A TRJMEXPLOIT, plie was tired with ber morning s work but wheu she bad goneaew-sp more an and as soon as heolsed taken bis 2u rn ber dow-nw-cnd w-ay .he iked back sud bier was giad ta it down in au attitude ai there w-as aomtbing in bier face w-licb net hon 0w-n cboosiug, shpping bier tes xith oniy set bis mind at rosI, but mado bis evident ojoymeut, sud lieguidly hasking brain spin.- in the warmth ai tIse fine and tIse pleesant Maudlay mornrîîg- came, eleven o'clock seuseofaihaving aI i-tsI bave ta mac frai trnck, sud lu an instantlho w-as on the honr lebors. Ha triî'd ta talIr a little, bot aloi-t oh ear e stop that wai even weicomo sho did ual aeemed disposefi ta do b0 uaw-- in bis.eara, sud a low kniock, w-biaIsw-ald saeh loi If ber lu peace, aud fait as i theré e fo ilow-ed tsy the sight of a lace which w-es w-reo i lit ta the fine pictures that haý coîtinuehiy in bis thooghta. Ho foît iîis coold paint if Ibis girl were al ways et baud bheant heariug. ha it ta hlm, for ber every attitude sug- Five muintutes passed. She Isad nover geted one been fis-o minutes bhhhd lber tume before. "ýIf yîjun st any mare sitting frein me Ton passed, and fiteen. Ho laid dow-n bis h-dlay, I hed btter go back ta nîy place," pa.et.te, sud began ta pace the studio. shso observed at hast, "for I muaI ho Hed soimething bappened hed lisi sus- home hy five, sud it w-li taIre an hour ta piciOns ai Sarurdsyheen we-fonnded, sud go.,, she bad nover meant ta coin@ ? He tried "Why need yen ho hack by five ?" ta paint sud regard tbis as a mare accidenît "I muat. There are reasons. * I " but -visn lweîve o'aiack truck hoe oud and she blusbcd nstead ai finiahing ber ho was doing bis pict re more barm tha9 Tancarville Sympson's free and flowing baud, "lThe bride that is ta o ." The shock was sa great that there was a momenît wbon Drummnond did not see clear- ly olookod at the wll-remoemberod face -ho thonght of bis ruicd picturo and baffled hops; lie tare up the note af refusaI and wrate to say that he wou!d paint the picture, naming a wholly inadequate sont in order ta secure the commission. III won%' do it, of course," ho said te lîim- self. IlShe shah 1be paid in ber own coin, but see ber again I xii." This is an'extract from what he wrate ta Mrs. Tancarville Sympson, of George ,Street, Hanover Square : I will do what you wish if sufficicîit apportunities of studying the principal figures are affordedl me. The bride's face, for instance, whieb, if cavered by a veil, will only have ta be hinted at, must au that accounit be carefully studied, ini order that the little that is showîî îay be pcrfectly recognizable. She nmust give me at least one sitting heforo ber wedding Au answor soon came. IlThe bride (that is ta ho)," wrotc Mrs. Tancarville Sympson, ta by it out of my allowance-it was seven pauuds. Came, Mr. -Drammond, dan't look sa vexod witb a poor girl an lber wedding- day. I admit it was a stupid thing ta do, but na one is a bit the worse for it," " 1Na one a bit the worse for it, " he re- peated bitterly. "lAh, you haven't forgotten abont that picture you couid't finish ! That was mather's fanît, not mine. I was very hap. py iu the studio, and didri't mind how' long 1 stayed, but she wrote ta say thiat she xvii eoasiig home a wcek carlier then she intenci- ed. 1niait go now; say you forgivo nie and have forgotte." 1I forgive you-I have not forgcltten. "Yau will soan. I ws very sorry when I had ta caine away, but I soon f argot. W hy nat yan, too? " "lBecause-.- "hoi began, and stopped -the sceent af ber oraîîge-blossonis was a little overpowcming. IlYou don't mean ta say that yau really cared? " exclain-cd Lady Cleeve. She had read bis heart lu bis face. IlLook more animated, Alice,"I inter- rupted Mrs. Tanîcarville Sympsan, Ilsud preseu t, and attcmpted ta say su. «I didu'îi buy theni. We have even so meny more at hone-these are for you, if you sill accept then," sud she tried ta close the subjeet hy seatiiîg berseif ou bier throue like a queeu. IlIf yon have mare than you want," hoe said, tlinking oailber povrty, Ilsud wouid like ta part with sny ai theisi, I conld. elsily dispose,-d theni for yoo. J have friendsw-ho wooid givo a gcod domi for cups ilre these." "lOh, ne, uo t" she exclahmed vehement- iy. 1 My ither-na, my mothe-thet is ta say, none ai us wanid ever part witb theni ! We conildn't t" "lThon yau nmust ual give me these. 1 realy-" "lOh, these are mine 1t1 an do w-bat I like w-ieh hhem, sud have doue it. Don't lot us talI." Whether she was offended at ual having been ailowed ta talIr the day before, or wheber she rely did wish ta ho ilent, ho knew- ual, but i that day the hurden ai hon conversation was, IlDon't lot ustahIr!t" She was kindoss itiself sa fan as sttiug was caucerned, refused ta rost, careinily kept ber position,,aud qnielly aud noselessiy again prepanod bis tea, but sh4 w-uld enter int no conversation that lastcd more than e minute on tw-o. Again hoe paid lier; egein she biashed, aud.,once more lie entreated lier ta ho ponctuai. But sho wai ah- ways ponctuai as cioakwork, sud every mornnng appe-ared, ookiug as fresh as if sho hsd walked lin onithe liext roan witlîout any tedhouîî or disagneeshie jounney hy 'bas or rail. iourteen dîys ai bard painting from a model oxactly suited ta bis purpase lied advanced bis pîctune ho a state in wbich aven hoe onld se succesi ai ail knda vividiy iorosbadow-- ed. Ris spirits wero hiqb, bis heant ligIsI, lhowas a chauged man. As for Alice Heyiey, ho cauid scîrcohy imagine bis stu - dia w-t!out ier. Ail hien ittie airs ai assur- ance sud pet--lance weregone; she was uow gentie, unslfish, and thoughtfuh, sud she bad nescuod hi irai despeir. "Gaad-hye," hesaid on Saturday-i t was the feurteenth day ofaieho sitting. 1"Mondcy moning, et eleven. I w'an't say ho ponc- tuai, for yon are aiwaya bore ta tbe minote.", "If 1 w-re ta laul for once ?" alto said doubtfuliy. 'lIs thore any chance afi il?" hio exciaini- od, in groat excîtoment sud auxiety. "Oh, no!t I w-as oniy askiug," sheneplied eaneessiy; and yeiî ahe stood as if trying ta reed bis face and unable tuogo. aw-cy wit-ib ont sayingniore. IDon't jesteout auytbîng sa appailingly serions Vt"lho sajd. I b ave hot al h t Ithe ile ai thse pietore depeudiaon ltuIte very hast, t-a ho doue calmly, snd deliherately, w-heu il hi perîectly dry. I intend ta begin witb this or, Mouday, and if yen w-eo t fei u nwoudd min tho picture and me toc." IVo os--., 1 kuîcw su lîttie about pic- turcs," se aaid nerx'anaiy, aud then, xitb dnwncaat eyes, hegan ta go. I lStop, stop! Vouerae sure ta came ou Moiey?" cried Drumniond, p'unsing honr outaide.1 "Oi covýxs-e I am; but 1 cm dreadfulIy, lae-do lee 3à go t" IHo made no futheri resistance, but watched ier as she huriefi aw-ay, ioakiig vcny ceotialienaud sad. 1 Vlenw seem extremieiy baif-hesrted ahoiu$ t. citeýr ail," hoe called niten bier. Il cWvssI ha hppy util yonu give rue s sol- LMU ta caine." 'lamno alha;; hoarted.Ofcoaise1 VII ozn ; b an'wrso lare. 1mustgo! 1 .For a momnent hoewas stihi uncoiortable,i that ho bas ail ahang badl a great wisb ta have a pîcture of the wedding cremany, and bas fet sure that you could paint anc which w ould give satisfaction. Sornehow or other he bas neyer let me know of this wish until to-day. Rie thinks that it is now to ato ta mako arrangements, and does not like ta Write ta yeu, and wants ta gie p the idea, but 1 do uat like it given up, s0 I toid hhm tbat I would write ta you in a fice, delicato, and apolo- gotie way-women are much 'btterl at letters of that khnd than men-and ask if you wouid do it, and wbat your terms would ho, anîd what facilities yen wanld re- quire. Mvy son-in-iow (that i3 ta be) is a fne, aristacratic-lanking tran, aud my denghter extremely bandsome-the brides- maids, wbo l1 of theus belong ta the hest familie-,, arc mostly good-hooking, sud___c_ they are nat voiu eau easily imake theur so, rememberîng, af cours e, that on the maît important occasion of ir lufe, the bride bas a righ t ta expeet ta ho made ta look best. My son-iu-haw (that is ta bo) thinks that this may be a subjeet you will flot care for, but I heg you wilh he so knd as te put sncb feelings aside,and wiiingly express my regret that you bave ual been cousu lted about it sonner. Yon will still beabie ta take saie preliminarv sketches of my daugbter, Who, alter aIl, îs the per- san 1 arn mast anxious sbauld look woll. As goon as 1 bear that yen accept titis commission I wiil, if your terms are sncb as we can agroe ta, confer witb ber cant it, and meke an appointment for yen ta, ses and sketch ber. Until thon i sha,hl say uotbing ta ber, for et sncb a tîme she bas uaturaiiy mare than enouizb already ta see and settie about. The bridesmaids, of course, you eau do at your leisure, for they ahi livo in London, and you cau bave the dresses ta paint from, sa yaur task wili be easy. ]3y book paît yen will receive with this letter, or soan alter it, cabinet photo- graphs of the principal parties eancerned. I bave markod that of my son-in-law (that is taeho> bridegroom,' and that ai my ds ugbter, 'bride.' I do il for your eau- venience oly, so I hope and trust it will net ho unlueky. The bridosmaids' photo. grapbs are alsa msrk-d. Lot me bave a favorable answcr if you please,togetherwith lowest ternis. 1 arn arrangiug Ibis, but the bridegrooni (that is ta ho) is paying for it. We are persans of condition, but poar. and cauld flot readily afford il, but we delight in the idea af this pietui e, sa don't refuse, and be as easy in yaur ternis as yon eau, we faitbfally promise ta do aur boit ta se- cure yon more commnissionsai this kîd- indeed, of any and every kiud. Yonrs faitbfuliy, Emmeline Tancarville Symp- so. ', IlGood beavens 1" exclaimed Drummoud, and without a nmoment's delay wrote an eni- phatîcally worded refusel. An hour later the pnstman brought bum a large pachset ai csbinct-sized photo- graphi, wbkbh were -o hsectrely packed that it was a wonder they had reeched him et aill.Ho was packing thoni afrcsh wlîen ho was seizPd %% itb cnisity ta se whether Mns. Tancarville Synipson Ilcame ot" as badiy in a photograph as she dîd in e letter. The finît ho saw was tbat of thi bridegromr (that was ta ho). H1e certainly was a fine, mcanly-looking fellow. Thse uext was one of Alice Hayley. "lAlice Hayiey t" ho exclaîmed ia amaze- mon t. IlIs il possible that she ha going ta hcoanc of the bridesmnaids? I shall flud ber, thon, ,,t lait !" But. wheu ho turned ta the bacht of the photograph he read ini Mn ta bo loottîng et a dIrawîog. was e 1lie igtîer aud noblor than lie lied Preseutly Mns. Tancarville Sympson yet attaiued l And passing hy tihe question carne. IIOh, Mr. Drummond," sho exclaini- as amatteroi geîîeralcontroversy,hle asksfor ed nenîorsefiully, IlI didn't expect ta flnd himieli. Wbat shah I do? How shallI attain yen in this corner!1 I tbought you îvould ta it? Now observe Christ's answer ta this bave yocr picture in youn mmnd and ho young uman is an euswcr for ail mon, aud for looking t" ail time HIow readest thon ? Thon the "There is sncb a crowd. It is sa difficnît ycnng man rehearses the ehief points af tile holi begaîs ; lie scarcely knew what lie Iaw. "'Tihou hast answered rigt ; this do was saying, hoe feit this sa mnch more than aud thon shalt liv." Theme was fia ncw hoe bad feared. . revelation needed. The answer was as plain "lOh, I know tbere's a crowd-I quite as the, question. There was n mystic lecy understand tîsat it's flot couveniont, but offered ta uulock a usystoriaus Pe'ret.. Joins you are uunder an engagement ta do this tolas this youug min ini efleet that lho bas picture, and ougbt ta bc anxious ta make it the Izey ; all he bas ta do is ta enterinto flic a gond one, sud lha stud ying the bride." ehambers of the King sud have life. Ho Drumrnond looked full ai oibarrasment knew enough, quite enougi; aIllih ad ta and despair. Suie t'oughc it wcsdespair ai do was ta translate bis knowledgo intoi u3ing bis chances properly, aud said, Ill'Il action and hoe would have life, fInîland1 tell yon whet l'Il do for yen. Lady Cleeve flourishing. In the ivord of God we bave wilh have ta go ta change lier dress aimait the laws ai life, tbejdeal pietured forth in drectiy. She can't go up-stairs the ord'n- the lifo of Joins Christ,, who cameo not onrly amy way, it i sa crowded. She will escape ta tell us wbat lifei s, but ta show us houv byea d.sor on the opposite corner of the rooni. ta live. If for any ai us lufe abould prove You shaht stand there asecelber camn, up c feilure it will nettlbe because xvo bave sud pais through. Yon ca lok et bler been left in ignorance. The answer ofJes withont spcaking-sbe -woîîd't lîke you comesto.ns. Informyotirselvesoaiheaven's ta speak. Yon don't soeurita understaud hassoa lite, translate thein into action. This me. Came, I will taIre yen thone." do and thon shait live She tnok bis ai an sd led hirm ta the doar. Saine ane had told hiem that mon ai genius weîc hdiots in the affairs ai comurion ie, There is a Little Différence. ana she saw thatit wîs tue-he was capa- One af the constitutional opinions ai tîhe ble oi driftiug away freinibis gond position, she bouhtsa he tayd t se tht h average man is that women are ahi alike, dadct.ogt asesaydt e th writes Junius Henry Browne in the Ladies' "inS/e o sc oemu sth mw Home Jour,îal. It cropi ont in bis speech in hon yhecaroove th t limn the 's wdpi rpetually, sometitues iu the wey oaidknd- ineom h Wetcb ha sue cmes-atcb 'snessud symp,ýatbj, aitener in the way ai comig. atc lir asabccoms-wtchderishon and eontempt. Whou a wife bas bier caef uly-it wili ho rather ufair ta us, vnsregewog(lulirbbr if you lot yourself 'ho disappoiuted. Hoe fogih an e renami rng douie ber iey-r she is! Mr. Drummnond she iissehors . sffordie cwben mothe l -ai1saericeuber Lady Cheeve camne resolutely fomward ta elffrbrcide, eha - sja bier mather, and seîng that, thse train ai ikýe a womnan." We bear the sainie thing if follwersfellbacka stp ortwo.she ba- deceived lber lover, or hnvolved lber floer"s eli a na opo wa. l, I oather in ,lebt. This dissent is dure ta the "Mater,"she aidiu iawvoic, "g ist thet saine men are sentimentalihts snd a little father off, I want ta say soathing that more mon are cynîcs. The fariner are to Mr. Drummoud. Keeîi ahI those peophe awy riigwmn h atraegn away froinus for a minute or two." awy niigwmu h atraegn l'Yeu gond darling V" exelaimed ISrs. crally soeoriug et or decrying bier ; but Tancrviie ympin. I kew yn wnldbat.h thiuk that she bas only aone nature. Tandcaie Ss aob Ig e s ah. Vanun-The sentimentalit believes lber tu ho gaod, fdsadhw aurarie set o Yn n-ts gentleloyal, truthini undor oveî-y circum- dte an' ho urryhet r set n imopid-stance'; the cynîc pronounices lber had, tave s good bob etyouletIvha r ouîimharsh, hncostant, lîypocriticah on inîstinct. hoe is net ta talIr ta yen. I wil keep every Neither i wholly right nor wholly wrong. ane ont of the way. Iu fact, 1 illî explein She is good and had, gentle sud harsb, ta them. wby yon want ta spesk ta him." loyal sud inconstant, tuthini sud htypa- And having said ali this loudly enough ta critic..l. Hem quaities depeîîd iargely ou ho audible ta Drumnîand, ah e went ta the the individuel, aud the individua) varies neaest guesti sud eagerly explained that with, mood sud envhonmieut. She is mnet cnt this was a hurried sitting for a really im- ont oi the ideai, nor is shc drawu from. de- portent work ai art. baseinent. She is prhmarily human, as man "Mathor does net know why 1 Want ta , a comrpound ai brain end body, af speak ta yon sa aumcb," wbispered Lady strength and weekuess, ai geuerosity and Cloove. III want taask yon taforghverme" seldsqhnosm, ai cherîty sud prejudice, ai She heid ont ier baud but it feitered an its altmuii and egatiani, oi affctioni sud way ta hiru. Seeiug that ho isownri~ aversion. 'Saisi woinen are fer botter, disposition ta takre it, she drew hack ît asd sains wornen are fer warse thaît said, l'Yau wilh shako hindi with me IJ-the mass ; bot botter or warso they hope ?" are iuudamcntally unlike oee c'otiîer, II es , but how cauid yon treat me sa?"sud ctenu utîhke tiiomîcives. Poeti aind III didn't want ta bebave Ladly-I w-es novelistsiînay ta a great degree ho rospan- veny fooish-that'i ail. Yeu ses Iiîeda( sible for the average mnan's opinion ai w-o- been told about girls being modela, and men. Tise poats have ondinarily used lier thougiît wbat fnn il would ho ta -play at ho- as a vehicle ni passion and nonsence ; as c ing one for a tume mysehi. 1 had ta weit source ai light ta sot off the darkuesa ai until my mothen went csuay for a tbre. eno'us-s She bas been portreyed as weeks' visit sud thon I caine ta yen. That their botter angel, as turniug thoni inon was dl."vicions courses, as comfomting thora in ill- IlThat was ahi 1" lho nepeeted, despeiriug. 'es8 and afficition, as reeompeuahug and She spake sa lightly, aud sho seet.ied ta hum bieasing theni citer ail their trials w-ihblber ta ho dancing an bis coffin. unalterabie love. "Well,uo, not quite ail. Therew-es sncb a pretty ring-a sapphire sud dhamnoud anc No hope san bight but is the begiuuing ai in a second-band sbop, sud I couldn'tafiqnd its own lifllment. cri e uelierte anrd vriernt saying of -" -S --A - aur neîghbors is prscticelly iaving theni as eny part aif the body; no muscle or angenà ourseives ?"-[Robert Spence Watson. is equired ta do mare then ita legîtumate anmoutai fw-ork. The inîns sbould nover ho fqided; for that positiont not only causes A Mather's Lave, c strain upon the spine, sud ail the athor No matter how- timea my chansgesud evils aîready etered to, but, in. addition, wo by force ai cincuinstanes anc coinp elied placea the weigbt ai the arma upon the ta change with theni, there is aise sentiment stoinachi sud the dîcphragm, thereby in- that stanids firin sud true tiîraugh ail thecrcaiug the lebor af digestion sud respira- ages a brigit point ai iight amid the shift- tien. Piscing tise bauds bohiud the heck, îug bleekuesai earth's sw-cet. trials-a if ponssible, ha a good attitude ta e tac- mother's love. It mettonsnt that baby- easionaily, giving as it does, thie fullesit hood lias long since been loi t behhud, it expansion ai the w-haie uppor part ai the umeana no diminution in the pratectiug ton- body. dernnss in that nînther beart that wo have passofi tbe age m bore physicai belp is uced- -sait. cd ta guide aur tottering infant foot, dry Sodium chiorid, or comman sait, fa a, ne-. aur chuldish teers sud sympathize with aur eesaity oiaîimali e, Wiid animais ai the littie sorrasvs, w-e do not change ta lion. 1 herbivomus dlais maIre reguler excursions af Lîfe's greaer aud frîller troubles thet ral many miles ta "lsait icks," or other places averwheimiug billows upon the struggîîîîg where it abouîîds. manu or woman are stili ta the dear faithfui l Tise buuen body eonteins sait in large hoant the worrnes aiflier baby boy or girl, proportion. The blond tastes afit, sud- in The motîjer neyer reahizes t bat the years grat.ter or lois qunBtities il is fouud in ai bave clîenged liem ittie ane inta a strang, the inn liansd juices mnanunactnred by helpini aduit. She knows thoy need bier, the varions glands ai the body. aud she it is ai ail the worhd that eau coni- That its presence ha not accidentel but fortas uo othr con'forter sud couinsel as no eiudf show-n by the stndy. ai sanie ai othen adviser. SIte reads the, beart, the the e'ssentiel -actors ai theoargaisisin w-hoen wanhd judges tire actions. She foola w-bore deprived ai it. Recent experiments have others may condenmn. Sho, in a word, us proved thuat the w-ite corpuscles ai the bhoodl IlMother," sud whet more eau ho Raid? Isweîi sud, horst qîiickly in distiiied w-sien. The aay wil cause w-bon those tired hîan da Protoplasm is inactive, sud the eii or are ioided, nover more ta toil for tho chilîl oi fringe-lilteedgeî ai certain cclis, stop their bier heant, wben those hoviug eyes are clos-.Imotion w-heu deprived ai sodium chlorid; ed, nover mare ho open in glad surprise at1w-bihe in a sait solution they romain active thecroming aionue mast dear, snd the w-orld aud intact. will go on, but neyer quite the sanie ta thse I It is stated that by the passage ýot sait anc w-ho bas laid aw-ay in the grave that »trough the body the absorptionu of food is dear oue w-ho understood the trias, hiso stimulated, and theactivity of tisue-chauiges smuatused thse acbuîîg brow-, wbo îooked not nd grasvtb is incroaîed. upan the litVle itakes whth the e aid, cruel I t is samatten ni comumon olbservaticc thnat seanchiight of worid ly xividom aîd condeîn-Il the swalhowiug ai sait producoes thirî,, ed unknawiug aîîd unthiukiug, tbo-e se- xvhieli is but sayig thet certain organs are thona that ceni conld intîîrpret in a far stimuoated tae ativity rbcrcby, aad couse- diffretnîsnner. iquontiy demand mare fluid in order ta con- Doos rnot tise memary oaitirt love stîmu-1 tinue their normal aetivity. lateta botterdeedsa dnoblen ambitions? ILUanycbildreîîidotbtlessifer from aniin- Doos not the heart cry ont luthe honly suficient supply ai conin sait, cspeciahly watchcesoaithe night for juat one more lookîw-heu artificiel loads are noed. Saab ebil- et the face long since paîsed froiiaur sight'dren are aiten sveak and poarly nunislîed. and are therenefot. tinios wlien ex on in the ýTheir digestion proceeda aloxvly, absorption midst ai the hurry sud heat ai the dey tbet ofdigested producta is deiayed, and they w-c sigh for thoso other times, perbapa .boforelbecome enîacisted. Tise docton is caihef, the w-orid smied favorabiy upon us, w-bnfandr witi, the orrier to add "a pis 4' i ai littie ecanomnies sud grindiug touls aeemed ta the milk r o hIer prepaned food, the ap- so bard ta hear, bunt w-hieb uow appear but petite inîpraves, the digestion is tm laed, the aîry tnifies ai the imagination, ion thon, -aud e prapor conditionî of nouriniionte- indeed, we wore hlessed, though wo reaiized turus. it nat-xve hed aur mathen. It is more tîsan probable that thecine The tender, blnding love ai mother an-i cemeut ai the hydrochionic acid ni the gats. chilf i s thse anc that lives. There tan tria juice is snpplied hy tlîia sait. Lu thiî diminution; selisb audsondid considenations fr- prinsWho ilve isrgaiy oui a vegerýabi< bave n place in sncb 'an affection, aud diet may flîîd a nossan for n weak digesýtion. thonglisloyers prove flekie, huibaudi change ýn insufflaient acidity, for thseinerai suni iriends are false, anecacn ahways- look- mat ton iound in vegetables cnita - 0l". ta mather for au abiding love, wh ethe n humi part, ai pctash saits, which nýOt bonr living, hreething cane and affection or satiy the demanda ai the animai l sim in tihe sacred usemory ai bier devotion in The syster ai minerai apingsis hicify thoso days betare she- pessod sw-ay foroyer. effilcachous in that it supplies bai b sait and xvater te the binod ini inceesed quity. - Beaside Item. The sait tends ta hicroase tissuo-nlbauslges, "Dhdyenpickup ny weigt by - asd the greater supply ai wîtenlisastIei the Did en ickup ay wigh bygoiug exretion ai the xvaste products whîicb are ta the soashane, Smitby?" thereby geuerated. 11I did, indeed, Bowny-gained aue hundred sud tweuty-fivo pournds." ":Pshaw-? impossible." A Taugli Boy. "Fact, mydeer ieilow! tCame up tathe Jufige DufY--Yaur son bias bee* r~se bouse and I wil. introîluce yov, ta bon ; w-O.for throwîug stones et e pasîing îaîl, ad1 wor manie hat week" jtrain. As.lho is Bot sixteen yeeîs aId, I --shall acnd hbu home ta ho thnaslitd. There are a tbausand hcckiug at thel Father-We et haine are aîsiy tea giadJ if bran-.hes cf evil ta anc w-ha is strikiog t le does't tbradh ns. Von do't k.row 1ihat thse rool. boy BURIED THE WRQNG ?ERSOi~.HE LI Thse SuIPPOed Corpse Tnrns np After thse Life Inssranceissil B en Paid. Overwork and DjsI;eiiEe A despatch froni Elizabeth, N.J., Aug, S.-<iverwork, whether of muscl1e or brain, is says: -Peter Sheridan, whose body was SUP- barmf ni and often fatal ; but wnt is ovýer- posed ta belying in the family platat Mount work for onie man may bie nothisg lbut Olivet Cemetery, walked into bis parent's wholesome activity for s'teVarjous house, 1,023 Magnolia avenue, bers, at 6 causes may have lowered rae's natrai paw - o'clock last night, and is around tawn ta- cers of endurance-lack of slecp, exhauLsting day receiviug the congratulations of fricnds. excitementsý sedetrhai,,n du Sheridansasys he bas been working in Phila- acmenin fft-ay habit1 Cý7 ia undu delphia, for the past two mouths, and did acmlto fft elec ero ohr arganic diseae naleapttv ft hear that hbu parents, believing that be spothe sdnetse.for ahe caetitiveI had been kilird by a train at Bloomsbury, ptsiisdgrosfrhecneatso wen- terecu paiticlyidntiiedtb ignore such physical 'differences. Sii body as, that of their son Peter. The body 1c'xieetmyhcpt i epr was shipped and bnried on Jul l. I ctary victory et too grcat a cost. the family $265. uyM.ost0 intelligent persans know that ath. Peter's lite was insured for over $200 lotos are j cculiarly liable ta beart dis- withthe rudntia Inýurace ompayease, and, as a chass, are sbort-lived. 11t isi withthePîuentih Isurnce $mpuywel Lnown, too, that cxhausting marches, and the cornpany pcid the insurance ta the liko the retreat of Napoleon's army from young man's parents. Now, the question i Rsi r ttue yafigtu oia Who was the man that was buried for Rsi r teddb rgtu oso Sheridan? The agent -of the Prudential ie- but even the modical profession lias Compny ade a eman ths eenia, not understaod thse nature of the relation Comnny adea dmandthi evnin ~ betneen overworlî and its morbid effects. the. Sheridlan familv for theo i,,nurane .