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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Mar 1896, p. 2

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sud ai[ iiBisasses cîsseelby Bail Blooe isandShatteredl psil iets rte tbat ,Nrias. on losct mlse rii rroves t. In They have, accontingly, fixai tfounti tht. icogeissr-otoc foîr titta. Thea Dr. HoE r 195iîiicseo ., treno ,out., and Me,!r-isowî.i .characterisbie bacilins of the diseases 13AB7'S OWN 'fT ppET i'5br c tc wrnaitb -wbicb tbey deait, thon producoc Teetins Uir-rcac, le. ic.IOnt.he .diseas-es la herses> hee, anti ether Evey o0 tat lottor the l neanimais hy inoculation, anti by the las týrien on a misthay.fa Fe. meei n nuaizing procesa matie familian Ibrougi Th1e Canadian Statesman! WEDNESBAY, MARCH 25, 1596. 1 NOTES AND COIirIENTS. The constant repetition of -%vr scares in Europe -ithout any serious resuitsc la a fwtt that bas a good deal of Sig- nificanco. There was a time when such SickHendachean, ieva il isatroutblez! louds -sero almat sure ta brirlg a dnito abillets etatae t , sun ecz. storm. The, tendency was censtantiy ln luîesot, aal" DstewSissd .D tes~ the direction of war on the siightest ~'antrabe scteosboabeu sewalacots, provsocation, andi th-- disputes of nations were rareiy settied inl a pc'aceful avay. But it la differont new%, and ibas been 1leadacite, yet CAa.Tî'S LITTLE t.tVsta Ptsi se for many years. The prescrit gen- are eqoally 'aistabein tuConstipatben. curtîsi, eratien lias not seen tha realization of andi preventing thisnotoyingenplaint, wiio ay e tliay aise correct ail disorders o f ties oetîach a o these possibilities of bloodshed timulate the lirer and regulie tihs bossais, and devastatton. In spite of ail sigas Eveaif ttay uly oredof approaching bostilities, the pacifie in- fluences bave maintaineti their sway andi con trovorsies bave bèen adjusteti by fAche tbey woti h al mot priceieqs te thoses bbc methodas of dipiomacy. The armies whIo suler fro this distrossing aninishveonnudthoort- but fortunatoiy tisir geedttassî dees nt ed adnve ae otne ab om nhera, aud thoe whe (stea try them wM i td able, but they have not boots pertnitted tinsse littie pis vaiaplein t se înany -'sys iaS tenotronaotheraltiifo But afte ail sicis heati do tea ay that this ia meroly accidentai, or that it represonts a happy succes- Sien of narrow escapes. There lsaa !S the bane of s sn ljstathr iea btter reason for it anti a deepor moan- Ïra maire oursgreat beast.0ur pis cure oS îng in it. These Ibreatoneti aars have sohile others de net. (jAivEas LTm0 LLvEz PIiLLs ara vry smaîî beon ao'erted~ by the, developmoflt of a and very easy te t aira. heo ao ustsle new poliey in the relations of civilized a oeThay are strictly vegetabia and e cutis;at htpoiybsbe nt gripe or liurge, ibut by hir ganti" a(Io cutis n htplc isbe Please ail arO usa tisern. 111 vials t 25cents;i matie nocessary by the marketi changes tise for $1. Selt averywisere, or sest byti-. in the general conditions of soiety and CA~E3 Il~T~Ci. l~w Ylt. of geverament. The fighting instinct N21llYlb li~I n1l~O~ as not been su.pprstsseti, but it bas beon __________________________ materially modifieti, ant isl no longer rvnun air-trggerci, sa to speak, andiblittd il EIJIIU 1'~[BE~LS BFFBBS te the conseqSreilces of military cont- vulsions. Ne~ ~~" irreunocyclones, no- huade irnonetroutit, no faihire. CAÂLIFORNIA Matchiess ati marvelotîs. There is reaston to believe that sucb Eleven tholsant acres $1250 par acre. a thing as a premeditateti war htw ean Niey ustdred a ras P,12.59O acr.aytogetErpa ain a o Tweaiy-six hundred acses $10.00 perar, acre ogca uoea ainsla 8ixtecn hundrai acres $13.00O par acre. Tareixe couie practt.cally impossible, anti that huittreti acres, seven hundreti acreos, ix huadreti acres, Three hundreti andt wety sucit a coxfliit la to 'o lookoti for oniy acre'. Aay other quatity down te bon as a happening of trie unexpected. That acres. Oives, oranges, Netainas, Fig..l Lemons, Almontis. Grcpos and ait other fruits s te say, .be strongesimn in laEur- grown in a country arbere ope, the coatroliitg political influences, SUlMER ItEIGNS SUPRE11E. are working fer pence, wbatever the Write for particulars. superficial indications inay ho ta the ADnRESS, contrai'y. War may arise, of course, K. E. KELLEY, at any time, but net beenuse of the y wijsbes or caiettiations of the states- WILLOWS, CAL, mon, wbe b> ave charge of public affaira. Vou Te th re vryuefu te It will coma oliy en accotant of soe Your eet Aen veryuseruto a, nforseen and unas citablo incident. A Preserve thema! WITIL..-----.=zn deciaratien of war was a far leas seri- Ciean them! OO a ons thinig i former tirrtes titan it would Beautify thei ho DO O A eto-iay, witb all. the increased ap- THE PERFECT Ail Druggists, TOOTS POWDER pn destruction andthIe muiti- - TH OWDERpiieti chances of mifortune. IItlbas FOR TWENTY-SIX YE ARS. boots weil said by a tistingnished diploý- matist that "in ithae ltidays. w'ar lie- tween the differeur coutntries was like a hoxing match, anti monarcha and statesmea aient int it hoping for ad- ý4 vantage, but knowîng that if' beaten A v Q-1ýn te couiti retire, rapair damnages, and perbnps try 1t ag3î;blna ue peaunvar resembies a strnggein laa Wdark rora, the combatants aruieti aitb 1HIE COOK5ý*S BES T F RIE ND peisoneti woapons,anti feeling that lu the L.ARGEST SALE IN CANADA. endthîe work wvili ho deadly on beotb ides.' No nation, iiowever combat- .O NTARIO BANIC lac andi poîverful, cares te assume the riaka of sucb a .truggle. anti se pro- fontinueso do a Generai Baaking Bsnoss pitiation takes tbe place of intilnida- Boarmanvilie Agency.tin nieaolpreve. I>EPOSITS inan ec sperv. eatved In Saviags Bank Devartinent and on latu tatpprainfeasr oaiandinterestallowed atourreat rates No titrchapeprtonfrwr notice of withdrawai nece8sary, Ail deposite ara, te ho seau on the largest scale, unt, vsyaie o demndth.'y really serve lu a sense te prevent EXCIJÂNGE the conîtngeacy they are inteaded to M tugtand soid and Draftossuednonguln meet. Tbej- rentier yar less iikeiy by UnitedStatesaGn aadasOot andsiiorld makin1g it moretateho troaded. But a IlniedSate Grenbcksouoht ndsid. force of att]] greater importance in the COLLECTIONS interest of pence is the commecroial bond Frirptiy madie aS current rates upon aitiport that'uni1 s ail etth a.ngcts of Great Brirtain, te United States at iCis a nti that eau ne hoatike Do0 mniion o0ICanada.treadta ea o b rkn Telerapi Tanser~ wibhottt entaiînrg disasLrous affects p on business and property. The wei- Madie for largo or suoal sumns on ail p. teS oc tare of bb' people bas te a c ons:îcoed Cananda. 'This is espeially ativatitogacthot t> persoa-S living ia Manitoba or the North wsst, above es-ri thing elso by Kîngs anti Itmakes the f untis availabie aseonce ai4te Ministers. They do, not tiare te minre- place o payaient. Other paîticulars cail at bhe banir. ducee a cause of confusion anti E. . ORlit, UEO Manager, misrhief for lb" gratification ef any paer- Aecotttat5 iiattgnr, sonal grudgo or ta carry out any scbeme of personni ambition. The p-,iicy cf peaco la matie imperative for their own safetY as eili us for the protection of vesteti maberiai interests andt btepro- - motion of prcsparity. lb la ne longer ~~ Possible for aay civilizoti nation ta - ~ live apart andt t thive eîtireiy hy its Q 01,V1 agancies anti circumstances. The t, '~"' Qpravaiiing conditions are sncb that il J' ~ - e <jmust sustain certain trade relations C ~ ~ ' ibb ether nations anti adapt il sif la ~ semle dcgrec te 'the phîlosophy, of roci- The possiililY ibat Rusasmay make a tunthen, if net final, ativanita upen Constantinople at anueanlY tata is heing tiscussat on the continent, intetaesb bunning apon the altitude Of Anstia lu that ex ont. it is argnedti Iat the abautouimont of Turkey by Englant, andtihlb"vitual' Russification oet Bul- gania, anc certain le aroue bbc Ps- Siavisb party, anti thal the pressure Il 'ciii exert maY, as la '1877, terce the czar inboaction. That ctonmay baba the foraietOa a ciataI"ofet ast againul TunkcY, or sncb corcien as may giva Russia a position on the Dan- daneiles ashicb willi insane ber t'on- sroi ofthIe Otteman empire anti lls con- quesb at ber cenvenionco. lu elîhet avent, itis l et, Austtiitasoulti le corns- peiledt le rulistor ho swaiiowceti up la the Pan-Siaavic flooti, ant as Gar- many as uid bave so support ber anti Russia wouiti cali apen France, the great war aouit bc on.- The strnggie aseuit ha, et course, oneoet nailmitet liabillty, lanss-icb bbe mililary reseure- os et ail powcrs engag;ti asaîuld bo taxedtatle oubmosb; but the linssian army andt raasnty are new taitiy pro- paret for asar, andti sibEngiat alin- inatet, St. Petersburg may baliove that lb woultiendontails f avor. That. boiv- es an, musItapant upon Austria. ant it le atfinmcd overywbera that abe ssoulti ho compelot hby public opinion te tesiat, anti wouit de se hby aaging a detanaive a-a, thal la, hy sîbbhorn- iy holding ber grenat untillthe Rus- ulan army anti traasuty wero exhanat- et. Despite the goneral neceptance et this «view, Lhete is aaolbcr course open le Ausînia, as aupgg stat hy the Spactator, meacin accortdaitb the pol- icy et te Hapsharg tyaasty, shat ta' te aceept compensation Item Russia as abe dit in thea mat Russo-Tutkiab aven, ton alloaing the nothern powson a troc hant ini Turkay. One et bbe chiot objecta ofthbbc liuse et Hapshuxg is the acqu~isition et tan- itory aithout war, and, aboyealal, sylîbout axcillng trie race feeling et its Siavic subjacbs, anti ils great taîmn bave aux nys bean inlu uncet by as at may ha termet the commercial consiton- atien. It is quise possible thas il might ho thus inthuencectinl this case. andt ta insteat of resisting, it migbl, on an unnenstandlug wibb Russia, ec- cupy Macetenia dowa ba Salonica, leav-- ing ils greal ris-ai se absoth the ne- maintien et Turkcy if Il ceul.It. 15 venî thus acquine swo pnoviaces, wibb virtuai contrel et Greece anti an open gateway 1te the uoubb anti aast, wlsboat foot et 1effective opposition ttfom aay quarter, .least et ahl frein its own People. There .is ne public opinion in the AnsIria !empira sutticiently coberont te fonce .the eitperor te resist a Russian occu- .pation et Constantinople againul bis .wiil ant in view et sncb compensation b is Siav sabjectu, in tact, heing indit- 1teena, if net f avorahle, le Russian ag- Sgnandizemenb. Engiant ixonit pro- ,hahiy net objeet, la ber desine that, il Russia la le bhave Constantinople a - ssrng pois or able to cbeck ber furî1 hos ,ativance abouit match besite ber, as-bu the Macetonians aouit be dialinebi' ebenetitteti by the change. H-oivever sbarsis the rmie et the Hapahurgu iMay o nce bave heen, mistortun" bas so tein r parati it thaltfor amalpeopios i-bo ne"d -an opportunlty tor quiet growtb. il nos hexorcises a beneficant protection. enly censitanabion. At al oyants, th malter is something now te tbink et The Quakera la Engiant have a ne- mankahly business-like wsay et compil- ing Ibeir statistica et ýmemLansbip. At the anti et the year bboy timav up a gainï anti bas accotant untier the proasie ietig- an beadinga of incominga anti ontgoings. [JTnen incomings 1h 0y couat thair new atherents by cenvincement, as minera, loy reinsîsîmant anti hy hirtis. Out- geinga are ceunlet hy disoîs amont, by resignation, hy disassociabion anti- by dont 'b. Most ot their numenicai gaina are hy convincement~ anti by hirth. Rie- signation, tisasuociabion ad teatia form Ibeir largaut bosses. 0 f nacent years Quakers la Englanti bave gainet a lit- bie la aumarical slrengbb, anti now number sixtean et saventeen thourant. But bise majority ofthbem ne longer ati- haro le many oetbhe tradtiotss anti us- ages et the society. They labo lite rmn'h as ethen eburcb membens do. Most of tbcm treas accorting le their ordinary tasbioas. Music is ne longer fretsnet upon in the achool ant inl the bome, anti many ot those axho bave landeti posses- siens. hant anti shoot for diversion la much te smoneway as thaentidinany rua of English squires. Thora are a nnm- ban et Quakers lanlise HouseofetCoin- mens, se-naloetthein anc membens of the Peace Society; but bbey vote w 11h bb'lir parliim"ntary colloages ashen the anmy anti navy estimal"s are hetore the Housc, anti bavc ceas2d'tot mabe their oidtime protesta agalaut expentitutea on irnclada anti irnmateniais. Inaoe, respect the Quakers la Englant teo-day are as tbey avre wx bn tbbc3cntury open- et, andt h' cloriesa coat anti the whbite bat anti Quaker, bonnet avare te ha seen lu thea marketplaces. TWbelt meeting heauses arae bl in tisa back stneets. Ot ber Noncomtonming bodiies bave long ago coma ont on le the front streeba, but te raach a Quaker meeting bouse ib is nsuaily necessnny te go te the olter parttaet the toxvn andti t traversa the alleys andteba ack lanas. The reaon for Ibis la until a fais yaars ago Quakers lu Engiant weno taclining in numbans, anti their gtewtb la racent years bias been se amal anti so e walistnibutet. ever the country, that it bias net beca necessany te nehuilitimany et their oit meeting bouses wbicb ax-oe erecteti in tha daya whon ail who tissentet frein the Cburcb et Englant teemet it boss te boop in the background. An eminent crute in one et bbe leat- îng magazines complainu Ibat the 3 eung novelista as-ho ana suppiying the markot juat new are bragic 50o the laut degreo To Ibis lho objecta, anti perbapa s wib gooti reason. Cerlainiy hoe ougit tb object if lb la brue, as lho thinks lb la, *that "lhey make life more unploasant tthan it la." Yet afttr ail the bumnan ind roquinos lragety. Wbat lalb is -the messenger bey whe steps in the aliey te neati -Wilt Bill, the Wyoming -Terrer," but the anme instinct avhich f oeaaet inlutbbcmintis oetbcsevereiy a critical anti certainiy classical Athen- r lana who e sana'rongbt t te eighcsl e pîtcb et admiration hy tramasla w hich Y tbc heonehanga hersait anti the hero ýr tonaseut bis oyes f lb is aaid that ýJohn Ruskin, as bn lbe rend novais at 1- ail, rend French tietectix e atonies, ss wîhibe tiavoureti until compietcly bat- l a lt iths-th Ie nagicai, tbe melotira- mati- andi'the improbable. Fnom the Cary boginniag ail ot as w ho romain tho production of diphthetia antitoxine., Rear Admirai S. Makaretf of bbc Rus- securcti a blooti serum hy w bich the iian navy gave an înteresttng atitresa disease cati ho cureti. The test madie hy a few weeks ago at Hong Korig on the Dr. ilaffkine la Bengal, India, of the beut mens of lesseniag the injuries choiera antitoxine disceverati hy hlm bas dona hy lb" accidentai collisien of sbips noi oniy atiteti gneatly tsi knowiedge of at sea or la port, anti onaeof bis pro- the nat ure et the malady, but tbrougb poseti devies is, se far as wex knoxs, os- more than torty thousanti actuai cases pecual]y novai. The subjeet is oee n osf inoculation bas demonsttateti its as bicbhoh is an expert, as ha invonteti value as a prevontivet. The experiments bwenty ycars ago, aiban a Lieutenant, ot Dr. Kitasato wlth tbc sama tisase a collision mat, wbicb la useti to-day la its Japan ware çontiuctati during the many navios. Fintiing thai. the shock receaL choiera epîdemie in tbat cou 'n- susbainoti by a vessai struck aven by a try, ant inl the 196 cases treateti bis vety sma]i craft et modaratc speet isl curative seruru retncati the mortaiby eften irresistibie, he bas lntely beau loti frein an average of sevenby par cent. te bransfer bis studios frein the sbip te one of tbirby-three per cent. lbtai that la struck te the, oaaelant sînikes. stateti that ail the cases la wbicb ne Helproposes, ta briaf ,that ail vessais cura avas affeeteti wero those of persans shall heneafter ho construebedti vlba la the lat stage of thetilsease ashon sorb et buffer at the beai, ehich ha calis the remedy was applieti, anti that Dr. "a faiso nose," for bbc express purpose Kltasate assarta that tbe serumin 15a of diminlsbing their pewTer ef tioiag oc- Spositive specif le if useti presnplly at the citiental tiamage. This faise noue ho beginning et au attaek. would have nemovabie, parbly in ortiar that commercial shipa may gel riti of Experiments matie with bbc antitox- bbc w-teck of lb after ils use la a coi- lac for the " piague " bave, it la sait, lision, anti partîy, perbapa, se that war conclttsively temenstiateti its effective- ships migbbtdrop il la cas" etf the ont- nass whea lanjected aithits six heurs break et bostilities, while gebting its atter bbc appearanceofe tthe disease: eeial tm fpne anti Dr. Kitas-ato la satistieti that bis bnft ntm fpae uerum for ieprcsy offers a certaini cure, Ini xperiments avitb amail modela he tbough owiug te the nature et bbc mal- tounti that a vessai wbicb aiways eut a atiy, proof la net 50o asily obtainot. bol into ils eppenent wsitb ils sharp Wiie remoties for these olti andi tieat knife-llke vertical bow -whcn yithoul a cd diseasas of the Estbava thus Sp- buffer, only bent asithout peuetratiag parnttl3 boots discovorai,. Dr. Cyrus the skia et the ether sbip avhen tbe ram fdoatioluNselutonrkt hh enl a ves, was coveroti wiib cobton cioth te bbc foun ina sluton o Phnol a ellthieknessaoetaa-quarter of an inch.le ktso;n etoni tnt terivabive, anti pilocar- wouid theratore hava the taise aoes on pine, wbich lie calis aseptolits, a cura ships consist et an enter casing et one- tfor censumptien. The remedy, like the eightb et an inch et steel, ribbed and various antitoxines, la haseti on Dr. stayet i alte, te roalut the w avas, anti Koch's tboýory et the origtn et disoase, filleti wilb soe softb, fibreti substance, though the injection employedtse bill te act the part of a cushien. Some Brit- the bactonia la purely chernical, phenol ish naval officers whbevitnessed the ex- baving long hoon tiseti as a very effec- poniments wibb modela, tcistify that lboy tive antiseptie anti dislnfecting agent. %vSera succesaful, althouigh tbeýy do not Ia bbc course of bis investigations Dr. know bow il; wouid ha w-ith big shipîs at Etison discovancti that phenol avas a con- -igb sIeetis. This %vonuld soem, there- stituont et soeofet he nabutal secre- fore, te ha an ominonbly appropriabo 'tiens et the body anti thal lb increaset mnalter fer sîudy svitb btae expenimenlal la amount. in iii bealbb, anti acting on tanks now se mach relieti upon la for- ibis knowletgO ha succeedet inlase me- aiga countnios, anti argot for our owsn. dify ing it bbab lb couiti safely ho takeit Admirai Makarof t seopis to lbink Ia lato bbc, bbooti. The cure bas been giv- alain btcet h e t th at an a practical test as-tb, in many cases, aose as notacleho the usesofthe luas vcrystacasfui esutsthenb etngshonîti requine il, huiltians aoulti avoid te the failune of Dr. Kocha mrach ber- bbe expense anti h-other of lb. But a.t aldeti rcmety fer consumaption, turtb- he estimatas ils avenrago weight at bwt o r tiemnrstratien asiii ho neodet hafoto tens an tls 51051at oaly $,000, touitiri, acsc"pbing it as a " sure cnre." ot important menchant ubipu mlgbt bard. 0 Whea Baby aras siclr, we gave ber Castoria. * Whea she was a Cstit, rsc cricti for Caseria, - Wtsetise bear.ce Miss, seeluug te Cacitoria. tsl ie Ladl Cbtdren, sie gsave tm C'aýýtnri tatunal insteati of becomiag cribical are tronc te de the verysane tbiag. Wbat satistaction woniti thora ha la the story of "Jack the Giant-Kilier" or "Jack tai the Bean-Staib" if bbe giant axera allowseti teescapef Who asoulti rend tha Otiyssay if the saquel avare not re- tenant witb the terrible cianig' efthe bow xvbich disposes et the unitors f The unclean novai, the pnoblema novai, tho "blgher-law" novel ail thase are abominations. But w-ho woulti este for coffea or boa or cegnac if ltit id net stimulaba f Anti with ne bloot inlua toval, w 11h al the thunder excintet, wibb ail the tragedy left ont, asharo is the stimulus te comae from f Colonel Ingersoli, the notati infitiai, is somelhing more iban a mare unha- liever. li l an activa anti destructive emamy of Christiaaity. Ile is net con- tent wsith having deauteti bis owxn tom- pie et images. Hle must go oui anti sbatter the goda- or itiols et ether peo- ple. H li lincessant lu bis public ap- eaerannes, isa atvortisat as the scourge, of Christian bliet antitairas priteie n bis position as chiot expontent et a coarse anti cruel intolerance et faith. Mit. Huxley anti Mn. Glatutonermigbt fîghb tote eanti ettheir tinys ovan the liatatene awino, or St. George Mivani anti Mr. Tyntall f iii volumesa i1h dis- pubatiens on bbc hiological tiaproofs of a hereafler w ithout harming oSr helplng twanty people. But Ingersoil appeals te the classas bbat are luite usedti t argu- ing out their faltb. Ris clowneries ýanti bis hlooming eloquene tisntm lbcm. Anti thus detenseleus tbay are robbati oftheir mosi precions-ef bheir on]y pracieus îîossession. ',Vhnt geeti tees he ote Ilathe cause et science adivanced,. kaowladgac matie mono scute, or a single buman lite tentiereti bap- pier f Giftat by nature wltb un aasy flow et speech, a quality ibal may pasa for wit, a meoeions veiceancut an ah- solute lack oet goodti aste-ton of its kiati that la a gift-ho spont the best yenr ruof bis lita lu the ivre tebeti,but in bis case profitable, business et lain- pooning the faltb et the poot anti igno- rant. Witbout venburing a single stop lna discussion et religions b2iiet, wo maintain thata man -wbo bas done this, net te ativance science, net te eniarge theugbb, net te increaso the happine5s et the wonlt, but seiely anti simply te lina bis owsn peekets, la net, entileti te, the consitiaration et Christian people, ne malien how liberal they may ho in thein intencourse xx 1h the oront Al truc educaion ceabatins wïthin lb positive elements et upbuiitiing anti atreagtboaing. Ho is net educatetiwbe la menely tisahuseti of a tear notions pncviously boit, on contuset w ith hait- digesbedti Ieonles ovbich bappen le ne- prasent the passing educalional "tati" et thouÎi,but who le intuset anti "on- thuseti" wlth bbc inspirations et posi- bis-e anti indisputahia lnuths w-hicb ana atidet te hlm as a part ot bis mental anti menai funnlabing. The lia la te he tefeabeti net sea muchbhy noisiiy te- neunciag lb as hy teveioping a brubh- leving spirit la the pupil. Truc cul- bure is net nihilistie et agnestic, but cumulative anti constructive. Etuca- tien la net se much enadication as croc- tien. Vicier Hugo once saiti a tblug that deserves le ho frameti anti bung up as a motte et petiagogies in every seboihouse la the land, namely: 'Te instruci is tb construet." LOVE'S YOUNG DREAM. Littlo Girl (al; school>-What tidth Ie teachot sent you bore ferf Little Boy-She sait I w-as bat, anti mut comae ovar ant i st wtth lise girls, I like sou. Can yon sbay longf Gus net. I wasn'l very bat. Weii, ou ho hatternenonS ime. MOLASSES FOR CATTLE FOOD. Molass"s is ceming labo proinannce as cattia foot in Germany. Coava parbleu- lanhy devour their sweeteaoti provantor avilb the greateut neiisb. The foot is ciaimeti te he hobh heaithtui anti econ- omicai. "D'or Over Fîfty Years." For ever tifty years Mas. îse SOOe'uîaee Etvuuï'bas beon ueotby ta 1- lions otfasothers for thoir chiltrea while teethinfz. If tisturbed ti n ight andi brokren cf vour rost by a sick chitd sut- fering and crying witb piittet Cttinp 'P.telh sent, i o ndso eta hbttule ei CURED BY TAKING 111 wtt afflieted forÂcght ye-ars with r.i i, elun. IDogtin 11,t tije, I triedv ie - nsany i ed ine wich iwere bgsvrO om ute, btnee gave meree. 'was at last advîsed Io try Ayer's Sttrsa- Itarila, and before I hadi, flîtisliecl Usc iourth bottle, my btands were as Free from Eruptions as ever they wcre. My business, whicit is that of a aL- risequires nie te 1)0 out hii coid atnd wet weathe(r, olti wihout gios os, but the trouble has ne er tetuirned.'-TiomAs A. Jo , s SItatford, Ont. ÂAdmlftted at the Wol' air. 4ler'8l jta retite Boiees.5 Vatuabte tr...tise .,d bote s -mfiin set F- ~toas Sut re . «etExpress and et'Office s i!es . t ItOOT, tSiC, 186 West tîtde SsreeToronto, On. Faillng Sexuài Strength ln oid or youin Me t cal bequickty and permanently ctscbt by me tÔ a L, atth, ly, vigsrsus state. Sufferera frotsn.., NERVOUS DrEBILUTY, VARICOCELE, NIORT LOSSES9 AND ALL WASTING DISEASESshouiO writdý to me for afivice. 1 have been a close studesot for aay ysýears of the subjeet 0f weakness hi. nmu, the fEtt.I was a sufferer myseif. Too basbfui te sek the aid of older men or reputable pitysiciaus I ioves- tigated theo subject deeply and discoveac a simple but Most remarkably successfui remedy thtbI coul- pietely cured me and fully eniarged me frou a. abrunkeostunted condition to nattsral strettgth antd Bize. 1 waut every Yougorold manl to knoow about IL. 1 takre a persousi interest on aucit cases and no one needhesttate to writeme as ail communications are lseld strîctly confidentiai. I sendt te recipe of titis remedy absoIntety free of cost. fDononu put It off but write me f uily at on ce, you wilt aiwaY5 bles8s theda3'yyotl 010 . Address, THIOMAS .5LATER, Box 20661 ShIPPer of Famous Ealainazoo, Celer7. KALAMAZOO. MVICH. HOW IT FEELS TO'BE HIJNGRY. Ex.prlence of To o Expiosel is e iI of Itritf.iï Colu nîi. While Mr. Somerset and M_%r, Pollen wore exploring "the Ln~oefthe ,,Mus- keg," in Britishi ColusabI,ethey ran short of provisions. Aigain and zgiin they were forced to eut down their ai- î ]owanco of bread, and eke out their moals as best they eould on the flesh- but half-dried, and quito unfit fo~r eat- ing-ol: some marmots whieh their Ia- dian guides and porters had laid in dur- ing the expedition. Mr. Somerset had brought a few books with him, and now, la ca mp, witb littie to do, he beguiied the time by reading. One of the books was Hardy'e "Far From the Madding Crowd.- j was very interesting, Mr. Somerset says, but by and by ho was compelleid to lay it aside for a sinzular but ail- sufficient roason. The chapters contain frequent re- ferences to English food. "Men ait up- on gates," says Mr. Somerset, "and eat haut and bread, or feast la barns upon eheese and eider. 1 had to put the book, baek into the paek, and try to Ilrget its exis tence." The contrat was too aataz nad be did not finish the stor-)y liii ho ,wa.s once more surroua.ded with sýome c t eomforts of lîfe. If a man is at work on short com- mons, ho proceetIs te say, he does not suff or quite se mucb as when ho is idle. But evea the Indians talked con- tinually about thiags b o at, especialiy the thinga thoy would have when they. got to McLeod. "Yes," one of them, would ho hearw saying, "ail kinds of muck-a-mncke McLeod , jam, cake, biscuits-yes, ev,2ïO- thing by 'n' by. Plenty, plenty muek- a-muck." 'Little by littie cookery became thoe one topic of conversation. "It appear- ed that n0 one eouid speak witheut, 3 ome hint of the dinner-table. Rounid the camp-I ire ia the evening -we 4dis. eussed our favorite dishes in a Nvay that * aas hardly human, and certainly wwis *far front decent. "One bankered for steak, anothier foir potatoes. For my own part, 1 bad but one vision of happiness la this world- raspberry jam and bread anod butter. IL ienged to ho in a eivilized eounitry again, that I might gc,5by steata1ad purchase pots of proserves, und thoni iocking mysoîf la a roomi, attack them witb a spoon." 1 Thie explerers survived it ail, thlough they came to the verge of actuai atarva- tien; but hieaceforth tbey k[now what imeans to ho hungry. W\hen ail else is lest, the future still remains.-Bovee.

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