For Children? is -worthy every parent's suy not oly what they can etbut what givesthe most nourishun2t.[ No children are better, and mo-1St, are worse, e for, cating, hi ad -coo ed f-ood Iegta, e hrtniig instead af lard, they can eat f-ee- ly of thebest food without dancgei- to the digestiveoigans. Ycancý,l -, ily verfy this 'by a Lir tr-ial of Cottolerie. oin lu i c 5Sc ol Harper's EBazar. Elegant cndeclsiedesigus qfor o'oo cd lu. door Toile-tte, drIiau n om wor.rniodele ,Iu Sendo and Cirapus, are an iýmportant leture. Tsseapper oveny wc, comprîd i into esrpio-n -1etail. UrPrsLtt> e hried oet In t ire mde Udr ir icd > >evYok i-n t trn-sheet, lipplet-int enabe radn t cnt cc mako tfirir, Mn govus. Tire, emi ls tkes t> 1 ÈPEI,'SiBAZAR is prepased 1for e- :iyvoccaion in m1e , ceemonious or informai, vilieauif id dress As A-MLuirNca SERiAS, tioctor WriksDang htera, by Rv3ficce . AseriNoDavis, a strong neve of Amen çan lit, krtE lidin Pnslai c tyin tre fcr Sentir, irliocUpy tirelest1ftieyar. Mv i ,ciod ,a nenereciign v MAxa'ree NMA e e dlcî l Gd ul"Tire' aremater Gloc,"eciiiegnhivo.' Essaya and Social Cat.To, tris depai î«Ahat We are Doing" i NwYcrk oeity . ,iz;>nvers te Correspondents,. Qetos ie> a esonal attention e eeito,',ccat ercîe , eoarliest possible dat ie i(ncipt.ý 4e :d for llu?,sérated Vrospectus, qdsbeielees iilgîiregitirtire Nunnire ) ttie time (ftnecip i Î ;lodc0r. eltrcssfo, vi, tiimvsutam;or bndng, ïil ag u'ndx seuntu ap pli atien a emincashoid )i medeliy Ps-fieMus tude o Dat,,aid c(hane 0f!(ls~ Neapers lare neit te op usadetiemu ~vtotthe express oder ofrpr&Boie. Plostage Fre teaMýi suirsciers ýl ii ir Uietates, Canada and Mxro AddressIA EA&BtTES THE HOfIlE. atsAbout Win do w Sliacles. In replacing a wiudow7 shade 'bat hi been tcom frolnt hereplIer, use nothiug bl enocune ack ; oner cnesijure t! spinga. Alwaýys place the relier iu t brecket with uthe shade rolled utp. To 'Stren guhen the spring, idraw the sha, dewu a few revcluitis, rom ove the rdle front the breckets, roll up the hedear replaceý. If tile sDîriug is toc stmculg, rF-o the' roua frointthe bakt ihthe skiac rckdup, unrejl a fow, timos and replace, If the ahd l as e on propcnly it wi bang to'ward thie wîhdrw. To fit a sh-ade tote) ,udnow with insic ah iutter, meiasure insrde the moalding nei tetm',otes Te horten a relieDr fr %windom, wth ide bîludS, mea"nre frein tbe tip? on til -spriug aideiand alic aif anl inch fer th roiier enid ; itwl thon i'roll freely te tb brac-kett, lmays soe that the relier ia ci true, and tha.t the rolier end la fîree fr-' imprfctinsariîn frm aatng T propenly winid ka Spring relier f or ria leugthaada,1.5 o 16 revoieitions i Sufficient. Li outiga shade on aprin rou!er, place the spriiog end te tho eloI t. A pice f beadnettocfreali, will mi m 0,1aildit irot hdemovrusec, ilz 1-Iangig Pletur-es. By hauiging pîctures low yciceaeti, apparent hlit cfairom' jC-ý,oed picturesý should ne)t be bung il baflways or oh taircaseEsunleiss themej plenty of ligbt for thleillu Incbplace stogphotoraph, ravigsaladcras inga luiiai kand wbito a . A picture thould not bho hung fe ou n _el r igonal linoes fonmed by heco have a very disordaint etict. Two nail aud two vert icel corda, or, vw'at A fa mor sae, ieea f, she-ul, ho, used instemd ffthe inlgiecord. Pictume corda ehýoiiild hoas near the Co10 cf tire vali upein wthh teyiare p11,u s poS sib-le, so "tht tby may ho bumt littie 8001â LWhen oeepictiu eis i ukng ieneatil nte tire bottoin oeeshouid bho hung fiom theon e'bove, and b neft c t t;UtS we aveli *A g-ocd hue fer wiis, where fpmvits 0 *phiotognapha aire ,te be hunig ila- a rkb yellrný hýrowvnor 'i'leýathen oln Lusln tre th, b&ckc the print or tire toue (cf the 1çhio graph ila thu8,imparecl. Tihe waill patpr shiould lbave neo itrongîà deflued pattemn],.audi shouli hocf eue uni fort Cler, 8sncb kasred inclining te,0crimnac or 1tea ge Thecte fÀthie picture, as a ule shepîcjli net 'be much albove the level cý the eye, Orange MreaePudu.jh a bedpuddling. Sbred fi 07,of boof suet -emy finely antho ln mix with 8 oz "c bnead cumba, fineaiy grateci, S cz pi crange marmlad, 4oz cf granuuated sugar audl( eue csndlod orange pool, cbepTped $O.Aud( tbnlrEo gg wll beatuen, and hia àcup e: miilk. Put al to>ýetfier inte a f1ýlu ýci clti have owatter box'iJiugput thre pd iing sund 1lot it hoiu fur us; theonllitra it cut and serve ,with )wine sauce. Roast Pig's H .-Frtbiell the bead ostti it is suficiiently tenîder te ellow tht lbouos to ho tak'en eut, Afier noitîving these shaýpe t1Ue lead ual andý skewer ft, altogethenlinminy; mix sacte pwee ae f aLves w'ith pe-pper anad sait and anni the mnixture oaver it. Thon bang It ou ka a;pitanGÏmcstit, bofore a cdean finbe, Last'ing it we2ll hl oastiug. When du, hch wfliU luii!about hallau bonum ifithfine is lu preper cndtinseve ae tîoce on a boet dish, puîgovon it a Cfgoitney. Apple aueis hehataccompnion fer tlins A TALlE IROM WINNIPEG, How Tvo Prominent Citizens of tl' po Prairie Capital Regaineûd lHeail. hed Q2bPt Sssrered frnt thse Efforts of Ma1laria g i ii ntg Und izest ton, Ithe Otte.,fi-onthe Aie Neivôus Prostrat I tn-l'làe IVr',ory as de Froma the 'Winnipeg Tribune. ee erý The modemr world is decidediy 4keptîcalboso and in the case of cures hy ladvertised bgf id edcinsit is soe e rearized that im 1 17 they ccur at lonig distancees, Rîeýently, hlioe de hoýwever, thoTue was toid that a, law, a Winipg enleanhad paSsIed thirouýgh Litiga ui n experience as rema.rkab1o as any cfi ý) 'nok t those pubiisbedr aud inýquîry into the lip stov ie tuattor revealed theo faci that several fit;nr Spromineuit itizens of Winnipeg mied been s~eo greatly bentefited hby thte use of Dr, i-tne .lim'Pink PJilla. One of theso Citizens donnIed hoai Mr, W. A. Ch-arlesworth, tniol welli the iiuii le known contr actor, who durïng uhjs rosi, lhe nover e deuce in linpe as added to the toneýd g, Sbeauty andi wealùh of the Prairie Capital woýre ou j b'Y erecting tomei of its finlest and Mosý teot i ofi ýItubstanjtia1bulins Ntoalywat ian editoî :yMrCarewo wonld say as to the 1 withiin th, *e m ontf a med2,ical preparation iwou tld ho1 movýed i gread with interoît by the maniy Cliýizeswud' 'who have mnet hlm in buisiness and socially.i wis 1Pe ha e d a Tibune reporter fwas detailed to e 2-1catch týuI, ~fromn him s-omte particulars lu thie mattor. and ,ini( Mr. CharlesworthIl was seen at hia beautiful l o n'r b and cosy homie ou william streetafo days since, and wihile unwiýilling to attracl l e pulblicity, yet forrtenefi f those týuf- Aip forînilg as lhe-ncewas hîus etd to give Ane ina simple statement of hIis caLse; Abouit beîug m Pa thirteen yeams ago, while livng nthe atSao sonthemn Fpart of Mlinois, nearCaire, hoe bId have o0ýccu s several attacks olf malarial f ie idaue oet tv ~- hiialo tbis bloo or and tiad5 a e drngedbis yStem t hat for auou~t tn oal te Syoýar,,;aller hoe was a suiioner froiri chronicco it ý!wt ,I indigestion Ho camle inorthl after reiding s'e ft ,thero for somo yoams ilu order to try toethte latter, ot r shairo off the effects e1 the mai-laria, but, thinganId ova Id wlthout Imuchicceas. H bat not had, wbile inI the nlorth, another real At the r attack of ague, but ,eemy season holi h as biad *incipielit attacks, whjciulwve, Skiewus 9ag oly wan.ded off by the promlpt use as o3he pmssoda Cf quIinIine. Bilious foyer also thiroatenýed Claneiandl iunthe same way. lHo ais"'auffored svneysomet!ing ailG d, fron inigostion. Dtriîgte majýkeato hp .decided effort to got id of h'Is 0, pic11*i 1, 1IbJ1liovy cf d isodrh egan utire fail of 1891 t o bore, hn't yol 1 sie Dr. Williamns' lPinik Plltadvortise. ~,milss' n eio f whichho ad oad ilu,.thre rnewa- "eiIb Spapers. Mr. Charlsewomrth 'begani to uise deï o yen othe piEs lu October, anld for th frstmonth very mlcb, but scarcely foît any improvemnt. Ilowever, Iostth mateb fromnt time on improvenment wvas rapid iTiob shie ret andthe effeet mwanvellous. The cold. cf and ,orIderi)g athe winter cf 181-,is wiil 4> eembr-that 'iu ed, was intense, and yet se3ogroat was the' ,, ting uip cf tlie systom suý'd the enn'ich. "1â1W TO Cu fmont of the bootiat lho scarctly f oit Simpîy appi t'le cold at" ail that winIter. Hisg indigestion o nera wasreovdand since thet ttime ho bas nethadanoherattack of mallaria for.tttor, cz Hi o ontinuoed taking thle lls ut'Jitabnout fchos a themwiddie of Janurary. .lu cloing hs cloar, whiite au ieriwMr. Ealswrb ad - w-.ii nt ua ovofr, do net roiy uipon m-ty uthitIy ao D, o othpr remale fbut 80e AMrFarchildi, wh bs usod thi $ÂYîSO IThe Mr F-airchild, it is neediesa 2te s4ay is Mr. -trank Ficid the larg est deer A Wc ,f in viehîcles auid farm acn nnyin westorn GMi l e wev konto neaders cf tht' Tribunie te nled C î8x. b' nyfthr ntoutoHe was réa isetlkîljait inighk seeïi and fIll oflmdwhat Mn rianes- ,canr t vorthlaîd. Soïme time age Mr, Fairehild p îi cl suffened ircmt nervous poaraîc roughit;rmo i;t'.iau iou b'y o ewok nd sIPored aise front a gdm11 pwain luthe Iback lf thoead. Aftr spending semel turne et amons (Jicage sanîaîu howa avised te3takpe somne higto blup b elmi bood, the dootors' moentioingý Pink Pilla in t'le tbingsýqAdvised WhV1enBmPbywas At flrst ho took a filid preparation, but as Whven hewa ho fond tia unandyte take with hu a Weu immica ho. travriled, o" cdd etry P ink Plis, 1hrs P.s Mr. Qai w hhad a rongiy Irecoin- We .dC menpded them, He ouud great benýefit, froni their (use and coni udraigte until m-e'-red to healtýh, o bas nýe hosi- tatin in recommeing themn as a g releit- bouider up aud purifIier cf the blood. D> D)r. Williams' ,Pin, Pilla maey 5ho bad c f ahl jriggistE;, or direct by umai freinDr- îie ik Wiam'MediineCmpnBrcile eatslre mn Ont., or Schen)ectad1y, .Y,50 cent abo bLtteD- or six bxsfor $2.50. Tuie price at which ck! hid thpee ;uis uare ldi ae ours4e cf treat-W e5Went>U mo-int comparativeîy inoxpensie , as cm.homo d. pared wîth ,otlie-ur roneieS or noia treatmeint. Hwt o A NERVY BIANKER. (wýrap 1-,or b oar iz Tïbe Th£reaî4fa Sirap,-,re , ow fLittEp orul. 9,asd Mii N1ot WW4 1ertls a 1Cent. pIrt y pcu A epthfront Toledio, Olio, ,ý' weili wortb fa.ý A,, A inono huil sabl ttrd~Y edî ~i , 1il . ra he boat i a.Mn e ire it ang heing epposeci te any. ~ag aet presenitstis. lgn 0of the Hand. guliAMs, ino c oqnand e iï lîc read "GIOees Repaired,> site thougfit of 1oet a sndden and wneint1o(f you dean andi repair govea suý""ho aaiid to the clierk p" ho ropiied. lave oeeMt home fithat1ilsouc aIt doesn't neeci claning ut I went it mepaireci1% te it." tireci and thre clonk la weîing ihow ho WUI get squae with iJUE Aîli OkN ISISEES" Ply "SWÀYI4F'.s OIQNTMFENT." medicino required,. (ure8 t, itcb, ail emupion n itho: nose, etc., loaving the skiïî ind hlealthy. It4 groat heai- tio are peasessoci by ýdy. Ask your dreggeist fer rNT5-ýFENTi'. Lyïnan Sons & w is a womran bLigbway mbe lui the Obro peiulteustiant, a iv tuid acraming end wldm 1 st suhemMasémade tekee-Pera tbey ne"ýw keep br hm îe 1, ,thbha haltor rt! a eC c encj Chil, su ciedfor Catonjji. .eo Miss, she clung te - tna 'iidren, sregae irent CÇ'aîtonia ne.ýcaîty t'erav, aprd L pubisbem weirciy (jute.zý' torcti, e uch s Céoraisud with lliartcsby aia nt vLis a liig"Tire LeItestaet wbicb the Aeicujlitunï,ýia l'a ee aniLocll ManktCton ail o, ou ev erything tire Fermer hbas te 'ostof4 a year' subscniptien to si, FIVE DTIN !T Peel Rectiïon3, fîvo rito are isarI -Nididle. Ceutral, Western., Sontb) setenistie cf its setio , rfectly atateq luC thetsectýin.TÉLis escn' agr ccultural paper, as tfheugi poil TIEFF MILY FF- ATU j, The Good (Jirk TeILK nit'Ir h )Dac temake tins DepartmeinI; 'f as muciA Maga,-zine lent; eacli issue coes ouf witiî An Ideal Fart ac and e'd~ Ftere Sampl Ta~ SATESAN ani Agicnltnist eeyeer for .S.Oes ait tflis ofiýc. AND PIN WORMS, N ITÇING FL S i an ecead gly pinSi St hieg recsiv(ci