JUST DUT! tjAVE YOU SEEN IT'? THE BIG BOTTLE PAIN-KI LLER Old Po-oular 25c.' Price. Mrs. S. S. Sauderson, Toronto, la guest of Mr. Robert Stanley. Mies Maggie Allen bas beau visiting Misa Wood, Millbreok. Miss Grace Laing is guost of her uncle, Mr. C. F. Stewart, Wbitby. Mr. and Mrs. L. Cornish have been Aisiting frienda ln Markhanj. -Miss Carnie Cherry bas been visiting Miss Lillie Hawkins, Oshawa. Oshawa voted a $15, 000 bonus last week towards a boit lineo! railway. Miss Alice Souch has returned from aa pleasant viit with frienda in Whitby. i Mr. John Fletcher has Ynoved into bis new bouse erected near the ruina ef the old Rag Castle, 'lMr. Gordon D. Fletcher was in Toron- to last week attending a meeting of the Grand Lodge ef Aiaaons. The printers of Port Hope were defeat. ed by two ruDs in a bise baîl match at Cobourg by the types of that town. SRev. T. W. Jolliffe, waa elected Grand Master at the annual meeting of the Grand Lodge 1 O. O. F.,held in Windsor ils& week. Every testimonial regardiug Hood'a, Sarsaparilla is an honest, unpurchasecL statement of what this medicine has act- ually doue. Rev. D. F. Gee, Newcastle, preached on the Prince Albert circuit last Sunday. Rov. Mr. Goe was junior pastor on that circuit 28 years ago. You may bave noticed the novel way Mr. Dobson bas taken cf selling a picture, now in bis door way. The picture is worth $6.00 and la being redueed 25c. per day tili sold. ---Lieut. llorsey, of the Bisley tesa who went to England, hss been unabie to cora- pote in the matches. He shot at Cam-. bridge but was afterwards attacked with bemorrhage. At latest accounts ho is im- proving. Rev. A. Carswell, of Canuington, was made the recipient lsst Wedneaday even inR of a dlock. easy chair, larze nhotoRranb Misa Brown, Oakvillo, is gueet of Mrs. J. J. Mason. Mr. L. N. Vanitono, Toronto, spent Sunday in town. Mr. Will Adanis, Toronto, la apending bis bolidays at home. Miss Bertha Sherin bas been visiting relatives in Port Perry. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Nott, Toronto, are visiting friende In town. Mr. E. B. Zealand is spending bis holi- days with friends in Port Stanley.' Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Eligginbotham spont Sunday with friends in Whitby. Mr. F. Brimacombe, Rochester, N. Y., is spending bis vacation with relatives bore. Misses Annie and May Nichols are visiting their sister, Mra. F. C'rnaul, Brockport, N. Y. Campbellford counci bas granted -$150 towards the establishmnent of a band and purchase of instruments. Mr. Andrew Laidlaw bas retired f rom the business of the Woodstock Sentinel. Review and bas taken charge of the Gaît Reformer. 1Reports aay tbat the appie crop of On- tario wll exceed that of laat year but quality it is fEa-ed will be below that of laat season. Something new wili be introduced for the school chidren next weelr ai Big 20. 0ur stock of Higrh and PubliceSchool books is complote. Rev. A. J. Hlarvey Slaike, Tyrone, very acceptedly occupied the pulpit of the Mlethodiat Cbureh Sunday and preach- ed two very tboughtf ci and practicai sermons. The Bowrnanville Bicycle Club will have a Chinoso Lautern and Caiathuîm-r plan parade on Fri.iay ovening Aug. 19 at 8:30 through the principal etreets ot the town. A new doparturo in the musical lino la the Prospect Street Band, whe serenade the citizoos living in that part of the town every evening. They are young but are Sohool Bq SEE "Big Windc next week and doi School Books tili thet of High; and, Public J.JIa Mr. John Reid, Chicaî home. Mise E. ERundle la vi Toronto. Miss May Nooke, T(i friends ln town. Mr. Chas.. Brown, Tei friends in, town. Miss Maggie Cli-inie, Sunday at home. MIrs. J. S. Bond, Torg relatives in town. Miss A. Barrott, Torci her bolidaya at home. Misa Myrtie Kennedy her home in Parkdale. Mesurs. 1. Walters a Orono, spent Sunday in Miss Florence Donse visiting et Mrs. E. Reni Rev. Geo. Webber, town Tuesday calling or Mrs. Hamilton, and 1V viBîiting Mrs. Renwick,( Miss Lcie Singleton, guest of Miss Mabel N. Mr. G. Fleming has where ho bas socured aE AUCOTION SALES, THURSDAY, Sept. 8.-Mr. W. Rý. Oke, lot 1.,,,, 34, broken front, Darlington, will sel Q Q s .~I alof his farm stock including 10 horses and colts and about 18 head of cattie. Dinner at 12 o'clock. Sale at 1 p.m. sharp. S. C. HUNKiNO, auctioneer. 20 IVEWTONVILLE. Recent visitors:-IMessrsi. Seott, nep- hewa of Rov. R. T. Courtice, of the Unit. ed States; Mrs. McMurtrv and Mr. Lock- ow hart, Toronto; Mrs. Wm. Harrison, God- n't buy your erich; Mrs. Burnett and daughter, Port an. Hope; Mro. Watts, Summerville; Mrs. n.Ful stock Ridley and daughter, New Orleans, U.S.; School books. Miss Eva Hellyar, Bowmanvillc:, Misa (OBSN. Reave, Port Britton... Mr. Chas. Wragg DOBS 'isseriously iii, not likely to recover... =Mr. J. R. Reid bas been suffering from go, la visiting at rbeumatismi for some time.... .Mr. John ilolman is on the sick lit . . .. Miss Mag- isitiog friendas in gie Holman is homo fromn Ottawa. )ronto, is, visiting Pipe Smokers. You may be satisfied with the oiranda 'ronto, is visiting of tobacco you have been uaing for years Grant it ; that you are satisfied. As Toronto,, spent there is always room for improvemont, we ask you ro try Our OLD CI{UM CUT ronto, is visifing P-LuG, or eut smoking tobaeco, and we bc- leeyou wi 1 be BETTER eatisfied. In :)no, s sendngany case a trial won't hurt you. Don't mbla peningdelay upon the order of buyiog, but buy Iat once. _______ y ba rourne to On account cf an0 advance of 25 cents and J. Richards, per ton in the price of coal for four suc- town. cessive monthaB i Amorican markets, the eutT~eont, ~prico of coal wiIl be $6.W0 per ton for the ieS Tèonto lamorith of Auguat with a rebate of 25c. for Toronto, was in ifriends. !4astor Eddie arD Centre St , Port Hope, is orthcote. gone to Coiborne situation. I~VSAFE _ T~H E 0REPAT ~F-iiW2P _ià F ARM TO BE SOLD BY TENDEIL -'Tenders wili ho received by the under,ý signed up to Monday Âugust =~ 1892 for the. North hait of lot 7. con. 7, in the township of Darlington. 100 acres more or less, good build- ings, good fonces, weli watereci. one mile freux Tyrone, 9 miles from Bowmanviiie. Applie.. anto etate how much monoy down. No tender necessarly acceptod if flot satlsfactoryq JoHiq BUEN, Janetvilie. 80-4w. CA -UT ION. E'ACU!LUG OF TUE IS MARKE]D IN BRONZE LETTERS. NONE OTHE QENUINE, Canada' s Great ------------------------ - - - - - - - - - -