UL-Ç MFO TIN . T ~IIT lT ~ A~.D ] flT TflI Tf aproababe, was lie tij ump dowss from bis IN~JI Ilit flhl pedestai and skip about 111cr this? A cool- urss, a disgusî-yrs, absoueyadau came over bier as hoerauquickiy b.ac rms fi-i 9 1 ý the lawn, with the horrid little common- book. Tbey lookedonth lwrtgee, BREAKF~AST. CHAPTER IV. wife. Mrs. Passmore and Madame de1a ide , ulth fowrstoeter a thorough kow!edge of te naturN - ismes bad bren nid schooifrhlows, and lto(1 "Roses," ase said; "Ioh! tbere arr a hun- laws" whi hgvm pr at i of digeso aW 1\1 OO1r Ms. Passm-ore's rare Msttbew was cusg-drdmaig.Bntbuybut and nuc p anperties of elu licaio of , He came again tbe next Sunday, and cd tiii be sbould tee] at homne in Enlssd ba i th e ay Whaty hit er Epsbspoided aur breakfast t ables with a the next; aud by that time tbe Sunday Miiy young men wouid bave set towork at bena?" nsimsny heavy doatori' bil. It is by the diantont ate an Ma ea buMthw'cartrii asli"O« aniicsusof uh riceuaciehha adntrnuticles noMybeafbtMa ewschrctnsiewa eiuel- ' hteVrbn suibhtyt" i constitUt11ion masy bs gradually built up utisl to usake other plans for meeting, indepen- nesa; lbe bad aometbing of bis mothqr11's read t"iese flo-wers are like me and you otromg cnough to resist every trndaecy ta det of them. Woodshot Village sccussîtom- shrinkiug and bis father's lse7r-faire, Le --" di8rase. Hundreda of subtie maladies are cd itself as ususi ; the vicar was abroad, the dia mot particulariy waut 10 get marrird ssd "Oh !" said May, bier feeling 'of disap- floati ig asound us ready Io attack wherever there i £ wrsk point, We may eses pe many cnrare was lu a iodgsug ; the Ilyoung French was rather pieased to flnd the a"a betwcen poiment eand anger fiuding veut in rude- a fatal dhiat by keeping ourseives weill ortifird gentleman"I carne teplay the organ on Sun. bimnself sud bis mnxious inotîser, aud the fu- neas, "whist nonsense ! Let me sec some wib u-ebood aiid a proparly nourishsed days, sud Mr. James gave bbu bis lucheon. quent disjnasions of the topie tbereby ot, -ether flowers - borrr is a "lfloral letter." Tamle. 'v1iil Service Gazete." 5 Made simpl ihbiigwtr or milk. Miss Paul Bail was away wlth little Egypt, cd for a lime. Hie bad neyer bren in lo, Didaever any one read sncb au affair ?-" sold cnly l parkrt. by Gocers. labnlîrd thus on a round cf visits, and tbere were no But in bis bern ie kîîew that lie was nacrle have MreofPru sud Marjoram; I bave JARIKS EpI's & Co., 11omSoPathie Chers- longues ta silence or idie fancies 10 concilu- than entitled-slmosî boud-to select a n Mustard sepd, but a great deal of Mug. Ists, London. Eng5and, sic. It was, to say thse Iruii, mot Matthew, wiie. As aone is apt ta do with s dnty, he wort' (I amn sure i am gisd in hear it); II arn ____________________________but May, who made the plans for other tried ta ignore as completeiy as possible il, s alust Syrian Mallow. Excuse my Moscîsa- Didn t Know these mnes. meetings. But ihry wrre plans, "my dear" meal reason of bis beiug in Engi-and ; sud' ihe tel- I hsave Musbmoom lest yen ahould not -she would say 10 herseif, before the glass, incidentaI fact, that bie was there, wasspîca- Mallow.' Heaveus! wbsl a baquet ! It's Levi, Jr.-" Fadder, de shentlîcîans val, l urniug down the corners of ber lovely saut to bim. Hepretendrd dulies, concer.t,, i declarationiimom Bedlam 1" puys te diamond engagemenit ringeterdsy moulh in imitation ni Paul Bal-" which bealtb-îsotto nîbers, for bie spoke very Il tal means sometbimg," said Mattiew, mmI1esipy te store to-day sut pawned it.' amy lady might have'inadr " utIletin yonue-butin bimself he kepton deeply chagnined sud sngry with the ridie- Irvi Sr.-" How vos hae lok? Music gave hiermansy an excuse; ibere sayiug, IINexi season."1nIuons book, tîsoughlibe badno seuse of humor. Levi, Jr.-" Ail proke up." were several churches betweeu Woodsbot Mrs. Pasamore waa a busy, motheïrly ",Ser! Ih menusIl have Timiditvanmd Levi, Sr.-" Vili you nefer learu ta lake sud ChuruboroiLgb wbere tbe orgaus were woman, used to hiaving youug men b Ot Blushes; 1 have n Want af Affection, but intemest in te bizness ? Vy dldu't you iry well worlh s triîal. hitwss not s country bier, and well awsre thaitbey wili go their a great deal of Yxappincsa ; 1 amn sîmoat Con- te seli te genilemaus s pistol, ueighborhood, but that summen solitude, s own way the more if you try ta take tbem sumed hy Love. Excuse my Weakuess. I fashionable wiuiter place, drseried in Angusi youm way. In ber capaciiy ai wii e toanauhave s Suspicion lest you should moi Live Tb edSirenmore completeiy Ibsu the country wonld army ttm sie had experienced variîons fr e 'ba!nil t uigoeson itb ren;M il The Head Semeon have beeu ta sgreater distance from Lon- surprises, and being sensible sud shrewd, Xe t'I -ok1 l hinngwt I 0f tbe Lu~bôu Medicai Company ia now don. The paishes were ricb, sudn cou- she had smrived ai certain generalizationis. "Oh, stop 1Il" ssid May. 11You spoih my ai Toronto, Canada, sud snay ho cou- gregatinu liked to fer] that it wss outdone She iiked Matthew, iisougb abe thouglit MugIvort witb your CbickIweed Monse er."1 sulird estbem iu person or by latter on ail by the nexi in tbe appointmeuls of ils iim raîber tame, sud she lilced a greait I. nue 'hiappineas' witli my 'Ingeusous chronie diseases peculiar t a ns. Mmenmcb . many youu)g ladies in lier nesghbortioodl. Ssmplicity,"'" Ma-ttthew trausîsîrd slowly. yauug, aid, or middie.sged, wba fiud tbam. It became a famiiar sensation to Miss h vasa a gond ueigbbonhood, aud suie H e jasaitth itl oo itr salves nervous, wrak an axbautrd, whoaran James to drive ber pouy-camriage Ibmoughs let Matibew loose iu it wiihout amy floutr- sting.' Perba'pa it wns an old English eus- braken dowu from aexeras or ovemwrk, the bay, sud teiber il ai anme 11111e stilc isb of trumpets, as if lic were a mare "Ifoic-tom bt discours!e wilh anr's belovrd lice this. resultimgrlu many ai the foloewimg symp. close t0 a field of wheit or barlcy near the cigu pupil." She did not talc about "ibe To May it wss more blasphemons than a toms Meutaldeprrssiam, prematume nid chunchysrd gale ; to cross tise sunuy space youug vicomte l"ie wass ni ricb, sud the cie age, boas of vitality, bas ni mcmomy, had sud enter the cool porch, where the sanuud vroîsg people wonld bc sure to make a ,iet (Il To ihiuk thal I bave only bren seeking dreams, dimuras of sight, palpitationu of the ni Maiîhew's music neyer failed bo greei ai hlm, she kuew, if she ssid much about Mugwort! I I se said in b-r hesmt.)> lirst, omissions, lack oai ergy, paiu in the bier. She would walk up thse cupty aisie him. WhVbeuiee bld bier he bad been Lo "1mw quick yoîs were?" lie weni on, suot kidnrys, headache, pimples ou the face or sud into the organ loft, withblber welcome Woodshot, bier quick fssscy jual glaner,,d detachiugtbis bîands frinsthe book which body, itchiug or peculiar sensation about the asanmed, abe frit or chose to mne- ai May James. But she lLuew that , r.ie stili beld. "How quick you aiways are, scrotum, wssting of the organs, diziurss, alhougbh lem irieufi didani stop plaving ,James diaDmot wish May 10 mam-ey, sud shie thought an the irai Sunday, althougb I speeka beicre t h a yrs, iwilching ai the wlîeu she came, If hie frît auylbiug tbougbi May even older iban ahe was be- 3 Sso dullinl myseif that I had hardly muscles, ryr ldsansd elsrwhere, bashinusa, about bier comsug, it was jusi ibat abe cause aba had "always beau ai Woodshoi," Io krd at yo-I did mot sece how exquisitr deposits iu thLe urine, ls ni will power, brongbt lu the fresbnesa of the afternoni, as il seemed 10 Mrs. Passmome, liad berîs a youi.'v re. How long youir ryclashes are! lenderucas of the scalp sud apine, wrak sud tise savon of the bauks ahl made nf brooni, grow-up woman before thsey came 10 ttsey Ni i't ici me see your eyes-your beau- flabby muscles, desraie 10laep, failure ta, ha bracicen, rhododendron, sud laurel, car- Cbumnbomoigiasd that was tell yesms -mu Cntîful e3sta ave neyer bren luurd, esrd by sleep, constipationu, dulinras ni prted witli beauibr-izoid stars of wihd crowded years-sgo: wbole generations ai away from me!". hearnm, bs of voie, desire for solitude, flowers darling ont on long staîka about il pupils had pasard by sisîce theis, bad "l)ou't," said May, lu s low voire. 't' excitabîssîy ai lamper, sunken cyr auround- ah hlike bisiterflies. Slim, raIna, sud youug, tbougbi Misa Jamues very hsudsome, sud wss as if c ieap realizalion n-are spoiliug edwitls LEALIPN C5RCLE, oily iookiug skin, Matliew de Nisuses would ail sud un- riddeu off to other loves.. Mise, James, biad sanie rare ides]. "Let ine look ai some etc., arr sîl symptama ai nenvous deiiyrvel the mazes of Bach, ad su ,n never wasted ou themu a single sigb ni ne- more ' floral leitera'---tbey sususe me sus- thtlat naivaddhlnpR ire-,(ort.ci - .,ý-AaI 1unI i 1menslv."1 would bate bis music, for which hie really cared aifl and she cared nothîng ; but she would bats worst of ail his love of bier, for whieh lhe wouid iudeed neyer bimnerîf rare snuch, while she miglît have cared ail, bcd things been different. H-ad bie but loved brlrs!-no;i would always have ben the saine-alwerjs distasteful. R er instinct was to go ; but whitber? She had so few frieuds, no confidante. anger, she thon glt of Paul Bail. I sup- pose sbe is Tilburina's confidante, 1'mad in white muslij,' iu this case," she thougbit. She couid flot hbp wisbing that Miss Paul Bail wes not away. But sbe was now at lrelfordsieigh wîth littie Egypt. Helfords- leigh ! could she net get there berseif ? Lacoy Heiford bad aiways been kind to bier and indeed it wss from lber own introduc- tion that Miss EPaîl had bren first iuvited there. 'I wonder if she wouid ask' me for a few days."1 She openrd lber writing-case as she lifted up ber fajr bead from bier bands. She ivould write to Lady Helford. No 1 sbe would get Paul Bail to sound bier flrst. Paul Bal iiked to bave a mission, audhbrrr was a littie mission for bier whrre she coud do no harm, She wouid send a lime first to Miss Bail. " Woodsbot Lodge," she wrote in bier flrm, clear baud, and then tbe date. "Dearest Pau] 1" There I that was extra affetionate; sbe wouid eves, put a dash under 11Dearest ;" bier affection mounted in proportion to ber wish for cscape. Yes, -"Dearest Paul,-I miss you quite dread- fnly; Sunday afternoon was a biank; why sbould't 1 corne 10 yoti as you arr away from nie? Papa bas to be away senme days- lie is going shooting (a son age l)- When was it b.er father was going shooting? She had forgotten, but bis midday rest would be just over 110w; lie bad bren sleep- ing pracefily as a babe wbile she had bren torturing bier heert aud lier conscience ai] this while ; sbc would go urp-stairs and asic hlm. Sbe pusbied the writing.case aside, leaving the boldly written note to dry; it wouid lok bad to blot it, so that P'aul couid sec she bad besitated ai bier date! Tea ? Oh!1 for once she conld not care for ira ; she tlioingbt she heard the ma-d brstirring hennil about it; she rau up-stairs to ber fatber by a back staircase without crossiug the bal Had she crossedl the bail she would bave cnco'intered, not tise msid, but Maltew. After balf-an-bouir's deliberation adnil- gnawing among tbe rhododendrons, hLe Lad "Aftar suffcring for about twen5 ixy-fVearà fromscrofirious sorel nt-the legs rtad arms> brying varions medice. courses NviiC o.t beit, I began ta use Ayeît Sarsapaî0la, and a wonderful cure m'as the nevu.lt, e bottles suffioed to restore mue ta bcaith."-Biifacia Lapez, 327 E. Commerce il,Sa noin Texs.s Cwata rrh My daughter wàa fflctee for etrly a year withcatarth. The physicians being meabie te belp lier, my pastor recornmended Ayer'a Sarsaparilla. 1 Iollnuved him advirar Threa wionths of egular ieeatment witls jsye'c Sarsaparilia and Ayers Pis cornpletelY restored rny daughter s health.'l Mes..ims P elleLitlr Canada, Ware, Mass. 1For several years, I wasi irnuhîr d *h inflanrnatory rheumnatism, beimmg ise ad trnes as ta he ntirely heipless. For thela two years, Nvbenrvýer 1 frît the rifecis nf the disease, 1 hegan te take Ayer-s Sariaparilla, anid have not had a sp~ell for a loug timm.- E. T. Hansbrogh, Elk Run, Va. For ail blood diseases, the best remedy is Sarsapar"lUa -Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Leweli. MasiL Sali by ali Druggistm, FIrý!e $- ; six bottes, $3ç, Cures others. wilI cure you uý raoere is, *u;za, ntrubrveu, baurba.u0ry unJealous way, TI gi ns rL trr.y ngirc5r5vUwouIu have $6; 3ed, $3; 4t1i i5 h ta 1,aHandsme Beok mde bier very hpy b eybatfii ena itnepibtsili a la aud spetypictuno ta shoase linsenlintm py u eybatfls rn uituepibtssli a is lesa bru 2 wraPPer2. Srnd wnappers no ber great happinras. Nothixsg vrxcd ber, curable sensation. The second lime lie did 'Suni,;ht'l Soan Offce. 43 Scott St, Toronto uiotiig spolîrd ber sleep; ahe walked ou il, ahe feu il more lice ais offruce. Was il n etti hn 9 a sci etanmna air,.lier bain r eemd la have fresb glosa a trick,? Vas lie trying ita discover ber eg. udnube gIvewulraoprs. ars sud gohd lu ils bown curîs, lber cyrs ta lbe isecset? She esenird this ailendauce; il I waa asdif he wasofpraissng ber. Then sh nanans wsal unbliaihed in Thse ZToronto Mail puner in themr candid glancer,lber checks a wsa f1e0a priîg e.Te h ou first Saturday in eascl month. be lainer, aud lber lips more swcet and soit-1 gradnally beesme ramadanus, as hae did il Rhns ?oisoning. sha neally seenard ta gilde witbout effort o ai ote,oi elievefi tension of mînd-of gcltiîg A soluion ber way lhrough the wold, ta bc untiing, hack ta herseli, ai cessing ta atrain aller A ooftnua twa drachms afi nuriate 0 -ta breaibe always rveuly, as if ber lufe wrre i-m.And then bier daily dutties beuan la smmobis in four auncera of wasler applird toa juai a wavm in J une. lier voire gol a ssew wern Iliir nid aspect. tbm parts tbmer or four timeas day, ivillbchalloie, The îo1lowiug alternoon, eontrary ta bic- îouud au absoînte specifle for rbus paisnig. JAd onec day Matthew naliced Ibis ; tbey wonî, lie calird sud assled hem ba show hlm, --were wsiking dowu a churcbyand together mare ni the gardien, lier favorite3 spots, thait to the pomy carniage. The air ammît ai point ai view whence tbm old dowu was ta limes sud bay. Hie was tired wil h piaying, hoe selon towards Alderabot. As ihey wahk aud bis hauda ware full ai music books. As cd aloug the lermace, sine picked a iewý tbey came la a gatele heegan ta shift the flowena, as lier babil was ai nId a habit she, books lahoriously frona nue arm ta anoîhen, bad iately rallier neiuisbr, wligv b gel bis ingera fre fon the lateli, shen, clr:sched bauds, lier heani bhad frit an "Oh I el me undo the gain ?" sha aaid, heavy Ihatiti tighteuad lber grasp. Nasa leamng irward, sînuiosi brushiug bis shoul- sbe began la loose il as if the love thai had der witb bier mslin dreas, lice a white bird, bren sncb a pressure at lber bern sas rm- lier accenss ingcrnd in bis brain snd dis- uiug ont ai bier flger.ips, sud se gather-' poa.sessed the music ; ibey sacre sO iutrusely ed brrr a rose sud her anme-white verbena, swnet sud uew. And fhem thal moment hie Matînesa admired bier vrry much ; lie beganl regsrded bier safrsh. siîh bis sobenly fervent nature ta he great- The fart was that, although hee bad nots ly in love. said Eý single word upon the subjeci t0anay I vetured ta hing you a littln boa', --Ms cetn, atea eNane udlue said, ài is lu the hall ; s language ai; bren sent la Eugland expmcssly ta fid him- flowers." Hec spaku btaier with diffluieuce. neli a wiie. Ris mothmn, an Englishsan, A saeek ago a g.it iroinsblîn saotld have bad made anunuhsppy mamiage ; abe sasa bren anc ofniber dreama, but now se coul.l separatrd frona lier hushauf, sud lived in ~a mile eailv sud snssar: "GOu ! lbauk yon. French country bouse sili er son. She But Ihbave always raîben diaikrd lise Ian- lived albroad, because hen bouse was abroafi, guage ai flowers. A flasane asys somatbing sud she ivas a sensitive waman sabo dislilcedorotigiliamnpnedm nig h Engliali curiosity. But she iiated certain w suder sahat your book wonld ssy, tluongh - ~ French quaities-or habits ratiier-w,%orse ai tîsese ? They anc sbsohutely accidentali" aveu iban she batrd that ; and aIr had "1wlgasdtiiil"adMabe. * '~therriore Anglicizad lhersois as much as pas- 1Waill tond eh anIi saspot thelis sib alasy apakig Eîglsb 11 inl, rases sud white verbeus lun your bad-liice PURET~ $P~O GEST BET anbd leepiug aven 1a tbe Englisb spelliiîg ai that."1 PURE Tz YPýOHGET9 E mbisnana-a namne cf lban aw family. She The raquesi was anont ni bis usual man- Contaiss nAlu, zAmmonia, Lime, ilad beau wretcbied sillia Freuch b asbaud,metatMylesbadbnafraig Phosphates, on anye injuriant,. Matîhesa muai ha happy wiih an Englial i .lia, tise fairy prince,the adored,tbe un- rrîg-anci r ,yiz te UUnvice hrnais at rthe saine timtes! Now he bad faced about 111cr a rbild sabo wauts ta uudersîalsd somndsing ynuhlave daugîrd hefore bim, ar apersan whmo saants to solve a secret sahich ynu bave pleaded guilty that you noes alîhougli yoni neyer mean t t U, a ahshis n eally you don't kmouv at ah. "And I do mot rare for hlmt ana itîle bit," ahe aaid tb borseli des. peateiy; Ibmn, ta ber osan surprise, site grî up sud flung the "Language of Fbowerma" c'st o the saimdo-sv. Abominable l-11le tokenl il sasa suris a scourge te her site ronld nt beri n uthe roam. A mile a moment ! Tisai sasa lhe rate ai vhich abe el-I ber heant sasa travalling away front Matîbasa., Nothing is sa s-sifl as resetionu; no tbmow ai ber owu sili conhd have camird il se fast and far as ius nebouid irons Ibe iran sasil ni raalily v;2irh il struclc, bbc hateful wasîl of auotber's Nvilh. The sable Ibiug booked se satisiactony; sîhe suddenly saw itl h ,-uie plsînly ; she wa;e simple sud loyal bystature ; if be pro- poard te herr abe sould lhavete, marny lima le cave lier pride. Tihe idies Ihat ha shanld aven say-lhat lie shonid even know lu bis lirt-that she lisd bren a fool by hem osan chaire, sasa emaugli tamake hbran tmpt te kedp up the show ai ber fo',Y ah b er ile aitr nd ai ilsaadou.WrsufferIhe ne- vneof aur purposes as sari] as aifommr e. lions. Shesasain the dreadini positiononia person saboloathes ta do bbc very tbing tliat eveny ana else saould rougratuhale him on baviug brought about. She cois d hear sabat people svouid say-that abe had "1caugbi in," that she sas -i"lu hck," lHnwonld- ha, pitird for biving mamird santie anc years aider Ibsu bimali; be saonhd cerna te bave yielded ta ber wish, cxprssed or unexpresrd ; n donht he seamnd te bina- self f-o, e mnyieldiug. And site muId mol withdraw. Sbc had ne jot or itîhe aI mes lilcimg for bin inluhan vains, sud abe knrw nasa Ibat if che marrird bina aie aonld abhor bina withsoui espile or regret. She Ch!idren Cryfor pose et me, s note te Unurnborongh wsonld. alwsys ficd me. "Yonrs tb commaand, "MATTRIEU s-tE Nissss." May picknd utmhIe "Lanuage ni Flow- ers" and smoothed its ruffhcd leaves; she stood stiil an instant, then sbe rang the hall for ber tLes, aud rnjoyed il; ibm also added sonaethiug ta her dinuer, She wac liersaîf again. She meddlad witb fortune unso mre. And if iu after ynars she regrettrd Mattbew, jr waa sitb an indefinite longi4g, mol pain. fnl Iemnprrd a gond deal hy Ibm. remena- brauce Ibat be had loved hem as sarîl as be imcuid love.-rTemple Bar. [TITrE 1 ,.] j An Awkward Revelation. Yo-auz hiopeful (sabo bas berri bld ta gel off the young, man's kure becanse he is too~ bravy)-"'Too beavy I Why, my iter saniglua 100 Ii mos-e Ihan 1 do, sud ha belfi hem on bis lap fvr nàons tisan two lieurs, last mgt." __________ For e;0ncr FIIiv Teas MaES. WIN SLOW'c SOCTHSNG Svmtup bas benu usnd by millions ofi mohes-s for ther nhidren whiie teething. If dmturbed at mîght sud hrckeu of your rmat by s sirht nhid suffering and rrying svtth pain of 7qtting Teath send at once and gai s boutla o^4"Mns. Winabow's Sooting Syrup"for nhidnaa icaethmsg. it wili relievo the paon ittle saed'ear imnaediately. Depend upan it. mothars, liera 15 n miatako &bout it-, teceres Dîarrhwa, regulatas the Siomuach snd Bowahs, Cures., Wiud, Colle. saitelus the Guma, redures Inflammation and givos tousansd auargy tetahe sable systona "Mrs. Wiuslow's Soothing Syrup", for chidren tethiug ta pleasaut ta the tasta and i tah prescription oaioeaof the oldeat aud bitla-> msale physiclasansdaunsea in bise Unied statai: Prica 25 cenis a baila Sold by al d ugiosa t rouuheut thaesaeld. Be aurea sd ask for "M Rs' WISLOsaa SOOTHING SYsua'. Imitation is the sincermat flatte ryv.--f Col- Pitcher's Castoria., ILLI7 invites everybody, to COrIVI and inspeet lier display of Bonnets, Ilats, Toques, Veiling'si Ch îffo n s.aetc., before purchasing elsewhere Children's SCU-GOIS ljHÂTR a