There is case for th ose far1 gone ini consumption-not recovery-ease. There is cure for those not far gone. jThere is prevention for whý' -o are threatened. of Cod-liver Oil is for you, even if you àSre only a lit-. tie thin. SCOTT'S EPIULSION h.,s bren endorsed by the medical proession for twenty vears. (Ask your doctor.) This is because it is always 1laable-always unfform-alwavs contaîes thle purest ;rwegian 'od-Iis'er 011 and Hykppospliites. Insist on Scutt'a EeaulSion, with trade-mark of màn and fisI. is ueualedbyan tespeprtio M5oa.prtin FO NFNSANFOD IsLd SEIAS Th Wes p l ve o rwhre,an - Getr oand pres aud aveîoey Z"iINEAIIC O iOELLINO CRat OaguPeCen. T.ý W. BOYD a SON, 563 otre-Dame St.. tlontreal n The mdmstand- ~ard Family Medi- cîne: Cures the >commori every-day v ils of humanity. Z COPVR~HT8,etc. For Information and free Ilandbook Write te MIUNN & CO., 261 BRADÂWAY, NEW 'foRit. Oldest buireau for seesing patents in America- Every prent taken out by US l8 brougbt before thse puýbic by a notice given free of charge la thse Larges ticruliCio of any sclentille puiser ln thse wuorid. Splendidly iliustrated. No intelligent sean should be without It. Weekiy.$3,00 a vea; 5.5 six manthe. Addrese, MU.I 0. SnLIfERs, 361 flroadway, New York City. HEART TROUBLE RELIEVED 1 1 30 MiINUTES. Wý,onderfulP.esuitSrP allow the Use 0f Dr. Agnew.'s Cure for, the MHeart. Th-1 good that Dr. Aguew's Cure for thie Huart bas donu findsa'aringing echu inSe heurts of thousands lu Canada who have used 5h15 medicine. 'Ihere are so)me diseases xvhere promapt action, is flot absolutely necessary Su avert quic-k disaster. This is net the case with hea(ýrt affection of any kind. Wýbether this bu chronie or symputhe- tic, or purtukes of a more startliug chrcahe is a foolish une wbo ill heitutee vo upply un immnediate remedy. This remaedy will neyer fuil Su rulieve in '10 minutes, nu mater hoxv long standing or distressing the trouble may ha. If ýüou have heurt diseuse and wisb to live, you hava ouly te use this great cure. Al druggists. THE HOME. WEHOLESOME DESSERTS. Snow Cream.-BeaS the w bites ot 4 eggs until fuamy, then add gradualiy 4 talilespoons powderud sugar, beatiug ail the w bile, then beat until stiff en- ougb tu stand alune. Add 1 SeaspOOn vastilla and stir lu care? ully 1 plut wbip- ped creamn. Serve in smail glassus. En- uugb for 8 persons. Quaker Pudding.-One cup grated bread crumba, 2 tablespouns nie flour, 2 Sablespoons sugar, 1 quart milk, 4 uggs aud littie gratud nutmug. Put the bread crumba inSu a lsowi, beat the eggs, sugar and nice together tili ligbt and add tbem Su the milk. Tben pour tbýis uvur thu crumabs, add the nutmneg, mnix well and pour into a gruased muid or pudding-bag. Put in a puS o? bell- ing water and bull continuouslY 1 heur. Serve witb crcama sauce. 1Fig Pudding.-Ralf pound o? figa, 1-4 Pound bread crumba, 1 teacup milk, 2 1-2 oz augar, 3 oz butter, 2 eggs. Cbop' the fige fine and put lu the butter, sug- an and eggs. 'Butter a muid and eprinkie witb f leur and steam. bruee bours. Tapioca Fruit Pudding,-Soak 1 csip tapioca over night, couk su? t ln waten, thun add 1 pinS pneserved raspberrie5 aud cuok Sborougbly. Cool in a mold anîd serve with sugar and crearu. Ricu Cream.-Wasb 1-2 cup rice atnd cuver with 3 cupe milk, steama until ,uf t, ndd 1 plut milk, 4 tablespuons, swcet creamn and the yolks o? 3 cggs beaten wvith 1-2 cup sugar. Put ail in a double kettle and lut it cook 10 minutes. Pour itt au eantheu pudding dieb, froat svith the heaten whltes o? tw o eggs, Su ivhich are added 4 spoons of sugar and 1 tua- spoon extract o? lemun. Place su oven a few minutes. Prune Puddiug.-Scald 1 lb prunes aud lut them swell lu bot Water tili soft, drain and extract the stones,spread in a disb and dredge wlth f leur. T ake 1 gilfrom a quart o? milk and stir jute it gradualiy 8 Sabluspuons sifted tiour, beat 6 eggs very light and stir by degrues luto the remaîndur o? the quart o? mlilk, altcrnating wlth the but- ter. Add the prunes, onu ut a time. stir the wvhoie very bard, bull 2 boure and serve witb bard sauce or crearu. Tapioca Pudding.-A emali cuP o? tap- ioca, 1 quart milk, 1 teacup sugarpiede o? butter size of an egg and a littie nutmaeg. Pour the tapioca inSu, the milk, placiug itlu a pan o? waten ou thue tove until it thickens. Beat the eggs wstb the sugar, reserviug the wbites o? 2, Su whlcb add a littie sugar Su beunscd as a ?rostiug. ; Butter the dish wcil, turu lu the mixture and bake 1 heur. Roiled Apple Dumpliugs.-Peul anti cbeop flue tart apples, make a crust o? 1 cup of nîcb buttermilk, 1 teaspoon soda aud flbut euuugb te noil. Holl 1-2 iuci, Shick, spnead with the apple, epninkie I well witb engar and cinnamuon; cnt ln stnipe 2 luches widu, roiling liku jeliy cake, sut up the nolls lu a dripplng pan, puttiug 1 teaspuon butter ou cach, put un a moderate. oven and baste the-u o? Sun w ith the juice. Carrot Puddiug.-Take 1 pinS miik, 1-2 cup carnet puip, 1-2 cup sugar or lese if tue swuet, a little sait, 4 egge, piece o? butter sîze o? a w ainut, grat- cd rind o? 1-2 orange. Strain the car- roS pulp Shrougb a, culandur, mix lu the sugur, butter and orange rind, add the bot mllk, the eggs ixeli beaten, reserv-1 uug thu wbites o? three for the mern- gue. Bake placing the dieb lu a pan o? warm w uSer tilt the pudding is. firru un the centre. Cuver ivith a meringue made o? the wliitee o? 3 eggs, 3 table- spoons powdered sugar, a littie grateil ornuge riud, and bnown delicatuly. Rice Snoiývbaiis.-Boii 1 plut ride un- tii sof t lu 2 quarts water with 1 Sua- spuon sait, put in email cupa, and whun p.erfectly cold place lu a dish. Miake a boiled custard o? the yokes o? 3 egge, 1plut sw cet miik. and 1 teaspoon cern- stùarch; fiavor wlth lemun. Wbeu coid rour the custard over the rîce-balis an heýur before scrving. TFhis je a, very simple but nice dessert, Custurd Fritters.-Make a baked cus- tard witb 1 plut miik, yokes o? 5 eggs, 2 Sablespoons sugar, 1 tabiespoon rucu fleur or f iour, 1-4 teaspoon vanilla,sug- ar. Bake lu cylindun muids like smal Imuffin rings. Place in pan o? water aud cook nSil firm. Whcn cold cnt lu circies about 3-4 inch tbick, egg, crnmb and ?ry lu basket lu deep fat. Drain, duet w itb powdered sugar sud serve ou bot uapkiu with sauce. KITCHEN IIINTS. A good wax for sualing may be made o? a Pîound o? rosin, two ounces o? becs- ivax, une and une-bai? ounces of mutton taillw, muited together and mun itt sticks. Tbc anuuyance 'o? a rotugb griddli w heu baking cakes rnay bu overcomie by rubbing it w ith a, suce o? raw turnup. Thuse who have used it say it makes rthe griddle smootb as glass, and the cake making, therefore, an easy opera- tion. e To keep youn silver brigbt witbout lcuisatant cleaning, whicb le vcry injuri- tons Se jîlatud articles, dissolve, a emali P,ýha dfnl o? borax lu a dishpan o? bot 1water and a littie soap. Put the silver lun aud leS it stand ail morniug, then pour off the suds, nse with dlean coid waten and wiPe with a su? t cioth. The fumes o? chloroform is a certain sud instantaucone cure for carache. The remcdy cau be applied most convunient- IY by nuiuiug a small funnel o? stif? pa- lier lut o w bich le dropped a piece of cot-- ton satnratud with the chioruforiu. Place the emal end o? tbe funnel lu the car and biuw quickly into the large t end. Aqua ammoulu, sncb as yen use ev- F ery day about the bouse, je au excell- r eut nemedy for burus. Saturatu a largeg bunch o? cotton witb ammonia and ap- t ply it Se the affected parteunutil theL pain le reliuved.q 'HUNTING THE OSTRICH. nie <le R aSied, isstEveil ThnIsea lard Ostriche are caught by bunturs on n burscback occasionaily, but it le flot bu- cause they iack the speud Su seuid uway I Su safety. The ostrlch le a vury etupýdid bird, but bue doenet know it. Wbeu I Pursed by the hurseman buiecoe excitcd te that degrue termed "ratSied." Raving nu idea o? strategy, bue tbinks i that bu bas, and lbu commences ran-a uiug over the vulveS lu a zigzag course,B deviating from the straight course ae mnatter o? a bal? a mile aS uacb tamn. The cxperieucud bunter, aware o? this Peculiarîty guides bts herse lu a stratglst9 line, tburuby saving the animal, and aS the camne ime getting the hune? it o? the' deviation o? the ostricb. Even tben theu chase is a long eue, lasting ifor bours, - sud ou somu occasions ahl day. If theu ostricb rau iu a etraigbt lune the herse- mau wonld net bu lu the chase for a minute. The bird ut last, bowecr,b luses huart, sud then douasthe most rid- iculons Sing tbat eny living creaturu le guiisy of. IRu hurles bis tsead lu the saud. The bushecan say Shat the bird ducs - net fuar danger that 1v dues noS sec. Others tbink thut its act le a simple surrender Su fate. Men stood up Se bu ebot by a file o? soldiere, close their cye or ask Su bu bliudfelded. Huuting os- triches lu Shis mnanur doe net pay, us snob a chasu frequently recuits lu the muin e? the herse. The favorite muthod o? the bushmun le te etalk the gamu, the hunten, couccaled lu She'ekin sud 1 feathers o? une o? the featbery giante, being able Se get witbin bow ehot o? the destinud victime. Tbuy genuraily travel lu groupe o? fromibre Su eux. No moufle exiet te ascentalu cxactiyr %vhat speed the oetricb eau obtain, but, spaking comparatively, a fuli-sized sud matuned bird dan, by the aid o? bis pow- 1 erful legs-legs that can give a most 8 vicios nsud, dcad]y kick, companed Suo which that o? the Amenican mule je a love tap-and w itb hie w inge notatiug, get ever the ground aS the rate e? a mile a minute. A bicycle, te stand any show lu an estricb race, would need wicngs, as supplementary Su its rcgi- an motive power. 110W TO MOUJNT PICTURES. Many bmautifni pictures Shat it le a piSy to, Sbrow away may bu, mounted ex- actiy liku photographe. Practice thesa directions -tvitb picturus whicb are o? nou consuquence, sud you wili eues acquire sufficient ekill Su enahie yen te haudie the muet expeusive pninte. First o? ail prepare youn p4ste. It muet net bucmtucilage or glue. You cant boy varions kinds, but that used by photographens le made o? cornustarch,i mlxed smootbly lu cold water, Shen turned ioSo boiling -waten, sud ailowed te bell untiliL15 hickeus. A flat widu brush le nueded. Place yonr picturu face dowuuvard on a piece of glass; If yen haven't theu glass the back o? a meut platten wiii anse u the purpuse. Moistun the pnint tborougbly. Photugnaphurs fieut Sheir picture, face downwards, lu cleau,coid, water, and Shen drain Shuns upon the glass. Pas the brnsb over them smoothly, and bu sure that the edgus are not le? t dry. Have yonr menS ready. aise a piecej o? smoth brown paper LiftS yenn pic- Sure by taking bel.d o? the uppun igbt band ecorner w th the Shumb and fore- fluger o? the rigbt baud and the iowur let t and corner 'uitb thu Sbnmb and ?orelnger o? the le? t baud. Look cane- futtly ai. the muant, sud bold the upper right baud corner in a direct lina wîtb thu uppen nîght baud corner o? the meýnS, the lowur lu? t baud corner lu direct line wiSh the lower le? t baud cor- nuro? the meuSi, balance for a second, it close Su the pasSe board,then lut it drop quickly. Seize yonr cheS o? hrown puper, put it oven the picturu, huid It firmly lu the centre by placiug 3 he le? t fieS upon it, then smootb quick- ly, f romn thu centre Su the sides, by rab- * ing the rigbt fist oeur 15, aiwaye press- ing the baud ?rom the centre Su, eacb side. *Sbonld yen find a corner curled, lift it up caneuuly with a pin, dip your lit- tne fingur jute, the pasSe snd dah the mixture on the place nequined, press it dow n aS once. The picture muet bu mub- -bed as describud until noS a single bub- hie remains. Thun it wiil neyer break buosefroni the mount. Sbouid you bu Literary Notes. _,enny Norma n, whose teilegrams from Wasington te.theLondon..3isnonicle, flid su manch Se suudify Britisb opinion in the Ve-nezuelan dispute, coutributue te the, Apnil Scribuen's au article on "The Quanrel o? the Engieh-speaking PI'opie.-In this article bu says: '"I regret Su eay that the impression le qrewiug amung some o? the muet tboughtful peuple I know, Shat the jUnited Statua us dutenmiued Su pick a qus mci witb Great Bnitain." The Overland Montbiy fer April wil contain cuveraI notable articles. Mn. John 31. Valentine, President o? Wells, Yangis & Co., will have s stnung sud incisive artÏicle on "International Bi- metallieu," lun wbicb ha deaies the quantitative tbeory o? the himetaliets, e]aimiug that a emali amount of the mesS stable currency sud the full crud- 1v based ou it can accemplisb vastiy more bus-iness Shan a mnch greaten amonto? s questionahie currency. This article Snongh on the opposite side, sbould bu, read lu counection xvitb Irv- iug M. Scott'e articles lu the Jauary aud Fubnuary numbue. California aS the Atlanta Expositiou is tneated by Mn. J. A. Flcher, Commlesiouer Guis- erai froue the StaSe te the Exposition. Hle telle o? Califonniu's uudenbted tri- umplis ut the Expoeitlon-uspecially lu the liue o? citrus frusits, sud shows the greut advautages uady gaudTh Educational Department ahi montb wili contain an article by Profeseor Thomas IL Bacon, o? the University et California, ou -The BStudy o? Hletony," Besides tlhase articles there will bu an uuusually stroug sbowing e? stonues, sketches, sud pourus, sud une of Boum- inger's suries "Original Sketches by San Francisco Painters," Henry Ruechen besng illnstrated Shis moutb, LA GRIPPES~ VICTIMS. A1 Scourge More to be Dreaded Than Pestilence. The Story of a No ais Seotiu 1.5413 WVho Alinosi 1.oa lMer lMe 'lIsmaugh ls Le Rat.vages of Ti Troui)l i nbie' 50 t 1'eed Hleuseiffasstnd Su L e CarriCSI 1 alnd Frointiedt. From the Acadian, Wolfviile, N.S. Ia the sprng of 1894 the many fniende o? Mrs. Mary Freemun, la Woifville, N.S., vcry gladly welcomed ber ruturu home after a, long absence ?rom ber native to-wn, but it was wiSh the deuP- est grief that they buhuid lu ber the prey o? a diseuse o? aimeest incredibie sevcrity. It appeamed te ail Shat the brightcst future la store tor ber wae but a few muntha o? suffering uxiet- istence. NoS long aften ber retumn,hew- uver, the peuple o? Wolfviile were sur- prised vo bear thut aftem using a f uw boxes o? Dr.> Williams' Pink Pille chu had bucume almost completely w cil. Auxions Su hear the SmaSh o? Shis sur- prisiug report, ur repenSer -,aited on Mrs. Freeman at theecarlieet opportun- ity. Frons ber bu receivud a Sali ac- count o? ber painful iluesesuad ne- mankable recoery. Iu January o? 1889 Mme. Freeman, wbo was then living lu Foxbury, Masc., was severeiy attuckud by la, grippe. Sbu bad partly necevured wxheu a relapse foiiowud, sud vhile ru- cuversng fmom it5euffucts, shu was ceiz- cd by acutu rhemnatisrm sud neuralgia. The cembiued elokuese resnltud lu corn- plctuiy bmeskiug dewu ber constitu- tion. Upen mecoeung frem neural- glu, chu one day noticcd a littie pimplu on ber iev aukie wbich hecame exceud- ingly pain? ul. It grew napidly, ceeu becomiug as lange as a gold dollar sud breaking inSu a runuing some. Others imme-diatuely foilowud .sud suen the w bole body was covumud, the limbe bccuming terribiy swullen. The muest eiutphysiciaus o? Boston wure sp- pealed Su but beyond inormsng ber that the alment was duc te a comlutuly, run-dewn system, they nendemed hum nu ssistance. Iu the spring o? 1894, she came tu Nova Scotia. hopiug Shat a change o? climat,- would efect a cure but te ne purpese. Boue uicers,gmuatly exceediug in painfulueseý the sures wbich finst appeamed, mauifested therm- suives. She soon lest the use o? hem limbs, bucameunable Su feed henceif, sud wae compuiied te bucsnaried to sud fronber bcd. lIer uyes bucame weak and chu was thus deuicd the eujoymeut o? mcading. Aftum many rumedies had beun tnied and proved uselese, Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pille weru fluaily appuai- ud te. Scarceiy six boxes. bad been consumed when theualceme showcd symîs- tome o? bualiug, the appetitu grues but- Sur and ber geucrai bealtb greatly iln- proed. Siace Shat Sime ber condition hue steadily improved, sud ber bualth is uew f ar butter than it waa previeus Su ber serions iluese. Save a sligbt stiffuece o? the iimbs, she shows nu aigus o? the terrible scourge she bue pasced Sbruugb. Mrs. Freeman is net uumiudful o? the great obligation she s undur te this remankabie medicinu. and chu is auxionis Shat the wondemfal cure wbicls it bas uffectud shenld bu guuerally known. The expuricuce o? yearc bas proed that there la absnlutely nodisease lue Su a viSiaScd condition ,o? the blood or ebatturud nervus, Shat Dr. Williams' Pink Pille wll net promptly cure, aud those w-bu arc sufcrng from sucb trou- bles wouid uvoid manch mieery sud cave mouuy by promptiy resemvîug Se Shîs treatsuent. Get the gunuinu Pink Pille TH.IE LIPOTtiAiN i i1J2ML. aunks are caretulee Leyac k,-RAEAFETD Sur for Sbjs clansing treatmenit at leasst BRITISH TR EAF CTD Dues a bicycle ÉueS ucht askcd th, oce a ,eek. Enghicli commerce cuffens more evury REMARKABLE GOLD PRODULCT ION. inquiitive man. ---yusr froin competition froin Gerusun No ias the eply. A bicycle nupru- W HISPERED TO MOTHERS. merchuistesud manufacturue. Con- Oi u yeare have passed since a ,ente a compaatively emaîl epue h pigmuhSutm ?ta seequeutly Great Bhitiain ivuuld find dLngageSub fiu The brake sud bell and lautumu and Tesrn ots tetm ft ste bier iutenest Se foment trouble bu- isvuya accijdent lusuraucu sud other lucides- sud raine and gunerul dampuess. are tweeu France atnd Genmany. Shoulti finS preved the occurrenceo? guld lu[ talearue the thinga that compel yen hure. Caution the children uguint w-t w an break ont betw cen the Swo ceun- the Witwatersrand; yut, lu the yuar te save Up your mnonuy. feuS. Mothurs uudoabtudly ofteu cnt tries, ne matter wbat bappened te 1894. the Transvaal, msinly, froue ibis - - shunt the lives o? their cbiidrun by cane- France durng, the conflict, it je certain district, coutrsbuted mure than une- e ofpai an Suferig Uder essessin tis espct.that German commerce wouid bu dniv- ifth o? the fgeld pruduction e? the Onu soure a1Pi aIfufcin thr e es u hie respe oct. uoe o n off the cea su long as bostilities iset- wonld. Onu o? the muet favorable fus- Iliuman ControL Ithchdrudnocmeem teud. The Frnch n-avy would be equal Sures lu the emankablu devuioprueut o? An mien secillth tudin po-the imid-day muai the luncheen thuy te the task, but Eng lande s vy would Shis inustmy bas been the abundauce fouudly the construction o? the kidueys carry shouid bu th3 subject o? caruful deubtes bu available, if need bu, te its- o? cbcap fuel, cùai baving becu fentu- and their diseuses as weiI as the di- Shougbs sud planning. Fimat of ail it flit a blow upon German commserce uately dîsdeverud, as early as 1887, lu nniuay pas- ougt whicb it w ouid take yuarcSu n e- the immudiate pmeximity o? the gold seasus o? the hladdur aduias s ughtS e buwboesome, but it can sud cvr Gemman commerce xvenld su?- diggings. Iv je notable that the ores ecgnzd hefatt -t uougbt aise Se bu toothsome. Sand- fer "d I'lbglish interest weaid gain, nuo o? the Rand are nuS, asea mule, e? higb ,order Su trust kidnuy and biaddum di wicbes arete h' susses succesefnily a emedy must bu ichs areiways acceptable, especiui mSerhw the w an euded; sud, sbouid grade, but the une bodies are o? vueS pncpared especiully fer Shese organe, and if tbey are spruad wiSh fiuely cbopped- Genmany be deeated on land as w cl caSent, sud lu mauy cases maintain fer uneric lubeaiugpewrs.Af er ucbmeut sud the suices o? bruad are net Sue ase aS ses, Englaud w ould bave liStie cousidenable amuase a comparative uni- thick. te fean frons Gemmnany for the next formity oyeid. The geolugicai con- eeeamch a nemedy 1 vas fouud, wbscb ditions nuder whicb the gold uccure are, pived a surprise evun Su the maîîusc- Waru the -chiidrn agalu sud again halIf-cuntury. tuer ftmbaig un sd ugu-o ugr o edingwShhSte Thue the advautages te Eugiand us au su fan as is ai. preseut kuown, pmacti- eralpraciceby sverl pfs thnsdwit alliance with France and ofsaivan bu- cally unique. The onu depusits ane grad rsutsitwusplaedon humur *cotsiniug they know net w bat. Then tw cen France asnd Germuny are clean neithen veirs non jregulam masse, keandsul kuetwuas pSudotheman te make assurance deubly sure keep eneugb. Wbat France w euld gain se liuS buge bede o? couglomerate, which ketandisýnow as out Amricn te ke ofthemedcin chet werecomenstefor tse loss ofI-usia's can be folloived -wltb ihe reguiarity o? Kidney Cuy{u. It neyer fails te give re- She y i othe md icle huS ee omensa esntcer nis tb h Giar-s idrcs lie? lu six heurs lu ail drangemneute ?tesxiintofa t.?iS ebpi otdanaesu bh nesaysratusdrcs the kiducys on bluddum, Brigbb,'s diseaee, ISeiish ch 1ireu are neitho-r pleasant satisfaction o? giviug veut te bier bat-__ diaete, lflamaton r lceatin o tesueor uo. Te msS t u ar se- ed agaluet Germany. That, boweven. Joui Luman, o? Burtenvilie, Ky., la the kidneys, nenralgia, cousuttption, fisb by nature, nisunuese eaetub s o usin hibtesth e-sxfe fu uhsSlisdwih 5 hemorhage aud catarnb e? the kidnuYs, butter , rnmini so ail Shneugh life. ci-s agegues w-b e c ryiug te make France pounde, sud lbu bas a cou and a dangb-1 infammtio ofthebladdur, etc. At1 selfishuesele a leseen wu canneS tetAcb, desent lber oid policy and lhem oid aliy Sur eacb uxactly, as Ssii as biniself,1 inflamaion o? thu ly.founadvunturec in new directions. though by, nu meane 50 heavy. ChUidren C0yfor'r-tcher's Castoria. for Inants and OChUdren. OTHERS, Do You Know tlit ?rgr~ Batesnan's Drops, Godfrey's Cordial, many so-called Soothsng Syrups, amet Most remedies for cilidren are composed of opium or morphine 2 D10 You KnOW that opium and morphine are stupefying narcotie poisons? De YOUen ow that ian mosi; countries druggists are niov permîtted to sel nurcotios ~vthout labecing them poisons? Do 'Yen KnO'w that you sbould not permit any medicine te bLe given your chikt- nless you or your physician know of what it is composed ? DO 'Yeu Knew that Castoria is a purely vegetable preparation, and that a list of uts Ingredients is published with every bottie ? »0o'Youen o'iv thbs tf:tcria is the prescription of the famons Dr. Saissuel Pitcher. That it has bheen in use for nearly thlir years, an(, that moure Castoria is siuw sold than of all other remedies for children combined P Do)0 Yon Hnow vIsat the Patent Office Department of the Uinited States, and of other countries, have issued exclusive right to Dr. Pitcher and bis assigas to use thse Word "Gastoria " and its formula, and tIsaSto imitate them ia a state prison offenlsei Me o en now tIsaS one of the resoens for granting this governsaent protection war, ternause Castoria hnd been proven te be absolutely harmless? Do Youen nw hat 35 average doses of Castoria are furnished for Sà en=ts, or one cent a dose?2 Do Yon Know th- eben possessed of Shis perfect preparutian, your children may Le kept well, and that you may bave unbroken rest ? Wefl, those tlslngs are worth knowing. They are faots. The fac-sjmile o-,01 iý on vê y FOI» SALE MY J. H[GGI"BOTHIAV & SOX, BOWINANVILL1E %i Onyo urfeOet tlis weather ? *There is style in footwear as there is in bats. Each yeur the Granby. SRubbers and Overshoes are modelled to fit ail the fashionable shapes* eof boots. They are thin so as to prevent clumsy appeurunce and tfeeling and to make necessitates the use of the finest quality of 0 * rubber. While Granby Rubbers and Overshoes are up to date in * Style, Fit and Finish, they retain their old enduring quality. ."Granby brswear ike Iron.0. *** 9,*9o@, ,@,eOOGeO*,S,,~,O*~ *..*,, Xanufsctured only by Themas Holloway, 78, New Oxford Stree e e late 533, Oxford Street, London. 'V ge Purchasers sho-ald lok ta the Label on the Boxes ana ]Pots. M'Iff 'the address ijetoS533, Oxford Street, London, they are apurions. FABULOUS WEALTH. this attorney brouglit back with h m na A »lehîsa'sStrauxe '#W iil-A Ctînadian Mr. iRivunberg states that there la One of thse Ilelas. every r:eason to believe that the sev- eral heirs wjll receive their shares of Iu the year 1750, as already annouilo- the estate. He bas been offered $10,- cd in a Newv York despatch, a Rolland- 000 for bis dlaim, which offer he bas er nmedJaser ronkite incomanyo? course refused. Mrs. Poat says that er ame JaperC'rnkbtcin ompliYJ he fully believes ail the heire ill re- w îth bis two brothers, Jacob and James, ceivo their shares, "but Shen it isn't le? t bis native city of Amsterdam and any good putting too much faltb lu those went Su another Amsterdam situatedli tbiugs. If- it comes te any good, and the StaSe o? New York. Jacob and if it doesn't-wecli 1 will not maSter any waY. I am simpiy waiting for more James liked the new Amsterdam, but newe about it. In the mentime 1 amn Jasper preferred the old, su be returu- Infot building any casties lu the air."~ cd to the land o? bis fathers. HIe start- cd a gin manufacturiug establishmenlt, A truly good cbristian woman, Mbrg. and money f lowed into bis coffers lu a Porter, of Hfillaboro, Ore., announces in golden stream, until at lengtb be bad the local newspaper that ber "umbrella. amassed a fortune amounting to $12,- was changed aS the Congregational. 000,000. 11e was unmarried and lived chrch two Sundays ugo, and, altbongh alune, but finaliy loniging for the societY sbe got the better umbrella, she would of bis brothers, hé wrote, asking sbema be glad Su change back agaîn.- tu corne back and share bis wealth. They liked their new home, boweverNW RCM D STET EH- and wvuuld not return. Jasper was SO iricensed by their refusai Shat ha Made DIST CHURCH. awill leaving bis immense wealtb Su fourtb and fifth generations, and pro- Itav. A. B, Chambers, LL.B., thse Populur viding that the wlll laSu obu rend un Pustor of thse New Richmond Itreet April 6tIs, o? this year. WbTen he died Methodist qhurch. Toronto. Testifies bis moncy w as lefS Su the Goverumelit traight in Faveur of Dr. Agnewns in trust for the beirs. The Goverfimefit Catarrhal owder. iu turu depositcd the muney lu the Bank Heapa of good things are being said uf Holland, wherc it bas been ever silice. of the 11ev. A. B. Chambers, LL.B., fer The $12,000,000, howver, bas now, by bis straigbt talk for secularized sohools. the addition o? the intereat, been lu- QuiSe aside from the meritSeo? the quEýs- creased te $42,000,000. ien, the vigorous and able manner lm Mrs, Gilbert Post, nec Cronkbite, who wbich Mr. Chambers bandled the euh-' resides ou Fernoseod road, Victoria,B.C., 3ji't bas been universully admired. In is une of the beneficiaries by this the same frank and straightforward strauge wil. 11cr f ather, whu lsaut manner Shis gentleman, wbom the New present living aS Amsterdam, N.Y., la Richmond Street Metbodist Churcb bas onue of be fifth generation o? the Croiik- requesved shall remain their pastor for bites. HIe je 70 years of age. Mrs. another term, taika of the belp that Post bas w ithin the last few days rel- comes to those wbo usas Dr. Agnexv'e ceivcd a lutter ?rom ber brother, which Catarrhal Powdar. MVr. Chambers statua that a meeting of the cuverai de- knows, fr'om experience ln bis own f um- scendants was beid ut Diua rucently. ily, and ha says su over his signature, Tburly-une persons bave clearly provud bow heipful this remedy is for cold ln heirsbip, and there are six whose claims theubaud and catarrh. Iu bay fevur it are duubtful. The majority of the beirs will give perfect relief la ten minutes, are residents lu the StaSe'oINecw York. price 60 cents. One. of them, Air. Rivenbcrg, has spent1 Sample bottie and Blower saut on ru- about,$4,000 lu iuvcstigating the mat- ceipt of two 3-cent stampa. ter. He dcspatcbed au attorney Su Roi- S. G. ]JETCHON, 44 Cburcb St., Tor- ].and to look after bis lutereats, and onto. Sold by druzgists. i ---i