HORSE ROUTES, 1892. The well known trotting Stallion -San- dusky Boy" and the importcd Clydepdale Stallion- "General Wood" (2802) wihî stand for service for the oeason of 1892 at hie own stable, witli the Exception of Wednesday and Saturday afternoona wlien le will lie at the Bennett Blouse, Bow- mîinville. Pedigrees furnished on appli- cation. Ternms te insure- a foal $9.00 te lie paid lu -February, 1893, the general ruies bo be observed. CHIESTEr. PowEn, Proprietor.- 19-4w. BRA ULA N. The Sons of Temperance are gainin.-in naembership. David Thompson and Agnes Moffaît are under the Dr. 's. care. Mr. and Mis. Fergusor, of S'affzt, are guests of Mr. 0. Hughsoug. Mr. Richard Grise bas moved mbt hie new house which he bouglit a short tume ego. Mr. Loren Poster is on a viilt tj New- castle,, snd intende laking in Rochester and Buffalo before returning. The Commercial Man's Grip. I have long looked for a preparation that wouid keep my liead ccear of Dan- druif, but always failed'te receive any niaterial benefit util a triend recommend- ed Anti-Dandruif, whicli 1 used with per- fect succese.- [t not only removed the Dandruif witli tlree applica'tions, but stopped the annoying ilcbing of the scalp and renderid the liair Eof t and pliable without leaving an appearance of a dress- ing being uzed. It now cecupies a per- manent Position in My grip. Il is pleas. ant te use, and witli pleasjure 1l recom- mend it. 1 D. O. ROI3LIN, Representing il.Corby,whohesale liquoris, Belleville, Ont. CLA RKE UNIOL'. Mr. 0Geo. Lusk bas been sick, Mr. Aaron Saris intends erectir~g a cow lieuse. Mr. Wni. Staples ie recovering his usual guod heailih. Mrs. John Lusk viBiled friends in Lesk.- ard aset week. Miss Cornstock has been visiting at Mr. Jonathan Prier 's. Mr. Henry in having Mlica roofing put on his residence. Mr. John Sdndercock who lias been sick is recoveriug. Mr. Jas. Berry, Abert Coleoge Belle- ville, in home on a visit. Mr. Henry Rowe intends making ex- tensive repsirs te hie residence. Mr. James Connell, late of the N. W. -T. M. P.. je -erectinýg-a--stoekade around i That Tired Feeling Is a dangerous condition directly due to depleted or impure biood. It shouid flot lie aliowed te continue, as in its debiiity the systemn is especially liable to serious attacks of iîlness. It is re- markable liow beneficial Hood's Sarsa- parilla le in this enervating state. Pos- sessing just those elements which the systema needs and readily seizes, this medicine purifies the blood, and in- parts a feeling of strength and self-con- fidence. Hood's Sarsaparilla is the best remedy for that weakness which pre- vails at change of season, climate or life. Sarsapri li "I believe il is to the use of Hood's Sarsaparilla that I owe my present lieaith. In the spring, I gel se com- pielely run down 1 could net eat or sleep, and ahl the dreaded diseases of life seemed te have a mortîgýage on my system. I was obliged to abandon my work, and afler seeking medical t-eat- ment and spending over $50 for different preparations, I found niyseîf no better. Then my wife persuaded me to try a bottle of Hood's Sarsaparilia. Be<ore the first bole as gene 1 began te amencl. I have now used twe botties and have gained 22 pounds. Can eat anything without il hurting me; my dyspepsia and buliousness have -one. 1 neyer feit better in my life." W. V. EULOWS, Lincoln, 111. M akes t he "Eariy hast spring I was very much run down, had nervous headache, felI miserable and ail thal. I was very mucli benefiled by Hood's Sarsaparilla and recommend il." MRs. J. M. TAY- LOR, i : 9 Euciid Ave., Cleveland, O. "I was very mucli run down in healîli had no strength and no inclination te do anything. I have been taking Hood's Satrsapariiia and thal tired feel- NE~W HA YEN. Mr. W. F. Curtis lias erected a dinner bell. Hlouse cleaning is now the order of the day. German measels are prevalent around here stilI. Most of the grain sown here is up and iooks premising. :Mr, and Mrs. Ira F. Pearce paîd a visit te Toronto friende recently. Mr. Samuel Everson sold a fat beastý recentiy weighing 2,150 lbs. Miss Sarahi Bradburn, Cartwright, le visiting lier uncle Mr. Thos. Vancamp, The Misses Crumb, town, epent Sun. dayi with Mits. Chas. Frank, "Evergreen Villa." Mro. G. Witlieridge and son George are spending 24th, witli lier son Cliarles in Toronto. Mr. Luke Buttery lias improved the ap- pearance of hie residence by pianting a large quantity of Eir trees. Mr. Caaey Truhi bas received the con- tract for hauling the milk in this localily to the Darlinton Cheese Factory. Mr. Josepli Vancamp, accompanied by hie neice and nephew Misis Vida and master Eddie Vancamp, lias gene to Brantford on a visit. Vice Bros., Solina, have commenced the atone work of Mr. Jas. Rundie, jr's. cellar for hie new barn whidli the carpen- ters are busy framing and puttlng in or- der for erection. No MORE BOTnER. --GýENTLEMEN,-. I have uzed Hagyard'a Yellow 011 for my chilbiains and it cured lliem. I hâve nev- er beaun bothered witli them since. Mas. AN.NiE BAREt, FARM STOCK WANTED. Peracnq having fat caIlle, mlch cowo, slieep, iambe, veal calves, hoge anîd peuh- try of any kinfi are requested te see or send word te ire at my residence and 1 will cali on tbem. Or address S. H. lEv- NORDs, if by mail, Box 1, Bonnianville. TjiE HomELEsT MAN IN Bew3eÀue- VILLE.-As weli as the handsomiesl, and cthers are inviled te call on any draogRiet and gel a free sample botte of Kemp's Balsani for the Throat. and Lunga. a rem- edy that is tel ing inlirely upon ils meitis and is gusranleed to relieve and cure al Chronie and Acute Coughs,Asthma, Bren- chilis, and Consumptiix. Large botles 50 cents and $1. Ladies wanling a ncw parasol wilh do well toe cee the immense range being Phown by J. J. Mas'i . Some special val- Lues -are- bzinQ -show Fred Hlinton has taken a position in Bowmanville as C. P. R. telegrapli oper- ator. Mrs. W. Adair bas returned froin her visit to Toronto, and her sister, Mrs. W. H1. Jackson, of Torouto in visiting lier father Mr. Rcbert Everson. Minard 's Liniment cures Disteruper. C<)URTI(IX. Mr. Luther Gourtice spent Sunday with friends st home. 1Mies Maude Squires, Oshiawa, apent the 24th smong old associates here. Rev. R. T. Courtice, Newtonville, calle ed on a number of frienda here recently. ltev. J. J. Ashton, B. D., Tyrone, was gucst at "Rose Glen" st week. Mrs. Liddy attended the funeral of a relative in Orangeville on Monday. iRev. C. Reynolds, Oshawa, preuclied two very acceptable sermons lie on Sunday. Mrs. Goyne of the Central is visiting lier brothers in Tituavilie, Pa., [U. S. Mr. L. M. Courtîce lias been appoint- ed agEnt for the Grange Fire Insurance Co. A large number of thù patrons of the D. U. C. faut ory are using a patent milk cooler and aerator wliich, was la'ely in- troduced by mnanufacturers of clicese Mr. A. Gifford, Meaford, spent, a few days with Mr. Jesse Truli recently in propagating the work of the Grange In- surance Co. in this iocality. The Patrons of Industry are thriving here. Mr. Levi Annio, well known as ocre of Dairiington'si mont wealtliy and enterprising yeoman, is president . A number of influent jal ladies have joined lately. THE AMERICAN DOCTORS <ag earjratHE IaRoea4mrç> SERVICES A staff of eminent American Physicians and Surgeons have opened an office for inedical anid surgical attendance. at No. 2.103 St. Catherine Street, montreal. They give free serviceq to ail who eall upon theni before Augu8t Tht. 1892. and frankly tell you if yonr case is curable or net. All incurable cases are rejected. Special attention lis pald te every case. Invalida living outside of Montreal should address their letters to Mr. JOHN M URR AY, Manager, and inclose two 3 cent Stampa for symptomt blank and question sheets. %Jo]EEN-ý Il~JLLThR J. IQNOTASN Chernist and Druggist. SPON GES Have just received a fine lot of sponges, from a 2c. siate to the finest bathi ]PERFUME RY Ail the latest and best odors in bulk at a very low price. SOAFS A large supply on hand of Babys Own and Pure White Glycerine. 8 large cakes of Glycerine Soap for 25ci. JOHN HELLYAR'S BOOT AND SHOE EMPORIUM is stili lie Leadînig Honse in Popular Goods, 'New Styles, Seasonable Attraclions and ConîpIctc Assortmient. A clean and fresh stock of de'sirable goods at fairest figures. We show the Iatest novelties, keep strictl y first-class goods and seli -at lowest prices, quality considered. A stock of Trunks and Valises always on hand. Patronize a safe, sure and reliab le house. The lost edél-7, lar is the one you pay -for trash or goods made to seli cheàp. Save your dollar by trading with us at the best stocked and best conducted shop-one door west of J. B. Martyn's. We advertise flot for show or blow, we advertise what we have and what we- are able to do for our patrons and nothing more.