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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 May 1892, p. 7

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WEDNESDAY MAY 18, 1892. ýM EER OF COLLEqE 0F PIIYSICIAN od ,-Sur9eonesOntar!o, Coroner. etc.74 Ofle nd Reldece, Enniskillen. . DAPIRISIIRSOLICITOR. &0. MOPItIS ry OICK, uPatairs, King Street, Bowynan. ville. Solicitor for the Onta ri Bankc ~ I'yat Uoeeysloaed t th lOestrates S.- C- IfNKING L ICENSED AUCTI ONEER FOR LJthe County os'Durhiam. Sales attended to on -shortest notice and lowest rates. Address Celrrcz 3.6: fORT. YOUNG, V. S. .lFFICE IN TElE WEST DURHAM~ U .Nevvs BJOck, where himself or assistant 'will be foi7xnd fremsm.c. to 9 p.rn. Night catis et' reLider-e.dorceî]YOPPosite Dritl She'd. Catis U'Y tlegreph Or telePhOnie will receive prompt attention ,171.yr L. A, W. TI'I,. A UTCT1ONEER, APPIRAISER, Real A Estale Agent, weviOnao- .A.PONT, ARCIITEOT. Plens and Specifica. Alions Prepared for everY class of building. Special attention gven to beating by steam; sind bot water. and to sanitary arrangements. Dilice: Gorrie Block, WhjLby 43-ly Rý. -?EATEc, Tailor Gentlemen's Othes Made to Order. C.HARNOEN, L. D. S. Graduate of thse Royal College of Dental Surgeons, Ontario. OF.FICE OPPOSITE EXPRESS OFFICE. COLO FILLINC A SPECIALTY Artificial Toeth inserted wjthout Plates, Great lReductions in price on nil Denta Wsork. Vslalized Air, constantly 1iniuse pro ducing Pai nieso OPrtk ns. Parljenlar stten tion paid to the regulation of Children's Teetti àIW ALL WORK WARIIE\lTED --Râ Branch Office, Dr. Rutlserlord's Otono, VETEXINARY SURGMOL. ORONO, - ONT. Office.-PcefsOffice Bhock. Oel ytelegrapis or telepisonerecolve imi ueIteatention. J.M. BRILXMACOMBE DFNTIST. OFFICE -i-,Rear Of Messrs. Uigginl' 4hamn & Son's Drug S';ore, (down stairs), BOWMANVILLE VE 'ERINARY SURGEON, Li WIJIVILLE OINT. WoneI e sr d o ns sereiY to top them SY r FLLIG 5CITCE5 a liclontcIdy. I Wa.solP înyresscy 0 rre55ewost ase. ecuse othe.s hav failed ne no reasonfor flt n- aoe! -Ce e. Send ci oscesfor a Ircatise a -îa"Fee-Wche f laalliblo rsaedy tive XPSS DS ELA.OF IE ST s.R TOWO NTO. bNT. AEAD O)n western Railway, Commercial Traveler - - Hello, my frieud !11mw ta politics, ont in Dakota ' Dakotan-" Rather quiet now." C.T.-"ý By ýhe way, lasi time 1 was in 7OUr towu ysu' were runuing for justice of he peace. Dîd you carry the town ?" Dakotan-" S.carcely." C. T. - lHow was that ? Dakotan-" Why, a cyclone lit day be- -re votin' tisue an' carried the town clean ut o' the 'lection deastrick." In olden tioseà, wbcn evary part of tiset body bad its prica, the heard wss valued ai ?Os. -a large som for tirc time - bile thef DES of a lag -wuas nly cstistated at 12s. AGRICULTURAL. The Travelling Dairy. Mauy ni our r eaders who arae is tereated lu agriculturai affaira wili probably ransembar haaring hast year ni the work haing doua by the travelling dairy lu V'arios1 parts of the province, whau Prof. Dean, oi tise Agriculstural Collageu, accompauîad hy twc assistants, Massrs. Palmer sud Brown, having s completa nutflt ni hntter-making sud inilk-testing utensils, mnade a tour througb parts nf tise province, with a viaw to brin ging practically bel ora tise eyas ni the fariera thse hast sud most ecor.omical methoda ni making butter and nf tasîiesg milk ; aiso tn discusa matters appartaining to dairy farming. Whlie the da'ry was first sent ont in lune last, it was douhted wbetber it would prove a succass, Howeyar, tisa matter of art ang- iug meetinga was intruated to Prasidaut M 111e, ni the Agricultural Collage, who spaned nopains te bave averytlîing arranged as it abould ha. Tisa ressît rss tisa expari- meut provad suecesaful heyond expactation. During July sud Auguat Prof. Dean sud bis twn assistants trsvalied Tbrougis four couu!ias--York, Ontario, Simcoe sud Dur- ban-sud bhd meetings at varins pointa as srrsuged beiorahand. ('reain was taken to these meetings sud butter umade sud put up l ibte neateat styla possible. Samplas oi nilk from ludividmal cows or brom harda were hrooglst te be tested, lectures sacra dalivarad mu buttar-making, the hreediug, feeding sud caca ni dsiny cattla. the com- position sud handliug ni milk sud sncb sub- jacta baarîng 0s dsiryisg. Thase meetings, witls oua or two exceptions, M-ara well at. tandad, tIse numbar of people rsngiug fron 30 up to 500. Durnug Saptemher 10 of tise laading fahi faira wera visitad, sud in Octo- ber 12 meatings (iuclding irea bains) wera Iseld in Essex couuty. It was not iuteudad, whan ibis dairy ws firat sent out, that it sbould lu auy way compate with, the creameries sud cheese factonias througbout the province. On the other baud it was deairaîl to bavor the as- tablislsmuent ni butter sud chease lactonies as fan as possible, for it -,vas raalized that to devalop a profitable trade in dairy pro- ducta tbey shîsuld hava Vo ha made lu lac- tories, wbare large quantities of a fine and uniforus product cnuhd ha made. The oh- ject wsto assisi farinersansd their wiras te make good butter for tîseir owu use, sud for tisa local' markesa; or, aupposing tbey patrouized s craamary or chsease factory, to hahp thain to improve thair dsiry cows sud to aptloy intelligence in iaediug, sn that they conid produca large qîsautirles nf riais milk at the lest possible doit, By thia means the lactorice, indirectly, wnuid he beuafited. Owing TO Tise large noînhan ni applications for the dairy to visit certain sections ni the proviuce, it bas been decnsad advieahla to coatinîse it ion anothar yasn but ou au au- iarged scale. A sun ofni oney M'as vntad for this pus pnae at the last session ni the Lagislature ; it was then dacided to scud ont two saparate daputations, osia to go esansd tisa othar west. It was alan dacided to purchase two teamsand waggoua with wbicis to carry the apparats Irosu place to place. B'y Thiasunas much more thorougis work can ha doua. Arrangements hava alraady beau made hy Presideut Milîs for a large number of meet- ings. Oua daputatin uili ba in charge ni W. J, Palmer, B.S.A, Mr. Palmer, s gradua ta ni the Agricultural Collage, assistcd Prof. Dean hast yaar in is travelling dainy -work. He bas lately hacîs atteudiîg thse fanons dairy scisool at Madisons, Wisconssin, sud viaiting anmeni Viste lar-ge "cantnifugal" creamarias is Illinois. Ha will hieasaaisted by Mr. John McTaviah, ni Seainctis, who lias had a large expericuce in practical but- ter iuaking. Ducing tisa last three years ha bas managad fTie Loudeshoro' creamery, owuad hy Mc. John Hannah, ni Saorth. Thsis daputatin will stsrt froin Ganaîsoqua, in Leeds county, on May 2, withi a tesin aud complete ontfit. Tisa firsi meeting wiii ha bald at Saaley'a Bay on Tuaaday, May 3, at 2 p. m. From Tisera tisey wilh prncaed ta Elgin on lA sy 4, sud se on until tisa conty le wall coverad, About 21 meetings will ha bield lu ibis conny. Dr. Preston, M. P. P., ni Newboro', sud Mr. Freainan Button, secratary of tIha Farinera' Instituta, ara mskiug the nccaaasry arrangements. Wbau meetings lu ibis coutity are fiulsbed. Tisa deputstioinwill mova donuthtbougis Gren- ville, Dundas, btormont, Glaugarry, sud back west through the nrtisecn countias. [About fiva meetings will ha bcld par weak. Tisa second deputatinwill ha lu charge of Y. B. Liufield, B.S.A. Mr. Liufiahd is alan a gZraduata of tisa Agricultucal Collage, Ha atteuded tise Madisn Daicy Scisool dur- iug part ni tisa wiuter, sud bas, hately beau* working lu Prof. Rohertaon's axperimeutal cresmary near Woodstock. Ha will be as- sisted hy Mr. James Humea, ni Ayton, but- tac maker, who bas bad a large axpenieuce lu practicai work. Tisedputatiosi will start in Weutwortis conty with aý similar outtht. Thain firatmneetiug willbhatFreal- ton on Wednasday, May 4, at 2 p. mn. ; Tisey will tisen go to Waiardowu ou tise Sth isat. sud ou te othar places tbroughouit the county, sitar whicis tbey will pasa ibrougis Lincoln, XWelland, Monck, Hsldimand sud Oxford. With the exception ni Teans sud wsggoua the onifit la nearly similar to Tisai of last year, cousisting ni au aight bottie Babcock milk tester, a Nýo, 3 Daisy cisuru, s lever butter maker, crean eau, milk setting tiser- momaetaresud othier uteusiha necassary to maka good butter. About tbrea gallons of em an iii camo S-n ili b ri,,-.dA 1 preveut the seed from becomiug covered by the crumbling sou -.or su early drouglit may be fatal to the yoong clover. Farmers who are familiar with the sestsons will decide whether to adopt this mode of seedîng or to use a inlter mode ni harrowing. Covering the seed by harrowing pravents a part fromn growîug by burying too deep, but the bass of seead in this wsy is less than Marly suppose. It is troc that ciover seed will not grow if buried over an inch with heavy si, or an loch and a haîf witb s liit one. With a lîgt harrow, or with a smooth- ing harrow, not more than balf the seed will be buried too deep, and ni ton not more than a tbird; sudil the surface hlas heco %vell pulverizad ail tise rest wili grow. But with a beavy hiarrow and witb cloddy !and succesla not to be expected, snd here <as witb nmany other farmn operations) thoroughi preparation is, assential. An estimate ni the quaitity ni seed re- qoired May show the advautages of Iîarrow- ing. A peck ni clover seed will bceanougli for an acre, and will coat $1.50. One-haif of it will be bast by covariuig it ton deep with the tsarrow ; the ather ba Il will al! gr,#s'. The whole bass is only 75~ centsin aead for the acre, aud it is better to consumne it in this way than to risk- or bace the whole crop by the more uncertain method. A ligh i drassing with fine manure aiter the last plowing iu preparing the ground will inaure a more certain growth sud het- tarc dmp, and il it is To iollow winter whcat this will ha graatly heuefited by rrmng over it wvitb the slant-tooth harrow, when the wheat la a few lunches higb, sud the pre- paration for the clover crop greatly improv- cd. Iu experiments perl ormed hy the writer these harrowings were given the wheat lu spring, aud at the aset bsrrowing, wheu the wheat was a foot high, the iclover seed was sowvn, was well sud tbinly covered, and af 1er the harvesting of the wheat presented a dense and copions crop, In cnwiug the wheat a smaller quautîty oi seed was used than usoal, s0 as not to shade ton beavily the young choyer plants. This thin seadiug sud the harrowiug was folloWed witb a dis- tinctiy iucreased growth ni the wbeat sud the lengtlsencd brade of grain. Whien we ah ,be Batiefied. IIshall ha satislied ishen 1 awake lu tby likeess."-Psalms, xxxvii, 14. ibere ia a restlese, dissatisfied condition of mind oud iu many mess that amoonts To tbe Most childisb peevishuess, and de- serves ouly condemuation. Like certain cbildreu of wbom Christ spoke lu ts day, uothiug pleases, ntbing satisies. If you pipe they will not dance, if yon mouru tbey will ssot lamenot. John the Baptist la ton steru for tbem sud Jesus is nt steru nugîs. It la difficuit To do auytbing with sîsch people, sud tbey have niot muoch gad- oiss or strength su thair own bearts. Very moch i the restless, discontented spirit ni these days arises from pure thooghttes ingratitude. We 'undere3timate the comn- mois gond on ife, we are blind To tIse ex- haustlesa sources of bhesssng that abotind1 on every baud, and we go mooruiug ail the day about the monotony sud buin-drusu ofl le, asking the foolish aud çhild 'sh qutestionu "l le fworth living ?" This whoile tion is a wide snd deep onue. Ungratefl Idiscontent is uumauly, but as saeatter ni fact we are an constituted that we eau not ha satisfied vary essily. A shallow vessaI msy soon ha filled but the deajper the vessel tbe more it holds. Tihes passmng, the evanesce'st, the superficial may clssrm for a season, but a passing delight la very diffèeat irom a condition ni calin, complets satisfaction. Things that are lais tisaisosrselvas, that are short- er-lived than oursel e, eaui not really satisfy. lu fisse, God lias made us sud Ha only eau filîl p to brimmiug fulluasa tbe chatice nf ife Ris own divine baud bas wrooght. Rare, amid the limitations ni time sud the limitations inseparable froin our mortal conditions, we eau not ha astis- fied, The very iset that there lsanami ndying thirst ni soul lu man, a ceacaiesa hongeriug sitar God, a onue of ùhea socesi proofs of Ris îmmortalîty, Wo are not sati3fied hera ; howsoevar large the bouse we lil'e lu, or the rscbness of the clothes wa wear, or the sumptunus lare ou which we daily dine. Indeed, the more we bave nifoatarial things the leas wa are satisfied ; aud, lika the daughters ni the borse-leacis, fraver dry- ing, II Give 1 Give 1", la there auy hope that wa shall ever be aatisfied ? lsaal's glorious psasmisi anawers tîsis question. We shah hac aatisfiad wbeu we awaka witb Gnd. l3od only can supply the naed ni thosa his hbauds bave made. Whist abriglit light David throws upon our dreamni o th if' 1e to coma ! Wakiug up alter the, sleap ci daatb luto s lufe witb God sud a likanesa to God. Iu tîsat sud lu that sione thera wil ha for tisaonul perfect satisfaction Iloarce Bushucîl speaks nif"a soul's lu- craasiug cspacity for G nd." We biave b1-t1 to carry-sncb a thnugbt to its legitimata issues, sud what a glorinus hope riscs bainra us ! To awake lu thse likenesni God ? - Thiu we shalise sud hear sud kuow, AiU wv desir -d and lougad balow ; And every power und owet employ Iu that eterual world of joy. Precaution Against Premature BuriaL. In Munich the %body ni tisa deceased is takan almost îmmadiataly to the causstery. wbere there lsas chamber ni daath for its reception. A row of windows look lu uipou the mauy couches, sud alinost aval-y botir there area axinus faces peeriug lu througb thosa windows at the bodies that ara laid ils stata sida by sida until the hour ni burial.' meeting. 1 Thasie area rraugadfor alea d and isi bridai robes. Soniaar a taaseuy are supp ia b some -parson near at baud, sud souse gaadCy, for it l isouh la bu tter lu caturnufor bis crean. Evanybody sould attend who dan posai- hly do an. Tisane sisould ha no excusa uow- adays for the fariner who keepa lu tisa nId ruts of 30 or 40 years ago. The inuwhisl sire sud aagan sud graspa every opportun- ity To gain knowledge hearing ou sgticeul- turc, au au suppoaing haousay know ahi about bis business, isatise minuwio wili gat ou. Not only the fariner, but the atorakaepar, the ciseese factory muan, tisa' craamary in, ail are intccastad sud ail snouhd attend. tncmr bodissay yaî ureaîn agasu, and every pracautinla takaîs To unake tis swakaning s agreahla as possible. Theca are wiras attsclsad To th isa îds or breasi, so Tisaitbah lest motion wilh comînunicate 3with su alacus bell, sud at ibis sîrnrge aun- mous thie watcismau are prepared To rush To tise assistance of the poor sonltishat bas not yet escaped tise trials ni this 111e, but is dalivered up To a new suffening sud a second deati. Tradition says that once or twica tise bell bas rang, sud tisa uatces arrived iii terrer toeisear, away tise bah-cois- -scins body are it lsad, knouvladge nfi t gloony surrousudiDga. In Austii soin ewhat Sowing Oover Seed. Isînslarpracautious-are sdopt-ed nlusia aud Holiand thae corpse is ni buried nîstit Of tise difleanit modes ni aendifg witls aigisi ortan da ys after daath ; during ibis choyer, tise moat succesaf nI nue, wbau tise peniod tise pciast. visiia it sud aprinkîca tise conditions ara favorable, is to scatter tisa body ith ioly uater. Tisa coffin is ouiy saed over a surface which bas beau iueiyfly usihd douv aitisae grave sitar the pulverizad sud ni crusttd, tiese ansg relatives have satisfiesi theinselvas tisat tise baiug doue vany ealy lu tisa spring, Tise pansoniladaad. AccordingTo radantaxpani- crUmbliDL ni tise soil sitar a might's fraezsug nîaents tIse micrnphonse la likely ta prove a pactiy or wisoiiy covrs tiesa sad, Dnon valuab!a instrument ins aotiig wlseîhei wbuch are buctied sandeep as t prevaut gar- deatis bas sctuallyý occured or ni. Any mnination. Witb spring raina ennmsgh ta ovoemant ni tise heant uould ha iufallubly kaep the surface moisis, uaarly ail wiIl datected, howevar isint, and if th isaîirnp- grow; assd uiti the gnouud thus clothad houe couid ni ragiater amy heant movement witb tise green crop ni tise youug plants, deatis must hava taken place. the urbola presanta au iutacastiug sight ta (fariner, feDed e epc o ti eas But in nost casas ahi the caquirad condi- IfPeoh ofo rsetyuItl aa tioua ton succeas witb thîls mode ni aeeding you do nt respect yoursahi. Carnot ha dcpanded on, Tise soi l elIt isa rususorad lu Berlin that tisa secous' fiîted tise previons assuinu may hava be- daugister ni tise Duke ni Edimburghis lah coma so crustcd by an ope-nMinter as to Votisad tia eucaud Duka ni Hesse. TOLD OF WfID GEESE. A Caitdiieior's Stery. As a train was croasin g the prairies ont Wett the other day, the noise of the train siartad many flocks of wiid geesa froin the grains filds and imeadows near the track. The locks did not coutain mauy birdsnon more tisan thirty or f orty ware seau at once, but naarly a third ni flie fields bad wild gease lu thaus. The ssgh t of thesa started] the men in tisa smoking compartnt ni oue1 of tlisa cars talking about wild geese shoot-1 îug. Oua told nif corn laden schooner tîsat waa suk near the isîsuda at thse baad ni Laka Ena. The water su ellad the corn tsi. tii it horst the batches noff the actionner, lha raid, sud than ît roseansd spraad over the surface nf tIse watar for miles. Thereat docks sud gaase came by flia îboutnadu the hunterairom tha laka towus hytisa dozen, ,and tlica slaisghtar was immense sud sport uoequalied Anthar badl beau aloug the streama of Nortb Carolina, whera the sweat oak acorna tumbla into the watar sud float aloug until sonte rift or obstruction gathers ihan d thus forma a hait for whicb the wild gaesa have the greateet iking. Ha had bsd nend ni sport sbaoting thamt from the batiks. A third huid followad the Atlantic coast fromt Chincoteague Island to Cape Hatteras, sud hadl a stnry to tell ni the way the gunners there rear flocks of wild gee for use as decnys; bow thay make blinda by digging holca in thse saud dunes along shore sud set omt tise deonys hy driviug1 stakes lu ohoal water aud f astening a gnose, tn eanci staka hy a short strap. StilI anotber story waa ibat ni a man wbo bad beau sloug the upper waters of the Snsake River in Idaho aud Wyoming, whare wild fowl ahnuund. Hie had beau a hurried jouruey, sud thare wera neither deenys nr blulda, an haebhâd hadl to stalk tba geese asud shoot thain with a rifle at vary long range-such long range, iîsdeed, as to excite the surprise ni -f the party. Thara was a short interval sitar lha hafi ceaacd talking whan uotbiug was said and then the train cou- dustor, who bad-beau a listaner, ramarked that lia bad bsd an odd experiauce with wlld geese lu the Iudtan Tarritory. IlIt was dowu near Et. Gibsonu," he said. l'Yeu know the Cherokees are pratty weli civilized, dowu that way; tbey hava fiua farin utise bottons lans along tisa branches of the Arkansas River, lu the spring sund agaiu lu the faîl the country le aliva with ail kiîsds ni wild fowl ; lu fsct, both ducks asîd gease can ha oud thera alI winter. It was alnng lu the latter part ni April wheus I was thereansd avarythiug was. bright sud green. The geese bad ugar. ly ail gone, but I bad neyer killed a gnose, and an tiesa quaw in with wboîu I was atoppiug agracd to put me whare I coissU get onue provided I could kiil it at long range with a rifle, as this gentlemuan was teliing ni doing west of the Rockicsansmd ptovidiîîg, f urther, as hae put it, that "lyou siu't akaercd ni rattîce." "lThat ramark about rattlars truade me mub my chin reflactivaly for a moment, fort thara ara rattiesuakas an large lu the Indiaso Territory that you wouidnt belleva me ware I To, give yen the figures. I bava Seau the i myseli that were asght feet long, aud tisera is s skin ni Oua at the boys' achool lu Tithlequab that measures cither taunc twehva feet, I've forgotten which. H-ow- avec, as I waisasyiug, I was dead set to, kill a gonsa, sud an tîse naxt moru- in, halfos-edaylight my minutnok me out t. a fiad ni youug w heat uot far frointise hos ansd put me lu a bit ni bruali that bad growu up about a stuimp lu oua cornear. Ha said the gease worild bc tisera hy the timie 1 could sea to shoot, thougb tbay iad beau shot ai 50 muais they waere likaiy To1 scthe don near the middlle ni tihe field whare ail was clear. Than lha went away. 'IIsast tisera for a while watchiug the qky very caral ully, and then bagan T o get sleapy. I wasn't used to gattiug np an aarly, yon kuow, sud pretty seoir I dozed off and forgot ahi about geese sud suakas sud every- thing alse. Tha uaxt I knew I awoka witb a jerk, sud there, sure anouighi, a gond hundred yards-yaa, a bundrad sud tweuty- fiva yards-ilway waa a ihock ni geae pull- su p the wbaat sud having lots ni fun. Bu9tuet as I was getting my rifle into posi- tio tîuToshoot, sausovemaut beside a ittle stump about lorty or filty stapsasway at- tracted my aye. Tisera wara somte deuid waedesud a bit ni brusb by Visa stump, ansd somathiug was hehiud this. I could sec a long uack and a flat haad raised now sud the. just as a gnose uight raisa its isaad to look around when feeding, assd than dowu it wouid go as if ioc more wheaf. Lt ws juat hreaking day, and I couldn't sae very wehl, but I took it for grantad that tbis1 waa a goose feadinçg by itsahf. Of course lid lnrgottau alI about the rattlar,-,ao I cou- cluded lid juat wait a mainuata for this siugle fellow to work ont f rom beliiud the dead wed.He was so close I fait sure I cosldd bag lm e asily. 1"IA iter watchîng hum snay ha ive mini. uites I saw tisat hae did't seemn to sciveas peg. Thera ha atayad, raiaing lus head sud looking ont ai the flock sud ducking it dow,.n agalîs îwauty tines a minute. That struck me as miglsty quaer, but whle I was stîsdy- ion it I1moticed that thea dock ont in the fieid wera waddliug lu toward that littIa stnsuip. I supposa youve heard about su akes charmng birds ; I isad, ton, but I neyer thnught ni that whiie I watchaed tise gease workîug aioug toward tisat stusup. lu fact I Lagan To tlsiuk if I could only ha patient 'd gai two of the gease lu îange sud kihi 'ami bots at, nue hot. So I joat kapt per- lactly aili sud hehd my rifle ou the chap hahind the litlît stum P until you will hardlv helieva it, but it s trae-that. fliole got clear over isy tisa stomp, aud thse lead- an stoppad cigisi bahiud tisa liVtla clump asd beau behiud tise sîomp rose up sud su- othar gnose ron thea fiok waddiad isîto range heyond. Tiesa ight made my eyas s littla miaty but 1 isiazed away. "Tisera urss a irenendous lopping ha- ind the lit île stump sud a greates- ona lu tise air as tise dock goit away. 1 junped up in a isunry sud rulised over, Tisera iay onue gnose sîsot ibhrough tisa neck, sud beyoud sîsothai- witis iis back broke. I thougist it urss a right gond ahot witis s rifle lu tise grcy ni daws." liane thse couductor got up andd atarted ont ni tise door, "I o ue; how about that suake 9" aaked tisemin whn bad killed gesse su Ildalio. " WYlat anake ?" said tisa couductor. " I did't say Tiera waa a 'inake. That uvas s gnose bahiud tise little stump, but I misseS ii clean." Woman'a Ingratitude. "Oh, heaveus !" ha axclaimed, " ti isl msore tissu I cau hear. Down, ibrobbiug heat, douru ! I ratturîs home sitar a tbree yaara' iniisoriiueut for brutial wife-beaiing, sund bow amn 1 received? I an orderad To leave i-s-y home by thsa ary wüsnan onu whoae -ccnt I suttered incaLrcaratines. Oh, ibis s too nucis ; îsy puni Iseant uilI break." A silkwnnm's th'isas lanmî-tiousaudtlî part o nisinchs thicls Let hlm visai wossld ho at quiet take heed uni to provoke mess in power. ÎFRS & 00,I SMITR'S- FALLS, Nauufacturers of the (oIIowing firsi-class Ilunpleinenls: cing1e Apron Steel Frame Binder, The Model Buckeye Mower, Daisy Reaper, The "Tiger," the Lýeading Rake, Steel Plowes, etc. A GEN 1 Also agent for- Draders' Spade HFarrow, the besi iPulverizer, Cultivator and H{arrow ,mad. Se it.W. H. OSBORNE, SPECIAL AGENT FOR THE ABOVEGi i 11, B OWMANVIILLE, Headquarters in West Durhamn for FINE Dinner and Tea Sets, Chinawara, Glassware, Crockery, Hall, ?arior and Hand Lampa Fancy Cups, Saucers, Vases, Water and Lemonacle Sets, etc OUR FAMILY GRnOO'EeRY &PROVISION Is always well supplied with the very ba3b goods at lowest prices. Highest Prices for Farm, Produc., Leading Seedsmen in the district. Always pleased to show goods. InSDeCtiOn solicited MURDOCH BROS. Vici oria Building-s, Bowmanville. 2 ay AntiDand ofep reosssovrof Dan. Stops falling of hair. aie applicatimoons l ey horougsly rrýves ep lieSapdean D e ce 1 1 - d co r fa rs os. 9 ts n bo t tpr M a k ee h a ir s i a d P lia b le îallng osf the hair aide ilst and pliable cd Po oe rwh GUARMrt E posoted a visible growLL îh.esGowh The undersigned desire to thank the farmers of Wes 't Durham for the ]iberal patronage extendcsd to us during the past season, also to remind them that we are stilliîn the market and prepared to pay the HIUGHIEST MARKET "1«PRICE ]FORE AiL KINDS 0F !'COARSE GRAIN & SEEDS delivered at our storehouse cor. King and George streetss., or at Port iDarlington. We have also on hand a large stock, NEW AND FRESH, of Canadian and LiverrpooI Coarse Salt in Bags. Rock Salt for cattis and hoî ses, ard Freshi Ground Grey Plaster in BarreLu which we are prepared to seli 0Ci :MA:p ZEOR AB AUl kinds of Ltimbeî-, Wood and DRY CLKÂN SCREENED COAL a: ways in stock. We invite inspection anad giaî-antes satisfaction. MoCLELLAN & CO uremil, aýicL some içe wia o2 r t A-h 1 thORA im'h Liiab .0 are borne te t. It 1 1 - i -t--. 1 + Imm" rt -1

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