1~RATEFUL-COMFORTING. BREAKFAST-SUPPER. '13y a thoeiizh knowledze of the natuirai lw wiich pav"rn the operations of digestion Ile nutrition. and by a carefuil application of Itle fine propertiex ot weil-3eect,cd Cocoa, Mr. ED pS bas providefi for Our breakfast and supper a delicately flavored bevera 'e which may Save lismany heavy dactars' bjli, t je by the Îudicious use of' such articles of diet that a CaflstitutiOnnaybe graduly but nit until Ptrong enougli ta resist every tendency ta disease. Hundreds of subtle maladies are fllating around us ready ta attack whorever there is a wak point. We may escape snanr la fatal shaf it y keeping ourselves well fortifie,,i 'with Pn r'x blaad and a pronerly nourished frae.""('cifServcice Gazette.' Mae i imply with hiin, water or millt. 8,70rbino packets. by Gracars. labelled thins: JAIIES vYPFs & Co., 1l)lS4îseeit eClemi- 's1 *tioni. FEnglina. WEDNESDAY, FEB. 19, 1896. DR. à. C. NITCIIEI2L. M IOP1FR 0F COLLEGE Oit'7 Pn-YqTC'IAn arnd Sutrgeon S, Ontario, Coroneýr, etc. Ofteand Residence. Enniskillen. 74. -t MOLAREN DENTISI 243 Yonge St., TORONTO. Frtcae$10 Set af Teetî for $. 1~JOCK opraieKinz Strei, Bow'uaa- s'rne. Poli citor for the Ontari Btank F0551'. VCING, V. S. OFFICE IN THIE NEST DURHAI1 lÇevvs Bock. wlare himseif or assistant a iibe fcllnf fr i 8a.m. ta 9 pin. Night caIs8 ai eoidence,î1liciyý opposite l)rill Shed. Cali Ie(P 43l11is Or tellei)bone willreceive promîTpt sl entii i 7yr A IZUITECT. Plans and Specifica. 7 ..iens Pieparati for oeay clase aoft'uildin-g. 'rilattention gvPn teolieatînZ by team tisidfhi lioter, and ta saitary arrangements. lAfice: Crne Bock, Whitby 4 l' R PEATETallor Gentlemen's CiothegiMade to Order. J.M.13{-A-IV Il DEINTKIr. OFFICE :-Rear of Messrs. Higginbotbarn & Son's Dru, Store, (down stairs>, BOWMANVILLE DENTISTRY 1-1 IAJIîNDEN L. 1) S.- 611aaeofthe Rloyal Collage of l3aotxl Surgeons. Ontario. UFFICE OPPOSITE EXPRîESS 'OiIFICL VITALIZED AIR. New Tailor Shop Thelus udersiçrneid who bas beau carryiog an tisa taiarioig business in connectior with Mason's Dry Gaîdcs Store for a nutîlierof years bais cmeînced business for hiýInîetaxhis tesidence, Kiit St., wast, where lie is pre)Daral tla matis-gents' itotiboys* tilts liiaIl the lateat styles, and at loxwest prîtes, For 'bose who wich ta ord'er sui. lie will carry a ful ne af amiples inahi the newest patteras. Give linsi a Oil, Fashienable Taller MONEY TQ LOAN. $1000 60. A large Fum or money lbes bean pneatinlu sy hans e y a prîvate persan for investint. on approved Icanse ou tarai security for a tern or VIVE Or rEiN Y6arî', t'îVsAND ONE 11,11Y ER a c Ni nietrest wiL, lie anked payaîble yaaetrly. lfatisfactory conditions for repayment 'will bce airangnd. D,.BB SIMPSON. Solicirr.Bowmanviiîe. Dated Oct, let, 1801. 0-tf. F OR SALE Olt RENT.-Hanse and lacres for sale or ta rent. itoate an Sfcugog etreet itorti. Tise protmises cansist ai a geesi hanse wiîis every couvenlenoe, driving ebeid, stable. etc. Tae garden cantains a lot at ho chaicest fruit af al varietes. Immediate popsession cao legiven. For particlars appi> W.FISHaEIaa BeWMtsnVille Ont 4litft 'TIIE CANADIANSTATESMAN EST.ABL1SHED i851 81 par ann liuI advauce, otlerwise 8.51 Snbscriptons always payablq at tifl otif Vubication. Adverti8in.e rat.eî aniess by ci i xact, 10 cents pet' une, noni o ne Iirst liet e, and à cents par lina eacà subiaqoqeaî ta. tertion. Locale, Il0 cents par line, M. A. JAMES, Publislier ONT.ARIO LADIES't UOLLEGE, WIIITBY, ONT., -ias already made the lest educationai re- card of aîîy Ladies' Collage in the Dominian of ,Canada. Xith faithl in Gati andi in the future of aur country. the Diractors bave entereti uapn a achne of extension andI impravement ýthat marks an ara iii the highest education of young ladies. Twa naw buildings are in pro- cesof erection. 130 x 50 f t., and 50 x 40 it., 'wth new steam heating, lectrie ligbting, andt ha most pet fet sanitary arrangements tbraughaut. che new Concert Hall is ta la provideti with a magnificant ipa argan, driven by eiectricity, andi availabl for prac- !ce in ail weather. 'Phose.lterastet inbtheaedocation ai thair daseglters are re'.pecEfutly requestad ta matie enn]y application for calendar, or for raam, ta BEV, .1. J. HAIRE, Ph. D 1 3-tf Principal at tisa wrong moment'," asks tisat 0 *" ~r~T flhITNf'rir Young Man, fearfully. TE IA OE viuim."uLSnN S. Ais! ýhlyen have aposiatiour gme. And < > xawara so, vell iltot.X ratin entrance startled G eorgie;, n ite ie mss ed her adm." CHKPTER XX. r mig'ht b8e in rny aociety froni this titi num very sorry my more prasenc hIud rdîce, Miss irougiston to a "Tisereavae een hearts xxhase friand-' :dyas ie îtsn xainu tat ofaject fright," says Derian,* Inparu- sa far as 1 ar acenesd" Sisip gavaen n~-~o o hv uitninyit peaking te Clarissa, but lookingi ut Thern thoughts ut Oncealoti sosft à axerIcf ding yuhaen itniowa-Geergie. grave.", e, r 0£If ng on" gbt xr n er arm Fsstili half rais"ti,, hercocler ' Ia tise irnwing-i'ornihe fidsCnlîssa o"Ir agnin, I ti a î tat t ted 1deep and rieis, lier ayes larger, taniser 4 '-~e sitting nrnong iîanum ,rable sprflg Of- .ayie"msry a a than usual; tise excîtemnent of the garne « Smryle. asDerian. "Tisera is isStijlifuiuo z.ADranpasI forin gs. The whole place seerne aliveý'«'I adent know about 'Apollo' or 'Cricis- I haýr sDransek,4 wit tsem "isaIrati o f ow'a5jetan,"'" ays Clarissa; "lut lai lier atone. lir lips part anti a slexv sweet arnile '4>_ withthe. "he reah o flvý'rlsiscreeps.round them, anti se lookseearn- ' on fzo 'Prianrosaanti violets sillnaIx"n nar aeatig.ts styatausteih easresrn' onutsefir.o"TsetnysDoranfer tîn inf veapsss, tnyntrusantaseeati sett concdn tiieto-dy. f i,-a asurace int eigten le * s ot'gentfktpraarafoee; ha era ofa p baskets of paie Bellai r stiinb Ye.Wyasuliyul S ra-ieauty, te lie mind. Gazing ut 1er '0esuî ietotreoruh ceatinjtoaa thecon! ed? e 15 vary chari I nd1timnis]ee estedgetotrsar custaring rosas lrougist from ttelkhm.Hiseco- dIH r in a t wt h open antisincea admiration, h Oanimnal 1"in condition." lie thon las "gar sarvntery te make sweet tise sitting- aise vlld snlmais v apy;inite tell s inif tInt ha n itn i e rooraof tsair istrise.doesn't llke teneling." adas Nature snigist na more lier child ad-<> 'eaict funbi:siangtrgin "I rnse lai yu av cona" BYe '~Itiu' leiao aselils {IlinslevacP'A-*1 ILC H GOWS are greatly benafitte roicsofithin itstwes-I-Itien't isnow , visut;keI Hnsyngsn"xv The Clarissa, rising cii a silite cxelo 1snays h rianet Ls haisefitim ie,"asanys, shaking lier heati; "lut 'b food andt ha flow out ils increased. I ; ý*mas le rmeinexs hoe, t;hcdefndedle ickls Blood Purifier will psy feri lain, a hacoraisup o 1r. Tis da hlmabot iis nittttM afecionferthat I fergoit alyseif for tisa moment For sale 'y druggisss, ai gentral stoes or seni pet p wne beginning te drag a tittia. Corne tise cnp that "ehecers bit nr.( inebriates." i nae yaa.Nxtn vs' oxe hroani maia ytr'sIf cotasfrt- Ln lova witi tise lanisy yoang mnan bi ad, is{silSc xxaiwere 50 nea u t Eo,, *w4444"t>O*0 ovrhïeadmkeYu1"Il elievaase dees,"sanys Clarissa. h E ycas e.wres en _____se abla." I "Can't you do something for me, Clar- anti titnreu. W'su y ou not __________ "Tîn wil Tright willingly, sa it iaxa?" snys Dorran, witis a ratier strain- a uIle enro tl ne Dorlan, anti cl laigli: "you rire evitiently bent on 'Because a 'ntisngîtlass animal ls New Use for Borses. pIeuses Yeu, madani," says Diasirand a miigts niecut npyî ln"qoa a i ieae u f etr aîsia ptldfe yet ma,'.'q "Ant i isa doar x.s fultof strîgistxvay, sinising ijuote s en igrto-IAD hdo a id etr eis a ple o lounginti-chair sha lhas peintati oit, Mnyiseart upons a xoman, you iastantlyopitcan tise picture before me put ail i atent on a cern planter, sxViini con-j maisn nmecî tieronisî isap- mnray liser ta tise crate. 1 hate ciratot aier ihongs t o f my le-ad. I wisis '!esc w oe taieit iefae makesinsena7l toropiny batt- itra sati sisutioisfrut 1 c tov riis fir 's srnîng marîiy Tisey arc se milti, se inoffensiv, Isa WaS a gI1 holid ntig lu. sofaheirse, just above tle fetle"ks, upon tisa mg a sno-white Persian cat1 iomnil epeibe I errnnn in igt. Tsnrer nd- u xiMiswas tise cern te Le plantoti. crisu.inal cf yen te insiet on han ding. l. Itisi nk ei glet lotis sInise' h-Corda passeti avez pulicys attachedt t sinise liniig; whle BillY, tiseIrish j oxer'teaone, cf thenl th P' gay îîttla ulnd'" in u igt ot s ake asaddLledown te tise hiit legs, so tisait terrier, xxiaose ieat isle iggez thran hie friand of yonrs witisahý yeîlow isai . 1h a swi me, aspecial y as I n a exery îinr tise hers-eetegppdthtsa igit- Sisaexiii diae. f Bastings, in nassintis anly 'laci' t'ya do' andi 'good-lye' in onoeigfth rdwu pntebxs lady, anti xiosalisair le of tisa sha st The xary next time 1 have tic gooti ireaih; 1 amn boundtiat meaet Artisur at en fts etnut pnts oa radlines gracefully îpon, an ottoman' tartine te fint iber alonte, I shall feel trapeiey"a iefr-esat adn2 rbyte sisal- near. Clarissa, herseif, is lying lacis it rny duty te, warn bez off lina." "V/bat a n oaort!" snys Clariasa, de- 1' lu"ta tiseisoles maibytsfrn is'eti î'rleiinu pa- Doas anybody axer taise ativice un-, voutly. l'Tisontisera is soime faint fcet. uponan n ettoedcai, loan ar es ton falis in witis tieir axvn wisisas?" chance we may la aIlevetateantiair, ticularly pretty, if n [rifle indolent.. ay Clarissa. "Yenurnay wnrn hanras'aufternaen in pence!" PROTESTANT AND CATI-eOLIC "Neex for your nexvs," se says, in yen will." 'wýIf tIare je one tising on eanti for1CLR YM N the toue anne adopta exien expectilng ta' "r sia'n't warn hier ai ail," sayswiiIhv s-namrto .i LRYVIN leaust.Dorian., le has lPyf BraCirimbsa"anti on' It re ,'f One rNanl Touoling thn Y5emedtial Dorian, lifting lisarame, laya tisem1b- bis isamewarti way, tisis tisought atiIll Miss Braugiston, lecnatidt te, anti env Poxvder. iind ils leati. mats lin. Van tînt pretty ciilti le yOu, ut leazst, will regret me."V/iePoecnsatRmnCte 1"I exonderai Geaxere,,w ti eridi, hl rtsatsadRmnCto ruai ~11-'j~thc lang-tailed coat? Siie can'ti No; h "'sît "lieage ulssare. wvide upart as t. ecertain ze- meitîvî.i ipossible! Yet, isow sire Cîcrissa ad-and ti mîsi la confoaseti uusexdjustnow lad nny naes," la paYs mdtt! Y seojanti cf course.examen untie_:peteti-promptneels. tmey di msre pmpetguet nowin "Af tar ail, I1isegin atetiaisl'm iDot stand oach otisar, anti prlape Georgile 'Hal" pave Donnan, ictoruously. "oxx leyr.finewsCmmanrmeeting gronutia mucl, V/al, lt nme sec: oîlt i t 1le.isas blanapouring confitiencas af teii'ar I1 arn content te go. A fig for yonr in amDr.tonew's C TisPoi ie base nawste ay nii, nti alietiwii, nature inte lber cas. Th~i laste n criility, Clarissa! At least 1 leaxe aaB0itnaae. Tssmtcn a I etan takd -ttrie moirner isaiinti." leatu useti iy Preebytentans like the and wealiset wiiis yeur 'tansie wi' tise capitate tirea, unoffending pnimlases. , Two," says Cisirissa, -ratentingrly. Re.Mno rseDD at ex îini-wisitelocisel" Cetninly ais lad ifnit Te tta nowt; npology is 1ntesst Joîn Scott, D.D., by Episcopalians as lint-white, înt LaîsowertWeil, sI'mhoff.efCaneI dotnnytloinWf» iwitl tie Rex. W. H. V/nde, anti Rex. "Georgie? You---. S510 wscsxxiti xery warmly (tIecucrato e s ow "tînt, cuber off. a1dou?" n frChas. E. V/hiicomse ; isy the woll known me ail tise te" Ifellow"), anti md spoken af blînas' "Yas rinmu tntijtidg _>0Baptiat Rex. G. Andierson; ly prornin'- nie il te iornig-lthongl a e fat semaeiseen interest in] pzcmiodrme-one of Sanciso's puppie." 1ont membars af tise Meilodisi cisurch, "So ie teld me" biai. A fier ail, exhat te Ltta[0 lia? 1 "Yenusalisava tise very preitiest ici-' andi 1v the Rex. Fatisen Hîncley, anti -Ais! Anti 10w far did you go seul (This semoewlat saxage.ly, anti witl themorreex, in spif e et yonr iii tneatmcnt. many of lis' parisiionars. Tisay ail lier?"îlviaaa Asatcafe more f-wz3. f10Ws Anti yen, Miss Brougiston, wxst al tell tise one siory cf tise grant good tîtsiaag.AIidbeteeingv;î h ir t ol B nte do for yaui" came medicine las done iiem. The tigbut as it is,-yas, as ih i. H sloanathar atte&Ml aiesoy a om rn tems al thle momnngl I couldn't %elal 9 i Boxxoften People lave atixiset im9 childisi face, fra.metin'1 golti, tIent isi promînant clergymen in Toronto andi again,- faci I foît anti deploreti.' te mrry anti settia dowixn! Vieil, hang gazlng ai hlm smilingly f rom tise dia- alseviere, ht is ule any oison "I an yn wik~dlacs 1" 'a ail, lete surely as goot ta look at tance. catarhal ramatiy, simple, easy anti Il mglad ti lý-dbek vti astise enraie, ant isieposition je battez; "e"she psays, esaiing, ams f from .n pleasant ta taise, anti quickinl a cure, lier," sa"y Miss Peyton; lut site taesn't anti oniy n few heurs aga se lad ex- raenie, witb a faint binas. "01! givo R wiil gixe relief wif lin tan minutas lais glati. "I lapa yon e5'are nice te preaseat a dasire te sea somnetlmng afù me rny liberty." Sitesanys it jestingly i Hay Faxer. Soit by ail Druggists. bier Vl tife. V/ist eoulti Arthur thlnk of- r u xi oexn nissu fli Sample botile anti Blower sent an ra- "Exnaelysece, ns1 lez if 1 wnsn't. Hie thongits change. Geegie's rianterut isi.a sutera ashrrnofbost' eipi-aoftwa 3-cent stamps. S. G. Anti car conversation was ai tise mati-'loxely face fadas lie osoeadeepaeceets iml colzoaniîe Dcîetglon, 44 Clîii'çl styetToronto. est, NVe bots tlitught it evas tise xarmt-'bs heurt, anti a gaunt oIt figure, iandi &triuipi tînht, hovvever genîle, îs lhateîuîO - est apriag day we ead aez isknawn, a fac8 sternaant itisappiuteti, lsea be-t011.gr et.'nt i r, e miu hoî ae t untii we e emembereti ai Tburstay, anti fora hiai. Exer sînce htintday 3et "' 9, an',tttis ereoée alier oyes. I tison exena«ed that evus thle earniasti tonte, evien thïe 1lantikêrehief lad heen ' Inantien moment se is îaugbln'-l Drenany Smitl ty-ýhel a ni raid hi s spnlng day we e ad axer known. Xxie discoxoeati coltineas, a namelesa lit agaîn, lut months go ly bafore Doina ç,aLici tfivînt ift O'augbt to e, e or t11,o thonwe houht pring evue prafezable'stulioma ahiatiow, lad fmilan betexeen tongaîs tesdltl eiin n h 10e.H ogtoeta a it te sum.tem. Anti, tison, tisai Cissy Rat-' kilnant isieunle,-a aladose impassible bonging g îes ul e pettion1nti i în-ey S B anduho an tisainUp nt menti eVoult i5 le xy pretty if alie ta lif t until semae expînnation le voedi-tiese i glanctis n a l£ paniaii, ani tsennadOn s tiis tids tnt dins hadn' tise coced n Branscoke sfdbyteyone mn o-se mucis," I rsnazed,, my dear ClarisLsO: 'it *à§alâiI.S ucisan explanationti. i19'eut Oet aysGeorgie, a ltuile lafer on evieili1- Bougiton'a expression, net mine, anti Doria's poeve ta g1ve, Tise Occurrence Dorien lad d"sppeareti. TisoT bave- DIZZINESS IN THIE HEAD. a xamy geet ona toc, 1 thins. V/n Bay altogefier evas unlappy, but ra yfenaison thaeir baie gaine, anti are now -- a cacisd ati t; tisaefere, exly net anioiising weruisy of a violent quarrel. in Clarisaa's own raom, standing in a This is; a Sure Precunsar of ApoplerEF. cceI-tnase ? Andthton we sait ail edu-i Bransbwbe, ais la his nature, pertinn- d<eep oriel window tint, Oerlools the an>d Dr. Agnew's Cura for thse leartI nation was n bore andt a swindle, antid iosty tirasîs the wîoîe .nfaia Ut long ise ep of ave-nua an one aide, anti at once te Dea Tairen. then--. Boxe'OUIitsase, ClunîssaVl sight, refusîug te le-i it troublelita, the parterre beateath -chrIe r nly sprmng N n n edîetiypp moýyeana Geýomieý" - ' Iexoapi on auci occasions as tis,ý Pros- fhssxers are glenming wet witb tise nain NotIaonieicn s tenialyipresseti t - res. , - ont, when it pusses itsaii 'dpen lin, nu- tisai fell seaieaxily an houa' aga. tisa tact tînt a large numîer of peu- "Neiuiser nîïiêtêiiul BlIt" îeny. ,neares, anti wiil net bue supprassed. "Exemy oe lilas Donnan," pays Clan-i ple in tise present aga have witîin ileir "Sa mmchi!Thoen1Imally ilini skais Hoane an nvez baen te Pullinglan.istsa, ple"auanly, but witisout bier usual systam th, evidence ai apaplexy. Tiss tle yonngesi-ieeising girl I avez tmet at jsinc e cnight af tise ball, anti uis lot- -warmib wex nspeaniing cf Branscomiibe. ta sean andi f eltafien in a tramîling htisae. She lookse more lirie seeet toeste Clarissa have _ beenmnny anti, "BeIlHe, sa genemul favorite, anti 1 tbink anti uneaaîaiuîy ai the limbe, anti ire- sexenteen." constant, SeI tint Dorian's suspicions la iosucxait. Be- slile a speiletidt quantly in an unpleaant dizzinese anti 'Yen tisinislIar pretty?" have semewisnt la.nguislîed, anti ara he snys es-iat la liissete evaryone, lit ligbrness af tIc lent. Be je a xary "'Ratier more tian tînt; aie- reminds nase', intact, alnioat de-ad, le baing slow noaody talas nnyting laeBaya sert- unevîsa man evba, inoxing tisese syrn- aise alsxuys ci 'Maggia Lauder:' taeontetain exil theugis'of any one. ensîy." tern e t exisi, tuas net pnornptly taise "Ber face ie as thea aummor dontd, Ruh Anneraiey, too,-tsougis plain- This frlently liatisjeuiteriy tîrosen maures to lave tisea removeti.V/e weaeon ly dasireus et avaitiing lis saeciety evez nexvay. Miss Brougitea undantuod t ikisoe cf nuo emedti rnibas baen 50 Tise tawning Stin dlilghts te Pothits Since litemeeting witi lez in tiaesrub- ]oct ut ail. ,,î'marasnly successfin 0tisepatidi- raya." bereu-saenxs happy anti contant, if l"y et soînetimes lhe IhOulequite gralve, tuaa s Dr Agne-x'a Cura ton tisa Beant. Anti agnin, SUeiy Apollo laves ta veny quiet anti suatue. Once, intact se psays-"nearly ns grave as Mn. Hast- Pnsmnnily it le a hean Cure, bui it is "Play ai bide-nat-seais amlt han goldi- comaing upen ber unexpectedly, lho unt ingse xilahie sumpiicc, anly net sa oqualhy affective in wisat le ta sema j on bains" blean tartiteti y un expression in her salemu. Tisai te ail tise titterence. , xtent a paruihel tisae, apoplactic "Durian, ton't-dan't maIe lier un-, eyes foreiga teatiscir usu-ai calm' it exas' "I ileMa'. Bastings' in uis suaphice,- ymptorns. In a seasen wlen unusial happy," says Clarissa, bluhîiing lotly.1 a look, bahf terrifieti, isaht efiant, anti1scys Cinnrissa; "I1 ibink iim xery bandi- beat prexails anti oxcitoment otten «'1Iis I ceulti," aye Donan. lBe it bauntet ut fer Soneatime ftrerwarti.smima; den't yan?", rites tigi, ee anare ing a lintinasse t laîugis as hta s arse, luitisera is trutis But tise emembrane oi ihat fatiet, tee, IlV/el-yas-. ,Oniy I esi-sb is cameman anti xomen îy îatîing tîem Inun' hiîten im lis jasting fane. Oh, te lanti aise neyer uiierwarts ie ikedthe tisatin't stick ait se muacis. V/y do tley? ai thus nemanisabia metiie. mule ber faci sometinîg,-tbat colt mn-I chance et a tata-a-taees- ila i. Be uiways, same-beux, maIes me tisinis diffaent ciilti I * of " etMitas."i -"No, ne. 1 amn in carnes," saysa Meantime, Miss Peytons litte ne- "But yen tise himî," pansists Cianiss A Social Chat. Clantesa, alutile nnxionsly. "Den'i pay mance about tisa Broigbtoa-Hasîugs feeling, hoxxaxcn, a litile erestiallen. It 'Vif&-You aaw Ma's. Brownan tasit ler tee mucis attention, if yaOu don'i affala' ratier talla te lits. Geergie, E iean't saint premiaing, tisis allusion aeeini-g?,llusiand-Yas; lut net te niean ."takîng jatiantaga of an aiternoon tint te Mn. Bastings' oear. Týaelt.ki-/a tm Te "Pemlaps I de mena it." s esamal BRetimends on tise rond ta "Exever ,amiel,"sanys Georgie, en-teim yn etesing ibbrfo "SI isxem yong,-igonig lisa juxonile purty, g@een p te Gennan, tisusiasaticaliy; "anti realy, yen isonsx, mare thare twe haurs. Busiand-Trwup lat speeh ntogailez. "Sic je, a per- anti, iaiing 1er esay tate ie nnig ec ant islp hus cars, Af tcr ail hlexx lut h esas se ex %ý i tititIctalk*0w. tact baby in soeassays. lt isn't iint neen, rmis ta Cluriasa and gixes lherm ncis xvesa a creeketi oye exuiltbl"' oi yen, I tiai." 1, tainiy tittie isbu, "Oft course, Ant iIs oy-s ara mally A Fnnuy SuifOns fer Want of a M'tear' 'MY dean ciilti, wlat aI1tiaing?" ' "Aren't ycu g9%di1Ihave comae? aie eltifl." ,,'Attention, if I baud Miss Brougiton a. chair, an Pays, eitistise utmaSî nalvete. "I 'm "Yen are net in taxa witl utr are Mr. Neil Morrison, St. Juin, N. B.. asis bem if sice wlt taise aniotiar cup awtully glati myself. Tie chihran have ycul" says Miss Georgie, witb an amis- IlMy taugîter, Mme. Gregory, bas lent of tan, t is ai 'makiag lez unaappyt ai gene te tise Dugdales', anti sean1 )e- langis; anti again Clarissau's lapes niseumtism sau bat turing tise hast yean 1 rcaly lagia te tisinis that aociety ise my on'a mistress." ais ta zero. htsewaunb ohlpircil tee moral for me. 1i alhigixe it np, 1"Anti se you cuise ta me," pays Char- "No. But I amt glati yen are n frianddtin oraIe nstallr uehl ui h anti batake- mynli te Sait Luise City." Issa. O i.De elk.yu"Eeyhn mgnbewstid u "Yau we't untenstanti me," beginel "Yes, cf course." cf bs. Do nsaIse amnf" f tratnopr atted1 ta emboslat reuias. se, sitting more upigli, as tisougis de-j "Anti nase, te maIe- yen 'happy,"lsaye Clarisa,-with îasitation,-"if I tllu f0 00tpirpaSouth ea imet acome- sirousof arument;but le, inerruyenClarmetbing witvehl.younpromise me matie Cura. Oue lattie enret my lier. 1 Don't taise ny ihought about tisai. fyaiuth-tilync te fe it again?" taighter wir lin fouir tiys. anti 1 mise "Thora yen. mistaiso me," hae says. "My It le already au accomplisiset tact. 1 -1pamseffthuly, daaling, if you mc inîei iigrssrem motives arc quie pure. I arn dying te am xii yen, andt terefane I arn pan- esi it." tnato undestant yen, onhy I can'i. If yen. feetiy isappy." "ifle baomethiig Mm. 'Bastings saidt t adta. wonl t ay te la, a littia mare tlucîi, ail "Stiil, yon sase saior get a hliday," me brst nigît, andti iough I1n'as net Noul wcl; lut seiy arn 1ta e hagos on Clamissa, rcgreitfuily, wes-isica ntodinlwovrdjls to Ioap if a secret, stiti - st upon, anti gencmabiy matreatat, ho- litluila ia, as tise Ratuients axe tise Ti iin i. lie wulwish me te le A ilant~# isn.-j-enftlny; - s plainly un2 fie lhilefiguras oethîe- girls. Tic gaine ga'oun i tto a pulp1, steaiiie-t nidsm hnppy. ~~~~~is te iifs leigit; it is jusi île absrling teliy prepare-tTemeit f exn Lise what? Wlat nonsanse yen lave moment, evIen 199 las lana deiverat. îhe pslp le the secraitrm eichel been taling alli s urne-! Bes it nover anti raceixeti, anti returneti, ein mycantore lopea te rcap a fortune. -_Il__, oceuredt teyen that thaugi,,no douli, Georgie-, steplgshort sudie-niy, cries Why TeyNGo Ia un oieet with many qualifias aeo"01!" anti 200 abv pifluttesate the- grenat. WyTe o tise aveage, sf111 I ar nonefan 'Adonis,' Clarissa, evîe is standinm' eitis(lhem ImpassioeatiOator-V/ly, leiint ilOSMTlNLt'anlirs~C.xe or an 'Apollo,' as' an 'Admirable Cricî- lakttelil tees', turns rntinetively mon rush te sauoons fez tiquor? " ý ýCeýtii, îyalS,. ii 15 F ~ n ton,' on anytbing et that sert, anti thaf towas' tf, anti sees Dorien Bransceombe. Vic-'Cause île graeny stores P1'tO' e x-, ,' s if le probable your Misa Brougiion "1 las-e diturlati you. 1 lava, corne tin't iseep if. hT..hesihrrIC.Ld,'rlCa. Ch1'aden C ry fi. tcherls Castéria.g s ctnrot bc mode ont of horses that are out or conditicun. Merely to feed e pienly ef pals leotenougli. A honse gets rnn dewn [he same as a moan and needs a general toning up. < Blood Purifier owdcr. It ptîrifiee the.blood, streugth- smeoth Êcnt l gossy eue and puis the id life"',and feýelS like holding up is ld by it. The wbohle, system is toncad<> ced, more nutriment is drawr. from the itef ten trnies axer. paiti on recript of Y) cas. Dick & CO., P. O. BO'X 482, MOntiýegls. înd Il ise th e or lete exceoetc. oieveo, wnortc.n cf the body. Simpe5 nratural inethods1ý. lm. niediale in'proz-emc.nt , e renenes ]3ole eplae~onandi îrcof s ailed Çicoltd) ERIE MEDICAL CI, BfI,?IY The é9D 'y r BIGYCLE is the finest high - grade wheel on. the Oanadian market. Perfect in design, in flnish and in quality. Por particulars write JTAYLOR[ Toronto Safo Work s, WH MAKE. Sewer and CuIvert Pipes -Aïf Sizas freitnP- iu. te 24 In. Also- Conectiost. WRI7' E FOR PRICES. THE ONTARIO SVN[B PIp[ Co. 601 ADELAIDE ST. E., FAOTOtt'y' AT rM- ico, "R N O Lii ~. ~îfr CURES POSITIVELY enst Power, Nerveus Deb' 1 y, hîrg M,ýJI"amitood, 'SecretD: becî' v tîle errer 4cd cxc , c ol9.i1 i euu. ujldiena o o ad Tyfflo mnNrb tifrn .u.î,rînl-eîtIIe effectsLe fol les and cxce'.ses, aistoniti te Ilealth, 1nian cidandi' . t~nce$ 100 6 oxs fr 5.10.SentIF inail, uly'cd.Write fer cuir boek, ".Stapiling '.f"for Mten ýuiY tell e u lîow ta get we.t l tay Weil, 5'5OeTRFAL. Rich ini the Icng-healing virtues ohe Pize combined with the sotSc 2Idgan expectorant propertias 0f otiîrpcrlherb anra birks. A1 PERFECT CURE FOR- COUGHS AND COLD-ne HarsenesA thm;aBronchitis,SoeTr, I~~~~ CopadalT OAT, BUONIICHIAL aýýn LUG DISEA SS.Obstinpte ,ngsbîcb i eeîst other remedies yil j'opIy t tlýe pï2aant piny syrup. pmRoe .25c. AND Zoo, PansEOTT=z- A