TERMS :-$1.50 PER ANNUM. OUR TOWN AND COUNTY FIRST; THE \VORLD AFTERWARDS. M. A. JAMES, Editor and Proprietor. NEW SERTES. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDÂY, MARCII 18, 1896. VOLUME XLII. No. 12. ollh ohlson & rydrm n bot ~~BETHESDAA SOLINA. HAMPTON. ENFIELD. Mr. 11. C. Hoar recentlv entertained Mr. T. Baker and sous visited at Mrs. Mitchell, Enniskillien, is guest of'Vstr:Ms r rhr otPr Couc , J hns on Cr der an bou 20oflis young friends at a 6 Newcastle last week .... Mt. Carswell Mrs. W. H, Rogers this week .... Our is isitos:frns r herrtd r. o'coc vry lesat eenngDivision intend visiting this Division local mnasons have taken the contract to Smith, Enniskillen, at Mr. J. Ormîston's; Moo v re prch noed hee uayl..R. Friday nioht ..Enfieid Division vîsit- build brick residences for Messrs. W. H. Mr. and Mrs. Aidsworth and Mr. Nici-_ ilave already passed MiW. . R ndresrepoëdhr cf the rec i ed us Frîcfy evening and furnishied a Clemens, W. Coucli and James Thomp- ols, Ebenezer, at Mr. W. H. Nichols'; the ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r W.tm G.oee utalrenu bro asso Con ' entionofathBl evil e erytcapital pro-ram. Refreshments were son. he funeral cf the late Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. M. A. James and son muci pprcitedi) th mmbr.a served in abundance and a fine tirne Eliza Mercer took place froin the resid- nomn oravle tB~ieoe Mr. John Sleep has 'returned from ' asnd njoved.M,ýr. Edward Pso ence cf lber son Mr. W. H. Mercer, Sun- Suîî,day;Mr. adke armonv. at vist o fiedsin riiad. .ý Ms.Vadvk, ndwife, Whitby, visited friends bere, day afternoon te the Methodist cemneterv. Mr. J. Iail's; Mr. an'd Jrs. Rd. Pascoe N e vsi t fiedsinEniad.also Mr. C. Mackay, Enifield.11 ev. E. .._..Tyronie Sons visited the Divisi6n with friends ini Wbitby,..Mr. Fred. Moen, Fountain, Minn., says: "Ayer's on Sunday. !lis son Fred. took bhis was rendered by the visito and aiey cAsehon acoeurnt oi wenh.Ma- Cherry Pectoral bas ý ad a xonderful place and delivered a fine discourse. enjoyable tirne spent ... . Tyrone Sons c*f er Herbert Nichois who was under the effect in curing rny brother's, ebjîdren Of TOERsFSI NAov-Iwa England fraternaliy visited the Iodge dfoctor's care is irnproving..Enfield a severe and danierous cold. It was here Tbursday evening..ýMr. J. Clat- Division had a ogood time at Solinia Fri- t eruly atndshing brow spedIythey tronbled with blind itching piles for 20 worthy attended 'S. of E. at Peterboro dyngt Vr .Bnbmbsgn founrliafter ain g thw s prepara-year; was unabie to workand tore my last week and was re-apppinted District to Kansa.s City where bie is engaged ln __________c saseasround os.. Mr. T. Hl ot aval- S piagri-."adian doCtorý faied to relieve. adCan- D ooe o fgi efrtepuy.a ba ouse 1nlammatos a. Rv Ointment was a God-send. I an a bet- Th onryufgttefrteubeatowbinamatn....Rv pCOURflCE. ter ruan than in 21) years, and arn able more easily it 'may be extinguished. H. 1. Allen, Columbus, will uddress the to work every day." Philîp Wallace eFi sooner you begin taking Ayer's Legn ere Thursduy night ..Ennis- Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Everson enter- blacksmith, Iro ., Ot.Cu Sarsaparilla for your blood-disealse, the kLillen League will visit here Tbursday taieda nmbr c rlaion vry les~Ointment curs pi O.e~ent. and irrit- easier wil be the cure. In both cases, nigbt Marcb 28 ..Miss G. Ranton bas tanly atther frett i oneMapleCifadsa s u es.A i nst,0andper box.delay is dangerous, il not fatal.' Be-gone to Hampton to leara dressmakinüg G od s . recntly... . Mir. athome, Ann i ba __________ )e bo sure you get Ayer's and no other. . . .. Several farmers attended the stock dnl e Il eturned fromn visiting friends at Cc- saeEfWr.GeHAryCVrEN.riu bourg and viinity....nMr. Sain. Trick N WHVN MAPLE GROVE. . . ..Mr. L. Niddery bad qnite a success- veent Sunduy wvith friends here.... Miss ~iqM~~eOei iii~brsse fui wood bee last Wednesduy. Eva Courtie bas been visiting ber sister Mrs J F. Vrigt wbo recentiy moved Mrs. Mnndy, Mark nd Giadys bave TYRONE. Comprising the very latest productions in Dress Goods, Mrs. A. E. Clemens, Tyrone ... . Mr. J. to Cartwright. ..Mrs. Mofatt and returnied fromn Western ontario. Miss R. Cole and Miss Werry, Betbesda, wvere danglhte r Edna, are visiting1friends in Ida Simpson, Chatham, carne with them. Visitors: Miss Scott, Moorfield, Ont., Prints, Ginghams, Shirtings, Embroideries, etc., etc. guests ut Mr. John Oke's oni Sunday.. .. Clarke ...Mr. Wili Cory is residing . . .. A sleigh'load cf ycnng- people frorn Mt. Carswell Division vst Solina on here af ten un absence cf several years.. 'Oshawa spent a veny pleusant evenino ut lber uncle's Mn. J. Penfonnd's; Miss :. Miss Sybil Bunker is visiting friends ut Mn. W. C. Frunk's lust Tuesday Aa o y'ser BoEd ar nill, WutbMn. Mt- ~pecial vlue in W ite and rey Cottons. Fernaeveung... olleinforuthEe A lui Toronto... Mn. and Mrs. Thos. The sick are Mrs. Rantin and Mrs. c';M.EgnPhlWibu*i rnornunglue forhtetadeCbrotiier's Mn. R. A. Pbilp Lodge menias... .Mn. R. C. and John Short, Power visited friendsin Oshwa last Power.. Mn. D. Mo"ison's orchestra an cieyvsisTroe. Tory Hill, wene borne ut thein brother's week ... Miss Mabel Witheridge is sick und a few friends liad a veny pleusunt adsceyvst yoeS.O E. vis- Several cases of funeral .... The accident to Mn. W. G. MisAmtog ootadtreu n m oe' eîedyited Himpton brethren Thursday even- Several cases- of ~~~~~~~~Short reponted two weeks ago proved - ornoMadtmes M.m Flss eilsa ig n od fatl.Aferappretl din wel or igtUxbridge, are visiting rMrs evening. The orchestra furnisbied exi g. On Mfonad a eing a m f. ~abt a.-wfe pekloch uw s el andtheennîings, Daliungtcn Station ..Mr. cellent music .. .. Miss M. Addie ColecracdofrSons arn Daugterste of e I" .C I l ~ V i aotaent ccmbed se in a nd ous.the J Ise, p Bell bas returneff fronEnglund elocutionist, is visiting ut Mr. E. Cole's panceromtyre' iiet af Oore-S futinral wbcbteckipacfll e us.Eenez wenistras spent the winter visiting bi$ Geneva .. . .Visitcrs: MissA ' Ol. «y,. E. visited the brethren bere the saine sitrawd brotîjers.. ..0ur Sunduy Bowrnunville; Messrs. XViII and Normai n in,..TeEwrhLau r was veny lurgely attended. Mrs. Short Scbool andCbnCliistiani Endeavor meetings Gay, Oshawa; J. T. Rundie, Soluna . evnn....TeEpot eau r te 1etEgihand American styles. antbfuiybaeheerfltym rewell atteuded. A leadenless ineet- The S. cf T. are baving a social Wed-t visi .T.thesd nyep vepenngMur.e th aetEgihpatby cf al lai their sud beneavement. mo ' niday nigblt, a cordial weicome to nesday eveningý this week ..A fleet Su.0. . LMr. T C eeraprnt de t Deceased was a kind husbund and loy- alf.. Mr.und Mrs. J.D. Stoie,Osbuwa, footedman broke into a bouse and took S. erO. .. . . Loe t te rd Lodge ut ing futher as weli as an ao'reeuble and visited E. G. Powen,Esq., Sundav. some things last week. The party . .a.. Mas n.S.Plardbitos spit d- *ee ~~~~~~~~~obligiag neighbor,.., Mr.,Yhniand Miss rvablctenadwn es.M C. B. Littlejobns have been visiting Do vou SUFI1ER PAIN?-Does a dulI roear.cktemanJenohs. n few a ii e abitons itiéy fred nAde. ..Ms taHnacigc ev rmuce rteaue BAn BLOOD BETWEEN THERý.-The Mn. Thos. Curtis teck a ioad cf move- ccF le, istuy.. ings ewdayswiHan s cfiii fnerali e o t cle, or h mm- r ever slaving farmer's wife, bier delicute ables te bis furm in Mariposa iast week All Ladies' Waterproofs selling off at reduced prices; Mrs. Short. bugo inuke life a misery? Tbousands sister in the City, sufer more than tbey ..The boys had seule tbnilliag experi- ___________are cornpeiled te suifer day in and day cure to tell. The dark rings round the ences und John bus decided te wait for some unes. at hali price. ont siwIpv because they are uCcu I hes ead che, diýziness, palpitation or better roads before taking his depunt- ed %%itli the exý-,traerdinary pain subdu- rbeuimatîc twinges, betokea a rundown une.'Furmers are cimîng) long dis- Groers De Blî taenas ash B ood Poson d no1power cf Nervline-the great nerve system. The biood is poor, and is a -bar tances te obtain ice for stening from ______pain cue. It is certain nneto cuenr eniyet Slecott's Sarsaail- Vanistone's miii pond ...ev, W. H. paýin pediy Nerviline cures tooth- la purities the blood, strengtheas and Moore took 11ev. T. H. P. Anderson~s In Dreadful Condition Til oo' ache, rbuma11tism, neurulgia, lumbago, vîtulizes the svstern, and speediiî e- appeintnments on Subbath, the latter fIlh0 IIIU TI1I y f~VF[lAIIdSarsaparIlla Cured, &e. Neriiine ispowerfuipenetr-atin-' stores the blooin of beuitb te the che ,ks. net being weli ..Business in Tyrone ~UU IIUUII~OUI~ a UlIILllIIfhl.and leifectuai. Soid everywbere. - It cures when ail others fail. is surely boonling. A third blacksrnith BOWMAIVILLE.HADN.-fraaletnfmRoadMusys Mi ,~adTnewin bas recox-e, redbrM j S -, oieeeget c i. ton. Busýinless is lives tres md Coieg ths eek. . is Anie .... .~Iis enndyhom focertolv good. Tr-aiin' frein thle east heiPalth undreturned to ObaaLadies Souch .. Mss.iag c hmealater car cf men with eý, es F ur itu e a nle visitinigfiends in Toronto, Oshawa and b Monjyis visitino'friends lai MariposaBonanle. iseleHlBo eagenly turned toward car great Man - M1r. McGill, AIr. R. Asbt, ,rMiss nmauville, guest cf Miss Kennedy...itebanirlsheu fii plsodso umbec laud Ashton and Miss Elizabeth MNiss Kinaptp, Bro hlin, guest ef Mrs. C. go il ol idpae ed os Wus-li ng toas p eut Sunday ut Columîbus xùiîs...~.~~.w~aî n work lu this collntry ut higbest wages- H o w -e u rn is in r-I ... Dr. alnd MrsChas. Iluraden, Bow- daughiten Taunton, ut IDr. Mltchell's... H o use F urnishin gs. ;i. , unmanile speut Sunday ut Mr. Wrn. Mr. Farren, Port Hope, gniest of bis llliewt e ie i n Au ý siser Ms. GL. Stevens... Mn. Wesley Hypophospites for Luag and ~ ,~ .-~~---and !Richard Ashton weut te Uxbridge Robbins lef t for Manitoba Mouday Tra Dsases. Ourunecomriss vertbig fun laa fnstclas urntun wae-thiswýeek . . .. Mr. Thos. Goodman was accompunied by Mn. W. G. Robbins. unde(r the Dr's. cane but is able te be Wesley's numerous friends will mniss bis Our inecomrise evryting oun ina fist las furitue wre-ont aa .... There w us a lange gather- lively Company vers'înuch...T he Meth- Perfectly well established is the value room, and beleving it only doing justice te our business and that oui' After Tvpboid Fever the eystem is n.' in- ofi Youag people ut Mn Thos. Brni- oitcorwr nerandb r u f Ced liver cillan the varions diseuses cf customers rnay benefit by it,we have added more vanieties te our already only lef t iu a debilitute i acomibe's Friday evenlng te celebrate Mrs. Potter Saturday evening and spentteaipsagan cobedwt large lunes, and our pnices cannot be beat. We buy as low as the lowest the blood is ofteinpoi5- Mn. Wm. Brirnucombe's birthday. a verypleasant time... A capital pro.unltine and the bypophesphites, its ne- and are satisfied wîtb small profits, and yen will be convineed of the If di sease, as i thé fI Mn. and Mrs. T. Siemon surnptulously (ruam was furuisbed ut the E. _ Fijdv nmedial valune is vastly enbanced. In samne wben you have seen car geods and examined our prices. "ycs a ensu .eTrued everul maried couple ' deydbt ta yons sagreater te lgth Cnd Lpaltable preparation, Ihave suffered se MUC21 înaL -Ltnak TusuyeriiI .Yuug pepesin thun iaîeunprance. The chairmanMatewthCdLer01aecmb- Panlor Suites, Sideboards, ou,,ht te tell hew 1 have beeu cured by ofcnvlaehv atroize h ei1v.S .Rnegaeec iea ed the valuable tissue building cil, and Bcd Room Suites Hall Racksonîy two betties of Hood's Sarsapanilia. Theggansdef Ennishillaen, f at e...even numben of points..Miss Lottiethaltstiner fovialsity cardigcmaetie Extension Tables Centre Tables, Four years ago I had typheid f evr-was Th uens fcu ilg u e'y Rogers delegate te Belleville gave a mlie oeus~ a upr i unexpeý1(,ctedly disturbed one evenung vîygrphicund concise resume cf the renuedial value with this preparation, Lounges, I!dlo hecrero mi attresses, sick about forty days-atîd bareiY piilied last week by the upset cf a sleigload poceedîngs ...Rev. E. A. W. Dove, for ini addition te disguising the un- SecretaniesChairs cf every description, through with heaith about ruined. The cf, young peo* nteconromi Greenwcod, will speuh ut the Leugue pleasant taste cf the cil and readering Wîndow ades, CranPls iet pob3on.d bcdmanifastedthern- and c ýoncession streets. Some wene SOne Mirrow Glas, PCur and oom oulin selves ini dreadfuai.ulcera. They prevented senlouisy burt that they called ut the nextFriduy nigb . ... The Bible Cluss ut more easily digested, the maltune met thein lately returned teacher, Dr. plays a most importaunt part la main- my roturnîng te wrk, and for threa years buetegtteir wvounds doctored Micel ihavn opinnaytaiaing adequutely the process cf nutri- with~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ mnote nsouwlfndlgrtvaitadutalpieat was able te labor only a f ew days et 9 anid dressed .... Min. S. Wcodley visited address of welcome as he resumed bis tion se, essential in wustingad pulmon- cih ar s ore. lnsyuwilfn ngea ait n a l rcsa time. The sones discharged continuous1Y fïienids ut Port Penny last week ..Miss old position on Sabbath last and spckear diseuses. This it dees by rendering our store. ~~~~so that 1 had te kaap tham bandaged. 1 * lcNilhasreurnd rn viitigcf the pleasure lbe felt ln greeting bis the starchy focds la a form which -as-, Give us à caîl when wanting anything in car lune and sec how welIl hed six physicians at different tirnes, and Mo fn Cutie svstn a r .odfiends near Bowmohanviîîe. . . Mrs. R. olds wy spediy t wa ie eprr rle.Bta onassOciate teacher, bus bad charge of thethteaaiogvewyspdlye we can suit you. as I began to werk bard the ocres woulçl M c ei's,. Our littie village is ncted class durng the past two imcnths and plumpness, the irritated bronchial tubes break eut again as tad as ever. For weekg for iüls herse trading rather than for itsar oteesgowntulad aa me1cudntget eut of the bouse, arcbitcctural beauty, No less than six brvdhmefavr efcietahr ealth becomes an Lassured fuct. Mal-. -U ndertaking, ~~~~~~~and fer aven twe years 1 could not bear horses chunged bauds within the Do NcT Do THis.-Do net be induced iewtCoLvrOlan Hyphs U n e t k n .my weight o:n ry rught Ieg and had te obvavohri o qà.MA It alWays pays to buy the best and doubly so when us the UflIy'ecerscrifct.ler imany friends Th_. special fast"cotton celons of Dia- IN U the~~~~~~~~i bitcssn oeta oent5 od lo cgrtula te ber on iher sitccess ..We moujd 1Dyes,such as Turkey lied,Br-osvn' I~I the bet coss no mre tTruonePurifierod.noti c sevual nevumeunhers lu the Pink .Purpie, Yellow, Orange, and a chi Suna.... Somie cf our natepay- lhait âczzea others, are prepared speci- The ORANGE RIM .STEARN NYHEEL. is the Andt the ideal building up Medicine. !Be ors ai that they ivill.bave ne stutute ally fei- cotton gos n iecln n te aursaîbtyul highest type of standard high grade Bicycles and is the Bure te get oed' and uluy ood's. lbrte o l)t1lîecmn sumrprvd ha vnwabuginsrn eaplsds kncthederen'wc o finest wheel iu the market. Keep your eye on the lîoOd'S plUs eauytebuuy.casytota1,etne. urest soelerugsnew tis a-fad eps ote.sniht et j;it because it ecanses with easY un great any yeurs since the fields-were Do net isk youn gcods with theom .esLao ORA GE RI , s nci covered'with snon., If a large mon and wortbless dyes that scme Oreater Ceunfent Linaity cf sion' is an enblemn of good stereheepers seli. Tb&se crucle dyee thev. ýare the leaders for 1896. For csalsetho this s icinity )vill cetaiuly muin youir goods! aud cause a vast a- ocLerVER2Wrasp they<are the leaders for 1896. For sale a t hu e ïebeyoud al comprehenisien. mutc noac.Ask tonthe ý'Dia- ok o o -ey2Wapssn v s sîza ~ ~ify en o c t y C rt r s Lî t e L iver m oid ," U se t îe m accord i n g ,r t c direc * Sco t St., Toiro at! SIZ tionl- rvCarersLitle tinsandyo wil -e ucessfuliy. Wrappers fui p,per-b, und Lboo' Pils fr ick hade, bilio-Isutess, otr ,adyu ildv ucbe -ý w ' 1uth C IoxaEotteyne o-taL cntiaion ynwill inover be -withouLt Mn. C., a leudiiug >pelitican, says' î - ý%eU l -~~ * ~~ ~ >* wutb ~~~armless. Anetuaiugtv, pau~ten hyare punely -vegeýtable; "Millen's.: CompIouLnu Imon Pilisi have ~~~ fZe o r h wthgreai auvantage, castor sena ad ai seousdrugs. Cure worrms,e-lr, Fi, ic, i1all!dea to take. Don-'t fenget cuned me cf erv onsness and wakeful- <., . '- - OppositeOutarlo Bank. Hardware, Stoves and Tînware.Teethun'g et. Howar5MPedn o B ruie outu.us. ~