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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Aug 1892, p. 7

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Are compoundedl with the iew ta general usefulness and adaptability. They are composed of the piirest vegetable aperients. Their delicate sugar -coating, which readily dis- Bolves in the stomach, preserves their/fuli nediinal value and makes them eaAy ta take, ither by aid or young. For constipation, dlyspep- si-, biLiousness, siek headache, and tha common derangements of, the 8tonach~, Liver, and Bowels;, also ta check colds and feveri> Ayer's Pillas «Unlie othier catharties, thse effect of Âyer's P~iIes is ta strengthen the excretory organs and restore ta them their regular and natural ac- tion. Doctors everywhere preseribe iem. In spite of immense campe- ttion, they have always maintained their popniarity as a family mecli- cine, being in greater demand now than ever beforo. They are put up bath in viais and boxes, a-ad whther for home lise or travel,1 Ayer's Pilla~ are preferable ta siny other. Have you ever tried them ? Ayer s PUIS Preüpared by Dr. J. C. Ayer &Co.,I.awell, Maso. Said by ail Drugglsts. Every Dose Effectîve FB ARIË STERt, SOLICITOR, NOT. King Street, Bowmianç'Iile. Money ta joan. 3'.. M ONEY TO LOAN,-On farta secur ity an most favorable terms-mortg ages büught. APplJY te RCHARD FOSTER, ea8t af towni. P. . Box 119, or .IoHI FosTER, Drover, Bowmanviile, jl. 0. -lyr. FLORIST. OSHAWA, - - . ONTARIO Grower end dealer in Choces Cnt Fawers. plante. Roees. Carnations. Violets. Smlax. aud Feras. Funerai Desîgns and Bouquets made up on short notice ini Wreatha, Crowns, PiUeNw, Rearts. Society l3mblem3, &. Plants Load for Deeoration.such as Palme Ferris Lilies.'&e, Telephone Connection. iDETLCTIVE STÙIIIES 1 F RE E ! acko0fgoods worh $2. sud large 100 paze icture Book that wilileurl SUt you on the road ta a handsomeA fortne. en -' ilver topay pestage. A.W.KIzlaEy, B. C. S., Yarmouth, N. S. 12 - Lui. TT"O PRENT.-For termi of yeafs, "('len J.Dhu "-300 acres, 2 miles ftmWitby- good buildings and saili Admirable ter stock or dairy. Ct anas for ging extensively int Toronto mille business or stock raisîng for vmerican marks., Mes wth capital oaly Aced'2ipply. J. 11. Dow, Wbltby. 32 tf.. -"AR FORSALE-The north half conaining 100 acres mare or lees. U7pon the premises are a gaod dwelling bouse, Sand 'Stable. There id, a nover failing e lr,'ee ta the buildinirs, agood youug orebard For terme and particulars apply ta CHAS. Wssseu,sahcitar, etc. Newcastle. 2-3m. THIE (ANADIAN STATESMAN ESTABLI5REÉD 1854 SI per annum ln advance. therwise $1.59. PSubseriptianst nIWAys payable at the otilhs of publication. Advortisin4 rates nalees by c ,a ract, 10i cent3 par lino, noapirie I firat inserb on, sud à cents par lin each subsequeat in- evetion. Locale, 10 cents par lin. M. A. JAMES, Publishe -PO SA 'ýOR RENT-llouse and _â-j1ý ares arsale or ta refit. situate on Scngog strot uorth. The premises conslt ai a. goad bouse witli every couvenience, dri in shed, stable, etc. The garden centains a lot ai the ehoicest fruit of ail varleties. Immiediato caosssin a be given, For particulars apply W. FIS5HLEIGH. Bawmanvile Ont. 49 tf WANTED. We,ý want bath travelling and locI saiesmen ta represeni the aId estabished Fonthill Nur. sries. SALARY P.11n FROM TIHE STAET ta saiesmon experienc8d ia aur lino; liberai terme ta bexinners i.n i a permanent situation'assur- cd,.M'e have 755ACRtES under rultivation and are the ouly iirm furnishin Strteily flrst Oass î -' iamsdis'nGrewn Sfock. Ouid tira. Hardy vûilet lesreur northern Ontario and Man i to ba, a specialty. %VI guarantoe aur stcle. Apply for terme it once. We weutyotiNOW. STOE&WELLINGTONI, Toronto Ont. ik eD _'Ft' liRS ilte rube mi d 1ttaebi7u aas ft';ztesnba a doSe. Tbey a-re strie iy vr-,ea!Aeu nt do flot gïrlpe or purge, but b3' thoir e.'re o - , sealli wo use theni. lu vias C, fb cents; fias br $. Soldeverymhere, or setby mii. CAE73 LMICW. SGO., Ilsw Yrk. A CIIATIIAM M1RALE. Dr. Carl Verritider's Vcistue Of Torture aud of llcaltih, ne SuvvqThein ail, asiS l eoissais H!4 wonerfîst Detivoraaee Frma 'aoerta' and D[ealli, asst lis 5testorai5îli t presperity alti S igor <f lilaasittody -CioS IVordS afor the A. O- (.Jly Chaiba in Plisuci. lu a Raleigh St. resudeuce ilote lives aibb aife easdane ciild--a hum io n yeat aId Saglier-a musidîsmi krown mrougîsout Ontario, if nat tise avole Domninion, as a prince atssoug piaulis, orgr.aists sud clair I rsn-a vrntable maeestro and I" Wizard oI île Ivory Kcys," anS uio anaeavo lias ever lisicued ta lis mianipulation ai tise1 great organ ta thc Paris St. Meibodisi Churel, or learS luns croise IImagie îuusîc a - aystie moiody ' Iroins thcmaguificeni Dock- er CranS iin bis awu drawing raearuiailI Sociare tisati bs ninîenen la aveu deserved, aud lis peers eau le bîmi Inw amoug île praînssors af iv ine Art. The door plate bears île ioliowiug inîscripion:- CQNSERATOOF"0M MSIC.* - Dr. Carl Leo Verrinder, Direcior. Te sit, as 515 a Pianet repa¶det a few -pays aga, la a very atmmaspîre of saeei harmmny, croateS by D. Vnrrinder's niagician like baud, vas an expenienca ibat might aveu l e ovied, sud one calcîlabed ta inspire île masi sentimental îreruns. But sentimsental moods fduahly vanisîs anS beave one Iacing île sabot anS practical ide aI 11e. île musiec cased ausd île conversa- biis on oa atutu leaSing tethîe rosi abject af tis e norier's eaul. IlbTere are abories abroad," saiS île neavapaper mani, Ilregardiug tome exiraor- iuary delîverauce fromn Scah, avîlel yau have met aitis recently, Soctor. WoulS you abject ta stabinis aîsfoundaison tIne is for tIens, anS, il auy, furnial me witî the truc lacta Ion publication," Dr. Ver- rimider sîmngged bis sisouiders sud langbed. Illisavo net," hoe replieS, " bon gircu ta seekiug neav-papet uoîorieiy, aud ai fifty- five years af age it îs not likeiy I sîsl h gi, aud yet. "said tIse professer cter ihirîk- iug a moment sud cousultîng Mre. Vernu-a dcr, IIperlapa it is île lest ihai I should give you île circunssiauces Ion use n The Pianet. île story af my rescue frein the grave mighi fittiigly ho prelaced by a litile of my carly htstory. W/e tesided lu Bng- ]and, avîere thouglh1 was a professor aI mnusic, I1avas nal- depoudani an nsy art, as I liaS acquired a campoience. My aile aas su beinoas. laring £50,000 lu ber owu rigi. Tbrough île rasealty ofa s Irs se as abbeS amatifa ailiser fortune, avhie by île Banis ai Glasgow failure my mouey vanished borevet, hi because necessary Ion me thon bo reiuru taensy profession in onder ta lire. I Sa nat speaisofai boassiingly, bat 1 stood wel amaîsg île musiciaus ai that day itn the aIS land. My boa avre, guluca a tesson, anS lb aas no uncansman ihiug for me ta give iaveniy lu a Ssy. We cause ta Anscrîca, landiug lu Quebe, avîere I anticipabed get- .iug engagement as organiat lu tuoe catIeS- tai,, but avas isappainbed. Snbsoqîeîsiy ave usaed ta St. Catharines, lunavich ity 1 procurel su organ sud choir sud taon lad a large lieî,tein, Later, lu orden as I tlauglib ta btter sy fortune, I teois up usy residence is Landau, firsi dhlling an en- gagement avil a Moîbodisi ohm-eh aud alînnaransccepting île position aI argan- lis lu St. Pebers Cathedral. Iu those cibles I maSoeruauy aarin Inonde, and their trilubea anS gîfsIe h all ever nebala as among the mosi preclouis of my possessians. I wass arile living lu Landau and pnnsuing sy amitaitb muel esmntacsanS labon ilat 1 received a aroke aI panalyms. Per- hap,"--here île speaker rose andstretch- ing limnsel ta bis flIt eight, ibus display- iug bis wcl-bilt auJdael-noniled Iranse -"II Jo naonSo like a parsiytic. Bobtise irLih li Itave lad tbnen stroie-yes, sir, firat, second and third, ataS bhey say tise ibird la fatal, iueiy-niue tuses ont aIf one butidmed. Yt bcrn you sec beforo you a îirnc.stroke victiminud a insu who boels, houAi in body sud mind, as vigoraus as le ever id lu ili he. My ultimata cure I attilute ta my testing tbe virinea aI a medicine avlose praise I. shah nover cosse sounding as long as I lire, sud avîlel I shahl recommoud ta sullnniug bumaity as I ama new coîstantly doing, avIlie I know aI a case aud eau resel île ear af île patient. Af tnt temoving ta Chaîlîin I haul net long beon here avIna my loaitb lurther began te give way. Craulually I1isoted the change. I faltit i irai and not stnongly lu a sio'ssacl affection avîlel produced coustqni sudds. treasing nansas, lbgrain avrse anSdaorte, I usysel attribuied h taelad aater poison- ing my systeus. One Joctor saiS h avas catamnîs oI île siomacb. Anoiben pronouneel it diabebea, stilli aoiler adiffernut Siagîisîm. I Sept ou dacboring, lut getiig no relief, 1 iied ane medicine a! ton anoibon, luti avas nauso. Grippe atiacised ame sud add- oS te my pain, discamîori anSdaeakuesa. At iassi 1 ook taeusy bcd anS lb seemed thatI h aas neyer goiuug ta get aveli, Nous- ing aI a nourislstng nature aould remain ou my stonsse. No druga seemed taeIna-e a couuter-aeiing intfluenîce on île dSue avhi ar as draggimg nme doaru te deail. My wile aonîd stiai my bedide anSdtnisi- an my lips it i Juntedsaprits vhills aas ah bthat conld ho done ta relieve me. Be- tiSes tîrne local Saciors avlo gave me up, I sitîli til 3 ou lsow I came ta try th-ns. A fliiw miler af tise A. O. U, W., tle bn .tîrcu ,slab icI orSon aba ise mono tIns Sl knd ta une dnriug îuy ilîsesas, tecauý-unided Pinkl Pis. 1 knew nobl- iug about anhat tbey aereoron avat tbey bela cinl jail Ion 200 Saya, avile bis appnjal Tisere are people in every ehurel avba cvs" beirg considened. The resuli af that iapbaieviug the Bible the minute they coriderabiau avas île addition af tbirty lîook t a a dollar. days mare ta the original sentence. \Ve lis'ue the lady la now satiadied; île leasi A revival may always bc baS by suy she '-su do la ta retura a kis awhch hbas church thsatislawilliug ta give np île worid jcasi île gîver ao many'pains, ýta get t. Children Cry foiRPitcherle Castoriae couid accomplîeh. In faet I amn rather a PLAN~T PESTS. sceptie au aviat are termed "proprietary - rsmeiies." Bkit 1 started ta take Pinke Their Pletures5hIosld Ifnng On the Walls Pis for Pale People, msade by the Dr. eorStves.y Sool. Williams' Medicine C., Brockvile. Tram Insun article entitled 1"Pestîferons Plants, the very first, one et a dose, I began ta in the Popular Science Moîîtuly, Prof. B. aîneîd, aud belfote I bad taken more thui a D. Halsted says; "The faet je patent that box or twa I kuiew that I1 had founci the weeds are everywvbere present, and tise best right reseedy and ibat ta tise Pink Pilla 1 meant ought ta beý taken ta, resist their owed my 111e. lu nine monîlîs I have taken greater prcvalence. In tlîis aarfare against' tivelve bxe-jusi six dollars worth. rese there is no weapou equal toas thorough Tbliîk oaiG mîy friesîd !Iutsdreis oa. knowledge of the euemy-that is, an n- dolars for other trestmenb, and only six, derstand ing af their natuire, their methoda af dollars for whst bas made a msan af me propagation and dissenîninatian of the sonda. and set me again c n the bighway aI health Thlis knowledge la mnuelhmare highly ap- sud prosperity. There la soins subtîn, preciated ln urîope than hem,. liie-giving principie lu Pink Pilla whlch "4la Germany, for example, tltey bave J do naîz attempt ta fathons. I Only wall-maps upon wbich tise ieadiug weeds kuiew like the blincltuais ai id : "Once are represented. Iluug as these are upon I m as bliid ; n Dw I eau see !" God, lu uthie sehoolroom walls, s child, simply fromn the îuystery af bis providence, directeS dally seeiîsg these lifelike coloreS drawinga Imy brotheor af the A. O. U. W. ta mie. aofbihe varions pestia, wiii lea their appoar- I took lt. I ltve aud rojoice li my ansce and naines. Sois sscb metlîod af in- heaiih sud stretsgth. I have neo physi- 'struction is needed la this counutry, by cal malt dy, saving a slight tiluiesa 'whieh thec blidren who are taon ta be aur la my leg due ta grippe. I feel as aveu as 'farmers amiS gardeners may becone familiar lu my pamiesi Says. My prospecta are good. ýwith tise troubînsotie weeels even lun advancc Althis I gratefuily attnîbate ta tue virtues aIf their advent, thai the proper means may aI PinkePilla for Pale People, "suand 150w be taken at once for meeting aud Ssiroying my story is doue 1" as tise nursery hsliad themn. Editors of agricultural papersansd ruila. If anybody should asis confirmation ýprofessors lu agricultursi colleges yeaniy ra- of ibis tale af mine let hlm write ta me and 'ceive msny interesiing letters asking for the 1 sisali cheerfliy lurnial itl. Tise Pinks Pilla1 simplest kinS afinlformatian cancenîiug wcte my rescuer sud l'Il b heïtisai rend sud, mauy contrmon weeds, thus showiug tise advocate while Ilire 1" gonral lacis aI knowiedge upon ibis import- The reparter finally took bis in-ave aI Dr. ant asubject. Verrinider, but uot withoutthse profesaor en- "To put a map of a dazenl of the mosi e-e iertsining hlm ta another piano ireat,a symu-! structive aveeda upon the walls af every pbouy played with faultiesa execution atnd'country sebooihouse la the Unîited States la soullul îtterpretaiioa aI the campcser's 'a great indettaking ; but, if it were dan,e thougb t.i the nexi u anscceediug genorabians of fan- Cailing upout Messrs. A. E. Piikey & Co., nmera wonid be tha better able ta carry ur. the wll kuown Sruggista, the reporter as- the wonk af extermsination. There lsaa eertsiaed Dr. w'illiams'Pik Pilla have an large number aI farinera' clubs thnousgbout enormous sale lu Chatîsamnsd thai ftom 'the country, and a greai dealieht be doue ail quarlers conte glowing reports aI îhe ex- by haugiug a wned chart upon the wslls of cellentb reanîts ioilowlng tbeir use, lu fact'thnte halls, where faruers gather Irons bie Dr. Williams' Pinks Pilla ar'e recogniaed as'ta time for mutual improvemeut sud a bot- one of the greateat modern medicines-a tnt nudensbsndiug of the wasa and mear.s aI perfect llood builder sud narve resiorer- s oe nfta'earclu. cnniug sncb diseases as rheumatîsm, nural- j Weods bave been negleeeeinl more gis, partial paralysis, locomoter atay la, St. iways tIa one, sud just sa far as tbey are Vsîus dauce,nrvonsbheadacbe,nervoua pros-. averlooked and lotirta ibemanîvea the great- trations sud tise tireel feeliug resnltiîg tIne. r-, r ili be the ourse. As we lok aven the from, diseases depending upon humons la prnmîum liisaIfaur ilionsanda af cauîsty the lood, sncb as serofuls, chronic erysipe- sud State faits we seldoilt tee a pnize aller- las, etc. Pinks Pisaestare pale sud sallow ed for the besi collection of weeds. Ibseems complexions ta the glow aI hcalih, sud are incompatible witb aur fitues oftbings ta as pecific for ail the troubles peeliar ta tise bave a good collections of aîsytisig tisai ia female sex, while lu tle case aI men thny .lad, sud yet the f sci remaina tiat titere la effeci a radical cure lu ail cases aising frotu fia clasa af plans about whiicb au increase mental worry, overwork or exce-ses aIfavhat- 'of knowiedge la more imperative than these ever nature., saine ugly acenSa. A few dollars expended Thnte Pilla are inaaufactured by the Dr. lansavards hy nacis faitrasociations aould Williams' Medicine Comspany, Brocisvilie, brnîg together lisaoa plant pesta, the ex. Ont., sud Schenectady, N. Y., sud are soid hibition of wlîich vouid isot ouly surprise, lu boxes (neyer in loo'e formn by tise dozen but gr-eaily iustruot ibose wiîo ses thein. lb or hussdrnd sud the public are cautioued is falt'les important for tise farniers of any againat numerona imitations solS lu this dsritta krow af the arrivai af a ucw shape) at 50 cents a box, or six boxes for wced tiufaIthe advnnt of a uew fruit or $250, andi may be lad ofI ail druçIgista or grainý. irec by mail Iroin Dr. Williamss' àlcSiciue1 Comspany Iroin ither address. The price Gyeieî h lue su avbîch these pilla are solS maise a courseGyere nteH s. of treatmeut eomparatively inexpeusive al This useful substance la almosi exclusive- compareS with other rensedies or medicas IYiissed exteruaily by house-wivea. Ih treatment. asoisteus and softits the sisin, aud, avIon properly Jiluted, bots preveuits sud cures Wbiere is the Deepast WeIl in the World. tise painfni sud unsigbtiy crs 'ks isuow as Tise deepeat avoua are Aninsian ana, ta chaps" on the banda. XVe have scnuit' naineS froin Artois, one aI the Old provintces allsy the excessive thirsi af a lever wlenI aI France, wbere they long wnre useS, uatbîng else canlei do sa. Tara or tbree' inotîgi it la said ihai sitilar ones existeS drap$ g -îen ta baby aili aIman stop it f romn retuote antiquîty in China aud Ega'pi, torral -ache, ilfaine be tise caisse. It sud baS heen introducnd ista 1taly belfote wiil olten sootiue an irritable cougb by they aere knaavssil France. Tbe sali is moiteniug tbe drynesa aI the tistoat avhlci boreS tili a place la reached where aater gises tise ta ht. Ihi 'la tbe isost efficient bas acutnunîted, wben h tla forceS up by .uss ai aur coammand for tise preventian thai ahcl stands ai a iigber level than it- o; bed-tares. M. Cattillon fud by ex- self, sud h lrises ta tise surface, or even peiments that interually it increasod tbe save lb, as a fountiisn. h la aonderlul appetile sud promoted nutîrition. hit bas thatsuc a ept ca bcreahedin -isbeenu ouud ta bc excellent as an nucusa in way. The deepesi boriig lu tle v;arld is ai treatiig constipation. But if sucs uses are Speerenberg, tweniy miles south aI Berlin, mnade aI it, it muai le pure sud wholly un- ibis well being sunis for tle purpose nf ob- aduiberated. Anoiher use may le added, iaining aaupply of rock-sait. A bore-hale whicb la net geîerlly kiioiva. Wbea yau aI 16 lcet nt l iameter, was carninîl Soavuta are about ta seat fruit-jars, drap n hall a te d epbb of 280 lent, where the sali lied dazen Stops of glycerine, and h aili hielp ln began. Altor a luriher clesent aIf1680 lent, the iseeping, snd preveut sunuld lrom gatb- the bore was educed ta 13 luches Jiameter eringou bbe top. If you waat ta show and theoi contintieS bil the cxiraordiuary y aur liuband a lie attention, place a depth aI 4,194 leci avas reached, aithosu t hotus ai bit Iaud aofeual parts aI giycnrne having pierced îlrough île sait Seposit, aunS bay rumi for the use alter bis moruiug whiclî bas ibus bbc enormous tiikuesa ai ai slave, sud ha aili rite up amS binas yats. leasti3,907 lent. The nexi in Sephi lataiThsis, I1isuow, lot 1 bave trled Îh sud eau ai the iusante asylum, lu the townuoai8t. reconsmend lb. Glycerîsse la alto excellensi Louis, Misaouri, lu tha UnitedStats for rubbiug labo shoes as s preventive aI 3,843M1 lest, whicl wss stapped ai that web lent, sp e vasata sofien the icatîsern u point, se lb pradnced ouly lime; then Wat- kenp ih is goad coudition. sa's, kuawu as the "deep well," ai Titus-I -ille, Peunsylvania, 3,553 leet, vvhicb, how- ever, is dry, sud produced îsiig. Tien j finding Youx Mission. there are that ai Louisvillie, in Kentucky, To fuel your mission you bave but la le wbicb, produces a pleutiful supply, 2086 faithîni avisaiever GoS puis yon for île feet lu depbh; thai ai Kistingen, lu Bavarla,- preseni. The Isumbler, ihînga lHe gîves n 1,878 1let; auJ îhe oueata Grenelle, riear île carlier years are for yonr traiig, ibat Paria, clebi-ated for ias disasicrsansd d elsYs yon may bo ready at ieugtb fan bbc largen which cauîsed it ta occapy elght years in and parieuar acrice for wbiclt you were boring, 18M bta 1841 ; but it givea 700,000 boru. Do, ibese susaller, bumbier ihinga galions daily, the wster risiog 32 feniabave aveu, simd tbey aili prove abopasc h stairs tle surface, aith a tempensture af 8 1 de- up ta the laI tier lieigbis where your 1'mis- grens Fahrenhei. Peiroleuin or natural sion" avaits. To apura ibese plainer Subies gas welis hava heeno auni toa adepil Of auJ tasisa anS ta negincitIen s lata miss 4,750 fei ai Pittsburgh, Ponusylvania, sud yaur mission iseif la tIse euS, Ior thnte is ta a Scpth af 4,100 feet ai Wbeeliug West no way ta lb but ly these ladJer-ronda af Virgiala, bath in the United States. commouplace thitîga avicb you disiain. Yau must builS your owu laSSer day by Jiorrors of Morocco Prisons, day in île camman fidelities. Mn. ChatIes Cook, the prison phiianibrap. isi, lecinning at Pliîstead an Tneeday Wcre ibis aur auly day. nigbi, aid ;-111I manageS iogetiuto thepri- Bld not aur ý,'sterdays sud usorrova give sans aI Taugier. I1avas told we cannai trust To lape andS mcmory their interplay, you there. Tbey will hurt yon. Yon mubti Howshasiid ae bear te liree have toeinesoldinra, sud ave Sa not think is Naimereiy avwav e are, GEORGE 0. HAINES, Proprietor, -MANUIA1TURER OF- GARRIACESe SLEICHS, 0UTTEBS WAG0NSe &U KING STRtEET, BOWMAN VILLE, Nuw <su baud a numiner of vehi-i sa-ml is manuficturing a gei m . orsaifiss litSit pattrasanS esiitesl, vîlian offaning fan sale ai î oa veaM"t prie asss wiîis due regard ta wonknsanship aud qualiiy. TIsa Iolloavuag la a liai oI île principal vehicles manuactured by me Double Covered Carniages........... ............ .............. $150 Upavard. Single Plistona.............. ............... .................... 100 Opea uggy....................... -........... .. ................70 OpnBuggy.................................................0 Democrat Wagons ....................... .............. ...... 65 Lumber Wagons ........................ ......... .............. Lighi Wagon,.................... ........................40 Express Wagon......................... ...... ....... ........ 7 Skcleiou .......................' ...........' *........... 0 Sulky... ..... ....................................................40 ru Possessiugsuperier facilities for mnufacturiug c9,rnages, 1 inteul ta selt verY echeap for caïh appravcd credit. sud by se doing 1 hopc ta greatly increase rmy numiber of sales. We oeil the woad parts only, or the gearings of buggies ironod. Ail Kinds of Vehicles Repaired At the-Shortest Notice, Painted sud Trnimmed if Desîred At the Factoy 1 alto do Planning, Matching, Tnrning and Sawing witb Cirele, Baad or Fra Saws. and prepar-, all kinds et lumbar for carpenters aud others for building parpases orniame, tal and Plain P ias for fencel lu cvery style roquiîred inade ta arden. Ei-iast End Grain LLDeuot The undersigniEdç-desire to thank the farmers of West Durham for the liberal patronage extended to us dtiring, the past season, aiso to remind themi that we are stili in the market antd prepareti to pay the HlIGHEST MAIRKETPRC ALL KINDS 0FCGAR53-EGRAIN 'EEDS delivered at our storehouse cor. King, and George streetss., or at Port Darlington. We have also on hanti a large stock, NEW AND FRESH, of Canadian and Liverpool Coarse Salt in Bags. Rock Sait for cattle and horses, anti Fresh Ground Grey Plaster in Barrels which we are prepared to seli Ail kintis of Lumaber, Wood andi DRY CLEA.N SCREENED COA a7ways in stock. We invite inspection andi guarantee satisfaction. MoOLE LL.AN & GO SMALL FEET OF OHINEBE WOME14. Produced by Terturiîg Bandages Placed About Thens la Chltdhoesl. A peeuliariby af Chinese maideubood la tIc lamantenstornsof prodîîciug mal feet by compression. Tbe arîgia of thIlt eforns- iîy is nai lnovu; evon be muet oducated kuoav naîhing oaI h. hitis saiS thai île Empresa Takisiofa the Shaug dysîasby baS cmlu eensd implnred ber busbaîsd ta arder tise court ladies ta produce a sinsiilar de- lommiiy of their peSai extremumis. Accardiug toanouaier aubisority a layon- ie of île Etîperor isg-Haia-Chio (Tang dynaSty, 800 A, D.) lad thse idesaf can- pressing 1er feet, wlicl avas quickly ln- These versians are bath improbable, for1 bise ruliug race af île Empire, île Tartars, neyer disfigute île font aI ibeir Sangliers, sud girls aiib deformed lent are excinded Iroin the ituperisi iharem,, sud are not even pemmitied ta enter tle palace. An unusual- ly sinsil foot is iooked upon, boavever, as su evidence af refineent, alibongh not alwayav astan indication of aealil. île diminution1 oI île fet la gouersliy praduced inla a ery Simple mauner. île growth of ilteecx- iremitues is usualiy cbeckin ltîe i il or sixtl ycar. île fooais15 50firmly bandageS tisai île circulation amati cesses, sud tise tocs arc igbbiy conîpressed. After being bausdagee tIse foutisl put lu a shsort, uarraw- pointeS shae, lunavîich is a hublocks af aood is aIma useS ia snpp-,ri îl e loTiis nasies i appear as though île girl avaliseS uipots hon tons. The aukies alwsays rotain thseir natursi size. Tbernupon tiese alan l agalît wrappnd in bandages, which gives i. an awkward appearsace. St ockings arenfot warn. A foot that is sa treated assumes the fashionable fe'rm la tavo or throe years by a graduai atropby. The paon, deiuded victims, af course, endure terrible pains dnring this time. The skia and parts of the, fiesh often ulcerate, sud, lu case of negleet, incurable disease not iufreqnently resulta. The ides enrrent la this country that iran or avooden shoes are employed for titis pro- ceas is erroneona' only cloth banîdages and leather shons are nsed, The scos of tise lat- ter are frora 3 ta 4ý inches lu length. Girli with these dnformed feet cannot walk natur- slly, but possess a miuciug gait and'waddio, The steps are short. No matter how atronig5 it la impossible for a girl with sncb feet ta carry any burden or ta performa any work that necessitates locomotion. The parents of girls with small lent oîîiy marry tuema ta men whase mothers and aistera 1i kewise pas. sess diminutive feet, thns fornîing a sort of caste-the aniy one lu China. A entions, spot bas besu notied as the selection af a pair af wag tala for the propagation of their species. Tbis is on the railway near Stautxs, Eng., avîtere s nest is te be Iound iu the hollow nI a sleeper on the main track, over which saine- thiug like a dozen or more trains pass in a day. Wben Baby was s1ia, we gavs er asterit, 'Vben she was a Childs tiseedfo Castonia. 'K heu tbe became ie, tshe eluingto iJes'orio. Whieu ailal Cildren, ste gava isoîn Castcons. for Infante end Children. "Cactaris saewen sadpted tao Cdrn t a ex4 ures O Cl, itID trecammnendft as auperior taany=esritoSur Stomach, Diarrhoea, liructatiaS imon t m," I leWorms, gives Bleep, and promOtes di. knOu t If&~1L A. AISCRER, M. D., 1 etin ni 20O (ord StL, Brookiyn, K. Y. M Widthat inurions Medjoation THz Cs'rÂua CompAtiT, 17 Murray Street, N.Y'. FOR SALE BY J. HIGGINBOTHAM & SON, BOWMANVILLE- J _L1301 A large Stock of well seiected Ainerican Wall Papers, cheap and beautiful frorn 6-ts. to 5Octs per roll. Cali and see for yourself be. fore purchasing elsewhere. Ail colors of Paints ready for use, guaranteed to give good satis- faction, Floor paint a specialty. A large stock of Paints, Kalsomining, Shoe and Scrub>Brushes and whisks. Glass any size, and Putty. Painting, Grainng and Pàpering done promptly and satisfactorily For al of which cali at M SHERIN & KIRBY'Se &uth side King st., betwerzn Treleven'a and Reid's Sttoe stores, Bowmitnvil IlAINS ARAEWO KS

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