Household, kuchen for yen. Gra opoene Britisin and Foreign, Bread.-Scald one cup of nilk, tarit it Th'rd ! 7lgs into a bowl, and oe teaspoonful of sugar, Tree-climlbing kangaroos are the labes "Mamma, why do yuntueteoeysi and ahortening; stir until tihe sait and novelty at the London Zeological Gardens toltstta r. aoîaeyuf sugar are dissolved and the butter melted, Glasgow shipping firmas hava decided teG balrletss gaMs.e at iistave tenad uecu o atrfDislv-ahafmake a considerable réduction in freightt et yourdresing ase t Chistms .rates to India so as te compete with the 1 "Beaue y ea, t i s dlihtuitoa yeast cake in a half a cu.p of lukewarm new line front Manchester, via- the slip 1O . g4 e have something with its first freshnes watar, and when the milk in the bowl is canal.,s itinreereteus be mkig eay uewrm ad te aatand sufficient Mr$. Osmer, widow of the paymnaster of î Ç4us tJese,:o for guests whoin we delight t oe. at the age of 85, was the last surviver of the IF " ,&~5~ Bek Beadache ami raliaze ail the troubles biefo.hue." al r aoter hre dhawi l usi tl fomakea heErbuslto i'Sresnyle ngan.,,0-.,-a. dent te a bilous stateof the system, snob as d But, Mmama, if yeu wilI consent toaatrwic iîputîyfoma women widowed by the losa ef Sir John G% ) , e g., ïie&ca 0U;a lines ,Nausa. Dowslness Distress after use themn evary day and« takre the good of speen; beat until the batter lis light and Frankiin's Arctic expédition. P1Of0t îee eet aa iib nl ul ha, sw a lpoiset elc o ut aie Side, &c. Wietheirmest smooth and ful of bubbles. This should Général Mercier, French minister cf wa, eV'. p14 7le«e. tPb 5iàqtO sei mise taWrepla e doue at c *k k voigeete,,,bes5ctta them when they have become soiled, or ngu, nc ýaarsnu.r e ffcualyreultins1.->,uonfe haels hi ls auiea"stand iu a reom cf about 65 degreeýs until te moe fetal prevent 'the examina- b tbe C mrigitsuithnelgtad v-tion of French fortifications by unauthoriz- Nîtee -te 1-«e u e e o rten0ýc, persons.nerato ws eeaedteeeSweh ubOs nto. ddeouh oualceue ar quiyvanbl eCosopto, :ui me by the mother herseif, whe used the fleur te makre a sot t dough, and kuead, The Muniipality ef Limassol, lu Cyprus, 13tte5 be ioye 1 ed e ti .~bC cnd r etai dis norders cf t e stom, possiblee Gisa Mdpaetn hsanyn enltt bt incident as a text on wbicb te tound a using as littie fleur asposbe until the biait memoriahized tha British secratary cf bte slososàb"bs tced tc%4«"n ~ ieivradrgit iebwl tl emno l uyadbat tdough does net Stick te the bande, and is war te revolte the decision ta remove the -ïkull 13- ~ î co~e u .at etnice o<icur soft and velvety tethe touch. Let itrise garrisen. If sucob removal taires place they 1 t-Wa living in the présent. again until it is double its buik. When the declare the place will be ruined. s01ouec X .%%,0 ~ 1 fteal qutecempetent," she said, te dough is ligît enough it should comea away Workmau excavating on the site cf Streat 5ý ,olî'eel ba t . spaketths ubecibeaue hvebeufromt the bowi wîthout stioking. Moid as iinprevemauts at Dever, Engla's, struc wlo uie fomtti dsraslgcepilt' seat.I e sa o tat~ quickly ar d as ligbtiy as possible, without upen somathing solid which proved ta e a li clGa.toai Achîe thay would be almost prlceless te the s e derelict mysel.1cnss o ht1kueeding again, inte ]caves. Put iu coffin cut eut of cheIk and efectuaily anal- but fortuuataly thir goodness doas -PIlnet àe have aiways iived tee much in the future.gradbedtnsidvdulusprer. d.uitah ansltowsfon. bare, and thoeawhe once trytem wilIl ind rae ratis niiuloe rlr-e.Ii ahm kltowsfud qy 0 these lle plls veluable la se mauv ivts tha There has aîways been in my thoughts and ad, and leI ris-i again until iight. It Shouid empire as weil as te tha large industriai the 'will net be williug te de wthout them. an nfrMUaSd an fr heme rise about thirty minutas this last tima ; cmuîislec brTetoeg ~ut fiarail ick ead lanstIen baka in a mederate aveu for torty.flve discussion wbich ithles eceived can.ot tail part, perhaps, uncouscieus reférence te an minutes,.eb eyvlal. indefinita ' sometima' wleu our circum. ý 7li ba ra.~cl u u t l cnwegn aep tarslto h thban 0fSO eeylivs tat leraIewara staceswoud jutit th us etmy re.miîk ;turu inte a bowi ;add oe teaspeen. passad by tha Mauchese hma tCm wa make e ur groat heast. Our pills cura il cmous bits ofet gui choice cia fluer mèesc urging a policy of international glass, china, tub cf butter, oeeteaspoonful et sugar, oe biaaisLr asurwrts:Th whîle others do net. OÂave'a sLrIT L via PiLLe areVailysmail linen, modish gewns, etc., every day, et sait and ene cup et watar ; whan luire- sbjetlismenetsrd'm impoy ritanes The _________________________________ and vary easy te balke. Oua or twe p ilsauie unhampera d by the ceuscîousness that thay ujcisoefsprmiprtnetth % dose, Tliey ara sriotiy vegetable and do c dntb elcdi rkno eaed am d n-eio nyatck, Capt. Homfrey, lata cf the Elevenl met gripe or purge, but by ther genîbe action cudntb alcd fboe rdfcd whcar ea d ceit cf n asî lfcaipaîue tofMt oueÂ' 5ABIHET glefseal who use tham. u vatt 2tcents; "But my daiughiar'a appeal caused wihbsba îslvdl atcpo Hussars, lad tougbt lu the war ef the re. 7MRa uedonly tToAHLOW 'SEABIMN, ~vfor $1. Seld everyeliere, or sent byimai. arig'resettog. Avceens lukewarmi water. Stir in tîrea cups et bailicu and under Garibaldi, and lad been MZw 'JE-U QWtD a S'w~ CABTER MEDICIE 00, NwYoI ed te say te me, 'Hore are yen, tast near- wboie wbeet fleur, and béat until light and wounded in battie six tinies, t e falliy Mo uig that pint in your lite wlen yen may amootl. Let rise over night. iu tha knocked down the aether dayby a butcler's 0A oi IL h, ilDose. Lfl1I mu1 weîî begin te listen for the ett ipo the morsîing, wheniight, add two or tlreelcups cart on Westminster Bridge, andi killed. ,. lead ie. Ta uuel otbitmc lurifhenain, ifer PTahe nayacdisnte relclnalers, isl> S A lD R BA Kynte c'lierîshore. Your lita Kuead well and ne caretualuot te add tee terpîise basturnad out ar trm au esse- d O F C A NA DA. and uncertain te ha counted upen, or taecau be used fer the kneading, if de- by ne means, a land of promise, and the aford opportunity for much change, Tle sired. Lat the dough risa until ilttir ae 'W ifiut l a n captal adî~, memoris et home and bene lie whîch doubles its bulk. Shape it imie aves, put ends iceet.e 4ý-ý î This Bank lu preprilod to do Legiti- orcida.r orti oaa r i ljt rae ra iblrs gi Several districts in Ireiaud bave requast- . Ô aat Bnkig a il tabrachs. raady flxcd and unchangeabie. And yet, and bake torty-five minutas ln a med erate ad the goerament taesend semae unbiased avennow ye are50 bsobed n îe oen.parson te investigate the distress arising Farmer's notes discounted ; Deposits comtempiationoet ame indafinite future or trmîetiuee l enece.I s, e1 9e Teceived and Interest paid on accolinrts tle pursuit et semae desired acquisitien, CALLING ON A LADY. fFared Ihat destitution and disease wii]l e of 85 and upwards in Savings Bank tht1ebat n ledt tt-a r hait torgotten or oveîlooed aitogether.' e;paal 0,s epiyan s rvie Department. n Ie-n heeIreovdteada okw a Yeung lit Was curae or emain- for those whose sole support was the B RA FTS te radeem île remaining tima. Hancetorth In% Away front Roe.ptae lssued and Colectious made 1, Europe 1 amn datermined te make eacb day as it tsntexctdhaanxpiio JntdaasadCnapassas just as beatitiful in evary way as I My fatlier pbayed a quear trick on me the will ha sent ibis year against tle Abers, a -lit~ ~, possibly can." ether night, Yen knew 1 usedte feal I1thanîng ltroie te l In dihohae geve truent. W., J. JONE&' Said anoîber woman te me: "For many I lad doue myseit an injustice if I did net go eigth roAbe atquebutdfant, vng nt.ii~ gntyears Ikepti mesibeautitul thingsiai ~~NT.A.RXO BANE away, te be ta en ouI aud used onîy when te île theatre about five er six nighis a basau rquastad te daliver ýUp their arma b,~.~ ,, .. '- copn a xetd.Bteedyta ee. It wasn't always the theatre, but if they must coma and take them. ? o tiestedo a Général Banking Business came a fire which destroyed in an hur al] t wasn't that it was a music al, or pr- A nw miitary pont ou tha English 0'd emavieAgency. my clarished daintinesses. Oh ! bow 1 laps a gaine et carda or bilards wiib noe Channel is te ba established by tle Frendch hui okt t.Lblonîe 0s i ol DEPOSITS regratd then that they lad net beau used ofthîe boys. Govarumaut aI Port-en-Iîessin, iu îhe WIf thadrsshol no et 5 helOxford tet, oe nd y r potg. Ileeivei alg akDprmn nto and anjoyed wbila thay ware in my passes- dapartiment ef Calvados, mîdway betweenIfteadgsint53,OorSreLno, hy&epu M caIland Interestallewed atourrent rates, No sien1; and perished througli use instaad eoef e as nwbw mstae Cherbourg and Havre. The placarad notceoefwithdra'wal necessary. Ail deposits being destreyed dy disastar." as te business. I werk for my fteihar, and bas a amaîl herber,, antered by a gap lin _______________________________________ pyable en demand, Do net these lîttia incidents, homeiy I have"t e lebethte office et 8.30 in île île ciiffs. Thaentrance wili bis eniarged, EXCUANGE thougisapaeln el urig a the ret et îlea famiby araaul and will be connectad witl basins capable THE RECORD 0F A YEAR. 1 INDIANS AS HIJNTERS. EX H N E.orAeia ieteever-preant inrig uta h eto h aiyaet accommedating île large ironclada, - Il nhtaad soIt and Draftsissuad upen Europe o s efuueprnac id-Sitting down te breakfast. In consequence Unilted Graenbecirsbought eut soit. fimite, gond!? And how easy for ibis habit I gai my breakfast and leave île bouse eh- CGeagsen sho avelbrar ai ea r.den fasltsa esta Tehar i Drl tha eMtFiitats aaO COLLECTIONSof lite te crystallize inte, a dcpýorable and fore tîey get up. But 1 can't compiain e xre lmevsa eiîe e ny TeerDistricts, as White Mien do, C L E TO Salmosi irremedieble babil t f înd. Ih le. tn.Imdigeec htîemnwO ewrsthrnees arielfrile ect orî Tey 84 las made itseif mamtorabie " aarmr tanmd yedt r Mýûmptly madeataicurrant rates upen ail part comass et lest weli nigh impossible te make ot ' ongxclwa h mnwowt raneet aefr hi ofr It aarrakotnmd yodtm of Great Brittain, île Unied Suies aathîe on's plans with simple retérence te to-day, lad my place heora me did, and betwaen and thair work. lut aise witl the personal for many avents et large importance. No who knew the Western couutry whan the Domilnon ofI Canada. is own pecuiar beenties and privileges. you end me î'm drawing more slary. kindness of the grand eid man hinîsaîf, doubt,' as we see objecte brger lu îhe plysi. red was as cemmon tIare as tle tenderfoot Telegraph Transrers ",Saiea ime," we say, III rmsaitte check But that'a neithar lare uer there. It's teh o t ere îfowr Tes anresi insuensca oid hnw r erta orc n je w," said a sportsmen trom île Rookia;, Made for large-or emelilsuins on ail paru ertlis busy, burriad lite, and take urne toIuedt fnshwrkaon ix nmare Sotilarité vents appear te us in eagrtdpropor. "htIdesnyrseaaa an ' Çanade. This us especiniiy advantîgeoui ta reaad ttudy, takea alittie pleastre trip Iue afnshw. basi, Anme f ctihatasuesly ofions. Yet semaanane île occurrences et îleý ernsons living in Manitoba or île Nortlwesî, every yaar, perleps ofltenar, and hegîn gai dinner in île city, and go te tle Ibeatre tle Glasgow Scboci, racentby sent tonty-six tnm fteocrecso h a regionin i whicii they butt.Bat, tbay Itinmaies tae unds availablie ai once ab the reaily te live" or somewlera aise. I lad basa doi, g it for pictures te an international exhibition in peat yeat are certainiy great enougl tealrve l hiemnaoa Otite.. nnilculere cali et the bati., "soeatirn"-is a racedine " quouesxtity. anh six co bck . f île convases have alraady tound A change et ruiers in al ways au aventbi remsg ei oudtb kldof l.L. FOÏ-LTT, GEO. McGILL, _ uniyi taotteol ieta a ymthrsx0o rvnaa.Teesytg r -ewt Accosintant. Manager, is neyer reacîed. Like île pet et goldai In îeol lm ha a m ol rchsr whleh is rgrd as a -o dienaa. hsesyig rekuawt _7 ~the end oethîe rainbew ik allures, recedes, and sister du iltat pri was et Sun-. prcesofrcont eapréciatii ng ei hae aymaie e itatint henli îe qualityinig sîtament tisai îy reasonable vanislas, and lin Duiite but boelees regret day dinuer. Netbîing unusual in titat, ef werk efthîe younger eut base conventional isîiuctly boter cr werse, I ei tgm asgm e i md e apeev the ellured aut disappointed fieul wakes Up course, The samne thing la irLie et hundreds et Scottisl painters. Sir John Thoiepson, Premier efthîe Domin ed and, aven wbera nennly extaruiiuated, te ut laiopprtuiu, te, s gne fetyouug men in îowu. Bui îhey haven't Aiea récent special musaer parade o et l oe l us Eprr l sasn-resto radtle almosi ils originel plenlifulnes ftîers like mine. Ha came te me u ftr Royal Scotas(Grays tle commsnding efficer te tPesdinane tFaceadîel dis tricts neot to uily occupied by n noo eu ased e i I atan engagement reat au order te îleeaffect ihet Queu accession et Monsieur Casimir-Perier, île adbsdmsî ratrs Artistie Darns. frta ih.Victoria lad contarrad on île Czar île retirernent et Mr. Gladstone freim leader. Nt l ninj utu sl Nohig eaa lanas utstcii fornd " as" h a it: 'eprmstteg eposition et colonel-in-chief oethîe régiment. si uBitaNoiis,îerugnto t~t thed i un the ds eano IdhYompresenuiai île revieslaidabyoîle Caipn itis Gerany, lehecréinetioenu-se oefu n se, Te nyzufei~-~ei esvote ebîi-'other underwear ooking se wail as demn- the ileatre." Queen lu August Niclolas expressed grenutCanrietin orceantdath ottheN ul.twl ukeswt i oi ra tmca v. eu~ lanset. Rcsts n n edîgadpeaigmtra How about to-morrow night ie haadmiration for tle Grays, who are said t a fMrclen Csdn unzo idtrey ihbssf tedo pca Les Z*ei 9 anhood ' asauet. racaind lisdappeandmantpwiilgeveryrmarkColumbia, aeuthîe inauguration et týhe firsi sineet.aInluthe twang et lis lest-string et ciinildario , xessiove ilai matches pefeuly. A baicseemsasked. populariys ppoentetntPresidenu et kBrzil,- eut tIe flight et the whistling errow tIare Xndsa),eMcc!a, Etc.,Who wili sendme n plain Nething en at présent," I rapiiet. etofappreval. ibisa aan ets have at entmeaor eaîei eepoiesudt lrnîecetr anetthjr mtoe l R ent Freet, aimosipreterabiatoa graysatocking derned Id Weil, 't lire yen te go semeWbae TeBiilBuee d arece tiy estes vetse ae at e umeracste '. e loebOu t a r tr cr atuie mieio ta nea-ain iana et elf- TeBiihIos fLrswarcnl etne falrepr ftehmn ae erteoeta nsrc.Hlk ei*-h, eftenein, swindlcd and lmpneed witl bine, or black undarekirt bount wil witl me." gn by " k "andlumulisforyeas, cr.ýd "Al right," I sait; Idwîerc shaîlliî ea t occupiet with a soînewhat curions eppeel. Moreovar, a grenu war bas beau wegedtihamseaves, ta in synripathetic accord witbs m b y " u ate a de c m I n g e o r y a s c i t r e d , o r a b r ew un a c h w h e r a t I r e a o u i t ,,I îw a s w l a h e r î e w , e r o f a u a d j i n i n g b a w e n w e c u n r i s - nn le m a o u l l l e o e t p e n n d m u t i 14 a tewwo ks ai se dn'eauunÏesy ue i evsteofc b 4hu i~~~~adera io.torrepodeiie ecrciyd power,1 awabiecr ee, utioseiltinofetb[ouseloeueveithefthe abutarhereiale.-.e.. pear, ithit onsetee li ios luîdewond, ven xnandn tît nolan toasî,endwhieenanvoing matctc f~eyt mgeieneisseoe b _rvaitmanding tIrants, in notion, linen, silk aut lefe a cn gai My work finished. le uaeiiboring propriietr, tacut dewn sudb bers efthîe Britiesh Empire witî ail jus their craf t againsibila they are sntiefladl Ar ie eGe , V n pla t.. w olbindîl in affét , ri ons a ven s0,î l L n x R u7~ branchus as overung bis prnparty. Th e colonies, taother larger tIen France, wiîl îryiug te avoid hlm wiuhoui abandon- wbbîng ky tle yard are te la heught et aîîd I was ilere, prepaedetfer tle theatre jutgas iluthîlowar ceuri couit net egrea Trua, a war helween Asinticpnwars tocs iug tle regioîî at-lre Ile alts mei eeonbl pins ormain et taaquiet lecture on late heure,. ala ed, on île case beîug teken ta the court net invoîve temumubil cue h swa îehners et îlheisports- thingsans goot ne uew, eut fer keepîng tle combint île îwe on saveal pravieus acde- et appeel, lu wes ibought tle man whoýa qiiences, lut île préseut war will sureiy ie eiî neeu ens hi r THE. EEICL new lu perfect condition. it also scemults t i,,e, But wîeu lae eppeerae se ait le properîy île trees overlnng lad a ighi te bning a whoha continent more intime on ace lereltet by the treet et their betet AC I1 M b e an economy lu thc sam(;tlirection te boy wncaaecl nald iîln" bate île nuisance, Titis vlew wasalso jute relations wiîî tle resi efthîe welt. tatarcohaeini pemuet thesaieamaies eut co«o-, infleunels eutdî1brnew quite welwheu h waa a yeuug man, taken hy île House et Lords, W. pesa IF wiîl île merest mention île hues eut contours efthîe créatures ef hstrmsantesasor, seo hetone may le expbaiued. In the trials forelecior fruJs at Tulouse many oller notewortly eciturraeS îlacitsaetther pu-ofsramsbow by a lava material te reinforce weak placas We want oneut sdntatdsireiglit for it Iabien slown thet île French lavea ara l dpine rvstcntl-cakctîecahu icme ligm - ~wiilont buyiug it. home. "Sheilatsîppingaethîehbuse," le little te lean about stuffing ballot boxestewt nvre ufrgi agnn-î.gn emgaet ar engrots sait, when I speke et il, I thought ih voting under faine naines, eud aitering l~the formation tetgnaetittionli re.loAdubatefo lanr sieeid etsaciîjate att-auge thai lae shoult laeamate the ap- retures. OneacandidaÉe, wîo for yeara j in thealiv lofgteral ale on u oe-telieghewhfer s ante's hsalcant lre f EIIC M eep Chilten Busypointmeni for tle Lenox Restaurant under suiccegsion les been coutet eut, procuret e waY; l eia tîe aeeinmv- teias îe wbhi e'sltinoeuthel ibose ircumsiences, but I sait notbing. liai of ragisueret votera frern île préeeture men ' îeAsrleeole;îenm ayt e hm l eeuaine l Chiltren sheuit ha furniahet wlth arn- Well, we weuu je, eut I wes introduce et 1er tiie lest élection andt'sent taeccIplatîonu autopening oethîe greai euletforast eut plain, wheî unrestrîctet by iaw, Messrs. HONEI & McMUItTIRY hava ploymient, whcî je sornetimes tifficuit te witl due termnliîy le my meuler eut my ettresa n circuier latter efthtanks.Aftro hpcnl hetril a it n inl speedily adsr.Ee ic h eea uçbaaeà tle Cotinuy cf Durbhamnfor t r Il htwecl naturel love et sister. TIc situation waa luticrous, eut 1 soea aya 10,000 circulera ware returnatScl;teotae nAmna;teadpinb nin ffransfý hi testîs'lief is oflen noting mueratryen antivi- eganute augh, lut tle icugl dlcd awey. te hlm by île Post Office, nîntka "aett" bFrance cn by Anarchiste in Spain, hunting il bas net beau fouet tîntý large il inet b. injuret by seow, leat, oeIlty, Chiltran are restiesa tor empleymenî motler eut my sialar shok lents witl mIne, RbttBcaewotie o 7,0 o e-hnaetfrtapol eee-visiuer, atteugl Sir Samne1 Bal- l>, île Shen, lnge Dog eu Polir il i a leyat- netse urnshe île wîl t mi- e eybutlsau'i eaumuc etme iîel. îeolepar etutcharnana copaexporer ases foerAfrna5ge00au llnaeluie natfaortt h e pcmcuto cuuetitl aarbean tInd o theabopele néaelp- ttr cair A:tal-'nisae e ornet It ot-k wilheut b rbe et n t havut. ha e e sblncthin tahdus ahdifrn - phr adse eebee e a aite I h1nechy 400aya1s u ets-iiai o t u1u nuairpplfiefre u vesvg a- at,.Ntlt- Tuur -or te contents -of thc weaaîhr. When it is demp îl -a mii el-I bagl te lire MnDr Siy mention ArclbisbOP TacheDvtSi, beslAgn, 68e hsomlwl a ni egeig1nmo hnao l a Dcslu avi .o. - Aens WLL CUR 'neay-pies kuchen-one egg for eaol two kuchen andi ro:n is probable, mhwh e.n o egoigo e fCillgs, tPîdhe e. . Csh n ao. wpeetfrîe &iaiu e %ý,fNe1'ILL C RE YN mixe wit abou onecup f swet cram. rnilJnrmow, egefi elgîteen, is a aîtroug Mamma-I iheught ha ulIreaty lad wban W. CicB fPiaePtu e rjc o h he g4ratt pti' K ~ Curils e a û enger te tasie eut flaverthîe applea le bey. H ekto autl îios IsW ln kaigyn "e b" lst TaRgu rfse tmtii e i ab o t he000,tellef ao ea çass ~ibniaitt D l )ete, u bao sui y uslf. Bae untiltily are e nice W iul euen e n h a celift 200-poun t n ~unight. Oxford, Sir Henry e ntaeige o e t enytv mene reunde. eoWn aven île top. The thlck kuchan arc R,îasI dise enasaaechair, aut anwrite bis nle h ~yn âel ~ C l mai-luea y al o te b.coverat witl a liitic lutter ctlue n aaanedoun îesoee g u aln ebl aths e le ny to y. -. A.sI e ., Cmont . o. ieswll fh ua îrman offte nahan ing tron lis Wtist. eut breaks dow. -Ksinl. fîitsye tlspbi ok u ar esc Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria