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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Aug 1892, p. 1

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TERMB:-81.50 Pu a ârum. OUR TOWN AN~D OOUNTY JIRST: TIUE WORLD >APTERWÀRDS. M. à JAMES EDITOR AND PF DÉprnoi, NuwSERESJBOWMÂN VILLE. ONTARIO, WEDNESDÂY AIJGUST 31, 1892. VOLUME XXXVIII. NUMBER S5 FOR THE NEXTTH1RTY OAYS JOHNSTON &CRYDERMAN A Few Points Relating to Sheet Steel or, Iron Roofing, Siding and Ceiling. O RDJNARY BLACK SHEET IRON, PAINTED, HAS BEEN USED FOR Roofinz purposes, iu both Europe aud Ainerica, for more than a Century pat, and by practical tests sud compenisons with (Aber roofing materiels, lies proven itse]f te bu the bet for AI general purposea, wbere perfect protection fîom the elemneuts, combined witb durability sud economy, are carefully considered. A new era in now opuned ini Iron P.oofiug, by the use of e filn.unality of abeut iron end the application cf nuw and improved devîces for fasteuiug the sbeets. The eneormons quentity of mron that bas been used for Roofing pUrposes dUriDog the lest half of the present decan)e evinces the hiîghi regard, witb which it is looked upon by the general public. Tbey bave learned that GOOD sheet iron cf suitable wight or tbicknesas wll, if preperly laid and taken care, cf, give more satisfactory rusuits than any other roofiug iaterial.- It is the Most practical, it àa the most economical, aud la destined f0 drive fromi the market, Tin, Shingles, Slate and Tiles. We will aay, for the information cf those who are nt familIer with the lesting a les of imon rooflng, that theru are no w in existence iu:many cities snd towna thireughont this country mron roofsa, lu excellent statu cf preservation, that wure laid between 20 aud 50 years ago, and have had no repaire made upon tbem Fince,except baving been cared forby coating witb metallic paint. Thia sets et reet any dlaim that they rust eut. Al itou roofing sheets are heavily coatud with mtallic paint on both aides bu- fWo layiug, and as there is uo wear upon the under ide, s periodical coat of paint on the upper suirface -eill preserve thumn indellnitely. Before,, Arranging ifoUr a New Roo f Cail and See Our Goods. Prices Satistactor1py ~PDLR MÈ!& ROOFINCô 23-m. Meda-calf St., Oshawa; NE WCA STLE. The Sabbath SchooI Anniversary in connection with the MethodiBt church of this place will bu held as follows: On Sunday, Sept. 4, sermons wil be preach- ed at 10:30 a.m.,to the childreu, by Rev- Geo. Brown, Orono, and at 6:30 p.m., by Rus'. D. F. Gee. On Monday tee will bu nerved in the drill sbed f rom 4 to 7:30 p. m.,sfter whicb a miscellaneous entertaýn- ment will be given in the church by the cildrencommencing at 8 o'clock. Tick- LAUI PLIJG 0F TUE r-MyrtIo avy ISMAIRED T&B IN BRONZE LETTERS. NONE OTHER GENUINEK A. staff ef emineut Amurican Physiclans sud surgeons have opened an office for medical and _urgical attendancu, eat Ne. 2Ml3 St. atrneStreet Montra%. Theyiiefu servicu3 te al who cî P.n.t..mbufe Auguat l3t. 1892, sd frankly tell yen if your case 1. curableornot. Ail incurable cases are rejected. Special attention la paid to uvery case. Invalida living ontsidu cf Moitreal, shonld adr l heir lttera to Mr, JOHIN MURRAY, Manager, aud inclose twO 3 cent Stamps for sym3ptcm blank and question sheets. j Uirpans Tabules baniali pain. COUBTICE. We cob.gratulate the Editor and com- pany on their safe return home .. .. Rev. J. W. Annis, B. A, Chatham, is visiting bis father and other friands hre .... Rus'. J. H, Oke and wife were guests of Mra. bC. W. Osborne ]est week . .., Miss Maud Purkin, Moorefield. is visitiug oîd friands here .... Mr. Geo. Tuoker and Mr. J. L. Courtice, Toronto, visited friands hure ]ast week... .Mr. W. R. Cleimen3, wife and daugbter, Tyrone,, visited e.L CI0ear Havana Cigars" "La Cadena" and "l.i Flore." ~ upoa having these brands. HA 3fMPTLN. There will bu a -social gathering at the Methodiat paysonagu, Hampton, on Fi- day, Sept. 2, at 3 o'clock. Tee will bu served aud a social tim-,- may bs uxpectud. Friends will kindly bring aloug their baskets. Receipta to apply for furuish- iog',persouage sud repaira. W. Werry, A. Washington, J. Cryderman, Cern. Mr. Frank Ruse and wife,' Exeter, visited, friends hure last week. Mrs. Ruse will remain for a short time .. . .Mr. John 1. Cole las till conAned to the house witb lumbago.. .. Mr. Gèo. Taylor js recovcring from bis recunit illne .. Mr.I and Mrq. Joseph Ward start this weuk for s two weeks' vjsit among friends near Owen Sound. Bon voyage....Mrs. H. Asbley, Oshawa, visited friends bure this week .... The Iawn party on the par.- sonage grounds Friday next is expected 'to bu a grand succeas. Corne back Mr. Editor and we will prove to yen that the ladies ou Hampton circuit cen make but- ter cbicken-pies than your Engliali ftierds witb wbo!n yen bave juat been visitiug.. Onue of Mr. James Burns' cbildren was icle st week but ia improviug .Mrs. John Tom, New York, is visiting friends liere. . . .Several students from bure start- cd tu Bowmanville Higb Scht>ol again tbis week... .Mro. J. H. Aahley and cbildren, of Oshawa, ara visiting et ber fatber's, Mr. James Cryderman. COU(GUING I.1A»S TO (OFIFIN auness stopped by ]Dr. 'Wood F4 Narway Fine Syrap. The best cure tfr ougls. (elds and Luug Troubles. S3TA BKT'ILLE. Mr. Wm.,,EHoIlowell is erecting a uew bouse .... Miss Alice Stark in home from Newcastle. ... Ex-Dep. Reevejas, Stark, EEq., spent a fow d ay s in Toronto recent- ly.. .. Mr. Jas. Stark was the first to complete harvesting .. .. Mr.Wm, Ballagh bas renied bis farm to Mr. Jouaes. Mr, Jaku HolloweII intt-nd.s moving one of his buildings ad puttio-g a stone foundation under i...,M.Gao. Perrett bas leased the farma lately tenauted by Lilliiuandt JMay Power hneeraturnuci to Toronto .... Several of our young folks apent Sunday at IÇewcastle...Visîtors;J Miss Edith Taylor, Port tiope; Misses F. snd 1. Gibson, Oihawa; Mr. H. Jewull, and Miisses A. Souch and A. Coleman, town . ... Mr. T. H. Kirkpatrick'sfamous imported fox terrier died suddenly last week .. . .On Tbursday evening la3t a goodly number of the numarous friends of Mr. and Mrs. John Crumb surprised t'hem in their nuw cosy dwelling. A fter tbey bad taken fu possession a sumptu. ous supper was aerved by the ladies aftcr wbich Mr. Win. Foley was appoint- ed cheirman aud called on Mr. T. H. Kirkpatrick to rend a well worded ad- dreas and premnted Mr. and Mrs. Crumb witb a veîy fice dinner sut and a balf dozun erforated chairs. The liost made a suitablu reply. Thea followed speeches by the leahugi or.ators. Beforu leaving tbe comnpany sang ",Toguther let tbem sweetly livu Toguther lut themn die, etc., etc."j They then dispurs-3d well pluased with the house-warming. .. MOur popular past or conducted an excellent praisu and thauksgiving service Sunday .... The Rev. J. W. Savage, Columbu, wil preach1 bure Sunday nuxt. HAMILTON, April 20, 1892. 1 waa doctoring for years with physie ians for a scaly and scurvy affliction of1 the scalp, they told me it was ezzema, but gave me no permanent relief. 1 was' also troublud with excessive daudruif, wbich would drop from hair like snow flakes. Hearing of Anti-Dandruff I uaed it, and from the third application fuît more relief than for years; when half the bottle wasý used thueczema aud scaly eruptions diaappeared and have not ru- turned since; dandruif was tlioroughly re, uonved, the itchin2 of the scalp otopped, and for elegant, -dcean anci unef ui hair dresaing Anti-Dandrufilihasneoequal. J. S. GRAIHýM, Mgr. -Hamilton Branch Kemp, Jones & Peck, Maufactureri.of Cidur, Toronto Printed Challies worth Se. for. 5., print ed Crapea worth 25c. for 121c., Cream Seersuckerse t 4o. et Coucb, Johuston & Cryderman's. The aystemt is reudered melaria-proof when the blood is kept pure sud vigoroue by the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. At this i ason, &R ahould have this admirable preparation et hand. Malarial poison is harmIesa wben Ayer's Sarrsaparilla Es used. ,SHAW',S BCHOOL HOtTSE. The Harvesit Home festival in oonnec- tion with the Sunday Sehool of Shaw's Scbool Blouse will bu hold on Friday Sept. 2, at the residenca of Mr. Samuel Riokard, lot 35,o~n. 2, 'Clarke, near the old English church cemnetury. -Tua fro.n 5 o'clock tili ail are served- Tickets 25 cIa., cbildren not belonging to ihe school 15 ets. Çonveyanceo will leeve town at 4 30 and 6 p. tu. GEO. P. RICKAiW, T. C. BnAGG, Clay weex at rrviaence .. . . £vir. tamuei Hlicks bas been laid up witb a aprained foot.... ,Mies Lizzie Hooper was visiting at Mr. Henry Kelly's recently. .Mr. Prior is visiting bis daughtur, Mrs. W. Prouty, Sand Bank, Oawego Co., N.Y.., .Mr. John Alun-, jr., sud aister were visiting friendei Bowmauville Sunday week,. . .Mr. Hfarvy Carr and son, of To-. ronto, wuru vipiting Mr. Aaron Davie, sud other friands hure recetly .... We extend mioat learty congratulations te Mr. Jas. Colville on bis succems ini obtain.. ing a second clas certificate. 111 would like to aound thu praises cf Hood's Sarsaparilla over the entire uni-. verse," writes Mrs. tnngnecker of Union Deposit, Penn. NE W HIAVEN. Mr. Jos. -Huard, Fenulon Falls, visited Mr. Sam'L. Ev-rson recently. Mr. and Mrs. Ira F. Pearce visited hie brother Wmn., Bond Head, lest week. Mrs. John Hoît has presentudl lier busband with a daughter. Friday was ae!gand.)y et Mrs. Jesse Trull's it being &h occa"sion of a gardun party, wherea number cf relatives aud friends apent a pleaeaut Urne. bir. sud Mrs. Ii'chard Wheler and famnily, Oshawa, r3pent Sunday witla relatives hure. Mr. Win. Huard, town, visited eur burg rucently. Mr. Fred. Werry, TNronq, fornerlye teachur hure, lias been visiting eb Mr. 0. R. Hall's. Mr. sud Mre. Walter Oke and family, FPort Purry, have buen visiting et theo~ homestead. Mr. Harry Baruhem, Haldiinand, vîs. ited bis parents hure last weuk, The Misses MoCtellan, St. Thornai have been visiting their uncle Mr. Cesey Trull. Fresh andi Vigorous. Ou a fine morniug on'a flue road, what is more invigorating than a spin on a cy- cle. Wben it cornes to a race, the sug- gestion of Mr. George Philipe, Secretary Leinster Cycling Club, Dublin. Ireland, bas force. 1I have found St. Jacoba Oil au invalulable remedy for strains and bruises, and so have- several members cof Our Club." This ought to-bu, borneli mind. Minard's Liniment cures Dandruif,

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