GRATEFIUL-OMFORTING. BREAKFAST-SUPPER. WB' td rua b we~ecocte atiMr. 8,W "h gv r M o e able s itai 111e Mane rlete !wi-eeid oa r ýeus ý se of such atee of diet that a astIioîII.n -ay hograçiully bit uuntil genghta resigt every tendency ta âtgeaae. Umidreds of subtle maladies are t yudus ready te attaok wherever fbel a aweakDoint.We Mayesap .y 3~ ~ ~~n faa htib urselvas well forîifiedu 0 lth u ebloda. a propas'iy nosrished -1ln.-C1ilBs'Vice Gazette." Mgîde smply .wih boiling water or milk seld OQklî» filpaokets. by Grocers. laballed thug J-4A mSItPFS ,&Co., foneoocCheiSM 155.1oadou. England, WEDNESDAY, FER3. 6, 1895 DU. . . CMITCHIL, 17 EMBER 0F COLLECGE OF PIIYSICIAN I3and Surgeons, Ontario, Coroner, etc. ffise and Itesidence, Enniskillen. 7. ,ri 10C, Lpaira, King Street. Bow'san- vill. Sclicitor for the Ontari Bank Ë Sivate NBes j oasal ai thse iowa3%raiSe BORT. YOUNG, V. 9. OFFICE -IN THIE WEST DURIIAM News Bock, where himsalf or assistant wili te 1usd frosu Sa.x. to 9 ,mn. Night catis ài rebidenCe.directly opposite Drill Shed. CoUls tï'telegraph or telaphone will roeova prompt et ntion171.yr A. A. POST, ARUHITEOT. Plans and Specifica, AýL ton s prepared f or :very class ofbulig OfEce: Gorrie Block, Whitby 43-iy R. PEAE, Tailor gentlemen's 0otheflade to Order. J.M. BRIMACOMBE DENTIST., OFFICE :-IRear Of1 Messrs. Higginbothami & Son's Drug Store, (dowl stairs), BOWMANVILLE Gents' tlothing, Cleanod, Dyad. Preasaed and Repaired by TIIOS.PEAT, Dyer and Clothes Oteaner. Goeds warranteu ta be as no ()n wilil know tbem frosu nae saion doue. Corner King and Ontario Stra3tîs Bowmanvile C; HARNDEN, L. D. S. Graduato fthe Royal College of De)ntal Surgeons. Ontario. OFFICE OPPOSITE EXPRESS OFFICE. -VJTALIZED AIR. New Tailor Shop The undersienaed wbo bas hean carrying on tba ta!ioring busi11ness lu oonneciion 1witb Maseon's Dry GoudaStore foer a numborof years 'a,% ,ommenceý b..ine3s for hlm-eh ai bis residence, King St. wesi. where ho is p.Leparolt ta maiare ent' and boys' aise in al tise bisai stýyles, and ai lowei prices. For tisose wbo wieb ta ordr santis, ha will carry a fuit lino of amples tuait tie newast patterns. Giîve hlm cali, J. T. ..-ALIElJN, Fashiionable Tai1orl MONEY TO LOAN. $1000 0. A largre susu of money bas beeu piaced lu my bands by a private persan for invetmeut, on approved boans (ou farm securityr for a terra of stivs Or TEN yoar8, FIVE AND ONE 11ALF PER C!. NT in teresi wili bie asked payable yearly. haticfatûiry conditions for repaymieni Sailîtlbe îrrangod. D. B. SIMPSON. Solicitor. Bovwmanviill. Datefi Oct. lei, 189t. 40-tf. Dang-er ln Fraoen 0ran.Des. A gentleman who bas justraturned frous Frlorida, and who bas travemecl tise autire State since the damaging frosîs there, says tsat tisa reporte of tise loaes bava beau undeestrnaed.Ha'briugs ana important piseoe ai information whicb la of intErest to ail consumera af oranges. Hie says titat hie saw lu nouay instances cases af irozen fruit in process oh being shipped ta Nortboru culaes, and hie oiserved in particular one conaignrneut ai-200 boxes ai oranges for a sortisern bouse. Tise importance ai ibis statarnant lies in the tact, hoe says, tisai orange spacialiats iu Fiorida say tisat f rozen oranges -are paisonous, and deatisa have beau kuawn ta occur froin eating thie. On tise occaion ai a former Ireeze tisera, Iha sa 9ys ihaitis MsscsueisBoard of Heoitis ftorbade theisalpanîation oh Irez- en oranges as 'poisonoaus and dan 'roue ta thse puabli eal tih. ',Notice oai sucisau emn- baýrgo has net beau givan since tise presani freeze in Florida. Tis gentleman says tisat non ookly have tise oronge graves and tise veconobia gar iens beau sensously injurad, U11i many instances wbolly destroyad, but even ln tisa extreme sauth ai Fiorida tise cocoarsut trees and tise pineoppies have beau .sriouslyv injtsred, and in soins places kfleS by tise frOqt. VglneCommitte (aitis',a ror)- "Tirowupyer anls Ie Ve are gain' (o fyes o or hs-tai."Aikalsi ke 1c-aT)iugoi of ti-,'back wndow)-"' l'Il ho h J e ifv', do," lm Jusi4 eat a beonîy mieal, anS drink witbh i as, mýue'isGuiuoess8's stut us aven you con isold. Tisey you will lie down sud go asleep, and iî's odds but wbat wban yau woka, you'Il bhasale lu Waterford Harbor." hfollowed bis advioe to tise letton but, thougis 1 do sot d oubit tisatitiwas given lu Sorne ai you muet snreiy -itn-ow Tereuce 'Callagban, and tisosa ai youn isot do will e gree witis me tisaitse could botter spare i abeiter man, a,3 the sayling is, and jain in l hopîug tisaitbis shadaw moy nover grow , oe. Goaninoturod ilaevery seusa ai tisa b ward, bumiiorous, jovial, and bospita'ble, hae v 'ealizas tise achievament hanwisici so8 mauy I of bis compatriots £ail, ai heing as good at fellow as hae seams. His geuerasity la pro- a verbial ; and if hoe ha open ta tise'imputition of occasional raluctouce to meet tise juat demande of bis 'creditors, ho atones for lu ban equal readinesta share bis mouey, t wisen haeii lundua, with any friaend wiso rnay be in need f i was ouly tisa otber day tisai I board of a double-barrolled incident whicis comically illustratas botis E aides af bis ohisnacter in tisis respect. A friand ai mina, Dawson by nama, isav- ing learnt tisat Terenca baS landeS a clear £300 over an outsider, îisougit would hoa a good oppartunity to reooup a tanner wnicishahoisad lent bins fiva mootis bai are an tisa assurance tisatitt sisould ha nepaid *"wiihin tes dayff at tise very latasit." Ha espied tise bold Terence awaggoning down Bond Street,' wiiis bis isaad tbrown bock and bis bat pencised very Inucis on- aneasida, as bis habit ils wisenlha is at peace witis iimself anS alltise worid ; wisen, in other words, ha bas semas spore oasis in bis pocket. Toklng bhis as a isappy angony, Doasonj accostaS him, and waa received witb char- actenistie iseartiness. Il t'a a. yaar ait least since h saw ya- and where have ye beau hiding yourself al this tine ? Ansd- wien will ye dine wib me at tisa club ? Naine yaur own uinght, me dear tollow-any nigist yo Iike-would ta' nigist suit ye ? At elgist sharp ? Tisere'll be hali.a-dozcn cf us. and all ai us friands, and what mare could any mon want ?" Dawson excuaed hirnself, pleading a pravious engagement, and ofier congratula- ting hlm on lis recent good fartune, asked iii would ha conveniant for him ta settle bat litile motter of tise outstanding tonner. Terence's jow hall, and bis whole demean underwent o transformation as sudden and complote as a gorgeous flnework wbeu tise combustibles are exhausted. "Ma dear fellow, me deorC friand, why didu'it ye osk me yasterday ? Or aven tis snorning 2 Thon 1 could bave doue i for ye ; sow it's impassible. 1 paried witb tise bai soveraigu no louer thon tan minutes aga ai tise top ai tisis very street, and ii's on tick 111 have ta go for tise dinner 'bis stigist. But ye needn't ho airaiS l'hl farget it, for it's downrigbî sorry l arn la Sisappoiut ya, and I tiik I con promnise _wilin a week, or ton days at latest, if 1nisaî'li 4 - aSshaking Ml .w him onLhe saps ub A oagroup whoin lhe was entanto n ng wïtis soine extravagant saily or otiser, anS ohviously on tise vory hast of ternis witb blusseif. A happy in- spiration struck hlm :hai brushied besnhly pastil qnicli ly turneS, and sîsot tis eaming Irisisman wiîis, "Con you lend me £10, Ter- once 2" Teranca's bond v"as deep in bis pcckei on tise instant, and pnlîing ont a large rGoioh notes. Il leit a tanner ? With al tise pleasura in Jife, me Sean friand," haieSai in a breats. -Five and fls'e is tan," picksng onttîwa £e notes and thrusttig tbem loto Daçvson's baud ; but are ye ase ten'll do ? Hadn't ye botter moka hA twenty wile ye'ne about i? Tisone's pionty mare wisaîe tisai coma iron, anS shure ye'na heauly welcome ta the hall oh wbat I have." Doason tianked bisa, suitably, but saiS a tanner was ali ha oted, and -isurried off heore it dawued au Tereuce how lie isad bean trscked ia popying bis deisi. WeiI, Tenence anS 1 are friands airnany years' standing now, and lbaisas ofien askad me ta stay with is a ai bis place in tisa olS conry, but oua shing or anoîher always prevanîad my availing inyseli of bis isospi- taliîy until ibis time lastyear. Tisa pnevious fii ths oh Novenîber, wbicb a is e annivenaary of tise day on whlis ho first saw tise ligisi, 1 had entertainad hlm at dinner ; sud aiver, aur poatprandial cigar anS whis. key and soda, ho was so pressing lu bis invitation ta utaeta'coina aver, and spend my Christmas ai "Tisa Casitle" (pronounced "Cassal"), anS so, evidently aincere lu bis deaire titat I aboulS do so tmot I consenteS. -Thon ye'l coma on Christmas ove I tima for Sînner. Ye aol have tise iserti- est walcome in all melonS, and ye'll stay oven Christmas, and moyb. tili tise Newý Yean, wisicis wlll ha boiter still. and l'Il give yo a recepiion tlnot'll astoniait yo, and tisa beau cock sisociing,tbougb I say it wisc ary in hia negative wealhofa ignorance, foi ha assureS me iseas mantis ainca loeisad seau Il aven Îtis iguof a 'bas in iheir Tise iPi toge, La P-rairie Club bas fornaall Dpenad ia unew quartera. goo faits, it diS Dot tmm ont bappily for ne. Truc, tisai veny scon auter tise neal, 'bicish Icansumed in strict accordaucoewih my wantby meor'% directions, h succeeded in flling asloap, aad ou waking found tisai we were lu amoatis v.ater. Sa hon se good, excepî 'tisai h also found tisait:Ih ad a rack- ig boadocise, whiois was oafeature lu tise programmetisait I had no.t beeu lad ta ex- oect. But worso remaiued beisind ; ion asile I wos mentolly debating wh icis migist ec theo greaien cvii, seosickniess or au aggro. 'oued beadache, h suddlenly realize-d tisai 1 had au ample apportuniiy a of'jmpaning hem bath, sida by aide, sa ta speok, for the vesai hgan ta picis, and roll' und toas, and jump, and heave, and wrîg- ,ha,and perfonm oevery combluation ai tiss aquatio gymnastics ion wisoistisa Iriish Sa .lfonda aucis unnivailed iacllitios. itsuis- oequantly transpireS tisai wiila I alepi, tha captasu, liaS put oui, anS found tisa weother so baS, tisait alten soinmeuaenaiu saS beau obligeS ta put bock ; sud ibot on ny waking hae was jusi beginning ton tise second urne-ta auttempi ta cross ta tise oison side. Oven tise ramahuder aitisait passage s'a will, if yau pleasa, Sraw a veil. ArriveS ait languis, a languis whicis seamed .ntenminable,at WateriordI thougisi ut weli ta telegrapis no my iniend Tenenc,'essinutisa exciteîneni oh is feativitias ai tise seoson hoe migist fongot ta sonS bis 'bus ta meot me ait Ilaliylogssa,the statian at wich yon gai out fon tisa "Cassel." IHo priSes bimaelh ou boviug an excellent mamory, anS tise boasit, Il1 nover ramembar ta have aven forgottan anything in ail me lufe," ia as Ira- quant on bis lips as l'I'd hava ye taetnnow, air, tisait 've forgonuen a dashed sîgist mare about it tison yo aven knew, air," Nover- isolais, h Seerned it prudent, if only by excess oiprecaution, ta wiro : "IlArrive Bailylogue 4. 10. SenS 'bus, grey pair. " lu pressing bis invitation on me ho baS prom- iseS, amougai otson luducemeute, tisai 1 sisould bava bis 'bus and pain of graya te tool me aven. 11 oecon carne any trne yau 1like, " lho iad saiS ; "llaie or eanly ye'll ho equally wel- camne ; anS wbaîever baur itrnay ha af hes day ornigisi, ya'll tinS me 'boa wasîing for ye, anS a pair ai groysa ti willionS ye ai me Soan almean befare ya think ys'va satneS,"Tisa distance, hesadSSoSby tise way, was "la iaw miles, juan a sica Shnive." hit was Sank wbsu I seochect Ballylague, anS on runaing my eye aven tise parapher- nialia 1 misseS tisa Gladstone bag wiici1 baS mysoli seau put itiste van atWater- fond. 1 was arguing thse mattar witi tisa porion, when tise siatiou.maater came up anS asked wisat tise trouble was about. "lSiure, it's ibis gintnaran wlbcoawns all tii luggage," saiS tise parier, "ibat sez tise biackgyords have stolen bis hag ou hlm.", "h1 Sidn'i say anyone had ataien my bag," 1Insterporiod; 1"1 onty sai--" "lDiS yo, or diS ye net tait me youn bog was steien, or lost, whtcisheis saine tbing any way VI" l.I1taIS yau tisait h aw rny bag put ita tisa van ai Wateniand,and tisait i4'a net bere now." "lWiich bag V" quersed tisa porter. "If it waa intise van, it's hantise van it muai 'co," aunoncod tise station masior, "iuniess,"be aSSod,by waoafiaitetougisi "hit's beau taken oui." "lShure, that'a whot h'vehbin after siaying ta tisa gintiean mesoîf, anS iS o]hilm tisai i was meseli tisait tok ail tise lug' gage oui tisavhean, a nS 1 lb ;aia as, te bal, it, anSdthLLswhiy hse's iseu'bfl -u 1 -AG t tol e bsb~. I hava tolS yOss a hudred t1tme,--" h beao, wiib pardonahle irritatnai i persistent rnisnepnoaoats.tiou. "I'DeaS, an' ye bave, and ita bye baihn. dreS tsmas toa ohien, anS wbat's mata, ît'a not tise trutis neithar, bu, fan mous) it," replieS tise porter, wiso alea was fa8i losissg bis tempar witbout any reason tisai, I conid sec, Haro iis« station-master closeS tisa dis- cussion by saying wiiis au air ai pleased Siscuvery anS conviction : -"I Timn, tise gintieman 'uit ha wantiu' bis bag."» Il Tisa's ibrue, sorn," agsenteel tise por- ton, Il but st's net haro las." "l Tise," rejoined bie supernor, wiiis an air ohfinal dacisian, "' thea iag mauaitha iouasd." IBut wisare will it be fonS, sonn," quarieS tise porter, " whea lu ian'it tisane 2" At tisis juncturo I Sascried an! abject on tisa opposite piaiionrn, whicis, os eias I could moka outinutisa dhm ligisi, reseýmbled my asissing bag, anS h mentioned tisa laci ta tishea oofilcials. IIt's not your bag this a on ail," seas tise panter'a answen, "for I put that tiruak an tisai plattorm _u eseti." "l Your bag cannai ho on tisait plifonm, sorr," observeS tisa station-mnaster, Ilfor lt'a tise wrong plaîiorm it 'uS Se, anS you coming irons Waîerlord." "1If yau you would kindiy ïhnin)git haro, se migisi ce," I miidly auggast ed. "IAnS hasecould I b h tsaanntin' aniser paapl' luggage V' askod tise porter, adS- ing by way aficher, "lmare be noken ai ibis trne o' nigisi too." "VYour bag cannaitbh on tisai platiorm," saiS tise station - master, andSlehakeo away, isoving apparantly exisaustad tise subjecita bis osen satisfactian, and sbut imsself into bis room. Fearful of keeping tisa pair ai greys standing longer, 1 crosseS tiahu in yself, louaS, as I baS expected, tisai-tise sbjeci an tisa oiSon sida seas my Glatane bag, [JUR NOBITIERN LÀAB8I AN INTERESTING PUBLICATION IS- SUED BY THE GOVERNMVENT. NertiseaiOniak Io 19 the -Best Fild Nase Open for Setlement-A Spten,5 id CeUsa- try fo air Iayang, Stock ltolsing, ar GesmeaolAgiesattre-In TFild Fer Acre la Excels the Fei-ilo States ai' thea AnsonîcasaUion. Tisa long expected wonk on tise narithamu dhstricts ai Ontario, seiicis tisa Provincial Go ermmnt isas baS in preporaition for seins tinta, basbeau issueS anS on intorest- ing publication it h. htisl evideut tisai espaciot cane was taken in pnepoing it, ion in style and execution t ieaves tisa andinary bine book fan ehind. A map sisasing tisa country tramtisa Ottawa ta tise Seo, anSdas farnonatis as the newly openad districts an Lake Tamis- carningua, is a valuahie part ofthtie publa. ation. Tise wor k sots forth tisai nanibero G;nosais tisa hast fielS n, "' open for settllernoent by pensons ai emal cptl el ing anS able ta work ionrthemslvea; a tise abundolsce oh seohl paiS ernpioyment ontaide ai agriculture rendors it easy ion o settler ta esioblish is alssli by bis oses lbon on hisa asa inS; tisatinldependeuce cou ha aciieved tisane by a'pon mon soanar tissn tise saine position con be attained else. esre ; tisai seetianfan dirying, stock naiauug an general agriculture, tise country prasents A COMBtIaA'IsOl OF ADVANTAGES thot ana preseuted in fese bocalties ; tisai tisane la as greai a range anS varieiy af producis tisane as anyseiere ; thinst lu d1 pan ocre ai tise principal copa tise nantis. arn Ontario landsacaeialiy excel tIse moan fertile sates of tise American Union ; tisai tise country la nean ta tise great markets ai tise seand, and isas sater comnmunications unrivoiled anS nailseay odvan toges snob os no oison country aven posassaS an ius early Soya anS tisaitisaeclimote la tamparato anS tise seiole regian as booms7y as auy under tisaBsia. Vainabie informsation ha givan about aastera Algoma, nons Nîplssiiag, use Teuiscamingue, anS Ralny River districts, with descriptionsah01tise sali, producta, agnicuhinnal, timber anS minerai resanrce, pih reports au tise progresa made anS in- structions bas e t acquira lauS. Tisane ana eeveral illustrations in tihe book whiscis 1give a gaad iSea ai tise cisaractar ai tise coantry anSd wiai con ha doua in tarming itisera, makiug as complote anS sorviceable o guide bsook as could ho wslaed ion. Au- cunacy seas tisechiefcounideaotian in com-. pilation anS tise publicaion as enSoraed by Hon. A. S.- Hardy, Cornuissianen oh Crosen 1Lansa, as tutseoniiy. itseas oly sitisin tisa pat fesa years THE tEMBEOT ÂDAPTA]ILITY te agricultural pursuits ohftise groat regiau lu tise nartîsera parts ai tise province 'le- coma fully kuosn -anSdits capabilithes ai developnsosut nacoguized. To procura aett. Ions for itla tise firai cousidemation, anS inu psstig tise people lu possession aifu information regardung tFe rogion, sa as ta attroci attention ta o portion ai aur pro. ,viocs ltuile kuosen, as o cornusndaisie 1uudertokid on tise pao th ie Ontario 1Govermmanad ana eisichis lacertain ta boom inuit. la ihose in nead ai land seio are net airaiS ai park sea o omman ibis 1 publication, seiicis can be baS by appling ta tisa Mînister ai (rapu Lands, ai To)ronta. Tisose seho bave boeard ai tise idie lansa of 1tiseanrthis vs2isaeait seulemnt Will finS ha ibis book ait tisai îioy cou 1kuowsh iort ai actual examinatian for .tbantselves. j Wa are ocfilautt iiau ibese ragions, nawse parsely satled, selîl some day ho 1flourishiig canines of indastry, cantribut- 1iug ta tisa genaral praaspoity anS sidyngtise position ai tise country, ;anSdis rernains for al seiso approcha' e developmenitaeapread tisa knasledge os .sidaiy os poasihhey. A Whale's Jawbones. ,Tisa jaseboueE. ni a seale ara someimes F20 esti n lengih, and tise moils, 'irsai . wsda open, s 12 by 18 foot. Tise nhraoî, isoseaver, is 8ssahl as soarcely ta admit e rba's agg. Tishebale gais hie living b 1siaraining tise animnalcaînm anSdssah fiai (i ont of tisa sater hi akes hiuto-hia espacions mouitis, itmulsitha bose seork, bttthon bu bas plenîy ah urne anS natiig aIse ta So anise attendýs ta bis octiug 50 rcgclonhy tisa V e of tan accumulatos a 't nioh ail ln his bulky ayatim. Tise bauds anS batiam ai dresa are hanS embroidlered, and tisa goods la " Liberty wool crepe.-Toronto Ladies;'.Journal. THE PRICES OF 1894. The General Lovai Or Prices Sunk FuIji Savon ands00kOaalai Pr Cent, Noa ana eisabas ta- boy and seli-anS wiso bas net ?-coeau bi biSte thea pheno. menon ai iabing pnicas, Lat year iseas aspecialiy maulfeat. At no oiSonpeniad lu tise prasan depressian, aud seldous aven befare, seas tisane se great a sbinkage la money valuas.-Tise Landau Ecanoust calcubates tisai in 1894 tise general levai af pricas sunk f ully 7 1-2 pan cent, Mosti peoplo el le preared ta believa ibis, anS possibly ha surpriseS tiaitishe discount ior Sepress4ion bas net beau greaiten. Tise Economist's wel.known mode ai measur- ng aggregaie- pnice fluctuations by is Index Numben ia applied ta tseety-sixg leaSing comsnodities, sebîchisncluSe tise siople minerais, matanials ton textile manu- facture, foaS producta, and articles for ligising, Srinking, etc. 0f tisese twenty- ix articles anly iwo-coifee anS salipere- laseS ai a bigiser pnîce tison tiey opened t lu 1894 ; ibrea-ateai rails, leoS anS muiton--were aitishe samne prices ot tisa anS as ai tisa begiuniug af hes year ; the rosi isaS ahi falon away trous the cbosing quotaisans ai lOE0F 57UEM VSry FARt. Tise p (,,eiai eeat, barIeY, oats, tallose, ïiemp, ju e, uin, cool, sugar anS siik sisow tisa worst ravager afhbard tihues. Wheat decîhued meus 2&. 6d. ta 20s. 9d. par quart- er (8 busisels); barley from 129s. ta 21s,.i3S. per quartera aats fmous iSa. ta13e. IlS. per quarter ; tallose irom 29s. 9d. ta 238. par cwî. Tisa are articles wa have ta seil. Agaînsi these con ha set Seclines ai quite os groat o pecnaiartaiscles we have to buy, as tin, isemp, jute, sugar, anS silk. Do -stn like justice, it seould seasu ogitthoblind, but iboit ai lasi yean wili not appear,' inom ocompanisan of pnice lias have ieau as bard on Canada as on oison counitnaa. We baS ta boom aur ahana ai lbas ibrongis iailiig pnices, but tise country os a sehole received o fuli aquivaientin utise benoflîs of fabtang pnicas. On tise etaple grains, as shows aove, thene was a big Selane acorod againsi us, but beef uearly balS uts owu anS mutton quito haiS ais oses. Besides these tisera ara saveai heavy staple produots ah Canadanntiialuded lu tisa Economast's liai, and au ait ai ibain tise msarket seas sieady ibrougsanitishe yeaa. Lumber, ciseese, baon, borna, are amaong aur iseaviasi exporta, anS ounisheuspnicea have bai title. Evon Canadian seat anS flaur, sehicis droppad ta veny hase pnices lasit sprng, rase ogain in tise fail, and nase COMMAND usasER n RIÇE5 thon tisey Sud ai ibe close oh 1893. Tisg migisi easiiy bave beau wseasinutisey weeain Canada ait yean,tbongis tiey seea admittediy baS enougis. Looking ai bath ides oa htie accouai af tailing pnicas, sea muai cncailude tisontisera lasameis itile balance lu aur faveur. Neariy everytising we isaS ta boy fol Suring tis ayor, seiile' mauy ai tise articles sea haS ta use rose. It la naticeable tisaitisae figures oh Our ampomîs show a greater abraukage tison dûtise figures oh aur exporta. Ou btisaidas oi aur fonigu moade ai '94 ibere *.as o foiling off in volume, but tisera wa aisea an elameai ai prico deobension ln tise sitinkoge. Tisait seas greator in aur importa thon hanaOun exporta,.lu hisapeful ta finS tise i cono- miat saunding a obeerfut notea at the oagin- ningai ibis yar. Tise ouîlook icoasiders, la mach bnghter now tissu itwsas moutisa aga. A LIFE SAVED :BY TAKINQ A YER'SECTRA attendd wtb "a terr7Tib ug tat0,11.0011 me no rest, itheryor ndl, .Theoc tors pronounced mY.cs oels Afriend Iearn ingof mytroubleý,Iet me-abo j o Ayr5Cherr etrl yiba urne1Ihad usedthe wbla tte a omltb cured, and 1 bele itav d aved1u if, "-W. B. WÏÀBD, 8 Quimby Ave', L('elmaàss,* Ayer's Cherry Pectoral Hlghest Âarda 11at Wt1 Fair, .lfwes .pills thse BeS a mizo»4y 1'hz,,os -V~OR SALE OR REN,ýT.-ilonne and shfed, stble,eo , eJad ecn t atalo.0 the cholcest fruit of ail varletlesH. Immedte PosSeson cou be given, For particulars apply to W.FrSvîaH L IowmanIvill Ont _494t THE CANADIAN STAT'ES19AH ESTABLISHED 1m5 ~l pr anumh d'vance, otherwlse $1.51. Publication. Avrts0,aesulssb Q raci, 10 cents per liue, souparle I ,irst iuQel os, aad 5 cents per line each subsequent la. Let oc.Laal%, 10 cent% par line. M. A. JAMES, Publisher "Backache the acavengera 1 means the kid- of the eystem. flBy8 are in "De-i/~1J la t trouble. Dodd's dan ge j 1Neg - Kidlney Plls give lea ted scidney prompt relief.' troubles resul11 "75 per cnt. in Baid Blod o fdiaue s Dyspapsia, Livëj first caused by Complaint, and disordered hdd- the inost dan- neys. gerous of ail, "Miqht as welI Brights Disease, tryt have a Diabetes and healthy city l9ropsy." a. thout sewer- "Th e aboya age, as good diseuses cannot heaith when tae exist where kidneys are Dodd's Kidney clogged, they are Pille are used.' Sold by ali dealers or senitbyanail on rece;pt of price 5o cents. per bc,. or six for $2. o. Dr. L. A. Smith & Co. Tonto, Write l'or book called Kidney Talla FACTS OF INTEREST. France bas the largeSu circulation pear copita of any- oountry, ti-se arnount being $:36-70. Tise proportion ohfamales ta usralas la th*o United Kingdo ni, at tise census of 1891, wos 106.4 ia'nalas to 101)ais A hundred tons of cat's touis Nwera sold la one lot iu London reenily, ta be used îu ornait enting ladies' wearsng apparol.. Tise great pile oh baildlingsý overlo oking Si James' park, and known as Qut5ea Anuo's Viansions, la 153 feet luniseigisi and contains 12 floors idividecd into i ,*iOO rooms. In the course of tise avidence oli'ered at one of tise London police courts recently, it was stated tisat oui of avery twigIve coins piaoad in anltomotie <xooisWines ttwo are fossnd taehba ýd. 1 / At tise comînencernento rAI-1- th e e wri papers of thse Britishs lies nsfsbered .12019 -449 ot shis uumber baýing puliiehet i i London. Tise magazines add 2,U61 ta thse total olrady given. Rural Chlna. On every sida Whsite homnesteada are scat tered, eac in u its seLtiug of glaut baïbooo shoots, 'sentes a travaller. When you have realized tise fact that eacis of thase 11usd. clusters of lisue-waslsed cotteages repr-.ýeus î the home of fathlers, sons, grandsons ond ai, -yo 1se 1-baga t INTERESTING- REPORTS. approciata tisa deusity ai the population. -- lun front oh avery farrn stand yelios etrîaw Canada as lieweîi by ti Euglth Former stocks niseS on wooden legs, anSdsasSer beleg-ates. eoch a tiniy raS -owenurinaies, or ae ea A Saspoicis from London, soya -Sorne dSuIt, iairy seter bufîloa, stupiSiy wondem. of tise tenant formons' Selegotoeis o visiteS ing sebetisen omonîhini ai atrose siioasd Canada in 1893 hava receuily beau inter tram aboyasel repay tisa trouble ai b&Jipc. vieseed. ha addition ta ibeir reportîwhichs ing ou bis iind legs. o Tise genarai eleot la mot honelý and seoro prinitaS anS wicieiy circtibated hy tise pleasant., îî muait bhadaieStisai a clouer goverumorini, many ai tisan have detivered inspection ai one ai tis afrmasos not lectures anS insaeS dcommnunicataons in prove sa satisfaciory. Rouind about tise tise pressand an ibose woys have Sous ex- graund ha strewed wstis ltter anS brolien ebiont service ta Canada. Bcsides, as iboîr eartîisaere, seiile tisa drainage rmu(lise flouses anS addressea seere printed an the coutlaseds fornrs puddles ou tise oadwsy. reports, tisey have beaunocipionts of large Tisa plasiar bas failan in flakes main thse nunisnsOai lettons askiug ion advice hn ne-, sols ; tise gay lanternas anS gaudy taxis in earS ta emigratian. Tisey ail appear ta meS anSdback tE ai adoru tise autrance oly bava accapted, cisearhully,iisa reslponsiiiity acceutuate tisa Sismai untidinass ; nor ha placeS sspan tiseir aboulders, anS tisa Min- tisa semi-circuion fisis.taask, hall full af isier ai tise Intieir may Se congratuioted stagnant saetr, pieasing eîtiiertot eyas or an having secured tise services ai tisose nase. gentlemen, so tbonoughty qualifieS for tisa Clattering acoabdyi~isnboewen mission thay uudertook. [bey suais, base-ilit anS tise bousIî ,1brnngout aptick af i rly aven, tiat mauy af tisein enquirara belong black-isairad Sagaseho ark bcriuiosî, huit ta classes for sebicistisera is utile or no eaoreapectil dstnce ha n kosenbore, opauiug lu Canada au the present iime,and anS arn cliposa shiiontiisr comment aS tisaitishe emigratian ai agicuituridts thon the cnstomory "Suit libîann thyausV' bas Sean mucis restruitoS asing to tise base(Il Uove you eten nue ýor lnotyet "' , sbicis, pnîcas oh pnotiuce ihat bava prevaillad lnlike "IHuse do you a S5 a 2 cis uin o»partie- England anS Canada. alar nasseor, Hermolne. Tisis gracef ni costume les adaptecl from tise <reek for eveuing wear as o tea gown.