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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Sep 1892, p. 6

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(CUT PLUGI) No other brand of Tobacco has ever en= ,oyed such an immense tuale and popilarity ini the saine period as this brand of Cut JP1ug and PIug Tobacco. Ôldést Gui' Tobacco manulfac-. itrerss iiiCanzada. Cnt Phng, 0c. -lb Plug, 10e. ï lb Piug, 20c. ÎHF CZDOKS BESI FRIEND 1'el 07-g%'e - r tfe VETE.f MARY SUR(!ÊiO.. ORONO, - ONT. Office. -Post Office Block. Cells by telegraph or telephone receive in )le lhate attention. STANDARD BANK OF CANADA. Capital pald up, *11,00,000.ftest, $53 ),10) This Banîk is preparodtet do Legitt- mate Banking in1 cli its branches. Farmer's notes discounted ; Deposits received andtITnterest paidon accounts of $5 andi upvards in Savings Bankt Departmrent. DIiAFTS 18-uei andi Colleotions made in Enrope UnTiteti States, and Canada. W. J. JONTE>s, Sg 'et ONTARIO BANK continues to do a ceneral ]ianking Business IiOwmauville Agency. DEPOSITS ]Recilved In Savings Ba-lnk Deîirtment and en ca t and interest altwed atouirent ratep No notice otwthdrawal necessary. Ait deposits P:tYable on demand, EXCHANGE, E nahtand sold and traitsîssnued sponNuropo United States and Canada,calso Gold, Silver and U ýiaSaes Greq n acks houzht and sold. COLLECTIONS Fr;mfptly madeat curreni rates upon att Pps"1 cf 'irPat Brittain. the United Statoz anu it hio riaclof cCanada. Telegrapli Traiisfers M ce ti t' isea [slui n ii,set' rt c rafla. This lae esecialty advanLageo s te r tois living inlanitooba or thnoth-,e t,,Ë t e l'es tLe funds avaitableai on-eas th P la e e f rs'n -', Othclr particulars eau at the ha k. E.L. FORTT Accountant. GEO. XcGIL, Manager. Lumbago, ackaches Brui~s_L,- ,Etc. HOUSEHOLD. At tisa Fcby's Betitime. Tisajis xby'sbedtinse; _N u il nms to e Ianlie auowy litila nigisi govo, And kneels devis atiny knee, Ant 1 f accyàcsîveet ciml-engel la fr atite My 3gne-t,f As qais as elber utile pr,,yer ever Witis bar hante cipon ber breasi, " Nov I icy me, cha itispers, Ia loy voice, "dowvn te slaap I pray tisa Lort."-aiisthtisablue cyes Hait clos,-"my t3out te kee, If1I h ouît die"-Oh! ltise siiver AI my ieart!l-"taforee I vake, 1I1ray tise Lonrd," cndthtisaya-lds C Deoop 1ev,-" iuy seul te rake," Tisamu1Ilft top tise litile one, clasping Hec close te mny laving beart, Ant give ber ivarîn, got niglis iSeises Tili tise clset. lita break aparl As the Icavea de, flding a floyer, And tise violets oetlier aies Look up lnisheir drcvs asion, And esileat eue, angcl-vise. "Doot-nigisi, 'cisc 'c tispers ne SetiY And sleapily. wltîm a iss, Thatiiogers wvus ma in cumber, Antatiles usy iseant vuth bus. As, I tbink efthliltte one, teeamniog Wit1h ber beat agains;t îny beeasn, Till mur hert ta as tull etfetîpture As bier dreeamtog is et ravi. -[Ebert E. Rextord. Implilit Ohedieuce. It is traquently tisa case tisai c inciser îvllî pees over tise diaubeitiencaetfban chutd, if noupicasaci consequeces are lise ce- suit, bot lIci h iniolve isorle on troubla for ieseaî, an imiîtdiately sc baceunes sevara, For instane. A niolir se i Iectant visS- as te lic twavnditraset is e afiernoon, 'but bier litile girl he uneaay visen lftt lone, cnt ht te aleiostiminpossible furelber te te se. Tise ciildi teplaying vush semaevicier tIsai she bias beau toit siet te go near. Periasepesbse viii oui gai lier tracs vel tis tinie, and t h yl kcap uier quiet, tise matiser uines, as sc goeceie ier room. If tise utIle eue succeets la kee ping baer ciethes dry, netlîiug iill ha sait about it, but if tse Ccesu thhts er itress e vcacui snsstty, sc isc c 11 e punisiset. Tise ciilit ay isot unitestant bier notisr't inonsistency, bot icetincnivcly sue will ftel it, vili effectilhan chîrcer, for sisa hec learnedthtis iesea-tiîa l i m ny run- succasetul iisohetience wvichie ptsnisbeit. Implici oheitiemîce, lovimsgly eittor'et, cnt " ternal vigilanuce" te te price tisai cvei'y Imetiser nust pay if sc suives tee serta- tlsung bayendthte pisysical valfare et bac chilitren. Fî'otercile Ohltren. If I piece lise young leat etftise shoot cf a pleut viti tise finasi ucedia, tisa pricle torms a knot viicis rovs isvtise leat, hecomes Sauter cnd hanter, cnt 'prevenis il fremu oisainicg ius petectiyceplt foetuo. Sometiig similar takes place atter 'couats viicis toucis tise teumngem etoftise hÏboîcan seul ent injure te ieat-leavas et ils hin,'sg Thieefoeayen musi <cep boly tis e hmg et tise ebilit ; proecc it tront eveey toucli et tise vulgen. A gasture, a look, a.souit, is often cuffiideonu teinflict ench viaunte. Tise chhte seul se more tenter tisais tise finet on teoiterast plant. lu voulit hava bacc tan tiffenenit vus isumauuty if avosy intivituclinii it lied heen proîeccîcit a tisinerest uge as iefltet tise buman seuls vicis boîte vutisin itseci tise divine sparle. TEE~ YEARS 0F ELECTRIGITY. Tha MarveInus Progress Showfl tin a.sgie Dccade. Juet tan yeees ago-Angust. 1882-tse fiest central station fer commercial incan- decent ligistlng was e-stablisisci, cait arc lichistg vies beginniisg te assume its presenit corin; yet c cingle decate bas scen tise use of electrie ligisi ccd powier edvanee freintise sprimnutal stage te tise vey front raîs of iîstusirial enteeprîsas. Tise soosi recant astirnete efthtie capital investet in tisa electricel insdustries is tise United Sictes is $700,000,000, acuit iis arneunt $350,000O,000 repeeseuts tisa propor- tien vihicis electrie iigbting ent power' isve attaînet ; $ 100,000,000 is aise tise estimîaiet investine'nt iu eleuirical supplies, et wisicis tise electrie lighistug eut railivay appliences censtit'ste a la,,g proiprtion.f Tise influence ivisic thtie Edison cee Thoîn- soa'Houeion Companies exertet in tise de- velopinen etoftise eectrical iotustry iilie furtter epp ecciatet if we concider tIse slow peogecessm incietusiis brancis et science pre- viens te tic turne oet tii orgeuization. Tise telegrepîs vies ai tisai ture alinost tise oîîiy imiportant application to vihicis electricîty hait beco auaptet, ant, alîhougis electria iigistiog by nicaîteot tise 'oltaic arc bat heen accomplisiset iy SicrIluipry Davy as ealy as 1810 by means et ý a haîry et 3 000 celle, it wce net catit 1867, viben De. Siemens aunouince i bin-10 vention ofthtiselfeel'xciting dynamotisai any matecial peogcess towcri the science ot alec' tric lîgisting vas macie. At tise Paris Exhibition et 1878 ilic sys- teni cf alactrieliîglitiug invautet hy Jais' loclîkoff, b isy mecof ewvhicis severel et tise streets et Pariesviere licittet by eleîstsicity, peuvent an incentive te isivesitees vicis Ca- sultad n itise productionofethtie mDteen type et arc icmnp, wisicis was in e compara- tively expenumnietl stage ai tise lime efthtie ergaîsization efthtie Anierican Eîectrlc Coin- pany et Newi Beiîaiu. Tise incandescenti lesnp sat receivet lees attention et tise ,lants et scientiste tico tise arc laînp wbeîî Edison ennouanceit bis inveutioni. Tise divis' ion aftie electrie carrent jute sîsall coite lied b enan clîng-stcudiog preblaîn before tise saienits eftata day, but cIl tise cx- perirnts previeus te Eitisen's itnvention bat bacc in tise direction et a filament ot low resistaoce, vibici obviously requiret a prohibitive emossat ot coppcr te contuci tisaencurent for a fecv lampe, aven over short distances. Tise invention of a bigle resisicoce filamenit meekedthtie iîîeing peont in tiseisistory et inscaodescent ceetric igýltiog. Tiîus we sac tisai tise iviolaeofthis great insstry lias peactically came ie oexistence witisin a cingle riecaite. Tise men ivio have iseen makîng hisiory ai sncb a rapit rate bave becu se engressed it stise prescut endthtIe itumeitiate future tIsai thoy have peut littla attention te tise peeseevatiesi of s-eenrds, &c,, tisai viulit net ocly he et inter- est but et great peactical value te tise grect army et ycung inen vue hava taken up tise science et electrice as e fiel I teortieir lite week, hantise werk on the Richmîond Roat exparstncuis were mate wutli, peebape, seveîsty-five différent itesîgtis tee e trolley. Ne meisacratita or photographe werc pre' sevet, eut net evea Me. 'iprague' binseît cau tell te'tay juet wlîat a hait dozeci et iisem wiera Tissis oenly ciscinstance eut et rnany visere daeta have been ierevocahly ost. Icebarzs Prom the North. i is a singulail tact tiat aitisougi lest Testeti aoeipts.yeaae eor moue fieldse et ice liait begust te in- Testd Rceits.vade tise se callei teamcîelance " et tisa DRY STuvi.-Boil foui pounts cf lean Atlantic aitishe opasing et eprirmg, tisae b as nlamb tilil doue, in about twa quarts etfvicier, bacc comparatively littia ice titis yeae. Tise sltet. Skirn it eut aond keep il boi, ieev- ce, et course, conies frein the atgee et tise ieg tisa liquoniin tisa katie. luto tis put Anctiarecgieucs, frocn tise ice-bounit coaets reoaequart et onions cnt oeelange îurnip cut et Greenleot eut Labradoe, vsereelisuge loto lices, cuit ialu'ed. Pepper te teste, berge, brokan froni tua frontoethtie glaciers -Boil ten or fiticc milnutes, andt att six or aitisae point vihece tisey reacl tise sea, stant tiglît medimu large petatees pareacnt cnt on thair lonmg jeurnna3s iowerd the Seuilh, laugtisîise ie iaves. Lay cousne tnmp- trivea y hy eiagrecaicurresîl iviicis flevi ings os tep etflimace, takig caca tise liquor tovin troni Baffin's Bay loto tise neniheno ducs mel beill er 15m, as tbay are te ha Atlantic oea,. seacnei t tiougis. Wbaî tise vegetahias Reniankeble differencasoceeue in tise aüe toue nemove thaîn freiniuse liqoor, put- seacens efthtie Acctic regioos,se tisai et cen- ttiug lisemin lto eeparate ittises, reaity for tain turnes, as bappene aitlst yeae, ail tisa stise table. Tiickai tise liquor lefts in tise cisanneis oethtie Nortiseen secs aue filiet amui -ketila, vicis naeacdliciousegeavy, Beet cioket vutis floting iceaet tise beeaking op cen bc usadi nteat et lamb, if preterreit. et vicier ; ila ai etisen tintas;tise saine Po'exro Ros.---Put one eup et colt, cisancels are comarcatively frac, andt but mecîtat petetoas hte e saces-pani, att oe- litile ice je seau aloog tIse treeks oethlIe quarter et a cusp of mille ent c paletaisie traus-ailentio steamners. saasoemrg et sait ant peppen, e tabiespoomIthisl a moctinteretiîsg tact tisai situilar et choppait pansey, cndtwio vielî'heaîan vicissitudes cvitantly eccu n theisaArctic aggc. Mix tisocoegily, take frein tise firee andt Antaicle rgions et tise plcuet Mars. ieat until ligiui. Pet eue tescpoon nofTise teîcscope shews that veet fields et suovi butter in a tryng-pen, viscu bot put in tise exiet erounothtie poes et Mars, extenimg potatoas, epreait eveciy oven tise pani, ceok wviuen it te violer et dIluer eft tise pules, es levly util a golden hievin. Roll luke erne-.cuit cntu'acticg visen it is somninr tisera. lat cnt serve sumoking bot. Bot tise polar enovis et Mars appeac te ha VauarETABetTSRKEY.-Beeadl, enepeunoi, netïcaably lees extensive in sorea iiten buttar, oe-fouts pount,nuni meats, oe- scasens ilian lu others, se tisat ive migisi foath etobialf' potnd, onecgg, seasoninganrd fairly expect te fini ttisae, if ive coulit viil 0 sae t tate. Eiter ashtherais i a hatplaetcoraspoodimsg tifieaunces in tisa motror cisop flue, tisan put breeci, hutier etnuncief ice carniet tovaîdthtisa quaror et a nt egg inte a cisopping bovil, pour on tce lisecnt et successive ivintans. hoiling ivater ndutchop fine, season te teste Our Anctie neavîgateeos take aitvamtage et cnt mix tisoressghly. Butter a pudding-pan, sncb opens seasons as lima preacnt appears te covar tise botter vus h beaccembe ; put ha,,visenever tbay cen, te pecetecie tartîsar lu tise mixture, eatdisaka an heur or uncil levandthtie Norths Pole. Ih le peehape tee- îveii emie.tunata tor tise iitreaecet eue knevilcdge et SPI'ED 3o stcg ToiiaTO PeesîLE-. - Omi- tise Arctie nagiens tisai Lieutenant Peary hait peck greeu tousatees liceit iupelet), cet lus paty, wvitestaritedtocniortisen omne'pineugr, rine cuit cis-hait pits vina- Grecusîccit Ics "eau, are ne ow isthee gar, oe tablaspos cinnasuson, oua table- Norths. Tisay mey bribg hacl meat iter- speen vilole allspice, ianittul visole clovas, estuug accomsî ftht ie condiition et thirgs j iitie crinmancdidry nînstandt vi or tisai-,cd pennapelac caete tibeow oe tlisece inaîl greens pappars, tisece large lugisiripou tis a cusaefthtisarena kebl vani- emîmes. Boil oneisalf heur, or tili atee. ations ho the quantty et icebergs and ica- We a ccinl glas.â jars. It lues heen ucedi n fieli8t ta coma fieting eut eft tiose unys. our faîmiîy cauiser o eyane, cnt aacys tanioseregiens la tifferentsecasos. euccastlly. BLBERaas 'PIcuteex-Sevan pounts etf. (atarrin. fruit, five ponnis vihite tugar, one pint etf bsesi vucegsr'aeut coole nutil tise hernies are CATÂRRICtL DEA-araS.e-HAx' Fpvsn-A tese. Skinietit tise beeies, isoil thie jica ayHM TETET util tisicle as gol syrup, pour even hernies cover cnt leeap in cool, not colt, place. Sufferers aie net gerncra'iy avare tîsat Tisee iii keep e long turne, anmd neet net thisse tisasses are contagions, or Iluat iisey bcsesaciai up, as tisey yull keap vitisut. aie due te tise pnese'nce of living paresilles Rsery jaîn viii keer, tee, if cookait in tise liuing membranie'efthtie noce set thoogy la comuse antisn jars, sirnpiy emtaciian tubas. Microscopie researchs coveicg te keep treetroni dust. isosever, bas prerei tiiata be e tact eut -W leoflttery te unsuccesaful, it le but tise tise resuit oethIis discovery ltis hta im cuit et the tuctaran. pIe nemeity bas been fermulaiet wbcre. To-mTO IIUT;EY-CU up nd eelby cascrri, catarrhal dectness amd ati y tvelve large tornatoas, six otiiens choppait vrar emnntycrd noet fine, oeacap vinegan, enae up sgar 'Scodthusce esimple applications mate at hbe fol raisin" cisappeit fine, sali tota tste n bytise patient once in ivie veeka. isaf acpan ayene ee-aI teaeeo N. B.-Tbis teatmcot is coi bottla on put iii stone jan. cardait as injurions. A pampis et ex- M.Teteni,acounteym.aî,nPrisEoeetcv plaining ibis mcvi ireatmeatidla-eut tre-a itays recentiy, stoo iii tisa Rua de Riciei on raceipi t fslanp te paýy petgr y J. in c. pourniîg ein proiecteit enly hy lis G. Dixon & Ca,, 345 West Kitsg St. Tor- unubreila. Ha inquinei et M. Bezocîmel ente Canada. -Christiant Atvoccie. tisa vag te lise ('litean d'Eau. Tisai gan- Sufferers frin Ca'arebal troche s tlernn ise ail no umiscelle, ibereupen sheld careu'elly reedth ie abova. volcîsiteanet e, ,guide tise couinyman part vag te licS testbntiec, -but inteat et tek- Mlake ligisi of yoce. infirasibies if vou ent- icghbin intise rigisitdinction ieh hlmàasire sympatby. Useleesicepiolegs excite3 mile lu a tirectly opposite corse, sbarng iisLcucî. hic unribrella, cndt tieu i thum hite retrace Ie Noerein-Mexioe ceîparly 'isusbeau' bic stape cnt keep, ight on icoul lho ceacis-formait for tise gatis --iîîg ut a noat vilis s et th~e Cisatetu t'Eau. 'Tisen M. Teaan a sublstitote for tanhr N'nem huntu'eit siapedthtie Pcejsien's face,. H e s a andcuifÉty- tisoosecJit pect bava beenan restaîbor assanit, butwvis ecîjuittat, cnt reuity siippa t leLivferpool, cuditilisa pre. lise vily Parisia%_hadtol pay the costsa, table iîstustry. Chifldren Cry foi IITEMSGFNT±,REST. e ci t 9 Beavery ve sucre vimsi thsebris Feorilite e tshane vihîi tise sais New, papecanoVerisem este e'iacalunkewin Thc Leuton Stanidai-d scys tisat c discov' aî'y et geit bas heen mate lu tise Mawçt' tecis Valley, Wales. Tise golt-diggcrs et tise Gwynfynyitt Mina steuck a vaenet golt-iseeeieg quartz, sait te ta toue feet thicli. Specimens bave heen sent te tise acsayists iii Lonitoîs, entcyleli tw ielve ounces per ton is deecleret. TIse Creva il is sait, gracitd t smali plot near Gwyn- tynytinlaDacemiber lest toagold'îsrespect' icg Company vush a capital et £500, cnd turing tise six moîsts enting nisiiîrmer tiîey ara sait te hava tisîrihutet £6000 as tise recuIt oet tieir efforts, heing: a ratura. et £120") par cent. upen tisair iîmvcstmnent. Tisa Englis Chiannel Bridge cnt Rail- vicy Compacy bave moitifiedthieir plains' A cew routa bas been atoptet vibiciviii ccncsdeî'i.ily siics'fen tise distance. Tise imiseret piers in tise proposait bridge iil bce retucet froni 121 te 72, andthtie spece ineuasaîl in size te 400 cnt 500 inctees ai- tarîiately trocs onecntdetftisa bridge te tise tetiai. Tisa tue reqaîret for tisa comple' tien efthtie bridge vinaIt ha seven yecrs, four oet viîcis viulit bc occupseit hy opera- tiens in tise sect. Tise total ceCI et consctruc- tien cnt interesi tili traflia counît ie opaîmet is etisuatat at £32,000,000. Tisa exacutiva committea et tise Uoionist Couvention for tisa provinces et Leinster, Munstercuit Cennugist bavaecceolvedtot issue iinhbook terni a reporî toftisa peoceat- ingsaoethtie greai meeting iscît raccntiy in tise Leinîster Hall. TIse votusme wîll contaim a list etftisa executive cnt general courmit' tacs, a ce ispîcie lici et cil tise telegatas, tise fuîll taxi et tise telegraîne et svrnpaiisy ra- ceivet frein UnionissiorganizatiussinGreat Britain, tise letices reait upos tisa occasion troîn tise Di)kcetofAiseecen, ftieDîsîe et Devonsisire, Professai Tyndall, Me. Lecky cui thîers. To eacis elagale a copy et tise report vilI ibe preseniet, Ais oit man wlic occupiet a flltisy attie in Gerrny and livet hy heggiog, Isentet bis wul te tisa clergyman i vise vies ushlm in isis lest ilîcees. Tisa yul gave bis pos- sessions, ciîîety tisousent dollars cash, te tise pour tansily luftis amne taîement vie bat given hlm, foot ant ciurseit hum, tîsougis tisemeelves in viast. A box cecteiniog a baby vic efat a railwey station ini Spain. Tise station agett nrea it opon a sicisman,- being uowlliug te teke i reit me. Tis etchinndnt is vite pitiat tiseuite oease mucis tisaitisey teock iLhome. Wheo tisa vomanvies mcak- icg tise baby rcad fteeftie nigbt's reet, she diecovaret miocay anougis le pay fer ius ganarous support cndt tioreugis education. Abiteetion bas enteaieformidable cirika lu-Englant. Tise Duehami Coal-Owneee Ae- socicion proposait te netuica vages seven cuit a litpar centi. Tise men steuck. Atar a wlsila h iet asinoucedthait urtiser retuicticonvies uoavoitchle te icu par cent; cuit latar te tiîrteen par cent. About aigisty tisousant men viere in tise strika. Atter more tisan two menthe' bec et fine, tise trouble vias raeerresi otes Bisisop et Dueisans andtlie tectitai for ten per cent, whuici thse men viare viillieg teccept. C yens W. FiaIt, vutose naine is lamqns th-oghbis eainuent service min layiug tise Atlanstic Cebia, batils-îeny tekeas et recogni- tien. Auîeeng ihan arc six large oil paintîcgs ilîustraîiiug tisa lcying efthtie cahie, lthe gulit metal peacaîtteit hics by Congrese, tise golit bo-x paetatly his eallcucitizetîs et New Y ork, ot x- neny otiier tribnîee. iShoeiiy betore lie diet, Mc. FiaIt gave tise collec- ietothie Newi York Mueum, visera liîey iilieaobjecte et geetinteresl ce long as diatinguiiseit enter-prise fer tise conitori et cimao consimenteattemntion. Tise Lady Gotîve show vice revived ai Conventry te otiser day-at t er àclapse et fiva yeers. Mise Alice Sinclaîir, froniIsle Reyal Aquariumi, London, rodýea ce lady Godiva 1 heongi tise miles et atrete,-cuit tisaproces- sien, wivîticisiluitetcitl-a'itozen hante et mnusicand ftie traite organizaions, vice et great lengtiî. TIse veather vies <'oitassi tarnp, but the city vice crovitet vit etreegaîs. A bus t f mi. Murdocs, tise inventer o gas-lighisîîg, coutrilîutet te tisa Wallace monmnofe Stirling hy tise Norths Britisis Associationi et (as Managers, vas umiveiletl on July 2lit by Lord Kelvina, batter kovu as, Sicr\Win. Thonmson. At e luociscotsviicis vas-givemi fettrvicris Lord Kelvinnuma aIa- luîsion te tise gîcat centeetata vis sup- posait te haclîininemît hiewe gas cait aiectricity. Tise ci'sairîneis hait saidthtie gas managers ivere 1net fateit, ant hae. as an electrîciani, uas notafeait cubher. J îîet ce gas liait stcce'-tct vitisont snufflssg out tise sue, itîeînoon cndthtie plaîsets, sobe believeit tisai alecteiesty voulit succeet vitout snt' fing omit gas. A breaci et promise case in viîcistise cusai enter etfiimingsvies raveeceit, camea up isefore tise Haditingtosî Sieciff Couet tise otiser day., An E dioburgs nar isaineit Wiliamîs Lanmy suait heabetia Buenside, a toestia servant foc £100 ditages for breach-oet promise of meeriage. Tise te- tender admuittaitflime promise et marniage, cnt etate thtisirisccancelladthtisaengage. ment ou accouli te auer'e untamper- ae babils. Sise tenterait a suriretf£10 ifis It in fuillet purenier's aim, hcimg tise amm uuitailege t tehae bieen expeoteit hy hlm in fisrnhising e bott'e bithe Covgate et Edmubuegh, The tencdur bas appliai te ha adniutteit te tisa peur's roll. A gentlemcan whuile fielîing suer iVep- hray. Dumfeiessisirc, hileoinac fine sec troîsi. IViile rîsssîsiog tisa flish te lise land-. iug placc, bis Unevies cangisi upon sorne objaci in tisevicier. On dravicg in the liîae, ise teunsioeeoefblis ooke ima(l £et fixet fBIGflT DOLLAR13 A. READ, The Sultan et' Morocco eereniieîlte Sup press the Alngliesr:s-Tsussg1er Agin Thrcatcseîl. A Tangie despatcis says :--The nego- tiatioss etween tise Sîîltac's officiels cnd tise leader efthtie Angisera tribesînen loeok- iîsg to tlie suhinission efthtie latter have been hrekeii off by enter efthte Sultan. The Sultan lias directedt tiat c grand attcck be incie upen the Anglieras, cnt te stimuiate bis treep s li as offered $4 fer every prisone tlîey capture, woundeit or suwounited, cuit $8 for every iseat they bringis their camp. It will reedily be s2en utisaitise nuciber ef prisenere will bhsa usî, astise treeps will get double the îney for a headthtia they wiil get for a prisener. If tise Augiseras live up te tiseir reputaîiec, however, assi there is net tise.cightcst reasen te suppose tisat ibey witl net, tise Sltan'e treope isili is-ie te werk isard fer tise sins pîciset theni. Tise Angiseras, in tiscir meutein retreats, wiil bechIbe te malte a long eîrug- gie egainst eny terce tise Sultan eau place in tise fieldt egatusi tseni, cnt, kcowing tise moue tains as tisey de, hiv ili net be an easy task te capture thein. Neitier wiil it he easy te secure tise heets oet tiose wiso happer tlbe killet in battie, for il le theugist tisat if tise Angiseras canîset carry off'tise boiîe et tiseir deait they wili iiîcnielves eut tise heaits off te prevent tise troupe teicg se. Cousiderabte alarîn agaiu prevaits in Tan- gier, as it le fearedthtie Angiseras, whose teritery lies witii sigis et tise city, will malte an attacle upen tise place. It wes theugisitîjat tise troubles were endeil a tew days cge when tise Angliera leaders effret their suismission te tise' Sultani, Lut it ap' pears new tisat tise latter weulittigres te none of tise conîditions tise tribesmen lnssst- cd upoîs, assit etermineit te wip thein inte submissîeu. Ilsb SKULL ORUSHIED IN. A main Kiled lian Expiesioiiet' a Tasnk at Haianlton,. A teepateis frein Hailten scys :-Shîort- ly hetere S~ o'cleck tise other nigist a trîgisî- ful accident eccurredat Freemau's fertiliz' ing werks in Wetworth'street. On thse thirit sterey efthtie biliding wcs a linge boiler er tank, uset for tise purpese et redncicg isy steaitise "emains et herses acd otiser animais. Thsis tank was attendeit by tise nigistwatcismass, Aibert Baisceel, whese itnty was te leok atter tise buildiig et nigist cuit attend te the steain tansk. Lest nigisî ise aiiewed tee great c pressure of steens te accumuicte, cnd tise result was tisactreus te hiusself. Tise big iren cover efthtie tank was biewn off, cnd was itriven against tise root witis sncbfosrce as ite leave e Jagged Isole in 't. The caver fell bacl jute tise rotn Tise noise efthtie explosien was beard ntiany bocks awey ccd soon attractet e large crowd te tise spot. Peer Babceck was tounui in a corner efthtie reem. IHe pre- secteit a terrible appecrauce. Tise tep of bie decliwas criiseit in ant bis brames were exsiting. An crin was broken, hie face was black accd isioeiy acduit e weeterribly seald' et by the steain. Hie wes stili clive, lîow- ever, tiseugis unconecieus, anuthtie city ambulance ivas hastily sent for. Bahcock vies cocveyed te tise City Hospital, îvieîe lie tiet hait aunisour citer bis arrivai, lit is supposei tisai et tise tinne tise accident îoccurret hie vas standing lu a stooping posi- tion ever the tank, acd tisaitishe etge ofthtie cover ctruck li i, tise foreisead as it fiew np, crusisinp in bis ekuit atnt burlîng ii luto tise cornîe wiare lise ias fount. Lisera were setety valves cuit c steani gauge et- tachet te tise taulk adithtie icterence je thit tise peer telluwis iteatis vis the recuit et hie ovin carelessnese. Baiseock wvis 26 years of cgc. lHe cae te Ham ilton frein Englctid 18 menthe cge cuit for i(1 metbs hait been in tise empley et Me. Freeman. A yece cge belie s tarriat ass i e hecame e tatiser a few wvieke cge, Hie lived t etSdSiincoe treet. Seaaonable P~otes. Upen a goot gravel roadthtie draft poswer raquiret te move a given lest is eîîly oea tird as mucis as requiret epDan c tiet reait in thse saine average condtionuî. Te make a goe'l gravel roadthtie ecetis iet muet becviel drainait. Tisera is a riglt ent a vireîsg îvy et sing igreen crep tore inunrînq. ho e ligisi sol, if ploviet noter in bot vicather, tisy haveaa tteneyte cour tise lent. Better let tseni gravi until cooler viectier. If you flot it ehsoluteiy neceeeary te plovi e green gro wîth or a heavy sotunoter et ibis seasen, it woulit ise 'cii te epply a coatiug et lime icminctîte- ]y ai ici, te cour teract isseouriug tentency. 'Tihes',, use te whicb conitercial tertilizers eau be put is te prompt tise grevitis eta retîevatiflg etop. If useit upon e maret crop tise landl raceives ste permnaent benafit. Tisa plant foot breuglit into a\ aiiability i y thorougis cultivatio tisis ceason tocs tnt Iexpenit itsecf wislly en tise present grewing crep, but remaiîse evailaIsle ccd effective for succeeiig seasoî,s. Tise recuIt oethtie prop- ecultivatii t ftliîaconîsficit le net exiscusi. edthiis ycar, by any meaus. Tise kuosvletge efthiis tact choisît encourage ene initise cf- fart te tiiliivcl. If yen tiik yon cen effort oniy one meouire or thetougis tillage for yoiîe crops, gis'e tisenithtie tillage. Tisare is I tucis latent fertility in tise soif wiichis nay ha hrou.gist lto tise by peoper cultsî'ation. As proof etftVsa fecegoiug, ive nay quete Prof. Roerts, enaetfeue hast cuisoriîies, wvio say : " tVa do net hait estinîcte tise cQonttiene noAlumni, Aeraia Lme Phosphactes, o c,,yýn z- tejiint Ayer's HairVigor Makes the hair soft and glessy. '1 have used Ayer's Hair Viger 'or nearly five years, andrny hair is moist, glessy, and in an excellent state of pres- ervatien.1 arnt fertyyears otd, and have ridden the plains fer twentv tîve years." -Win. Henry Ott, alias "Mustang Bill," New castle, Wyo. Ayer'sHaÎrVigo r Frevents hair from falhing eut. - A number of years ago, by recoin- medation cf a friend, 1 hegan te use Ayer's Hair Viger te, stop the hair frem falling eut and prevent its turning gray. The first effects were mest satisfactory. Occasional applications siece have kept my haie tbick and ef a natural celer. H. E. Bs ain McKince yTexas Ayer's HaïrVigor Restores hair after fevers, «Over a year age 1 had a severe fe-,er, andi whcn I recovercd rny haie bega-nn te faIt eut, aed what little rel- cd tureed gray. I tried varions remeese," b but wîtheut success, tilt ai lest 1 began te use Ayer's Haie Viger, and new imy hair is growingrapidly and is restored se its original coter."-Mrs. A. Collins. Digisten, Mass. Ayer's HaîrVigor I5reviqtts heir fromin uning gray. 'IMy haie was rapidly turneng gray anti falling eut; oe bttle of Aver's Haie Viger bas rernedied tise troubleancd ny haie le now iù.s original celer and full- nes' '-B. Onkrupa, Cleveland, 0. * Preparedby Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Leweil, lis& Seld by Druggusts and 1'erfurncrs. An agricuiturai authority avers tliat theouglieut extensive districts.iii the Northi and West ef England tise farmers scl their fresh butter at as iow as 7d. cuitditd. per lb. ilostiyprizes for' Bo vs asn î (Met, The "Suotight" Soap Co., Toronto, offer tise followtng pesses evcry monts tilt turther notice te bays aed girls uoder 1i6, resîdiog ln thse Province et Ontario, who scnd the grestosIt nuniber of "iniigit" wrappers: lst, $10';fort, $6; 3di, $3; 4tb, $1; 5 h se 14, a Ilanrtserne Boote and a pretty pîcture te tuese weho moudd'nct less then 12 wrappees If eed wrappers te "Sfunlight" Soap Oince. 43 Ifeatt St. 'l'oronto net later tisan 29ri ofaIe o anth, aed marked *Copettie";aise give fuît mime, adiress sge. and oumber of wrappers. Wiiînelrï namnes cvili bepuoltshed jeVitTes-Tornto JMait on first Satueday in cacis mentis. Decîning, manuring, -euiîivctinig and cie," eriîîg are four eqoal mecos te tise saineencd -the growin eof better creps cuithtie surety oftc better profit frein eur werk. Thse farmer wise neglects cssy onee oftiiese cerleoks bis best intercet. F'or'Ove' FiflV years Mas. Wn saow'S SeerTIII SYRtuF SasbSen used by milliond of motet sCe their etildren wisite teetiiu. ,Ir dîsturbed t aInigie ced breken ef youe rest by a sick chilt 8uffoeng and ceying with pain eCttrg Tests send at once and gel a bolle or "-Aes. Winslow5 Sootbing syeup"fer eildeen teethin)g. It will relieve the poor littie aufferer inimedialY. Depend upen il, mothers, there lm no misteke aboutit. h cures Diarei, regulptes tise Siomacis and Bowels Cures. Wiad, Celie. ecotens tise Gams. reducas Inflam'ntion ant, gives ttenecd energy te tise W11318e systeni. 'Mes, ',inslow's Sootising Syrup" lor cissî dreis teetbîog is pleasant te tise teste cnd îs thsa presceiptioe of eoee oftise etdes and t1 '. maie physiciens and nuirses fis' use States: Pries 25 ecnts a bottte. Sjld. by ait dneuits theongb'su tue woeld. Bo sure andi ask for "Mets. WIN saeW's SeeresîNG SYxup." An emînet physicien 1iselieves that savage races bave better celer.pereeptiou tisan civilizeit. 01oee 1înireit Indian beys he foutît nene celor-blinit ; anotiser grenp et tise hunidreit cui fit ty hait but twe, whiiO none et tise girls nere fOunt te 'be celer blinit. The Head BuMgeOn Of the Luben Meiticel (tompany lm nOW et Toronto, Canada, ant ina ey ho cn- sulteeit tier iu parsen or by letter est aIl chrenie diseases peeniar te man. Men, yenng, old, or middle-aged, who finti themn- selves nerveus, weak an exhausteti, who are broken down from excess or overwsrk, resuiting in many of the following symp- toms : Mental depression, premature old cge, lems of vitality, lensoet memory, bcd dreams, dimaneess e sigist, palpitation efthtie hecet, emaissiens, lack et energy, pain in the 1kitincys, heetache, pimpice on tise face or bsody, itching tor peculiar sensation about scrotum, wasting ofthtie organs, dizziness, specles betero itks3 eyes, twitciig oettie muscles, eye lYs anti elsewisere, bashtuIness, teposîts in th t: urine, lest of will p ower, 1tenderneessefthtie scalp assd spine, wea kanti. fl a b b y m u s le s, d s ire t e s e e p , f ilu r eu t e h a re'ey lecnstipetien, dulîness of hea g rsof veicet desire for solitude, exi iit ttxper -nen eyc surreuid- cd with LEAL,7N cIROLE,miV lookiiig ikin, etc., are all symptoins ef ucevens debility that leadtoeinsanity cnd deatis nuleess ereti. Tise spring or vital terce isaving !est its tan sien cvery tuoction wanes ln censequence. Those who tistongi abuse cornitniîîed in igtnorance may ha perrnanentiy caret. Send your atdress for booke on a'l i eses peculiar te man. Beooks sent frea scalet, lleart tisease, tise syrtiptenms ef wiiah are feint speils, purpie lips, siombuess, palpita tien, skip beete, het flashes, rush ef- blood te tise ieat, dri11 pain in tise hecet vitis beats strong, rapiti cnd irregîstar, tise second hecet 1b1-tquiekerfi-,n tisefirstpain about the heinige il inte shiape seoner, ent, tisa work bain g contaictedaitetvarions pousss, se tisai it is open te observatiosi by a gracier no-ns ber et farmers, inspires mlore confidenice tîsan tisat donc ai tise stations clone. Tise, moqre closely peue faýrre ccii'(,abe bresîglis ie odirect coninacýtien vus experimeotai ivor e samore 'cilltlîy ppreciate its prclc-l ti"al111value.,Tise kcystens et substetionls Zèlteu Fe axteutet.. - 1 ! 1 r

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