jor, l'Il bc back ie a minute," was througli tbe firat fonce and uip te the gate. The iman carrying the gun coheon did siot follcw birn past the fonce ; se Robinson rehurned and himself carried up sud fixed the charge. It was a beautiful thing te see bini calmly lying down acridst the raIlle cf firearms at the gate and fixing the detonator as if hoe were aI prachice in the sehool. Ho came back safely, sud ho, Lundy, Cockburn and their mon charged twice for the gato, but failefi te effect au outrance. Robinson, wbo hâd been in eaeh time with Ayer's HairVigorl blakes the hair sof'L andgisy "I have u-"d Ayer's Hair Vigocr for neariy five yesrs, sud umy irsir ia meust, glossy, anud enoai excellent statuo f pros. ervatour. 1 arn ferty years oldansd have riddeu ipi ns fer twcnty live e Ycsi.' m.e .1 d a io n a ', eK e ue , T ex s. Ayer's air Vigor t apteh: , Tertore hatt er ers. aifc- IIOCver a year ago I had a severe foyer, aud when 1 recovered mry hirit egais te fal cut, and wirat lule renlained terrira gray. 1 tried varions renriedies, but nitirout suiecess, til ahitlsar i begamu te uise Ayer's Hair 'Vigor, and uew my bair is grewing rapidiy sud is reatorod ie ils original color."-Mrs. A. Collins Digirlon, Mass. AyersHaîrVigor Preveuts liait from turaing gray, IMy hisr was rspidly îuruing gray and failing eut; oe ulute of Ayer's Haîr Vigor iras rernedied tire trouble, sud uuy hair is new its original celer sud fu- uesm. "-B. Onkrupa, Cleveland, O. * Preparela by Dr. J. C. Ayer & 06., Lowell, Mas&, r3old by Dreggiossand Perfuuuer-s. THECOOK'SBEST FRIEND LARGEST SALE IN CANADA. MANHOOD RESTORED. ta cure ait ierveus Dis- esses,, surir as Weait llerr.ery, Loua of Braim Power, Ileadacire, boNerî'onsness, Las- Bofore After s itude, ai drains sud tos orpawer or thes PlmotcgrapediromIlit. enerativo Ougans la r titue rex, caused by' ovr-exertisiî, 3outirfui ledIscretiausor thre excessive tise of tobacco, opiumn, or stimelanuts, wictci minatrtl' lesd tu Infrnity, Consumptionansd Insanity. l'ut riP in coi, seiieiît form to carry in tirs vemi pocket. Pies 8i , 1,ackage, or O foi, $5 rn Canaczian or U. C lliîy. Wiiii curry 5M erder ne give a wr.eiter nt. t eure or refond the unlex. seu ,utai alduti,-s Co,, BUwa Oice for U'J. sA. and Cru ca os-beure IStreet, OJIiCAGO, 1ILL~ FOR SALE IN BOXVMANVILLE, ONT..,lIT 1. Higginboubsm & Sou, Family sudd I)rpeuasing Ciremists.

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