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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Feb 1896, p. 7

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1~ t or onne. Tisay use alwàys -Wu n uMadfe i henciiy jefor 'makng T Ms.<iflubmuu (aening cining-room) s aber et fine shillings a hbtle la lu Gre boxas areunci miich is iihl n ul yeens ugo misen me mare tnying te make -Andi se yen couide'l ha demis tomu. general use fer eulinury andi wasing mas, directions ft iai use, iýs isl n a start on the farnvinatiseugisî bie lisree heurs iithent stepping te gat a purposes. Tisheiencl for Flonida me- ie closaci in a lael bearng lseuit, adaceinsmiglit ha matIe te help eut, but' lundis f CeaI lhinly or forty cents, ril tas, bey nues, eau de colegna anci otisar 1771- maý-rk, " Dr Williams' Pink Plu11 for me mare Nmitisoul axpeniance. We w-re h bee onci. >Il doas beat ail hem mioman liquida etf hua clienacter is iuprecoci- tratl Pale People." If you ment e madicine laugised et ter selying mieliy' upon 1 thnom umay meney. By tisa say, yen enuziy greut. antI anytliing Ibal cn eau a tisLaI miii ca e10I disýeuses àtIlue te poor beoks totetaucisus tise art et butter- dae't eau this supper, do yen? pre--ssati ntisahe service o et tise luIente' os waearyiblocd, os ýshallaraci siennes, usaling. We dasireci a dainy roiac l/n.C.-I suppose ilt is e inat tisacomrmanda ea fancy prias. A miixture eftrIod acpfr tisa genuina Pink 'Pilla, andi quickly isaece il t o cin, plestarng bisel na girl couici gel up on snch short emmeula andi lavandes mvter la saicies te ks tl ilug aise, ne muttas misaI s ieadirty wmeus neatly andI asrangiug tise' notica. byedsatistectosy nasuls, antI en tr in!terestai deaien svhis o a ing for ai nertisantI sentiswindows t le fre rm IHuisCatch me sittîur doî%vu ah huaI naselineantI benzine are by ne meau.ste Ij iagrprofil mày Saî. ,lie top. Ties outh mludowv ma ssedad table. I'm going erounci le tise club. daspiscid. - ilof ChiIdeO Cr for Pitcher's Castoria, i iwjuas~A was the door ^wbich opene d to the r- ftC1R'CJLI-JIVZt1L4east. We new proeehed te improvise YO ULNG FOLKS. th ar borxw ere tee poor tb boy. \Ve but tg bw ith doublaw ails, àfAINTAINING SOIL ERTILIY.tepaabtentesbigfld SPIDERS, WASPS AND SQLIRREL1. The average fan laî growing poorer, w ith chafi. The box 'vas divided luto le -eUld lika te tell bow, a Spider ne- A Ibree compartments, oe of w hicb A-ny doctor iii tel yoU for the reasen thatý while tisa owner opened from. the tp, the- othar t-,o cently provided for bis conifort on the tha Prfesor iFlre,~fbas bean making a living for bis family from tisa front, witb doubla doors. In road. Tise inseet cannot be suspeced of efeso eiclCllgand accumulating, lbabas been ng Cthpe set themintth (Inedfroned tb bavingtaklen a bint fron Pullîman, but jefferoli M dical olleg, bc epense of te soifand olY we igaideacit seamtent ash talsougeis asmeouingani i eusips r-. Phildeipiais oe ofthegiving back ta it about one-fourtis as vanized iron) inice water. We used Sou mnight contriva to apply tesie highest authorities int-mas sh is takan off. Ha, bas been tise taîl round cans, and tbe tank beld Plan le the lessening of human fatigue world 011 the action of disregarding the laws et raciprocity foucnralf the, in t allboxn a s eofmil wh ile mking long jourusys. drurs lu li lat or, nd compensation, wiia cannot ha as a ra rigerater for the butter, and Aprotessional friand, Dr. D -, de- drugs In hs lat worcvaolated witheut dretul cosquencea. teec opposite tisa mîlk fer les, se sired to send a fins spaciman of the Spid- speaking of the treatmienti îîoýv shall ha use--his lana L'ami dreturn tisat wa nead net visit the leshoas at ar trie ta a medical acqttaintance whe s acb milkiuo- time. Our milk i-vas skim- of serofula, lie says: tibla ther threa-fourths. Tis is 'Onefl5 med at twe'iva heurs, alloWed te souf axceedinugly curions lu tisestudy of j'Tt ja hardly necessarx- te stite that ced-liver of the most important problema lu 'Slightly, and then chirrned. Wa churu- sncb matters. As tise radiest mesus ef oi is the besi remiedv of al]. The oil shotild farmincr; and a maut et soul manage- ed five limes a waak, twenty pounds, of transit, lia, inclsed it in a common woosl- begiven ijei ison srnepinga t b f alatabix'ciusis s snida t ent reason se mauy farmers are butter at a cunn.Tisa butter masanevn netttewasised in a granuler state, sait deenbax, -ad despetcbed tise tiny travel- fie also says that the toiling bard and living lin indigent cir iounceat the pound, and set a ie fr er by express,. h oboeeia hyopos hie soud ecumstances. Shahl we go Lto tisa mark- a few' heurs wvien it waa again worked, 1tee roomy fortise spider's wants hypoflisphtess1ltil bcets and buy commercial fetilizers te printeci into usat Pound prints, wrap- and ha seem, a h ava dislikeci the joît- gdPdin _cheese cieths, and placed in this d COMb'ieci with thle oi. make thia bire-tourtis, bs geodato until wvantedi for dalivery. incudent ta travelling, as hae had ne- Sctt. snu~îOlol eod- Then me must rob eur familles. The WC ýarriarl it te tewn in a bed et ice course te a very inganieus remedy. only practical way ta mainitain sella andi it looked mucis more tempblug on the box reachac itls destination and tbe -hia hot July day, than tisat xvhicb semae consi'gnas openad illew. culysr - lve alw ll Iypophos.. under al conditioans is by tillage, ro- elhifreaeald r tsiwjr rîe uddlgha eutat isr phites, is precisely such a talion et cropsaendi liberal tertilizing.iwvth a spoon. We vient froni bouse te usent charge lisd spun for issaa prepa-rationi. There nnoe -ne d for idle seiltban boue laaving sample pounda et the superb isammack, aecurely bung frem et idie men. Betore fertilizers anuP golden prodiiet nvherevar tisera w as e the four corners'et bis prison house, in likelihooci et our eseuring customi. Iu whlis ha bad croucisad, in sailor tasision, proitaly se thre re orie on -,ashbort tinie w6 rleulci net supply bbc as seftly as lia doas la bis native lair. B _ _ _S Ut tiens ta ha fuît illad. First among thssas demiaud for our butter et 25 Cents pan -But cunling as use Spider hba hoc n ______ --are tise mater coDnitions. Soea sels j pounci for the minter niontha, and 20 Iitfte a, Btiis insant is net a match contain tertility suttiinte produca cents lu sommer. Thare wsra occasions for its adroit enemy, tise wasp. T[he 9 bacusa h ven butter brought ieaintise mark- subterfuges rasenîed te by aniniels lu ~ ~ god copubutfeaite odo 50, bcastetv'than wa had contractad for, but dur- searcb et food have beaearde yts ~ 1elements et fertility ara sealac inlu ater.. ing the greatar part efthtie yean butter ganeral reader as thuenat interestiug i s~ Neitiser tisa plant tfood elready in the was net wortis over 10 or 12 Cents Par and instructive portion efthtie menka et sou er isa apliad ea hause tePound. A tam et our cuistomera aveul- naturalists.Auicdnilutavet al o d tisenisalves ot tisa cisap butter for the remearkabie sageeîîy ofthtie w asp CORlurNvaAO INALIS. advantage on land wmiera stagnant; cooking. but bisey were smon made tearame undereur elvu observation not FOR .N AINS AN INALIS. ater remains witnlu reacis et plant! undersl and Ihat our minIer suppiy et long since. A bluw a ap kuowu as tise TheL2', platis fodpreardsu rots, and mhsre tbbc free movemient oet'butter would net excead thal o etbasoliary wasp, because ih lives cloua je 1:1e mot palaable fod preared, nd airisýpreestmmer.od Anuice bousei 1mas quitAnece bosi wsslîttias itayiusaIla b rle, hu ita iiflfeoe isuîîeýquallcd by amyotiler prapartion ir apestd hni aue rat-iome-made as our other accassens, il morniug inuru lamiblas upon tise stneng fhîd heietodrdhbs icial drainage> la essentiel. TisabcPur- bsieg just a dug out. Our lceskept wiseel sisaped web et a large spider. îilpt1tpiebs opodad Tns, eposeoetdrainae is twe fold; tegel tsa malbut me had te usebise graatast Hera 1h set Up a tond buzzing, like tisaI 1-epu11)ior olaTnpieexeesa et mater ont et tise soit and af crsl akng ap ts a a ta ly misen aecideutaiiy eutangied iu sei-square sa biset they inigist fit neetly ,a silar web. Thei spider, watcbtug aI 25 et. purThu. il ettise eosaset aidsablis 15ne air spacas. We t ho an ie door of bis siîken domicile, stois eau- .0< R a,? bc/il ; .p"'/' siiPerlant in rendaning availabie tisa tiat ditterant members et the family îiou-îy forth. Ris edvane mas slow, fer c~oé's n fIz/cai plant foodi alradY lu tiesaosif- Soea1did net go backiug about nvhen a pieca lia avidently fetittiat lia masappreucis- <soP~~-O ils hava, in tiani tise tisses very as- et ice was manîsci. We gave a great lug ne common euamny. The apparent- C' C., POPRITORSsantilel clmants et Plant ~otn-deal et attention te bisa ventilation o ydsertettfuils3 ffrso h -) ~ r) NTr r, . trogen potashs and pisosphentcaceid, but: oun les lieuse, We mare quite succass a Ydspet re, etfitisss, eoraethtis lu sucb combluations andI se locked la fui mils our dairy for elgist yeara.spdrad uedhm orrd Bt tisesoit, that thay ara net evailebla. Seainetfour f iraI customans mare miti spiser nditiu sema îinisre inisesti Snc sela eadairslaad ima Sane-us until bishessureeof thar work, ba- iutended victini, tisa wasp suddeuly freed A FARMI~R' ADV~CIE. times black humus lancia ara se fuil of getiser miltisa heaveraea ired macs imettoibsmc uageat A-AMER D E acidity that tbay wiIl net produeas a diataste for milkiag, cause.d us ta gîve anc trhg i e iapeor spider, in e crep. Underdrainaga, andilima e icx 1>orcso eeac ie utrbs-moment, as il were, piereiam ils bhis He Tells thse People to Shun ImIta- iecî Ibis. On Clay souls il la dasisebla nes nasa.sig nahudedpa h tions. te change tise plisicaaicondition of tisa----- adsptng re i a hundrted-ples. isa soit la pravent bakmng in dry meathes r asp tsaishoe bsil~tauslt i endesitktheinhast substncZXfr Lime'a LONDONS 'BUS DRIVERS. -Onaetftho Mostiniterestmng sight e we Iseîld eenTnp0ed ,'obk ty n n- neofthebet ubsanesfortanaevr beisaid cama unden eur notice ilu fkj M Aîl Eo.ttselie utalg putr ,tiote ta o ttudbc aplar acre aa lâiy tAn' Sald lit ire theBsit lle iiworl lWestern tomu. It mas au emigrabion et lieibr r it sî~ oding le bisa stittuesa or acidity. TiseStilofln t'l'lueTn Mila crssk, wlan tise number et Frm tisa oeditat ck, . B Pplctinmay a5?ea u e e Ts aont tts teasl odn quirseis moviug was unusually lare bau eWosucN B etne. tnyeers. ANexI lue or anecomass tilttiga ni A ,reporter oethbie Sctinel recently As a mie eOur landsaare not 'plomed. aI leat thosa on misicisthe principal Amontsa aquitris a ouantOutfex- <rop-eiInto bise Victoria Hotel looking deep enough.Tise, goodi affect et deap trattia et tbe City propes centras, are tien for lier Imo 11111e eues aS te provel for gneral neantauhoseau tise regis- plowsug enci subsoilîug may net tally 1 ,adtenvgtn ftebflaJottuhn pcal.Semce ter for arrival. .Among thosa ,pressaI e ha pertqtie er u iima arw nits aiege ia'u e ano f thbnge cte. Sisre a cseci notilea weamciidressecifermner Sitting eertaiuly tisa followiÎng Y". he' d-j' og thesa iighways, wbieis arc always thastanket tise. Te'litthare a resn readig asmlt paphlet Thereporter vnae r I l à3 askd te ludbrd l tsan w s n, unt.Searilugfroi dep leiug and.crowdad to distraction mils avary de- v,ýÈ1 uite limid %,.-ut gaing usas le nsedthe amai amp i heTis any- subsolîng la tisat an incerasEiSiameunt acriplion o evlice, large andi suiel, lise Wtet, but tise notises coaxeci tiso thing nam, and being ausmere inlutdeet ofBil is made pesons. Tha watcr aftlas - negtia tsefererlunac aui cidea- a isaany nain aluka. pnsvanbing mah-is-a a feat lu dniving misicis moulci turu until tliey seemeci te ha satiafia te do nead hlm. the f irm fr tunandeh ailigetts uraet.aciamtapo-tiahire nordluasy 'bus driver gray as aise misisd. Sie rau aloug tiesehabe, edhi. Lokngfr hWel ig fthauflan sain,and nadmit moisI- tlu airayn diehmcrz uawa.andi finding a piecaeto bark abouta sit doma sund l'Il gina yen, iaomalhlug Iitg sooeaftrr n edd-is-i a n rv hn rz na foot long andi six luchas w ide, draggad menti piIllahing'ý." Tisa repoýrterw arue is storeci against tise day eof drouglit. But Iis London prototype dees net bs il tte aatera edgseandi pusisec it lu a5 neon tis.7e etachatne o-If it la desineil te have a, grain crep on es le tngt onlgao thil. iaater, se tisat only a amail part of înî inti, "Yeu sec tisis ltIle book I1a fie ildievesyy Yas"(givmng theis l ays- fn! wryngaoti.oeeand o et is ark mas nesting on tise nldi ybaud? W-ell tisa tilleet il set b change et crep) toilons'corn To im tiesa aeecenduct et bis 'u br.SelsnidcdhnuIeee --L, Id inmils rg mseat, anrI on tisa wiseat lu tis lt "Five Prisa Stories" and lisera spriu.g so ndconsthe in ti fo ' along hia routa la mork et the most or- ta gel ou tisabasi, and lbsy ut once moeagooci sens- inluit lan haifo h pigs-cote nthe Oing iii dury kindcildcosl oehrwe h l Piilosophical w nia et ofthe day. andI it cpriug piom tisa lonesrniter anci puant Îa. u.h,,suddred l pseyother ms anise oid dont iy l ay e lie tones ilias tie oraagau.plant toods appliaci te Il la genraliy ackuowledged -e ire uieitiabscam l oc I ntlyi n f hSeif ihr.teCr gi.1Lotbe Streams, aundtaking oeeend, of Wcell about a yeir ago I 1gel bold et lands, may be civitIaci luto t-no classes;lisesa 'bus men, mise undergo a course the banc in lier te.tis, puisec il aiead anaîthar litla beok by tieSainae aulisors' firSt, coa1,ssa mnuacaS, suaisas clones, et long yaars et moat caret ni training, et lier until bise opposite tank mas reacs- al anhtla "ourGanraien" mic I asryec manura, d ar eu, c-., mien put ta it, lise f inast drivers cd, misera bise young squîrsels quickiy redcaret ully threugis and oeevery iun Second, cneîae anuurehe, cenoft-earak portant thhng 1 rea inluil -w as, isamanionly kuowu as commercial fantilizers. lu the, world, but, ut tisa sainie limae, scamparac ptsebn ttiece et imitations, jusî as I read inlu is i tIle Barnyand manursa titta5 lu valua, mils ei er-dtisais mae copara! re lie niteisar reteci t esutmemin book. Nom I1mlis te show bew 1 baci th isa kînci e c, kinci andi arniunt oet bas iaau u <ecivei> nciiso 1ibedding. etc. Herse nanure milS tisa ivaly easy for tisem. by lise punctilieus Tisus il la claarly shomn tisaI aveu tise ten auc keuniLow nr tie aniche oul sni-inci etfeed i la iciser Ihen cem observnecefth-tisatsoes oethlie read, bunblesl et God's creatunes are nol de- foug meothada n enie et y i sou a inie ecik e lqoisla ichas tisas practîsaci by avery Englishman mise ticisat in artifice aund addreas. holci. Weli toe ia t bisa beginuîug 'tise fiii sanure. C',arsa manur , on drivst edn a i oda o My nama la sShapiserciBanks; I reside laina more nilsogen tha rn potasisor Tlimena s nvrtesihts r.u h -2mua roi is vllgeetBrstl pissieruca ici endi a (eOneuains a Tisera l neyer tie aligistat troubl Can2ieton o, .B.,henvilulage mfBilstelarge embuai t Ofrganie mettes, wmiias thei y is luudensîaudiug oet tisa e NIGA CA IEHUD derfermna..,rsvea amas nsy wtejiyclcyprdcsthe black mettes iuis yan ignorant drivas; tise mml Tise cupIdaitisahechat oticer ofetisj mas troe iw1h pains In tisa bacli and tsefora sIismsm icis la et tisa o dary carnt er isedrivSecbis isgas giutnivietsipe-dnc eti ieceddsc P.- a ir bnba.Pomts mcakness oCitha kidusys. About t ime te chns.ofte oi n l th terube aking ti ws taen e acutein 5praventlug tise boss et îîitrogen lu miti tbam, ennd nanan enîncea lise port lie la niaster o et tiansd liberty trublalîsm. he fiofsuadne e lisanTisa affect et course manunas , ex- shgistest inclination te rebal against feeypro b)r h hp swl umtissdifanntocsuted milse, han, tend ever a paeidetf ears, gneaiy iais dictalas by net puîîing up out e0 vr esncsar i"ssp swe flec- ifte ielp dctOs,5h ,centinei etsest tnyeg, u dferaltrof t tbý may mien a coachsor tour-mn- as et ailtlise property lu l. Ilse la an grom e akbel acb ekSer, antisaped t 1comme"rcial ferttlîsera aunces hets et- bu ignala its intention te driva by. enterraI. Tho- e is ofetacisdeînarhnent abs edurecaidmena seandn terribl e.'tcis generally spant lise tirai year. ITs iatlm1 trna eut ie responsibla tfo ail tiat goenson lu lb. '- For ovnua y eresiethas erbleh.doUnlesas table manura la mail kept il 5l55p stesaut tis a buekof e 'bus anci a single thing about tisa bouse, and se sonir a. isauîte fd e as ade Onf alusase utesa o isdu is iIofcsi hts ade ie lia flle aay n eigt ron 10 o asse mnuespeuisapa loves la tise domu Cisepside, bis attention la riveted chief engineer directs everything cou- coery. 1happene'ac notice 'lu oee ofrtegets ar ftejuny etdwihteegns h h me dspuraciet ar e.tIfheul crop la lurned. un- for tis reathfeqtpatet lisae jn a!neteiwu tsa nge. Tsecif t3 onsedw esionile e m- terniorac the eut crop la ted upoîî lise ac isisalitknawys ardi ias foulcostroio lleta t bas~ chensai ai-tmanourso h'u Ilrus aIteseoia et ljl ar ndrtund ieterni ofmanu- t)voaîcising mfo ti h sengr îemr ck Pilla. ihtheme fDr. Witt-ftactured menus a teefieldcith mliisup- driver, a, rEh. tecismk iam coPankf bos. 1 miate bagua ply ail tise nitrgan neeaasury for tisa Tisamay tisasmen keep their herses ran rn ESepo t t oneve cisiefs ek akcoulg oth es mi y ia ie aiegiacicrops, anci itinst ha amenibarac, unldes Contrat anci ateer tiseir cîonisy witlnrpr tnonee3dy io nacingtaanb agate gin appatile nitrogen us tisa mml texpansive clament mae-hles un antI eut etftisaconstant tia deatain i g to he i'in every- und bar pais e n t a uuin saei uietofplant foodi and absolutaly essentiel crusis et wagons andi cli mennar ofiingrane, ngfthe sasirfip's mafera. and ierpaÂs. ,vee iucheasd, ndho plant gromtis antI dsveiepmeut.But veiiclas la excitisg antI mendertul. SEver3 eue et tuisasaiestffîcapletis me be-aue 1 bave geat hopes et un il must net ha forgolten clones 'l a aLook aieaci et yen anci tiseStreet osisin-a dlyr qulite astr, capabe limate cure. I Ihen went for an- one-sided fertiliser. Il acdane potasis sesma Paciec, mitisonly a sali opeurng be.Thekîng is arounci tievosici if nhead ther supply etftisa pilla. Thsis liie rospespisorieacici. It me use net lil- w-bi ais thet ysetftise uninîtiateci br.tiseofdy i , fdfournor'athne, I~~~~~~~~~ pucssdtail bipyn r~aal in returning lise clones te tise soi appearsasaarcesly mide essouglitsaohon tdto orhusscs u petefo 10 illa, Wmiielwerelaissa antI aidino' it by tise use et strum, 'bos te ge t1iougis, andiyet tisa drivarsejnior offices ion tisa ride ilS euei froi 'lageglass botîle. I tok staîksaJ an Iltisa aISes nanuas inagocasaci ounhiatingly, aud, presto, sor fictste ps outy riase.aeio r r Ibnihmeceimy ie began tiaius.t anorin nt euonts eriasu a uaminuta yen ara tissougisc'drcstshhpscus.B aa Soon attar sha isgau te grem merse Iw'a will find wia ara, axbusling orihave tise crash, ancihuvene nanasven acrapac ed vsts rdemsl ai nwth again; the u dipeins ratorueci savaes rexisausted eus soitl t aa e n it t ise wheels oethliewagon on deitersida Sis'ald ha, do su hoe culd be dismiasedl Ihan anar. We sailbi outinuac tise use it milI not produce a profitable crop. In et yea, et once.Tee j sif 43ilO es possil. et tisa pilla ucîiliabout a lisird et theni Ii a"m utg ieîeMu'rkelt1 If Wlie, Onee oft tisawagons liednuc aja si h sc ic uduy maegene. Abot t isa ime I gel hi su w--nmustnim' ata thlie r o- sdàplly burnud mb tiste nunrown P s friands moulci411.i feel penny, bol Lisrougb tisa mail, adouïg mils ny neigis- dar t are le tisathesout manîing e- rageway bisongis iviicis yen bave passeci, neîhingcol ay dont hih.Tio bers, lise bok entillaci, "Feus Canes- mnt. Bt P mecli eriitraa e sedriver bhat ut oPgtting out atore emnaaawýaousaa nls o Q' CAstoria lisu su acele,t mu ~~~fcr --ii-< ri'a. Mothers isave repcatdl1; 'old m£ or mu Xied affect upon liaiscimdren." il.-. G. C. (socsi,O La i-luaa. «Castorla ta the besc remeedv for childreo cf whisub am acquainted.thoetC ysiu ler distant wiseumotisers wjllcomî,ic r :irea i ha" teecfthbi-r cildrer nd use-"Cas'z"rîa iýý stead oethie varions quecut nostrumsv ýi.tbar e destroying tiseir lonaît eues, byto"ciw cpi a:. morpisine, seotiig syrop sud otisar lo,- agents deavn thicr (irouta, tiercby sending tisanik prenlatura graves."1 Da. J. F. RrsCEoe, Conway, Ar Cec',eniu î se daimed to et,, lire n7hqiad H. A. AntEnni, uM. D_ 1ii So. Oxfo rdct , broklyr, J' "0cr phyticiaus îluiba r3hidren' 's dn'i-t mn c.Sa e'o tn bi-y oft tieir cxlGer- (nce in theis ooiiide practice with Castarý ceci aJmiseuigh oo o1y hbarsamer-7 1e u,(CcLi UD uPlies wbat ta lcnouî-s ýu ' P-oc ucrs, yet mas are f'ree ce confes, IL i i.- Imcm s cf Casrnia bas won ius ktc.issa favor urýnos.11 bailnF»DllosprrsL NDaîDi7-PF:slïwn Loest»n, Yms2,, The entaur Comrnany, --7 1 :11 r Gaelt, New " rkCity. FOI, SALE liV J. HGIBra\ sSOM, BOWMA--VI[[Ll No. »I1 for Coii-(rîs and (oIds ivili doit. Menthol 0Cougli Dropsare pleasant Vo ake Lnd will relielve a cough. Trry ôur White Powder fcýr sore throat. Don't forget Frog in Your Throat, 10e Gl 1@1 C rj CHEMISTS AND DRUGGISTS, BOWMANVILLE. DRIFYING THE HUMBLE POTATO. il a at in Eupe.The, potato grows - wild to-day in Chue- and Per,,a. it reilitcary or Ils Introalcti6ïn 11te did at the time of the Spanish con- England WilI DIe celebralied. quest. Thare la no eviden(c that- the North Amarican Indiana cultivatad tke, Iis proposed to hold in iEngland potato becfore the Spanish nqetad xt year a unique celebratiOn-a po- it la certain that the Spaniardi', carried bo tercentenary. it to Spain long bafore Raleigh, gave has friends in England. their f irst taste In 1596 the f irst potato was planted of the tuber. From Sp.ain it waa tak- England, iu Holborn, about thaetinne en to Italy, andn waa known in Florence, it Sir Waltar Raleigh was planting as aarly as 158K Thea name *e no'w 3first Irishi potato at Youghal, near give this popular tuber la f rom. the tiudasaiktncl aoSpanish -"batata." mc icsina k.For two centuries the ptt he hbeein mc icsin itined a a otancalcuriosity. to whether tise introduction of the po.. aen firat ateis it was a deiicacy, tato bas been a blessing or a eurse te netimes roasted and steeped in sacis, Europea, especially to Ireland. Thse arge bakad witis marrow and spices or dependence of the people on it-has caus- ierva-d and candied. When Parmen- ed the famines in that unfortanate rdeveloped tise plant in Fran ce Louis country, and la believed by many t» iI. and Marie Antoinette wore thehaecekdïs stgrulr- e, vers as ornaments. Frederick the hveoceckdis atagiutua eat had to force the Pomeranian far- valopmntyasiie uioaocu x& to plant potatoes by the fear of sdeR a eety n r apat o b- rcyru, ý sodies. t wa th faina of Edaon, of NesvYo.ark, Th&- laarned doc- 1-72 in Germany that f irst demon- tor contends that the potato la lthe Ltad tisa valua of tha tubera. get ree fi -i > -t ws Sr Wlte Raeig, te mstcountry, and beliaves that our peoeple srprising man of his lima, who I*e- depend upon it entirely too muais. Dr. luced tisa potato into England. As Edaon la secouded in hla assaulta upon, ly aa 1586 ha took some potatoas the potato by several othar madIcal nm Virginia le tha old country, but anthorities, but they hava so far had, tla Spaniarda really belong tla creid- litîs ef tact either upon the polato mar- of discovering the potato and giving 1kat or the appeliteaý of tbe populace. 'c, Castorin is Dr. Samuel . ~'e' prescription for Int'anta anti Ghildren. It contuis s ucther Opium, Morphine noi, ether Narcotic substance. Lt isac harïnless substitut& for Paregorie, Drops, Sootbing S'yrups, cati Castor OU. It is Pleasant. Ils g'ucrnntce i tiirty years' use by- Millions of'iliothers. Castoric destrays Worms-cnd allaye féverishness. Castoria pressents Yomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea ant i frd Celle. Caewuria eiee teethitsg troubles, cures constipation ant i fatuieney. Castoria assinilates the food, regulates ise stomacis, and'bowcls, givinf iuuŽitlsy anti nnturai eieep. Carie toria is the Childreu's Panacea-tiso Motherls Eriend.

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