JUST OUTI THE E31G BOTTLE PAl N-KI LLER Old Poýuhr 25c. Pricet' DdYou Ever See a Pediar uilling himztselfa manufacturer or a manu, facturer'a agent selling spectacles at 812 te ,3 a pairl' In our immense stock et spectacles we have a largo lino of these same gootis and wo wiil carefully test the eyo anti give a pair ef these spectacles ABSOIUTELY FREE te any one whe will gond us 2 subscrip- tions te The edalAtviser- This Journal of 64 commua las steadly improveti tiring the paEt eighi yeara un- tit now it is conidored by hundrocis ef iceaders in al parts of the Daminion te ho, the most valuable Joun~al that entera their homo. It in estirnatot that front is columns 20,000 personsý each mentI zain vauable nfraonregarding that mont S,àrtArAt fail Subi;ecta IIEAIIrH IN TUIE HEr,F jf yen do net tale it senti 3c. etauip for saîuple copy. Price only 50c. a yar $end ortier te STOTT & JURY, BOWMANVILLE, ýONT. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. BOWMANVILLE STATION, UOING EAST GOIse WEST Mal . 45mIMail ....516a JDxprta."055 a.'m ILim.Etxpreos.. 5 53 a m Mlxed.....312 pm Local..... 84a m Local......707 pm IMlxed ... . 2 2 pi Mail . .. 942 prm Mail .. .....82p m Lir. Ex ...10 5 BOWMÂNVILLu, Nov. 9,1892. Local and Otherwise. Stanley Staple' tock sale si Burlieton to-day.- Poultry mon meot ai Davis' tore Fni day night-important. FanBora having stock of any kind fot sale, a1Yetise ln TEE STATESMAN. All ràaders are inviteti tre senti us items of local news anti tlereby masint in making this paper intenesting. Misa L. Biruacombo bas charge of the loague meeting'next Monday evening. Tho docra are open te aIl. , Entertaiument by the chiltiren of Dis- cip0lea church Thnrstiay night at S o'clock. Ai, are înviteti. Silver collection. Mr. Dobson bas rturueti front Mexico anti las comnmenceti a clearing sale of picture trames anti waii papors te lasi thià menth oniy. Mr. Thes. blar, blacksmith, has added te tho beauty of lis aiways attractive resitience by erecting in front a very pretty fonce. be's evidontly a nman of artiatie tante. Why don't people who senti marriage notices te a newspapen for free insertion, tny dati hoading the uiniien, the license IsBuer, the ticket agont. ihehoiel keopor the tailor or milliner ? No oeedoesa service caliliug for mure outlay in propor. tion ihani 1he printer, wlcse favora are fteu meatÉ generous te newly weti couples. New S traw Bats for 15 anti 25 cents at Getthe Wet Endi bouse la the place te gttt suitet inl clthing. Ladies are inviieti te inspeci tle lovoly stocEç et new Dreaa Gootis jusi recoived ai Couch, Johuaston & Cnytierinan's. Iraporteti direct tramt Germany b3 Couc, Johnaton & Crytierman, the finesi stock oý Ladies' Manilos ever shown ir Ladies wishiog te sec tle largeat choice newest styles andi best values in Lattes andI Misses' iinpenrtet 1aniles anti Ceaik will do weil te caîl anti ina-peci tle iang diaplay et theEe goods bo)ing shown bi Jue. J, Masion. Mr. N. G. Bigelow, M. P. P. for To- eonte, dieti Friday. Mr. T.W. R'ookor,a well.known Liber. al et Welland, dieti Thunsday. Do yen wani teoita gooti buse ln Bowmanville ? Caîl on M. A. JAmES. TUiE STATESMAN circulation isg oing up, ur, UP. Seo our unparallelod offer. bon. T. M. Daly, tle new Ministen et tho Interion. was electoti by acclamation n Selkirk Tlursday. We are giving île Weekly Globe anti otler week-ly papers frise for balance et 1892 te new subacribens for 1893. J. R. Tingle, Belleville, wants 25.000 onalels evaperatin g appies ai Bawmanville Station, Nov. 9, 10 anti 11, for whicl 16 will psy ligIes t cash pnice. Sevenai farmer& who bave stock piLra are vey wiaely u8ing the colmua et this widely circulaieti paper te make the tact known. So their -carda elsewhere. The Town Council las deputed 0Co~. cillera S. W. M ason anti M. A. Jame io correspond wiîh contractons with s/v'e* te scuring water works in Bowma ville. lu tbe action for libel broughi by Mita. Obernle against John Rose Robertson, publiaber oi île Evening Telegram Toron. te tle jury retunneti a verdict ton the plainiif, damages being, placeti ai $4,000 wiihout cos. Mr. Philpoit (laie Brigadier in tle Saivation Army,) Mr. ilofia ad otlen evangeliassoe the Christian Werkers announce a meeting in tle iown hall, Bewmanville, tii Wednesday nighi. Collection for expenses. A BusîŽtzSs EDUCATION PAvs.--Any ycung woman or man can secure a free business education ait eue ofthîe beat colleges in Canada. It wiil only coat yen eue cent tor panticulars. Atidresa THE YEws, Kingston, Ont. _>45-3w. 0cr Big Offers is ne newr-paper tale but a geuuiteooffer et lirai clasa periodi- cals. We have bought 1,000 Preminra Books whicl. we are actuFIlly giving away wiih île other four Journal& trea te get 1,000 new bubacnibers te THEt STATESMÂN. FtEu. -If yen want a pair et spectacles free such aa potIers are selling ai frein $2 te $3 reati Stoit & Jury's adt iBrai celumn oethis page. Mn. Juryis agrati- uote et two efthe leading Optical Colleges ofthîe continent anti gt1&jtntees satid. faction in the meat difficuit cases. Decitiedly Dne of the best concerts ever given in Bewmanville was the Royal Edinburgh Concert Co'a entertainment on Frid 'ay nigît.. Eveny member is Scotchi andi ail exc8pi two came froin Aulti Seis at menth. Every niumben on île long pregran.was entlusiaatically encereti andL île members respondoti very graciously. Mise Mabel Munre's clarmiug figure cern bineti with hon niol mezzo-soprano voice won île affection cf île audience on loi Birai appearauce. The quarte tes by the wiuseme Mi's Nellie Aâhen, soprano, the taîl anti graceful Miss Alice MacFarlane, contralto, Mr. Hlor n MoBritie, il, splendid Scotch teor anti Mr. W. W. 1Kinuiburgh, île prime favorite basse, tloftnoihing te ho desireti. The joI13 Mr. Scott- Skinner, vio1liniai, aIe weti limý solf a compflote master efthîe violin, an' Mn. Dove Patenson etaAbrdeen, io efthîe mosi comnical and inierestinc elocutionisiste o whicl we lave listener sînce Belford was bite. Mr.W.Johniston, tle Highlandi daucer, gave a very go exhibition oethîe light f antastic. Thi Sons-et Canada deservo credit for bring ing sudh a tieiiteti company haro. The entertainmont given ini the Meili odisi chural Tuesday evening untier il, Religions Work Committeo anti Dorca Society was f airly well attendeti anti cloice pregrara was presenteti. Rev. T1 W. Jelliffe presitiet. lampton Gît, Club sang several pieces ilai were ver: n mucl appreciatoti. Mrs. (1ev.) Liddy' solos10 were very lighly appreclateti an Mworthily applaudeti. This was 1er fini 5 ippearance boftore a Bewmanvillo audieut aud 1er aweet veice Re won tim bart that shle will receive a warm weiconr again. Mr E. C. Brown, etflHamptex sang "The Bridge" lu an easy anti pies, ing voice wlichtirew forth warm a a piaee. Miss Violet Oeborne gave tw rocitatiena lu a very touching manne anti aise re.eiveti well imeriteti applaues Messrs. Frank Trebiloock,L. T. CeuticE A. N. Mitchell anti Misa Brimacomi in pleased île audience very ranch wihlrg citations. Vocal numbera were aise give iby Mr. antiMita. Chas. MoLean ar Messrts. J. D. Koachie, W- C. King ait rMita. T. E. bigginbotlam. A piano duý was given by Misses E. L. Runtile antI Sherin. Accompanlments were playet 19 Misses Nonthoote anti M. J. Ellioti an 19 Mits. W. C. King. The iierary au musical numbera were weil soectet ait le every number was well rendereti antial g.preciaieti. Il doos its work qulclly and ilorougl l--T is - île bei.AtiA le lapeAitt ai ai~~~~~~~ gots tigat ots'antiS n lave arniveti ai Masou'a. Mn. W. Jer ings iis in charge efthîe Boots anti ShoE s, Give lira a cail. es' "What yen cau buy for a dollar" laýt: It subjeci of Jue.' J. Masen's new, d .O 90 his week. One tllng oun readers mi ti epenti on is iliat île ataternenis ra tlere are tacts. Reati it. i i THOSE BIG OFFERS. XVe offened in lasi we-.K's STATESNIANý ta givo $1.50 worth et irt iclasa publics f tiens fer enly 50c. and $4. 50 worth tan only $1.00. These are ne tales cn hum- bugs, but -papers anti books ilat are worthy et a place lu every respectable 01 householti. Subseniben, if yen want ta make any member of you family ai a cE distance a preseut t fTUE STATESMAN sud secure a choice lot cf neatiing malter for S your lame, entier ai once, becanse we shaîl positively witldraw these effana nexi S Mouday night. Sample copies may be seen ai Our office. M. A. JA&mES, Publiiher. i Bewraanvilie, Ont. J.A PRETTY WEDDING. Bowraanvilie is becoming noteti fer itashienable marniages, ne deubi becanso 9 wo have.se raany engaging anti ligibleoý yonng ladies. On Wednesday eveuing if lasi île rositience et Mn. S. J. Hall, Councillon, was île scene et a veny inter-a esting event when lis ldest daughten, Miss Gertrude E. was unitet inluwdlock with Rev. E. B. Bannies, tle popular pester oethîe Disciple dhurch. The coite. mony was port ermeti ai 5 p.rm. lu île pro- sonce et a nutubeofe inviied guests by Rec. P. Baker, et Everton, a college cern- i panion efthîe groom. The bride was handsemely aitiret inlucroara bennietta, tnirameti witI enepe de chine ant fisia point lace. Mias'Nellie ball, aster e' tle bride, matie a preity yeung brid maid; anti thî groomn was ably a-ssistemy Mr. C. A. Johnsion. After pariae g et a splendid wetiding aupper thlappy couple departeti for the station where they tool tle western express te spenti a short boneymoou with tiende Iu W est- ern Ontario. A lange number et 11gb Sehool pupils anti othen yonng frionda efthîe bride assembleti ai the station anti gave thora a bounteous shower eft ice anti goti wishes for thimfuture happiness. The bride receiveti s very hantiseme and cestly assonimepi et presents The Y. P. S. C. E etf'which aIe was a memben gave ber a b2antit ni silven water pitcher. Araong tle guests were Mn. antiMita. .lpo. McGilîl.ofthîe Ontario Bank, Mr. PERSONAL. ell-~We invite names et visitera te anti iteom Bowmanville ion tiiecoluran. Mn. Rebi. Freelant isl homo ibis. week. Mr. anti Mrs. N. Hern weno in Toronto on Satnrday. 1Rev. R. D. Fraser, M. A., was ai New- castle Saturday. Mn. Ferrier McArtlur, Toronto, spent Sniay ai home. Mr. Robt. C. Warren et Tornto speni Suntiey in town. Mn, Arthur Scobeil spent Sunday with niends lu Kendal, Mr. antiMita. R. A. Philp lave ne- movet teCobourg. Miss Clapple et Clarke was guesi et Mise E. White Suutiay. SMiss Lizzie McSorley, Belloville, is gueBtetfMita. T. C. Jeweil. Mita. J. b. MeaGill, Washington, D. C., af visiting relatives in town. Mits. S. Keudlar is recoveriug fror aa severe attack et typhoiti lever. Miss Neitie Trirable, Maple Grove, wvas gueat et Mrs. R. Haralyn. Miss Idia Binglara was guesi ai Dr. Miichell'o, Enniakîllen, lest week. Mr. D. b. Coates, B. A., anti son Llew- ellyn wene in Toronto on Sstnnday. Mn. L. T. Countice attendethîe ftuner- 4Lpf a neice ai Coîbonne yestertiay. ') Mn. J. Kribbs, Guelph, las been viait- ing hie daughier Mita. J. W. Sparling. SMiss Minnie Monkloy is vlaiting Ion ï,i8ter, Mita. berbert Dansera, Toronto. Nfrm. J. C. Clarke, Chicago, Ill., is vis- îiing 1er tatlen Mr. Geo. Brimacombe. Mn. Al. M. Fouwick, B. A., las been aili1ng litra nenve trouble for some days. Mn. John Robinson, Toronto Junction, las beeci reuowing acquaintances in iownr. Mr. W. T. Freeland is winning fute In Siuxtpsou'a Art Studio, Coilege St., To eanto. Mrt. anti Mit. D. Burke Simopson viait. eti ai Mn. R. S. bamlin'e. Or3lawa,, on Ëunday. 1 Mit. John Gordon and araily of Balti- maore. tcrmoitlv et Orono, are re8iding lu Wîll app, . -tneTown Hall, Bow- manville, under the auspices cf the Bi- cycle Club, on Saturday,. Nov. 12. Ad- mission 25à. aud 3&c. ILeserved seats at Maynard's-the Jeweller. The Ment- real Herald say:--It is very generally reo perted that thbae who have beon te see the 'Twe Orphans' sa,. it is represented hy the Frost Fanabaweo Company have madie up their miuds te go agai suad take their friends, Certainly the friends wil ho much obliged te themfor the play is very satisfactory in ifs staging,, and the two orphana play their parts in admirable style. Cash, For-Foeutry. Tho undersignoti is prepared te psy the highest cash price for any quantity of Peultry dressed in the following manner: Bodies dry pickod,,wings5 tai andi head unpicked; and, undrawn, Aiseo cash paid f rr Beans,. friod Applem, Eggs, Butte.t anti'Dressed Hoe. Fowls te fat at least twenty-four heurs before-beiug killed, andt te e killeti by bleedintg well in, the, necit; do net W'ring the neck, JAMES MANN, Bowmanvilie. First door eaýt of the Bennett Hbuse. Net eue in tweuty are friee hem seme little ailmeut causeti by inac'ien ef the liver. Uise Càrter's Little Liver Pis. The reauit will ho a ploasant surprise. They give positive relief. WIIEN YOJJ WANT H. Turner, Mn. anti Mita.b. W. BurI, iMita. Jacoba anti Misis Lockhar't ef M.adMns. Nati M.JandmsA. John- iudaysu.a g Mn. ntiMit. ada Mn.ant Mia. ohnNewtonville have been viiting tiends.in sien, Mr. antiMita. J. Gilfillan, Mit. antiMita. John Hellysit la visiting ler Mita. J. B. Mitchell Mn. antiMits. C. L.à Munson, Mr. antiMita. M. D. Williams, tiaugîter, Mite. (Rev.) S. T. Bantleit,ra Miss Burk, Mita. Hall, Oshawa, anti Mr. LakeBieli. ne: anti Mita. Sama. bugles, Lindisay. Afier We sees by Cebourg papena lIai Mit. du'f tle cereraony a ploasant oveuing was pas- Sea. Clarke la miakinig business hum in ILSU .UE L M. DE. Williams, Esq , were calledt te le Mn. Ger. Taiublinsion. is. itecovernng iUD N 08,& C à chair anti vice-chair, antipechanti aorg frora seveno inj uies receiveti by falling of fIlet ln 3 pleasaut -heur. The congrega- frera au apple tree.T tien gave thorasa weieome home on thibm Mr. A. W. Bal et Toronto las been uin rn ar IA te w choice lu ratnu Sainrday nighi, when a Tony pleas- town in île inteitesti oethîe Manufectur- lu FR ME4BlYic. wanteti, pi sut social lime was enjyeti lu tle Churcl ors Lite Inaurance CeBbýlG scIOl-ram.Reeve Pnower matie a -vîgonous speech Notilce or fluctue, 25 conte; liarriaces, se ai île Censenvative meeting et Whitby cents; Ibeaths. Se conte, eeh Insertion Bowma.nville Methodist Chureh. iecetly.-P. H. Tmes. -but FSIE @W CHARGE, when the Mit. anti Mi,.Frasnk Censaul et Brook- fsoa ad r atti tttsofc VE]ux ENCOoUItÂMG REFORTS PRESENTED pont, N. Y., were boite isat weok attend- BIRTHS.( To TnEE QUARTEE.LY BOARLD. Dg lie moiher'a tunrenabl. MICUI.LOcii-Near Enfield. Nov. 1, the 'wife of Mit.,AIoX. Mccnlloçlh, of e daughter.- The quanierly official meeting eoft îî 1Mn, Robent Ferles la nunsing a badly PRESTON-In Ennisallen, Nov. G,the wçifeo fm Bowmsnville Methotiiet curcI waphîli spitainEti baud, tle resuit et talling witb a Mr. George Preston, af e son. ladde n frein an appie ince. î Teapîcr lu Darlington near Union, Nov. 7, Monday nighi wben all e members tWe are plfoa.eti te see Mn. P. Mundaeson wene preseni, -anti s large amount et busi-IIW ar lsetoe M.PMudh nes>s ias tranaacted. Mosans. A. Younie inretind again alier being confinedto tehe MARRIED. ' ' à BÂRNES-HALL-At the nesidence of theob Dr Tilley,J. M. Joueso,S. Vanstone, G' b ouse wiî a bruisloîg' biide's parente. Bowraenville, on Wedneeday, C. llaioe, J. Hellysit anti P. Trebilceel Mita. Blair (t Prescothas been nonew- Nov. 2. by 11ev, P. Baker. Evonton, Rovt.E. B'. were elecied on île pater's nomination ing oit acquaintances ini town tîls week BeLrnes, palltor of the Disciples church and ti asmebeB f heBordinaditonto g et fMitaD, Galbraith. Gertrude. Evolyn. ldest danghter ef Mn, as mmbea e îl Bord n aditon e gesiSamunel J.Hall. both et Bowraanvilie. r4 île savon electti by île congregation. Miss Liliani O'lara formeriy oethiis ci Mn. S. Vanstene, ireasuror, presenteti s town las sys île Sun eueetfîle finesi DIED. finncal satmet orth qurtrshw at tu lu i San Francisce. CONSAL-At Brockpori. N. Y., Oct. 31, Mrs. finacie sitemut er le qartr, low artstuiosP. W. Conpaul, formorly of Bowmanvllle. Iu- iuga ratfyng nc~as l îl cntnbu Mr. IR. R. Elloti, proprietor et the ierned lu Bowmanville ceraeiory Thursday. c tiens, wiclhbave averaget $15 .70 per MilbelRprej uun eflîe ConNmîs-In Bowraanvillie, Oct, 31, William Snnday. The sipecial cemrittee efthîeý vacant sest iîlte illbrook concil. Cornish, aged 52 yoana. Board Bay lu iheir repent: The Meilediat WRÀGG-In Clarke, Oct, 2,Charies Wragg. oburch et this iown is te ho cougraînlateti Mn. Jerry G Farwell la visiiing ai lis aged 64 yoars. on îhe Tony seîistaeîory condition et lia home lu Detroit. Mr. Geo. Fanwell la in BILEY-InCartinght, Nov. 3, James Balley financial anti genenal interesîs, as report, charge efthal Dominion Organ & Piano agd62awvitî atWlty c.31 tb et ai thts second qnsnierly meeting. Net. Ce, Fewster, aged 88 yoara. wiîîstanding île many removals litera Mn. bonace Wright efthîe Standard ___________________ îown, île intoreat lu île regular seviesBank lias necoveredft hielalaie sevene has been sud lItai îleMatientiance bas ilîne3s anti spent Snnday et bis brotben's, BOWMANVILLE, MARKETS. bisen weîî sustainedtiiliai et heevening Newcastle.- service alowiug an increase. The offer. Mn, J. b. Dobsen las neturneti itra ottcetsy .lliutyoe>'naa ingsalase show a marleti increaeo. A bis trip te Mexico. Hie B&w lie brother, FLoua, P 100 Ibo.........1 90 toi $2 50 apecial feainreofetihe services la île aing- Mn. A. R. Dobsen, anti fount lira in WHEÂT, Fall, e bush ....O0 00 ai 0 70 ing by île choir, andthîe leader Mn. H. splendid hEel.t Russian, » .... 000 ,0 70 J. Kniglt, se weil anti favorably known Bowmanville lars tour rising yenng eo. F ife, 'i ....0 0 0 O75 la desenvetly populan. The Sabbatl cutionisîs, Misses Mabel Tait, Violet Os- n Geetie, il....... 00 0 O61 School, aupeinteutet by Mn. J. Joblin, bonne anti Moas. L. T. Conitice antid Coloratoin......O0 00 0 66 wle is ably asistet by a deyeieti officiai Frank Trebilcock. RYE, ".....O O0 00 O 50 andt eaching staff, la lu a fiounlsling con- 1Rev. D. C. McDowelI, Port Penny, wes OA&TS, '.....O.. 025 0 O27 dition, aven 400 being lu aitentiance lest lu îowu Montiay ai Mn. T. E. Biggiu- BARLET, 'P bush, No. 1.... 0 00 0 42 Sablatl. The Epwonib Lusague iB aise beilara's, Master' bubert biggiubotham if i l2X.. O 00 il 0 38 active anti a source et strengith oe aolee imhm. ...035 03 dhurcI. The Ladies' Aid, île Woraan accmaltilr3om.ù n n . .. O0350î0 30 Missionany Auxiliary, îhl tile peepie s Col Cuibit, clairman et the Higb h .. 0nO2 Mission Baud, etc., afford ample eraploy Sbo- 1atiani r.BolcîhranetT wa busit......030 O 30 montfor tle time anti talent o e li'esyÎ îlePublie Scheel Board, were lu Tenon-. ABuckwhesi V fbush ....0 7 i0 'iO 4 andthîe cilîdren, andthîe wormla isweîî te yesterday ai île Provincial Trustees' PaBakee l..O7 tO0 sutie.The mission ad Snnday Assocation. ii Mumray 0 0,9 il O 62 staet.at i Small, ' O000 ilO57 School lu île Seuth Ward are aIse pros- West Durham, is pleaset to eban efthîe 18 Bine, 0 ..O50 il O 60 pering nieely. Al ihis muai le pleasing magnificent genoroaity et a fermer BuTTzia, besi table, I lb ... O 16 fi O 18 te île pastor, 1ev. T. W. Jelliffo, te resideni-.Mr. H. A. Massey, tonmerly et CEICKENi, lb ..........O OS ilO 10 whose efforts, untier île Divine blessing' Newatle-wbo hais given $10,000 t0 EGGs, P tez.......... O0 15 fi O 16 machloetiit gatifying condition efjVic nia University. PoTATous, VI bush .......O 030 fiO 0 things las due. This being île thint year /Ïfn a few compliraeniary wortia Hie HAT, P ton ............. 6 00 fi 7 (JO et Mn. J olliffe's pastorale, is necessaaily imonabip Mayor Allen exteudedthîe wel._____________________ bis last, anti h bits tair 'te provoe is e cerneofethe Boardtot Councillor M. A. suceesstul yean. The tie between lira James wher, he iook lis seat Monday QMART YOUNG GIRL WANTED- bis etun for general honsework. Ânnly teMita. ant iei floek, will, if wo are any jutige, ho nightonrîlafial tume ince hi eunGrE. JOar.. Liberty etreet, orsit MR. W. B. R. iseveret wiih regret. {nrom Engianti. CAwIcER's butcher ehait. 42-tf ",keterrning te Miss M. IHighet et aur Patrons of Industry Hlg% School having necivedthîe Master PTIEACHIER WANTED. -A exper. et Aria Degnee, the Lindisay Posti >'yo - leneed teacher for SB. S. No, 8, township Whllmeeton Mntis 14t hua. atîle ierraan Linsay niena aroplesetita e. ~pfor tbe yean 1893. Applications Will eet n Moday 1th ist. t thej He man Linday fiend arepleasd t Novvedla t, ov. ait.tepl box bx122 rSans' bail, Tynene, te erganize a Cont Inoie île prend erainence te wich ie Orana P. 0. 41tif Association ton West Dura. Armasas bas already attaîneti in hon profession. VLAL AMFRSL meeting wiil ho belti lu tle evening te oleLAL FR ORSL atiresetbydelucie ani thos.Ne fut eota- yry ueatek on b>' tendon in the township ot Darlîngten, -addessd b delgats ad oters Ne fu goos-ayer nioe sockforconsiating ef north 75 acres of lot 21.con; 6,also t By entier, ladies, mou anti cliltren-jusi arniveti ai the norîh 57 acres of loi 19, con. 6, ef the said -M. Mayer'e. Cali anti got yeur choicestownship of Darlinion. Tenders will ho ne- ceîved up te the 25th ort Septerabeit for the FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT Inisurance' while tley are freal. punchaser of the said propent>'. W. WILLARD, Reav. YTRTUE, Agent, Bowraanviile Ladies wîo vîsit our tain nexi week Pot Penny. 87-tf. Chltiren's bats a specialty ai Mta. will miaeue cf tîl ehaitstights if tîey ~I7XCELLENT FAIM IN DARLING- SDancaier'a. Ladies ýpleasie caîl anti sestai te saelae beautif al stock et New EI.4TON FOR SALE-One of the beat taimai thora. Goonds at Coudh Johnsion & Cryderman'a. lu Dalingion ton sale cantining abDut 110 Tbe tiei nvely i Biilda liga rec Fo SAE.-Aloiet beie n. ares, ail of wblch le cleared and in high tate The gtet nvelt inBirhdayRins SOcK oR ,&L.-A ot f coiceris eo cultlvation. Ou the promIses are e good ai Big 20 Jowelleny tone. Caili aut see newet cows aud springersaned caille fit brick dwelling bouse and gond onibuffidings, thora, tan footing ti i niuer anti aise same itwO welle, bwo eiaierne, two nover failing Mr. H. C. Bnitiain wenîd. 111e ail out. dchoeyearling ewes anti iarba. S. b. art f e rm. This propertyIo' isituated on standing cots paîdt te .,Debson,.ROD, Bowrnanvile. Ict 6. con. . quarter of a mile tram the limita Cuch ohate,& rysranha eoft hetown or Bewmanvllle. Thene are about Big 20', this week if possible. Caa5ontn rtomnlv acres of erebard besidea plnm onchard, sud Allpesoa wig ccont t Mynrdopenet eut a pcalfiesormntf garden 'wth amati fruits, Well fenced. Easy Ail ensos ewng aconna teMayartispeeallyfineassoîe t eirme for payraent. For funtheit pentienlars the Jewellen wiîl please caîl antissetle Canadien, Scotch anti Engliah. Tweeds, apy on the promises te Mas. RaWE onrB. H. thor ata once, as le. la îeavhng9 îewn. aise woreteds anti over-coatinga which TUrNnER. Bowraanvillo et fi wll enlanlypay annons a g thtey are pitepanedti t make up Iiu imELD1Gi CENrUAI y t il etanl ayfrmrst ntailinsai weî-knewn style. W ELDGINGtEI 1NUA a île grain iley teeti grounutiwlen Mr. 1 nepaininif doue at moderato picei DIr Vanfitone tees chopping ai 5c. a bag. Minand'a Lniioeet,Luraberman's Friend. JAMES ALnAN.11BrAdelfiw St.. Bowmanvilis I C%%hlldren Cry for Pltcher's Castoria. DUOATIO?4_THAT PAYS. Parents whe cal! at the college te a.r- ,go for their son'a attendauce frequently mrark-' If I coulti have the opportanity d ebtaining a business edocation whon a rung man, it would have bo worth ,ousaod of dollars te mL." They do it over estimate'its valve. Young mon îould profit bý the experience and ativico )those whe 10w ose where they failoti. Phe elegaut Anueuncemont, prof use]y il- astrated will ho mailoti anywhere on Sp. fication te SPENCER & MeCULLOtUGI, Prmncipala.4 HamiItou Business Ceilogo. Hamilton, Ont. (Meontion £BHE STATESMÂN.") 3-rain i Grain I WAN.ýTED AT TIIE FutE PROOF ELFWA.TOUP AT GRAND TRUNK STATI 3F, NEWCASTLE. The highest curront market prico will be paiti fo 'r auy quantity ef Wheat,Barlov, Pets, Ry and Buckwheat, delivereti at the above elevater. Or, if preferred, will eceive, in-ýure, and ship for ewner at two centa per bushel. JOH[N CÂRVETIU.' Neercultle, Oct. 1892. 40 M. FARM STOCK. CALVES WANTED fer vealing pur- poses, Drop a card or eall on Humz k' WRiaînv, the People's Butchers, Bowmanviile 4TOCK FOR SALE.-THORO BRED rogtsterod Short Horns, prize stock, foi, ale; aise young Berkshre pig. S, Setowu Sen., Bowmanville, 43-4wý' A YRSHIRE ]BULL FOR SALE.-A -1-thorobred Ayrsluire Bull for sale, thre years od; good dispesition. .Apply te S. Noa110IcTT, Solina P. O. 44-3w* C O4WS FOR SALE.-Cows already ie qnewed and some ta corne in soon for sale at ail times. S. H. RETEOLDs Dealer In Ferra Stock, Box 1, Bowmanviill, 12-tf, S TOCK FOR SALE.-Jersey Bull ris- "ing 2 yesrs old, pertectiy quite; young cow dus te second cait lu December; a young mare izood driver 3 years old. good size. Apply ta J. J. COOLEDGE, lot 22, con, 5, Dariington, Tathu. ton P. O. 4 3-3w * HLEEP ASTRAY.-Camo on Lotë2, kcon, 6, Dariington. lu October, a ewe and two Iambe. The owner la reqoe3ted te pay exp.oses, prove property and take thom awayi MR.W. RIVELL. Solina. 41-3w WfIO'S GOT THE PIG ?-The Ira- Wpreved Yorkshire White Bear sucb as W., DavieB' & Ce.. the pork pacicers, recoin- moud farmers ta use? One is kept for service by W. W.ERRY, Solina. Il-Gw S TRAYED on Nov. 2, from. E. B. Mor- >j ga 's, 157 Sirce E t. North, Oshawa, a bay M _are c ing 4 yors with white star on fore- besd. Any reigiving information as te ber .hbereab.ut. vwîi1 be suîtabiy rewarded. E. B. MOISGA1 l4-tf C W AND STEER STRAYED.- brindIe 00W and a red steer with iýbout hait the bush cut off bis bail strayed frora Farmer Frank's field Oct, 25. Information leading te recovery rewarded on uotifying J. F. Ilitooas, Courtice or S, H. RIEYNOLDS. BOW- manville. 4-ilf B QOAR FOR SERVICE. -À Thoro- U>bred Berkshire Boar le kept for service on lot 6, con. 1, Darlington. Terras $1, payable at time of service, fOnT. ROWE, BOWManv!ile. 43-3w' B OARS FOR SERVICE.-An Ira. JYproved Yorkshire White Boar and a Berkshire Boar are kept for service on lot 29, con. 3, Darlingtonu Terme $1 or two for $11, W. H, NecHeLs, Courtice P. 0. '4-3Sw* QÂRS FOR SERVICE.-Au Ira. JVpreved -Yorkshire White Bear andi a Berkshire Bear are kepi for service on lot 8. con. 8, Darlingion. Terme one dollar. THes, WOODav, iroprietor, Tyrane. 43-3w' VUHROBED ERKSHIRE BOAR. -.Lforsevic, bedfrom importel stock.. Sir Chllege;damStow Bail. Terras $1 cash $1,5 ifcharod.Loi 22, con. 2, Darling- ton SAIIE SNWDN, Sen. 43-4tW" BCARS FOR SERVIÇE.-A twe yr. Bold Pure Chester White Boar with pede- gro and pure bred Imported Yorktabire--oWhite oar tram W, Davios bord btlood, Torontlo, importeti stock both aides, Ttema $1. J. L. PÂitetss, propristor, lot 6, cen. 1, Darlington, oea Il -1w, 'AnLLAN LUNE' ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS. Monhial and Ouebc to iverpui Cain.-At Mevlit, From Montreal Prom STEMER1. at daylight Quebec, 9 a.m4 PARISIAN ...Nov. 12 .....Nov. 13 CIRCASSIAN.... rIl9...., 20 STATE 0F CALI'FORNýiA front Halifax, Nov, 26, Portand HalifaX. SARDINIANif...Dec.8..S . . Dec. 10 *NIJMIDIAN . r22.....,21 PARISI&N::..J.n". . Jan 7 SARiJINTANý...,19 ........,Il21 By S. S, Parisian, $50, $60 and $70, single, $100, $150 and $130, return. By S.8- Sardinian. or Circas9ian, $50, $55 and $60.sinele; $95,8$105 and $115. ratura. By S. S, Mongolien or Nu-. niidian, ?45 and $b0,single; $95 and $100,return. Second Cabin-To Livernecol, Londonderry., Belfast or Gasgow, single $30, retarn $60. Steerage-To Liverpool. Londonderry, Bel- fast, Qiieenstown, Glasgow cor London. sinirle $20, returo $40 STATE UNE SERVICE NEW YORK AND GLASGOW via Londonderry Front New York.ý STATE 0F CALIFORNIA 8 a-..... NOV,24ý STATI4 0F NEBRAsKA noon... . Dec. 15. Cabin passage $10, Single and upward', re- turo $715 and u pwar d.»,cc.rdi.g te location of boorth..Secod cabin $30, Steerage $20. Fer tickets and every information apply t-e M. A. JAMES, agent, Bowmanvilie, Miss Shaw's, Is the place to be suited in Millinery. We strive to please Our customners. Hats reshaped. Gall and see.