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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Feb 1896, p. 4

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leaders of both sides spcakimmg te thoin. The firsl sans for the presenlalion le lier Majcd;, -ta Quecu of an address of cympatliy in lier bereavement by lte deat i o Prince HemrY oh Babbcmbur g. The sec, d for bhe presentatiemi te lier Majesîr c' an addresc ascîriug hem oh the unaltomabie love auddevobiomi of tlie peopleofehOntario le ber person and creivu and te tbc Britishi empire, sud promising 11aI ne sacrifice would be 100 greal in case thcy wet e called upon te '0ee invasion om defend the iutegrity oh the empire. THAT BELEGATION. We have net hourd anythiug furthem about te sisit of that 'soif appointed delegalion te Otawsa ut the expense of bthe tosvn te altempt te influence bbc Govemument te build a new post office and custein bouse. We are no prephet nom the son et a prophet, but we predict absohute failure in tEir mission. What ridiculous folYte speuid $100 of bbc taxes, como of wich was forcefi eut of the peekets of poor cilizeus by warrants served Sy Chef Jarvis. Il is a down rigbt shame te spend sel mucli of the pee's money these distressing turnes te gralif y the amîbition of a f 0w faine hunIers, especially lu the face of certain failure. JUnder cxisting circuinstances there is net bbe sliadow of a chance of success. The Govermnet is lu the ladt tlirees eh political dealli and unless they can gel furîlier supplies voted wlli lard- ly be abie te serape enougli money toeher te give the distortcd sud cm- aciated remains a decent burial. Any- way a majerty of eune vote dees net warrant a commîtece biîng sent te squander ce mucli meney. WaiI, oentlemen, tli times impreve sud bbc 4overnment is in a position te extend the aid souglit, then this journal will net offer any oppo)sition. l'est-Offie Earnings anidExpen ses. The postmaster-general 's report gives the grecs revenue sud the ,',ilarv and alhowances for the places mci ionîed Se- lew:- Jamce ofOffice. . >O . c'i ÇD= i Pickeriu.-. .$87 8 10 S 332 O0 Myrtle..- -246 65 116 OC Taunton - * - 54 OC 24 00 Enfield,.. 67 O0 40 0 Raglan-..179 60 72 O0 CJolumbus ... 367 27 128 O0 Poley ....... 2 OC 12 00 Brookln ... 744 89 300'00 Cbnrtice ... 1 00 44 00 Oedar Dale.. 459 00 265* OC Solina ....... 4 OC 24 00 Oshiawa ...624 78 1640 OC Bowmanvilhct6lS 50 1860 00 Whitby .. 882 39 1270 OC "Bacteria do net occur lu the bhood or in the tissques of healthy living body, eilier ef man or the lowýer animas."- Se sas s tbe celebrated Dr. Koch. Other docters sa y thal Ilie best medicine te render the blood perfeetlv pure and healtli laAyer's Sarsaparilla. Mucli or litei's misery is due te indi- gestion; for *%0 can Se happv witli a pain iii is stoÎýach?1 As alcorrective aud strengîlicuer of the aimeutary or- gans. Ayer's PuIs are invaluable. their useSen always attended with marlçed benefit, LONDION '111E LESS. DE AR STATESMIVARl.- Withlu esi wishes for the paper 1 have rend se long. I send yen a feuv notes f om publication. Lon- don tho less is kuovn as the "Foest Cily" or as the vulgar somnetimos pub lb "Lýonden n luthewoods." 1Netthlieual- ives atone but aIl whlio uov iltroceoguize our ciîy' as eue of Ithe prettio0t dities of ils size'on the continent, uer is the least of its chamins tlie abundance of "foresb*' l=uingis bmead av enues sud fillino' its loel parks. 0Of course yen kuow Lon- don is sitnated aI Ilie forks of the River Thanies anîd the mauy steel tbridges cressing our Ilireo uivers add grace and ole au air of imsportance te the place. Lodethîe less derives bhc chief mimes of ils sîreets and bridges froru Old Lon- don. Yen eau stroli domvn Oxford St. Pull Mall(nob pmononced Poil Mcli as Sy the Ceekuors) or Blackfriars Sts. We have Victoria, Kensingtoni Black- friars and Oxford brid-es. St. Paul's Cabliedral and Victoria Prk. London like Toronto is a ciîy of churches :6 Epis- Meopin5 Preshytemian, 4 Baptîst, 8 Mehod ',2 Cengregalloual, 2 Roman Catholie aud eue Disciple. St. Peîer's Cathedral (R. C.) is a fac simile of Notre Dame lu the Frenchi Capital, but is yet lackiug ils twe bosvers, sliii il is arcli- iteclurally bbc fluest structure lu towu. Our as.vlumn is the largest in Canada, having ever 1000 ininates,,Dr. Buck ils Ibief is a celebrity thougli resemliniu the laIe Walter 'Witmauin appeamauce He was the poeb's mest intimate friend and possesso-s the largest Whitman liS- rary lu existence. Ho himselt is an author laiaxdg coutribuled:severai works te tbe mental science of our day. We have two hospitals, an aged ]People*s Home, au Home for Iucurables, two Orphan's Homes aud two Hescues. Our Collegiate Institute under Princip- ai Merchant aud our Public Sehools n- der inspecter Carson are justly distin- guislied lu a Province whose pride is ils educational systein., We have some able mou lu our pulpîts; theBisliop of Huron reminds eue of Bisli- op of D. lu Victor Hugo's grealest work. Rev. W. J1. Clark vour readers know persouially aud al have heard of Rev. Hobert Jolinston recently of Lindsay. Now lest 1 weary you 1 wili close by re- counting a few of bbc changes that have taken place liere during the hast five years. Licences for the sale of liquor have been reduced from 79 te 40- Our street car systein lias been electrhfied and exteuded, tlic chef streel asplialted sud an Art Deparîmeut lias been added te Westeru University. M. P. TÂLLiNG, St. James' Manse,London,Feb, 10,1896. Canadian ladies sheuld ail sc Leis- ure Heurs, the popular ladies illustraI- cd monthly magazine-a uew art cuver ou every issue. The ouly ladies' illust- rated monthly magazine which for ten years, bias publisbed every monîli a seection of N ew Piano Music. A very beaubiful Art Plate as a frentispicce lu evcry number. Over 300 large pages of choice literatume lu ayears subseription. Wehlknown writcrs regalarly contribute articles ou pepular subjeets. Paris Paper Patterns, latest designs frein tabroad, lu every issue. To sec it is te subseribe for il. Address CHARLEs A. DuxeN, publisher, r 908 Arcli St. Phihadeiphla, Pa, 1 Sample copy free if you mention THE STATESMKM. rnn ; thes stand fast fores or. 1 f mu desire' te havo ricli sud. ibeant'liu Btaeks, Dye only willi liamond Biy* e Blacks. ilewaro of imitlation sold lu cii manm, places, as ihey alwa spilou matemials. BORN BENNETT.-ll Bowmauu ic, Feb. 15, te Mr. -und Mrs. AIt. Banneit, a son. 0Lta i N. I i Bowmaiuvlhla, TaS. 171 the wlfc of Mr. Alfredl GilVtn, et as un. TIamuaL.--luuNeWeaStleoOn Feli.i2 th, the wite et Mr. Jamnes Tehhlu., of a son.1 Hooran.-liBowmanville Pcb. 10t5., the wite of Mr. J. T. 1-1001er, of a con. EaLîcs.- At Whitliy Peli. 715, te wlf e of Isaac Elison et a son. CoeuRas-aa. lu Oshawa, Teb. 1, the wife et J. J. Cochrane et a daugluter. PAYNEF.-Io Bowmanvila, TaS. 111, the wifc et Wm. Payne, et a dauglîter. MARR- D HaEuiu-McKEi,.-At the MethodistParseuage, Pr er, TeS.; 515luy the Bey. D.B. Me-Carïus Mr ireiiIeuy anid Miss Tillie McKee, lueili et Cartwright. Ds-ALa-BARintE.-In Darlugten, 0o1 the 121h ah the residelnce efth1e lride's parents, Malil'. Greve by the Bev.,_r Marvin, Mr. R. Dal(,, Toron'o, sud Miss Rosie Barker, third daughter et Mr. S. Earker. OIE O. BENNETTI. TuBowmanville. TeS. 16, the !lu faut0t so fMr'. aud Mrs. Ait.,Benuelt. Tîntar-In1 Bowmanviile, ou TeS. 17, Susani us Tîlley, widow et the late Richard Tilley, lu lier 8.5S year. Funeral service will lcIenheri on Weduesday 1915 inst. at the residen ce of Mr. Robiert Sinclair Seugog Street, at 2 o'clock p.m. 1 O'Dova.-In Est Whithy, on Tel. 1215, Michael O'Doyle, agefi 82 years. HeurT-In Cartwrightl, Teb. lets, Chaties Roît, agefi 79 years 8 imenthe 22 fisys ROLFz. lu Orono, Fcb. 7t, William Rolfe, aged 64 years, 10 menthe. BBtua.-Iu Milwaukee, Wls., Jan- 318t, Marîba White, heloved wtt e et L. E . Baubury. la 5cer 32 years formerly oft ,Oshawa. KFnR.-la East Whltby Feli. 101h. SYlv63ter L. Kerr, aged 5i,, y ears. BRANTw.-In Oshawa, Jan. 26 Otto, youngest sou et Mr. John C. Bryat, sged 4 years. ARNOST-At Lexington, Miel,., on Jan. 218t, Robert J. Arnol, who removed tromn Dariugton iu 1852. A HEAVY MORTCACLE How a prominent l'armer quickly lifted.1t. Armertgage Sas been described as an iiicentive te iudustry, a lieavy rnortgage, as a ru ino rin. The lasius particu. lai ly truc, ferf if a eserîgage is te ru it will eat up the fanes, la this cou- nection Mr. Heury Fowler, of Huron writes: 1"'Froue rny beyhood screfula had nia-lied me for a victim and it seemed as if il liad a life mortgage en My bloed, 1 suffeied tearfully with sores, and know- ing my condition 1 have remnained a single nmari. Doctor after doctor prescribedfor me, and inaly a Toronto spe cialist told me bhunily tatMy compflînt was a decp-seated, incurabile, blood disease. Sarsaparilla 1 knew was a gef blood medicine, and 1 sent fer a boutle of thie best. Mr. Todd. the drug îst, seuit me Scott's &Sarsapaa, aud'1 ave sluck, to it. Il lias lifted mý1 morîgage, for t o-day I am. free frein those horrible sores, my eyesight is net blurred, My longue 16 fnot furry, and 1 have ne irritation. 1 look upon Scott'% Sarsaparlla as a marvellous medicine when il, will cure a life long disease in se short a lime." Scrofuha, pimnples, rutining sores, rheu. maîismn and aildiseases generated by posnous Sumers i the blood are cured by iSscolt's Sarsaparilla. The kind liat cures. Sold only in ceuicentrated form at i er boîtte by your druggist Dose peusary 3Vtedical Association, Buffalo. N.V. RELIANCE Loali and savÎllgs Comlpanly, of Ontario. INOORPORATED UNDER CHARTER 169, R. SO0, 1887. BOWMANVILLE LOCAL BOARD. DIRECTORS:* M. A. JAMES, Esq... ........ .... PaaSIDNTl (Editor and Proprietor CkAiAnsN Sm ITa5MAN. J. Hl. H. JURY, Es î., ........ VCE-PiRFSI)aNr (Druggist.) R. D. DAVITISONi Esq.,............ SECJET'IY, (Priîî ipal Publie School.) GEORGE MGLEsq.,.........TReas-URERa (Managur Onîtario Batik.) JOHN GAUD, Esq. .... ......... VsLesloti <notifier sud Contracter.) DI. B. SIMPSON, Esq ........... .... SOLICITOR, W. S. McKOWAN, Esq.,.....LocAL AGENT. Bus-an) meets for the consideratioti of Loanu ai the eall of tlie Seectary, R. DI. DAviDsoN, Esq,, froni whom ail information may lie St in- Before Subscribing for a Magazine SEE THAE BEST DM(O1R E S' b AN UNEQUALLED OFFER, Demiorest'sCut paper patterns ar- lb the most practical on the market. They are of any Sîze that any member of the fanili' could requir.e. Iu escli copy of the Magazine le printefi a coupon entitling the suliscriber, or purebamer, te a psttern(worth sud regulari; soifi for 35e.), or any îîumber of patterns for 4c eacli te cover postage and package. Whenthe1 value of the patternis is coîîsidered the 'unlscit- ers actually gels DemnorestMagazi neFree And wlat s magazine il le For 1896 il will bý more brilliant ISsu ever hefore, New manage- ment, new melhofis new ides. Each copv cor- tains sn exIquimile reproduction ini colors et somn eelebrated picture by a fanious s tisI. worthy le adora the wall ef the most refiucd home. it le affirmed thSd Demorest's is the euly coin- plete Family Magazi:nepjulIished combiniug as et15 umslexcellent points et lis conlemporsu- lebesides liaviiîg iniiable features ef ils owx. Dmorest's les ctually a Dozeti Magazines lu eue. Itlei a Digets of eurretit events and Ideas 1f-or the husy man or womsu, A Review and Store hostie of interest for aIl. Wives, motlisu eisters andi daughtere eau dind exscily what 1they ueed le amuse sud instruet 15cm, aise 1practical lu every department of domestie and social life, inclnding 1he furuiehiug sud ornu- menliug et the hoeme. embreidery, brie-a-lirac artistie aud fancy work of ail kinds, etc., and su g estions and afivie regardiug the well-heing sud dressinig of their owu permous. The scopie of the articles for 1895 sud 1896 wl cover the wbole eountry sud itm varîed interegf suadthe articles willýIhe profusely illustratefiwitt the finesl engravinge. sud in addition il wil publis h 1the elsudanpurest ef fiction. il Iresý 1aI length eut-of-door sports, home amucemien suad 'entertaitimenîs; il gives a deal of attentltr 1te ýtc hiîdrene deparîmnent, sud "Our Girls1 sudhlas a nmothiySvmpesium by celebratuý :people, lut wbicii are discessed important que ;ions of the heur of interest tte e lfier readcrm73, Let us have your suliscription ai once. Yui ge tmorelvalue for your money ISsu Il le possibl tosecureinanyoter magazine. The Magazine onc year for $2.00. r Or six înonths for - - $1.00 LOver 250 differemît garments are sliown eau] ,year, pattertis of al! of wlîicli are olitainalile bi ,suliscrihers aI 4c. each. Saiple copy(wil 1pattern couponi) sent foi loc. DEMORESI PUBLISING CO., 110 TIft Avenue, New Forh 1 INE BLÂXIS IE WS. A PLEAkSÂXT SURPRISE. Fhve Ronths for 30 cents. Takng~a etigofCnsratvs On Tuesday evening last theMethodist A s the1 Dominion eleetions will most lu inn~~th oh~rniot îearthurch ' hoir wth a few frien,! 'ndcýe likel'V cornle off )et W em i çw ane-,]ts in ini c- he t'oer11g n, ','tear, ýu to lu r. lii. Osoorne's, town line, and next, vwe are offering Inn STA'rEsmAN to The A rcade.rtLe hoir aVa ynieofaOh< oohome and althoul theibeaU f Wst urhm te satemad tofee athome,and if everaàcrowd for$ .oo. Tel vour friends and neigh- wit h tthe nted Statuestiteh njoyed themselves thev did, for which hors of this spocial offer. Stamps May Tfrhlia us so e Uniade th heUntd Stae, iis thvwl evr 1e rtfu o I nudbe sent liv mail. Address al rest Th .iîa us sov rcitdi, olun oar iion fgwereiidl-d in. Butulie event This notable ltter contained many o the evenoing was the presentation of a Can any of our readers give us the but arga insconinue thigs hiehConsrvaive tum gol d headed solid ebony cane to tueïr whereabounts of Miss Jessie Jones or but b rgain contnue. hing whicConsevativ stumor~feader, M r. H. J Knight, and afly one Jesi odna h a treal HeraloA the passage w7hich tney .seë the expression on Mr. Kniight's callod. ýHer friends lived in or near -Onever quote is the very one that hia s face would know that hie was surprised Bowinanvillo at on1e lime. She once burueditseif most deeply intotîîe minis when Miss Addie McDowell suddenly lived la Brantford. Sond anyiuformat- ofth Cnain eole hoher pstepped lu front of hlm and read the ion of hier to M. ,A . JAIMEs, Publisher, Balanceo of Xmas ogoods Will be fteCnda eol.Tehi pfoloigades n isAargtBwavle sodvr cei.parent should have quoted theso words ollowng dresstht aMissAaWih Bwnnvl ioldver chap.penned by Mr. Blake upon tete occasîon Ap2eH.Jnted hlmvitccie:Gooo llOUSEKEEPINu for Februarv mav Sunday Sehools intending to pur- of is volnntary retiremeut from tue iH.JKgh- proporlY ho caliod a floral num-ber. In chase lbrary Books, will do well 10 Canadian politics, and publislied after llaving beeîî prsuaded frein your addition to other seasonahle topies, it giv mea au. Spela aîentopthe campaigu of 1891t was aI an end, actions lateir that vou are partial toelias a number of papers and rauch pootry giveme cal. Secil atentol)when lieconld have no lone-er heen subl i irpriQes, we. th P, in 0 (oft he VMth- 'o ci s n£1 theïr c-ltvatoin. paid to tis dopartmeut, .ject to political consideratio'ns and when oilth i, ti rtthi8 an appropriato rdoicaw'etï;joiral ouhe A noelt, ina Pn. hat rits iis w rois could notbce accepted otaer- turne to express to you our neartfelt T; ndlw:,aý onltuh- writesevery wortlîy intorest conuectod with Ait novelutvinaen tha4 PieWise than as emnueutiy judicial thanks for the efforts « ou have put forta the 'home, always fresh and briglit. wih atrjutreeied Irie Thpe are our former dist.Inguished lu curbohalf lu the past. We greatl.v PlýarL W. BrvanU Cenpanv. Springfield, trulv thev picture the effect of Tory rule smile with whieh you nrn or fail to greet New liues of fine stationery just as xow exiîsting: us and feel tlat yiou have not spent vour7 opened. "The Caniadian Cousrvative poilerefforts amoni us fr-nS. Tends ldly wyan lias failed to accomplish the predictions .\our acepaceutis ae 6t iîh .4 Fountain Pen, fully guaranteed of its promoters. inemento of our esteein foIr you anud scs the life fading for ý1 ýfO cnt free, by mail, on re- 1,- 1s J i i, lis cn. as far- re t at fjt îoflnt . out of lis wifelq ceipt of price bold twelve years ugo, towards di,inte vour ciead is iý gin, ee er clie- -rto u nea ion,utend o on-il ill nover [ail b ') eu f1 ttta coming old 'and A beautiful Celluloid Cabinet ~ldto u h ananueo ln support and that h 7will reiud vou of .fddadwike Album for 60e. A Plush Album British connoction of waielh the,, daim those davs wheu vou se a-:1 v instructed when she shotild holding 36 pictures for $1.00. Also to hi he special gugrdiauis. n.(u ureiryltîhatrs1ri stilil be ini the perfect aud . health and happineis rnay ever attend enjoyment of vig. specials in Bibles. "t lias lefI uswith a sînali population, orous, useful liealth, a scanty immigrationan a Nortîî westyo is cither less than a emptv stîlil ; with eliormuns additions te Sigued on hiif of thie ch , Mari or else does nto P. rebUiIcocIk, Our public debt and vearly charge, ai) T E, D(ionussOTIAM, ? know of the one extravagant SyýStein of oxpendîture, and J AS., DEY IEA N,. hger back e ath rened whlcli wi The Arcade, Town Hall Block. au unjaist and oppressive tariff ; witi re- A. R. CORNIS1Z. Motring d lit n ertaud terong stite nakýt oorBowmanvilie, liieb,193 bodies, or the tliings that nmake thcm well 10 huy or soul, aud all the hosts of evils rTiltbiel elo îanig o ik he Most frequent cause of sick- (getvinteusified by our special con the c hoir in afw voîîie hn wior, mss lu women is the cause last looked for. %U(ËlaiU»atM U dtonseat aisyý ; with trade diver s A womnen will go te a docter when she lias ______ ___________ edfren ls iatra mb focodan being almioslteeo full for utterance. a severe cold, or somne acute digestive dis- te rfornvotntuale hntfe and x vth e~rbody sang "For t-Ie's a J ollv Good turliance,1 but she hecitates and procrasti- BOWIMANVILLE. FEB 19, 1896. tuurfre urlatons a fro;wuiutriFeIlow." lTheLusual oulozistie speecýhes nates when the troubile iswith the dlstitictly ___________________________ walsevo moe ad mrewere dispensed with and ail resunied feminine organlsm. And jet the latter is _____________________________moreandmoreuslraugin- ansecEvroo ~ ~ e infinitely more serions. It is the Most seri- us froin the inighty Engli speaking -pr-n',cc euos sîckness that any woman eau have. It lu regard te the contres ersy betwecui nation le the soutîî, our neighbors and mest enjoyable et eniu <- of the seasou. is the Most dreafl- tÊ Most dangerous. Mr. J B. Mlchel aud the publishier of relations, with whom we onght te ho, as Its consequeuces are always serions, aud THE STAIESmAN,, about the division of il was proinised to ho, living lu gener- TIi i A eions right ai the begtitinig because it i thie towu printiug patronage, thev have al amity, ad liberali utrcoure IF1HREL rOI U LA-R ehiiaig l as1lfesdsrut * m e. and works on the tierves te such an extent had a meting aI whicl iitey mutntally "WoV3e ; far worse !Il lias left ns that the whole body is disturbed. Appetite agreed te drop the discussion. witli lowerel standards of public virtue RA K leaves, the color goes from the face and~ and a doalhli lke apathv in puiflme opiu lmCK , ollows siuk io the cek.Irtblt The proposed invasion of Manitoba's ion; witii social, religions and provin- sced odtroe n rtuns ae 1 * ' th- l'~i I ______the place of conteutmnent. lýittle bi litt1l educatoinal riglits bl*vthe Federal power cia aiimi ies matet nfaîucd issu life liecomes nMore sud More iniseralle is a subject upon svhien hi would be sootlel;-witl a subservienituarliament, The woman is killing lierseif with negleci riltfor this province te speak tlirouan auattocratie Executive, debauehed just as surely as if se were taking deadly l eiitrsy hTlgan u constituencies, a corruptedaud corrupt They Belong to, the Dlamoid pio.Ierliaps lier huslianf canuot per- Otre exshno10e nhcase ilisendslfrlonesade ler to go toelier doctor. liecause sic, pressanlit of o uo the Scotit case was an increased dopendence on the pubslie auiy naturally drcads the inevitable examina- eSs anty u epifi o.Ewadcet n o -sionupon O-..-.;Eandtiens and "local treatments."1lIe catiper. eloqenty jsîiied y leu.Edwrd andon ais ,sudsuadt lier, if cie uceds persuasion, to taire Blake lu 187). The present crisis lu the possessed iithal by a boastful jilîgo __ r ire aoiePecito.Ti coodiil ty is îlircateuiug tle i prt treogl oetdfot rctrtily wonderful Medicine lias cured hSun. princîple of provincial riglils which Sir malînes, leudly proclaming unreal dreds of -womeu atter the lest physciaîn Olver Mowal lias nplield, and ltme On- conditions and exagg-erated sentiments, Fr IIIE popular Blaclis, well known have failcd. It lias licen lu constant tis arlo Logisaure lias a better riglit le while aettual fqct0sudio genuinie op,ýinions,,-J in oser. chety. town aud village of sad eseimeveydyfo 0yas. It isn't seknwtitan iii had when il spoke te are surîsressed.nd. ile r uw sFs t xemnut, tliere are no cliances aliou spad.eak ureow nasFatil. Il is a certain and lufallihle cure for sncb good purpose lu 1870. "Il lias ef t ns with our bîands lied ; Black Diamond 1) e fer Wool, FnlSt allderangeinentspeculiartowomeu. Thoe _________our future coinpromiseul ; and lu snob a Black Diamnond D \ e fer ilk aud Fealth -wlo care to know ail aliout il, a4d to re- LadTlursa~lutheOnaro Lgilapligh li at. wbetuuer we stand or movo, ers. and Fa-ýt Biaek Diamond Osýe for ceive the liait mvdical Work ever prepared wo musl mna insom Ontaio ksiwla-ie Muelroe'we Cîtnam M d ou.. h lcsfor the general pulieicare invitefi to seni turc two vory appropriate motions wore . nsmeikiglîtle oto adbaveG h Bacs31 onie-ceut clampa te cover"custonis and intrducd b Si OlverM;owt-te mgli haeibler deeined or oncouitter-nmade liv Ilese dm5 sare faslte ansn,soap Mailing cutI' and recelve a copy of Dr. - ouiwith -epter promise of gîeess." and washinc-, thor nevoer otli. fadteor, ievt sioý n-e book u. ..-.u. eiis t- t - ILS id rs 't id f- ig HIl h il ite nt Dn le sti 5. For theo Balanlce of This Sasoil Ahl the goods in my entire winter stock wlll be sold at and below eost. It includes Fur eoats, e2àpes, eaps, Gauntiets. Muffs. A full Une of finely selected Gent's Fnrnishings-all must be sold to make room for Spring goods. It will pay you to buy any of these if y'ou have to put thcm away for another year. Repairing and re-modeling Fur Garments, of any description a spccialty. Charges very moderate. BowmANviLLE, 40 W 270 O0 270 00 240 00. 2 1 O 0W that Stock Taking is finished we are turning N ~our attention to the INew Spring Goods that are arriving daily., We have taken more pains than ever in placing our orders for these goods and now that they are in we are satisfied. that we are showing values that are flot shown elsewhere. There is a lot of Newspaper talk nowc ,,,-ys that is $0 much rot but "the proof of the Pudding is Ii the eating"' and all we ask is comparison. Wc claili to have the cleanest, thie new est, and4 ýeSt assorted stock in each department that can be fonnd any- where., Prints, 1We have received our first shipment (50, pieces) of the now famous "Crums" iEnglish Prints. These are without a douot tiie bcst prints made. The patterns are very ffine and the quality A 1. eotton rpne This is a new fabrie jnst in, makes up in appearance equal to the Wool Creponne and the price is only 121ic. per yard. is another novelty we are showing, it is very wicle and has a silky appearance and only 12e a yard. The groods will make up elegant waists. N E InSx tfeet oorns factory in CaSixa. ifesretCoingasad lck.AJ Wth of Boos arnShoes have bu. een pa into toc sange oftlcb . Kian en o' heosiadthoeinsyeaningtey Oxfe ordShescvy pi ricn e ad ust uofathe bes factrg uy inanadaThýeseare in astand Blacks.Aeil daics. Nw sethe Tileby os y arejasthtoomswket i Lpaie ify o wnt the bet.loig h etftig n rneOfr tha ee ig C'saoodsandThe styleand ft is- equal todtrecbt merian bGodres i ss price.a on prices wi the rktmeqto uy ebe astelsmarei We keep the follo wing Teas in Ceylon packageý Tea:- Tetley's 50e per lb. Mazawattec 40e and 50e per lb., Kolona 40e and 50c per lb. These are the best package Teas put up. The first etwo have been on the English market for years and corne to us with great reputations. We pay the hîghest price for ail kinids of produce~, grain, etc. Uohn McMurtry BOWMAN VILLE. it lt e d y ,e LS i- ls ýe 't it

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