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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Jun 1895, p. 1

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c-/ t ai tte TEIRMýS: $1.50 PER AN-NUM. OUR TOWN AND COUNTY FIRST THE WORLD AFTERW ARDS. M. A. JAMES, Edlitor and Propuietor. NEWV SERIES. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNIESI)AY, JUNE 19, 1895. VOLUME XLI. No. 2.5. Have you for wearing an iii fitting slovenly made up - suit of clothes, when for the same money you can secure a perfect fitting well made Ssuit by leaving your order ~at As N. B.---All ladies'SrnCoats and Capes selling off at and under cost price. 43- BOWMANVILLE. Latest.. Spring Styles. The place to buy cheap for cash is at M. Mayer's Rat and Gent's Furnishing Store, where are ail the latest styles in Fedoras, Cbristy Stiff and Straw Hats, and also a new Une in C-ent's Furnishings ail sold cheap for cash. Corne and see us. No trouble to show goods. Highest price paid for raw Furs. Boxv-mv&NvVLLuI. M. MAYER, The Practicail atter. INSECTICIDES - SOLID BY j. eHIGGINBOTHAM & SN, CHEMISTS IqNND DRUGGISTS. We have a large suppiy of the strongest and best Insecticides in the mnarket BLUE STONE, HELLEBORE, INSECT F'OWIDFK, WVILSON'S 1FLY PPFýDS, ETC.1 Afullilhue cf Bath andcl Bggy Sponges. r J.- HIGGINBOTRIIA & SON. If Youl Wish To EU GM GO8 15~ ~ KRý wN. FifT &iix o u 4 B-- u COURTICE. Mu.A. E. Cleineans, TŽ roue, visited fidshere last n eek. Mu. andi Mss. W. L. Coutice anti famtihx ef Newtou Brook ;ýare visiting bis brth rM. A. J. Coutice. Mu. L. Upton Runnalîs, Port Hope antiu' Mu. L. T. Coutice,' Towin,'n eue gussOf Mu. Jas. Coutice. uecenitly. MuI. L. M. Coutie visited the cheese livîuket at Peteubore, anti the Countîies'l Cuclat Cobouug hast -week, Mu. Wni. Rex, -itds -ase soat Cobourg on the Jui li y ou noult bav e soft, ,silkv, cand ,b, idant haiu, take good care e t Use fou a dressiug- Ayeu's Halu Vigor Go to hU l\UIýA IJ ' 10l ii eve 0111 ' vtMat bUUi1?-the[Liostreiab an scienttie article, andtiouthtt wiiich lia you caîî get bai gaills,genuille toilet î- ccaînphete. lv kýecps thie scalp mci, cool, anti healt'îx - bargains every day and eèvery lîcur of the day. ]PROVIDENCE. Nouebuttue estococs lTe n u-ra\ Abe helti as fol- 'N'oe, bt th besionos :- 0n1Satu1,, June 28rti, sermoîîs n hiý be pýreae.u e 't 2:30 p. iin. by ilev kept in stock. C.' P'auker oetBoninanxille, anti et 7 p). - lv Rex - G o. I. Copelaîd of ŽNew- Eyesight tested withoîîtcai. Musicbhy the choir. Calettian et tueclax'e. OiMn Wetdul, JliIl( 2G, charge.a smcial n iii bê,eldt at the rcsideîîce of chage.Se;inuel Aliîî, Esq., lot 1, cou. 2, Dar- lfinlptau. Stuan bernies anti creani wit'î M ~ otheri gondt iings will be seux cd freini T. N RIC AR09 oock. Morrisou's orchestra iih W at-Itîaku Jewlle sud(ip ici fti-i-! inusie. Ail coîne anti join iii Wate1na,:,r, ewd ead pi B1oci, this festiv e occasion. Tickets, Aduits PnaiAVuIiit. Bl. .25 ;ClîhîdIren 15 cts. Ie ccani s cts extra. Proceetinluaid af Sunday Sehiool lunti. Coux-ex aiîceswxiii carry Bon inan- DQ ville( itizenis traîîîMu. L. Mrris' store an4:0 îd 6:38 p. mi. free anti brin-o thenibacli aseasouable liou. 1'ICîninîittee: W. D. â,ý, \ ishes to direct the atten- EE TE ARJiRK TuAe 1îiNï. H oDTI Wr ýT-nrt , .-Tli niio -ad ve-ireen wrn-zofkide SO.E. EXCURSION To MODEL FARM, GUELPH, Tuesday, Julie 25. Datrliag()taîî Sons af Englant i iii n at ear s' excursionî ta the Mode' Farni, GuLeipl, on Tnesdav, June 2,5 The Agicilturel Cle guntsanti Farmarae lu excellent tcaudition naw andi tlhs is- tha best sec-vinofailhithe v-eau ta visit thiere. This je iikel'r ta be the hast anti best excursion ta (tuelph this i car fiaiti thîis distuici. Tiuesdav Jâne 2,5,excursion cday. a speciat tuaýiln wiii leel've G. T. R. stations as below aethCe tollown ugrates: ADULT. cutLnýi'X,. Special train cobonur- $1 75 .91) 7.15 aî.. Port Hope 1 65 .81) 7.3) Nen toux-ie i15i .75 745 Nencastle i13) .65 7.58 Bwan nnville 1 25 .65 8o) I)arlitigu 1i12J .6) 8. 12 Oshen a 1 15 .69 8.23 Whitb 110 .55 8.8) Picker ing 1.'05 .55 8.412" Pt. Union 1.00 .50 8 56 Trains arriv e at Gnelph at l 25 a. 111. Tickets at tac sanie rates wîi be -ooti aigoaIl atteunoon trains on Mon- dJne21th; ail tuains an Tues- daJe2Sthî, anti goati uuliiuiî on ailtrans iiiWedruestay. June 2(tf . Fuee Luinch ilih be furnishecl ta al excuLrsionists at thc College. Ever'y- bady go. ENINISKILLEN. SOLINA, Sci eral farieus lhave comînencedi lîay iîg. Mu. anti Mus. H. G. Pascoe visiteti at Dray tonl lst n cci-r. Visitous: Mus. Geo. Van Dyke andi childueni of Coutice; Messrs. C. P. Blair anti Du. Hogarth of Bownîanu-ille. Dix isionwnili e helti on Wednesdav night this n eek. On Fridax- ni -iît lest the entertaiiint cansisted of 'a sang serv ice andi mas a decideti success. We extenti aur congratulations to Mu. antiMus. Bhewitt, (nlee Polly IHoopeu) who were unitet inlumaurriag-e OnThuus- diay last. Mu. B. Hooper acteti as best mnan n hile _Miss Bien lît acteti as buides- maiiIc .J.Lid~lid uekut.The happy couple leit 'the saine îîi-ht for theju haine i Ouoîî,cariowt iîem i te best n islias of the entiue ncigibauhoad. Previons ta hier depar- tue sanie of-ler frientis presceti lier nit ithCe falaning )ýatduess: MIS M. HoorunZ DEAR 1'RIELNO We a few of youu manv fuieîîds in tiîis vtiinitv lîaviag-liearti thiat van are about ta rake v ou depar- turc fuom Ouiist to joinÏ the happy n e Ideti throng, cauldti ete this oppor- tunity pass without trying lu a measure ta sIhan ouesteeîn anti express ougoati wiil ton auti ou. Anti as a slîg-ht voken af ouappueciatioin we n oulti ask yen ta accept this China vea set, lace utains, parar laîa anti otheu articles. Hopîîîg 'on nîay long' be spaucdti t enjoy mnany ,a cup of tee 7fuani the saine. W«ishiino. x'au puospeuity, hlealtil anti happiness in v ou ew homÏe andt unsting we may al Île sparedt o nîet agaili. We ou lie hiait aof auriniany fientis sulbscribe aurseives, Mus. TuHo,. BAKER, MISS Liuja,x HOO('ARTH, MISS M. V IE. Miss Hooper expuesset iheu thanks fou the kiitiaess of hier tuiontis. Mus. Blew- li w as the uccipient of mxan *y ot'ieu veuv useful anîd xalnable wetiding puesents. I~~~~~~~~ ando tefil~o Ves tkî1 k -l~î~~ Aîîoth-er Wet Dur.icamboyM.JbîOO.O Dur-lîam to tialier stock cf fancy Plpa. The a-tiuickb' r lexcd 25Dr Ueses Pý. wadge B.ia. , Winuîied o oM. Mus. Wilî. Cha.,pple is recOx erin frt KiniLi au Pis. Whinail othier b crriîîo f the Broi-tee Maain iiiieuionia. ~ru an stalsle dry goods, er uînlis ail, ttîeî cure. aîrlSineebigutahî l Mu.W.Jcsiulsieeuistt Arts ini Maniitoba Uniî-ersi'W. Lest 1lier faîlîcu Mu. John Mson br.odieîry siscrochet silks, yeau lie took avciale.c-lasiî , 1Surei-ahd ,elevlereeil -isutut--Mu-- John W.-n-in til" Ifkn csthe n 'vle hbody et lard otaiî-il u175 eisîo-iel3yer u . waî int-w aîî ipart etlîc k11 ot, rpo îlk, ec. )re Ti ~seutof xi tene t reti A. - Hei seit a few of visfuomiïrh imylhave galle ta Souris, Mail., tg lingii(s c touqs, prii s ik- Ti H xtle ý ra .A ersiifaspeitv, fu-i lusbilîo0 inIgs and fulli unes cf corsets si,8votier;Ail-vn aoI Serg-e sîits $8 '1883.u r.MMrt it u .J anîd iosierv at clo)se Pr'Ices aux.25jv ue.Cash î pinch a sers Or utî isaî ehxmX ci e arne ~ >3a' utbrecivea bl)eentiftui paular tact littie ah)i- The' iile r hîisc iho 1Mu. anto usla , ei1nt w Ail parcels oIf ive dollars and ciicut plndd ssartaýient of ciotlis neteu atr ti ue îî hlrn c ithiihufce u ta saicet frein. Geiîts' funîîisiîiii,ý-s b t vnlha terei"Puvcýit ioî-i." J. P.illîaiiar. over, teîî per cent off on cash laoýeTsu t tes. r-p Onî Suidav J-Ile 8) et 10.3)iii. aîîîM.AîusSanadis i cn sales. Thankiîîg you for pat- a.l1 ,. .Ia-ui -n HYDN.poinitedt D. 1). (C. M. etftu La iTruc 7-j ip. P. B .E oad tcnwHYO. inles fou Ibis district. tue iiester will preach lu iiien-env serinons 'o roaei h at1solieit Satil ttSelîool. The SaeiîhîScitool ailE1iet M$I-1- Nr. caii Mus Geandrotlt 5ioI)-- v thie scliole',. Collection a'. vices wihliebchelti alion ,1 : I :î butiai-Katie, l)arliiîgtasen utiî - week sliare 1cr the ,present a a is t )aiiii eMidr uîa8iitx- .Ma t(sha vi Mu. F. W. Willhiîttsolu's. Jnl, 1. it Wilhow Par'-- aii eut-door ser- prencli lit 2.3) andi 7 p. li., Miislc liv Messrs. ThoîneasMc bctiRen future. i iew-il be ielti, li-ii sieut spceeches hi- flic sciieci. Collection cI eacet serv.ic'. Mriiî'n. atiie heAngl,-ican A evs. I. i. Aliînanti W. S. Pi-tithard, <liîMoîiiav Juirist Il pro_4ra il fcf nei- syitod iuToronto lest xveek. A ves C~.A. Music liv Enteiti Band. A huaIi- tatiieis, dialogue5 and il iiugn tIMi he Ms.MGînîe Wsbuprîrct Mrs. îxA. AIve ,Ms Kui fWs uei n cpposite S. A. Barraclks. iiîg on IHaptn Lake, anîd ather tuas-i icv. Ja.'l:sD. .E. 0hlî t thir brother, Mr. Jas. McGihi. tiaýies -ili apuvteifou oltiad cuti nigBuixia-nile and lcincuit aiiiC-ten.. iti Wiehaati LtgS h . Box M NVILE.A shlnti îdt-, s spa)rt asured. Tricket-, the axlnîg 7.ý) 1p. lnu. Mu. Jaiis L. teeti t. Sai our's chunca, Sutitiav for tIciandtIIaiitternean 1111g-12uts s. Pubîlic Schîîah linsliectet To- ' * e.A asi ec 25 cents; childuen 15c« At igh-it at col,- route, g-h es anc of lus noilar lectures.* ait api ia ee scermo. p ~ cet tiIbc gieini the eclîuclu, tor par- Tickets tg tca anti ainrlm2k; Vo tee, P hý;uIers sec bis. lîoracncund l2cturAe ic; ecture lic. Mu. Walter NichIos, Toronto; Mu. anti 1.1V ce ordichîr ini-iteti. Mus. A. Siaulniis, andt Miss Elia Mason fNl Bvuoîî use-tacrreat dealif ai uei-uss- illie iNewxcastle, visite t itMu. T. 'W. BExcir.'P-,urv. (1feil't e Tai i's Sudax-xek M l LLIN E i iag,1luit pautiel]iliuthe have inClwNiianc»h weonccnea lu The lacst nx cives inSuinn e aheiin. doulitlèss lieiveuld, hax-e test- teactinchit tiîaîîskia tilserdeus oiea chretu- TrulndtutMus. A. A. Gýainisb\- attendet hul1îneri at Miss Su îw s. Al the 1cd its inurits, as sa nianv distiiiguisheiî aue.Pîpi4usiunn est w t Ilie hîlî incLtinir Mr. T-i~0 leatiing styles in Ladies' aint Misses' straîv anti jet Bonînets anti bats, in ail the ieatiiîg colors. Lovel:l 0î;1=,aIllents, etc. V ýeiii,-es, Cilfi ors, etc., e-uery requîSýtS Vo tlîc uîiliulery tretie. Cail anîd view our 1-oods aand vx iii certainiv be suiteti witlî gootis anti prices. fIISS SHAW, Ftîst door c-ist of Post Office. BOixîANînL UNRESERVED SEL F"R9II9J 19E11. Arr tiex SAI U 0ai FINE .FAt xiPI r uî.îîîv N.THE, Tow,-sir 0F iHOPI,, CoUr u rna x. Under inStruetionIS (rouithe itees 10-Of tbe Estate of tbe laie Mrs. -Mary liroadi oct, dceas -d, tllere 3w 111 br Offeredfrsu Ix- ubicA uctiati at tieIQ[EEi"iHOTL OR)T HOPE, on SATUDAY' J18E2t , a t -,o'0ocpai.. tite iollowuig (ami properties: AIii.No I.- 'ThicN ortiierî t Iree, tîarters of lot N iý. 2.flu the s2eo,îdcaîîessiou ot su iToxxn- sii, conttiiig 15) .1> ros, ite or les3. Tis, tpropru wll known as tie "Broadi'ot Farm' î s cotîidi cd one of te best îroiterties Ilu 18e Unilted Catnuties. lu is masi desirabix sttu- td ,,beononly sixtiles froui PartHooi (lieý Kiingiti Rad and Cliarlecate Poest Office is Oftiy a (civ minutes walk. Tlue butildinigs conisi of à filc brick bouse aud brick dwellîug kitelicui, twvo large barns,.aile with cutire stone fouiltia- ti-on it Mhe olluer partiaiiy, fratit hors(, stable, wagon shed. driving Ibouse etc. Tiierc arc fl'l'e acres of spieléifibcaring orcehard. a tiexer faili of "cana goad w ater Lis acrosu the. ot Tieearc twio ivelis and aeiterit. Antu persan desiring a dirstcl.îss fari sîtub coailend isp huiis arapcruy iefore locatitig elsewiiert'. PAnCHL .Na. 2.-The S utitwost Quarter of lot nuutbeu tNveitx'-ive ii inte Tbird Concessiotn ai salulTowiisbipýof le, ýù cotatitfiftv acres (aore sold anud couu'yed A fraiîe bouse is aoi tlîis parcel. Ter.i lu ceso ixeul wood. Full possession of bath pril ls xlll begiveti a11 First ai April 18,,;, bunI litepurebasen or flsi tlateau bvaveve ta dol aiîecessary 1low- suad (ail ivor1S suer the hrue th iis ycar. otb parcois iilib1-sald t ifihout rsre TEeÀms.-iti perciidowitî aLtlime af sa-de and for te balance ti-rms ivili 1w lilîcral and ivill bc madle kuaivu at ulme a)f sal.1 For (urtiter par- ticuausappi taT. T. BAINES, td 1 of May1895 Vetîdors 5 liio Part Halte, Ont. Tbeec iîli also be oflered for sale, 30 shares of thec Hope Conaoldated Road Company. andv sloib( cfl r oi, NEWCASTLE. Rura-l Da Farncomib of N ewinarket lias bee appointed rector of St Geor,,e's Mr. J. Rl. Barfctt is dangcuousiy ili. His dagters, Mus. McMurtrv of To- routo and Mrs. Hentick, of Oshâwa are waftin- o011 hua. Mur. Han], Eliiott siîipped a car loati of ho-s to) Montreal Tucsday last. Schoo.ner "Karveth' 'ývas in port hast w cek with coal for Mr. W. Rickard. Mru, W.«H.' Tonkin, Leskard, ý)reaeh- ed in the Methodist church Sîîndav inorning- w eek antd W. P. ich, iNc- tonvillein the ev-eniugl. Mr. Wiîn. Pickard is nîaking great impravenients ta bis re3idence. Mu. W. H1. Chaplin was a delcg-ate ta the couiference, atPictani. Delegates to Sabbath Sciiool conven- tion at K-,euidail on Friday are Rev. G. IL anti Mrs. Copeiaud, Miss Drumniond. Mu. andi Mrs. John Ugiow, 'Mus. S. Mason, 'Miss Helges, Mr. T. Ellison and Mrs. Ouchard. G. T. R. time table chan_,-s June 9. th -an eurly train will be put on. Mr. Thos. Hill, Pontypooi, recentiy visiteti his father here. Du. Buent went to Re.dncrsvilic iast week ta relieve Dr. Farncoai w ho ivas gettin- rnarried. Mu. Barry Rowland bas- secureti a gooti situation ina Toronto drug store. Mr. Chas. Mrig-ht andi faîaily w iii re- side at thie hake frant duuing the heateti terni, having taken a cottage> there. Coumciiiau W. H. Pearce went to Castietan and retuuned the foliom-ing- evening2 with a chiarming; vouno- bride in thie per-son of Miss Mary,*Janie'Atkini- son, secoind tiau.ghter.of Mr. Robt. At- kinson, formierly of this p lace. The h.ippv couple were mnet at the depot by the b)aud who' then proceedeti to theý residence of the bridegrooni 1oni the lake front w here a' grand sprcati was proviti- cd. anti one of the happiest tinies Spent your cor. bas ever hati the pheasure to participte lu. Over sixty sat doNw-ntýo the t e We, wjsh Mr. anti Mus. Pearce miany happy yeaus of wedded f ie .-News. of othcrmisc pretîy ivinî. 'These cu ixas oudainet. difficuities" sa *vs I)r. E. C. Radfle. . "m-ay No mion ions hetter thaîî thiese îvho lue citireh.v overctiiie hîy the continuieti ,hac useîl Carter's Little Liver Pis use oi Eseljavs Liver Loýzejge iv tek- what reliai the'. have given ivhen taken I T ir ut - ., f 1oîî IC xe ~ ~ ,~a so. ~ U~,pu i 'es mel'The 'v are soid at 25 cents a box c onstipationý, atidsordereti stomiach. or 5 boxc.s for a dollar. _________ P1ITHESDA. Lookoul for pa ticulars reogardig- vle auîuual union piîîiî. Thue Gardcen Part ,- lu cquuec-tiolun itiî Bethîesda E. L. of C. E. et te resideîîce of John Hoskin, EsI)., liasseti off veux,- successtnlii. Alitexcitiiî -citle af foot btai was played,ti hitit yrone cati Sealenu teaîîus, resuitiaug iii 3 goals to o> iii fax-on 0f Tyroîie. Att excellent atidi- tiou Vo the oootisuîpper 'bieii ireas suip- plicti w-as tU'e ie creai anti lemioîade dcîîautnient. Oîin- ta the ccîiiness ai flue éeciîug the bot lemnciitifouîîul zTeaIest layon ivithu citiacnti ouug Those w-ho chose colti leîaoîade do noV knoxv ihettthex- nissed. Great ci-edit is Vo those wuopeprti. Neventhe- Iess the ice cucainuw-s tuekiuonletigeti Vo ha the bast of flic seasoîl. Procetis aîîîouîîted ta over $82. SuxEREDiAantrA CUIED-DEARý Stits n ua x-ery ioîv couditian îvith Diarriimuuwiuea Dr. Fon ler's Ex- tract ai Wiiti StrawhîeruY n-es given nune (-)n bof Vie cureti nie, adc a l inllof praise il too highilyx. JSAAc TAYLOR, Rotbsay, Ont. TYRONE. Mu. A. Wilsonu is xlsitiîug Whitbx rel- atives. Safunda v's excursionists lîct an en- joyable tile. Mr. Arthîur J. Maninig is hoeue roni OtIa-'va Normal School. Mus. W. J. Pavev. Whitby, anti Miss Thuoîîîpsou, Oshaiýw', avett-beeuu visitiîxg here. Lon- Seul tea anti Beîhestia Gardenu Party ivere- iehi patrouizeti tY ouciti- zens. Miss Mhîuaie Werrv affeîîdedth ue clos- iug exercises et Deiniili Collage, Osha- wa, this week. Tvrone football club playeti two suc- ce ;stui matches turing thie -eki, with Salem anti Lcskarti teauns. KNOWLEDGE Bringâ comfout and improvemen' and ;endsteat personal enjoymeuut wlien -ighthy sed. The many, 'rho livta bet-. ter thaîî atiers andienjoyilifeumore, with 1ess exp'sndifuue, by mno- o promptiy atiaptiîig the îî-ud'ýî prouiucta to the needs of phygsicai h eing, will attest the value to heahufi of the pure il quid laxatl7,e îu'iuciples embrucîîd in the rein(tiy, Syrnp of Filgs., ILs ezxcelli3tice ja dueta itspresenting in tite foruu-tu n at -- etbaile, p leaci. aintVtîotà.stu, ti't. f-sngn :a- bellefciîui prepe- imaof .pe-,Lct lai- ative ;electually ccua:gte yitca dispeiling coids, hcdahsand faxors .nd pcriaineuitiy cairi'rZ cat.srip.uihen. It lias given . iaf - t oariioSa- mîet'. iVhîthe all'tcYl-;dJ ffluheiii i profession, . i-uue 1Va.. .rs e Kui-. neya, Lix'er anti Be's wîthcnxn -eik- enilig thîcta ani if la p-i-fecuty frc9s frD-r every objecti<t-,,ableuibso Syruup of Figs la fotr 1 ~i ieaidUi gaîa len 75c. bItcbut It la uit :. iactiured by the C-Žau-alig sy-7 o Ca. oîtly, n hiosc unamla sp: ixuted crn ev- paîckage, ahso the nanie, Svr-î-ofutFi' i' anti beiug iveil informue'l', Tutu wililuat b àciv s"-bstitute if oféiS -..

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