A.. L,,*ccr. S-YCherry "icotace a s,vere cold, whch sette n 1 1O ' IA-. au i do1i1abat is lIon b ný t snob o '~o , ]gecteil it. tiiin ii i the (r " lifonon exanllO Ilteupor firtof t1ic left lng vvas blac] .îtTectel. TlnŽ iificnes lie gave mi, ild1li nu beeni to cdo nY god(, and 1 dot eiwnineu! tý try Ayer'i*s Chi rrv etoa.After taldug a te-W doss mtrouble vWN relieved, ua ni - fore I1liait inishioîl thte bottie 1 was rd -A.laa. watclanaler, rangevIlle, Ont. Ayeres Cherry Pectorni tEhssý-,--t A-ardsri+7' rld1s Far The Ijnfttd States Lde Iosuraocê Colopany, HIead Office- In INew York City l188-2-,-$2,803,-517 In 1887...... 5,502,8_90 11u 1892...10,001>69.5 Ini 1894 .... 14,880,:32 Local Agents wanted in ail unrepre- sented diîre ddress U. . SÂLY luspector of Ag.ents, Sms6 rnd 7, Quelîco Bank Building Gencrat Agent for Durham. Americau Interasts la Germany" wiil lia tise subjeot of a papert4 by Fouît- ney iigeow in Hlarpar's Waxekly for Feb- ruary l5th. Tise sanie nuniber velU con- tain reproductions of Elihiu Veddar's de- orativa panels for the now Congression- ai Ljbrary et Wa8s nn. Another vaitmble article wil t etd to "Tisa Caagyof Abrahami'Lincoln," and lien RaWiÎ.phis l deporibe "Club Lite iu tise Ws Tisa numbur of Harpar's Bazar iissued ou Fabruary l5th yl ha ditinguished by premoitions cof thse cisanging seaasoa. Eariy spring feshions yl lia given in great variaty, and a concession totise lingering vinter wil ha made in a pratty ftïr-trimrued otume, aiitabie for fardis and drawa by Sandoz froni a modal by FeUx. Mrm. Candaece Wiseiler continues her articles on Needlework, and thse ap- pr_o f Lent la recognizad by a speci- ailr clbwngwbtNew-Yorkera do wen. the Lne ansn rresis gayety. An article on Fancy Skating yl pWisse girl reamers. GnrlA. W. Greply, ofi Arctic fame, bgnin ise Mardis Ladies' Home Joral is articles on George Wash- n gton veiici ar ecxpected ha create con- idrbodiseusslion. Ganerai Graely L-as ra over 2000 of WVashington's priv- atl ettaà rs, and ha writes ini efrank, wnisdvay of the parsonal side of Washigton.His firsi article vell deal ves the ives and court.-hips of Wasb-. antnand hbis final maariage ha tise widw ustis. Generai Greely's arti- clsare -not likely te confira tisa asti- mate c4-f tfruss who regard Wasington inan idleai way. But thay 'are irutis- fiand admirably portray tise man as o esinreelity. TONS 0F FLOUR GOLO. A Lake tu àtaska WIail te I 19Froposeil 11,Emrîply te Uncover Ute Treassare in 1t% lied, Anroliser reaiakabieastory of a goldi- au JaSe bas-epae frein Alaka, togetis- an istis an lageamus st-home liy veiici t La proposati te gei boitcf tise tracs- une. Tisa daim consista cf 158 acres about eight miles frem in hka, ant isl calot "Pande'a Basin Placer Ciaim." Witiatise limite et tise caim la a leke, 1,000 yards long, 400) yards vieiande 150 foot deep. Tise lake la ted isy vaier f rom e glacier, tisa constant action cf whidi for centuries bas lircugisi down r ramlise mountains aboya large de- ri31s cf "fleur" gcld, andti s bas all, "Lnacesity, Sean bld vitin lise .>untarieso et tiutile lboty cf vater. Tisa action oethlieglacier, tise deepeess et tisa lake ami tise sisailoîveess 0f tise eut- ý8ti, la tisa coninatien w-bçislasaidtoh baýve coveradth ie liottoin t tisa lake, m-ilS millions cf dollars in flour got. ; Assays cf tisa sanda f rom tise shores of tise haSe, matie by assiyers of tisa Tacet-a Smeiting Company, show-, so it la ciaimet, ibat il wIli produca tisa as- tonlabiag esut cf $30 e tubir, yard, w-ile quartz troin the letigat ail arounti tise laSa assay as bigis as $38 te tisa ton. Ties atemeut tisai iaif a cent a t-lle, yatrd w-ilaIlove a àman to, maSo $10.000 ;a yream wilpani lutrato tise erior- mens siza of thi ld. Whatla spropos, eutandw-lU prelabiy ho' douef, late tep the rock walet tise lakeý on tise loyer aide, se that tise venter car 4n eb aimosat ntirely drainet ouTisonmiiilie lefi a fiait cf fleur 1RECIPES. Whiite Vegetabie Soup-2 quarta et veater, 8 potaicea, 2 leeka, 2 calons, 4 oz. cf tapioca, baltea pint et skim milS, pap- par, sali. 2 oz. cf dtippinga. Clean tise vegelaliles, cut tise ntol dice, anti fny lisem lun Use drippings lu a sauce-pan for 20 minutes; tison att the vater, ant ilall liitender; pans acli tisougis a w -ire slave, att tise tapioca, anti hall up the seup agalu tfon 10 minutes, tison pour in tle milS, anti tiaver vitispep- par anti sali ha teste. Brealcof Mutton Steet velusVege- tabhfl-il1-2 lis. breat ot mutton, 2 carrola, 2 turnipa, 2 celons, 2 staîks'cf clot y. 12 peppancorna, 3, cloves, a lima h cf pcraiey, 2 talipeontuls cf ica. Cul off tise supenfiueus fat froin tse meat. akeveer il, dlean atd slce tisa vegetablos. Put al lina cstaepan lu layera, isaving egetehles et tisa ha DESSERîi MADJE WtIlLE YOti WAIT. ht sometimes occurs tisaI oaa bas a bit of cake la tise bouse wisicis is Ion dry tocserve la ils naturel state, or aise tisonis- ai tlecof il as not 10 Se teamet presentabie. Ila tisicasa 'ar- range tim slices of it on pudding plates ot- saucera, anti tura a plat or more nf boiling-veater mbt a stam-pan. To ht att a lump cf butter anti enougis florntisailias Sean anolisat la colt w-alan tenmak i cf lise consistent-y cf ct-ea, Tise w-nier of course musI Se hoilingati tise flornanti colt w-clan attat siowly, stirriug conistanily to gre- vant lumps. For a plat cf Seiling w-a- len, a scant tabiespeca cf fleur nl pnohalily ha sutticient. Att sugar bo avweeclan, lastilg to e cliat it is juat nlgisî, for tise sîveeten il la, not tb Se too sv;eel, tisa icher ih w-ilha. Lest, att a bospooaf ni on more et lemon ex- tract end tlp, hoillag bei, -ovar tise slices cf cake, anti serve ai once. A tel- icate anti delicious dessert mm-ilresuit, w-hicS cen ha prepamo inl bsa lime Iban it takes te tell about it. If one0 bas a Lae raisins it la quite an addition te pnb lhin inlathe dreslg, uslag colt tastonti cf bourig veter, anti cooking about 10 minutes before tise othar le- grediants are atidet. Conkies on tougli- nta may Se set-met lantise Same way. Douglinuts ssoniti Se spllt w-us, a sharp keita. Pare, core, andti cu lao eightiss cccli- ing appies antipîlace about ilimea layera of thani la a pudding disb. 0f aveeaî cronni, a plut-b et sali, baking poveo anti flour maSo caliciter stn rtisan for cake-ona that mil sgt-ont easiiy -wils a spoon-ant apreat over tise appies. BaSa lun aquit-S oven aut serve holtmitisseetntcrenni. This velu aimosi "altlu ne's morilis" As lb baSes quickLy it may lba piacat in tisa cmeu about bise lime tisafamily it tcmmn tte ietable. An apple criaIent is nice To nat-up- f ni cf apple sauce att oua cup cf milS, i vel-beaten egg, sugar te testa anti c litIle grounti cianamea. BaSa jual long enougis to "set" the cutarti, anti serve eihen w-an on celd. A litila colt rice m-ay ha ulilizet liy putting il in c daiatynmoiti la a saint- tub anti attina n ltev iny lumpls cf jelly. IL tisa rit-e la unsveeteee serve mmiS smeetenat crean, mm-it-h la boiter tha usng the, augaracatr-eai sear- ately. A lutile natmal or grahain muais or otiser cereal maau e convertet inlto a ,dessert by adting auger, milk anti aggs lu tis e tsireti arnouat, uring oeaegg in a t-up cf miik, anti any flnvnning tesiret, and bakingauntil lise ut-rn sais, It amy tison Seservet w itis trada, or w-itb e pudding sauce, as tiret-ted Lft- tis cake dessert, A fam- tiny bits etf tnt-t jeily placet cf ter t la tisiset miii be an bnprnvinent. Amet-y simple, dessert la matie by plccing tmmo square on fout round cnet- ans nu echt-detssent plate. Pour cm-ar thase ns mut-b water as iisey miii absonb, being careful te bava h bn-iiing-. Att 2 taoofisof augert- ea-issquare crackSer, nr au equai amonîl btisth roud cnes, anti a litile gratd nuiaeg. Place a in t,-,cnLuer otofec-ha bit cf joily or proiserveti fruit anti serve mm-us THIINGS WORTIIJ KNOWING. Olt fruit stains ma ba rernovet w us oxalit- acit, Wasistise stainiet portion in tis' atid w auer t11dean; rnse ai octe in nain veter, as tbe acit w-iall tacis tise fabrie if iaf i upon it. Nom-wet tise spot lu ammonia anti give a final tina- tng. TaSing )Stains Oui of Linn-Fruit steins may ha talion out cf tabla dom-rs anti nepkins by sleeping tisa inca la a mixture cf a pounti ot-chf t-loride cf lime anti sel-soda, dissolvat lna cgel- lou of aier. Tisa liquiti. veen t-bar, la pourot off liet boutlas tor use. Tise atainot part is soalithets mixture ant i imediately in aet la t-bar colt wnter. The lirais muat not ha leftt long lantise solution. Homm- b Clenu Lanip BuÉnet-.-Talie au oune cof sel-soda. tisselve la a quert cf soft nain-veter, put tb bannont an oit eauandutihal for tan minuteas, afler w-itak ae a cotton cloil ontdmipa tison off, anti yen vell fiadt tisajusi as gooti ns namm. TiIshabuiti hodona every montis te reniove ail tis a tatbon, If you w-eut 10 Saep mm ha frcm smok- ing, sonS tison la strong vinagar anti dry lbnrcngisly. To Keep Ment Freali-To Seap aQat f rosisonea must bava a cool, dry, aiy pae Ifpossible, vitis a liscrougis du-auht ibtroughis l, as ibis insanes freetinin f nominlaes, cnt lies c greant tas le de w 11 tise Seeping nf tise meat. Directly tise mont cernes trmitheb but- char it sisoulti ieaI atoce w-ail viet tiraI vitis a dampati tison wibisaepr- eclly dry and dean tlotis,and hSîng urp immediitaiy. Notbing w-ll bure ment ce quickly as letting il lie on c plate or siah. Ail unaecessary fat, marmove, kitineys, etc.,, sisotidSe renom-- et as soon ans possible, n gond dusu cf fresly-geuad blacki pappan a ppIlaed round the, bonas, andthie joints sauit ha flculrad ilcmar. 1 Tisa terpedo boat catcher la a vessa elte contamination ci m-ilk. Tisa ofly L safe wey in tise use cf condansed milk N EW AN cf prey. its business la te swoop doven is ta siarîlizo it by tise sainie metisoda fCnda n LvrolCas upon.r torpedo boats tisai venturae' ut aniployed for sterilizing tresis milk. As o aainadLvrolCas te sea anti capture thoin or wipe tisem e ra, condensed mîlk requires sieni- and hot-ses, and Fresh Grou lizatien as wall as ordinary milk', ai- wihw r eut. 0f course, tisa torpedo boat la tiseughis muai ho, saidt tisigenemalîywhc wea- obligati te rely whiolly ounis apeoti for tisera are foyer microbes tealba tcuad eafety. It la built of tisa igistest mn- in condansed milk tisan in frashis ilS .EL ILL.. tonial possible, ami belf ae tiean vel aus furnisised by tise milismea. aimed projectiles frc n a maîl rapid- ARl kintis of Lumber, Wood and fira guin ili sink t . Unfortunately THE VALUE 0F DIETING. aw sintok veien it gels out on tise ocean tise ivaves " In your instructions te your pa- We invite inspection anti guara kaock tiovn its apeed. It is isutfetted tient," said a prominent pisysician te a ahbeut by tise bilcows se tiset under young practitionen, "be panticular in favorable circuinstancas an erdinnry giving minute directions concerning M C L J guaboat migisi capture it.* This is diet. This lias greant ffect, on tlicoM I were tise ativauta.-es cf"tise catcher minda cf clii w omen especialiy, ns thiait----- comas in, Tise latter is about iveice as maladies are la a great mensure imag- big, iscavier, anti moea trongly but, mnary. Give a lisi of veiati s ta eeaot- and la oqually ro it. Havi-og a hiihsen ai breakfast, dinner andi supper, and freeboarti h la indifferent tearrou-isyen may depanti upon being made tise subjeci cf conversaton, ant i vl i vater, anti under tiseconditions de- considereti ciaver. 1 brougisi myseifin- II 1 c -ese ocel &crihet isl likaly tce ied ne difficulty te nctice anti gaineti several premnineni la picking- up a toean of tise utile foi- faniulies by rocommnending te a wealtisy J at m. H love's. ot lady tise lot t leg et a bellot fovel.d le linsù F Once, w-boa1 w as away on a sont va- It mai ha rcaembcredt iat tise prob- cation, ib is lady fou iii, anti vas elilig- . uîîeqqlalleda lentis ot modern wrtare are ncw prois- cd tao cenifer a noigisboring madicai laes. Tise efficiency ofthtie catcher ns man, w bly tise w-ny, w as reclly a OPPOsedta th ie toi-peo boni romnains w-cl-rend man. On bis nttampting te persuade ber thaitishe loftilog posSessad yet te ha tasteti in practie. But tisera ne patirular virtua, ase liecame qilitît seoins ta-e hanedoubitishat tisa pactîcai indignant anti uacomplimientary." valuaetftise uoquito w ar vessal isyl ihhir ha impaîreti te a grant exteut hy tise SI persLLIiiubberL, mosquite saveka. Tise catcher is so WIIAT SNEEZING INDICATES. spey as tae (abcile aruna vay from iaaez antaiictlscvnnt . tri E V tise fastpat craiser,ciase cen teain h neei o itotisavn tou trs-B V ail crounti a batile shlp, kaeping a ingos, says M. Sobier, In seaie reiga - acte distance avecy f rein tisebig guns. countnias snaezlag la consideti tise JBi G-G , F-CR As a mule, aise carnies oea12--1u11(1iseigisi et ili niannors, anti yei boy pro- -'" ' raPiti-fire gun, and five rapiti-fire 6- valent w-as tha use of anuff inEnglanti1 1G(3ES supenior te tisai cf lorpedo boats, w-hich a ise lrig cf tiseaGeges. A aneazot are equipped w-îto. ron ttiree te six a lmndc nigvsntc ia rapit-ireguas oet amallen calibre, tisa body la losing is boni too apidly Wbareas tise torpedo boat is a mena anti noots protection. A aneeze mey I G S seli, penetrnhle la any part by a musik- announca tisa approocis et a cold. Tise et hulait, tise catcher lias saieasert cf w eil-wisblng tisaioneo receives in saina Protectien. Abreasi cf Son aiiey countries fromn.tise loyer classes aboysa Every boily lu vited to cil betyon ise attr anirhmcleryi, tisaï;i usgooti effects are appreciateti. are bunkers et coal, w-ich nl sto While a anooze neet net ha boisterous, projecties ' -t".OP it sisoulti net lie uppresseti. 3-Paunders. A sot froià. a manot wara big gun veenît go. IMPORTANCE OF SLEEP. CLEAR ,T11ROUGH Prof, Bernes romanks vesn a persan __________ ceai andi maciinery, but ih sli er huai-ila unable te secure f rom savon tetenACR TNE BOIB as eieap eut of tise w-ay cf tisai.A semetiEWinOOK FOrveantianti abaft sise la divideti in- boum etf quiet sloop, smtig i aide lie a nuinher et amali compari- w-ng. If tise troubla arises frein tise monts, separatot by vater-tlgist bulk- nalgihors' cala, or tbe trollos cf halateti bea, se tisaisenilgist receivo damag- ravaleras, tisa malter is not serions. But lng shots Nvitisout being disahled, if lie finds bis eyes wiei open, bis brain Agents Wanted Over 900 Il Tfise catchser bas a dispiacemaent ot la a veiin antilbis nanves tense at ter by BaronC frein 250 ha 380) tons, veiicis meaas striving for avehileltaveoo tisa dromsy sige thut lis jaelah AIIen's WIfe îlus Bort tisaitise vessve elgisa tImurcis Ton- get inl a comforiable hoti, is condition De Grima,, the farnous artisi and cariccinrîsi. fI pote bals, on tise cuber Senti, of liseus a whislesonie w arning tisaI bl e nS w - ceiaud, and waies, also to France, Germ Uarger sca-geiag kinti, rua frein 100 ta iag bard, veerying tee mach, is ont- in press Snmantha's latest and greateat cf ail1 200 ans Tia cicier as orpdesing emaisig visiis îsanee ivtisstory cf their adventures la seeange cOttes, ne: 20d torpe.oTuescatiSer tist o lise tn ism orla nghlisevyt ag tta-,iao visited the Duke of Veragne, Eulalie. an andtoredotubs lke.tha ofthetor hi, o ison he ay a bingattck-Chicago. Baron De Gimmn bas mcde over 10 patio boni; ini taet sbea Ss notising more ati by sa disease. whic lvtl appear in the book. WithtisOi prt or lasslisan a harpedo boat cf supenior mer, and sounti phiiosopisy, verily tbis book size anti atrenglis, w-iSh a Setter an- bul English, German. French art other folk manient ami a igi freehoard. Tisa HYGIENIC VALUE 0F CRYING. surely, ha soît as were cf ait Samanîlsas orte amt etfmmar is doveicpi.ag se rapidîy, Wide-awake ageuts% know what this anni Ipamticulanly wt regard le fighîing on Tise disposition et the typical yourg About '780 Pages, Large Octavo e. ri tise sea&, tisatinlatiselime tisai muai lady ta bave "a gooti ct-y "seenis teaP$2c50,y alfRsi rAgent,0o. o W ~rite alapse halmmeen tise ordaring cf avessai bave lîeen fouet j silogcalypro FNK&H ACf Ru s C, 4OANYulSe and Çbar completion sais apretty auraeiyilgclypo UK&WGAL OPNPbil te bc mono or less& beiiath ie lalest PenItadical aulhisties asent tisai itea. cnying ltis e hast exorcise for young Englant Sas toty-tisree seageing ton- chiltiren. Oaaeisospital suintintentent ANJETHESIA FOR ANIlVALS. patio bonis, ta vebicis areatadddtîwaaîy- says tisat a isealtisy baliy sisouiti cry?-" six firsi cîas lerpetie bonis anti aa n- tismeaetorfour limes a day ni leasi, antid raeioperasiens, .srauding, "talg ber et fit-t-cias eues. Saine.cf lise Lt-ro n to fifleen minutes ai th isetre., antd Flriug Are Now lie u der seoeet-cinss are actually carrieti ou - - chieroforau. bohard of the big sisof war. Tisus a SLEEPING ROOMS. Thse use of anaestisetics for cileviating modern fiaci la an omengaacy ha pro- Oul stoves cnt gas stoves sisoulti nover . , paredt t l osesare ofi fltlning - - -painta n longer t0 ho conmne liste bonnets, tae isns tisa anamy. Oaa ho Sept bumning in e sleeping noom, fer lords cf crontion, Humenitaniana bave et tisase littie ltorpodo bonIs cost caly tbay 'are hurnet ha the open air efthtie 823,00te builti. anti it la chia, if il rooo, atidisnving ne connectica w-usram'comatt-mant, i ltistheclerciion Usai cite gei near enougis, te desiroy mm-lU a ehmuey-f lue, tisro-v tise poisonons tisekwet- animaissaal not ha suhject- a single sot an irokntludthiat rapt-a- carboaic oxida cf combustion halo tise edta tisa knife et- the net-bot iron milb- cents an expentuture cf $4.000,001) la air of tiseapaniment anti maSo t i ntit n i-tbigntne eucnccs clt cashs, Racli amali vessai cf Ibis for respiration.ou isbegrdcdtanoniu- kiwi cannies 1w-oor Ibree collapsible - ~nass, veisen riey imay he oparaiti upon bonis et cauvas, for use ln asmeccf sink- Lead tise Way. ai pleasure. Mr. John Moore, cf Man- îng. cetr nlnL uhrt o l 'isa torpatie boni mey ha naganteti ns Lont thse mm-y, e'ln niat aatsoiytnts a rckless expedient ln a veate. Its But not le errr;etematiiopniosdnvetou business la te rush upon tise enemy anti Lendthtie w-ny, but not teasir; chîci-ofonni at-e 'vaitable anti navolting blove iim np if possible, anti te g otovea Sisun lise tank acta cf crnelty anti lutciseny." ilseif la tise attempi if neot b a. Ex- Anti dangercua gpittlls- lihrto tise objection tealise employ- posati ha gun tire for e moment il mul Sigiitishe goal, anti you wyl w in. ment of cilornform for tbe put-pose cf ha suaS iimaédhataly. Tius it comas aiding operations in animai surgery bas about that only ycung otthcers are as- Grasp thea banti beern tise expense. Velernay surgeona signedtat duty on torpodo hoats. Tisey Tisai neads you tightly; bav-e net Ibougisi il worth lise ceai t are mucis more veliag te take their Liftitisa talion brother rip;scuelepordnicearsfrm chnes ndagoddalo dvl- - Oer tisa rougisrmmay pain. But lise objection ca nove n cans ia a firat-rate qualiti la tise coni- Guide him iigbtly;logrbmitneasn exniv Mander et a crafi et ibisý descrhption. Shsarp, w-is iim tisebitter cup. Loi-mcf tisa tmg la cm-iable, and an Ia t-uth, il niay ha saidta lehaessentiel. economicai melti dof adaisning il . As for tise chsances ot a torpedo boatrinl Leadth is e ay bas jusi beau discovereti. Tise quantity coaflict ithacthrte aepa Fo ar epain f tise dtug requit-ad la veny amail. tlcally nil. Tveo'or Ilinee explosive lai t tut-es taianti green; TmasS liat o Ile hsite ofaeotisan f sisals frein tise napii-f ire guans oet le SeS kM ais goot vor eni aron mteanieWeittetanb fermer ara likely te set tire bta e Anti bis selvetion; wbn otnmtra.We itdo berpedo bonanibiabrrp Te Lineojciomhateen. tise face the animai succuinligraduely evoirithon et modemn wantansbas de-1i.0alihe influence cflise araaatiseiic,, but velopoti nothing more stranga tisan lise Leadthtie w-ny Once hae teala tise cftact hl saraousati auxiliarly fifea of fragile Soascf mm-cet Froeaxtart bieavea; w-us diffictilty, anti tisnonnly atter c veîcis have tisa povea-r ta teatnny at a Ha tisaiLa saves a aageseul considerable penieti, Honses requit-e bleve tise nilghiesi steel-clati batle-1 Shahlia eblaissei ot Got inlaglory, mot-a chiorofcrin tban cuber animais, sisip. - WThila otýran-usages roll. andtihie ceatinla lir-case ta estimateti ____ ai f ive cents a lient. Y(p aicý aggd ot; on ustg IliTe <danger cf over-toslag la me-y, Tisa National Libnnny of Paris bas "en1iafgg..u;ye ua îv mali A bot-sacaunotlie Siliet by 1,401),000 hounti bocks anti 900,000 para- up aill ieet nvonS." "Wb'y, tisai splieebofeminhalationmater crtinary pliaits, nain 1 l'un a isirtressan!" jcircunimstancas. For siseep, vebicb are 9D FRESH, Salt in Bagys. RoMc Sait for c=ttla )und Grey Plaster in Barrels prepared to seiL -on 0-A-S.EL U DRY CLEAN SCREENEI) COAL rantee satisfaction. ,Qln:îairtiy, triwi,,e i Qîili Price WIIo ilispc'the rrunKs, Valises, &c. STORE, VARI ETY, VALUE. and s ee our nîew iàtwe:tr THE SHOE MILN 3Y IJOSIAN ALLEN'$ WIFE. , eGrm. Agents Wanted , to Europe. Jo.iah went along and Baron C. follow ed them. They wont to Enàglaisi, irela,K. Ini, tr. l'he resnîts are that we have nove h er books, telling the Ilstrange and skalrul1 :yal palaces, and in out-of-the-way places. TàLey id o1hers tbey had met ai the Wor]d's Pair icn 100 illi4rationis of the events of the trip, ail 0f rofolxnd interest, deptil 0"veit, gelnutue lii.- kwill sweep ail before it. Not only Amedoses.-, lks are eagcr to read it. As many copies will er books combined, mire than half a million. mncement means-a banaoza to those wha re territory. And i-o! for the llolidays e for terms and territory At Once. ws lRiChMOnd St., W., Toronto, 0 subjected to most PaiÙf ni mutilations, chloroform can h6 easilY emPloYed. The operation is better performed, the flow o'f blood being not so great as whleni ehloroform is mot nsald, and fewer bandas are required. The firing of horses, "ringing" of brus t ;nd swine and branding of cattie are --v ;succes-SfuBlY done velUsthe aid of chloroform. In each instance the re-. suits bave becou more satisfactory than witen the animais were cut up ami miutilated ia cold blood. A writer on he bject in the London Lancet says. i TerOlgh-and-îunmbie butcberýy of the precblorotorm era of veterinary surgery bas littie to comùmend it when comnpared with the precise metheds and accurate resuits Obtained by scientific exponents of veterinary surgery, such as cari bc arrived at hy thie aid of chlo- rolorm. If owners of horses and farm stock and Of Pets Once realized that cei1oroform. for theïr animais meant net only immunitY front pain, but aiso in- sured better resuits> and le srisk of failu' or accident, there issno doubt. that tbey would insist on its use. Folcled Down. We read togetber.-here the lbook (Eyes tender-lidded drcpiag, broven!) The becs veere la the roses. Iook, The leaf la folded dow-nj. ITis th "-trld i. iinust.g of gold Whe. two ara lver re We read togethor; lu thse suni The brook laughed light tisrough grass and f loyers; Ail birds wae singing; twe in one WVe claspad the fragrant hoirs., <4 and boitom, and suffi-ieni ,w1ater o.rf stock to barely cover ail. Steve gently f YŽLf for about i11-2 isours, or tili tise maÉtt is tender. Potato Soup.-Slice tiven onions, the wehite part of two leeks' and a heari of NEW POSITION FOR SLEEPING. celry; lay tbis ail ino a pan, and add Anotiser ico>noclast 1 Tise rampant re- ta c îv p o ta to a s , p e eie d ac d s iic e d , a n d f m r o t h , d y a s n w i v e b - 2 oz. cf butter; let it ail fry togariser fre0 fts a bsnwivddbd for ten minutes w itisout coloring, t heu rooms. The ortisodox fashion la mnak- moistan nÀitis white vegatabla stock ing tsp tise badas s as to gently slope (about two quarts); add a buncis of herbs, sait, and two or ilirce cioves, and tea-ard the foot, anidisavine a gooti- lot it simnier tili tise vagetabies are al sized pillove or iveo under tue heet i l tender, tsan ml it tistougis a sieve. al wrong. A prominent Froncis doc- Rt uratisis puree ha tise pan, and Jet tor, M. Viibelm Fischser, is responsible skimmingý it carefully. If too tisick, di- for this statemont. Ho assarts that Jute t velus a littie milk. Just befora after a long sories of exporimauts hie erngstîr into it tise yoiks of two egg-s bas proved conclusively tisat tise sieP beate up li a feve tablespoont nia of 'n a bed prepcred lu tise old-fasisioaed cream, velus an ounce or tyn cf butter veay la aimpiy to induco aliments of ail cut rip amail. Let ibis ail moit, add a kinda. Ho advocctes a ceniplete revers- littie finely picked paraley anti clervil, ai cf tisings. You must bave your bond and serve vitis dico of fried braad.- on a levai vitis or loyer than your "Fast Day and Vegetarian Cookory." foot. If pilloves are ha ha used thay Jugged Hare.-The romains of ugged musi ha undar your foot lastead of lie makce an excellent lunciseon disis: undar tise heati. Tisa result, hoe clainis, Pick the houes from tise meat veile StR-,ilyl ho amazlag, beiag a sure cure for vart, thon pound tise moat viti tise insonnila, as veu as a provantive for sauce uniii it is a pulp, seasnwvitis a the nigisimare. Dr. Fisciser says furtis- littie saît and a piacis cf cayenne pep- or tisat slacp in tissnvepstion "veilu parand li tbrugisa xira slave. alw-aya ha intellectuela icuemr r. Take a pipe mould, pour a little dis- founti, tise entire nervous systam ame- solved aspic jelly iantise bottoni, and îterated, veiila people inclined to lung ven it la set dacorate it velus crescent- and kidney troublaevill ha vastly bene- sisaped pieces cf hoileti cerrot and isard- fited by sleeping la tisis position." To horled wehte cf egg; pour in a little grevant any incovenience by toc, sud- more jeily and turn tise niould round don a change the pillows sbould ha slovely until tis ides are tisickly coated. gradually mduced addt inclly placed Nove take tise meat froco tisa under aide uadar tise foot. cf tise siava and put it in tisa mould as iigb 'tly as possible. Fi11 up wius dis- solved, cold aspic, put a plate witis a GERMS IN CONDENSED MILK. aialliveigisi on tisa top, and place it Dr. Sergent says tisa generai stipposi- asîdo math vesnted. Tison iurn tise an- tree on a silver disis, garnish tise base tion tisai condenseti milk la atorilized w'i iopd aspc and fili tise centre milk la by ne moans correct. Tisere la velus drea>spied grsoen'poas. for whiicis open oertainly great difference la tise pro- atin or a bottie et preservad green ut fdfeetm-uatrr.Cn poas, drain, andi put tbema into a sauce- dcac ifrn uuatrr.Cn pan of salteti boiling veater, atrain, and densaed milk cf ton couteas, microbes, wvean quita cold seasonvitis01,cine- wihicb f not actuaily grcwlag ia tise gar, sait. aad popper, milk, are recdy to grove veisen tisa milk _____ la dilutad and taken li tiste stomacis. TORPEDO BOAT CATCHERS. Wia tsecedesa.mlSlaslmy Thiriectilar fluties and Great Efllrlenzey 1 ri iaval iVarfitre.1 -hfeosY or sami-solid -inobaracter, ih contains garnis veiicisare actively doe- veloping. Tisese germa are f romtise sources wiih ordinarily~ contribute ta Q. Y~& She sings this mierry refrain. s ~ for ber work is doue early 7D ~ by usilig Sity. Are you usinig ià? If not, senld f or a býar ta your grocer, it viI1 pay you ta do so. J01111 Taylor &Co., lYanufacttirers. East Eni Grain Depo^t The undersigned dlesire to tharîk the tarmers of' West Durham for the liberal patroniage extended to us during the, past seagon. also to remind them that we are stifl in the market and prepared to pay the HIGHEST MARKET PRIGE ALL KINBDS 0F COURS E GRAIN 1. SEEDS delivered at our storehouse cor. King, and George teets. or at Port Dariingrton. We have also on hand a large stock.